
Museveni signs Anti homosexuality Law 

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24 фев 2014




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@NutinB3tta2Do 10 лет назад
Finally we have an African who doesn't sell out his people. "those who endure to the end will be saved" Stay strong Museveni!!!
@remorselesscuckslayer2318 3 года назад
As a Westerner I commend the African people for standing up to these strong arm tactics. It's the colonial mentality.
@pounegirolex122 Год назад
The dignity and respect for humanity in its natural context is clearly spelled out in Uganda. "OUR MOTTO: FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY"
@pastordoctormartinssempa7502 5 лет назад
You can say what you want, this is a man of the people. I wish we had one like this in Germany. Way to go Uganda!
@mircotrolsman2805 3 года назад
Das letzte Mal als Schwule so behandelt worden sind in Deutschland waren aber meines Wissens die Hakenkreuz Fetischisten an der Macht.
@ritahqueen4821 3 года назад
True saying
@byakikanoah6814 Год назад
Thanks too much pastor sempa I just started following these upside down creatures
@Colin12475 28 дней назад
You did have it in Germany... when the n@zis were in power.
@ajoudeng9557 Год назад
The most strongest man ever.
@kavumarehemamercy7394 Год назад
Did he sign the law if he signed what are they doing to those homosexuality people and why is it common now
@alosiobogileka9734 Год назад
African leaders are a beacon of hope to the whole world..lets pray for them that they may be able to withstand the power of evil beginning to engulf the human race. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.
@nafulamiriam7824 Год назад
Thank you
@mirembeangelika7084 Год назад
Please allow me to thank the LORD ALMIGHTY GOD of all Creations to give us this knowledgeable leader 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@russellakm399 Год назад
The fact that he took enough time to gather fact about this subject is class.
@toritella8192 7 месяцев назад
We African should stand still against these sexually exploitation and abominations to keep our dignity and respect 🙏
@cathyhunnnicutt2349 Год назад
Amen a Man with Honor and Principal and who really cares for his people. Great Man!!!!!!!🙏🙏🙏
@muramuzimusa8302 Год назад
May God make it possible to stop this awful act. Our kids and the future generations
@margetnajjemba9736 Год назад
Also to stop killing innocent Ugandans
@muramuzimusa8302 Год назад
@@margetnajjemba9736 you are getting out of context. Sorry for you if you are gay
@vinoperoni7649 10 лет назад
The U.S. is a free & democratic country, therefore Obama shouldn't interfere in other countries governments. Uganda is not a U.S. State. If open and flamboyant Ugandan gays feel restricted with this law, they're free to leave Uganda
@andrewszombie 10 лет назад
vino peroni You cant discriminate against your own fucking citizens.
@elsiecovington8481 Год назад
@lindabartai2346 Год назад
good!! let them Uganda and Africa and ran to the land of free will
@Steven-ze2zk 8 месяцев назад
"There were groups of homosexuals recruiting normal people into the act." That makes no sense.
@sierrakamau1510 5 лет назад
@norrislewis8156 Год назад
Amen!!! The West is corrupt to it core like saying goes, if the head is sick then the whole body is sick. There is no cure for America except Hawah!! Too prideful to get on their knees and repent from their sins and time is running out. The bridegroom is here make sure your lamps are full even today! Shalawam family!!
@samsonsengoonzi8148 11 месяцев назад
"Go eat your motherz something,something" This is the most iconic statement ever.😂😂😂😂😂
@elisabethe3732 Год назад
Amen that's my president may God bless you. For God and my country
@ponnaga550 Год назад
If outsiders had any opprtunity to participate in the Uganda govt.decision to ban LGBT i would hv preseed the yes button a MILLION times,yr courage to stand up to yr values is remarkable, BRAVO Uganda
@lindabartai2346 Год назад
From Kenya I truly am proud 👏👏😳bravo
@dredward7269 Год назад
As a specialist in Mental health issues. I do agree with you. Though I am not support your Party but I like as a Person
@menasir2817 6 лет назад
Protecting African values and traditions. From East Africa, the horn. Uganda 🇺🇬
@tonicaughn6529 Год назад
Don't let them intimate you in your own country God will be with you . If you watch the movie Frankenstein then you can see this coming by them . God help our children and people 🙏 😢
@applerose5811 Год назад
Much admiration,and respect to you Mr Ugandan Present. Don't allow anyone to come into your Country and dictate to you how to run it. They would no allow you to come to their Country,and tell them how to run theirs. Stand firm and strong on the Moral Values of your Country. I don't want to see my Afican brothers,and sisters become a slave to to the Sin of Sodom, which is so imorally wrong,and so offensive to God.
@AlexSanchez-td7zf Год назад
Somebody has grit to stand for what's RIGHT
@sifisomatsane7490 Год назад
I stand by you Mr President to stand against colonial mentality
@bijayyolmo-dh3tv 6 месяцев назад
Culture is definitely not above nature. So keep "the" culture to yourself!!!
@alunyojimmy Год назад
Never voted but come 2026, you Mr president will get all of my vote.
@smokimoki Год назад
There are so many other things wrong with my father's country and this is what they choose!!!! They should make it criminal to lie!!! They should make the crimes of child abandoment more severe.
@H6RQ 4 месяца назад
Thank you president
@muzigirwamandimarobert2068 Месяц назад
God bless you and continue protect you forever for this great decision
@NangiraJudith-me3iw Год назад
Oh Uganda may God uphold thee. God provides
@gato82917 4 месяца назад
Thank god I’m straight
@HMK804 10 лет назад
Very interesting! President Museveni is a man of considerable justice and compassion, and is apparently very intelligent! There is an extraordinary marvel to his apprehension of matters! Clearly, given the West will fail to put a trap for him, he lives to be one of the greatest leaders of Africa in history and I say this being from Ethiopia! Long live President Museveni!
@HMK804 10 лет назад
Lame Olebile President Museveni is indeed brilliant. His statements are brilliant. God and history will always remember his virtuous courage. May he live a long and happy life!
@Altonahh10 9 лет назад
MW And I always thought that only those leaders are sick in their heads. Boy, was I wrong!
@TheDHEL13 10 лет назад
So many problems to focus on like for example planning ways to boost the economy, providing the country a better infrastructure, providing accessible basic necessities to the masses, providing better education for the children, ending poverty, providing health care programs, and yet you ignore all the NEEDED stuff for this. Yeah, good job !!! Clap! Clap! Clap!
@dredward7269 Год назад
Thanks, thanks you Sir you are collect
@zadramm1 8 лет назад
support and salute you from proud Afghanistan !
@ps.6023 7 лет назад
go alluh akbar somewhere else.
@pamelaashu Год назад
Just like in the bible if you don't crucify Jesus you won't be friends with Ceasar. Uganda president, didn't just deny being friends with “Caesar” he denied being part of crucifying our Lord Jesus christ. God created man and woman. Period
@dianaamima3060 10 лет назад
@cpc2k9 10 лет назад
andrewszombie Who is this gay genius you speak of?
@Burtocd 10 лет назад
***** Actually, Philip Don Estridge of IBM created the first PC...Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak just perfected it. The creator of the modern computer was Alan Turing, who was in fact, a gay atheist. If not for Turing's work, the PC wouldn't exist. :p
@unapologeticallyafrikan3804 6 лет назад
@Joetheshow445 Год назад
God Bless Uganda!!!!!
@saunajaakko699 10 лет назад
Someone once said that homophobes would be pure comedy, if their stupidity wouldn't have such a inhuman results.
@RichmondLasma 10 лет назад
you disgust me too
@saunajaakko699 10 лет назад
Richmond laşma And is that an argument? Can't come up with anything smart to say you barbarian? And when did I ever say that I'm homosexual? You are overassuming bigot.
@roman3773 10 лет назад
Richmond laşma You're a medical student and you learned that lesions of the thalamus can make someone prefer the wrong sex. You must be going to a voodoo medical school. You are such a brilliant student that it's your imagination that teaches you and obviously not The American Psychiatric Association. You are miles ahead of these specialists as a student. I think you should abandon your medical studies and go to work in a compost factory where they shovel bullshit, because that is what you are talking about.
@RichmondLasma 10 лет назад
my family is not what you are assuming it is. +i intend to work in palestine for sometime if you must know. i am against gay propaganda because i care about the world. the presence of soe problems can not stop you from dealing with a more serous one.
@RaxuRangerkingsChannel 5 лет назад
This is da wae.
@ampehboss5677 Год назад
Strong son of the soil.i salute great job done
@ballzinthepocket 8 лет назад
THE EXPLOSION OF SIN IN THE WORLD - The following is a description of our day. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; ….Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. FOR THIS CAUSE DID GOD GIVE THEM UP TO VILE AFFECTIONS: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."(Romans 1:18, 24-32) God has lifted His restraint (Genesis 20:6) on humankind in order to prepare the world for judgment. Homosexual and lesbian activity is at the top of this list, the first sins mentioned. Homosexual behavior has become the face of the proliferation of sin throughout the world at this time. Never in the history of this world have these verses been more true that today. The Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah was direct in relation to their blatant wickedness as demonstrated by their homosexuality.
@sierrakamau1510 5 лет назад
@victoriakulah1233 Год назад
It is my prayer that the intire continent of Africa will stand up against the west concerning this abominable act they are imposing on the world.
@barigyefrank1905 Год назад
I like the he speaks Lunyankole to other Banyankole in service.
@roman3773 10 лет назад
President Museveni sounds like a very considerate and compassionate man. He does tell us that he "refused to sign the bill" previously because @ 23:20 "I thought it would be wrong to punish somebody because of how he was created." Twice or three times he says: "I thought they were born like that." In numerous cases including myself, the reality of "being born like that" shows up at puberty, at the age of 12 to 14. Here, President Museveni was right and it would have been wise for him to keep thinking that way and not be swayed by his scientists or christian preachers. He says @22:50:"I could not understand how a male could fail to be attracted to the beauties of a woman and instead be attracted to a fellow man." That is perfectly understandable coming from a man who is "attracted (exclusively) to the beauties of a woman." I and numerous perfectly reasonable human beings are not and have never been attracted to the beauties of a woman, and it is because of our nature. It has nothing to do with nurture. We have not "chosen" to not be attracted to women. That would be stupid, now wouldn't it? He goes on to present a study of twins in Sweden @ 25:10 that showed that "some become homosexual because of nature or nurture: 34% on account of nature, 66% on account of nurture." Then he contradicts himself, taking his scientists to witness, by saying @25:50"Can somebody be homosexual purely by nature without nurture, their answer is no." What about that 34%? He goes on to say @26:10"Yes genetically, you can have some small small things which are not in order, but if it is not nurtured or encouraged in that way, it would be normal. They are still studying it." (In other words, there is still an unknown here.) And yet he concludes: "No study has shown that you can be homosexual purely by nature." What about the 34%? President Museveni cannot understand a feeling he himself will never have and I understand that. Same for his scientists. May I respectfully suggest he not destroy lives because of something he and his scientists don't understand.
@LawrenceFernandes0508 10 лет назад
"May I respectfully suggest he not destroy lives because of something he and his scientists don't understand." --- if you don't live in Uganda, you don't have to worry about that. And you don't care about the Ugandan lives anyway. Actually all you care about is trying to console yourself and prove to yourself that what you are doing is right, because deep inside, you don't feel right about it. If you did, you wouldn't care to get into any debates with anyone.
@mariah21000 10 лет назад
Thats i think museveni tried so much to understand the ethics of homosexuals before making any decission about them.and the fact
@roman3773 10 лет назад
Lawrence Fernandes It's truly rare to run across such nonsense. It is exactly because I care about other people's lives that I am commenting here. I was working in Uganda as an economist when that ignorant fool Idi Amin took over from Obote. The Ugandan people have suffered enough. They don't need another ignorant leader to send someone to jail for life for loving another person.
@CodeCrafted376 Год назад
​@@roman3773Now I think Amin was good at times chasing such people with sinful minds imagine. You are the one who is foolish.
@franciscaadereti8245 10 лет назад
A man of wisdom indeed, may God give you more grace to fight this battle against homosexuality in Jesus name.
@roman3773 10 лет назад
Jesus never uttered a single word about homosexuality in any of the four Gospels. How can you fight it in his name when he never spoke about it? It obviously was not one of his concerns. His concern was more for people like you to "love thy neighbour like thyself". He never urged anyone to hate and when you urge your brothers and sisters to "fight this battle against homosexuality", that is exactly what you are doing.
@franciscaadereti8245 10 лет назад
Read 1 Corinthians 7 verse 2
@roman3773 10 лет назад
Francisca Adereti Corinthians is an epistle by a guy named Paul, a macho homophobe who went back to the Old Testament and copied Leviticus who also praised slavery. Paul lived at the same time as Jesus and never even met him. He therefore was not even a disciple of Jesus. Jesus who is the son of God announced a new era and said nothing about homosexuality.
@franciscaadereti8245 10 лет назад
Leveticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, As he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood will be upon them. Matthew 19 : 5 And said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Jesus is coming very soon I plead with you to give your life to Jesus He alone can deliver you from this spirit of homosexuality .God bless and open your inner eyes and mind in Jesus name.
@roman3773 10 лет назад
In Jesus name, I urge you to look into your inner self and deal with your own sins instead of being so concerned with the sins of others ... and to stand in judgement of yourself instead of standing in judgement of others. If we're going to go back to Leviticus, then we must go all the way and return to slavery: "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life." Leviticus 25:44-46. I'm all for it, how about you?
@idonigboobu1999 10 лет назад
Africans are conservative by nature, we should not be condemned forour moral values.
@sicktoaster 10 лет назад
@ Idonigbo Obu Do you know anything about history? I bet you are a Christian. Do you have any idea what your people believed in before you were colonized? If you are trying to stand up for being African and for African moral values why not go back to that? What is empowering or conservative or traditional or moral by letting your lives be dictated by religious beliefs imposed upon you by foreign powers?
@sicktoaster 10 лет назад
@ Idonigbo Obu Misinform? What do you think there's a conspiracy among everyone who writes books? And biologically it's explained. Fertile sisters increase the chance of gay brothers. That could easily be a check on population growth. Do you know what happens to groups of animals that overpopulate in isolated conditions? 90% or more sometimes 100% die out as a result of competing for resources. Some anthropologists think this happened to people on Easter Island. Furthermore cultures that had more homosexuals like ancient Athens simply took wives solely for the sake of having heirs while openly having male lovers. You see humans are by nature smarter than other animals. We can plan. So more gay people, more planned pregnancies.
@sicktoaster 10 лет назад
@ Idonigbo Obu I wasn't saying that everything from back then was good to emulate. If consenting adults of the same sex want to have sex with each other who does it hurt? How does it affect you?
@idonigboobu1999 10 лет назад
My point precisely, so why do you insist that I know about your habits, it is actually none of my business but some seem to want to broadcast it to the world and force others to feel it is acceptable behaviour. My aim was to discredit your point that it is a necessary form of birth control!!!!!!!!
@sicktoaster 10 лет назад
@ Idonigbo Obu The "birth control" aspect can explain why it's in the gene pool. I'm not saying straight people should go gay to stop overpopulation. As for 'broadcasting' you'd have somewhat of a point if the Ugandan law was just about public expressions of homosexuality but it's not. Even so just to be fair heterosexual couples should have to stop kissing in public, no holding hands, definitely no making out, no saying "I love you" in public, no marriage proposals in public, nothing. In fact to truly keep it from the public all parents whether same-sex or opposite-sex should have to tell their kids that they are just friends who wanted to have children biological parents can claim they used in-vitro technology. Sound crazy? Anything else means going public with the relationship.
@derrickantwi236 10 лет назад
Thank you mr president
@ivanowak2343 8 лет назад
IThink people are going to run mad...ikant even understand how you can say having sex with same sex is cool ithink this is the end of earth.people are really thugs
@dredward7269 Год назад
Thanks dear our President of Ugandan
@Raimon44 11 месяцев назад
Pope Francis reaffirmed that HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A CRIME, and that any sexual act outside of marriage is a sin, in a written response to a request for clarification about his remarks during a recent interview with the Associated Press.
@olehilejohnkaelo3845 10 лет назад
A true leader sees the situation for what it is, not for what it ought to be. Nice one Museveni
@dredward7269 Год назад
Many thanks dear our President M6
@landi76 9 лет назад
what does he mean at 13:51 "doing that. . . ´ hand move forward ´ " it is fisting ?!
@dredward7269 Год назад
Thanks my brother
@winnienanyama7532 Год назад
Long live mzeeee
@msabdulkadir 9 лет назад
Is good
@baxterbeysh.d7732 7 лет назад
Mr. President, G-D bless you, and Congratulations. For taking a bold stand against evil.
@akatwijukaisaac2996 Год назад
Jane Ruth Aceng later became a minister. Wow
@thakswaligo9236 10 лет назад
As the saying goes "every country has her laws for which everyone is compelled to comply to" so if you find yourself self unfit for such laws find yourself another country where her laws favour your wishes. For havens sakes, uganda is not the first country to pass such a law. Russia, Nigeria. And Ghana passed lt and Britain has just accepted gay couples to be married in civil courts of recent just 2 years ago. So stop fussing about Ugandans. That's what they want it's they are an independent nation. And that's the will of the majority of that nation.
@andrewszombie 10 лет назад
thaks waligo People shouldnt have to die because a Douchebag with three brain cells says "Ewww Penis"
@psalm-istheansweramadi Год назад
Kandi kwo nebifiire.
@skivs4802 10 лет назад
Loved every min of ..hail the president...but my or my...the reporter for NTV,reciting words over n over ...cant he read???for heavens sake doesnt a company like ntv have editors??well its was a shame with the reporter's summary..Lol
@eyerusalemgebru6566 10 лет назад
Thanks God for given to us such great man musoveni
@luwibuchike5299 7 лет назад
Eyerusalem Gebru He is great man I 100% agree with you.
@margetnajjemba9736 Год назад
Bisiyaga is not good but then, killing is not acceptable
@zachariahramushu8931 Год назад
This is my president. Unlike SA leaders who dont have a backbone
@iam_kananura 10 лет назад
hahahahah big up museven, for once in life i loved yo answering and proving whites right. but this ntv reorter has made my day hahhahahaha
@yamkanjimbaseh2968 Год назад
Uganda 🇺🇬 is a blessed country am proud of you guys believe me God the creator is very happy of your country
@Colin12475 28 дней назад
If god is prod of this homophobia, then that's one more reason to be an atheist.
@nanapat3726 10 лет назад
@evelyngold2622 Год назад
Wow today atleast u have a point
@thewholeworldisbeautiful Год назад
Child marriage is a painful reality for far too many girls in Uganda. Driven by the scourge of family poverty and norms that favour boys over girls, child marriage renders girls less likely to complete their education and more likely to experience gender-based violence.
@tumusiimeronald4843 Год назад
Thanks so much my President
@ojokvincent Год назад
May Almighty God be with you forever and ever Amen
@kusasiiraallan9629 Год назад
Thank you so much president
@SuperKendon 10 лет назад
God real
@sierrakamau1510 5 лет назад
@kiyagajohn1871 Год назад
Thanks u so much our beloved president, to be strong for that
@mariah21000 10 лет назад
Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?" They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court. Straightening up, Jesus said to her, "Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?" She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more." (John 8:1-11)
@nsubugatusuubira3965 8 лет назад
i salute you mzeei for your frankness wadde otufuze nyo
@mumbigikuyu3421 5 лет назад
Well done President Museveni. What a great Man.
@johnwx25 Месяц назад
I support Uganda
@avogadroolly3988 Год назад
Oh Lord from above continue forgiving the world 🙏🙏🙏😭😭coz where we are going it's harder more so to we young generation,oh Lord where are we heading j's shut up the world we know longer hv leader bt J's ............brains
@mariah21000 10 лет назад
Romans 14:1-13 ESV / 561 helpful votes As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinc
@lukedavis-lu9zm Год назад
I salute you all for standing up against those tyrants, and uphold what is good and right.
@eyerusalemgebru6566 10 лет назад
Please my Follow African keep it up as musoveni did stand up to keep you humanity
@suavetrading2542 8 лет назад
We understand that God created Adam And Eve and Not Adam and Steve.... But Please????? Kaguta have some decorum in how you deal with sensitive issues.
@uwotm8730 Год назад
28:50 30:50
@ayebaleanatole Год назад
May da almighty God bless you papa
@0311catholic 9 месяцев назад
@ssekamanyapatrick5474 Год назад
@andybray9791 Год назад
People changing gender and not identifying we lost it, tho we don’t mind how people dress
@dredward7269 Год назад
Do not , but thank you Sir, but I Professor doctor medicine
@cyniraholtRnCgems 10 лет назад
#Respect Museveni!!!
@IAMmyMOTHERandFATHER 10 лет назад
Jesus, thank you for sending the miracle of Love to Mr Museveni; help him live free and easy.
@andrewszombie 10 лет назад
Starte Christ Jesus has two dads, Dumbass.
@IAMmyMOTHERandFATHER 10 лет назад
I see that you are angry with yourself. Never a good place to be. I'll bet all your friends are angry too. Aren't they? How could I know this about you, right?
@muhebuza 10 лет назад
andrewszombie I am verry happy to hear him fighting for african s good futur!They come in Africa and teach us Bible what they do not beleave,they do nor even know what is inside!i AM SORRY FOR U Europe and America...
@jasonlbutler 10 лет назад
What is wrong with you people?!?! Seriously. What is wrong with you?
@YAHWO1 Год назад
Very nice president. I wish you're the president of all Africa. Rule forever. Long live the president
@salaamhardware5143 Год назад
Thanks so much ur excellence president of Uganda. i assure u that if we happen to see any homosexual, he will be burnt day time. We don't need nonsensical behaviours.
@leniinel 10 лет назад
I have absolutely no problem with someone being gay. Weather I know someone who is gay in my family or if I go to the cinema with a gay friend of mine. It does not matter at all. The big difference is - I am allowed to talk about it as much as I want. A lot of Uganda People think the same. But in fact that is not the same at all: Not for Uganda - People....they live in Uganda. And that is the big difference. Because they are afraid of their life and the life of their beloved ones they do not speak up. This is so sad. This only happens when fear rules the people. This is comparable to apartheid. And people should have learned out of history. Nelson Mandela would be very concerned. You all will look back in a few years and be in shame about what you had done.
@emmahallblaq9057 Год назад
should've edited the last part of the video
@charlylucky7508 Год назад
@dredward7269 Год назад
And also tell your son,to stop miss spoiling you and and remember when I a teacher at Old Kampala Primary school,l know him in 1980/84 and Cadok brother we supported you
@Altonahh10 9 лет назад
So here is another reason why Africa is of no concern to most people in the world. I don´t want to stark a discussion where all that hatred comes from. But just listen to what catholic priests in such countries pray and you´ll get the answer.
@1inthefieldtv 8 лет назад
straight=Reproductionother=depopulationits your choice! everyone has there own right. He has a right to his law too though.Respect
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