
Muslim sees Jesus in a Dream ترى مسلمة عيسى ابن مريم في المنام 

Masturah Stewart
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What does it mean to see Jesus in a dream?



16 окт 2019




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@lowedmontebon8676 4 года назад
I rather Believe the thousands of Former Muslims who converted to Christianity because not only Jesus appeared to them by dreams but also they received healing and transformation of their lives. Jesus is the Mighty God and the Everlasting Father.
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
Do you believe that Jesus created the universe? Do you believe that God is someone who needs to eat and go to the toilet? We believe that God is the creator and maintainer of the universes, that he is loving, merciful and is free of all needs. And we believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) was one of the greatest messengers sent to teach the people to worship one God and to live spreading the message of peace (salaam).
@lowedmontebon8676 4 года назад
@@masturahstewart2390 Yes Jesus is the creator of all things but He wasn't a Man when he was a creator but He was the Mighty God the Everlasting Father(Isaiah 9:6) before He manifested in the Flesh(1Timothy 3:16). You said your God is loving but out of His 99 names none of them He is called LOVE. Only Jesus teaches us to Love even your Enemy ( Luke 6:27) but Moses commanded the Jews to Love thy Neigbor but Hate thy Enemies and He even killed. Muhammad never preach about Love but hatred to the Jews and Christians and He even commanded to kill wherever you find them ( Surah 9:5). Again Jesus is the Only One who teaches us to love even your Enemy not Moses, not David not Muhammad. Read this verse.. Luke 6:27-36 27 But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. 29To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. 30Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. 31And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. 32“But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. 35But love your enemies, do good, and lend, [h]hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. 36Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. Jesus love you...
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
@@lowedmontebon8676 We believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) is the one of the greatest messengers ever sent to teach the people to worship One God. We spread peace as Jesus spread peace and worship God as Jesus prayed to and worshipped God. We follow authentic revelation - that which was sent by God to his messengers which he authorised by miracles. Those who came later and added to the religion are not regarded as the Bible which we believe in. And sons is mentioned of all the righteous believers and not specific to Jesus alone, but this is the gateway that Satan mislead the people to worship other than God as Satan has done from the beginning of time... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-P4A36xFXtAk.html
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
@@lowedmontebon8676 Islam teaches us to be just to everyone, to ensure their rights and encourages forgiveness. Allaah is the loving and the Most Merciful and oft Forgiving. May Allaah guide us to the truth and to be sincere at all times, ameen.
@lowedmontebon8676 4 года назад
Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. biblehub.com/galatians/1-8.htm
@sherlockhomeless7138 2 года назад
Jesus says: 'I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father, except through me. I know you guys don't believe in Jesus, because you think 'there is only one God' and you're right. But He and the Father are one! You can not earn salvation. Think about this: No matter how many good deeds you will do, it doesn't cover your sins. We are sinners. We all are. And we need Jesus who died for you and me on the cross to pay for those sins. Believe in Him and you will receive everlasting life! For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift- not from works, so that no one can boast.
@Lzali10469 2 года назад
Jesus is Muslim. He is the way and the truth because he is the Prophet of Allah and if we truly followed him we would be Muslims
@Leil2221 2 месяца назад
@Leil2221 2 месяца назад
​@@Lzali10469That's what you think and believe. He is Jewish, not Muslim 🤣 Do you know Islam means surrender? 🤣
@newtonmutea 3 года назад
Repent no one is entering heaven without the sacrifice of Jesus
@masturahstewart2390 3 года назад
It is God who decides what is accepted or not. And He revealed His scriptures to His messengers... Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad and the final revelation was preserved. Or do you have preserved scriptures with evidences that the rest of the world is unaware of? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-DTVBNuaOcNs.html (Quran 3:85 And whoever desires other than Islām as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.)
@masturahstewart2390 3 года назад
Jesus will return : )
@Leil2221 2 месяца назад
​@@masturahstewart2390Yes, he will return and show ignorant people who he really is, lol. Quran says Jesus is the Messiah,lol
@masturahstewart2390 2 месяца назад
@@Leil2221 Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts). (Sahih al-Bukhari 2476) sunnah.com/bukhari:2476
@bitsnbobs1969 6 дней назад
@@masturahstewart2390 the quran is not preserved it clearly states goat ate pages from quran women should get there boobs out let man suckle 10 times
@user-rh4cl2fi1l 2 года назад
MashaAllah sister your iman is truly shining! So proud of you! Once you taste sweetness of iman there is no going back Alx
@aisho3920 3 года назад
As Salam alkuim sister, last night I dreamed about Jesus RA, he was so beautiful masha allah and he had so much noor, he was visit my I don’t why but I said to him you’re not god and you’re not the son of god and there is only one god, he had this face like *yea I know that* and then he said la ilaha illa allah muhammad rasul allah❤️
@masturahstewart2390 3 года назад
Masha Allaah sister. But take care of dreams as also shaytaan uses them as a tool to misguide. May Allaah make our path clear and keep us on tawheed, ameen.
@aisho3920 3 года назад
@@masturahstewart2390 ameen
@Lzali10469 2 года назад
Can you tell me his physical appearance sister? ❤️
@ghidakhaldi3568 2 года назад
@@Lzali10469 The Islamic description of what Jesus ﷺ looks like Assalamalikum, Thought I'd write this with my mediocre translation skills since I'm chronically obsessed with Essa ﷺ right now Physical appearance Traits taken from ahadith: •Moderate height, he's not tall nor short (sahih, Al-albani 4324 and sahih Bukhari 3394) •Brown skinned with a white/red hue (especially his cheeks) (sahih Bukhari 3394 and 3441 and 3440 and Al-Albani 4324) •Straight hair that reaches the shoulders (sahih bukhari 3441 and 3440) •Broad chest, thick muscled (I didn't rly know how to translate this one) (Sahih Bukhari 3438) (*the word جعد is mostly used for hair but in this context it's referring to his body) •his head is dripping with water, (Al-albani 4324, Bukhari 3441 and 3440) some scholars said this means he has visible pure sweat, others said this is a metaphor for his beauty and freshness, so it's AS IF his head is dripping with water, the prophet ﷺ also said: "...His head drips with water, and if he lowers his head, the water drops from him in the form of several successive drops, and if he raises his head to the top, the water slowly descends from him, and its drops are large like pearl beads..." •the one who resembled him most was Urwah ibn Masʽud (RA) •he'll be wearing two Thobes dyed with a yellow hue (Al-albani 4324)
@Lzali10469 2 года назад
@@ghidakhaldi3568 jazakllahu kharain for the explanation
@paulinerathgeber1045 2 года назад
Jesus is the way
@livingformessiah586 3 года назад
God is one. God is Jesus, the Father and Holy Spirit just as we are 3 in 1. We are soul, spirit and flesh but we are 1 Jesus says; I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except by me. In the book of John it says; In the beginning was the word, the word was God and the word was with God. Through him all things were made. Without him nothing was made that has been made. Muslims get it wrong about Jesus birth also. God the father did not have a physical relationship with Mary to give birth to Jesus. In the Bible it says that the Holy Spirit came upon Mary making her pregnant because she was a virgin. It was a Holy Miracle. Seek these things out for yourselves to see what I am saying is true. You can an amazing relationship with God on a personal level if you seek Jesus. You will not be sorry that you did. Blessings be upon you in the name of Yeshua Jesus amen
@masturahstewart2390 3 года назад
Welcome Mark. Some Christians are Unitarian and do not believe that Jesus was part of a trinity. And some say he is the firstborn, and others say trinity. However, to know the truth we must check our sources and look at authentic revelation. This course clarifies how the Quran has been preserved and along with revelation preserved by science of hadeeth provides us with the only source or authentic revelation. The Bible on the other hand is derived from texts which were not directly from Jesus, peace be upon him. May Allaah guide us to see the truth clearly, ameen.
@masturahstewart2390 3 года назад
@livingformessiah586 3 года назад
@@masturahstewart2390 Acts 17 apologetics channel
@masturahstewart2390 3 года назад
@@livingformessiah586 For a lunatic who smashed his father's head in with a hammer (have seen his convert story). And his work is nothing but deception (I have proven this on my channel - see my video deception and compare the Quran course posted above with what he claims, if you are sincere about the truth). Is that where you take your knowledge from?
@livingformessiah586 3 года назад
@@masturahstewart2390 I actually take my knowledge from the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit. You see when you give your life to Jesus he sends the Holy Spirit to you to help you understand the Bible. The Holy Spirit also changes you from the inside. When I got saved I woke the next day and everything actually looked different. The colors were brilliant and I felt lighter, joyful and full of hope. Jesus actually removes the sin from you and it physically changes you. It it absolutely amazing. You see It’s not about Christianity against all religions it’s The one true God against all fake gods and idols. Demons masquerade as gods in other religions trying to blind people to the truth and lead them astray. If you want a truly life changing encounter with the creator of everything then I ask you to seek the truth who Jesus truly is. He is not a prophet of the Quran but the Holy savior of the world. Call on him to show you the truth. What do you have to lose?
@Kazuki729 3 года назад
@JustinJobbar 5 месяцев назад
Ok, now I have a question does saitan heal anyone, if saitan can heal anyone I don't need God. becaue I asked god to heal me, he didn't heal me, while I didn't ask saitan to heal me but he did. So saitan is better than God.
@masturahstewart2390 5 месяцев назад
It is God who heals. What made you think it was Satan? This life is a test for people to recognise the truth from falsehood. Those who succeed and worship God alone, they will go to Paradise. And those who reject the truth and turn away, will go to the hellfire.
@janesawyer3495 2 года назад
When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples 3 to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” 4 Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy[b] are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. 6 Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”
@laylamohamed8634 4 года назад
Where are you sister ?!! Where is this place?
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
I'm visiting Australia
@colonalklink14 2 года назад
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation. Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
@masturahstewart2390 2 года назад
A man who was created inside the womb of a woman... the Creator of the heavens and the universe! May God give us all wisdom and common sense, ameen. Jesus (peace be upon him) was however one of the greatest men to walk the earth, which is why he was chosen to be one of God's messengers. May God guide us to the truth, ameen.
@iamfunnyipromise9605 2 года назад
@@masturahstewart2390 ''one of the greatest men''... He is not one of, he is *the greatest* man that ever walked the earth. He was born of a virgin through the power of God, he never committed any sins, he gave sight to the blind, he made the lame walk again, he gave speech to the mute, he raised people from death, he taught the highest form of morality that you should even love your enemies. There is not one single human being who can even be compared to Jesus Christ, THE GREATEST man who has ever walked the earth. The Prophet and baptist John said this about Jesus: ''After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie'' Mark 1:7. How is Muhammed on the same level as Jesus (as you believe) if the great John the Baptist said he was not even worthy to stoop down and untie his sandals? Let me mention a few points about Muhammed. He married a 9-year-old child, flirted with the wife of his adopted son, caused the divorce of his adopted son's marriage, and then married his son's wife. He gave himself privileges (like no other prophet of God has ever done), like for example No man could marry his wives after his death (they would live the rest of their lives as widows - Aisha was 18 when he died) and he could have sexual intercourse with any beliving woman who offered her body to him.
@masturahstewart2390 2 года назад
@@iamfunnyipromise9605 Thank you for sharing, although some of your statements are incorrect but that could be due to your sources. --Yes, Jesus was one of greatest men, just as Adam who had neither a father nor a mother. And David, who was also given the title “God’s firstborn” (Psalm 89:20, 27 I have found My servant David; With My holy oil I have anointed him. . . . Also I will make him My firstborn, The highest of the kings of the earth.) Peace be upon them all. --And as for what we consider “child marriages”, this can be understood by studying human nature (see my lecture The Child Bride ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GfqVKNT2NlE.html ). Islam is the perfect solution to all modern day social catastrophes. For example, young adults (who are prohibited from marriage during the horniest years of their life) start playing around and are easily manipulated into sexual activity. A survey done in England showed that rape, revenge porn (which results in many suicides) and sexual assault was occurring in every single school (These “children” in many cases being the perpetrator). Sexual assault in all its different forms has become such huge that it is has been regarded as a worldwide pandemic by the world health organisation. And disregarding the sexual drive of young adults has allowed “pizzagate” paedophiles to lure in many victims as was seen with the recent Maxwell case. And these elite paedophile groups are found in country! Do people not see the connection?
@colonalklink14 10 месяцев назад
@@michael75884 Jesus was showing us the impossibility of trying to get to Heaven by our works. He upped the standard of law keeping to perfection. Jesus made salvation conditional upon belief. Anyone who says that believing is not enough, is actually an unbeliever.
@kurulusosmanclips7620 2 года назад
How did he look like?
@ghidakhaldi3568 2 года назад
The Islamic description of what Jesus ﷺ looks like Assalamalikum, Thought I'd write this with my mediocre translation skills since I'm chronically obsessed with Essa ﷺ right now Physical appearance Traits taken from ahadith: •Moderate height, he's not tall nor short (sahih, Al-albani 4324 and sahih Bukhari 3394) •Brown skinned with a white/red hue (especially his cheeks) (sahih Bukhari 3394 and 3441 and 3440 and Al-Albani 4324) •Straight hair that reaches the shoulders (sahih bukhari 3441 and 3440) •Broad chest, thick muscled (I didn't rly know how to translate this one) (Sahih Bukhari 3438) (*the word جعد is mostly used for hair but in this context it's referring to his body) •his head is dripping with water, (Al-albani 4324, Bukhari 3441 and 3440) some scholars said this means he has visible pure sweat, others said this is a metaphor for his beauty and freshness, so it's AS IF his head is dripping with water, the prophet ﷺ also said: "...His head drips with water, and if he lowers his head, the water drops from him in the form of several successive drops, and if he raises his head to the top, the water slowly descends from him, and its drops are large like pearl beads..." •the one who resembled him most was Urwah ibn Masʽud (RA) •he'll be wearing two Thobes dyed with a yellow hue (Al-albani 4324)
@Leil2221 2 месяца назад
​@@ghidakhaldi3568And you believe it? 🤣 Hadith is man made book 🤣 Hadith just lies and fool people,lol.
@bokyo2199 Год назад
Do you think your dream came from God?
@redrabbit2005 2 месяца назад
❤how ❤
@Luiz-jr3lp 2 года назад
lol. What a lie. Taquiyya.
@Lzali10469 2 года назад
No it’s not a lie
@akashdaurtedecruz9476 4 года назад
Dnt wear black clothes to worship it signifies evil .dnt be scared to worship the truth .JESUS . Because your work for Christ will not be in vain.
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
We wear colourful clothes when worshipping. Black is just the cultural colour for women's outdoor clothes in Saudi. In the video I am wearing a shade of green I believe. But it is God alone who we worship and that is the important factor. The creator of the heavens and the earth is the only one who deserves to be worshipped.
@akashdaurtedecruz9476 4 года назад
Love your enemy as you love yourself is what jesus said.
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
@@akashdaurtedecruz9476 We love to go to Paradise, and we love for others to go to Paradise, even our enemies.. so we invite everyone to worship the creator alone without any partners and this is the key to Paradise. Jesus and all the previous messengers called to worship One God and it is the most important thing in this life.
@H-D33 2 года назад
@Lzali10469 2 года назад
Let’s see who will laugh on judgment day
@ameliaalejas6764 4 года назад
من هو عيس هههههههههه فل يصلي ويشهد كما يشاء هههههههه
@ghidakhaldi3568 2 года назад
عيسى ﷺ هو نفس يسوع الي بتعبدوا ، ربنا يهديك واضح انك في ضلال
@ameliaalejas6764 2 года назад
@@ghidakhaldi3568 اعطيني دليل ان عيسى هو نفسوا يسوع !!!
@ameliaalejas6764 2 года назад
@@ghidakhaldi3568 وهات من كتابك ام ان عيسى قال انا المسيح !!!
@ghidakhaldi3568 2 года назад
@@ameliaalejas6764 سيدنا عيسى مذكور بإسم المسيح عدة مرات في القران الكريم و منها سورة النساء بال اية 157 و سورة ال عمران بال اية 59
@ghidakhaldi3568 2 года назад
@@ameliaalejas6764 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-mb6lu6aAh5Q.html
@sedArt-ub9be 4 года назад
Muhammad's teachings was never new
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
Of course, the teachings of God has been consistent with all the messengers throughout history. Each messenger a reformer if the earlier messages that got distorted. To teach the people to worship God alone and give the believers the glad tidings of Paradise and warn the disbelievers of the hellfire.
@crushmed7657 4 года назад
FAKE VIDEO....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@masturahstewart2390 4 года назад
People are known by their actions and statements. Call your witnesses if you are truthful? May God bless with justice and the faculty of reasoning, ameen.
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