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@robballent8694 3 года назад
I lived in Spain for six years and spent three months in Valencia. They are not driven by work. People are driven by cultural norms that we can not understand. We are driven by doing things we are our work. Work is who we are in USA. Spain they do not focus on work. Being happy I love my friends in Valencia and my ex’s family in SEVILLA are not judgmental. Everyone is not focused on the evil in the world. Churros y chocolate shared with friends are a pleasure North Americans do not understand and will not ever be able to live the life!
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
Totally agree!!!
@alibelula9269 2 года назад
None human being is driven by work… we are driven to serving life in order to be happy and be the best version of ourselves …Time, money and work must be a mean to get something deeper like happiness doing what you love with purpose…
@anacasanova7350 2 года назад
El ser humano no se ha creado para trabajar, sino para ser buen ser humano y en busca de la felicidad ? yo diría del bienestar. La constitución de Usa. Proclama el derecho a buscar la "felicidad" jajaja. Los americanos no la encuentran nunca. Han de ir a Costa Rica, México, España, Italia y Grecia. No hay más sitios para disfrutarla. Jajaja.
@vascoespañol 2 года назад
@@alibelula9269 not everybody is like you. Many many many people is driven by work. Entire cultures as puritans or japanese.
@alibelula9269 2 года назад
@@vascoespañol What the Anglo-Saxon culture has designed it that way does not mean that this is the answer. Scientifically and anthropologically speaking, human beings need a balance between serving others by working and having free time to live as a family and in community. the false identifications of the Anglo system of "you are what you do" have created more disease than benefit to society. We come to this world to be happy and to serve others through our work with a higher purpose and to do it from what we feel.
@jdo1674 2 года назад
Hello, I live in Split, Croatia, we have a lot of tourist, from all over the Europe/world, Anglosaxsons mostly . But Spanish tourists, Spaniards are amazing. One thing that highlits them from other tourist, as far as I`m concernerd , is their singing. They just sing. At the ferries, in t he streets, at bars... Young Spaniards sing everywere. Wich I like. And I live in Dalmatia wich is (in this region) concidered as a Meditarrenian place where people sing a lot .I Love Spaniards ❤
@catolicosubditodelrey4287 2 года назад
cuando el español canta...
@olgalugo7377 Год назад
Nosotros los espanoles y decendientes hispanos somos por naturalesa personas alegres y espontanias..si escuchamos musica o algarevia no lo pensamos dos veces y nos unimos al festejo si nos dan la oportunidad..asi somos tambien los boricuas..sin pena alguna bailamos y cantamos y vemos la oportunidad.
@maryreilly5092 11 месяцев назад
Same with Italians! My mom is from Italy and she would just burst out in song doing laundry, washing dishes, and in such a big heartfelt voice! Now, as a grown up, I find myself doing the same!
@miguelm.a7462 4 месяца назад
@@olgalugo7377 Yo soy español y los que hace eso son los que cantan como gitaneo, quizás sea mas típico en el sur, yo solo una vez en mi vida lo he visto en españa, que alguien de un bar empiece a cantar, y me parece extremadamente molesto
@abcdediaz5703 2 года назад
No hay forma humana de convencer a un extranjero, que el que se cierren negocios de dos a cinco no es porque la gente se acueste la siesta. De hecho no hay mas de un diez o quince por ciento de la población que lo hace y es mayoritariamente gente jubilada. Menos por cierto que otros países que nadie se imagina.
@kennalime5644 2 года назад
La de veces que me dicen mis amigos extranjeros que van a tomar una "nap" que es UNA SIESTA!!! Y yo en plan... en serio? El día hay que aprovecharlo! Además de que trabajar en oficina significa trabajar de 9-18 o sea que... lo de la siesta es SÚPER FALSO
@abcdediaz5703 2 года назад
@@kennalime5644 Y los millones de españoles que trabajan en fábricas o en construcción con una hora para comer. En fin una estupidez repetida hasta el infinito.
@kennalime5644 2 года назад
@@abcdediaz5703 cierto también!
@Vaccaei 2 года назад
Justo acabo de poner un comentario diciendo esto. Es increible que gente, como esta youtuber, que al parecer vive o ha vivido en valencia considere que si se cierra un negocio o haces una pausa al medio dia es porque te vas a echar la siesta. Y que, como tú dices, no hay manera.
@abcdediaz5703 2 года назад
@@Vaccaei Yo he llegado a escuchar a un prenda en you tube decir que los españoles trabajaban jornadas de muchas horas y cobrando poco porque las empresas les descontaban las horas que gastaban en la siesta ¿Cómo lo ves?
@pellax 2 года назад
All people coming to spain from foreign countries think the same about siesta. We are not sleeping from 14:00 to 17:00. At that time, people working in the stores are having a meal, getting relaxed or whatever, but definetly, not sleeping. Only old men does siesta. It's a matter of quality of life of the worker, the meal time it's not only to feed ourselves, but to disconnect, have a walk, watch te tv or whatever, to handle better the stress. But we sleep at night juts like anyone else.
@Odiseio 2 года назад
Shops don´t close from 2pm to 5pm for siesta. It´s just to extend the opening hours.
@juanmanuelpadron8006 2 года назад
I have to say things are not exactly as you mention. You have to think we enjoy more hours of sun.The weather is gentle even in winter and we are used to our schedule. On the other side siesta is not the national sport,only a few do siesta,above all the old ones. Restaurants don't close doors at 14:00,that's when action starts. Us,spaniards,love our mediterranean way of life upon the most known "american way of life". I guess you're living here now and I can tell you are not just a number:you think by yourself and are able to get your own conclusions. Did you ever experience one of our long after dinner conversations?That closure between neighbours?That feeling of being a part of,even being a foreigner,after a week? Isn't it amazing when the say buenos días,etc,not knowing you? I am spanish and very proud.We adore and enjoy life,always some time to spend with family and friends,our towns have been designed for living.WE CAN WALK from there to there.Of course we are not perfect but there's always a smile in our faces.We look after each other,our NHS is one of the best in the whole world and for free. Health is a human right and not a privilege.Number one country in organ donation for the last 30 years.Excellents both public transport and comunications,great wine and food at affordable prices,etc. By the way,WELLCOME TO SPAIN.If I ever see you I'll treat you a drink or whatever you fancy.Looking forward to it.
@kabieces 2 года назад
Finally! It is here! I have been working on this for awhile and now my ultimate guide to Valencia is available for purchase: 📖 Discover Valencia: Your Essential Guide to Living and Loving Life in Spain payhip.com/b/DKdBS If you are traveling to Valencia as a tourist or relocating here this guide will really help you navigate. It has 85 pages of useful information, stunning images and clickable links (digital guide)
@cognitiveadvantage5792 Год назад
Wonderful. Purchased! We are moving to Valencia next Easter from the UK. Can't wait!
@pepalopezmurcia 2 года назад
Hi! Many shops are closed from 14-17 h but it doesn't mean everyone is having siesta, jajaja. People use this time just to eat, be with kids, see the tv, to homework, etc.
@anamaria2053 Год назад
Thank you for reminding me of the things that I actually love and make me feel so at home in my patria querida. I can’t wait to return. ❤
@jorgemadrid763 3 года назад
Wow! Great report, I’ve been in LA few years ago and I perceived the same impressions compared to Spanish society. I hope you enjoy here👏
@anak.-ix5zg Год назад
Brazilians also are very loud & they all talk at the same time! I'm always shocked how they can hear each other. Usually I run away when they come close. :)
@fsm6426 2 года назад
Good video. Just a small comment, restaurants and other shops close not because of “siesta” but because in many cases they go to have lunch and/or they prepare for the night shift which can go up to 2-3 am. Now because of COVID is about 1am.
@yordaniv4403 3 года назад
Thank you for this video. Refreshing moments and interesting info 👍🏼
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
Thanks for watching! 🙏🏻
@TheRougefish Год назад
As a Bulgarian who's lived in the US all of my adult life, I've never called or considered myself an American. But I consider myself a citizen of the world! Thank you for the great content; the inequality commentary was dead on.
@gonzalobarrera9934 2 года назад
Hola Antoanetta, Si quieres saber lo que verdaderamente es oir "hablar fuerte" en España, ve una temporada a Andalucia ;-)
@guaita2 2 года назад
En Andalucía no hablamos fuerte, lo que ocurre es que los extranjeros son vergonzosos.
@gonzalobarrera9934 2 года назад
@@guaita2 Disculpa, pero viví 6 años en Granada, y cada vez que venían amigos del norte de España a visitarme se quedaban flipados con el alto volumen de la forma de hablar andaluza.
@guaita2 2 года назад
@@gonzalobarrera9934 Si, los del norte también son tímidos.
@kabieces 2 года назад
@@guaita2 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👏
@everettthomas2058 2 года назад
My GOD these are my people!!!
@kabieces 2 года назад
Bienvenido seas .🤣
@ignaigna2426 2 года назад
Nose si mucha gente dormirá siesta o no, pero a mi cuando era más chico me obligaban a dormirla todos los días, y ahora se me ha quedado la costumbre y de vez en cuando me hecho un rato
@Vaccaei 2 года назад
Qué tendrá que ver la siesta con que las tiendas cierren entre las 16 y las 18? No cierran por la siesta, cierran porque los que atienden la tienda lo hacen TODO el dia y necesitan comer y probablemente a esas horas hay poca gente. En las oficinas tambien es habitual tener un horario de 9 a 14 y de 16 a 18 y no es por la siesta. Es por la mania de los empresarios de tener a las personas cuantas más horas mejor calentando una silla. La gente aprovecha a esas horas para ir al gimnasio, dar un paseo o para hacer cualquier otra cosa y no por la siesta.Y dice que los restaurantes cierran a esas horas por la siesta? Pero en qué pais españa ha vivido? Precisamente a esas horas están todos los restaurantes sirviendo comidas.
@auradb1140 2 года назад
Ni caso, se pega unas historias que ni se lo cree ella, es más lo sigue diciendo en otros videos 🤦🏻‍♀️
@Emy53 Год назад
I cannot eat at 10 p.m., at least not here in America. I would need to stay upright because I suffer from acid reflux if I go to bed an hour after eating. I love getting up early and get my day started. I can adjust to the meal schedule. I didn't have any proplem when I visited for 18 days a few years ago. I love Spain.
@bielochka3435 2 года назад
Hello Antoanetta I just started to watch your videos, and I like them a lot.Excuse me for asking, although you say your accent is from Bulgaria, you speak Spanish without an accent, that is awesome. Thank you
@nikolaykostadinov649 3 года назад
It's look exact like Bulgarian life! What i remember while i been kid!😁
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
It is exactly like it 😊 with a sense of nostalgia. Tochno taka e 👍🏼
@nikolaykostadinov649 3 года назад
@@ANTOANETTA мислим в бъдеще да се преместим във Валенсия,но ще видим,времето ще покаже. Английският живот взе много да натоварва!
@David-jb5dv Год назад
You are funny and serious. Nice one
@oriol1996 2 года назад
restaurants do not close from 2pm to 5pm, it's time to eat
@carlosquiroa3590 Год назад
Lovely culture, Spain Rocks ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@joseduarteborrega9298 Год назад
Los Españoles no llegamos nunca tarde a las citas,son los demas que llegan muy pronto.en España se inventaron muchas cosas muy buenas para el mundo,pero el reloj no quisimos inventarlo.un saludo desde Barcelona.
@muER76 Год назад
Cerrar de 14 a 17 no es siesta realmente, es partir la jornada laboral en 2 para adaptarse a los clientes. Durante ese tiempo, pueden dormir o no (normalmente, no)
@darknight0422 2 года назад
What your friend told you that punctuality is not valued in Spain is not correct. If you look closely, you will see that the bus and train stops tell you the exact time they are going to arrive. It is important to be able to organize your life. Your friend took advantage of your ignorance of Spanish culture. There are many unpunctual and informal people, but it is not the norm and it is not well regarded
@roxyvelez6828 2 года назад
Party hard in Valencia? That’s awesome 🤩 We are moving there next year and I was worried about the party not being as good as Berlin! :)
@mariamartin9538 2 года назад
The unique difference between Spain and USA is that the people is more stressed in your country, living for work.
@RS-ln3ns 2 года назад
@pushparajkudaw2551 2 года назад
August rest , Saturday domingo rest, regional funciona rest, total calculation 3 months rest of year.
@kaunas88 Год назад
I would not say that the Spanish are not especially relaxed in their work; I find that most Spaniards are working at a reasonably fast pace; Spain is not "La Isla Bonita" in that respect.
@mariamartin9538 2 года назад
The restaurants are not closed.
@jandamskier6510 2 года назад
Your accent seems eastern European. Where were you born?
@alehop9441 2 года назад
@kaunas88 Год назад
I am not a big fan of Spanish parents dragging their kids around the city until 2:30 am, mainly because they do not want to crimp their social life once they have kids, and do not want to pay or do not trust babysitters. So, they take their kids everywhere at all hours and the kids get cranky and wound up. They also let them run riot all over the place, even in restaurants, because they would prefer to talk to their adult friends than to have to mind their kids. I have seen the same in Portugal. It seems at times here that the entire population is made up of immature 14 year olds who have chronological ages of 50. Of course no everyone is like that, but I see a lot of them shouting at all hours of the day and night. Of course, there there are an endless series of fiestas, fairs, concerts and other loud parties just in case anyone might get bored.
@ekesandras1481 Год назад
One reason why Spaniards eat dinner so late is because they insist on being in the Central European time zone, although they are West of England. So the sun sets very late. Geographically they should have Greenwhich time, like Portugal. And the Canary islands geographically should even be two hours behind Central Europe, yet they are only one hour behind. The thing with the elderly or middle aged generation enjoying life so much also has some downside. Most of the middle aged generation have very safe jobs with good salaries, because they started their work life when Spain was very socialistic and when the European Union was showering Spain with easy money. They often also have very favorable state guaranteed rent contracts for their apartments or were able to buy one, when prices where still low. The younger generation is having a much more difficult time, because politics and also the global economic situation has changed. They often have lower paid jobs, have more difficulty to find an affordable apartment, sometimes they even have a lower salary for exactly the same job since new contracts pay less than old ones. Also the EU has now much more member states than in the 1980ies and 1990ies and cohesion funds go to Eastern Europe and so much to Spain and Portugal anymore.
@binariomyself653 2 года назад
You are from USA but your accent..just for my couriosity, where is it from?
@JacobPAus 2 года назад
Yeah at 11 p.m. here everyone gets food at 711 or taco bell 🤣 I'm about to leave the country as well and probably will not return
@javiermartingonzalez4759 2 года назад
Con lo de la puntualidad no estoy de acuerdo contigo. En mi entorno si quedamos a una hora, todo el mundo aparece a la hora. Si no han tenido un pércance. Mira bien tu lista de amigos ¿?
@kabieces 2 года назад
Pues en mi entorno no . Quedamos a una hora orientativa y vamos llegando .
@hannofranz7973 2 года назад
Don't forget that the Spanish tradition of siesta depends on a number of factors such as weather and seasons, life in a small town versus a large city, individual life styles. First of all, the heat in the summer months in large parts of Spain make it impossible to work in the afternoon hours and requires adapted timetables. Secondly, it makes a difference if you live in a large city or a small town. Split work schedules are virtually impossible in the bigger cities for practical reasons. So don't over-simplify the issue of siesta in Spain.
@user-on8xg7ni6c 3 года назад
I hear that working hours are very long and salaries aren’t great for the average worker there. But then with the siesta, much of the work day is reduced. How is this? Also do you find working there long with the hours and not enough pay also? I’m looking to move there next year. Kind regards 😊
@b2stparadise 2 года назад
Siesta is only for the privileged aka old people and kids. The rest of the mortals we do work and have only 1h of resting just to eat and go back to work
@henhaooahneh 2 года назад
You didn't catch the siesta concept. You probably divide your meal time in three, breakfast, lunch and dinner, but you can divide it into four or five different meal without increase the amount of food. In Spain we don't sleep more than you, we just divide the sleep time in two period, one hour in the afternoon and five hour at night, that's all. The salaries aren't great because we don't need money, healthcare and education (including university) and culture are for free, food and transportation are extremely good and cheap and the exhibition of wealth is something really rude and impolite among us.
@jesusfernandezgarcia9449 2 года назад
The siesta is a myth, the workers do not take naps.If you are retired or decide your time to work you can take a nap, or surf.
@user-on8xg7ni6c 2 года назад
Fascinating, thank you for the info guys!😄
@kennalime5644 2 года назад
Hey, normally working hours would be like 8-17 or 9-18 with one hour for lunch (you´ll have to have lunch at the work place because there is no time for going back home and returning to the workplace, normally there is a canteen or somewhere to eat). Pay depends a lot on the company and possition, some people do make a lot of money, but depends on the sector and possition as I said :)
@phulanadethal Год назад
Where’s your accent from? You don’t sound American. You sound Eastern European, right? If we’re speaking about loud, try a business meeting in the US, forget the restaurants, I’m talking about professional meetings, they’re louder than any Spanish restaurants. The decibels go to the extreme when they’re having a coffee break
@tahiti1 2 года назад
The rest of the world embraces cultural differences and easily adapt, but US RU-vidrs are always "shocked" 🙄
@rosampa1980 2 года назад
Are you american? You have an accent!🤔🤷🏼
@scentlover4841 3 года назад
😂 so true
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
Right? ☺️
@JesusGarcia-cs9wl 2 года назад
You went from LA to Spain? You sure it's not the other way around. Your accent is thick.
@GonzaloP007 2 года назад
A Spaniard would never speak English with that accent. She is from Latin America, or maybe Italy.
@JesusGarcia-cs9wl 2 года назад
@@GonzaloP007 But she claims to be an American. She's obviously not.
@leatherandtactel 2 года назад
@@JesusGarcia-cs9wl Es de Bulgaria.
@22Unlucky Год назад
You don't sound really "American". Unless you mean the continent and not USA.
@georgea.9684 2 года назад
Question: You’re not Spanish and you sure as hell don’t sound like you’re American either so where were you actually born?
@HiveMind-qv1iy Год назад
You’re not American though 🤔
@juanhervas4193 Год назад
American? Better italian. Not so different to the Spanish culture
@pinquifrustri 2 года назад
You're not American, to begin with.
@ANTOANETTA 2 года назад
I lived the past 20 years in the States, so...yeah, pretty aware of American culture.
@pinquifrustri 2 года назад
@@ANTOANETTA Right, but this doesn't make you an American. I have also lived for long years abroad but this doesn't make me a foreigner.
@kabieces 2 года назад
@@pinquifrustri 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anda que ....
@droppedee 2 года назад
@luiggifillipo1601 Год назад
Tu acento no es norteamericano ni por asomo. No puede ser que seas de Los Angeles ni de coña. Sorry sweetheart, you' re lying big time! You ain't American.
@JasonSmith-ir8zz 2 года назад
Spaniards and Latinos are ALWAYS late, even to their own functions!🤣
@eimere 2 года назад
It is NOT SIESTA time. It is LUNCH time, and lunch is kinda sacred. And in august in Valencia life starts late because it is horribly hot at mid day, people stay indoors until is more comfortable to go outside. And most people spend the day in smaller towns nearby the beach.
@ginasverige2570 Год назад
How awesome that the video brings out all these points and the locals can explain the why in more details.
@nuriam7169 Год назад
The weather doesn’t explain that. Florida ir the Caribbean is hotter than many Spanish regions and they don’t close stores at midday.
@clairechloe5294 Год назад
​@@nuriam7169- Yes, I understand your point because in Spain and in some other meditaranean countries when it is too hot it is time for a Siesta (afternoon nap). Then they open shops again late afternoon and go on until late in the evening. I wish Germans were able to do it too without always looking at the clock with each daily task and stop being stiff and too serious. I live in Germany.
@gauchoparaguayo Год назад
Spaniards eat too late. Bad for digestion if you are going to sleep.
@debbiespears3312 3 года назад
I'm from L.A. and lived in Barcelona for a year, and I agree with everything you said! I remember the cashier at the grocery store always saying "tranquilla" when I was rushing to get my stuff in the bag. We're always rushing in L.A., so the loose attitude about time in Spain made things much less stressful. Even in central Barcelona the pace was slower and people spent more time meeting friends for a drink or a coffee on a regular basis. Great video!
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
Haha yes we always rush all the time! Thank you for watching!
@joseantoniot9312 2 года назад
As a Spaniard I am in disagree with your statement ,Madrid is horrible for example, everyone walk very fast and tne traffic is terrible.
@JesusGarcia-cs9wl 2 года назад
Barcelona! Pick pocket capital of the world 🌍
@joschafinger126 2 года назад
@@joseantoniot9312 Not originally from Spain but having lived in Extremadura for almost 20 years, I do agree with your views on Madrid: whenever I visit it, I notice the same. Meanwhile, here in Cáceres I feel more comfortable, more at home, than I ever did in Germany, where I was born. By the way: thanks for using English in this international forum. I can tell it wasn't easy for you, but you did very well.
@kabieces 2 года назад
@@JesusGarcia-cs9wl Si no teníamos bastante con los hater extranjeros , apareces tú , el mascachapas nacional . Entrenas para tonto o ya vienes así de serie ?
@louaceveu1925 2 года назад
In Spain the economy works for the people, contrary like in the USA that people works for the economy
@marekck 2 года назад
Vaya no soy ni niño ni anciano ni el resto de mortales... Pirque yo si hago siesta y casi todos los que conozco
@kabieces 2 года назад
@@marekck Tú eres de los afortunados . Yo aunque quisiera , no puedo , eso sí , el fin de semana me desquito . 🤣🤣
@carltaylor4942 2 года назад
I've lived in Spain for many years and I found that the hardest thing to adjust to was the way everyone is so laid back all the time. It took me years to accept that things will happen _when they happen_ and not before. There's no point stressing because that will not change anything.
@alibelula9269 Год назад
We as Spaniard we try to do things in balance.. there’s no other way to do it… work with no connection and being stressed all the time can’t not be productive and lead us out of who we are..
@mikaela353 Год назад
Stress kills millions of people, it is ok to be laid back 😉
@rbnhd1144 Год назад
@@mikaela353 I'm a firm believer that stress kills many people.
@miguelm.a7462 4 месяца назад
I am spaniard and one time in my life one friend I was meeting arrived one hour later, and I got really mad, it was because of my birthday that I meet with her, I stopped talking to her 2 months, and if you arrive 20 minutes later at least tell me, It is still considered rude, I am kind of guy that sometimes can arrive late, cos I work so many hours, and work is first, but if one day if I arrive late I excuse for arriving late
@Alex_Martz 2 года назад
The bottom line of your video is: "Americans get surprised of seeing a country where people actually enjoys life!", When someone gets surprised of seeing a society where the importance still relies on quality of life instead of just work then that tells you all about the "American way": just work and work, no rest, no social life and being ashamed of their own naked bodies, Also: STOP saying "you're American" because YOU ARE NOT!
@sergiofernandez4566 2 года назад
An Englishman expat here in Spain told me that he had worked with an american company but he resigned after a while because the amount of hours ,"Americans want slaves, not employees" and he was getting crazy.
@olgalugo7377 2 года назад
You are right she is not an American I think she mentioned once that she is from Rumania and lived in California for 20 years.
@fitbylitzV Год назад
I believe that’s an important clarification, I myself was born in Venezuela and while I do hold an American passport I can not call myself an American. Further I am planning to leave the US in a year because even after 30 years in the US it has never felt like home due to the insurmountable cultural differences. I do want to thank Antoanetta for all her wonderful and insightful videos.
@lucasgamero9411 2 года назад
As a Spaniard I loved your video and agree with most of what you’ve said. Please note that small businesses don’t close from 14:00 to 17:00 for siesta but for almuerzo. Very few people nowadays can afford to sleep a siesta: just retired people, and people that get off work at 15:00 h. and some people during their holidays perhaps.
@joorgeibanezpuertas 2 года назад
I'm a Spaniard who lives in Spain, and has lived in the US, and has traveled to most US states, and this video was so fun to watch. Everything is true. I don't however think we're that calm in Spain, but compared to americans, we are. Another thing I would talk about is partying, specially among the youth. In america most parties are done in houses, whereas in Spain, the most common thing, among young people is going to pubs, or a common thing: "Botellón", which is usually followed up by eating turkish kebab when the party is over around 6AM, just before going to sleep
@kabieces 2 года назад
Todo es verdad ? Ósea que tú sigues fomentando el topicazo de que todos los españoles dormimos la siesta ?
@ginasverige2570 Год назад
I'm planning to visit Spain in the near future. My great grandfather was from Gran Canaria. I will be visiting both not sure in what order. Thank you for the explanation!
@auradb1140 2 года назад
La siesta no es la causa de los negocios cerrados, es el horario de comer, luego en casa el que quiere lo hace o no
@aliciasanz285 2 года назад
I' m Spanish and very punctual! I can't stand unpunctual people, they are very impolite.
@joschafinger126 2 года назад
Same here. Still, how late is being late if it's for a social event?
@juan48485 2 года назад
Pues yo me he visto muy reflejado en sus comentarios, jaja. Eso sí, cuando se trata de quedar con los amigos en plan en una terraza o así. Sino creo que los españoles somos puntuales en general.
@alandillon968 2 года назад
Yes, yes, yes. About loud voices, my Spanish partner thinks they are not loud but I have to say to stop shouting when in the house. I love to see Spanish kids here are central and you regularly see children playing with toys at 8, 9 or 10 years old in resturants or the street. Also how they hold their parents hand walking down the street at 14 or more years old and how kids even older are happy to spend time and be seen out with their parents, that was a shock to me when I first arrived. Most kids I knew wouldn't be seen dead hanging around their parents after the age of 14. I never saw this before until I came here. Also how mixed groups of girls and boys hang out together on the beach, walking down the street etc, Not the group of girls or groups of boys getting up to no good hanging around street corners or getting drunk or high in parks. I never feel worried when I see a group of 16+ group of loud kids walking towards me. Equally hoodies are not seen being worn that often (if ever) with hoods up looking sinister! One of my biggest shocks was seeing the small groups or elderly individuals out late at night, walking around and not feeling threatened or scared of being mugged going from resturant, cafe to bar or home. It was so liberating to see. Yes, August is dead month if you want something done it will take twice as long many Government organisations close for holidays in August. Little gets done in August, because its sooo hot! I'll add 2 more to your list: When a Spaniards are complaining or wanting something done they will stay there complaining to the assistant or Clarke until they are satisfied, no matter how long it takes or how many people are waiting. They put their feet down and wont be concerned about the queue behind them or the time it takes. What drives me mad though is the dreadful customer service in shops. If 2 or more assistants are chatting they will ignore you and keep talking until they have finished their conversation and you just have to wait. It's like the joke "how many xxx does it take to change a light bulb?" In Spain it can be all of them. Regularly you can have 2 chatting, 1 on the phone, 1 serving the customer who will then walk off in a self-service store to get the item for the customer rather than point or direct them to it and carry on serving the next customer. Infuriates me! The oddest thing about Spain is getting use to their times. Up to 2.00pm (14.00) is morning, from 2.00 (14.00) to 8.00pm (20.00) is afternoon and from 8.00pm (20.00) to 12.00 midnight (24.00) is night. As you say about appointment times there isn't anything exact. When I make arrangements for a tradesman and they say "i'll call around tomorrow morning"" I have to ask is that Spanish morning or the rest of the world? Because one morning ends at 12.noon the Spanish at 2.pm. What I love most of all is life in Spain is about 'work to live' NOT 'live to work'. The priority is about working so you can spend time with family and friends this is helped by everything closes at 2 00pm on Saturday and doesn't reopen until Manday morning. By 2.30 on Saturday the resturants are full and people are heading out to beaches, parks visiting etc.
@galgo346 2 года назад
In Spain, small businesses (not shopping centers) are usually closed between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. for reasons other than siesta. After the civil war, the economic situation made it necessary for most workers to take on more than one job, so they had a double job, one job in the mornings and another in the afternoons. That, which has now disappeared, determined a different type of schedule from the rest of Europe, with split days, and in which lunch is not around 12 in the morning but between 2 and 3, even afterwards, with Split shift at work from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., which causes dinner to be delayed until 9 p.m. or even later, not being uncommon for us to leave a restaurant for dinner at 11 p.m. or 12 pm.
@pinquifrustri 2 года назад
No sé de dónde has sacado esa teoría, pero el horario partido responde al ritmo de trabajo de una sociedad agraria que tenía que dejar de trabajar por el calor durante las horas del mediodía en buena parte del país. Del campo pasó a la ciudad y se hizo costumbre. Además, es muy anterior a la guerra civil.
@marekck 2 года назад
Y te quedas tan agusto, no se es invencion tuya o de algun lumbreras, pero el horario partido viene de siglos atras por las temperaturas, pasate por cordoba entre las 2 y las 6 a ver cusnta gente ves en julio por ejemplo
@d2d2d 2 года назад
De dónde has sacado esa teoría? Suena muy rebuscada. Nunca lo había oído
@The0ldboy 2 года назад
El origen histórico: “La primera jornada laboral de ocho horas se estableció en la América española. Fundamentalmente, para trabajadores indígenas y en una fecha tan adelantada como 1953”. Fue Felipe II en las leyes de indias donde dice “Todos los obreros trabajarán ocho horas cada día, cuatro a la mañana y cuatro a la tarde en las fortificaciones y fábricas que se hiciere repartidas en los tiempos más convenientes, para librarle del rigor del sol...”, dice el documento. La jornada de ocho horas fue establecida por un edicto real en el siglo XVI y se dirigía a los trabajadores del Monasterio de El Escorial, España. Posteriormente, estas condiciones se extendieron a las colonias españolas, lo cual quedó registrado en las Leyes de Indias. The historical origin: “The first eight-hour workday was established in Spanish America. Fundamentally, for indigenous workers and as far back as 1953”. It was Felipe II in the laws of the Indies where he says "All workers will work eight hours each day, four in the morning and four in the afternoon in the fortifications and factories that will be distributed at the most convenient times, to free them from the harshness of the sun." ...”, says the document. The eight-hour day was established by a royal edict in the 16th century and was addressed to the workers of the Monastery of El Escorial, Spain. Later, these conditions were extended to the Spanish colonies, which was recorded in the Laws of the Indians.
@kabieces 2 года назад
Gabriel Alferez Acabo de buscar información al respecto y tienes toda la razón en lo que explicas .
@jandrom8368 2 года назад
Buen vídeo. Soy español y creo que tienes mucha razón. Creo que aquí a veces vamos estresados ¿Cómo será en USA para qué aquí os parezcamos muy tranquilos?😄
@hankpena7243 2 года назад
En los EUA la vida es muy estresada! Tengo 53 años de edad y ha sufrido de fatiga emocional. Me retire ante de tiempo y estoy considerando vivir alla en España. Lo dificil es elegiendo adonde vivir. Hay tanta variedad!
@jandrom8368 2 года назад
@@hankpena7243 Si tienes una renta, España es uno de los mejores países del mundo para vivir en mi opinión. Hay bastante seguridad, vida social, bares, parques... Si te gusta el sol vete a Andalucía o Valencia. Yo creo que lo mejor son las ciudades pequeñas o medianas como Córdoba, Granada...y muchas más. El norte es maravilloso y se come de escándalo (yo amo Galicia y especialmente La Coruña) pero el clima es como el de Irlanda (lluvia y poco sol). Todo depende de tus preferencias. Un saludo y mucha suerte.
@hankpena7243 2 года назад
@@jandrom8368 Gracias, un placer. Entonces tengo que visitar a Ovideo, Sevilla y Valencia. Me gusto Madrid. Pero me encanto Valladolid. Tantas opciones buenas!
@hankpena7243 2 года назад
@@jandrom8368 Perdon. Digo Oviedo...
@SoftSport1227 2 года назад
Allí son directamente esclavos. En muchos estados no tienen derecho a vacaciones pagadas o hay gente que necesita 6 trabajos para sobrevivir (se paga por horas).
@carlosmayo7722 2 года назад
si hay algo que no perdono en esta vida, es la siesta(y a mucha honra porque yo lo valgo).
@anabaratta8171 2 года назад
Cada vez que puedo me toma mi buena siesta
@namibianodetombua 2 года назад
In Iberia Peninsula Time doesn't exist, it is created by ourselves. " for northern Europeans time is money, southern Europeans own the time". Listening to your video making me realise that Portuguese are much similar to Spanish than I thought. 😆 (I am Portuguese).
@kabieces 2 года назад
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo . Me guardaré tú frase , me ha gustado mucho .
@elprimohackier3157 Год назад
portugal is our roommate for eternity
@vervideosgiros1156 Год назад
​@@elprimohackier3157Gracias! 😊🇵🇹🇪🇸
@pinquifrustri 2 года назад
Guys, this video is a complete fake. I am a Spaniard and most of what she says are groundless stereotypes. Children playing on the streets at 2am? No fucking way. People taking siesta between 2pm and 5pm? Come on!! Only retired people can do that! A city like Valencia "dead" during August? In small towns, yes, but in Spain's most populous city, no way. I also live in Valencia, so I guess she lives in a parallel universe. Strangers grabbing your arm? I mean... either she's just arrived to Spain and she just never leaves home.
@anthonybowers7571 2 года назад
I imagine americans get culture shock EVERTWHERE they go
@ANTOANETTA 2 года назад
@oscarglez1812 2 года назад
Se te ha olvidado decir que aunque invitemos en nuestro cumpleaños esperamos regalos de los invitados😉
@Kakonan 2 года назад
Stores do not close for siesta, but for lunch, because that's the main meal of the day for us. Almost no one has the chance to take a nap, believe me.
@mikelaranaetxarri2934 2 года назад
Restaurantes cerrados a las, 14.00?🤦‍♂️
@abcdediaz5703 2 года назад
Será mas bien abiertos desde las 14.00
@jankokostoskichanel Год назад
Calling yourself an American it's a bit of a stretch but ok . Thank you for making this videos . 🍀
@ramonl.camblorsevares2431 2 года назад
Los comercios se cierran porque la gente se va a su casa a comer con su familia y descansar antes de volver a trabajar por la tarde. Algunas personas, poquísimas (de hecho casi nadie puede), duermen diez o veinte minutos después de la comida pero eso es todo. En vacaciones o fin de semana es cuando muchos aprovechan para una siesta más larga.
@julibe2 2 года назад
Yo si hecho la siesta, soy de Leon, durante toda mi vida, como una media hora, eso es lo justo de la siesta. Tambien lo hace mi padre, madre y mi suegro y suegra. chico donde vives, no es cuento hombre, es muy bueno para la vida sana. Y quitar el estres.
@auradb1140 2 года назад
No pierdas el tiempo, sigue diciendo lo mismo en otros videos 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
@auradb1140 2 года назад
@@julibe2 si tienes tiempo lo haces, otros no y por lo general la gente que va a casa a comer no lo hace obligatoriamente
@ramonl.camblorsevares2431 2 года назад
@@julibe2 yo también duermo un ratito de siesta algún día si no trabajo por la tarde, como hacen también en otros países. Pero en España no "está todo cerrado al mediodía para dormir la siesta". En verano, en zonas donde llega a hacer mucho calor, la gente no sale a la calle hasta el final de la tarde. Ya si duermen la siesta o no es otra cosa.
@nurialopezmiguel3090 2 года назад
Pues yo sí que he echado la siesta casi toda mi vida porque trabajaba de 5 a 2 y una buena siestecilla aunque fuera en el sofá estaba bien y soy de Cataluña y en Andalucía ese horario es de mucha calor y la gente en vez de salir a la calle pues acostumbra a echar la siesta por eso te digo que aunque tú no eches la siesta y mucha gente no la echa pero hay mucha otra que sí que la echa
@gui4645 2 года назад
Antoanetta, muy mal, muy mal :). Una cosa es quedar con los amigos, para salir por la noche, normalmente se queda donde se va a cenar, y es normal retrasarse 30, 40 minutos,etc, ya que se trata de ir cenando y tomando copas, sin ninguna prisa, luego una vez se reúnen todos los amigos, ya se va cambiando de bares, etc,etc, hasta las 3 am, así que no hay prisa en llegar a las 9 en punto o a la hora que se ha dicho, ya que al haber un grupo de gente ,ya se van juntando, tomando unas cervezas y hablando y así van llegando los demás y poco a poco se reúne el grupo, pero otra muy distinta es una cita, una reunión de trabajo, o quedar con tu pareja o algo así, donde un retraso de 10 minutos es el máximo permitido sin avisar, si es de trabajo, 10 minutos de retraso sin avisar no está permitido, si no es de trabajo, también es muy grosero llegar tarde, ya que has dejado a una persona sola, esperando, asi que no, la impuntualidad en España no es algo aceptado, para nada.
@revilomec 2 года назад
Exacto, si es con amigo y dicen a las 2… pues sales de casa a las 2 jajajaja pero en el trabajo, ay, si me retraso 5 minutos la gente se pone nerviosa jajajaja
@hankpena7243 2 года назад
I finally had to subscribe after watching your videos on and off over the last few months. You have very good content that I have come to appreciate. Please forgive my asking, but in another video you mentioned that you lived in the USA; where are you from originally? I am having a hard time placing the accent. Eastern Europe? You have probably answered this question 1,000 times. Thank you for your patience.
@juliosalazar6924 2 года назад
Hank Peña Bulgaria
@kaunas88 Год назад
I have found the Spanish generally to be punctual; most people arrive on time.
@lindylee1139 Год назад
What I noticed in Spain is that you don’t see people by themselves as much as you do where I live (Los Angeles). I’m used to going out by myself and it’s not unusual. I didn’t see many women out by themselves in Spain.
@anacasanova7350 3 года назад
Los españoles trabajan duro y se divierten duro también. Después de la fiesta limpian la ciudad, los jardines, los bares los restaurantes , las playas, los caminos , los hospitales , los trenes, los aviones. Lo hacen todo y bien hecho.
@manuelfg2902 2 года назад
Muy bien Ana, defendiendo la bandera
@alibelula9269 2 года назад
Tradúcelo al inglés!
@anacasanova7350 2 года назад
@@alibelula9269 traducirlo tú.😁😂🤗🇪🇸
@alibelula9269 2 года назад
@@anacasanova7350 Spaniards work hard and have fun too. after the party they clean the gardens, terraces, bars, beaches, roads, hospitals, trains, planes… they do it all and very well done!
@alfa51301 2 года назад
España tiene su lado oscuro... Y es muy muy oscuro
@pepitodelospalotes5614 2 года назад
The myth of the siesta ... it is incredible that someone who has supposedly been to Spain claims that it is real. It is not nap time, it is time to eat. The worst thing is that he says that the restaurants are closed for naps ... but if it is time to eat, it is absurd, no, they do not close.
@antonioalonsofernandez5909 2 года назад
Una siesta de 20 minutos después de comer es muuy saludable, sí tu horario te lo permite. La comida hay que reposarla, la cena caminarla.
@鬱鬱-e2w 2 года назад
i like naps
@pepitodelospalotes5614 2 года назад
@@鬱鬱-e2w ok...
@mk-ig7kw Год назад
Great observations. Relatable and accurate.
@tramitram1316 Год назад
Since when you are American?! 😅You have extreme Bulgarian accent and you seem to litteraly translate Bulgarian into English. You dress and you look very Sofia like :). Spending a bit time abroad doesn't make you American;)
@anak.-ix5zg Год назад
They should definetly put ear plugs in kids' ears if they're taking them out in 1-2 am in noise bars! They might be sleeping, but their brains still get the sounds.
@anak.-ix5zg Год назад
11:30 we have nude beaches in the US, also in south beach in FL you can be topless. I lived in south France & there also women could go topless.
@kaunas88 Год назад
Spain is loud, and among many sources of noise are the people always shouting even when they are right next to each other. I find it so annoying.
@jesusfernandezgarcia9449 2 года назад
Restaurants do not close from 2 to 5 at that time we eat. Maybe I misunderstood.
@mcc1483 Год назад
Really good points about kids and parerents in Spain vs US. So true!
@nabdollahigd 2 года назад
We are so similar to them as Iranian😂
@kaunas88 Год назад
I remember in the summer in Valencia that folks would chat at sidewalk bars until 4 am, and then they would go out partying and dancing. This only happens in the summer.
@u2fkeys665 2 года назад
The beginning of the video had me cracking up🤣
@theocagent 3 года назад
Love the content! Keep it coming. :)
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
Thank you 😊
@oriol1996 2 года назад
I am from Barcelona and I assure you that in the city there is no tranquility, here everything is fast
@kinnie6104 2 года назад
Closing time is not a time to take a nap, very few people do, mostly older people and not even 10%. It is a time to eat and rest, not to sleep.
@jaa67s 2 года назад
No te culpo , y espero no ofenderte , te pido disculpas si es así, pero España es un país maravilloso para todos los extranjeros que vienen a vivir , retirarse o pegarse unas buenas vacaciones , no lo es tanto para los Españoles que tienen que subsistir con salarios de mierda , contratos de mierda , alquileres abusivos , congelación de salarios , desahucios , políticos corruptos , progresivo desmantelamiento de la sanidad pública , pensiones cada vez más bajas y a las que algunos ya no tendremos acceso de aquí a pocos años, 12,5 millones de personas, es decir, el 26,4 % de la población española, se encontraban en riesgo de pobreza y/o exclusión social . Para que los comercios estén abiertos festivos y cierren a las 10 de la noche, los padres deben renunciar a pasar tiempo con sus hijos para poder comer un plato de lentejas. Pero si, en España se vive muy bien y los niños juegan en la calle.
@nurialopezmiguel3090 2 года назад
Todo eso que dices tú pasa en muchos países no solo en España políticos corruptos hay en todo el mundo de la sanidad decirte que éramos la mejor sanidad del mundo después de Japón no sé si has ido a vivir a otros países pero que no se te ocurra ponerte malo en ninguno por el gasto que tiene
@pepalopezmurcia 2 года назад
50 years all? At this age most people takes a much more calmed life... i promise you.
@joe8256 2 года назад
¿ se cierran comercios por la siesta ?; mmmmmm. No es cierto para nada; pero...."cría fama y échate a dormir", o sea......batalla perdida esa.
@RobertRod818 3 года назад
Interesting culture shocks. What I like from the video is that you project that you embrace the Spanish culture, it doesn't seem that it bothers you as much. Once again, thanks for sharing your experience in Spain.
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
Thank you 😊 I appreciate you taking the time to leave me a comment.
@joschafinger126 2 года назад
Yeah, there's a lot of "Phew, finally I can let my hair down“ here 🤣🤣🤣
@frikadasvarias 2 года назад
Se habla mucho de la siesta en este tipo de videos, pero creo que la mayoría de los españoles no duerme la siesta. A mí me parece una pérdida de tiempo, prefiero hacer cosas durante el día, y dormir por la noche. Pero bueno, es cierto que en otros países ni siquiera existe el concepto de siesta, y quien quiera, que la practique.
@ignaigna2426 2 года назад
Mi madre siempre duerme unos 20minutillos cuando vuelve del trabajo, y a mi cuando era más chico me obligaban a dormirla, y ahora tengo la costumbre aunq no siempre la verdad
@kabieces 2 года назад
Hay muchos asiáticos que duermen la siesta a diario y a ellos ni se les nombra .
@dmatmor 3 года назад
Funny , Lol:) Love your videos. keep it up. Some info about not too expensive neighborhood to live in Valencia ?
@ANTOANETTA 3 года назад
Thank you 😋 I have two videos in neighborhoods with more info I hope it helps.
DON'T Do This in Spain (8 Culture Shocks)
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Biggest Culture Shocks as an American in Spain....
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