
My Chinese social media got suspended|Trip to Lavender Cottage in Taiwan|台灣趴趴造|微博被禁言|薰衣草森林 

Simon Yu
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22 окт 2024




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@cheryu9928 4 года назад
@noahchiu7911 4 года назад
@chinabill379 4 года назад
Simon is the kind of people we desperately need in China.
@milkybar06 4 года назад
definitely. He would be welcome here is Australia.
@cunxu2697 4 года назад
Hi I didn't expect to see you here
@callmeyang 4 года назад
@captainjohnson1214 4 года назад
You too bro. Love your channel.
@oljanrooney4448 4 года назад
@China Guy, you're underestimating yourself, mate. Both of you are the perfect example on how we should differentiate the CCP from its citizens and downplaying all prejudices that are on (extra)ordinary 中国人 , which in fact are the true heroes of China.加油 朋友!
@steveanthony769 4 года назад
Our lavender here in Northern Arizona grows wild, has slightly smaller flowers, and is very fragrant. Oh, yes, we would love to hear from your wife about her experiences in China. And, we can’t help but wonder if Taiwan might be a better place for you now. Be well, be happy. 😊👍🏽
@budgetking2591 4 года назад
in the Netherlands lavender also grows everywhere, i love the smell.
@kimke2373 4 года назад
@sdarkao9297 4 года назад
@kimke2373 4 года назад
ye zhu 雖然我在台灣,但是我不喜歡駡人,尤其是政治,那只是有一些人,我很喜歡台灣人,也很喜歡你們大陸人,但是政治人物等,我可不喜歡碰,因為我認為台語(各人做業,個人擔)
@Alilee4893 4 года назад
ye zhu 不需要你承认吧。 你也太看得起你自己了
@huayai0211 4 года назад
ye zhu 你在那邊可以罵蔡英文真的沒什麼,可以罵習近平再來說嘴😊 如果你有機會的話,也可以看看台灣作者自行發行印刷的政治人物同人誌
@星爆氣流斬-q5r 4 года назад
@@yezhu3826 說到罵習近平就不敢回了,不愧是韭菜,從不讓人失望。
@joshuagenes 4 года назад
Sure, let's hear from your wife. Maybe you ought to think about moving to Taiwan permanently.
@e8v-o7q 4 года назад
@Grand Budapest xi jinping is planning to invade and realize unification by force(武统). so Taiwan is not safe.
@JC-yn6xf 4 года назад
哈哈,最後拍照時拍到小狗尿尿那邊實在太好笑了啦!!!(ps.太太看起來很有氣質唷!) 其實我真的很希望中國的未來能變好,中國人能有免於恐懼的自由,但我不會對中共有任何幻想,一個邪惡壓迫人民的極權,我認為本應該消亡才是人民之福。 早期台灣經過了白色恐怖、戒嚴,當時大家對談論政治的恐懼是存在的,記得小時候家裡長輩在提到政治相關的事情時也是小心翼翼,也常會跟我們說「小孩子有耳沒嘴」(台語)意思是叫我們在家裡聽到的話,不要再到外面說、不要到學校說,不要惹上麻煩。但經過數十年後,台灣因為有許多許多人的付出,甚至犧牲了生命,逐步地從極權走到了民主政治,真的需要時間與努力,隨著公民意識的形成,更多的人願意討論政治、討論公共事務,大家深刻體認到「你不管政治、政治來管你」,能在民主自由的環境中自由呼吸著,對我來說太重要了。 我認識一些中國朋友,其實很熱衷談論政治,但是是談論台灣的政治,哈哈哈! 每次都很喜歡問:「妳覺得那個誰誰誰如何?他會不會選上啊?你們對他有什麼看法啊?」 而且一談起來可以講上一個小時不累耶,是認真想討論的感覺... 所以我覺得中國人只是不敢評論中共這個政權,而非不愛討論政治話題。。。XD
@c.h.c.2276 4 года назад
因為自由是人類的天性 而民主就是自由的投射啊...從小生在自由的台灣 真的很難想像失去自由會是怎樣的感受...😱😱😱...(..那倒不如跑到深山 過原始人自給自足的生活 還比較自由吧..?!..😡😡😡...)
@ChengJuCHEN 4 года назад
Simon,哇! 你老婆很漂亮,看起來他也是一個很依賴你,因為有你在他很放心, 別抱怨要轉念,或許你可以去買一個比較好的相機,開始學習構圖與拍照; 或許把這些拍照、旅行,甚至未來的生活,小孩加入VLOG中,到了五年、十年後,你會會心一笑。 我記得您是上海人,先前去上海出差時,聽他們說,上海男人要懂得洗衣、煮飯等,是個很貼心的,懂得浪漫的,會讓很多女生嚮往要交往的心儀對象。
@FrankTulloch 4 года назад
I'm sure we want to hear your wife's opinions on the matters at heart. We look forward to this
@Codman333 4 года назад
@huangjacqueline9581 4 года назад
I don’t think she can tell the truth though unless she doesn’t care about Simon’s family in China at all.
@croakie007 4 года назад
Simon, you are so funny dude... "no matter how many pictures you take for them (wife/girlfriend), they always say the pictures were poorly taken." My wife is the same way! Hahaha.
@timlin2552 4 года назад
Me either
@trekpac2 4 года назад
Very funny. Women often do things very well.
@kevinfleming8034 4 года назад
Taiwan is near the top of our list on places to visit once this pandemic is over!
@chiu-hsuanho6189 4 года назад
Welcome. 😃
@Chu5508 4 года назад
@Lin-vu7hx 4 года назад
@sunny520 4 года назад
@waymac1948 4 года назад
The censorship is non-specific by design. If they inform you exactly what the offensive comments are, you will be able to fine tune your posts. If they don't specify, you will be responsible for your own self-censorship. Far better to have you over react than allow you to know how far you are allowed to go.
@WG-xi1ux 4 года назад
way mac Same trick for doing a "successful" business, as long as you carry "extreme" self-censorship. In other words, someone "monopolies" your life. Alexander Hamilton, founding father of the States, said "If you control one's livelihood, you control his will". That's why their Constituition bases on individual freedom and restriction of government power.
@waymac1948 4 года назад
@HY F That's a pretty non-specific post.
@ursodermatt8809 4 года назад
@docmartinjnr are you paid by the CCP?
@ursodermatt8809 4 года назад
@docmartinjnr thanks for admitting
@WG-xi1ux 4 года назад
HY F Every year there are over 100,000 mainlanders migrating to US but none from US to mainland. Why ? Trustworthy, freedom and Rule of Law. Needless to give you further explanation.
@jpl3577 4 года назад
期待網美老婆的分享,也可以多分享Simon跟老婆的故事 (ex:認識,結婚,怎麼決定到那邊定居...)
@雪特峰 4 года назад
薰衣草森林很多年前去過囉! 在工作或城市之餘這裡是個放鬆的好地方 你老婆是個美女啊~幹嘛叫人家網霉啦,你壞壞😆 還有你老爸不是叫你低調點,還是忍不住啊~而且我同意你評論的觀點喔😎
@ju-lyndav7087 4 года назад
i like that your wife is allowing you to show more of her.
@grantlawyer 4 года назад
That’s life. China is afraid of other people’s opinions even though your opinions have been fairly neutral. At least you are in Taiwan now. Good luck Simon. Welcome to Taiwan!!!
@abulayu888 4 года назад
突然看到你的影片..一路上都是我常開車經過的點! 拍的還真不錯...... 身為台中人,很開心你喜歡台中....給您按個讚!
@rudyr4163 3 года назад
“If sharp criticism disappears completely, mild criticism will become harsh. If mild criticism is not allowed, silence will be considered ill-intended. If silence is no longer allowed, not praising hard enough is a crime. If only one voice is allowed to exist, then the only voice that exists is a lie.” What Plato said is very true. How painful it is to live in a society where lies are everywhere.
@吳無米 4 года назад
看到你的標題笑了 趴趴照 是臺灣人會用的 這是你老婆打的吧XD
@windher 4 года назад
@zplin5583 4 года назад
🤝1月份疫情爆发的时候,在微博发表了几条不和谐言论,然后账号被封,一怒之下把微博卸载了,只看twitter了。 国内的言论管制太TMD变态了
@chienpaggie1343 4 года назад
@@zplin5583 言論審查的太嚴格,吸引不了大陸以外的用戶,要鬆綁些才好。
@zplin5583 4 года назад
@@chienpaggie1343 微博已经沦陷了,完全被政府接管了,不在乎海外用户的,悲哀。
@iwish3174 4 года назад
@@zplin5583 微博自己都被關了一星期了,你們這些小拉幾的算什么? 在中國只有黨,只有習。
@GineAce 4 года назад
请理解 “微博禁言”,并非是中国政府恶意打压言论自由,理由如下: 1、当中国初生的民族工商业还很弱小的时候,中国必然设立高关税,以阻止海外产品向中国倾销,进而摧毁自己幼小的生命。这也是 WTO 规则允许的,是对发展中国家的一种 “关税保护”。 2、当中国在世界上的话语权还很弱小的时候,中国必然建立高墙,封禁言论,以阻止西方强大的话语对中国人民洗脑,进而摧毁中国的话语权,让不明真相的群众被鼓动起来进行颜色革命,推翻中国政府。 3、而如今,中国的民族工商业,已经足够强大时,我们开始要求 “贸易自由” 时,美国开始设立关税,保护自己仅剩的工商业了。事态已经完全颠倒过来了。 4、不久的将来,当中国的国际话语权,足够强大时,当我们开始要求 “言论自由” 时,美国将会建立高墙,封禁言论
@nomore1010 4 года назад
@alicechen1985 4 года назад
定居台灣吧! 台灣歡迎你這麼有水準、有涵養的人!
@klondikechris 4 года назад
I am a bit surprised you got suspended, as you are usually pretty careful in what you say (although the end of this one might be an exception!). As for your wife; I would love to see her included, but, as a Taiwan citizen, she might be a little more free with her speech than you are even.
@michaelrenper796 4 года назад
The audience is as important as the message. Call it the "impact factor" if you want. Simon is under supervision by an "agency" by virtue of having a moderately popular youtube channel.
@rexnain 4 года назад
Not really. If she still wants to visit China in the future she should be very careful. I do not expect she will telling something offense China.
@huangjacqueline9581 4 года назад
I don’t think his wife will be more free with her speech as she might be worried if she would be arrested as well when she visits Simon’s family in China.
@勝雄-n7t 4 года назад
Simon Yu,你是一位有思想的帥哥,由你談吐可感覺..你 修養真的很好。真誠善良.沉穩內斂是你心靈的一部份。 還有 你老婆真是一位美女~期待由她介紹給大家知道你們賢伉儷在大陸生活的點滴。
@fjo348 4 года назад
明明就是網美!期待老婆大人開講系列! 最後那個信任問題真的切中要點,政府已經成為中國企業的原罪了。
@gavin9574 4 года назад
Serpenza sent me. Keep up the good work Simon!
@henrysauceda4439 4 года назад
Her point of views would be interesting.
@jerry9761 4 года назад
@Douglas.Kennedy 4 года назад
looks like a nice place to visit, I hope to go there someday. thanks Simon 😊
@faymoore7714 4 года назад
Love to hear your wife’s experiences living in China and how it’s differs from Taiwan. We have a lavender garden near us. They grow the purple variety. Love your videos . keep it up.
@宋淺大大 4 года назад
@jackh22 4 года назад
以前看Simon的影片,發現還滿喜歡你的影片和觀點的, 現在老婆比較常露臉了,卻越來越不喜歡,甚至有點討厭你了, 追走怎麼漂亮的台灣女生................ 哈哈!!開玩笑地!!
@chibichumon 4 года назад
I have been wanting to head your wife’s take on things for a long time now, so yes, please showcase her experience and wisdom!
@Toolgdskli 4 года назад
The US has been too generous for so long. China ban major US social medias while the US let Chinese social medias operate freely and grow in the US. Now apparently some in the US think this is unfair, aside from national security risk.
@Dowlphin 4 года назад
I never ever associate US foreign policy with generosity. 😏
@advkow 4 года назад
@@Dowlphin It's less their foreign policy and more their economic one.
@TesterBoy 4 года назад
Dowlphwin you are pretty ignorant then!
@sumountliu9830 4 года назад
@@TesterBoy You mean Tiktok? It had been bought at a low price by Microsoft. Apparently, only one media pop up the top ten download, then it has been baned, and Euro still hasn't get any software in the top ten. So ironic!
@AC-he8ln 4 года назад
And not only social media. While China bans EVERYTHING from the outside wold, we allow their Embassies to regularly attempt to undermine freedom of speech in our own countries, accusing us of "racists" if they face any backlash.
@freedomfighter1027 4 года назад
You take care, Simon!!! We are here to support you!!!!💙💙💙
@ahundt 4 года назад
Eventually as your channel grows you will run into the problems other China RU-vid channels (and literally the city of Hong Kong) have encountered. Have a plan to keep yourself and your family safe. I find your channel to be one of the most encouraging things I watch! Thank you.
@twstrange5348 4 года назад
Hope I can visit there next time when I am back in Taiwan. Yeah, wants to hear your wife’s China experience.
@hisyung 4 года назад
Simon很體貼,一邊拍影片,還願意幫老婆拍照。 女生總是嫌照片不夠美,你們的互動很有趣。 最後還是太誠實,忍不住說了真心話,希望你的期待能夠成真。
@Daniel-wb5ls 4 года назад
@backster4744 4 года назад
Nice video, Simon. Love your stuff!
@dronedarone8361 3 года назад
Serpentza sent me! Good luck! Keep up the good work!
@ninihuang4682 4 года назад
@鏡頭交還給棚內主播 4 года назад
@lingyalove 4 года назад
@agopiechand 4 года назад
I am sorry for your troubles with the authorities. I appreciate your honesty and balanced reporting regarding the situation in China. The viewers and myself would love to have your wife on the channel. Looking forward to seeing the both of you. Take care of yourselves and be safe.
@djplexiglass 4 года назад
Great! I never made it out to Lavender Cottage. I’m glad to see that you did!
@isassetuba 4 года назад
I watch ads on this channel just because I love your content
@word20 4 года назад
Yes let your wife speak about China. When you make a travel vlog, you could make it a dialog, for instance describing food taste and what you think about the place you visit.
@tslife5773 4 года назад
Simon 站在兩岸和國際的看法上,平衡的很不錯,要為你按讚,只是這條路因為政治敏感發揮空間很有限制,不但辛苦且要小心,免得有激進者闖入,長期而言,也許参入更多國際化因素於節目之中,可以避免尷尬掉入於兩岸的無解習題裡。
@christinewang8776 4 года назад
It’s pleased to catch a glimpse of your wife in the vlog. She is beautiful and dainty. And yes, I’d love to know how your wife thinks and her opinion of China. I think that it is the kind of a pretty depth of way let us know more about China from your Taiwanese wife angle. I’m looking forward to your wife showing in your vlogs much more. Btw, though your wife picked on your taking photos skill, you are a good and patient husband. 😆👍🏼 Stay health!
@sylar0714 4 года назад
Simon真是好老公~ 完全理解幫對方拍照的心情,拍不好還會生氣!
@sdarkao9297 4 года назад
8:07 [就知道拍拍拍] 吼~抓到了!Simon 在抱怨老婆{網黴?!?}了~~😀😆😃😅😂🤣
@michaels6934 4 года назад
Hi Simon. I really appreciate your videos. You're one of the best bridges between cultures here as far as I'm concerned
@mimiwanwan4243 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing. Did not know about this Lavender Cottage near Taichung city 👍👍👍
@patrickclark6540 4 года назад
This is so wholesome! Its a nice break from the craziness that is 2020.
@imleigh6617 3 года назад
Just found your channel. I went to Taiwan last 2019 and I plan to go back there because I feel like there are still places that I should discover like what you showed on your vlog. I hope I can go back there after the pandemic.
@mlcsj9162 4 года назад
很欣慰您拍攝的影片 也很歡迎您們喜愛台灣
@ken0611ccs 4 года назад
@teresawang6204 4 года назад
我明白Simon 的焦慮,有良知、識見的中國人很難不為他們目前的處境焦慮。所以,這段時間來台灣暫住,對你而言再好不過了。
@亅-u8e 4 года назад
@soggymoggytravels 4 года назад
I appreciate your openness and comments about your country. I hope you will continue, but I also understand that you also don’t want to cause big problems for your family. Stay safe!
@Tony-tb3yf 4 года назад
@ancoxie2891 4 года назад
@echoho1398 4 года назад
@cbrtdgh4210 4 года назад
I've been watching 長安十二時辰 recently. I've also watched other historical dramas. What I wonder is do Chinese ever think apply think about the plotlines and whether they apply to the CCP? For example, in the Changan drama, the villain - the Right Counselor, abuses power by holding all the seals of authority and can make anyone guilty that he likes. It struck me that the Tang dynasty appeared to have greater separation of powers than the CCP!
@Tony-tb3yf 4 года назад
@paulmatencio774 4 года назад
Very sorry to hear that. China need people like you.
@d1skel452 4 года назад
Stay safe and be careful in this difficult time. Always enjoy your videos and comments. You show how great the Chinese people are. I have the same 2 duties as you, and yes my photos are never good enough and she is from the same city as you.. 😂
@supportingcreators3866 4 года назад
Awesome quality vlog Simon!
@BeingRealGeorge 4 года назад
I am interested in knowing the kind of camera you use for your vlogs. I live in china too and create contents too
@markchiang3449 3 года назад
太太好美:) 其實人常常會排他 不要說二岸政治立場 就連台灣也各有看法 很多人有莫名的優越 比如縣跟市 也許 那是愛自己城市的表現 祝福您們二人 不管在哪兒都平安快樂 繼續拍片啊…
@claytonlus 4 года назад
I'm from Brazil. Half world far, 12 hours of difference, different languages, different cultures but the same pain in the neck: our woman complaining about o the photos we have shot 😂😂😂
@阿米-w8p 4 года назад
@davidlee876 4 года назад
Hi Simon. Been watching the flooding in China,hope your family and friends are safe and well. It has been raining here in Thailand for 24 hours now, but we do need the water for our rice.
@yulissasultan7760 4 года назад
Yes it's lavender... Love it very beautiful!!
@Dowlphin 4 года назад
Some of the plants looked like other species, only lavender-colored.
@anthonya9568 4 года назад
Another great video,,,had a laugh regarding your husband duties,,,its always nice to hear your honest perspectives on things from that side of the world, and i think it would also be insightful to hear from your wife also,,keep up the good work !
@arwinsmile2 4 года назад
@jpegnow 4 года назад
Oh ! Firsttime i see your beloved half , well in fact just a quick glimpse . Would love to hear her talk as well. So lets hope soon.
@gad6347 4 года назад
Lol, Simon you're a good hubby, photographer, navigator, tourguide 😉 😂📱
@阿山-d1x 4 года назад
這禮拜我帶兒子去清境農場 很清爽涼快~
@jaykay415 4 года назад
YES! Would love to hear what your wife has to say! :) Also, what a lovely place. I saw hydrangeas, but I'm not sure what the other flowers were.
@夏小琳 4 года назад
I had to laugh when you talked about taking photos for your wife. My husband can definitely relate 🤣 I would love to hear some of your wife's stories!
@bethanya99 4 года назад
Hey Simon, I would love to hear your wife's perspective. Especially her views from before she moved to China then how they changed after she lived there for awhile.
@chienpaggie1343 4 года назад
以前用微信幾年,彈出類似言論審查警示後,我就刪除不用了(感覺時刻被監控 滿噁心的) 🤮
@惟禎 4 года назад
@@yezhu3826 至從紅色勢力介入就被審查了 但至少不會莫名被封號🙄
@chienpaggie1343 4 года назад
@@yezhu3826 用2年多了,目前沒遇過留言被警告 😄 但有看過他人過於低俗或攻擊性用詞是會被檢舉的
@juliajenggobeyond7329 4 года назад
我也碰過 只是好奇跟上海親戚問聽說64期間「大概是前年把」張學友的人間道2的一首歌 (歌詞有有關自由⋯)就被禁了 結果我親戚噤聲一個多星期 之後po張中國廣電局公告說媒體上不可談論黨 領導 官員 不要造謠等 我親戚無奈要求我以後就說些風花雪月 健康養生的就好了⋯⋯真的挺嚇人⋯⋯
@juliajenggobeyond7329 4 года назад
Chien Paggie:所有網站都會禁低俗攻擊性的 但政治話題不會被禁
@黃圓頭 4 года назад
永遠記得幫女性拍照不會得到非常滿意的讚賞! 只要不要碰觸政治這一塊,都會讓你為所欲為,讓你覺得很自由,台灣過去亦如此。只要維持初心終有改變的一天! 給老婆有表示意見的機會非常好!畢竟個人會有不同看法才正常,自由發表看法才是取得共識的溝通良方。
@asus2009s 4 года назад
@hahadog2 4 года назад
@BryanZhang- 4 года назад
@asus2009s 4 года назад
@@BryanZhang- 不要忘記任志強現在的情況,他也是紅二代
@BryanZhang- 4 года назад
韭菜撕裂者 人家是写公开信,你这bb几句谁看啊,太看得起自己了吧
@asus2009s 4 года назад
@@BryanZhang- 訂閱數量多少不用考慮進去?不過你是說對了一項我是看不起你,這個你並沒有說錯!
@nathanyee980 4 года назад
Hi Simon. I have to say that I really enjoy your videos as you are very honest and have a great funny personality which is refreshing. After living in Southern China for several years and now back in the US, I can relate to many of your stories. I’m Chinese American married to a Chinese National and boy, my wife is exactly like your wife when it comes to taking pictures whenever we go out, especially of food dishes. Even though I really love and miss China, I think it’s not so good any more for political reasons and maybe you should think about moving to Taiwan permanently. I wish you all the best and stay funny and safe.
@lauteinesamoa 4 года назад
I do not see any Lavender plants around you I guess its name is a reflection of the Lavender color in which I can see all around ( The plant you pointed out is some sort of Salvia but not so sure since you did not show more of its flower and leaves. Nice place there
@cdl0 4 года назад
Could it be _Salvia miltiorrh_ or maybe a hybrid? I also saw mint in the video.
@peiwenwang4678 4 года назад
Lavender Forest got the most tasty Rose flavor icecream ever in the world ! I often visit there just to get one rose icecream corn! and the cheese cake the bake in the shop is superb! I love the merry-go-round in the forest, just so romantic ! you can also use the coin you get from the entrance to ride the merry-go-round. Taichung is a city famous for tons of garden cafes with splendid views and scenery. If you come to Taiwan, you won't want to miss visiting Taichung city.
@kucalin7737 4 года назад
When I saw the title of the video, I thought it should be a "safe" video finally. After watching the video, well, I can only say that this is a real Simon's video. :) And, of course, I would love to hear your wife's views, if she wants to share.
@Xaiando 4 года назад
Simon we'll always support you. Sorry for this
@christo549 4 года назад
Yes I want to hear her. Just found you, interested in your perspective. Taiwan is beautiful!! Freedom for the win!
@meilin1585 4 года назад
Those 'heavy duties' man, I feel for you! :) My partner must be lucky then because as a woman I'm the one driving and finding the places, taking the pictures and hate being in them haha! Love & support - Brussels EU
@davidharraway8131 4 года назад
Hey Simon, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your content and learning about China from the various perspectives of yourself and the other people you have shown us over the past few years. "I almost forgot this was a travel vlog" coming right after your insights about the wisdom of talking politics, speaks volumes about your wisdom and humour on a number of levels.
@jimhoustontx3046 4 года назад
Hello from Houston, Texas U.S.A. You received a nice plug for your channel from serpent_za. This is the first of your videos that I have seen and I found it to be very informative. I found you to be a very thoughtful and resonable man with a concise way of presenting the facts. The Lavender Cottage appears to be a relaxing and beautiful place to spend some time. I immediately noticed the music that was playing because it was so similar to American Bluegrass music. Best wishes to you and I will subscribe and check back in with you from time to time.
@kandiigirl07 4 года назад
Also, can you do more travel vlogs like this one? This one is great. I want to visit the lavender cottage now.
@chienjung0209 4 года назад
@xiaor4585 4 года назад
Sorry to hear about the suspension... 😿 I wonder what it was u said. That lavender place looks nice i think i need to go there so all that lavender can reduce my stress hahaha. 😊😸😹
@sylvainleseur1072 Год назад
This video broke my heart. I wish you a lot of courage...
@kotto7877 4 года назад
Hell, yeah. My wife insists that I take pics all the time and gives me absolute hell over the pics that I take. It's torture.
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"You're not weird", she said. "You're just autistic."