
My Dear Brother, and Family: - DJ Eliza R Snow - 1884's Electronic Remix 

Saints Get Out of Utah
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#latterdaysaint #mormons #mormon
#LDS #mormons #latterdaysaint #music
Eliza made many poems. This one is dedicated to her brother, dear Lorenzo Snow, and how his order is similar to the way in which Adam The Father lived.
In holy writ, the Patriarchs of old,
When full of years, moved by parental love
And by a holy unction from above,
Convened their offspring-God given heritage,
Increased to multitudes through lengthened age,
And by the right the Priesthood’s powers invest,
Their children and their children’s children blessed.
Adam, alias Michael, won his place
As prince and founder of the human race.
By the great Ruler of the earth and heaven
The first commandment unto Adam given
Was “multiply.” And standing at the head
Of all the generations that shall tread
This nether earth-his duties to fulfil
In prompt obedience to the Father’s will,
The new-born earth he labored to adorn,
And unto him were sons and daughters born.
We read that Abel, Adam’s son, was slain
By his aspiring, jealous brother, Cain;
And Cain was cursed; and yet he wears his “mark”-
As seen by David Patten, he was dark,
When, pointing to his face of glossy jet,
Cain said, “You see the curse is on me yet.”
The first of murderers, now he fills his post,
And reigns as king o’er all the murd’rous host.
And time moved on, and Adam’s seed spread forth,
Erecting cities on their Eden earth.
Then human life was long, and not as now,
When man comes forth in haste, and makes his bow
Upon the stage of life, and then is gone,
While death, the porter, drops the curtain down.
Once men built pyramids that now defy
The crumbling elements of earth and sky.
The pyramid of Cheops, which now stands
A bold historic problem for all lands,
Has long the wasting power of time defied,
And stands erect in architectural pride.
Good men had time their skill to gratify,
And wicked ones their impudence to ply,
As they on Shin-ar’s plains in wrath essayed
To climb to heaven without Jehovah’s aid.
Then centuries defined the age of man
Which now is measured by a narrow span.
The course of time, long ebbing downward low,
The Gospel fulness soon will cause to flow;
All ebbing tides must to progression bow-
Upward and onward is the watchword now;
Prophetic record tells us, “as a tree,
In time to come, the life of man shall be.”
The eternal fiat had been sealed on high,
Adam a law had broken-he must die.
Long centuries with him had multiplied,
He fain would bless his offspring ere he died
In Adam-On-die-Ah-man, where he dwelt,
Where at a sacred altar oft he knelt,
On which he oft had offered sacrifice,
But knew not why till from beyond the skies
An angel came and gave the reason why
God thus commanded: ’twas to typify
The sacrifice of God’s beloved Son,
Which was to be in time’s meridian.
Abroad to all the cities on the earth
A royal proclamation issued forth.
Responsive, lo! their numerous offspring come
To mother Eve’s and father Adam’s home.
Clothed with the Priesthood’s power, the Patriarch stood
And blessed the reverent, waiting multitude,
In Adam-On-die-Ah-man, Eden’s mart,
Zion’s metropolis and priestly court.
With retrospective pride we’re wont to praise
Illustrious characters of former days,
While here, the fact can never be ignored,
The ancient order is to us restored;
For here, a father standing at the head,
Treads the same path as did the ancients tread.
While age is tracing furrows on his cheek,
And silver locks increasing years bespeak,
As Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, blessed
Their offspring then, he now has been impressed
To call together all his kindred line,
To instruct and bless by right and power divine;
And Time’s historic pages yet will know,
As Patriarch, our own Lorenzo Snow.
In coming generations yet unborn
Shall mighty men of God his line adorn;
Pure, noble minded men, who shall possess
The sterling worth that lives mankind to bless,
Who, through obedience and sacrifice,
Will to the glories of the Godhead rise.
And holy women, full of faith and love,
Who’ll train their offspring for the courts above;
Mothers of men-mothers in Israel, too,
True to themselves-to sacred covenants true.
This life’s beginning points to where it ends;
The first direction up or downward tends;
Hence, on the mother’s impress much depends.
And may his sons and daughters ever be
Unrivaled samples of integrity,
Clothed with the power true Gospel faith imparts,
To heal the sick and cheer desponding hearts-
His sons be numbered with the valiant ones,
Who fought the fight of faith and won their crowns;
His daughters filled with wisdom, truth and grace,
Do saintly honor to their noble race.
#music #mormon #latterdaysaint #ldsscriptures #electronicmusic #remix #mormons #LDS



28 сен 2024




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