
My first attempts of Aurora in High Elo. (So far I think she is on the weaker side) 

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Probably the clunkiest kit of any new champion I've played in years. Maybe in the next few weeks I'll see someone play her in a way that makes me want to try her again.
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4 сен 2024




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@PekinWoof Месяц назад
Healing does stack I was wrong, I swore it was on PBE but maybe it's always been this way or was changed.
@SwagMonztr Месяц назад
Honestly, you save this gameplay imo. The champion herself is extremely boring to watch in my opinion . Feels like she has an assassin kit, but support damage /chip. She looks like Lilia and akali had a baby But Milio was really the father because two girls can’t have babies.
@DustinHarms Месяц назад
Classy to pin this, thanks for the clarification. Also I think she's actually really fun to watch, but to each their own preferences I suppose
@KuroDHero Месяц назад
i mean the passive lists healing and speed and then explicitly states the speed stacks i would've interpreted it like that too
@LinazHD Месяц назад
She needs a hotfix nerf, wtf u talking about a buff lmao
@ahmaddaniel6500 Месяц назад
Jungle arc next? Get ready to get blamed for literally anything 😂
@Juicyuu Месяц назад
We pray for him 😭🙏
@GetThatTreeFiddy Месяц назад
Hell yes! I an down for this arc.
@gallardof13 Месяц назад
its been done
@willmakesfilms Месяц назад
He did a jungle climb a while ago
@ahmaddaniel6500 Месяц назад
@@willmakesfilms when was this?
@Defnotdiablo Месяц назад
honestly my problems with her kit are that her healing feels so small that it does literally nothing, it heals like one caster minions worth of damage, and her ult expires so fast that it feels useless for anything except the damage until shes at least 11. She definitely feels like a champ that into ranged you just afk farm for 11 and 2 items.
@The_Gull1 Месяц назад
if you go roa first it feels really good
@dinocharlie1 Месяц назад
If she's good in extended duels, her E is kind of anti-synergy with the hop away, she can't chase as good as she could. Unless the move speed from passive is enough? Maybe they can make her E have 2 options like Warwick where if she holds it down she hops but just a press and she doesn't. That would also help them keep the delay if they want cause it has a reason. Or easier fix, speed up the cast time like they did for Renekton W or Kennen R so they definitely are willing to change cast times
@slademmxii8759 Месяц назад
her e has a flat 80% slow attached to it to negate the jump backwards. zigzagoon either forgot that part or didnt realize it since usually hes using it as part of an engage combo and not as a pseudo chase tool
@Joseph_Biten Месяц назад
Her healing is so small that I don't even know why it's in her kit at all
@nfzeta128 Месяц назад
That healing is per stack.
@Defnotdiablo Месяц назад
@@nfzeta128 no its not, it doesnt stack, pekin literally said so in the video
@nfzeta128 Месяц назад
@@Defnotdiablo I never heard him say that but it doesn't matter if he did because it very much DOES stack. Reas the ability, it says for each active spirit you get that healing.
@PekinWoof Месяц назад
@@nfzeta128 Weird I swear on PBE when I tried her it didn't stack. I just tested in practice tool and it does, although it also seems to cap at 4 spirits too. I thought it was infinite
@nfzeta128 Месяц назад
@@PekinWoof wait is that cap 4 spirits total or 4 per champ? I guess they had to cap it because it could get out of hand in a long teamfight. Eventually you just wouldn't die as long as you kept your passive going.
@klynt5392 Месяц назад
My problem with her kit is I feel like she's always supposed to always have slightly higher range on her abilities. Her delays also seem to long, I played a few games of her, and after a few games when people learned her kit, it felt impossible to land anything against decent players, unless they were cc'd before. I wonder if she isn't just better botlane as apc with a supp like Leona / Naut. Absolutely love her ult interactions though, I got her in ARAM once and diving lead to some insane plays, very high skill cap ult imo (if used correctly, not just for the damage)
@derGlasdrache Месяц назад
I agree, I feel like her ability durations are way too short. I'd rather have her R deal lesss damage but last a few seconds longer. Similar buffs to her Q. Or bonus damage after the W hop. And I wonder if AS items would help her since her passive only stacks on champions?
@DustinHarms Месяц назад
So far my opinions: - I like the idea of a very active, annoying, extended fight AP duelist. I actually love the "it sneaks up on you" playstyle just as much as big dam. Also just in general I feel like she actually brings something somewhat fresh unlike some other recent additions that I don't feel add to the game - I think she's very fun to watch and has a pretty decent potential for outplay - The jump-back *does* seem clunky, but I don't know how they could improve it without completely changing the ability - I like how unconventional the jump back is though so I don't exactly want it to change - Actually SUPER love the ult. It's just so weird and I love that it's both an arena and an escape depending on how you use it - Would love to see some Rocketbelt, Seraph's, Luden's, etc. experimentation Brainstorm of ideas to make her a bit better/more fun: - Since she's already set up around her 3-hit passive, I think it'd be a small but nice reward to lower the CD of your W when you successfully land either your 3 hit passive or E. Maybe just like -1s, just enough to kind of intensify those duels - Extend duration of the ult by 0.5-1s or so, but allow other champs with dashes to follow you when they dash into the wall (this could get super whacky but I think it'd be fun) - Add scaling to abilities via movement speed (probably would need to reduce some ap ratios to compensate) - Allow recast of W to return to where you entered the portal Just my thoughts, IDK lol. I have hopes for this one though, that they can massage it into a fun and decent champ overall
@snadyezhda Месяц назад
Pekin you MUST do a challenger climb only autofill
@misterfuckingdarcy Месяц назад
I've been playing only fill in ranked for a while now and it just means you play jungle 70% of games and support for 20% sadly :(
@NinjaIke Месяц назад
Idk if anyones mentioned it yet, but you can buffer her E on Q so the come out at the same time, so you can chunk offa what seems like a single cast. It catches people off guard a lot especially when they're low.
@GrimmReavr Месяц назад
LET'S GO AURORA GAMEPLAY!!!!!! I hope to see more of this I think this is a very cool champ :)
@RagaGearforever5 Месяц назад
Oh, but you do, my dear Mr. Pekin. We had the season finale of top challenge. We are now waiting for the rest of every other lane other than mid.
@elyssacorbaley8133 Месяц назад
Yeeesss! I wanna see him do a support climb! :D
@Alice0_0Liddell Месяц назад
@@elyssacorbaley8133 Support is such a snore role to watch though, probs fun to play high elo, but so very boring to watch haha
@jemsnjulz4442 Месяц назад
@maxoweenie Месяц назад
@@Alice0_0Liddellsupport is super fun to watch idk what you’re talking about lmao. You’re roaming across the map, securing objectives and kills, making sure every lane is fed.
@elyssacorbaley8133 Месяц назад
@@Alice0_0Liddell Support is super fun to watch, even if you don't play it! It's a very unique and active role! If you AREN'T active as a support, you're losing and doing it wrong, lol.
@PetitGarry Месяц назад
Nice vid, malignance into cosmic feels very good for me. But I agree she feels a little clunky.
@tyby3418 Месяц назад
Do you post arena content anywhere or are planning on making any? I know they probably don’t get as many views but I’d be on board for it even if it was on pekinwoof2 to be honest.
@PekinWoof Месяц назад
I'll post some on PekinWoof2 just for you soon
@tyby3418 Месяц назад
@@PekinWoof I guess the better question might be, do you stream arena ever? I never really have time to catch you live but I could always just watch vods
@KisniCovek Месяц назад
--Really enjoyed the top climb and I hope to see more top games from time to time. That said, it's a pleasure to finally see you streaming and posting more mid games again. ^^
@Pitman856 Месяц назад
the healing was changed fromPBE to live btw. It works differently now
@objax Месяц назад
I would love a jungle arc, I feel like I have the most fun watching you master a (relatively) new role, you’ve already destroyed as every mid matchup there could ever be
@_zyrenn Месяц назад
After you press r, u can click backwards immediately to instantly portal towards the enemy, and then have enough time to (ideally) q, w to reposition so ur e hits them AND push u back into ur ult so u portal back to safety.. this is rn my favourite way to secure kills especially under tower
@TheAncardiaCodex Месяц назад
Aurora content! Respect for giving her a shot despite being on the weak side
@1Beastieee Месяц назад
For having zero CC, not even a slow. I feel like her ultimate could last a second more at all levels and still be balanced
@lukewilson1282 Месяц назад
E is an 80% slow
@TheMigthyPotato Месяц назад
ult is a slow when cast and when u hit the wall
@JuskyTheHusky Месяц назад
I see her as an apcarry (nashor, guinsoos, deathcap, death flame (for the executes combing the % damage kit) or cosmic. then atk speed or pen boots and a final Defensive item like zhonyas or banshee. Seems kinda busted.
@sandragopaul8601 Месяц назад
Problem is she has a weak early and is god awful against champs who have higher range them her
@marcosriv5714 Месяц назад
I’ve been personally enjoying phaserush as my main rune. It works extremely well to run down ppl too or to escape if need be. You turn so many fights with phaserush, I personally recommend it
@saiajyn3270 Месяц назад
8:47 I also don't really mind those stole kills, because now it's 450 gold for the team instead of 300, plus, possibly stack of hunter runes.
@qwormuli77 Месяц назад
Exactly. Almost no matter what, a kill with an assist is better than a kill without one. A literal 50% gold reward increase is pretty massive. Also, Dark Seal.
@shuccle6161 Месяц назад
From how her gameplay looks, feels like Nashor's into RoA would be really good. Or vice versa. RoA just gives so much stats. Maybe Rylai's too instead of Cosmic Insight so that you can be tanky and have extended fights. Does her passive keep Rylai's active? Idk if the slow duration trumps the move speed and CDR of Cosmic though.
@Riki0021 Месяц назад
I know you said you didnt like nashors but if her passive seems to be the main source of dmg wouldn't building attack speed be best? kinda like people going onhit attack speed kaisa with ap to proc passive as much as possible or that one patch when people played jg neeko with onhit too ucs of her W passive.
@Dotslashgatsby Месяц назад
Would love some more hwei content! Aurora feels weird, her range feels off to me for mid lane.
@nd4090 Месяц назад
I dont know how useful this combo is on her but if you W behind yourself right after you ult thats enough distance to hop to the other side. Then you dont move after teleporting but go for a quick Q and E and that E recoil will push you enough distance to teleport yet again
@Cristina.Castillos Месяц назад
The first release of a champion should always be weak. Until people figure her out. If you have a champion like Neeko that could build literally anything and be super strong.
@beckhampang191 Месяц назад
Disagree. Remember volibear? He got overbuffed because they didnt know what to buff. Smolder as well. A champ being stronger on release and getting hot fixed nerfed makes it easier to target her strengths and weaknesses
@doommaker4000 Месяц назад
Way to make a champion completely forgotten within 2 months
@sandragopaul8601 Месяц назад
Yea then you get the Nhila problem where they get forgotten in 2 weeks, better to ban them from ranked and make em strong then tone it down as needed
@saiajyn3270 Месяц назад
Support arc!!!
@maartenbondt9600 Месяц назад
Aurora feels great! I play her with phase rush. Makes her incredibly difficult to hit
@qwormuli77 Месяц назад
That pseudo execute damage on the return portion of her Q isn't that dramatic, being only 33% of the second part full damage with the minimum amount being equal to the first portion. This means that in the fairly improbable total minimum damage scenario, where the target gets healed to full between casts, you still do 80% of the damage (4/5 "portions", where two is static from the first half and between 2 and 3 for the second half, depending on the target's health). As it's unlikely the target is full or ~0% health at second cast, the true damage seems to float between 85% and 95% of the tooltip max damage.
@6randy6rhoads6 Месяц назад
With 3 hit passive, would an on-hit build be good?
@Curvydad Месяц назад
Now that you successfully completed mid and top as challenger, you can continue with the Tyler1 Challenge and get challenger on all roles
@tristanridley1601 Месяц назад
Ew. If called that, then never mind.
@Curvydad Месяц назад
@@tristanridley1601 🤣
@Legend420go Месяц назад
I noticed homeguards running out when you leave the inner circle of the fountain. If it takes some time for you to shop I think it’s faster when you stay back, or go back to get the speed buff again.
@xtargegaming6744 Месяц назад
The one benefit of getting challenger on climbs for all roles is that would be good advertisrment!
@xxgoryalienxx9689 Месяц назад
PEKIN!!! i absolutely adore your videos! Is it possible i can see Aurora AD in adc perhaps? I love Aurora, but I am an adc player and I want her to try and work as an ad/attack speed character. I saw a video on aurora adc, but i wanted you to try it out and see if it can be done. Love your videos too! (Also would love to see more off meta character plays, maybe bard jg?)
@vintagemisery3591 Месяц назад
Day 22 of asking Pekinwoof to play Yoshi‘s Island on strea
@grymns Месяц назад
Aurora's kit minus the ult feels like an adc
@zortnet Месяц назад
i dont really think the biggest problem was aurora pekin
@elliegooch2101 Месяц назад
grasp feels really good on her top
@xSchockZz Месяц назад
I loled at "dearest karthus"
@DustinHarms Месяц назад
I'll probably watch you regardless but if you do more Top videos I'd definitely be happy. =) Especially when you're Gwenning or WWing, it's always a treat!
@snowy-g9p Месяц назад
one role im a big fan of that I wish I could see more of is jng and support. Maby try to claim with that.
@bahar5517 Месяц назад
I miss your zoe videoss
@catdad626 Месяц назад
the ult is absolutely bonkers potential, it does feel short at rank 1 and maybe this is for balance purposes but it's such a delay to warp between the edges PS given how she has had a long design cycle, it doesnt surprise me that her kit feels off in this meta of burst mages and overpowered ADCs. fights are VERY fast these days and the meta seems to be faster than ever. not much room for a champ like Aurora when even Teemo the quintessential slow burn champ does way more burst and damage overall than her.
@catfood4142 Месяц назад
my biggest problem as her in mid is majority her waveclear, then yeah very short range. but wave clear is the biggest
@Megan-ii4gf Месяц назад
She's such a bunny :)
@WelfareCenter Месяц назад
Is it possible to try out PTA with Aurora? I wanna see how you'd play her, I'd try it out myself but I'm iron 4 and cannot seem to know how my monitor works
@luddemanxl9033 Месяц назад
I dont get it does aurora have stacks like smolder, Aurelion?
@crispyjuice2110 Месяц назад
14:50 why don't you like Nashors Tooth?
@PekinWoof Месяц назад
Too squishy while not liking auto focused champs. Also from all the other Challengers trying her, none built it so I didn't want to either as well.
@crispyjuice2110 Месяц назад
@@PekinWoof Gotcha, thanks for the reply. You are the best league streamer!
@WYSIWY6 Месяц назад
Really wanna see you do an ADC Unranked to ...... Learn a lot when you speak about what you learn from a lane you normally dont play. Take care..
@zsomborszigeti6797 Месяц назад
I definitely think the lane itself is better for her toplane, but I'd imagine the matchups are probably worse with bruisers and fighters.
@efp5986 Месяц назад
Her MS & E help her top lane
@Karsteski Месяц назад
Good attempt pekin
@overpoweredsoap5906 Месяц назад
Bots are hella thirsty for this vid lmfao Aurora feels weird to play for me, defo feels like a champ thats intended to be picked mostly against melee bruiser comps she can kite around against. Outside of that, dunno how much I like palying her. If I want a kiting mage I already play Karma who focuses more on losing some damage for more consistent team utility, but Aurora still seems like an interesting pick.
@Mejido Месяц назад
I just don’t see why you would ever pick her over something like an ahri or a vex if you need to play an annoying AP champ.
@sandragopaul8601 Месяц назад
She is a extended dueler but also she is meant for top land rather then mid lane
@GatoPachanga Месяц назад
I feel like Aurora will be getting a minirework really quicky
@lucaslong2669 Месяц назад
Finally some mid lane on the main channel
@CZ2_Delta Месяц назад
Time for Challenger Support challenge 😎
@robofluff1449 Месяц назад
Where is the support, jgl, and ADC climbs Pekin?
@SpyroX.I Месяц назад
I've been going Lich bane 2nd and its fun and good
@DjVerox Месяц назад
what about sneaking in a nashors tooth in there? pretty high range, sneaking passive hits in fastly between the cd's?
@DjVerox Месяц назад
aha it was mentioned literally 30 seconds after i commented this lel, im just going to let it be, for algorhitms sake
@MatiasBenavides Месяц назад
Would love to see a climb in every role
@shieldgenerator7 Месяц назад
im here to see bunny lillia
@mercierlucas6 Месяц назад
Hey pekin, you said that you saw a pretty good win rate with a specific build path on her, on what website did you saw that ?
@Milk-yo8bp Месяц назад
Can you try her as an adc one day? Weirdly getting adc vibes but im low elo so what do i know lol
@original5865 Месяц назад
Jungle to challenger would be sick to see
@AmnesiuzTV Месяц назад
What confuses me is why many prefer going rod of ages at all, you are a bit tankier but no real spike and you cant assassinate anyone. Sure vs like a diana or yea, but otherwise 2 high ap items first like luden and then shadowflame is pretty nutty liandrys works too second, but i feel like if you play flanky and wait like 2 seconds before you enter you 2 shot carries. I checked ugg and so many play rod and for the love of it with rod i feel like the most useless person in the game. Am I missing something? Ive always only won games with luden shadowflam or torch into shadow. Please correct me and i checked winrates in high elo people prefer the same builds like i do but im not high elo
@nskcra Месяц назад
that recall on her is so scary coz it looks like hwei W T_T
@ShortsUniverse86 Месяц назад
so diamond 1 is high elo in NA :D ?
@meowiewowee Месяц назад
"Hello, sir, welcome to Riot; may I take your order?" "Yeah, I'd like a 3-hit passive with two dashes, a stealth mechanic and a Camille ult, please" "Anything else?" "Uhh, yeah how about an essence theft and fleet footwork" "That'll be 7800 BE"
@nfzeta128 Месяц назад
Her healing is per stack and she stacks 2-5 times in a fight.
@Xavier_Thine_Rat Месяц назад
Lissandra support era
@NotVinegar Месяц назад
Heard something about anivia tank top?
@zsomborszigeti6797 Месяц назад
I just dont understand at all what her identity is trying to be. Her kit feels like it would want to burst down a priority target, but she has no engage. She is short range and squishy, but has no way if protecting herself from getting cc'd. She feels like Rumble in a sense, but atleast Rumble ult can kinda be used for engage and his ult is always gonna be somewhat useful. I would say that shes probably gonna be very team reliant, becuase she cant really kill the true duelists, but shes never landing an ult on a carry unless her team sets her up. Way too many things out of your control have to go well when playing this champ and thats just never really gonna be the case in soloq.
@Stedman75 Месяц назад
did that diana skin not go through QA? what the heck is that walk cycle bro, shes literally moon walking everywhere it looks rediculous :D
@aldohorn1704 Месяц назад
She feels a lot like Lilia. But... without the healing, and without the cc, and without the damage. And only a bit if the movement. To me she feels like a poke champ without the range, and not enough movement to zoom in and out of fights. So she just becomes a worse Lilia.
@SirCrusher Месяц назад
Haven't watched the entire video yet. What do you think about lichbane on her pekin?
@beliddell7308 Месяц назад
I don't think ive ever seen a video of you losing both games, but I guess that's just reality
@torynothing4719 Месяц назад
Maybe try on hit? You did try adc Ahri so basically the same concept
@LolMojoJojo Месяц назад
idk if it’s just me or not but i hate the bruiser type build roa is good but fleet burst build seems more fun
@humanstew8866 Месяц назад
Anybody know how thresh lantern interacts with her ult?
@beckhampang191 Месяц назад
Aurora cant escape it Enemies get bumped back. Vandiril i think did a video about it
@Zackapo Месяц назад
My only complaint is that her ult is so short
@TheViridiant Месяц назад
Can you showcase a real iron rank, like a super hard stuck iron acc, just curious, gl hf :)
@ratlinggull2223 Месяц назад
It's Dota 2 time Pekin. No escaping.
@devilkiller5399 Месяц назад
Ur a fkn genius bro fav youtuber 100%%%
@UwUAchlys Месяц назад
Think you would ever do some jungle to challenger?
@donavan.anderson.7521 Месяц назад
Aurora spirit visage is very good Trust
@marituo4708 Месяц назад
Pekin, please, do a challanger every role
@teoteo3831 Месяц назад
@PekinWoof Wouldn't an on-hit build be good on her?
@RanPizza Месяц назад
She probably could use a buff, but I hope they dont try to turn her into a burst champ. I really enjoy the extended trade version of her where youre kiting and running around abusing her movement speed.
@SolavaPlays Месяц назад
Could you possibly do an aurora AD build? I know none of her abilities have AD scaling but I’m just thinking about the 3 hit passive + some use of her abilities. Like a Kraken, Cleaver/LDR etc would kinda go crazy especially if they take more damage on missing health? Maybe im just thinking of her how some people play Akali AD too idk
@sandragopaul8601 Месяц назад
Problem is her passive scales with AP as well so it would kill her damage
@KyBooher15 Месяц назад
Hear me out: rageblade aurora
@danielszekeres8003 Месяц назад
Rip plate 11:13
@static3479 Месяц назад
Her kit feel like it doesnt belong like the “feathers” are soo pointless
@wckedlarry1487 Месяц назад
how about a jungle climb?
@Pitman856 Месяц назад
I hate how her auto sounds like a bee skin with honey, it doesn’t fit at all
@Booraad Месяц назад
unranked to challenge Support next
@xamol732 Месяц назад
why use q before e if q does more damage the lower health they are? maybe thats why your minions are living with low hp
@PekinWoof Месяц назад
2nd part of Q is the more dmg part, not the first
@Magee25 Месяц назад
Kinda funny how you say she’s bad but didn’t play that smart with her intended play style. She’s not like the other past new champs where she just stat checks u
@tangahkoncek6841 Месяц назад
Combo 41 of catching pekin early Streak 2
@RadiantRegal Месяц назад
Good job, keep it up!
Timings hated him #standoff #timing #meme
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