
My Journey Into & Out Of Calvinism 

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What attracted me toward accepting Calvinism and what were the reasons it all completely unraveled latter on...
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12 ноя 2020




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@missdebilynn 3 года назад
I was recently delivered out of Calvinism and this was so so so good! Completely accurate with what the Lord kept putting in front of me that made me question & back peddle my Calvinistic beliefs! I can’t wait to share this. Thank you so much Brother! God bless you abundantly! 🙏🏽🕊
@Marshall.2319 3 года назад
I love that you used the word “delivered.” I love all my Calvinist brothers and usually seek to pray for their deliverance from the fires of double-predestination and total depravity lol
@born2win259 3 года назад
@@Marshall.2319 Double predestination? Total Depravity? Who are you talking about? CH Spurgeon, John Piper, John Bunyan, Martyn Lloyd Jones, JC Ryle, Isaac Watts. You really must not know much about Calvinism. There's not a single doubt that these men were used by God during their lifetime. Just Wow.
@apilkey 3 года назад
@@born2win259 Yes God is merciful to still use fallen men that preach a doctrine of demons. Has absolutely nothing to do with them.
@born2win259 3 года назад
@@apilkey God is merciful to use fallen men that preach a doctrine of demons? Yeah not sure what you’re one my friend but that is definitely a false statement.
@apilkey 3 года назад
@@born2win259 I meant God is merciful to bring good out of any circumstance. Philippians 1:15-18 15 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: 16 The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: 17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. 18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.
@stevevos2764 Год назад
David. You’re commentary so well put. Calvinism had me hypnotized and miserable for several years. I began to hate the god of Calvinism. But then learned. This god of Calvinism doesn’t exist. The God of the Bible does exist. He loves all His creatures. And wants all to know Him. Desires no one to perish
@sunshinegirl1967 10 месяцев назад
So well put! This god of Calvinism doesn't exist. The God of the Bible does.
@graftme3168 7 месяцев назад
I think they are bewitched, as the apostle Paul calls it. That means in a trance, or under a spell. When I hear them speak, I think they appear to be in a trance. That is what Satan does. He controls and manipulates. But, Calvinists call that evil spirit "God."
@addisonjames7614 3 года назад
My brother, you just now described my life into and from Calvinism. Amazing testimony, God bless.
@jesseharper7172 3 года назад
I have no problem being Calvinist but I haven’t been chosen to be one yet....gold...😂😂😂
LOL.. If Calvinism is true (and it isn't) I've been predestined not to believe it. If it isn't... there is still hope for those who think it it.
@AVKingJamesBible 3 года назад
I don’t believe in ism’s. I believe in Christ! Period!
@AVKingJamesBible 2 года назад
@@MichaelTheophilus906 I believe in the Biblical truth of The Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
@millerfam128 3 года назад
Thank you David! I'm traveling the same path and needed to hear this.
@glenconverse1327 3 года назад
Finally, I know where you're coming from theologically. I have been so confused as to where you are/were theologically,. Thanks so much for sharing your journey into and out of Reformed theology; however, I think that you could probably expand even more on upcoming vlogs. All of this from a reformed guy who remains in the bond of christian love to you. I thank you!
@ellenchappell1574 3 года назад
I wonder why it is an automatic response from people when I say I am not a Calvinist, to say, “Oh you are Armenian.” Who decided that would be my only choices. I was raised Catholic, but the Lord protected my heart and mind from accepting much bad doctrine. Then I married a back slidden baptist (at 18) and his Grandma (very Calvinist) told me I could never be saved or go to heaven because I was born doomed. Wow, some gospel she believed in.
@Tax_Buster 2 года назад
No, not Armenian but Arminian. An Armenian is a citizen of Armenia, whichbis a country.
Calvinist pigeon hole people so they can apply there prepared/memorized/learned arguments. Their world is divided into Calvinists, Arminians, and Pelagians, that's it. Once they can label you they know which script to use. There is NO Gospel "Good News" in Calvinism. Not for their "elect" who were created 'saved' from the foundation of the world, so they are not really saved from anything. And they are certainly not in need Christ's sacrifice. The hope of Calvin's "elect" is in their 'election to salvation.. (whether or not the were really picked).. more than in Christ. For what they believe today about Christ is only a matter of God's imposition and it might not really be real, in which case it may change tomorrow morning ( and episode of Evanescent Grace). They are not saved because of what they believe, their 'salvation' occurs before they believe anything, but definition... regeneration precedes faith. And there is no Good News for the 'reprobate' who will bust hell wide open without a prayer regardless of what Christ did.
@rauldelarosa2768 Год назад
@@Tax_Buster thank you.. I myself am an arminian.. but I agree with that statement..not all non Calvinist people are Arminians..
@edsnyder2801 Год назад
@@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT It is not Calvin's elect. It is God's elect!
@@edsnyder2801 actually in the context it would be Calvin's elect because biblically there is no instance that establishes anyone was ever elected to be saved. Election is always to service whether group or individual. Those who believe on Jesus under their salvation are sealed in him after they believe by the Holy Spirit and they are elect because of their position in Christ at that time. Calvin's definition of election is unbiblical and unsupported in Scripture. The closest passage is Acts 13:48 but the Assumption has to be made that God was doing the ordaining but that is not stated in the text and the word tosso is simply appointing placing in order and God is not the subject oh any verb in that verse.
@dabiededoo Год назад
man david those last part from 21 minutes i watched that 3 times in a row.. its such a beautiful truth that i need.. as a addicted sinner without much hope left.. it give a little hope with that thankss
@homemademusic7 Год назад
Big thanks for this video and the Greatest Thanks to our Lord Jesus! Thanks for your humitly and honesty. Your background was very very similar to mine. Your encouragment, edification and hope is exactly what I needed to hear. I remember saying a year ago, “I think I’m a calvinist.” Not until yesterday can I say, “I know I’m Not!” (Side Note) I lived in KC for 10 years and only stepped foot in IHOP twice I think, but I also wasn’t born again either. I was an alcoholic struggling to make peace with my guilt instead of making Peace with Jesus. Two years ago my rebellion against Him ceased and sincerely asked Him into my heart. The next morning I woke up and the craving and addiction was gone!…completely Gone!…and has stayed Gone! There’s no greater redemptive power than the Blood Of Jesus!
@sunshinegirl1967 10 месяцев назад
Praise God for your deliverance and testimony!
@dgates1555 3 года назад
Love you bro, while I lean Calvinist, I still have no problem reading Arminian writings such as Tozer. There is lots to learn from others, and I'd say one of the greatest problems with the church is that many cannot accept doctrinal differences between other faithful believers.
@howardmanley3388 3 года назад
Derek Gates I think that’s because were told to be United with the brothern .
@apilkey 3 года назад
It’s not a “doctrinal difference” between the Truth of God’s Word and Calvinism. Calvinism is a false gospel not just a doctrinal difference we can sweep under the rug.
@dgates1555 3 года назад
@@apilkey Okay, you have changed my mind.
@apilkey 3 года назад
@@dgates1555 Reformed theology is NOT the Gospel. Gospel means GOOD NEWS. You can’t preach the gospel to every creature unless the gospel is FOR every creature . Otherwise you’d be preaching a lie or another gospel. A FALSE gospel. *You can preach ABOUT the gospel but you can’t actually preach THE GOSPEL.* You can’t preach GOOD NEWS to those who in their belief system eternally damned to hell before the foundation of the world. That’s NOT good news that TERRIBLE news. That’s the OPPOSITE of the Gospel. Reformed theology is a false gospel.
@apilkey 3 года назад
@@dgates1555 Let them be accursed that preach another gospel. It’s time to start calling a spade a spade. ...According to Galatians 1:6-9 the gospel is about God’s GRACE and not election to salvation apart from Christ. Any gospel that preaches election apart from being IN CHRIST is another gospel. Election in the Father APART FROM CHRIST perverts the gospel: GALATIANS 1:6-9 6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the GRACE OF CHRIST unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. 9 AS WE SAID BEFORE, SO SAY I NOW AGAIN, IF ANY MAN PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL UNTO YOU THAN THAT YE HAVE RECEIVED, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. *Calvinism cannot truly and in all godly sincerity preach GRACE to every man; therefore it is NOT the gospel and must be rejected.* Bible believers on the other hand can unashamedly preach GRACE to EVERYONE knowing with confidence that Christ died for them. The very saving grace that is available to ALL in Titus 2:11: TITUS 2:11 11 FOR THE GRACE OF GOD THAT BRINGETH SALVATION HATH APPEARED TO ALL MEN, *CALVINISM PREACHES ANOTHER GOSPEL* ************************************ What is the Gospel? It’s the GOOD NEWS of Christ’s DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION. *We must ask ourselves do we believe or preach another gospel than that which we’ve received?* ...According to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 this is the Gospel WE HAVE RECEIVED: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 1 Moreover, brethren, I DECLARE UNTO YOU THE GOSPEL WHICH I PREACHED UNTO YOU, WHICH ALSO YE HAVE RECEIVED, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures; 4 And THAT HE WAS BURIED, and THAT HE ROSE AGAIN the third day according to the scriptures: It’s GOOD NEWS. It’s GOD’S GRACE. It’s JESUS CHRIST. It’s FAITH. It’s PEACE. It’s RECONCILIATION. *CALVINISM PREACHES ANOTHER GOSPEL* ************************************ ...According to Galatians 1:23 Paul preached FAITH after he got knocked off his high horse. The very FAITH he once destroyed: GALATIANS 1:23 23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now PREACHETH THE FAITH which once he destroyed. *Calvinism cannot truly and in all godly sincerity preach FAITH to EVERY MAN; therefore it is NOT the gospel and must be rejected.* *CALVINISM PREACHES ANOTHER GOSPEL* ************************************ ... According to Romans 10:8 Paul preached the word of FAITH that with the heart man believes unto righteousness that WHOSOEVER believes will not be ashamed: ROMANS 10:8 8 But what saith it? THE WORD IS NIGH thee, EVEN IN THY MOUTH, AND IN THY HEART: THAT IS THE WORD OF FAITH, WHICH WE PREACH; 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt BELIEVE IN THINE HEART that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the HEART MAN BELIEVETH UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, WHOSOEVER believeth on him shall not be ashamed. *We must ask ourselves does our doctrine hold up to the light of these verses?* *Does our doctrine truly teach the same thing Paul taught that man believes unto righteousness and not the other way around?* *Calvinism cannot truly and in all godly sincerity preach what Paul preached in Romans 10:8 and so therefore must be rejected.* *CALVINISM PREACHES ANOTHER GOSPEL* ************************************ ... Again according to Romans 3:22 Paul preached that the righteousness of God is BY FAITH of Jesus is unto ALL THEM THAT BELIEVE FOR THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE: ROMANS 3:22 22 Even the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD WHICH IS BY FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST UNTO ALL AND UPON ALL THEM THAT BELIEVE: FOR THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE: *We must ask ourselves does our doctrine hold up to the light of these verses?* *Does our doctrine put a difference or is it really to ALL who believe?* *Calvinism puts a difference in that salvation is only for those chosen for no apparent reason before the foundation of the world and so therefore it must be rejected.* *CALVINISM PREACHES ANOTHER GOSPEL*
@paulmoffitt2366 3 года назад
David, thank you so much for sharing your heart and God's word on this subject. Much appreciated. God bless.
@elaineauo Год назад
I’ve seen other videos of yours a while back, but not this one for some reason. @Alana L. recommendation brought me here!! Praise God! What a wonderful testimony. I relate to it sooo much! Blessings my brother. Please keep doing what you’re doing! It matters! More than you know.
@jessegutierrez3136 3 года назад
Thank you David! You’re always sharing your heart
@PixelsofLight 2 года назад
Wonderful testimony and great points about Scripture and Calvinism! Thank you. 👍🏻
@Wukles 11 месяцев назад
Yup Paul Washer had me too. I still prefer listening to him over most Calvinist teachers. I think it’s because he doesn’t dwell on the systematic aspect as much. I had a few friends that led me out of Calvinism and Leighton Flowers was quite helpful as well. I still don’t believe we can lose our salvation but without a Calvinist mindset, I’m no longer afraid of thinking I’m not good enough to have ever been saved. It’s all by his grace which is saturated in agape love. Praise Jesus! One thing I think is important, which took me awhile to adhere, was a bitterness in my heart towards Calvinism and those involved. But I’ve learned to treat them as brothers and sisters in the faith, the same way i do my Armenian friends. Thanks for your testimony, I could relate a lot with it!
@carolynfiore3216 3 года назад
Love your videos. Thank you for your content. I have had similar struggles as yours with various doctrines. My own journey has taken me into Catholicism. So many Protestants seem to get lost in the sea of differing doctrines and the search for authority. I would be very interested in a video addressing how so many people attend church (any denomination) and never question the doctrines of their church; never ask the tough questions. And, by the way, I completely agree with your take on Calvinism. Thanks for your excellent content.
@ModernMystic611 2 года назад
What are some good resources for your view on election? I’m wrestling with passages like Romans 9.
@sigalsmadar4547 2 года назад
The Elect is Israel. Try Doug Hamp, "Calvinists are not elected" I think is the name. (only this older video... he's gone off on a tangent) Andy Woods, soteriology series, the Rapture series, Every Reforming series
@bertrodgers2420 Год назад
Do you have any pastors that follow a Theology similar to yours? As what you explained aligns almost exactly either my own beliefs Thanks
@Eloign 3 года назад
This was fantastic. Amen it does lead to demonization and darkness. No one speaks up about it.
@rodgermilner7800 2 года назад
Which online pastors do you listen to most? I find it difficult to find ones that aren't calvinist these days
@sigalsmadar4547 2 года назад
Try Andy Woods Leighton Flowers Kevin Thompson Mark Biltz Bill Cloud
@athb4hu 3 года назад
Thanks for this video, my background is a little different, but I have come to similar conclusions as these over the years.
@adammeade2300 3 года назад
So, concerning teachers, do you feel like Wesley, Finney, and Ravenhill are solid sources? How about Andrew Murray? I don’t remember him coming across as a Calvinist, and he seemed to believe holiness was an attainable goal. Course, there’s that David Lee Brown guy. Still working on his book when I can find time between school work.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
Hi David, in case Patreon doesn't notify you, I posted again just now. It's about Hearing Love. I started reading the appendix about how to hear the voice of the Lord and stopped because of your warning! This thing that you warned about happened to me way back in those first few years after being born again. I really didn't have a question just a request for specific prayer. Thank you!
@slatham8616 2 года назад
Appreciate your balanced perspective! I was a member of a Reformed Baptist church for 4 years, but have since come out of Calvinism. Before and after that I was involved in the Vineyard Movement for awhile, which I still love. We are in a Charismatic church now that we really love. But I see some watering down of the Word, even denial of inerrancy in some cases, in the Charismatic movement. Appreciate your work!
@davidleebrown3956 2 года назад
Thank you!!
@laurakosch 3 года назад
Hebrews 10 - if we go on sinning willfully - we are then lost. How much sinning? will I know if I have crossed that line? is it possible to even know where I stand? In the past 40 years I have had very much pride, envy, sometimes hatred.... other wilful sins. Can I ever know where I stand?
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
Yes you can. See why here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-fiNc7hCvslQ.html
@born2win259 3 года назад
We all sin willfully. But through God's word we have the understanding of what is right and wrong in God's eyes. We should constantly and consistently seek Christ to advance our spiritual growth. Gradually the more time you spend with him the less you will sin. You don't ever become sinless. The Bible says that anyone who says that they have no sin is a liar. The Bible also says we have a mediator to the Father which is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will only become sinless when Christ returns. No need to watch another video to know where you stand. You have the BEST checklist to tell you exactly where you stand and that is the Word of God. Do you have the fruits of the spirit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control? If not, ask God to help you to have these things. Remember he is the potter and we are the clay(Isaiah 64:8). Ask him to Mold you into what he desires for you. Because as our Father he only desires the best for us.
@toddstevens9667 2 года назад
That’s not actually what Hebrews 10 says. It does not say “if we go on sinning willfully - we are then lost.” You might want to re-read 10:26-29. I think it’s referring to the specific sin of rejecting Jesus as the sacrifice for your sin. You see this specifically in 26 and 29. As long as you continue trusting Jesus as the propitiation for your sin and continue in faith, then you are saved. To understand the argument in both chapter 6 and 10, you have to understand that the author is trying to convince Hebrew Christians not to abandon their faith in Jesus. We need to remember the same thing: don’t abandon your faith in Jesus or his sacrifice for our sin.
@samvogel2368 7 месяцев назад
David, how do you explain Romans 7,8,9 and Ephesians 1? This is not a "challenge " im genuinely curious. The more i study Grace and God's Sovereignty and His timeline the more reformed theology makes sense. Do you have another video?
@swu11 7 месяцев назад
lookup living christian video or The Flower falls by Patti.
@CaseyFleetMedia 3 года назад
You are so right in all this man. I don’t know if you ever watch Ron Carpenter Jr… But he is the man… Very Biblical and Kingdom minded.
@joep6023 Год назад
David you are so genuine and sincere in your search for truth. I’ve been leaning more and more Calvinistic over the past 10 years but I do have my waves of doubt, especially after watching this. Who can you recommend as powerful and accessible preachers of the Word?
@kayjohnson4062 Год назад
May I suggest a few preachers of the word that have helped me after leaving a cult that embraced a lot of calvinisms theology. Ralph Yankee Arnold preaches on the new Christians level. Gregg Jackson does 20 minute, to the point messages as he walks his dog everyday. Then I've learned so much from Robert Breaker's white board lessons. Renee Roland, Chuck Missler are also very wonderful teachers of the word. They all love the Lord and His word. Best to you as you seek the Lord. God Bless 🙂☝✝️
@randyomatta4302 3 года назад
Love your honesty brother and can relate in many ways! Though I lean on Calvinism, I enjoy your videos and love you regardless!!!
@apilkey 3 года назад
Lean on Christ not Calvin.
@melissaschubert1653 2 года назад
Yes - Calvinism is very wrong
@robertanthonyross Год назад
I lean Calvinism. But what the scriptural basis outside of experiences for your current position. Thanks
@John-Christchurch-NZ 3 года назад
Well done Great insight Clear thinking Must be of the Holy Spirit
Enjoyed this. Thank you.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
David I have a question for you while reading your book. This is where I always get stuck. You know how people say "oh you can repent until your last breath there's no time limit on that." Well I don't agree. I think scripture makes it plain that there is a time limit on God's grace. Today if you hear His voice, while it is called today... etc. I"m pretty sure the mockers in Noah's day were still breathing when it started to rain and then it was too late for them. Or the Israelites in Jeremiah's day were given one last chance but then judgement fell and it was too late for them. So my question is this, how can I or will I ever know if it's too late for me?
@davidleebrown3956 2 года назад
I understand where you're coming from. And thank you so much for reading the book! To answer, I think your concern is evidence enough that it is not too late for you.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
@@davidleebrown3956 Thank you for your answer. I've heard this so many times before, yet it doesn't seem to enough to propel me towards Him. It only gives me hope in keeping myself concerned. It's exhausting keeping up this concern though. From time to time I don't seem to be concerned at all but as of right now I am. How much concern is enough? I feel like I am enslaved to drumming up enough concern so that I stay out of the danger zone, yet this concern doesn't propel me forward toward Him? I'm stuck. I hope you don't get mad at me or give up like so many others have (most of whom believed either in Calvinism to some degree or eternal security). Where am I still going wrong? This is a long standing problem. I"m not trying to be annoying
@davidleebrown3956 2 года назад
@@sunshinegirl1967 - your not annoying. What’s your Patreon user name. I’ll message you my number and hopefully we can talk this week. It may be like the days of Noah, but it’s not raining yet.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
@@davidleebrown3956 I just now saw this. Thanks. Good point about not raining yet.
@OrlandoVergelJr 3 года назад
Great video David! I myself lean Calvinist in the sense that I don’t believe you can lose your salvation if you truly repent and follow Christ. Many say I am in a gray area and call me a Reformed Pentecostal, lol. I too have the same questions as you have had, and I appreciate your presentation in this video. God bless you and brother.
@born2win259 3 года назад
You are right. God sees the hearts of individuals. If you are genuine there is no reason why you would lose your salvation.
@melissaschubert1653 2 года назад
Soteriology 101 will help immensely! It’s on You tube and is excellent!!
@OrlandoVergelJr 2 года назад
@@melissaschubert1653 thank you!
@dianaprice3660 Год назад
Loved your testimony! Excellent video!
@sunshinegirl1967 11 месяцев назад
I just recommended you to Shane Pruitt's followers on IG so hope some nice thoughtful conversations happen as a result. So glad yt put you in my recommended list a year or two ago. God has given me hope through you.
@davidleebrown3956 11 месяцев назад
Me too, it's been an honor to be apart of the journey.
@HM-vj5ll 2 года назад
May the love of the brethren continue. Keep preaching Christ and let God be God.
@davidleebrown3956 2 года назад
But eternal life is to know God...
@adammeade2300 3 года назад
Great video. I’m in a solid scriptural church now goes really deep into the word and I love it, but there are a lot of Calvinists there, and I think all 3 elders are Calvinists. I can’t exactly articulate my issues with any of the 5 points, but something about that systematic theology just gives me pause. Nonetheless, they’re a great group and I feel like I was led there for a reason. Hope you’re doing well, brother.
@melissaschubert1653 2 года назад
Watch Soteriology 101 - it’s so excellent - I was in a similar church and if you don’t know clearly what they teach, it seeps into the truth and taints it. You may be able to weed through it, but it can damage your kiddos over time❤️❤️
@sunshinegirl1967 Год назад
@@melissaschubert1653 agreed! A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
@juanitadudley4788 2 года назад
Arminianism is not the opposite of. calvinism. Its actually just slightly watered down calvinism.
@sigalsmadar4547 2 года назад
so true
@peterjcastle1 Год назад
I needed to hear this today 🙏🏼
@SaraCaldwell-rf7dr 7 месяцев назад
I grew up in a charismatic church where my parents were ministers and you gave words to what I experienced there. About 2 years ago, Jesus saved me after a friend shared the Calvinist doctrine with me and I learned about total depravity for the first time (not everyone knows about that). I believe some points of Calvinism but struggle with others so you gave me a lot to contemplate in the scripture. Thank you for sharing this.
@sunshinegirl1967 10 месяцев назад
I just visited a new church down the road. I sent an email with questions about their beliefs. Very good sermon, they seem sincere and serious about God and His Word. I feel like I would fit in with this group even though I'm older. But.... they're Calvinist. So I'm in the same situation you were in at first. One visit is not enough to know if this is where God wants me. But I want to keep the dialogue open and be kind.
@rauldelarosa2768 Год назад
I appreciate your statement saying you're anti Calvinist and yet love Calvinist people. I disagree with you on certain matters yet I say to hate Calvinism, and love the Calvinist.. That's my motto.
@Unobserved07 2 года назад
Irresistible grace was what did it for me. God's grace is not forceful. When we put adjectives in front of biblical terms, It changes the definition of that term. Grace is undeserved favor
@618society7 Месяц назад
I’m also very anti-Calvinist, but I love Paul washer’s messages on seeking God and prayer.
@letjesusspeak501 Месяц назад
Psalm 51 doesn’t say we are born in sin… David, singing for mercy after the Bathsheba incident, is recounting that he was CONCEIVED in sin. This would have to do with his parents and the act that “brought him forth in iniquity” - perhaps drawing a parallel to what he did with Bathsheba. There is an interesting thought here (not saying it is authoritative) that this perhaps is a contributing factor to why when Samuel came to call the son of Jesse to be king, David was left in the field; as Jesse didn’t even recognize him as one of his sons.
@michaelcicero 3 года назад
Would you please consider doing some more videos of some of your biblical ideas on t.u.l.i.p.?
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
Definitely plain on it, I did on on perseverance of the saints a while back. It's the one I mentioned in this video. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-fiNc7hCvslQ.html
@Mandbec 20 дней назад
Praise God for your testimony brother!
@dabiededoo Год назад
Romelans 5:18 So then through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to ALL MEN
@matthewhazelwood6520 3 года назад
Interesting that Perseverance of the Saints was the tipping point for you; it’s normally the one both Calvinists and Armenians can agree on. I find that most people trip up on Limited Atonement and can only be a 4-Point Calvinist. I had the reverse story if yours, actually.
@bobbyadkins6983 2 года назад
Armenians believe you can fall away as the Bible clearly teaches.
@toddstevens9667 2 года назад
@@bobbyadkins6983 🧐😳🙄
@PotterSpurn1 Год назад
@@bobbyadkins6983 Fall away from what though? 1. Relationship with God , 2. Belief in God, 3. Church and committed discipleship to serve others and witness? Or all three?
@truthtransistorradio6716 2 месяца назад
I used to lean Calvinist, then for 20 years I was neutral on the subject, believing that both free will and predetermined election are both true. Then I considered that Faith is a gift given to all, but many don't use it. Then looking at Romans 1, I questioned total depravity from birth. Because why would the be given over to a depraved mind, if they were already depraved? The question of infant salvation is often discussed, but I am convinced that we don't inherit the guilt of Adam's sin, but our own sin. Infants haven't sinned yet because they don't know any better! It's sad that many Calvinist pastors teach infant damnatiion unless they are elect! As for P, I do believe someone can lose their salvation, but not because of sin or lack of works, but when someone stops believing. 1 John tells us 'If we say we have no sin, we make Him a liar.' 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.' Our conscience will make us want to stop sinning, because we are a new creature. Paul said, 'It is no long I that fo it, but sin that dwells in me.' The whole spirit vs flesh routine. Our flesh will remain until we are resurrected with new bodies incorruptible! We are to die to the flesh, but those temptations will always be with us in this body!
@jlopez47 2 года назад
You true spiritual experiences came at your own couch during Bible study, amen!!! I have not praised or worshiped God more sweetly, nor with as much gratitude as I do after a private Bible study session. Nothing in this Christian experience is sweeter than hearing the words of our Lord, and having our eyes opened to the living waters hidden in the scriptures after digging and digging and digging in them. That being said, I totally agree with you on the issues with the "U", "L", and "I" in TULIP. God having to unconditionally chose people to be recipients of irresistible grace and work in them the ability to hear and respond to the Gospel in order to be saved is 100% contrary to Romans 1:16. The Calvinist is essentially denying the saving power that God built into the Gospel. I'd argue that a doctrine that teaches that God has to enable us to believe the Gospel of Christ by any means other than the rest of the scriptures is bordering on heresy.
@TruthwillPrevail7938 Год назад
What Love is this Video from Dave Hunt. He authored a Book of the Same Title, but it's deep and not a fast read.
@CaseyFleetMedia 3 года назад
Your experience is so so similar to mine
@18elleinad 3 года назад
I’m not trying to argue I’m just trying to understand the point you were making about Hebrews 10:26-31. How I understand it is a saint that was saved but then turns away from Christ. By being under His salvation and knowing the truth then turning away the judgment will be worse than for the one who never knew Christ. Also I believe we all struggle with sin none of us are perfect but that doesn’t make me feel like a victim. I’m just a believer who reads her Bible and is seeking The Truth.
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
Me too. I think the relationship filter really brings this tension to rest. I explain here in this video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-fiNc7hCvslQ.html
@brotherarn 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing. The first thing that impress me because I'm learning new things. Is the word corporate. In America we've accepted the corporate model of life and we move it away from the family model. When you say you saw a a church and it was a corporate model of Prayer. It's an oxymoron. Really what you saw was a family model of Prayer. The body of Christ as a family we are not a corporation. Words matter as you well know. In my opinion. For I got so much more to say I will share it with you if you like. I love you
@BigLivingNow 3 года назад
Hi. We all have our own walk and opionion. You have shown us yours.
@johnericpamintuan4800 3 года назад
I'm both part of SFC and PPFI which are Charismatic Catholic Communities here in the Philippines promulgated by the CBCP according to Vatican II.
@darrenlee1480 3 года назад
I think it's a bit too soon for you to go out of calvinism before reading calvinism systematic theology book to see how the entire calvinist theology holds together. Would recommend you to read Wayne Grudem's systematic theology book. Even if you are not keen on reading any more Calvinist works, I would still highly recommend you to read non-calvinist systematic theology which I think it's a very important framework to make sure our theology are coherent and consistent and how they correlate with all doctrines. I think knowing systematic theology is essential for all bible teachers.
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
Thanks for the suggestion, I've actually read that already, and the large majority of my library is all Calvanist resources. I've also read more from Calvin's Institutes of Religion than Wesley or Finney combined. the Bible remains my primary resource and the reason why I still reject it even though I read more Reformed books than anything else.
@BibleLovingLutheran 3 года назад
So would you be closer to Wesleyan or Pelagius?
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
Never read Pelagius so I couldn’t tell you. I’ve read John Wesley a lot, and love the guy and his work. Though we would be - as my Nazarene friend says - a hair’s breath away from agreement on original sin.
@guardianDogg 3 года назад
I'm a bit confused by your comments about Calvisium but I can understand your grievances for Calvisium. I kept thinking it shouldn't matter whether you can prove total depravity or perseverance of the saints when it should matter what does Christ call us to do and behave no matter what.
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
I know there are individuals who won’t see the impact of these. I myself used to think it was a useless fight...or even considered (as many do) ‘maybe they’re both true.’ But...When you get in the trenches to see people free of sin and demons consistently and successfully, these become incredibly important doctrines.
@AlanaL3 2 года назад
It’s a Huge deal when you get in the deeper implications of all this.
@guardianDogg 2 года назад
@@AlanaL3 Do your implications lead you to be grateful toward God in providing salvation through his son to you. Do you feel joy in your heart knowing that when you think on the scarfice of Christ that is the motivation for you to fight against conforming to this world. In your dark moments you know the love of Christ has made your heart of stone flesh. A new path is set before you to live. A narrow way to go in this world so that you will know the Way. The Truth and the Life and be free to serve your elder brother seated at the right hand of God the Father and the best part is it was the will of God to save me. I didn't earn it and all I have to do is accept is God is that Good.
@AlanaL3 2 года назад
@@guardianDogg I love the Lord and have been walking with him faithfully for 22 years...the implications of Calvinism make me feel like telling the church to Beware!!! I do not like the incorrect view Calvinism presents of God and I think people need to hear all sides and consider the implications before they move forward in it.
@ephesians_2_8 17 дней назад
i was calvinist too now i am christian.
@adammeade2300 3 года назад
I know MLJ was a Calvinist, but he seemed to have been on the healthier end of the spectrum. Have you seen his interview with Joan Bakewell? What you said about rebellion really echoed an important point he made there. Or, as C.S. Lewis stated it, we are rebels who must lay down our arms. So, when I sin willfully, it’s like I’ve surrendered and am walking toward the enemy lines...then I decide to pick up my rifle and start firing at them again. Not the best way to conduct one’s self in a war... I only hope I can presume on God’s grace to again leave my weapon behind and continue toward Him.
@AlanaL3 2 года назад
No, I’d say I definitely do not believe total depravity the way Calvinists do...they do not believe people have the capacity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ that has the power to save everyone who believes.
@garythomas3150 3 года назад
So, am I correct that you’re saying that you and others can move forward in life, go the rest of your life, and never sin again...ever? I don’t think I’m following.
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
Sure. You don’t have to sin if you don’t want to.
@garythomas3150 3 года назад
@@davidleebrown3956 so, you’re never ever going to sin again for the rest of your life...ever, even if you live another fifty years? There won’t be one sin in there? While you’ve sinned in the past (I know because I’m a fan of the channel), you are presently without sin in your current and future state ? Is my understanding of what you’re saying correct, or am I accidentally twisting something? I’m not challenging, just trying to follow.
@axisfighter 3 года назад
Aren’t even my best deeds as filthy rags? I’d love some scripture on the idea that “you don’t have to sin if you don’t want to”.
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
@@axisfighter - That’s before Christ. After being matured in Him, that no longer has to be the case. I’ve been wanting to do a video on that verse for a while because the filthiness of the rags is the wrong translation and gives us a wrong picture.
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
@@garythomas3150 - Yes, that’s what I’m saying. This video from a year ago may be beneficial: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1dx7H2B_C6g.html
@woodfin77 3 года назад
I’m not Eastern Orthodox but their view on the sinfulness of humanity is called “ancestral sin” as opposed to total depravity.
@vickipray9214 2 года назад
Yes we can be set free … it may be hard but we can be we are promised a new heart
@brotherarn 3 года назад
You are a son of God.
@johnhb4 3 года назад
Forgive, if it's been said already. Leighton Flowers is a great stop for consideration and resources, I'm fond of him - as an A/G pastor.
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
I agree. Love that guy and have had the privilege to speak with him a bit. My hopes is that this video would funnel people to him through the algorithms.
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
@@davidleebrown3956 actually Leighton's videos led me to you and I hope others do too!
@toddstevens9667 2 года назад
I’m not Calvinist, but Leighton Flowers strikes me as extremely shallow in his critiques of Calvinist doctrine. But, by all means, watch some of his videos.
@pinkdiscomosh2766 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing this brother Dave. As someone who’s been Reformed for almost a decade now, I can appreciate your honest journey in all of this. Of course I find a lot of fault in your argumentation here (even some misrepresentation), though I realize that this video isn’t about laying out completed cohesive arguments for your position, so I won’t treat it as such. Along with that, I remember making many of the same arguments when I was an extreme anti-calvinist back in the day and can sympathize with the rational behind them. I also grew up in the charismatic wing of Christendom so I relate to your story quite a bit. Love ya brother. Grace and peace to you in the Lord Jesus Christ.
@jacobsavage1264 3 года назад
David I love your videos, i think you have such a heart to follow the Lord and to bring people to him. I think you have some good points you made about the P in tulip. However I’m curious of what books you have read on the subject? And what exegesis you have seen that has led you to your conclusion? I was in the same position as you and what brought me to a reformed understanding was 2 books/teachers. Not the books/teachers in themselves Offcourse, but what they point out in scripture. If you want a exegetical argument for all the points, please read “The Potters Freedom.” It isn’t going to give you opinions necessarily, it is going to give you DEEP exegesis of the text, going through literary devices, Greek grammar, etc. James white gives such a fantastic defense. If you want bible verses throughout all of scripture pointing to these truths, check out Steven Lawson’s “Foundations of Grace.” He points to verses and connects scripture all through the Bible that point to the TULIP. I mention this because my concern is you want a “lofty argument.” I think there are some good philosophical arguments for both sides, however as the Bible is our authority for all matters of faith and practice, I would say your exegesis should lead you to your conclusion. So if you don’t want a lofty argument, but a biblical defense with solid exegesis, check those out. I think they will convince you! That is my opinion. Ultimately super huge fan, and grateful for your videos! I know God uses us regardless of how we view these truths, but I really believe if you have a reformed understanding (Offcourse I would say it’s a biblical understanding reformed is just an easy device to use) you will see that it isn’t a man made, John Calvin created theology. It is seriously the overwhelming teaching in the Bible. And it may not seem like it, but it takes a lot of weight off of people. Steven Lawsons mentions that the doctrines of grace aren’t easy to swallow, but they are easy to see!Anyway, like your friends at House Of Prayer said, “you be the student and decide.” Blessings to you and your family and ministry brother!
@jacobsavage1264 3 года назад
Also not all Calvinists are cessationists! I’m a reformed baptist and we are continuationists at my church! It varies a lot. I even attend The Masters University and don’t find myself being forced into a belief! Also a Vet, thank you for your service!
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
Thanks!! I’ve spent a lot of time reading and listening to the guys you mentioned. I don’t know if lofty would be what I’m looking for.
@apilkey 3 года назад
@@jacobsavage1264 reformed theology is found nowhere in scripture. Steve Lawson preaches the furthest thing from the truth. If you just read the Bible you do not come away with Calvinism.
@jacobsavage1264 3 года назад
Aaron Pilkey I disagree brother completely! I appreciate your opinion though.
@apilkey 3 года назад
@@jacobsavage1264 You disagree with scripture then. But that’s your free choice that you are willingly making.
@brotherarn 3 года назад
Here is another one that just came to my mind. When Adam and Eve left the garden it says " least they eat from the Tree of Life" so they will be removed from the garden least they eat from the Tree of Life. I would I think it's two separate events Adam and Eve sinning is one event separate from them not having eternal life. They no longer have access to eternal life because they no longer had access to the Tree of Life. I think those are two separate issues. Sin and eternal life are two separate issues in the garden.
@graftme3168 7 месяцев назад
I always wondered what made people fall for Calvinism. Maybe it is like you said. You never even thought to question it. You were bewitched! (In a trance.)
@fasyarchery5851 3 года назад
I can get a moderator. We can even do it over a live video set up
@fishersofmen4727 Год назад
David, Hebrews 10 is talking to people who have rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a whole. The writer mentions right after that warning "Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses" The writer goes on to say how much more sever of punishment will those endure who have done the same to the Son of God, meaning people who set him aside and did not believe the Gospel. Think about it, the writer quotes the promise in Jerimiah saying "And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more" How can one go on sinning if our sins and lawless deeds are not remembered anymore? Its by rejecting the payment for them that is Jesus Christ, setting it aside as nothing. Look, I went through the same things, being led down the same road by the same people, the Gospel of Grace movement was the only group that made a lick of sense, that helped clear up the confusion of the "intellectuals." Why not try listening to preachers like Joseph Prince and like a good Berean see for yourself, what do you have to lose?
@lifelinesoutreach 2 года назад
Who was not chosen in the Bible?
@davidleebrown3956 2 года назад
The man who showed up to the wedding feast without any wedding garments.
@malvokaquila6768 2 года назад
Good for you we should always look for truth. Our God and savior is truth. One step towards truth is another step to God.
@fasyarchery5851 3 года назад
David I think we should have a moderated debate. I am a calvinist
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
I'd be up for more of just a conversation.
@fasyarchery5851 3 года назад
@@davidleebrown3956 we can do that, time and date?
@davidleebrown3956 3 года назад
@@fasyarchery5851 - Thanks, I'd love to chat first, get to meet you, and see what the format and logistics would be. Shoot me a message from the contact tab at satabernacle.org
@vickipray9214 2 года назад
I am currently on this journey and every time I hear Calvinism being spoken or signs and wonders finished the apostles. It grieves my spirit greatly . I feel God is telling me to leave … I feel tormented. The church is great but Its crippling the Holy Spirit
@AlanaL3 2 года назад
Sister...I’m with you..it’s been 2 years now that I left Calvinism but I cannot bring myself to leaving my Calvinist church of 17 years...so lost:(
@patrickmarriott471 3 года назад
Fantastic video! I have a similar journey and conclusions brother. I highly recommend Dr. Michael Heiser's content. Please read Unseen Realm if you haven't. He has a phenomenal podcast called the naked bible podcast that seeks to strip the traditions (all of them) from the text. Bless you!
@CaseyFleetMedia 3 года назад
This my brother
@brotherarn 3 года назад
I agree.
@capturedbyannamarie 8 месяцев назад
I am firmly in the middle of the two. I don’t think that we can truly know for sure how it all works. I can see both sides. I think it causes strife for anyone to argue that either side is completely correct. I think that there are Christian’s in both, and it’s kind of silly for people to fight over it. I grew up Armenian and now love reading Puritan writings. I think it’s ok to not be so one sided
@zakkruse3097 Год назад
Not a rebuttal but Calvinists and Arminians both have examples of being set free from sin while both have examples of those who also struggle. There are good and bad forms of each that are unbiblical. It's about being transformed by the renewing of your mind to Scripture, not "leaving Calvinism" that will set you free. You aren't born again, "innocent as a child again", by being sanctified...you are born again and justified by faith, and given a new heart of flesh immediately. Sanctification is after and happens at different paces and ways. Pretty messy and inconsistent if you're trying to reach Calvinists is all. It's good to have these conversations, but it won't be resolved on this side of eternity bc we don't know. Many, many, much smarter people than us have debated it for 2000 yrs, we aren't going to have the end all say all. Great to think about and study though!
@sunshinegirl1967 2 года назад
David! This is exactly what I thought! That Calvin and Luther were over correcting and trying hard to be anti Catholic - and in so doing they got into the ditch in the opposite side of the road with Calvinism. I knew a coworker who sadly demonstrated how dangerous it is to over correct. She ran off the road temporarily and over corrected steering back onto the road. She hit another car head on and died.
@davidleebrown3956 2 года назад
I'm sorry about your coworker.
9:30 It's so sad that you, like most non-Calvinists Christians had never heard the sermon "what's wrong with Calvinism" They do NOT have really good arguments to support Calvinism. This is how most non-Calvinists become Calvinist.... they are unprepared for the carefully honed arguments of the Calvinist proof texts(all taken out of context). Most non-Calvinists who have become Calvinists were 'convinced' Calvinism is true by someone more clever at using their 'proof texts' than the non-Calvinist was at disputing them. Few Christians have ever heard the sermon on "what's wrong with Calvinism". This is usually because their preacher didn't know how to explain it, was afraid of touching a 'third rail', or didn't think it was even necessary.... (BIG MISTAKE). Consequently, most non-Calvinist Christians are vulnerable and woefully unprepared to articulately provide any defense to the accusation against God that he does NOT love all his creation and/or that he has NOT "Graciously" made provision for ALL of mankind to be reconciled to himself by faith in Christ. Instead, they are easily out-argued by a Calvinist who can argue their 'plucked-proof-texts' by virtue of having already been convinced by some other Calvinist that God has actually created and condemned the vast majority of mankind, (made in his own image), to burn in Hell for doing precisely what he has decreed they would do, while he withholds the ability to do otherwise... for his own glory. Calvinists have been defending the indefensible for hundreds of years. They have it down to a 'cha-cha dance'. They all seem to learn it the same way .... rinse & repeat. Most of their arguments employ misdirection, redefined words, and terms and the invention of dual, non-falsifiable meanings. Honest question; is it more correct to say that egg yolks "ARE" white, Or is it Better to say egg yolks "IS" white? ? Calvinist arguments can go something like this, it's sort of like a fighter setting up a right hook with a left jab and a head fake. Example; Calvinist: "You believe God is sovereign, right?"(their definition of sovereignty excluded)... Victim: "Right!" Calvinist: "You believe man is totally depraved, right?"(their definition of depravity excluded)... Victim: Right! Calvinist: "You know man can't save himself, right?"(begging the question of how salvation occurs)... Victim: Right! Calvinist: "Why did you get saved and your friend didn't?"... Victim: "I believed the Gospel and accepted the gift of salvation, and he didn't." Calvinist: "Oh, so you saved yourself, aren't you special. So, you must think you're better than him. ....I thought we already covered that".. etc. etc. This goes on ad nauseam, and the unsuspecting, unprepared, victim really has no chance. And the next thing you know John "Bob" Calvin's your uncle....... But yokes are still yellow, not white.😊
@laurakosch 3 года назад
Arminian vs Calvinism is a false dichotomy. Both are branches off the same tree and require regeneration prior to faith, and both are focussed on subsequent works; either to keep salvation or prove you had it.
18:56 Granted, pulling the 'string' on perseverance of the saints, as Calvinists define it, can unravel it because all TULIP is interconnected, and stands or falls together... BUT the system is laid on the foundational sinking sand of Augustine's definition of Total Depravity=Total Inability...from birth. Which no scripture in proper context ever establishes.... it is Calvinism's "Missing Link". Without the "T", there is no need for "ULIP".
@laurakosch 3 года назад
yes - well said. Calvinism is definitely an equal and opposite over reaction to the Roman Catholic Church.
@frankcostello2973 Год назад
yes reading and study the bible so that it comforts and convicts
@doctor1alex 3 года назад
Very sad to hear the experience of those mentioned towards the end of the video. I will say, the understanding and counsel they had was not reformed. The reformed view is that in Christ, having been born again by the Holy Spirit, we are free, and we are to realise ourselves as free and live in that freedom to lovingly obey God, per Romans 6.
@aeruizvera 3 года назад
Dear brother, I do understand you and appreciate over all your honesty. But careful, there are a lot of people from the states that have a very strong opinion regarding Paul Washer and his "field work" , I have been in Perú, in his missionary field, knew the people involve and meet even Washer himself , not everything that shines is actual gold....there is a lot of good marketing and self testimonies that involve his work, sorry to say, you can ask former pastor and Heartcry latinamerican representative Martin Zacarias. I was present in a "spontaneous street preaching event" , a lot of high tech cameras and pros involve curiously ....Sorry to say, but it is true. What we should love and treasure over all is Jesus Christ , over all men , and your journey to Christianity, true Christianity, without the tags, systems and stuff like that, sounds biblical to me. Blessings from Chile.....
@MartinDGarcia1 3 года назад
I'm curious now, what do you mean? Is he a fake Christian or does heartcry just exist for money? Do you mind elaborating a little more?
@Salvation-Damnation 2 года назад
Yeah, what the person above said. What happened with heartcry society in Peru?
@bloodboughtbigphilr8266 2 года назад
Calvinism or rather man's freewill/God's predeterminism I regard as one of those secondary doctrinal areas that shouldn't be defining or dividing God's people and there should be gracious agreement to disagree. I am not Reformed in my theological moorings but rather non-denominational, dispensational Free Grace and cautiously continuationist concerning the sign gifts (completely separate issue). On the Calvinist issue summed up in the TULIP acrostic, I would fall in as a moderate Calvinist. Fallen humanity left to themselves would never believe the Gospel and take the free gift of eternal life offered to all everywhere. The Holy Spirit has to draw them and in God's secret counsels which is not our business to intrude into, He had by His foreknowledge to step in and make the choice. All of this does not line up with TULIP teaching but it is what I have come to understand from Scripture. We are to be governed by what the Scriptures say and not by what John Calvin or Jacob Arminius said. I certainly do not hold to reprobation as a decree but a point can be reached where some reprobate themselves through opposition to God and He gives up to the hardness of their own hearts. Again, this is known only to God. I do not accept the L in limited atonement and a free offer of the Gospel in the evangelistic commission cannot be severed from a universal atonement although it is limited in it's effect to those of an age of responsibility who have received Christ by faith alone. Children which would at least cover all pre-adolescents and learning disabled adults who are taken from us without having reached that age of responsibilty are covered by the atonement and go to be with the Lord. If the P in TULIP is taken to mean preservation of the saints, that is perfectly fine as God keeps whom He saves and they are secure in Christ. Perseverance is something completely different and switches the ground of assurance from Christ's Finished Work to subjective evaluations of performance. No wonder many Calvinists are so introspective and struggle with assurance as much as Arminian Christians. Our flesh will always fail and the Enemy of our souls will home in on those failings to spiritually paralyze us and render us ineffective in service and no threat to him and his schemes. If we don't know with certainty that we are saved by taking God at His Word and believing His sure promise, we will be constantly sinning and in unbelief as whatever is not of faith is sin. Saints do not always persevere and they may backslide and do so to the extent that they become castaways who are unfit for any kind of Christian service and may even resist the promptings of the Holy Spirit and Godly chastisement to the point that they are taken out of the way and sleep the sleep unto death. That is not persevering but they are still saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit as God's possession. Full regeneration does not precede faith. Yes, the Holy Spirit draws the sinner to Christ and is 'with' them but the Holy Spirit does not take up residence and is 'in' them until Christ is received as Saviour. Many Calvinists have a tendency to look for subjective signs of conversion and usually if they are feeling uncomfortable (convicted) and showing some interest in getting right with God or rather not wanting to go to Hell and have cleaned up at least some areas of their life or are seeking to. It is folly to pronounce someone as elect on this basis. The only indicator we have of who is elect is what they are pinning their hope of Heaven on- Christ or themselves. This is my take on the matter for what it's worth but I just want to point out that there are variations of what can be considered Calvinist or Arminian takes on soteriology. A lot of Christians do not fall neatly into either systems, some being CALminian which could be applied to myself very easily and others being calMINIAN. Much blessing.
@rauldelarosa2768 Год назад
The issue is that Calvinistic narrative pushed by calvinistic people has made total depravity seem to a monopoly that Calvinism owns.. The Arminian view of total depravity is a more reasonable option as it eliminates total inability as synonymous with total depravity as Calvinists teach go together part and parcel..
8:00 Total Depravity does not equal Total Inability. No scripture in proper context establishes any man is "born unable" to respond positively to the call of God, or being confronted with the Gospel.
@lewisdoyle 3 года назад
Amazing! I hope you do more videos like this. There is a glut of Calvinist theology but not a lot of credible alternate messages. Keep it up!
@sigalsmadar4547 2 года назад
Provisionism Soteriology 101, Leighton Flowers Kevin Thompson Mike Winger Melissa Dougherty to start
@booksmith6061 3 года назад
Thanks for this video, and I hope to see more on this subject. I’m a Calvinist who sees a lot of gray area in Calvinism. It’s a man-made theology, but so is everything else. I was raised in Calvinism, although more of a moderate version than is seen on the internet today. I thoroughly enjoy seeing other viewpoints, with the exception of mixing Christianity with politics. You made a good presentation, and I learned something about IHOP that I didn’t know. I look forward to more videos on this subject. I do not ascribe to the extreme Calvinism as many do, but I do see it’s merit. Any type of Theology can be abused. I hate to use cliches but we ARE all in this together.
@pinkdiscomosh2766 3 года назад
I appreciate your heart behind this, though I am curious what you mean by “man-made” theology. Along with that, do you believe that there is a God-made theology that can be known by men? I truly just seek to understand your point behind that. 🙏🏼
@booksmith6061 3 года назад
@@pinkdiscomosh2766 all theology is man-made, but with the attempt to understand Christianity. Everyone individually grasps the idea of God by reading and studying the Bible. The Holy Ghost also helps many with this understanding. Man can only understand so much. If he knew the entire truth, then he would be placing himself as equal as God. It took me a few decades to still be ok with Christianity and not know many things on the subject. I use theology for this, but certainly not as a replacement for the Bible. I am a believer, and I am ok with the idea of not knowing some things. God is sovereign, and man is not supposed to be. Thanks for the discussion.
@pinkdiscomosh2766 3 года назад
@@booksmith6061 okay thank you for your response. A couple more questions if I may ask. What is theology? Is it necessary, why or why not?
@booksmith6061 3 года назад
@@pinkdiscomosh2766 I would say it’s the study of God using the Bible as the foundation. I think it’s necessary for some; others do not adhere to it. Neither is wrong-it’s just the difference in people and how they learn.
@booksmith6061 3 года назад
@@pinkdiscomosh2766 I don’t think it’s a dealbreaker in Christianity.
@maribeeski 6 месяцев назад
hallelujah ! hallelujah!!!
@aleczamora6993 3 года назад
Brother I love your channel and videos I have benefited a lot from them. But I do believe in Calvinism and the doctrines of Grace, I have found them to be glorious. It has elevated my view of God. It has satisfied all aspects of me mind, heart, and hands. I hope you would give it a second chance. But if you don’t your still a brother and as long as your conscience is held captive by the word of God, you may stand where the word leads you. God bless.
@apilkey 3 года назад
There’s no doctrines of grace in Calvinism. There’s only grace in scripture and in true Biblical Christianity. Calvinism has an extremely low view of God and His Sovereignty. They limit God and stuff Him in a tiny little man made box that tells God it’s impossible for Him to be sovereign and in control unless He determines everything. That’s a low view of God, not a high view.