
My Planetside 2 Hot Takes | What Would I Change? 

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@CAMIKAZE78 Год назад
What are your hottest takes about Planetside 2?
@eltata6911 Год назад
Infiltrators: • Remove cloak for flashes and infiltrators • Give infiltrators 500 shield health and access to carbines • Anti infantry mines shouldn't oneshot Vehicles: • Make Sunderers turn and drive faster, similar to ANT levels • Give harassers rumble seat repairs again Air: • Make ground lockons faster but with lesser range so you can actually fight low flying A2G whilst not making the game miserable for high flying A2A CTF: • Revert all bases to be capped with regular points. Implement CTF as a secondary objective such as disabling a large skyshield / destroying a generator
@uc7953 Год назад
Construction has never belonged in the game and never will belong in the game. Its a complete waste of time and resources to work on. Construction mains are playing a completely different game than the rest of the playerbase.
@Robin-su4fn Год назад
Invisible infantry shouldn't be a thing at all.. keep the sniper rifles drop the cloak. Coming from someone who likes sniper rifles.
@Robin-su4fn Год назад
​@eltata6911 oh yeah, I agree with all these.
@RedheadReff Год назад
The game will vastly improve now that Wrel is gone.
@xicronin38 Год назад
Cami already tryna take over for wrel
@DavidMishchenko Год назад
About time =). It's been too long. And speaking of, it just so happens that Wrel uploaded his first video in 5 years, just now. He is leaving the company, but says he won't stop making games.
@noble_lemon Год назад
I wonder can he make things better?
@strikeforce1500 Год назад
Finally, Boomerang heavy weapon /s
@kiro-fo9qg Год назад
If he did I'd know the game would be in better hands.
@noble_lemon Год назад
@@kiro-fo9qg Wrel at his time when he was youtuber had a good ideas too, his criticism of PS2 sounded reasonable. And he was also actively supported by the audience.
@soldierhobbes1182 Год назад
I also like how the “spicy” hot takes are just things you come to realize after playing long enough.
@geek12098 Год назад
Honestly, it seems to me that all those "hot" takes are actually reasonable takes to anyone that knows the game and played it for long enough :D
@bewawolf19 Год назад
Eh, removing the open nature of planetside is not a good take. The actual gunplay of the game was below par to contemporary games of when it was released, let alone modern competitors and the amount of things that can happen whilst playing is it's main attraction for a lot of people. You would just see the population desert PS2 hard for either squad-esque shooters or COD-esque shooters.
@silverlunacy8718 Год назад
I also think the instant health med pen should be removed. If you are a heavy and you are not using them, you're at a disadvantage because all the others are using them. I don't even look for people who need health because most of the time they have already used a med pen by the time I even get the nano tool out. Medics seem to be only good for reviving.
@daanstrik4293 Год назад
Agreed. Or at least limit how much people can carry to 1 or 2. (This I think would be a better option than outright removing it)
@billymicchicbobymiclocky39 Год назад
As a medic main I support this
@Wendingus Год назад
Aim better so they don't have time to heal, EZ
@TheIlandarLegacy Год назад
Spoken like someone who only runs around in large blobs of friendly pop. Try defending a base by yourself or with a couple of randoms and get back to me.
@Timoruz Год назад
I actually prefer using the restoration kits because they cost less and work really well with resist shield. I would love to see the medkit shuffle become a thing of the past though.
@Shiggy_ Год назад
My hot take would be to give everyone inherit athlete 4 or 5. Reducing the acceleration time and reducing deceleration would go a long way to making the game feel more responsive and more modern.
@lewis5794 Год назад
My hot take: Base numbers should be fewer thereby territories should be larger, but my change would be that certain bases have objectives at "outposts" that must be cleared before control points can be converted. On a MUCH larger scale and similarly to how the amp station functions. E.g. to seige a base like a tehc plant site you need to clear an outpost of buildings, which can also be built up with construction for extra defence, destroy a generator in those buildings which unlocks the shield doors to the control points there. Terrain would have to be altered at a lot of bases but certain areas might need vehicles to clear construction etc.
@FlakAttack0 Год назад
PS1 had towers that acted as natural launching points for attacks on bases. If you bring back those and add objectives that require a combination of vehicles and infantry to address, I think it would go a long way to removing the "no good fights" problem.
@plusaufmasse7134 Год назад
PS2 ist jetzt schon eintönig und langweilig, dein Vorschlag würde das extrem verschlimmern.
@foxmcld584 Год назад
The only thing I would like to go with the 'no ADS while cloaked' is some way to still zoom while cloaked. I've done a lot of damage by being a spotter in situations where pulling the trigger on my sniper rifle would get me countersniped or shelled. Not sure how this would work. Maybe a tactical or utility option of cloak-capable binoculars?
@DurakeMe Год назад
This ^^^
@SilhouetteLifter Год назад
I was thinking this too. and since I think it would feel weird for right-click to simply do nothing if you're cloaked, right clicking could give you like a half-zoom with no crosshair
@donsg6010 Год назад
Maybe make the zoom only 1x when cloaked - continuity-wise, if your scope is cloaked it makes sense that it doesn’t work right?
@boxinthefield Год назад
I'll argue against vehicle/force multiplier timers. I played all the way back when they were a thing. I was trying to get into flying ESFs at the time and it was a struggle. Pull, blow up on a tree or get oneclipped by a skygod, then have to wait 5 minutes before you can even try again. It was frustrating. All practice for flying itself I had to do in VR training but that doesn't always translate well to live play. While I do agree that chainpulling force multipliers is/can be a problem, I feel like a better solution would be to increase the nanite cost and remove cortium pulls(or make cortium-based nanite discounts instead). This way, you still have somewhat of a timer if you keep getting taken out by people making the effort. Sure, members can pull 50% more/faster but that'd be something for the devs to decide/change.
@billymicchicbobymiclocky39 Год назад
Agreed a timer in the current state of vehicle would likely just push people away from playing vehicles. It would be sad to pull a main battle tank just to get ambushed by a harasser and cloaked quad which takes less to pull and timer would likely be shorter for them as well.
@NK-qn6pq Год назад
Yeah, there are way too many cheesy ways to kill tanks for the vehicle spawn timers to return (back when they existed, there were no cloak flashes, AMRs, ambusher jets, etc. And the absolute abortion of an update called CAI hadn't happened yet).
@endy2629 Год назад
The thing is, the same problem still exists with nanites. New player who are learning and die quickly will run out of nanites very fast. However, the more skilled you get, the less you die, and the less you have to worry about nanites. This is only worsened by nanite discounts being available to player who have asp (aka players with more playtime, and generally, more skill). Imo this is backwards to how nanites should limit players. I think they should be a non issue for newer players, and allow repeated repulls, and become more limiting the more skilled you get, similar to how nanites work on infantry, mainly medic. A possible way of doing this could be by making it so that, instead of spending nanites on the vehicle itself, you spend nanites on the ammo. This would mean that new players dying quickly would be able repull, but players who are able to stay alive longer spend more nanites. It would also encourage accuracy, and could allow balancing between guns (make ammo for the non meta weapons much cheaper, so if skilled players want to keep pulling vehicles they can, they just have to use a slightly weaker weapon). I'm not very much of a vehicle player though so I have no idea how this would actually work in practice.
@boxinthefield Год назад
@@endy2629 That's actually a decent idea but I have no clue if they can even implement that.
@deathtree9756 Год назад
My spicy take: make power knifes oneshot again. But also remove vampire implant. In terms of oneshot weapons, the knifes were always the most risky. You have to get into kissing range of your enemies in a game full of guns and then hope you don’t miss with this tiny hitbox. If the enemy sees you the chances to hit are reduced extremely. I think the oneshot from a knife is more fair than from a shotgun, but the vampire implant made ist so that a decently proficient knifers could tank enormous fire when wrecking havoc in the enemy lines, which lead to a lot of frustration. I heard a lot of people say that knife oneshot were to cheesy but personally I could never be mad when a knifer managed to dodge all my bullets or spend the last 20 min sneaking into my teams lines and wait for the right moment to stab me. Getting shotgunned, cqc sniped, or bombarded with hesh rounds or c4 were always way more cheesy for me. (I might be biased, because my only auraxium weapon is the powerknife :p)
@JohnFromAccounting Год назад
Melee is so desynced that if you managed to kill people with them, you deserve the kill. Knives are much less offensive than the close range bolt rifles.
@jjkthebest Год назад
The sandbox nature is the only reason why I play the game. You're right about it causing issues as well, but it's the thing that makes it unique.
@motivepigeon Год назад
Part of me wants to try and start a console side of planetside community but I'm so afraid the devs are just going to drop the game
@pedropimenta896 Год назад
11:54 make it so Outfits can use their resources to add additional defenses, examples are the infantry regen and phalanx turret heatsinks. Imagine if a bases didnt have turrets by default, make it so they are added by players! The same way you add the fore.mentioned addons.
@xzond494 Год назад
Hot take, new players do not earn enough certs/have enough free starter upgrades/missions that give free upgrades. Despite the first 1500 form levels 1-15, and the missions being relatively achievable to newer players, they are still 10 years behind on farming certs. This makes for a huge gateway to vehicle play, as well as playing each classes meta/alternate roles. Light Assaults' need C4, Infiltrator need faster hacking and an SMG, Heavy Beef Cake Giga Chad need medkits, Medic need tool/rez nades, Engi need tool/rep nades. Not to mention all the different roles vehicles offer. All while the new player is wanting a new weapon. Its fine to have goals to achieve for each slot but its also worth noting that there have been many new additions to the game like Boat, Valkyrie, ANT/Construction to name a few, that offer a unique experience and requires significant investment to begin feeling growth. That have not been included in the concept of early game free certs. Progression shouldn't be about pay-to-win, it should be about satisfying and impactful growth in a given section of the game. Offer more cert bonuses upon leveling for more levels past 15 and other milestone, maybe even add in a new tier of ribbon between Gold and Auriaxium that offers 100 certs, at the 560 kills mark. Despite all vets and mid-game players realizing after many hours pay-to-win is not really a thing, PLAY-to-compete is. If you've ever had a new friend join and absolutely struggle to learn to fly (not fight skilled opponents, but simply fly) an ESF or liberator all because they cant turn at a decent rate you know. Or if you've ever received repairs from a new engineer, their tool sucks. And reviving on rank 1 med tool is super slow, and often not even worth trying. (Unless they've patched that, Its been so long). There are plenty of opportunities for newer players to get some quick certs, but come on, a few extra thousand certs to a new player goes a far way into exploring the many different playstyles the game offers. All while letting them decide what to upgrade while they learn. A few poor decisions shouldn't destroy their learning experience. Perhaps after adding a new system that demands a few thousands (or tens of thousands like construction) certs, they should increase the early game reward for new players another 10 levels, or offer a new mission similar to the one they added with this construction update, that lets newer less wealthy cert enjoyers explore that new system.
@unit220 Год назад
It's refreshing to see a major PS2 content creator have actually lucid takes on the game 👍
@JohnFromAccounting Год назад
Remove the ability to respawn at any non-major base if you are not in the hex. This would be tech plants, amp stations, biolabs, 3 point captures, and the centre base. Having a full platoon redeploy across the map is not fun for either side. Make them actually travel there with vehicles. Remove spawn beacons. Revert routers to be able to be placed anywhere, but with the same spawn restrictions that you must be inside the hex. More restrictions on which bases can spawn certain vehicles. Remove the cookie cutter bases and have creative and interesting layouts for the majority of bases. Talking about you, Construction Sites. Remove medkits and resto kits. Make medic healing good for once. There's currently no reason to heal teammates. It's less efficient than waiting for them to die and then reviving them. Remove 0.75 ADS speed. Some guns have it, some guns don't. You can't tell what ADS speed someone is going to have until they're strafing in front of you. This is confusing for new players. Rocket launchers should be a 1-shot on all infantry classes. ESFs should die in 1 shot to all non-lock-on rocket launchers.
@WretchedEgg528 Год назад
I agree with everything above 100%. Except for the last part. You forgot about the fast shooting launchers like T2 Striker or NSX Masamune. They shoot way too fast to be a one shot kill. I'd also want more tactical options for both infantry and vechicle mounted weapons. NS Scorpion like artillery cannon on a heavy tank, a flamethrower for MAX, exploding remote controlled drone for engineers, a bomber module for the Galaxy, anti-infantry ESF weapon option with Liberator's L-24R Spur like gimballed aiming, incendiary grenade option for grenade launchers, incendiary ammunition for some heavy scout rifles, short-medium range taser sidearm with EMP grenade like effect on hit, small arms resistance field active ability for medics, an implant that allows you to not get insta-killed when your transport explodes (instead you get ejected with a "burning" status effect and take 500 damage), an implant for heavies to allow them to live for 1 second after their hp reaches 0 (and then they die). A toxic fumes grenade for medics that creates a small, nearly transparent cloud of toxins for 10 seconds which puts a "poisoned" status on you every second you stand in it (doesn't stack, but refreshes the timer same as with fire), that deals 50 damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds (200 dmg) to hp through the shield and the status can be cleansed with a cleansing grenade (since nobody uses it). Also an implant for complete resistance to toxic fumes and an implant that halves the time you're affected by negative statuses. Since we both agree to remove the medkits, how about we replace them with something that only removes the status effects, gives you "poisoned" protection and gives you a movement speed bonus for 8 seconds? An adrenaline shot, that gives you bonus movement speed and the ability to live after your hp reaches 0 for 1 second, that lasts for 8 seconds (the implant from before combines with an adrenaline shot to give you 2 seconds of life instead of 1). I'd also increase the nanite pool (to 1000) and make vechicles, MAX'es and flyers more expensive, while making nades and mines cheaper. Also, i'd slow down the passive nanite income from 1 to 3 minutes, but add an option to get nanites by capturing territories (200 - 400 per base captured with you present on site) and by killing enemies and enemy vechicles while on foot (10 each). If the ESF or Harraser spammer blows up multiple times, he's gone for quite some time.
@smokey9376 Год назад
What if orbital strikes didn't kill anyone but instead were strictly a giant lingering emp. Huds, vehicle movement and any class abilities.
@mikebond3210 Год назад
It would be cool, I love emp, but I think orbital strikes look pretty and shouldn't be completely removed from the game, but they should be harder to use
@smokey9376 Год назад
@@mikebond3210 keep the visual but put a minute long emp deadzone down. Vehicles don't die but are extremely vulnerable and wouldn't be able to move just shoot. Infantry lose shields and can't use class abilities like aoe heal/shield on medic, overshield on heavy, ivis on infil, jet packs light assault and turrets and deployable on engineer. Instead of wiping out a push or base you would be making them vulnerable instead and still have to act to take the enemy out.
@VeeStripe Год назад
Okay! So! I agree with your first hottest take about the respawn timer, it's a bit disheartening to finally finish off someone in a prowler 1km away, and see them pull another one seconds later. As for the VS being "overpowered". As someone who has a char on each faction, I think the reason why people consider VS powerful is because they have a combo that compliments players who don't know how to "fight" their guns. I'm talking about fire rate + very low recoil. Simply put, VS guns actually shoot where you point and do it very fast, while TR and ESPECIALLY NC guns need some adjustments or controlled bursts when you shoot. As for my hot take: Assists should count as 0.5 kill. There's been a ton of times when I pumped someone full of lead and a stray bullet from someone else finished my target off (and vice versa) and it's disheartening when it happens over and over, makes some missions and auraxing a tedious grind.
@themightymo3491 Год назад
Having been recently farmed for a while by a TR sky knight chain-pulling Mosquitos, I already agreed with the idea about cooldowns on vehicle pulls.
@Tiwey Год назад
thats the reason for nanites. they keep pulling them from their light air station. really annoying
@Kev-A Год назад
Please give us armor players something to do at bases other than kill the enemy Sunderer.
@UBik0013 Год назад
you can shoot the silo, it only takes 80ish shots to kill one.. xD (spent 2 lightnings full of ammo to solo kill a silo.. )
@avaliantsoul5408 Год назад
One of the problems with cloakers not being able to ADS is that it would push most cloakers, except the best snipers, to run SMG Cloaki Boi. So what you're actually going to end up with is fewer snipers (YAY!) but they're always going to seem like they never miss, so any sniper becomes a death sentence (AW!). Oh, and also, you're going to end up with EVEN MORE cloaked SMG shenanigans. Basically, as much as it may seem fair, its more likely to end up causing even more frustration. EDIT: as much as I like to meme about VS being easymode, the only VS specific thing I think might be even close to "overpowered" is the Magrider, due to its insane maneuverability. But I also know that most maggie players don't/can't take advantage of that. I do groan everytime I see a magrider in some otherwise inaccessible location.
@Tiwey Год назад
just magrider things. but their timely demise is to come due to inexplainable physical boundaries
@Balshazar Год назад
I am starting an in-game campaign to convince players to 'q' spot enemies before shooting them, I do this literally always as a sniper. It helps yourself in keeping track of targets and it helps your teammates.
@snipegrzywa Год назад
If you aren't spamming Q you are playing wrong.. I've always said this. It's free XP, it gives you great situational awareness, and it's buggy so you end up tagging things you can't even see.
@matchesburn Год назад
I know it's not exactly pro-gamer strategy, but I also do like throwing Counter-Intel on my Heavy Assault and getting free spots whenever someone so much as even gives me a paper cut.
@addmen96 Год назад
This is something you shoulnt do as in infil or LA. It gives away your position
@kevincuevas8877 Год назад
@@addmen96 Yes, but if you do it from behind your lines on a ridge etc and keep moving, it makes it harder for anyone with counter intel implant to do anything about it. You will help your team a lot more if you reveal your enemies who are about to ambush your team. A captured base with an experienced team is worth more than a several solo kills.
@kevincuevas8877 Год назад
@@addmen96 Other things that help with that, playing NSO faction because it makes it harder to tell voices apart, and doing recon in short bursts from a distance since your character will only say one phrase at a time even if you tag an entire enemy squad in that moment.
@fpsdecimal Год назад
camikaze the next "youtuber" turned lead dev
@xzond494 Год назад
No ADS while cloak would feel really clunky, and honestly not really change that much anyways, I've used the Anti-material rifles a ton recently and being able to 1-shot head shot as an engineer without cloaking abilities still doesn't have that much down side, even when fighting in infantry only battles. So removing ADS from cloak would probably leave infils to cloak less due to the clunky feel and use the cloak as a repositioning tool (which is the real strength of stealth anyways) resulting in a pretty low impact change except for the players who've used cloak for many years and have muscle memory or newer players who can't understand why it feels clunky. Vehicle cooldowns on spawn already exists its just really short. If you've ever spawned a vehicle and lost it immediately you know there's a brief 15ish second cooldown. Also, vehicles die really easily unless the pilot is skilled and has proper repairs or isn't facing uneven odds (1v3 or so on). Adding a long timer would hurt newer players who don't have that experience built up yet. And would give players less time to practice riskier plays. Maybe make the cooldown be relevant to the amount of certs installed on a given vehicle. The more upgraded the longer the cooldown. Lastly, if you were to add a respawn timer similar to Battlefield then the power level should also be increased for those vehicles. If you've ever played against a really good helicopter pilot in a public battlefield lobby you know how hard they are to deal with and how often they will top frag. That's only possible due to the high frequency of flares, durability to small arms fire, and extreme maneuverability. Imagine a MBT with a 5 minute respawn timer after death, all it takes is 2 C4 and a rocklet burst from a suicide Light Assaults and suddenly you're waiting 5 minutes to play. Now give the MBT adaptive armor that has a 10 second cooldown that makes it laser down any projectile shots and disarm C4, while it baseline accelerates x% faster, with the ability to destroy cover, and receive repair x% quicker. Then it becomes more on par with Battlefield vehicles. That's all to not mention the fewer frequency of vehicles present of a Battlefield lobby at one time. One or two MBTs in lobby and that's about it, but they are able to kill 7 to 15 infantry each over and over until they finally get ganged up on.
@skapunker1986 Год назад
Are you the Next "RU-vidr" thats gonna replace Wrel? 1:13 , 1 hour after Wrel announces hes stepping down, Coincidence ?
@jktucb7495 Год назад
And remember! When heavy triple taps you while having shield on - is balanced, he is doing his job as frontliner and you should "git gud noob". But when heavy is getting sniped for standing still or running on straight line - it is fundamental game flaw and must be fixed ASAP!
@anupew3276 Год назад
I am not sure about force multiplyer respawn time. I get what you mean by having cooldown as a reward for those who killed vehicle, but the insta respawn is also a reward - one for surviving in a vehicle long enought that you accumulate points to buy a new one. You can finetune how many nanites you need to spawn another one and how fast they regen (can you spawn 2 sunderers at a time? 2 MBTs? Will MBT drain 90% of max nanites?) Also dont forget that system isnt only about spawning vehicles for yourself, even if you implement cooldown, you can still have other players spawn vehicle you then co-pilot. Infilrators - I understand it seems unfair, but to be honest I think infiltrators have it harder than in most of snipers in other games. Snipers with 1-shot kill mechanics are in most of games, but: 1) bullet drop, many games dont have that at all or give you tools to quickly and accurately set for a range. Second - Planetside is faster and more chaotic than most other games. Both of theese makes it harder to hit with sniper in PS than in other games. Third - kill cam. Other games you can find a nice distant spot and start raining bullets, in PS you have to relocate basically after each kill because your victim know where you are and can go hunt you specifically.
@GeneralPeragorn Год назад
I do find it funny that two of his spiciest hot takes were "The game is balanced quite well actually" re: VS and HAs
@xzond494 Год назад
Hot take, make a "page down" vehicle lock-out for squad/platoon only, that ALSO keeps driver privilege's locked. Or make a lock-out option for individual seats. (I always thought there was one, but I don't know how). If you deploy a stealth sundy, locking it is awesome to prevent blown cover. If you pull a harasser or Lib locking is great for solo play. If you have a crew of 2-3 friends you're stuck with squad/platoon lock only. But guess what, if you all jump out to repair, then get attacked and everyone jumps in, odds are that you the former driver are now gunning. Which is fine. But if your former gunner doesn't realize they are the captain now, more often than not you die.
@OCaptainMercaptan Год назад
I am so glad you think VS are not OP, and you laid out why perfectly.
@xzond494 Год назад
Hot take, solo-fits or solo outfits (or small outfits) need more low level usage, and ways to farm resources. BUT also need less access to larger more expensive and impactful powers. No more solo-fits orbitals. No more solo-fits bastions. No more solo-fits citadel shields. More solo-fits ability to farm for nanite discounts for bases. More solo-fits ability to use anvil drops. More solo-fits ability to get their name on construction bases. Where as larger outfits, zergfits, or organized platoons, get more access to greater high level powers. More usage for steel rain instead of spawn beacons. More Colossus tanks. More Bastions. (although less air-to ground cancer spam, and more base capture impacts, like vehicle spawn lockouts of affected bases, increased enemy nanite costs of affected bases, even could be a flash-bang or concussion round or something) More Construction super-weapons. Like orbitals or flail. (Only made via-outfit resources AND cortium, requiring double investment. Thus incentive to destroy and attack as well as defend) More smaller citadel shields. (But have certain health from all angles of attack not just the vulnerable top). And the list can go on. Be creative.
@totalunconcern Год назад
I think the problem with heavies too stems from the sandbox nature, most leetfits playing just heavy (with 2 medics) and medkit chugging-zigzagging combined with weird connections.
@Draco51 Год назад
my hot take is GIVE CONSOLE AN UPDATE console planetside is effectively dying and has not had a single update since the release of oshur....for those who cant math thats over a year and a half....were something like 30+ updates behind if you count all the small adjustment updates....also we have been stuck playing only oshur for the last 3 days every faction has reached 100% control of the continent atleast once and we still havent had an alert start....we also havent had esamir since shattered warpgate its been completely locked for years
@soku890 Год назад
my hot take is: Console version was a complete waste of resources. Its development indirectly led to the game being in a sorry state for way too long, thus losing all the momentum gained at release.
@cosmokramer9139 Год назад
IMO console should have gotten bundle updates every 6 months when they were updating it, and let PC be the guinea pig. They also should have worked on changing console based on the console community's feedback, and not everything PC players were able to organize.
@BoatSniper49 Год назад
Here's a super spicy take: Outfits need a member cap.
@DaxMarko Год назад
That mild spice for infils unable to ADS while cloaked should be dragon's chili pepper amount of spice. Because you as infiltrator, has to position yourself, aim, calculate bullet drop-off, hold breath, uncloak, squeeze a shot, cloak. And do that every single time you want to shoot. We really don't need to make the class more tedious to play. If you want my hot take, we should disallow infiltrators to cloak if they have a sniper rifle or revolver. Or make cloak easier to see if player has those weapons equipped. Ability to be invisible and instantly kill is textbook overpowered. Take Spy from Team Fortress 2 as example, he has to approach and attack from behind to instantly kill, plus his cloak works a lot slower. That I would say is more balanced and forces player to make smarter engagements, instead of sit in one spot and click people.
@xzond494 Год назад
Hot take, starting a base cap as a solo infiltrator immediately following another cap ruins the lattice system. If you've ever been in a large fight that finishes for a brief moment between spawn waves then went to start the capture again only to find out the base supporting base has been contested due to one or two people that then place spawn beacons, routers, and hack all your terminals for the fight to then be one-sided in favor of the one or two people who started it resulting in a bunch of confused and helpless random players at the first base. You know what I mean. There is something to be said about logistics and organized play, and that needs to be respected. However, when the front of combat really didn't shift (i.e. 96+vs96+ remains on map), but instead was forcibly shifted due to a momentary lapse in contesting that's the issue. I wish that back-capping was more preventable aside from sending your own one or two infiltrators to deal with the others prior to it becoming a huge momentum shift. Maybe, outfits or command chat could have an activatable contesting blocker available to them for an alert for strategic guarantees of combat. (this could even require construction bases Cortium supply!) For example, "X Outfit Declares Assault on The Crown" preventing the adjoining bases from being contested without X number of players on the site." Something along those lines. That way the fight at The Crown stays at the Crown until all the Sunderers, Routers, Spawn Beacons, Valkyries, Galaxies, or so on were dealt with OR the timer runs out.
@chronoatog5650 19 дней назад
Going to go 4 spice. Heavy Assault as a class doesn't work in this game. Any designed role it has outside of being an infantry main class. BUT it's Anti-vehicle powers! Yeah only good vs a tank that gets within 0-40m's of them, after that it's pure luck to kill a tank, or they where playing bad. 5 heavy assaults using a deci on a tank, will kill it SLOWER then 5 stalkers with explosive X-bows from the front. THEY ALSO HAVE THE MEANS to close the distance So it doesn't have an AV role as that's essentially light assault with c4 fariys or stalker Xbows. It's only role is to be better at killing infantry with having more E-hp. Because unlike planetside 1 tanks have infinite repair so you could hit one tank an infinite times with a rocket, but since they have infinite repairs you have done nothing.
@famulanrevengeance3044 5 месяцев назад
17:00 Yes, when looking at the stats, NC and TR weapons looks better, but VS weapons having no recoil and no bullet drop is very important for the average player. They're way more consistent to use and DO NOT deal less damage because they are more accurate = more (head)shots hit = more damage. Only for the best players is the trade off worth it, recoil for damage.
@slipspectrum9253 9 дней назад
Not to mention they have a MBT that can climb terrain the others can’t and is very hard to hit with counter fire seeing rounds can slip under it, combine that with turbo and it’s a tough MF to have to fight. VS are naturally camouflaged too. Without turning your monitor up to washout the game, they can be very hard to spot. It’s not just one thing that make the VS OP, it’s all things combined that make the VS OP!
@vbiscuita3718 Год назад
100% agreed with your maximum spice takes: I'd say the VS have the worst guns and NC have the best choice of guns. High damage low ROF weapons are highly underrated in this game, but in the right hands with a high skilled player, they can pack a big punch
@Tiwey Год назад
noone talks about the magrider and its issues with terrain. i mean it is its biggest upside but its biggest downside aswell. and now since the perhelion is nerfed, you cannot use your strength effectifely
@jeffreym64 Год назад
I agree with all the points in this video to be frank. One point I wanted to highlight is about Force multiplier Respawn timers. Yes, these need to return, the one difference I think I would make though is to increase the time based on how many upgrade slots are filled and what rank they are. You can pull Multipliers sooner if they are stock, otherwise they take longer etc. It would be up to the devs to work out the exacts obviously. If they do return though, outfit orbitals would have to leave at the same time with the devastating effect they have, on Maxes especially. But Outfit orbitals need to get yeeted regardless. I'll add in my own hot takes. Sniper Rifles and Battle Rifles should take significantly higher bullet flinch when ADS'ing. Most Scout rifles feel like ADS-specific SMGs so I dont feel a need to include them necessarily. Carapace should not be compatible with the medic class. UBGL, Rocket Launcher, and Heavy weapon ammo should not resupply from Ammo dropped from Engineers. and ofc, Medkits should be reworked or removed altogether. They devalue the Medic class imho.
@chowjappa6470 Год назад
Sounds like it needs generous scout cloak detection of some sort in-game. As far as cloaked and shooting, holographic scopes wouldn't be affected. But would be beat to see on any gun with an iron sight
@cyberdsrswitch4658 Год назад
my hot take: The game should have some advertisment and campaigns to get new people on the game. some form of recruitment of new players to enlarge player counts would be great.
@aidennaerion4576 Год назад
^^ This We need more players, but we also need to remove OS or they would quit immediately
@horisonkhang9245 Год назад
here mine: everyone has to start as NSO mercenary until they reach BR 10 / 20! before they can choose a faction!! XD they are easy to play but not overpowered for highly skilled player, and there will be tons of them to balance the population!
@grumpycup4762 Год назад
the VS thing is exactly what I've been thinking. "-- VS weapons are easier (slightly lol) to aim and there's no bullet-drop. So it's easy mode." 1: Bullet drop literally doesn't matter on the distances 99% of the fights take place over. It's a moot point. 2: The issue is that once you get past the initial hump of learning a weapon's recoil pattern etc. Then you're all of a sudden on the same playingfield. VS player picks up a Flare. NC player picks up a SAW. Both learn how to aim and play with their chosen weapon. VS player has an easier time and masters his weapons in 1 day. NC player has a tougher time due to recoil and it takes him 2 days to master the weapon. - Great. Now you have 2 players who are equally competent with their weapons, only that the NC guy's weapon does significantly more damage per shot. This is just an upfront thing to look at. Let's not even get into MBT's, snipers, or what Cami touched on; The "overall coverage" of the weapon-type selections. VS has significant gaps in many categories. I started out as TR and swapped to VS to play with my mates a while ago, and the difference was stark.
@minefoxc4015 Год назад
Even Wrel gave up on Planetside lol Jokes aside he posted a video saying how the game burnt him out and is now leaving the studio.
@quixmith Год назад
the construction system that you are explaining is pretty sweet. The idea where you can "adjust" a bases flow with construction parts would be pretty neat, and have each faction with some minor differences can cause some fights to be different at each base. I really like that idea a lot, and that's only because I used to like the way bases felt. Once the construction system was changed, I no longer like it at all. It actually turned me away from construction, but made me more interested in infantry play. Mind you perhaps that's a good change? I'm no longer only playing engineer now, and trying light assault / heavy assault. Besides I think there might be some people who like that change, and actually encouraged some players to try out construction.
@gaothegenet Год назад
Hot Take: You can complain in the same way about every class exactly as you did with infil, they all have strong positive points, but they also have negative points that balance those out, infiltrators being able to aim while cloaked, well it makes sense in on itself, but, as someone that plays this game with 200 ping, is absolutely necessary, I die a lot, like a lot, i don't kill a lot of people on 1 life, because i have to constantly lead my shots even if i'm in the enemies face, so no i don't think it's too broken, beyond needing to be able to aim well to hit close up snipes, there's a lot of factors around it. Construction system: It was better before, I basically just build when i'm not doing quests, as the system is now, with the modules, it is not good my guy, Me alone, with my ping, and my dog shit ass skills, can get inside a base alone as an infiltrator, and destroy it, unless there's a bunch of people constantly in the base, the base stands no chance, they need to re add AI MODULES and pain spires, to stop this from happening. Zerging bases: It's how the game was designed dude, a lot of people in a big map, fighting, if a huge portion of those people, choose to go to the same base, there's nothing they can do, what will they do fam ? but a barrier around a base if X players are inside it ? that would be garbage, think through these problems. You're thinking about these issues as someone that is good at the game, has no lag, no ping, and knows the game very well, you're proposing certain changes without liking them, or taking a huge part in them, HOWEVER, i do agree that with maxes and big vehicles, it would feel more impactful if some changes were made, and that also applies to building, player made bases, coming from someone that builds them a lot, feel impactful for 5% of the time they are up, the other 95% they just sit there, doing nothing, but serving as a vehicle spawn or just as a pretty scenery thing, though we CAN build aggressively, players tend to not make use of what you can build like that, flails are basically to take out other bases since they removed the ability to shoot at bases, ipcs are useless, nukes are the most useful combat capability of a player base, and it's only every so often, a long often, the new command center is huge and fits very badly in the best spots to build, the new modules suck, you have to keep depositing cortium to maintain it, it's not easy and it's often, not that good, they changed it for the worse and they need to adjust it
@kuropotato8097 Год назад
My hot take: You're just trying to take away all what makes planetside 2 what it is. and trying to turn it into a less successful battlefield.
@Fateherald Год назад
Going into this, expecting something along the lines of "Remove maxes, remove X vehicle being annoying and make it impossible from people to not get to the next base via jumppad from the previous one". Mild spice: Ok yea you got me with the bit on expecting vehicle hate. I agree that objectives need more space, the only issue with this is that small pops suffer with having to cover a lot of ground in the off hours. Maybe better segmentation during unstable. Cloakers are annoying, sure, but infils lack meaningful depth beyond emps and recon. A guy who is simply good at holding a sightline so his team can move up separates the bad spooks from the good and in my opinion shouldn't be infringed upon when it comes to skillful gameplay. Cloak overall doesn't have meaningful use except as a combat ability, infiltration is often circumvented by long ass gen timers or anvils when hacking a vehicle terminal, established frontlines are not going to shift just because of one infil that he couldn't do from the front or back of it. For example, the spy from TF2 has a role in which he needs to operate from the back or needs to disrupt enemy movement or support, IE, he's really good at harassing engineers and one stabbing bigger classes and this requires him to be in the back. Infil doesn't have any objectives like that. No engineer to sap, no heavy back to stab, anything done from the back can be done with or without cloak; tldr it needs more than just a nerf, needs a rework in what the class is supposed to be doing. Medium spice: Ehhh, shotguns and snipers already feel like this imo. You either hit and body the guy and it's great or you mess up and die. The power balance is that both weapons oft work at extremes. I feel like the weapons don't need tuning to the point where it's more miserable to use but to have better established counters. Construction already feels like a supplementary system imo, nothing can force a player to attack a base anymore, it's all perceived value of the constructed base. The issue is that they don't really do much of anything except look pretty and give a lightshow every 4 minutes. I'm not for a system that makes attacking a dev made base even harder because at least with player bases you can decon the walls with explosives. But more methods for external bases to support the internal base would be neat. Spawning vehicles is fine and all but what if the various modules that outfits can put on a hex more or less for free, had to be run through a base in the same hex instead? Boom, more player interaction. The current system feels far more tedious than it's worth for builders with no defenses, it honestly feels easier to attack a base than it does to defend one now but that's a benched convo for another time. Sandbox yes, is annoying at times. However if we were to have it something down to like starcraft mechanics where a lot of the power comes from proper deployment of resources and managing the entire army's economy with every single player being it's own commander means that one faction can lose hardest with very little to comeback with if players are unwilling to cooperate. It was very present when tech plants were required to make MBTs and that's very minor considering how many other vehicles players could make. So yes, sandbox is annoying but having heavier commitment to player driven resources means that an entire empire can lose if the players play poorly which considering people have locked progression within a faction does not seem fun at all. Maximum spice: Respawn timers....eh. That feels more like a med or min spice. Some people agree but would prefer the tradeoff of having a more powerful and impactful vehicle, others would feel as if that's pointless because another guy can just pull a tank for you. Overall as a take it's generic tbh. I mean, it could be a thing but it'd probably affect how many people can throw buses at tanks until they realize you need to kill the tanks first. VS have their own thing as does everyone, feels like that entire sections just a baittake. Heavy isn't overpowered, just oppressive. Let's take an example, two players fight 1v1 with exact same weapons, same amount of skill and aim involved; no shit the one with 450 extra HP is going to win because you are taking even trades. The best way to fight a heavy entrenched in a building who knows how to aim is as well, a heavy who is going into the building who knows how to aim. It's the same obnoxious better player counter classing that infils have, where the best way to kill or counter an infil is with another infil the only thing that people like to perceive that's different about that scenario is that you can see the heavy. Is the shield stronger than reviving people? No, not really. Is it stronger than coming out of cloak and doming someone? Probably not. Getting on a roof and picking people off? Maybe(to be fair, jump glitch still exists so you can have the best of both). Repairing a max? Most likely not. But it's one of those things that doesn't really have a gap or clear counter to the playstyle beyond moving slower while active which just makes heavies want to stay in buildings; so it supports the trench warfare stagnation that planetsiders oh so often complain about. It also doesn't help when the best advice that anyone new starting the game is often to just always headshot the other heavy like he isn't going to try and do the same. It's fine to have a class that's tanky and can hold a space, but the heavy's current iteration along with other class mechanics in the game has often been one of it's greatest failings.
@Alpha1598753 Год назад
For my hot take : C4 should be / or be more sensitive to flak airburst or general AOE weapon Invisible kamikaze flashes are the lowest effort I've seen to delete the skill part of a kill vs a tank or Collossus Same for ESF C4 ramming, but as least you have to know how to fly to pull it off in a way no ammount of AA can stop it, still it offer nigh 0 counter play if you're not in open terrain If you're willing to drive/fly with a bomb straped on the front of the vehicle you better have the risk of suffering an instant kill from even small arm fire or explosions in return of a guaranteed a kill
@matchesburn Год назад
"Invisible kamikaze flashes are the lowest effort I've seen to delete the skill part of a kill vs a tank or Collossus" Agreed. They removed the cortium-powered cloak on the ANT because "people were just using it to low-effort kill" and yet... they kept the cloak Flash around despite it being even more annoying and low-effort and cheap. Baffling.
@hurrdurr3615 Год назад
The last point of medium spice about force multipliers is definitely not unfixable or baked into the game. Just getting rid of all discounts, nanite boosts, and cost reduction modules alltogether would already greatly improve things. Also very surprised about the VS being OP hot take. I didnt know anyone thought that VS was OP. Must be a very Emerald-centric take.
@pascall0 Год назад
-Planetside's territories should be much larger, featuring more objectives for different domains of play: Do remember that the vehicles in this game are more powerful than infantry. so if you have points to be capped by 12 tanks they will clean 12 infantry, 12 air will do the same. This sentiment is amazing, and i wish to see the same, with the following question raised front and center: how? -Pocket orbital Strikes are bad for the game. They were added as a anti-max option and now they are abused. yea we saw that coming. Do keep the construction ones though. -infils should not be able to ads while cloaked That, or remove the cloak ability if you equip a sniper. the SMG/shotty cloaker is in a lot more danger, so imo that is fine -One shot kill weapons should be incredibly unforgiving in their nature Tell that to the NC... imo this is common sense: got a gun that can 1-shot kill? well make sure you fucking hit! -the construction systems should have only been supplementary to developer made bases Yea, hi, construction main here. imma shoot you in PS2 for it. "I have had *some* good fights involving the updated construction system" Have you also seen the vehicles plinking away at a base from a distance? You don’t *get* a "good fight" cuz everybody is firing at it from a fucking distance. Making this system change to the one you suggest: "each base would have a set number of modules (predetermined wall modules, turrets or secondary spawn) you can build with cortium" would change the system to be more passive. and the "logistics players" will be doing it less often that construction was happening before the Fortification update! Just half the fucking no-con zones and let me build checkpoints everywhere dammit! -planetside's sandbox nature, is one of its biggest downfalls Touch this, you kill the game (by turning it into FPS shooter #2456 on steam) -Respawn timers should return to all force multipliers on death. Ok, it sounds good on paper. but making the MBTs, libs and gals only able to be pulled from specific places is a timer in and of its own. You would have to add a minutes long timer to it Don’t you compare this to battlefield, ya ****. You forget that these battlefield vehicle mains *hog* the spawns of these limited vehicles and go so far as to *teamkill you if you take their spot* I dont want that in PS2 in the slightest -the vs as a faction...are not overpowered. No, they are the weakest, imo. I'm a TR main and i can’t think of many VS toys that piss me off. I can think of many NC ones tho! "the only thing alert wins prove, is the competency of the players on that faction in playing to the alert meta" On Miller, the VS win not cuz they competent, but cuz they zerg most fights (you know who you are). would not call that competent -heavy assaults are not overpowered they are a bitch to fight, probly cuz its played by very good players (good player + char with more survivability = compound success)
@ToaArcan Год назад
I'm fully with you on the Outfit OS thing. Even when they're being used tactically, they're bullshit. I'm talking about those situations where a base is about to fall and the defenders are about to make a last-ditch effort to rush point. Maybe it's a MAX crash, maybe everyone's tapped out on nanites and they're just going full zerg rush and praying for the best. And then the attackers just dump three consecutive outfit nukes and keep them pinned in the spawn room until the timer runs down. Is this smart use of a tool? Yes. Is it still a terrible thing to have in-game? Yes. It's especially common at bases with open-air points like Indar Comm, and for whatever reason NC seem to do it the most (Probably because NC generally has more solofits, which means more randos with nukes in their back pocket). And it's even worse now that MAXes can't be rezzed. Say what you will about MAX balance, but a means of instantly permakilling multiple MAXes at once by right-clicking a map is not something that should exist. I also hard agree with the whole "No ADS while cloaked" for snipers. The one thing I will say on vehicle respawn timers is that this game has a bunch of weird little niche situations where chainpulling is kinda... necessary. The big one I can think of being Bastion attacks. When you see a swarm of ESFs attacking a Bastion, most of them aren't being flown by dedicated pilots. They're being flown by mostly infantry mains who aren't particularly good at being pilots. Large airballs + Unskilled pilots + chaos = a lot of friendly ram deaths. I don't really like flying in PS2. I only really do it for transportation purposes, and while I like doing that, as soon as combat starts I tend to not enjoy it. So I generally stay out of the skies as much as possible, unless we've got a big fuckin' boat to kill. My Long-Range Fast Travel, Mid-Range Fast Travel, and Boathunter ESF loadouts are basically the only ones I use. And I basically don't chainpull aside from in situations where it's a vehicle-only objective, and being in a vehicle is the only way to realistically engage. Another hard agree for your take on VS' power.
@SoundTracx Год назад
I'm a simple man, I see dots on the map I right click them. Bonus checks forever
@WretchedEgg528 Год назад
Big maps are bad when there's not enough players. It's gonna be the war of the infiltrators. Other than that, spot on. Heavies are poop, they're not op. They need to be either a little tankier or to have special implants. I imagine giving them 2 second delay before death when their hp reaches 0 would be fair if it would take an implant slot and a utility slot (utility being an injector similar to medkit, giving the ability to delay death for 1 second if your hp reaches 0 during its time and the implant being the same, but non-conditional and adding to the time of the injector). Or maybe they should resurrect with full shield and hp every time idk.
@PlaywiththePlays Год назад
my hot take: Infiltrators should be reworked fully, cloaks need to go and something else can come instead. Stalker cloak can stay as it's not as oppressive ability. (Personal radar, usable RC drones which can hack turrets/terminals/shoot emp nades or decoy). They can use SMGs, Carbines and Shotguns only Make sniper a specific different class itself with "recon" or "marksman" name and give it ability to put down spawn becons which can spawn upto 10 players and ability to have thermal vision which highlights infantry across render distance to them allowing them to find targets easily. They can only use sniper rifle and scout rifles. Rework Heavy Assaults to have demeter veil available across all factions. Remove Adrenaline/nanomesh shields and keep Resist Shield only. Let HA have option to have self shield or provide it to everyone around him. I think both classes are toxic and only contribute to self mostly, demeter veil is a really good new ability which players can use to be more useful for their team if they aren't good aimers themselves. Infiltrators are toxic classes as a whole and cloak is horrible (always had been)
@SingularisFox Год назад
About the "Hot take" with the Heavy Assault: Are people really saying this class is overpowered? No way... You know what's overpowered? NC's shotgun infiltrators. With infinite cloak. That's my hot take, actually. I've been playing my "Ugandan Commando" build on NC, which is Stalker cloak with NC's shotgun sidearm, deep Operative and Ammo Printer implants. This way you can infiltrate an enemy base, stay hidden as long as you like, have basically infinite ammo, and being able to 1-2 shot any infantry you see if/when you get close enough, which is not hard with reduced visibility from Deep Operative. Now THAT's overpowered.
@gunfumaster1024 Год назад
Death cam shouldn't exist. It used to be that if they were spotted, they'd get a death cam, and if they weren't they'd show you the general area. Death cam discourages good positioning. LMGs need to handle worse but have better long range fire capabilities. Heavy barrel weapons shouldn't have more recoil than their assault rifle counterparts, and they also shouldn't handle just as well. I know very few people that can whip around a 249 like it weighs 5lbs. It should be far slower for ESFs to transition from VTOL to regular flight and back. Hover fighting is stupid, and this change will also have the balance between AA power and air power will be more stable, since the ESF will have to either hover around slowly and risk taking a rocket, or have limited time on target with boom and zoom attacks. Sure you might lose "uniqueness" but just because it's unique doesn't mean it's good. I might add some more, feel free to disagree with me and change my mind.
@BlackRodger Год назад
You are not wasting your time huh.
@nilaspl8715 Год назад
Hey rodger!
@BlackRodger Год назад
@@nilaspl8715 hey hey...
@xzond494 Год назад
Hot take, spawn beacons, routers and Valkyrie drops are too overpowered when combined. Coordinated attacks with near indestructible spawns often require 60%+ overpop to deal with from uncoordinated defense and in some cases even coordinated defense (In my experience). Player skill should be rewarded, however, having impenetrable defense on a capture point due to nearly un-killable offensive spawns is not player skill, it is abuse of the indestructible capture point buildings and cover. Additionally this strategy renders Medics less fragile as the base attacker despite being extremely crucial to kill as the team attempting to retake their base. Spawn beacons used to restrict it to the squad leader only. Now anyone can. (I don't recall if passing squad leader was a way circumvent the old way or not). However, the addition of routers and Valkyrie essentially means there is little reason to need slow and vulnerable Sunderers. (This only applies to smaller conflicts, which is where Valkyrie are primarily utilized however, the balance is too in favor of the team droping on the site first). Maybe limit the number of routers a faction can have active at one time. (would be hard to not have greifing). Or limit the amount of spawns a router can have, same thing with spawn beacons. Even with say 12 spawns available on a spawn beacon, it would be rotated often enough to never reach that limit, however, by adding a cooldown to a spawn beacon's spawn, that would limit respawns to a trickle. Giving more reason to use Steel Rain, and give re-takers an opportunity to re-gain ground. Since spawn beacons are vulnerable as an individual object (a few bullets or a knife) with a glaring glowing laser. It only makes sense they stay strong right? However, all it takes is a quick placement, and boom everyone dead is flying back down, and someone is placing another one. Making this strategy as a whole not very vulnerable. Of course landing players are not guaranteed to make it safely into the capture building, however, more often than not a medic can revive them 3 or 4 times until they make it back in and are once again holding the point. Valkyrie, suicide crashes to deploy these mobile spawn logistics are very common, and make using galaxies a thing of the past most often. So perhaps Valkyrie should have more incentive to stay airborne. Perhaps giving players who eject from a Valkyrie a temporary over shield AND fall damage immunity, would be enough to give pilots a reason to keep flying for spawns instead of ditching them. There could even be an upgrade that repairs the Valkyrie for each transport assist the pilot earns while there squad kills infantry after being deployed. That would help keep the otherwise flimsy vehicle alive. (I do understand that the Valkyrie can often be very tanky given the right terrain and piloting, but the point would be to incentivize using a vehicular spawn system instead of focusing on infantry deployed spawn beacons or routers, and provide the defending team something to fight towards similar to sunderers, where as the current situation that the capture point is also the attackers spawn point). Any vehicle can serve as a way for an infantry to start this impenetrable spawn. Valkyrie, Stealth flashes, suicide harassers, ESF with fall protection (be that Safe Fall Implant, or the parachute ESF upgrade) are the fastest though. I don't know how to nerf the current meta other than putting a timer on when mobile spawn beacons can be used after ejecting from vehicles or even after being placed. Although that solution would just require x amount of time of for-thought from the placing infantry, and in longer periods would almost be guaranteed to be an infiltrator. If spawn beacons required 2 minutes to "ready" it would make them essentially useless. If it took 30seconds it borders on impractical and useless yet anything less than 10 seconds and it starts to become overpowered, especially in replacing a recently killed one. Many times while playing in harassers if you die while repairing your squamate who survives can replace a beacon, and you can airdrop back into or near the harasser and kill the enemy who killed you and then repair and drive away. While it is fun to use, it sucks to have happen to you.
@LuciarTRPS2 Год назад
The Vanu purple and the NC blue are too close in color. Red/Blue/Green or Red/blue/Yellow are better contrasting colors. NO wonder so many NC team kill. THey cant tell the difference between blue and purple especially at night. Your video is a great example of that.
@kevincuevas8877 Год назад
You can change the color of enemy icons. I switch all the enemy faction colors to red regardless what Faction I play to avoid that confusion and my team is blue just because thats what I know from other games.
@kevincuevas8877 Год назад
Purple also doesnt have the same problem of rampant team killing interestingly enough. Like friendly fire happens but Vanu weapos are so weak, people usually disengage before they kill.
@aidennaerion4576 Год назад
I think NC is well aware who their teammates are
@hadeshades2365 Год назад
A lot of the stuff that has been said about force multipliers could be fixed with logics and would give stuff like the construction system a good impact. Imagine you can’t pull a max from mobile spawns (sunderer) and bases have to be supplied via pipeline, (which can be sabotaged) in order to be able to pull force multipliers. This would automatically spread out fights. If you want to spread infantry, tank and air fights out they need stuff to do and while they do that, they shouldn’t be able to engage the other. All still should be able to partake still if they choose to. The balance should simply be that you make yourself an easy target if you do so. I imagine like the crown on indar to have strong aa and av guns were the infantry is fighting. Out in the open a bit more down hill (out of aa and av range) Are pipelines to sabotage. You can build bases right on top of the spots you need to sabotage. There you will need tanks and aircraft to guard the base and the weak spot. The attackers would need to bring their own logistics up to use force multipliers. Please let’s discuss this idea. Greetings Kendoka2
@defaultv.7959 Год назад
Light Assault and C4. I think they shouldn't come with 2 bricks, a launcher, and the ability of flight at the same time. Light Assault's sheer speed and evasion allows it to out perform any other class (and the Lightning) in fully destroying vehicles when combined with its anti vehicle tools. I'd cut it down to 1 brick (for that class only) or make the C4 share the same slot as the launcher.
@jlbman1887 Год назад
I think the thing with not being able to ads while cloaked is a good idea and for the most part so is everything else in the video
@efraim3364 Год назад
im 100% with you on pocket Orbitals
@missk1697 Год назад
Ultra Spice: Cyrious was right about nerfing headshots. Yeah, it would lower the skill ceiling, but perhaps drag plenty of casual players into the game.
@Luluchan00 Год назад
Do that and every single player who has worked on their aim for the last 10 years will leave. Cyrious is just looking out for the guys in his own outfit who are old and have no mechanical potential or play heavy and bait all their medics and engineers to get a higher kd. No. Planetside 2 is not the only game to reward headshots, so anyone new to the game who has played some fps will quickly find something they can rely on to stay in the game. Lowering the skill ceiling will only serve to help people who have spammed shotguns and scout rifles for the last 10 years without no visible improvement whatsoever. New and young players can be taught and civilized to be head clicking monsters.
@dxhunter9170 Год назад
Cyrious hasn't had a good take since he began making videos, and this is just another example of him being wrong. The gap between a rookie and a skilled player in this game is already low enough (use a 167 weapon, a scout rifle, or a 200dmg weapon and bodyshot, you will win most of your fights).
@Saffimaru Год назад
I’ve only got a few “hot takes” 1) Low zoom scoped do not belong on snipers 2) smgs do not belong on the infi class 3) there was never a point in time where the Betelgeuse was overpowered whatsoever
@pauldrice1996 Год назад
Having a lower skill floor to be effective is what makes the VS OP. All those people that wouldn't be able to reign in a high alpha damage weapon like the gauss saw to actually take advantage of it are still able to show up to a meat grinder and get an extra half a kill off before they get ground can shift the tide significantly. Bottom line is that top percentile skill players can only be so many places at once and can only shift a battle so much. What really affects the battle lines is the cannon fodder, those majority of players who are near average, average, or the roughly half who are below average. The more effective they are able to be the more effective the faction a a whole will be bar none. 20 players in a tunnel who are able to hit one more shot with anything 125 damage or above compared to one or 2 less shots hitting each from 20 players using a 200 damage weapon WIll shift the tide. They also have a lower statistical chance of a non knowledgeable player picking something unwieldy.
@dxhunter9170 Год назад
Imho, Cami is absolutely wrong for saying VS have a lower skill floor. Their weapons dont differ much in skill floor compared to anyone else, but are mostly weaker than their counterparts in tr and especially NC (with 200 dmg weapons being the worst offenders) Id argue that 200 dmg model is probably the most newbie friendly, slap a compensator/grip and you barely have any recoil while not even needing to aim
@joogleplus6244 Год назад
HA, for me, are by far the most annoying class to fight. The moments (frequent enough, I might add) when an HA survives with a tiny bit of health and you know they would've been dead without the shield just grind my gears. Infiltrators are probably more powerful in the grand sceme of things but they don't annoy me nearly as much as HAs. It doesn't help that HAs also have great weapons.
@MrTBSC Год назад
-what i would change about PS2 ? Adjust infantry/Maxx vs vehicle vs air-ballance so that infantry can have a better presence outside of bases and be a part of a vehiclecolumn, also give a reason to open up bases more .. - offer a greater range of reconoptions across the board - rework aircontrols to be more accesible - maybe rework ESF to only have one weapon but specialized to its purpose - adjust XP progress that is about damage dealt instead of kills with infantry .. this is already exists with air and vehicle deterence, why that isn´t part of infantryplay when supresive fire is a common tactic, i don´t understand .. - expand ASP, current options are too mundane
@Adsman100 Год назад
Im actually okay with infiltrators being able to scope while cloaked. Imagine how difficult it would be for an infiltrator coming toe to toe with a heavy assault who got the jump on them...theyd have to line up and take their shot all whilst visible to the HA who boasts an LMG. Bolt action snipers are extremily unforgiving too, so if the infil misses its over for him. The cloak at least gives him a fighting chance if hes skilled enough to utilise it in an evasive way.
@dxhunter9170 Год назад
"Heavy who got a jump on them" That should never happen
@TheZectorian Год назад
The VS appreciate your understanding
@mikebond3210 Год назад
13:07 my solution to that would be not allowing players respawn on territories that has already more than 100 players of your own faction on it.
@xyriliawhitestrake7263 Год назад
I don't think heavies are op either. I'm a medic main in planetside so I've got access to imo the best automatic rifles in the game. When I fight a heavy assault one on one and I've put them below their shields, I know that I technically outshot them as long as they had full over shield. Does that frustrate me? No. Because that is literally the purpose of their class. I can literally bring my friends back from the dead and maintain large fights without using resources. I'd think it'd be hella dumb if the frontliner was just as fragile as me. I think it's really healthy and fun as a medic to have to outshoot heavies through their over shield all the time, it just forces me to be a better gamer. I do think infiltrators though have little to no actual purpose in planetside that couldn't be baked into engineer. This is my hot take: I don't think cloak has any place in planetside 2. It's not a major detriment, but I just don't see what purpose it serves in a combined arms game like planetside. They have so many restrictions already because they'd be so broken if they had access to the things other classes had, like c4 for instance. We could literally move the motion sensor abilities to an engineer or light assault slot and then give snipers to engineers and maybe light assaults (not sure how happy I'd be with light assault snipers but I'd be willing to give it a go over invisible ones.) Infiltrator is fun and all, and I don't want to stop anybody from having their niche of gameplay, I'm just saying if it were me making the game from the beginning, I wouldn't have put infiltrators in in the first place and just given the scouting tools to light assault and engineer both. Also hacking is a gimmick which while it has its place, it's more randomly annoying than it is tactically useful at any given time. Also cqc snipers were a mistake, but again I wouldn't take them out, I just wouldn't have put them in. I don't think infil is op, I just don't think it fits in the game's flavor or ethos.
@porten1277 Год назад
My thought on your takes: 1. Sounds okay... but maybe just as a centre base? I would for sure limit these kind of bases to a handfull per continent 2. PoS need to go. 100% 3. Dont have an opinion on CQC-Bolters, i rarely suffer from them, but others seem to hate em... 4. Pumps are fine. No need to change. 5. Hell no cami, that sounds awfull! 6. / 7. I dont think this is the right aproach. The way to fix this problem is to make anti-vehicle more fun, i have no problem fighting MrX in his 4 chain-pulled ESFs if i am having fun doint it. The problem isnt that MrX has 4 ESFs, the problem is that his ESF is stronger that me and still he can dictate the engagements. 8. I agree with my whole heart, but please nerf the Darkstar. (I play VS) 9. I agree with my whole heart. Heavy may win a 1v1, but Medics win the battle.
@flexx.2122 Год назад
Hot take: Sniper rifles should never have been the default for infils, at all. Not semi-auto; not bolt-action. Instead, SMG should be the default weapon class. My reasoning is the following: Every other class does what it says on the tim - HAs are durable shock trooper units; LAs are an agile flanker class; medics... heal; engies do repair and vehicles 'n stuff; MAXes are big. Logically, the Infiltrator should be a slippery ambusher class, getting behind enemy lines, providing intel, and harrassing the enemy. But a sniper Infil is usually just a long-range recon and fire support class. It just isn't right. Also, regarding your suggestion to nerf cloak: It might even be worth considering just outright making Cloak and Sniper rifles mutually exclusive. The problem is clearly the combination of Cloak and Sniper (bolt-action in particular), so they should be separated. Another point: Disabling ADS on snipers might have some adverse effects on SMG and Stalker infils, especially the latter. Missing a critical pistol shot is much more unforgiving than missing a sniper shot, because a sniper can simply disengage, which a Stalker can't necesarily, by virtue of being much closer to the enemy. A possible amendment to the "disable ADS" solution: Disable it on all but Stalker cloak.
@missk1697 Год назад
10:40 As a construction player I agree with you 200%. It would be lovely being to upgrade dev-made bases rather than having to build everything from scratch. Would surely add an actual sense of logistics to the game too.
@UltraFlea Год назад
All great ideas which i mostly agree with save 1. The no aiming for cloaked snipers. Me personally i consider SMG cloakers worse than any kind of Sniper and Cloaker is my secondary class. With CQB bolt action like a Tsar etc your instantly dead if you miss a shot despite being slightly visible already since your in range. As an LA my primary cloakers with SMGs are the mini HAs and have much more lethality on the battlefield and that's me getting fed up trying lvl my SMGs as LA and switch cloaker to easy Auraxium them.
@Dewderonomy Год назад
My take: Nano-Armor Cloak should be removed completely. A rogue-class shouldn't have a tank buff/ability in any game, particularly one that can be mixed with cloaking/flanking benefits.
@georgepal9154 Год назад
So here's a wall of text of me agreeing with you a lot. You keep saying "Enemy outfit leader" and "orbital strike," but it's usually someone on my own faction OSing our guys, haha. Snipers being unable to aim while cloaked actually sounds pretty fair. Snipers have too many odds stacked in their favor. But it would destroy the viability of non-sniping infils, they literally have nothing to their advantage except the ambush. Though I guess hip-firing is still an option. Your desire for a different construction system makes sense. But I don't think it's gonna happen simply because it requires rebuilding elements of the game from the ground up. Remarkably, it is easier to build something new and make it work than it is to tear up something old, add features, and then put it back together and make it work. The current construction system that only requires you to adjust elevation and stay a certain radius away from other bases and silos is simpler because its 'modules' are self-contained and the build area is simply 'everywhere except here.' In your version, the build area is restricted to multiple individual entities hardcoded into the map. Maybe there is a developmental middle ground that could be achieved if someone finds a clever solution, but it's probably not going to happen. I think what's more likely to happen is that we might see smaller-scale additions to the existing construction system that could be placed at bases. Smaller walls, small manned guns, portable modules for infantry terminals, etc. If they do something at all, that's probably what they'll do at this point. It's just much easier to build from a developers POV. I agree with the double-edged sword nature of PS2's sandbox, but I disagree that it is one single issue. I think that's an illusion created by viewing it through the lens of 'the sandbox'. I believe it's really just a lot of individual issues that come from choosing not to regulate most aspects of the game when, in reality, some aspects need regulation to create a more enjoyable tug of war experience. I think you can agree that in some of the good construction fights, this experience arises organically. I would call that a happy coincidence, but it's also a chance to research what works and what doesn't to create the combined arms gameplay loop that actually works. Here's what I've noticed: 1. Multiple spawn points apart from one another that cannot all be simultaneously camped or spawned. A single player can make 4 from construction, plus a sunderer, plus a spawn beacon if he is a squad or platoon leader. That's a potential 6 spawn locations at one base, with 2 being mobile and a third having a 1km radius it can be placed around the base (The Router). That's already a recipe for a long and interesting fight. 2. Spaces for layers of combat. This one, everybody knows. You need spaces for air vs air, ground vs ground, and infantry vs infantry. But you also need really good boundary layers. So like towers with some shielded protection for A2G engagements, walls and gates with some level of fortification for IvG, sporadic cover for AvG to weave between. What's important here is that the cover works for both parties. Infantry can use their cover for protection, but ground and air can also use it to avoid being in sightlines. I think one factor that is consistently forgotten is possible ranges of engagement, especially when dealing with tanks. Tank weapons have no damage fall-off. Shells travel very far, very fast and very straight. I feel that this is a constant oversight. At some point, there needs to be something limiting effectiveness. The ability to fight at range with no threat to yourself and loss of combat effectiveness is what makes tanks so hard to balance. I believe construction accidentally deals with this because when you have 3-4 separate layers of walls from multiple bases, tanks have no choice but to delete one layer of wall to shoot behind it. But I think it's unrealistic to try to fix this with simply adding more and more obstacles. At some point, vehicles need to be punished for fighting at extended ranges just like infantry and air do. 3. Actual resource limitations dictating the battle flow. All fights depend on cortium, and you may initially have a large stockpile. But over the course of assaulting a base, the reserves deplete. If the ANTs cant bring in more in time, the base loses most of its functionality and capacity to produce force multipliers. So the length of a fight also becomes something managed organicly. No resetting timers, no infinite resource pool, no stalemates. By design, one or both sides will lose combat effectiveness as fights drag on. The only case this doesn't happen is if neither side makes any plays for the enemy- which isn't likely, as attempting to steamroll an enemy construction base seems to be instinctual for the vast majority of players. Nothing revolutionary here. Rather, I'd say these things are so obvious, they get overlooked. And when they are actually part of the gameplay loop, they feel so natural that you don't notice. You forget that they aren't baked into the game and are just a happy coincidence of the random player-generated fights falling into place. Respawn timers on vehicles: Yep. Do it. I would say make the penalty harsher on MBT's, but go easier on Lightnings and Harassers. Maybe 1-2 mins on our paper tanks and armed buggies, and 2-4 on the MBTs? The silver lining to this to make the loss less punishing is to reduce Nanite costs a little bit. The vehicle pulls get separated into 2 or 4 minute waves, but the cost is reduced so you can get more waves out, or you have enough nanites sitting around to pull something different, or grab c4 and counter vehicles on foot. Basically, you still get resource-enabled gameplay options, just not your tank. But don't punish Sunderers and ANTs, we need those to provide spawns and build bases. Yes, they can be used for combat, but not to the same extent as tanks and harassers. Obviously, there's no need to punish the Flash. Infantry weapons: Yep. NC da best. Alpha damage is the highest indicator of weapon effectiveness. TR are a close second simply because every individual bullet causes a level of flinch, and not everyone is rocking battle hardened or heavyweight at all times. But most of the time, I'm using an NSX weapon because I enjoy how reliable and easy to use they are. Very forgiving on my gaps between playing the game or using a specific weapon. Honestly, the only thing I hate about the VS is they are hard to see at night. And they are, there is no denying they have a generally darker color scheme. But I'm sure all the factions have their own cosmetic advantages/disadvantages. On heavy assaults: Agreed, and here's a simple counter-argument. Infiltrators get WAY MORE INFANTRY KILLS and they have less HP and less frontline weapons. Infiltrators also tend to have higher K/D and KPM. But Infiltrators can't hold a point. Infiltrators can't fight vehicles head-on or do fuck all as anti-air. Heavies are an all-rounder class that serve to push or hold back every possible enemy by some measure, but they fail to be the best at anything except survivability. (I wrote this segment before you got to the end of your explanation and you agreed with me on infils, so I guess nothing more need be said.) So nothing about this spicey, it was all very moderate and reasonable. Overpromised, undersold, 0/10, time to go out and buy a jar of ghost chili peppers. Here's my hot take: Wrel was a good Lead Designer doing the best he could with the resources he had available, and the foundations he added to PS2 can and will be built upon further to save the game from its current decaying state. His departure will be the final gift he's given us, because now the reddit cesspool finally has no face to pin the blame on, which will create a much more positive work environment for the people who actually make this game and don't just lurk forums making negative comments about it. Small note here: No criticisms toward the community members who do the hard labor of gathering data for analytics and catching bugs, you guys are effectively PS2's unpaid interns and deserve a lot of love for the work you put in.
@Balshazar Год назад
What kind of continent would players like to see added to the game? For me I agree with your first point, the territories should be larger and more complex in build to allow for a balance of infantry, air, and vehicle combat, with slight variations in the balance for each territory. I'd like to see less decorative foliage on the map because Oshur is a lag festival for this reason.
@Romoslayer Год назад
I agree with you on heavies, i wouldnt say they are broken as i have beaten many heavies in 1v1 or 1v2 situations as a light assault main. Aim is the biggest factor but i will say there are times where i lose because they have an extra shield but it definitely is not the deciding factor
@Dudisfludis Год назад
Hey Cami, don’t know if you remember talking about the cloak with me but I thought I’d ask about clarifying that sniper ADS cloak idea. Are you suggesting that as soon as an infiltrator presses F to get out of cloak, they should be able to ADS, even though the cloak is somewhat gradual in appearing? Also, agree with the spicy takes. I should make a video or two including those =)
@georgepal9154 Год назад
Yes, I think he's just saying you can't prefire or ADS while cloaked. You can't have the shot lined up. It's immediately after you uncloak that you can ADS. What I would tack on to that is that your hipfire-to-ads transition needs to line up perfectly with your scope or optic coming into view, so no insta-scope click and unscope. That would make things remarkably fairer and raise the skill ceiling loads.
@MosesGovCRota-hr1vh Год назад
Sick editing, with that vanguard hit marker thing
@revan1202 Год назад
1st Needs to incorporate the hives for construction bases to take territory the hex it's built in and one hex from it, pretty much remove CP mode and CTF mode let us use construction to take territory finer details can be worked out but it would spread Objectives and people around the map instead of focused on gal dropping a platoon onto small room points. 2nd I agree with pockets they need to go and be reworked as squad and platoon abilities only and only work with construction having an area influence same with flail and glaive they need to be something that players build to help their faction use as a tool for leaders to put to use. Remove pockets and darts it should be left to squad leaders to use. 3rd YES but actually all the classes need a revemp I'm not a fan of push button and ability goes approach this is a team game abilities should reflect that more. Heavies should have three different shields a hovering forward shield for pushing a bubble shield for team which both under heavy fire go down except the last one which would be a harder shield but the only weapon would be your pistol aka a riot swat shield all of which need to spin up and active and can't be deactivate until they run their time. 4th yeah 5th Na I would rather they get rid of the no deploy zone our devs are not good at building bases, that's a fact I would rather they fix terrain and leave bases to the community. 6th There are several core issues and we had solutions but it's ignored, resources are unlimited and bases do not use any to keep an attack going or a defense from failing it's truly the individual players own nanites instead of the bases supply lines. Not only that it's our capture mechanics you even complain about it. We using systems not designed around 100 vs 100 and instead of using construction to build aka our flags and sticking them in territory it goes back to defending small room bases that you need to drop 100 people onto to take. You can't just take a hill across and start taking territory behind enemy lines you are forced to crash a small space to take a whole plot of land. 7th I was fine with that before the changes but now the vehicles and max suits are worthless if you return that the vehicle needs to be a threat right now if any tank or max bothers me I have no trouble destroying it. 8th it's really how each one is lead so yeah 9th not much to say
@senturian Год назад
Which faction performs the best is way more dependent simply on which faction the best players and outfits gravitate to, and that depends on server and night of the week and so on. The best example of this is from a couple of months ago: Emerald Vanu had an outfit who made some remarks that pissed some of its other outfits off, and they proceeded to faction swap for a few weeks. This caused Emerald Vanu to go from being the most breezy and relaxing to play on usually to being mostly a nightmare for that time. The point being that it has always been good players clustering together that has created the real imbalances much more than any imbalances inherent in the game's design. Vanu just has a legacy of having drawn many of the best players to it back many years ago.
@Dzimko-rc2io Год назад
I'm afraid to ask but don't you think we have such legacy because, for example, 1 gun which doesn't have main downside its weapon class usually has? And this gun is already meta even without this bonus... It's also available on class often enjoyed by vets. Do you honestly think this is unrelated and vets just love purple? Starting from jun 1 2022 VS has 41% victories during prime time across all servers - facts don't care about opinions I play few other games with PVP and majority of sweats usually use meta armor and weapons even if it only gives them miniscule advantage. I personally do the same.
@senturian Год назад
@@Dzimko-rc2io if your question is, do i think that the way betel was designed contributed to the distribution of ps2's best players over the years, then yes, absolutely. but the fact that which things were OP at what times is important -- it doesn't necessarily imply anything about any item being currently OP. my personal pet theory is that the ZOE debacle back a million years ago was a bigger contributing factor to when this distribution of the best players emerged
@ascrassin Год назад
I think the title that you gave on the takes are less reasonable than the takes themselves. Now, as for my opinion on those takes: 1. I think it would be maybe more reasonable for a developers/performance point of view to make the space in between bases mater more, rather than increase the size of bases/micromap(that would require recreating all basses. Something like the hybrid hex of ciryoux: - reduce the numbers of hexagon switched by point control to only those that include part of the base proper. - make it so that the hexagon not directly over a base are flipped by the advance of the battle line (player positioning /proportion within a hex) - make it so that non-fixed spawn point are disabled in enemy territory non-adjacent to one of your faction. all of that could give a more organic feel to battle flow. 2. I agree, either that or a fixed time before they are able to shoot once uncloaked. 3. I agree, nothing more to say here. 4. mixed feeling on this one, what you propose is a total alternative idea to what we have. But I do personally agree that construction should be more focused on fortifying position than providing bonuses (like orbital strikes). 5. i totally agree on the Why (the more liberty in a game, the more players will optimize the fun out of it). But the execution could be a problem depending on what is implemented. Also, some of those change would require in my opinion other change (like nerf to OS tools like c4 so that using a force multiplier doesn't feel useless) 6. i feel the factions are in general pretty balanced with + and - depending on the category of weapons and situations. 7.my only grip toward heavy is the fact that some build have to little downtime for their damage potential. But if you really look at it all class have ways to create a somewhat unfair fight (cloak, mobility, regen, deployable, overshield ...).
@ciestermr1848 Год назад
I haven’t watched the whole vid but I despise Q spotting as infantry, just an unfair death sentence. Even if I was being sneaky, a stalker infil sitting on a mountain 100000 meters away presses Q and I’m riddled with bullets
@cristinmarius Год назад
Heavy is OP in it's easiness to use and damage output. Press key for overshield and it gives you the most HP infantry wise. Plus it can use most types of weapons classes which others don't have access to natively.
@younglingslayer6517 Год назад
LMGs are the hardest class of automatic weapons to use and have less damage output compared to ARs and carbines
@dxhunter9170 Год назад
I do like when people say this because, whenever I look up my sessions on Honu My highest KD is almost always against heavies. Heavies are probably one of the easiest classes to fight 1v1, they are so incredibly slow with overshield on, landing hs on them is child's play
@UBik0013 Год назад
okay here is my hot take.. the only gun you need on your sundy is cobalt (the stock gun) upgraded all the way it has no competition
@flashtirade Год назад
Regarding the very first point about territory sizes: an incredibly straightforward (but might require polish afterwards) solution would be to just merge existing territories together. Facilities could be combined with their satellite bases, and other outposts could be grouped together (for example, the Amerish triangle) or left on their own to leave room for smaller scale fights. Regarding the VS not being OP: correct, it's all player skill. More specifically, it's more skilled/coordinated players flocking to the same faction than the others. There's nothing outrageous about the VS arsenal (besides the infinite-ammo guns), in fact I think it's a bit underwhelming or outright garbage at times. Looking at you, carbines. Regarding the heavy assault not being OP: I think the problem stems not from the class not being too powerful in the grand scheme of things, but more the fact that the meta focus on close-quarters infantry engagements turns it into the most common solution. Not being able to effectively maintain or counter vehicles, not being able to heal/revive others, not being able to scout or disrupt enemy positions, not being able to attack from unexpected angles, none of these downsides matter when the question is usually one hostile standing at the business end of your gun and the answer is always to murder them quickly before they get you.
@zacattack32441 Год назад
The infinite ammo guns dont give the advantage you think they do. Yes there is a higher uptime, but really, if you compare the uptime from the Beetlegeuse to the Godsaw, the Godsaw, while having a crazy long reload, is significantly less likely to get caught with its pants down since it has the 100 round mag. As for the VS arsenal most of their guns tend to just be average. Yes there are the very band and very good guns, but the VS have fewer of those. For example, most of the Vanu LMG's are fine, and only the Orion really stands above the rest.
@imagine1st381 Год назад
My main problem with ps2 is just the amount of armor and air people can pull, it should be hard locked like one every 30mins or a certain amount can enter per map or something, but then certain tanks can still sit outside of a map on a hill and shoot half a map away. The cost of nanite can be so low due to winning previous continent discount, discount module, also I think membership has discount or faster nanite regen, making it that it feels like people can just perma be in an armor if they want. I could be wrong with this since I rarely ever touches armor/aircraft. It's just not fun for infantry when in a crowded map you get surrounded by armor/air and getting sniped from half across the map.. non stop. And even if you do destroy some of them, big IF, they can insta just spawn another one and come back. Especially after player can just build one that cost cortium, basically cost nothing and no restriction of spawning it.
@imagine1st381 Год назад
Also, forgot to mention some of the daily missions are terrible for new players, I know for experienced players they have unlimited certs and iso-4, for example I don't ever bother doing the dailies on my Br94 character, but for new players to get started they need those certs, and a lot of these missions has been reworked (and got worse) that it's either repetitive and boring, or just new players straight up cannot do. I started a new character on emerald due to connery constantly being underpopped, tried to do certain missions like get 3 kills on specific weapons, it'll ask me to "get 3 kills on masamune, or tomoe etc" which I either don't have certs to buy or saving it for class specific upgrades. The class specific missions are enjoyable for me personally since I can play different class and completely those pretty quickly in general. The most cancerous of all is surveying the land, they reworked it that standing near a capture points after it has already been capped by your faction no longer grant you xp towards the mission, so you'd have to be quick enough to get to the point before it's been capped. Problem is, a lot of the time when I spawn into a map I'm ALWAY too late to get there, or there's too many people on the point that I'll only get 1/35 capture xp completed for the mission. The other day I think it took about 5 hours+ for me to complete it, that I almost gave up completely. I'm not sure if daybreak intented to make dailies cancer so new players who want ot progress faster feel the need to get membership or daybreak cash, but if thats true then I suppose I can understand
@xzond494 Год назад
My hot take, Infantry Medkit should have nanites cost increased, or slow player movement when used, or cooldown added. However, it would be interesting to see more options given to players who want a solution to the soloist survivability problems. What if instead of selecting grenades or flak armor as an infantry they could select an auto heal that procs when hurt below a given health. This would cost nanites and fit the fantasy while providing more choice, than the current one of Medkits vs C4. Other hot take, Liberators are too fragile/too big of a target. If you've ever fought a good lib crew this is a stupid hot take. However, learning to fly, bomb, or simply exist in one of these is extremely unforgiving. They cost as much as an MBT, but the amount of aggro you get when you appear at a base is far greater. I've had friends join PS2 and spend all their certs into these and when ever we play they want to use them. But as soon as we get in a fight with 24+ players its nearly guaranteed to be shot at with a Burster Max hiding in the spawn room within the first or second or two of showing up. If that doesn't happen an ESF is bound to strike. Or beep beep beep, a lock on from some random dude in the mountains. Or in most cases, all three. Sure a well placed Dalton shot or hyena spam can solve the ESF problem. But if you fail to kill 1 ESF (or often times 2 or 3) you lose 450 nanites, they get 2-3 kills and all it took was one player in an ESF. That's the equivalent of a lightning tank killing a full MBT in a 1v1, (very possible given better position and ambushing the MBT, but far less common given the restrictions of terrain and often third parties). Solution could be to nerf liberators threat levels. Making them deal less damage but decrease their cost or provide them with a few more tools to keep them in the air and not on the ground perpetually repaired or dead. Or liberators could have their size reduced by a small margin to provide a smaller target. I personally love playing anti-air, but being on the receiving end of the many options of anti-air makes for an awful gameplay experience.
@mobiusknight3401 Год назад
I agree with your take on adding more objectives in hexes to spread population out. I think that those objectives should be, at minimum, 2 additional capture points relatively far outside of the typical base. Make these external points the new silo points and now there's a good use for construction to facilitate an open-field battle that a lot of us have been missing from the game. It also helps against the redeployside meta a bit by ensuring that a hex cannot be fully secured unless the base point(s) AND the external open-field points are secured, so redeploying and flooding a single point room isn't going to be enough; you need to push out of the base. I think this keeps the systems of the game pretty much the same while changing up the meta a lot more. I also think capture the flag bases can be kept in the game but the way they're captured should be changed. One of my outfit members had an idea of taking the flag to a captured repository and as long as the flag is in your faction's repo, the capture timer on the base continues to go forward. I thought about it some more, and I think repos could still be hacked between the fighting forces, and defenders will need to secure the flag in their own captured repo to push the timer back in their favor. Once the timer is done, the base is defended, or captured, depending on who had the flag in their repo. The back and forth within the base would be pretty interesting to see, especially if the flag runner gets killed and now you essentially have a capture point getting dropped in any part of the base, changing where the focus of the fighting needs to be. It could be a really cool dynamic to watch. I'm just worried that the fight will take too long to capture or defend. I also haven't really thought about how the flag will be returned to its starting position, if ever, during an active battle. Maybe it'll only reset when the base is fully captured or defended.
@KATCHUSHI Год назад
Vehicle/force multiplier isn't good for new players. I remember every time I pulled an ESF back then it got destroyed in like under one minute after leaving the Warpgate, especially because of freaking TR that hunted everything that is in the sky, even if its the farthest away possible from their territory.
@Gyallarhorn1 Год назад
I think it might work if you give players, on top of Nanites, some kind of stock ressource for each vehicle. Let's say you have 3 Stocks max for heavy tanks and one stock replenishes within five minutes. You can instantly spawn three heavy tanks in a row, but after the third one, you'd be pretty much on a five minute CD. That way new players can spawn vehicles a few times to practice, before they would be on cool down. Then again... that's basically already what Nanites do.
@KATCHUSHI Год назад
@@Gyallarhorn1 Sounds like a good idea, at least for me.
@statebriga5163 Год назад
Good video Cami. On a completely unrelated note, how was he able to hide the ugly Auraxium flowing camo of the Butcher around 5 minutes in the video where he was using it? I love the gun but I hate to use it because of the flowing red blob look it has over it, but in the video at 5 mins his Butcher doesn't have that, looks like a regular CARV. I tried putting camo on it, even Black Camo from the directive, and I still get that ugly flowing blob look to it. What am I missing? How does one make the Butcher look like a CARV color-wise?
@HateMachinist Год назад
I think pocket-orbs should be cheaper, but only be usable in hexes with high enemy overpop or extremely high vehicle presence. Once presence or pop reaches a certain threshold, the "underdog" get an "orbital strikes have been authorized" notification. I think this could be a functional way to break up zergs and overpops.
@masteroutlier Год назад
non-lethal orbital strikes could find their niche in the game. Spreading out or even pulling/pushing forces in a controlled manner would be useful in many situations, not only for gamers but for the game itself
@SingularisFox Год назад
As a VS main, I feel like I'm always underwhelmed in terms of the infantry arsenal. I've started playing more NC and I can confidently say that NC has far greater and stronger weapons overall. VS Maxes are the weakest of the bunch. VS Heavy tank is weakest in terms of survivability, even accounting its mobility, which you don't always have a chance to capitalize on. I dunno who says VS are overpowered but damn it doesn't feel like that at all, man. In terms of infantry weapons their strongest side is probably some weapons that don't have bullet drop or some of those "infinite ammo" weapons, the latter being rather a gimmick only appraised by solo players, who don't like to engage in big fights (me being one of them, so I love me some infinite ammo). In big fights though, where ammo packs are lying around every five inches, this feature is rather... pointless.
@drjooce Год назад
I absolutely agree with you on vehicle/force multiplier cooldowns. Chain pulling is obnoxious to play against, especially in regards to Cortium ESF's and Lightnings. As for a possible method of limiting the total amount of vehicles/force multipliers that can be pulled, I have one idea. Make each base have a limited "stock" of vehicles, that restocks at an extremely slow rate. Smaller outposts would have a capacity of 2-3 tanks, and major facilities (especially something like a Tech Plant) would be able to carry around 15 (and restock quicker, as if they were a factory). A vehicle cooldown would be necessary to prevent players from (intentionally/unintentionally) draining the vehicle stockpile at a facility. Finally, I believe the freedom of the current redeploy system makes transport vehicles useless (among other issues.) Infantry should rely on Sunderers to shuttle them to the frontline. Sunderers should rely on tanks to escort them. Enemy reinforcements should NOT just instantly appear in a spawnroom; they should be airdropped in via Galaxy. The frontlines may see plenty of vehicles, but the roads and fields in between them feel empty and abandoned. I would make the following changes to redeployment: - Major facilities such as Warp Gates, Tech Plants, Amp Stations, and Bio Labs will allow cross-continent spawns. - Smaller Facilities/Outposts will only allow players within the hex to respawn there. This would significantly lower the insane mobility provided by the redeploy system. The transportation of troops would have to be done with vehicles, instead of the 'U' key. Major facilities would become critical bases to control, since they would provide strong footholds for factions to push out of, or fall back to. I have much more to say on this, but I think I've said way too much for a youtube comment. Also yeah construction should only supplement dev bases.
@m4stermodder Год назад
Specifically when it comes to one shot weapons, I agree. You should have risk vs reward when it comes to one shot weapons in a game like this. However, shotguns are intended to work in CQC environments. That's their niche. Most of the prefab buildings that exist in this game I would consider CQC environments, yet the one shot shotguns struggle to kill someone from across a room, and that feels wrong. I can aim dead center mass and still fail to do enough damage. Don't get me wrong, please understand that I am not advocating for shotguns to become snipers again. What I am advocating for is for shotguns to feel threatening outside of barrel stuffing. The reason semi-autos are the meta right now is entirely because semi's can one tap at barrel stuffing, or fire fast enough to compete against someone else with the right movement and aiming. Semi-autos should be like that, but pumps are not rewarding enough, IMO, to justify their risks. You can fire from a triple stack center doorway to someone at one of the second floor windows and fail to one tap.
@Tobeh Год назад
Forget “not do enough damage” while aimed on center mass. I’ve fired a shotgun within 5 meters of my target and watched the pellet spread outline their body.
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