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@geminiangels5653 7 месяцев назад
I hope there is a tab that shows relationships to other gods. I still remember the feeling I got when I learned Kumba and Ravana are brothers
@BattleRANGER3 7 месяцев назад
I am glad you mentionned the PVE experience and the adventures, it was quiet the journey to play those back in the days yet I totally forgot about them since Hi Rez dumped the concept some years ago! I agree with you that, as RTS games, not everything should be about making great esport and competition (therefore money) as you will eventually end up with a boring experience for most people, so spectating, clan and giving more choices for the player with his build in game are ideas I totally relate with.
@seejoshrun1761 7 месяцев назад
Yeah I miss the dungeon crawls!
@williammitchell6254 7 месяцев назад
Never played em and now I have INTENSE fomo
@kimdokja8368 7 месяцев назад
I absolutely agree with these points, other points i would like to add : - Better tutorial for smite, make the entry easier, as smite is one of the more difficult MOBAs to get into. - Don't go too overboard with the game mods, to avoid spreading the player base too thin and making it hard for devs to focus on one mode (Balance / new content and additions), focus on game mode/ year for example, making the new player go through the same entryway and not shift important man power on new modes, this can also be important to ensure each new game mode comes only after for example: Conquest (I think it will be the only mode on release) is fully developed and fleshed out and is fun of course. - to add to the lore idea, is just borrowing the formula of LOL, make events actually Lore heavy, with each event being a continuation of a fully thought-out story, with a cinematic (would be a great idea for more viral opportunities as well a sponsors) maybe tie it to certain dates (Odyssey for example), so that lets say 4 times a year, a big event that has a story (interesting one I hope) is progressed and maybe even affect the game (not just visual, gameplay, skins, maybe even god kits and design), this ties to another point which is, gods should get more reworks to keep things fresh.
@synistargg2502 7 месяцев назад
I actually love the idea for god kit alterations themed around seasonal stories. Imagine ymir and surtr's spirits being swapped into eachothers bodys and surtr becomes a frost giant with new abilities and freeze and ymir becomes a fire giant with an entire overhaul etc. For a season. So much you could do there.
@kimdokja8368 7 месяцев назад
@@synistargg2502 This is exactly what i would love to happen, great idea with alot of room for creativity and engaging additions.
@TheAKD56 7 месяцев назад
I think they should make the early game easier. I took x years break from smites, then i came back tried a game. When i was lv1 the opponnent was lv2 XD. I checked some videos and now i get it. But in most moba laners just go straight into lane, advanced knowledge is usualy needed as jng. I think the early should look like lol (laners goes in lane while jng do their jungle), i know many wont like the comparison but i think most wont be thirsty enough to seek "advannced" knowledge.
@synistargg2502 7 месяцев назад
@TheAKD56 i get what youre saying but every game has learning curves. If we were to compare the two i think youd agree smites is lesser substantially than LoLs. Also, different starts every 6 months can help shake up the monotony a fair ammount and allow for mew and different strategies such as early invades or even as we've seen lately, pulling camps together for maximum efficiency and i dont think thats a bad thing.
@kimdokja8368 7 месяцев назад
@@TheAKD56 i think there is room for improvement in that area but i feel like it just would be easier to make better and more engaging tutorials, maybe even tutorials that change depending on the meta for new players to keep up and have an easier time learning the game
@elainesinclair6532 7 месяцев назад
Still holding out hope for a Charybdis rework my poor girl has 2 abilities
@sakurablu3 7 месяцев назад
Those 2 abilities are pretty good tho. Honestly if she had a better ult she'd be fine
@SuWu_Jutsu 7 месяцев назад
@@sakurablu3agreed. Her ult is trash 🗑️
@Jeraco24 7 месяцев назад
I'm fine with just a ult change but I do hate her pool mostly cause it's a easy get out of jail free card.
@itsnotborker456 7 месяцев назад
I have 9 stars on her, her ult is only useful as an emergency escape. I actually like her 2, it helps her win trades pretty easily.
@clouded-glory 7 месяцев назад
You tripping charybdis easily bottom of the list as far as rework needs. All her abilities are good
@brokenmekhane5807 7 месяцев назад
Im hoping gods will have more interesting scalings than just physical and magical power. Stuff like LoL having defense and health scaling characters and even speed scaling characters. It makes item building so much more fun compared to Smite. A character like Katarina can have a standard ap glass canoon build one game and in the next she could have a bruiser ad build and they are both perfectly viable depending on the situation or preference. That would make Smite 2 significantly more fun to me.
@Firellius 7 месяцев назад
Scaling with defense and health is extremely dangerous and very likely to blow up the game, so I'd rather they didn't even bother trying. Tank metas have been a recurring issue across multiple MOBAs for a reason. Other types of scaling are kind of interesting, but I don't think there's much that you can scale with that hasn't already been done. Even speed scaling is already in SMITE1, really, with Mercury gaining physical power from his movement speed, IIRC.
@bigbrisk8423 7 месяцев назад
Yh tanks don't tank so that'd be nice, most times it's team fights and you can't live 5 ppl attacking you specifically, why tank when tanks don't even tank
@itsnotborker456 7 месяцев назад
Community: If smite 1 was so good why isn't there a smi.... WHY IS THERE A SMITE 2?! 😠
@Dualities 7 месяцев назад
Smite 1 is highlly missmanaged and any veteran players knows that
@justdracir8197 7 месяцев назад
@@Dualities probably any game Hi-Rez made ^^"
@bigbrisk8423 7 месяцев назад
Super unbalanced as well​@@Dualities
@Dualities 7 месяцев назад
yeah they know how to make good games, but their community managment and ranked mangament is one of the worse@@justdracir8197
@Dualities 7 месяцев назад
i played smite for 12 years brother. They ignore 70% of their playerbase and expect good results. EU the biggest region, Arena the most popular gamemode, and International and Console players. We have 6 year old Arena map with 0 rewards or leaderboard. No community tournaments. Joke pro scene etc etc new engine wont magically fix divided community @@bigbrisk8423
@ButFirstHeLitItOnFire 7 месяцев назад
I’m still hoping for party matchmaking, so parties can only hook up against other parties. THAT WAY people like myself that are playing non-ranked games by ourselves before or after work aren’t automatically dunked on when it turns out to be a party of 5 tryhards against 5 randos.
@rizztraininghamster 7 месяцев назад
Your matchmaking time gonna be like 30 mins. Idk if someone will play smite for a waiting simulator
@Lumaz001 7 месяцев назад
have you considered youre just not good at the game? hardly ever do i have the thought enter my mind that the enemy is 4 or 5 stacked or its a good match regardless
@rizztraininghamster 7 месяцев назад
@@Lumaz001 shh, don't tell them. They always think it's about a party of tryhards. Only Khepri knows how many times my team of randoms were called a premade of tryhards 😂
@sirborkton8451 7 месяцев назад
The PVE adventures were legitimately. I believe the first one was revolved around the knight herc skin where you face a hydra at the end. I remember legitimately like teaming up with some guys and trying to figure out the best builds and strats to beat it and I had so much fun doing so. Miss it still
@julienyahara8662 7 месяцев назад
YESSSS!! Brings back memories…. 🥺
@jak582filmweb 7 месяцев назад
I wish they would add "% heal and shield power" stat from other mobas, and a proper set of support focused items instead of the aura spam. Predecessor proves to me that non-tank supports can be a thing in a 3D moba, and getting rid off the overabundance of statsticky auras is the first step to achieve that, with proper enchanter items being the second.
@timebandit5183 7 месяцев назад
Roguelike smite sounds so fucking fun
@HardxCorpsxKali 7 месяцев назад
Technically in his explanation it would be a roguelite.. lol
@ButFirstHeLitItOnFire 7 месяцев назад
I would personally like the idea of gods that can switch between different aspects of themselves… Odin is The Norse god of war sure, and is currently a physical god as such… BUT he’s also The Norse God of _magic,_ meaning that he should have a mage or guardian version of himself… Picture this: Odin as a Tiamat-style stance switcher. His Ult would have 3 options: His current physical ult, his magical ult, and the stance switch option to change between “War God” and “Magic God” modes. His current kit is his shield, jump, spear throw (which I always hated TBH) and his cage… His magic stance could play into his more esoteric odds and ends from his lore, like his accumulated spells, or playing around with his ravens (Like his magic form passive could have an enhanced Raven Ward that scouts the nearby area whenever a god dies).
@24mahrama 7 месяцев назад
Alright bro. Alright.
@rizztraininghamster 7 месяцев назад
Freya should be a warrior then lol
@synistargg2502 7 месяцев назад
How about instead if a stance switcher like tiamat (as i imagine his magic form would scale very badly with strength and vice versa) any god with this duality would be able to stance swap in the fountain like achilles instead? Basically allowing you to decide at the start of the match but also commit to either building primarily strength or int. This would also make his opposite stance playable but also have a trade off where you feel like your magic stance is going to be more impactful at this next gold fury but its a commit if you leave the base that way.
@BrotherBillOG 7 месяцев назад
Too be fair, there is so much CC in Smite 1, that even if you get stunned for .1 second, that's enough to completely interrupt your entire kit, faster than you can humanly react too, long enough to get stunned right after and locked down again, and beads becomes almost useless sometimes because teams can easily 5 stack cc gods, some that even have multiple CCs in their kit. I personally think there is wayyy too much CC in Smite 1 and not enough ways to counter it.
@BrotherBillOG 7 месяцев назад
I honestly miss Domination. I thought it was a fun mix of pve, objective control, and pvp. Something conquest doesn't really give is actual control of an objective outside of the FG and gold fury, which you don't technically control and lock down the whole match, just fight for once and awhile.
@cbergeee2006 7 месяцев назад
More adventure modes.. That could be crazy. I love this pve grinding adventure mode.
@yimirmortal6535 7 месяцев назад
The smite dungeon and car modes were probably the best extra modes ever made. Would love to see them again or even as a permanent fixture
@poltergeist1554 7 месяцев назад
At 5:27 rn...i want a windagow the dear spirit that eats humans flesh.
@zaperzero 7 месяцев назад
Honestly, I think maintaining the same core gameplay as the PvP smite core into a PvE mode is a huge thing that made me gush over the PvE adventures. If it were a permanent mode, I'd almost certainly spend an hour or two warming up for any all-nighters by playing PvE, or even wind down with it if I get too frustrated with tryharding.
@Diogger 7 месяцев назад
an idea for clans can be that only clans can have 5 man ranked conquest, and you can only que with other 5 man clans
@darrionjohnson3142 7 месяцев назад
Id love to see a video going more in depth on what God reworks you'd like to see in Smite 2. Something like 3-5 Gods from each role and what their rework would look like. (Please include Charybdis)
@IlIentente 7 месяцев назад
A mini tutorial for each God could be based around a bit of their lore while explaining their playstyle perhaps
@KingStratzah 7 месяцев назад
Yah, clans def needs a resuscitation. Maybe through clan events you can earn discounts for skins, free chests or rolls for chests, the idea for a clan logo skin is great, sprinkle in shadow skins again (they were great for new players), maybe allow the clan leader to set a specific mode to gain increased xp/favor/worhsippers, maybe allow the clan to purchase clan jump stamps/ ward skins/ firework thing (I forget the name) with gems, have clan leaderboards, or even create clan rooms they can decorate with furniture (bought with gems/favor/ earned) and where they can duel and try builds together outside of just jg practice. For that clan room maybe you can display members achievements on statues of gods or something. Idk, there’s a lot of possibilities to make money there but players aren’t really given a good enough reason, or any reason at all to spend it with how it is currently and even in the past. It was half-heartedly implemented imo. Sorry that was long winded
@andrewweidemeier5810 7 месяцев назад
I think they need to allow 5 stacks in ranked. New players won’t be inclined to try ranked if they can’t queue with friends. I personally know smite players now that don’t play ranked because you can only duo queue.
@RareAngelz 7 месяцев назад
I want them to rework how cc works across the board. Hard cc vs soft cc, cc reduction, cc immunity, and especially cc duration. This is their best chance to balance cc amongst different classes relative to class dps, tankiness, etc.
@Paradox1411 7 месяцев назад
Yeah it's been kinda crazy lately with the permanent stun comps. Beads is not counter play imo it's laughable at best. Yeah there's diminished returns on cc duration but when the whole team is throwing soft and hard cc in team fights you just get wrecked. Yes I understand smites team comp with counterbuild and all that but you shouldn't be able to just keep a team or 1 person locked down and not able to move. That's just unhealthy gameplay imo there's been so many times I just stop and watch my character die 😂.
@MrGetownedLP 7 месяцев назад
Agreed pushing the boundary of what they define as "God." You correctly say the Arthurian line, Cthulu, Gilga, etc were all big hits, which is true, so we can only imagine how a sweet new Smite 2 look with all the hype that comes with that, along with something insane like Godzilla lmfaoo. They are totally saving the Spongebob collab for Smite 2 as well, makes the most sense to compound on the hype
@crterjd8154 7 месяцев назад
All I need is for the WHOLE roster to have their redone god reveals. Especially for the closed beta gods, my girl Arachne needs her god reveal publicized
@BrotherBillOG 7 месяцев назад
Technically, Godzilla is a God. They for sure should add the King of the monsters.
@Tiagocf2 7 месяцев назад
I wish they added Modding support like Dota 2 does because it's hella fun and it boosts the game longevity and community interest sooo much
@williammitchell6254 7 месяцев назад
modding smite would be way harder tho.
@Tiagocf2 7 месяцев назад
@@williammitchell6254 they have to start developing with mod support in mind
@bigbrisk8423 7 месяцев назад
No lol mods are trash, I've never even used em because the concept is garbage
@Tiagocf2 7 месяцев назад
@@bigbrisk8423 bro you know that mobas started as a "custom map" from wc3 which is what im calling mods here
@bigbrisk8423 7 месяцев назад
@@Tiagocf2 cool and? What are you gunna mod in smite? There's already too many game modes lmfao, you're suggesting modding a mod at this point 😂
@numeritos1799 7 месяцев назад
The smite 1 spectator is a huge pain, I really don't know how the pro scene worked so long with the spectator in that state.
@kennyg1953 7 месяцев назад
My hot take, anubis wrap should be a shorter stun with a tether effect on it afterwards to keep people in your abilities range.
@otakujay92 7 месяцев назад
I just want to be able to connect to a game, pick my god, change a skin, and enter the game, all without crashing and giving me a deserter penalty. That would be swell!
@hjake1270 7 месяцев назад
Won't lie, SCPs in Smite isn't the worst idea, although most of them wouldn't work too well. They might feel too gimmicky if they were added. More Great Old Ones though is something I would love along with other non-traditional gods (which we have gotten a lot more of recently, with Surtr, Martichoras, and Bake Kujira being totally not gods, Charon being a psychopomp and not a god, and Mamam Brigette, and Baron for that matter, being a inbetween of humanity and Bondye, the creator god, rather than an actual god themselves)
@theblaqknight 7 месяцев назад
I also hope they do the DR change. I think their decision to give everyone beads at all times might be foreshadowing for that, or at least a DR rework. The DR changes over the years are a big reason I don't play Ullr anymore. I just miss my combo when I don't know my stun is gonna last for 0.28 seconds instead of 1.4 seconds.
@SirLexion 7 месяцев назад
One of my main wished is that they update Horus’ animations in pretty much every way. Not asking for kit changes or reworks just give him better animations for everything and have him make use of his weapon more.
@xsatya_ 7 месяцев назад
Persephone revert 🙏🙏🙏
@karma7609 7 месяцев назад
It makes me happy to see people still fighting for a Persephone revert
@ButFirstHeLitItOnFire 7 месяцев назад
@@karma7609 Personally I do fine with her either way, although it’s annoying collecting her seeds doesn’t build up soul gem like it used to.
@snip3rkodak 7 месяцев назад
Lisa lisa
@lilxyo 7 месяцев назад
Just change her ult, her ult was always the problem
@purpleslushie 7 месяцев назад
I really like the meteor that crashes down in the stage. Honestly if we could get more chaotic events happening in non-competetive game mods that could be really fun. Or perhaps make a game mode specifically for those types of things. Like having neutral minions swarm the battlefield attacking all players from different directions.
@TheAce5399 7 месяцев назад
You know, There used to be a lot of unique item builds back in the day. But we also had a lot more items that eventually got condensed down into other items or removed simply because it wasn't being built by 51% of players. I wouldn't get your hopes up in that regard.
@ٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴ-ق8ج 7 месяцев назад
Smite x Record Of Ragnarok
@MrWEST1 7 месяцев назад
How cool would it be if smite 2 once a year did a cross over event spread out over that year that introduced new characters into the game that were from other shows or cartoons. Take the dragon ball z line up for example. Imagine playing as Goku, Frieza, Cell, or other universes characters that were made and tailored based off of who and how yhe character acts in the movies or shows. That would be so insanely cool. It would tough and a lot of licensing , but imagine the influx of players, money and uniqueness! Just think instead of a crossover where its just the skin, but what if it's the character as a whole for their abilities and everything.
@elrafa111 7 месяцев назад
I don't know how they'd do it, but I hope they somehow make non-tanky supports viable like in other mobas. Right now you are expected to build tanky even if you take a mage or assassin support.
@Asael_. 7 месяцев назад
I want better animation for knockups or knockbacks for example: if u get knock backed ur character should get animated falling on the ground and getting up if the cc lasts longer
@katsmaintanklive 7 месяцев назад
I want it to be fun. No over complicated systems or over committing to game modes outside of conq, duel, & arena. I will say the one thing that would make Smite infinitely more fun w/o snorting the "roguelike" hopium is elevation. The environment needs to be more action based and less LoLite. Adding a few drop offs and hills would bring a lot more for much less
@jtdarelli2362 7 месяцев назад
Only thing I disagree with is DR. There are literally dozens of gods where, if you're caught off guard, your options are to either have beads or die. In game where nearly every character has at least 2 forms of CC, DR is a mechanic that _cannot_ be nerfed. And if it is, then CC across the board should be nerfed as well. There's no reason a high single target assassin needs 2 stuns. Reduce the amount of hard CC and nerf soft CC, then attack DR. Otherwise, game modes like Clash, Arena, and Joust will become cheese fests.
@demeterstidbits7146 7 месяцев назад
Orrrrrr people could actually dig through myth and look for THOSE “unorthodox gods” instead of the nonsense you mentioned! The engine itself was holding the game back, actual mythological gods/monsters can now be extremely unique snd more wild than before. We have thousands left don’t want no damn loch ness monster or godzilla what 😭 just ask them to be added as skins. What the hell is the loch ness monster gonna contribute to the damn game anyways
@jurnikovah7453 7 месяцев назад
Out there "gods" are kinda crazy to me, cause I don't they're in any modern deities or characters that could technically classify as deity's. Godzilla is a creation that is a fictional tale about the consequences of nuclear weaponry, not a Japanese deity. If Godzilla was added to smite, that would be the go ahead to add nearly any character to smite as long as said character had historical and cultural importance. (For perspective the characters who would be valid to add to smite if godzilla is logically allowed into the roster.) Superman - Frankenstein's Monster Dracula Bigfoot Dante Alighieri
@LocatedLeech 7 месяцев назад
It's funny named the 3 gods that need a rework but are probably the 3 gods have seen the most reworks entirely. Bastet, Arachne, Freya.......
@akita769 7 месяцев назад
As close-minded as I was back in the day, I agree with you about the Loch Ness monster and stuff... That is folklore after all same as mythology. It just so happens to be that one is far older. Vampires are one thing that has been ruined by the pop culture for example. Same for Werewolves who would've maybe had a chance at being a good addition. We'll have to stick to some other beings which I'm sure there are a lot of in every culture.... They could be one pantheon together.
@joewright3190 7 месяцев назад
God, having Godzilla as a playable character would be massive for the game I'd imagine. Not just a cheap skin but legit his own character
@Fang1st 7 месяцев назад
For the longest time I've been wanting Godzilla to be a crossover, made many ideas for which monsters could get in as skins, like Anguirus, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah, mechagodzilla, etc., but I always felt that Godzilla himself would have to be his own God. I'd pull a futurama meme so fast and throw all my money at them, lol.
@BicBoi1984 7 месяцев назад
Genuine question from a new player (only 110 hours in so far), what's wrong with just removing diminishing returns all together? I have about 6k hours on Dota and I'm pretty sure that game doesn't have it. I bet League is the same. If you walk into the enemy team and get chain CC'd to death that's all on you. Perhaps harsh but I feel like DR is a crutch to appeal to subpar players but maybe I'm wrong.
@jomaroal22 7 месяцев назад
Maybe the Clans can be linked to PvE in some ways. Maybe participating in Adventures by clans,or even clan raids
@alexogilvie9668 7 месяцев назад
All they have to do to open the God pool is create a 'cryptids pantheon'.
@T3Deye 7 месяцев назад
I am a Smite RPG enjoyer and think it should become a permanent gamemode. I hope in general they are releasing more fun gamemodes each season and are stepping up their collab game even further to pull players in. Also maybe a point capture gamemode or even ctf?? The mid capture point as been a pretty update so I feel like it could work.
@rikb380 7 месяцев назад
It’s a small feature but I would like to preview my loading screen borders & other custom features before actually loading in
@XytaVuramee 7 месяцев назад
One suggestion I think people overlook is that ranked conquest needs a 5 man player queues, or at the very least bumped up to 3. They were talking about wanting more people to play ranked and that would be the way to get players into the mode. People can't get better in ranked because you cannot play with your friends and it sticks you with random draft teams every match so you can never truly learn to communicate or synergize with your team in a TEAM based game. Ranked conquest is known as the most toxic and least played mode in smite because there isn't an ability to actually work with a team in a team based game which makes no sense. And before someone says "buh-buh solo-q players will get stomped!", well YES, that's the point. If you played the primer competitive RANKED mode of smite by yourself you shouldn't be expecting to win. Yet Hi-rez thinks because some solo-q bots cried on reddit years ago now no one should have the choice to play with your friends. But in casual conquest you can? Make it make sense.
@jeremyn4397 7 месяцев назад
There are serious problems with having 5 man ranked ques, but that shouldn't mean that its impossible to make it work. Its probably wrong to assume that having bigger party ques will increase the player base in that particular gamemode rather than the inverse. If you have 4 friends who wanna play conq you can always split into two groups to play as is. If you have 3 you can play joust.. 5 really is a special case that really doesn't have a good answer currently.
@XytaVuramee 7 месяцев назад
@jeremyn4397 how is there any problem at all with it? It only improves the mode, ranked conquest is horrible because it forces you to split up your friend group and play with random people who will troll your games. It's unfun because skill doesn't matter, you winning is completely determined by the ranking system giving you players who will not troll your matches. How will adding 5 man queues man ranked conquest any worse than it currently is?
@revan5293 7 месяцев назад
I am just ready for better hit registration
@olzzydlzzy6750 7 месяцев назад
When smite 2 adds scps and I can play as the living McDonald's
@AceOniFlyer 7 месяцев назад
I’m not sure how to feel about changing DR. He does have a point; 15 seconds is way too long and could lead to scenarios where people rotating end up wasting abilities because they didn’t see the enemy get CC’d earlier. Nonetheless though, I don’t want CC too strong. It would inherently make gods without hard CC weaker. Then again, we already know new items in Smite 2 will have beads like actives on them. So one player could have multiple sets of beads. It’s a lot to think about.
@Sevarate. 7 месяцев назад
I know it’s a lot to do but there was always talks back in the day of some sort of mini game we could play while in queue, I think something like that could be huge and well received
@stevenheidt8510 7 месяцев назад
almost like a pre lobby like PUBG/Fortnite
@stevetebow 7 месяцев назад
They need a “Cinema” mode where you can make clips and save games to review. They could even make it where you could put 5 or so spots to put 1 min clips on your profile so others could watch.
@xfirebugx63 7 месяцев назад
All I want in smite 2 is better jiggle physics because some gods or goddesses 😉 really need them.
@thork_tv 7 месяцев назад
a clan league would also be interesting/Tournament also smite lore events would be awesome: if the is a big war in the lore let the players fight it out!!!
@Luis-kv8zc 7 месяцев назад
I think lowering the necessary level to play ranked games is needed to create a more engaging experience. I've been playing off and on of smite for about 2 months now due to uni and the progression just feels sluggish. If it was level 20 I would love it bc I already shave a grasp of this game, but these games to get to level 30 seem more like a chore than anything else despite me loving the game as a whole
@CalithorneIndustries 7 месяцев назад
Finally a voice of reason that the smite community is more casual compared to FineOkay trying to say it should be more focused on the minority comp side.
@camiloordonez 7 месяцев назад
Adventure mode needs to make a comeback. Better yet, make them permanent
@gabrielmendez6128 7 месяцев назад
Godzilla in smite would get so many eyes on the game. Love this idea
@MrSeanc006 7 месяцев назад
Yes! Monsterverse would be exceptional ie. Godzilla, king Kong etc. This would be MINT
@WallyDaDeity 7 месяцев назад
I miss the Herc, Loki, Fafnir's Winter Wonderland, Xing Tian's Mountain (idk if those are the exact names) adventures. I wish we at least had them in Customs.
@scarecrow4297 7 месяцев назад
Cryptids would be a cool pantheon!!
@Raymungandr 7 месяцев назад
Haven't watched yet, but my biggest hope is better replay history. I want to watch my own vods. I want it to be easier for the Top 5 Plays team to access and utilize clips.
@frieza2013 7 месяцев назад
They just need to to go ahead and add the enchanter class aka true supports to the game and enchanter items to go along with them. Also Chang’e just needs to turn back into a support in my opinion in mean thats what she was always meant to be that is what she should be.
@Tiagocf2 7 месяцев назад
no please enchanters are soo annoying and unhealthy in League, I dont want to see it in Smite xd
@frieza2013 7 месяцев назад
@@Tiagocf2 that’s what supports are buddy every moba has them except Smite time for them to join the program they kind of already are, as you can tell they’re copying League’s item system
@Tiagocf2 7 месяцев назад
@@frieza2013 nah enchanters are a bad archetype and it should never leave league of legends
@frieza2013 7 месяцев назад
@@Tiagocf2 Both predecessor and Dota 2 already have these so it’s not just a League like I said all Mobas except Smite have enchanters. Also boring tank supports aren’t good either that’s why no one likes to play the role it’s to stale. All roles in smite are they are just now adding variety.
@jeremyn4397 7 месяцев назад
@@frieza2013 I do feel like supports have lost their identity in Smite, their basically magical warriors.
@demonichunter7925 7 месяцев назад
Need KA to have classic gladshield effect for when his ult energy is maxed, thats what i want
@orionar2461 7 месяцев назад
Honestly more unique items is fun more high level but makes casual gaming harder. Every iteration of Mobas has been to move away from complexity
@ButFirstHeLitItOnFire 7 месяцев назад
2:31 How about having items that have a passive AND active ability? Let’s take Divine Ruin here for example… Current stats: 105 Intelligence, 5 Mana Regen Proposed additional stats: 10% additional CDR and movement speed. Current passive: Enemy Gods damaged by your abilities have 40% reduced healing for 4 seconds. Proposed active ability: For the next 4 seconds, enemy gods that heal or are healed while under the effects of your Divine Ruin leave behind a _Ruinous Wake_ that damages all enemy gods, making them take 10% more damage from all damage sources, and refreshes their affected Divine Ruin passive. Also, you heal for 100% of the reduced healing. (90 second cooldown)
@messedupperfect9367 7 месяцев назад
105 int, 5 mana regen, 10% cdr, AND movement speed, anti-heal, a 10% damage booster, AND a heal on top of that. Yeah you are tripping with that one lmao. I don't think there's a single item in smite 1 that gives 10% movementspeed. I like the idea of passive abilities and active, but it's clearly a delicate battle to balance them.
@ButFirstHeLitItOnFire 7 месяцев назад
@@messedupperfect9367 Maybe have them be like the sequels equivalents of glyphs or starter items… A super powerful item that has some restriction on it. Also, Smite 1 _used_ to have such kinds of movement speeds, but these were nerfed some time ago to my eternal annoyance.
@ButFirstHeLitItOnFire 7 месяцев назад
@@messedupperfect9367 Besides, the active ability is supposed to be a meld of the 2 Cursed Ankh relic upgrades we had prior to year 11 (and would have a fairly hefty cooldown to accommodate… I’m thinking 90 or so seconds.)
@nemanjak.2242 7 месяцев назад
We need a type of collection league has, where we can see all the skins and cosmetics we own I cannot just go over every god each time I wanna see which skins I got
@andrewbisson1541 7 месяцев назад
I hope they change a ton of passive nd abilities now that ppl go hybrid i wanna see hybrids that would be dope
@bennywarren9866 7 месяцев назад
You get baby Godzilla so he can fit on the map. Ult is summoning Godzilla Atomic breath
@Devilslicious 7 месяцев назад
My biggest smite request is more minion play. I truly believe it would be more interesting to lower everyone’s power and defense by a hood 10-15%, and introduce minion items that play off of all roles. Add new minion mechanics like being able to buy body guards that body block enemy gods, or jungler minions that follow the jungler and gank, all kinds of shi, followed by RTS/Strategy type gods like Cao Cao or Nobunaga, that give access to whole new minion lane types. Like giving archers guns. My other big wish is removing shit relics like Aegis and beads or and changing them to be ritual one use relics or into items so they are less consistent and players are forced to play a little more smart, making ares and other hard cc extra valuable. And my last wish. TECHNICALLY LOTR IS A RELIGION/MYTHOLOGY. If you don’t know how or why I can explain. But Gandalf mid or Sauron Solo I’m waiting for…
@E-nfileexe 7 месяцев назад
I would like to see Chang’e finally have a dance emote
@josephhakim2344 7 месяцев назад
Clans should have clan wars, where it’s a 5v5 against other clans. They should also be ranked
@JamesyH360 7 месяцев назад
I think the current DR thing is a patchwork solution to the fact that the sheer amount of CC in the game is too high. Smite 2 would be a perfect chance to reduce it
@darkosiris09 7 месяцев назад
But in DotA they have even more CC (and it lasts longer too, I think an average dota stun is around 3 seconds nowadays), it works fine Rather than reducing CCs, I would like them reduce the overall damage output of all gods instead. Because mages and hunters deleting each other in under two seconds is the reason why CC is so powerful in smite
@Tiagocf2 7 месяцев назад
I really like DR as a mechanic, whenever I play other mobas like LOL and Dota 2 I miss it so much because it makes a huge diff
@backroomgaming3305 7 месяцев назад
Wait what is wrong with Arachne kit as it currently sits? I main Arachne in the jungle, The 1. Is great for minor healing, with Vital it allows you to now act as a steroid. The fix I would love to see here is just add in the Vital Amp steroid to base kit. 2. The wrap feels better than ever. I don't see a need to change or fix this. 3. Spiders seemingly work fine 4 the Ult is way better than S3 Ult. It gets you out of a tough spot. Goes over walls, gives a buff when landing. So how would rework Arachnw 😊
@lilwaterbottle7002 7 месяцев назад
I hope limited t5 skins return in smite 2. Socks that they basically stopped adding limited skins
@jettblade 7 месяцев назад
Don't count on having unique item effects since every god can build any item. Either the effect is going to be lackluster for balancing so it won't be worth it or it will be too broken not to build in every role, I doubt there would be an in-between. I honestly do hope to see more folklore from obscure areas or smaller cultures. I saw this one idea that was a flaming protector snake from Brazilian lore. That has a lot of potential but its from a small culture so that probably won't make it in Smite unless there is something like a Folklore pantheon for something like that. Could also include something like Robin Hood or the Loch Ness Monster where is doesn't fit into something specific.
@mileyswrecking 7 месяцев назад
They need to give Persephone the justice she deserves in the new game🥀
@sednanamaka341 7 месяцев назад
There really isn't a need to massively expand the "god pool criteria" and some of those suggestions are just straight up redundant to me. For example, Lochness Monster should just be a Jormungandr skin and I'd be pissed off if one of the yearly 6 god slots were wasted on that rather than an interesting Polynesian or Babylonian deity. Gilgamesh is also not at all comparable to an addition like Cthulhu. He's from an actual mythological text that greatly influenced an ancient culture. Even the Arthurians weren't that out of the box. The last thing I'd want is for Smite to get more and more cheesy with their additions and begin to just resemble the typical mythology gacha mobile game. For example, requests like Dracula seem pointless to me, as 1. He doesn't fit in any pantheon and there's no point in adding one just for him, and 2. The vampiric trope can be successfully used on a well known god already fitting into Smite's criteria, like Sekhmet.
@tylersullivan4446 7 месяцев назад
I want hide back. Maybe rework it so you have to be next to the person to proc it
@Datbigking 7 месяцев назад
The tamblaslos should be a character💀💀💀
@blueboy5090 7 месяцев назад
7:05 Zelk!! 😄😄
@twisterzz4 7 месяцев назад
I hope we get voice pack reworks for some of the older gods. Eset is the best example, she could have a really interesting character and personality, but most of her voicelines are chicken jokes
@Justin-ib6zs 7 месяцев назад
Clan matches with gem/skin value for winners in any game mode with a ranking system.
@BBQMikeD 7 месяцев назад
Im just excited to play it on release so i can enjoy all the overpowered builds then ill drift off once they start nerfing all the items
@economicalphabet2054 7 месяцев назад
I also think olorun (remove his crit 70 and just make him good hunter or mage. Give him more useful skills. His 2 dont do shit to fenrir and dont heal him) and yemoja need better rework ( her mana regen should also have synergy with small percent cool down reduction and be incrrased in mana regen capacity) heavily needed
@Freeman1998ful 7 месяцев назад
So, i have a thought which bugging me since i started playing smite like a month ago. I played Paragon overprime and the most drastic thing what i was missing is ability to aim. I meant: can i please move my crosshair up the sky for the love of god? In my opinion that will be such a huge addition to the game. Or am i not understanding something big behind it?
@jeremyn4397 7 месяцев назад
Up and down action along the y axis is for adjusting distance of skills in SMITE. They could combine them with the aim axis like they did in Paragon or Predecessor. IDK if the SMITE community would like the addition of elevation to the maps and aiming axis though. Personally, I would die for a Paragon/Pred style MOBA that was Star Wars themed. Imagine running through minions as a Jedi, Sith, Trooper, or Bounty Hunter. Plus all the skin possiblities and character they could add for heros.That game would pop off!
@Freeman1998ful 7 месяцев назад
@@jeremyn4397 Well in some time i realised that if smite will do that, Controller players will struggle to play simply because proper aiming is much more harder on consoles then PC. Also i wasnt seen any part of starwars and not liking movie industry in general. So its hard for me to understand ya but yeah, proper moba like paragon is to die for for sure...
@Luuute 7 месяцев назад
A lore reset isnt a good idea. I remember when LoL randomly decided to retcon everything and basically say there was no story for a while. There used to be an option in the main menu to look at the lore but then it was gone. A while later they tried to have a story again but did it stupidly with stuff like Gangplanks rework in lore being because he died but as a result of the lore they disabled him as a champion for like 2 weeks for no reason at all.
@HISTORIVS 7 месяцев назад
Ok, I didn’t know that LoL have made a reboot of the lore, thanks for the info! Myself I’m against a new reset because the bases of a very cool universe for SMITE are here (many pantheons, all the pantheons of the world who can be mentioned or even appear even they are no playable, Order VS Chaos theme who have been explored this year with the storyline gods VS monsters, the Cycle (even its seems it was abandoned in the last chapter…), the humankind place in this world…). Top bad that this points was not explored in the actual lore.
@MrBuns-yi2hk 7 месяцев назад
I actually reallybliked freya's second rework a lot and was really sad when they took away her toggled autos.
@ShuBezerk 7 месяцев назад
Damn now I want to see what a scp moba looks like
@XxTeamCharlie 7 месяцев назад
Ranked clan matches 5 man queue ranked matches seems DOPE
@colemayet1467 7 месяцев назад
Did they announce that?
@XxTeamCharlie 7 месяцев назад
@@colemayet1467 no but it would be dope!
@pixlsw0rd443 7 месяцев назад
I miss PvE so much. The adventure modes were a ton of fun. Nostalgic for them even if they were a bit buggy
@somakun1806 7 месяцев назад
Hope they bring back Pers's old kit instead of new kit.
@sixsam154 7 месяцев назад
Wait smite has a clan system? As far as I know the clans are still broken on consoles so console players have no clans
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