
My Thoughts Season 2.0 - A Rambling Talk - Am I quitting? yes I quit the community - The Division 2 

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@thalpha___ 2 месяца назад
Ikia yelled politely.
@micksmith-b7z 2 месяца назад
Hi iKia, thanks for your level-headed opinion/side to the current state of the game we all love (otherwise we would not be playing it or even looking at content creator videos). I wish some of your philosophy would spoil over to other Content creators who are at times hard to watch as they are so Negative. I applaud you....
@heyitswesty 2 месяца назад
love your content and build philosophy. This is a fun game and it's okay to take a break from time to time and seasons 2.0 is no different.
@SaltandPepperX 2 месяца назад
Totally agree i have 4 accounts and do like starting again with library, specializations, etc it's enjoyable for sure.
@crisscrosscruz2034 2 месяца назад
I played so much in the season the incursion released, did everything in it with randoms even flawless, got a decent time on it aswell and in this past season after getting to lvl 100 in the pass, I felt burned out completely so I took a break till basically the end of the season, to finish off the manhunt
@daveo6728 2 месяца назад
Thanks for this. I enjoy your videos but sadly I don't comment much if at all. You did a great job with this I to enjoy the game for what it is. It will be interesting to see what happens and when it does I will decide what to do. I don't see leaving the game or crying about something that has not happened yet. Keep up the good work and thanks.
@davidkindred1089 2 месяца назад
Well said, sir. Glad to hear a level head comment.
@ChancySanah 2 месяца назад
It could be good, it could be bad, but I've already installed the game, so we'll see. The control point reset thing is a bit annoying and all those other broken things need to be fixed, but that's a separate issue.
@DynamiteBlues 2 месяца назад
You put alot of time into characters I admire you dedication to the division. But you deserve a break.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
i am curious as to what you mean with that i deserve a break?
@DynamiteBlues 2 месяца назад
@ikia I mean a break form the game you did well on the battlefield soldier. If you want to play more go ahead and have.
@dbrdn8115 2 месяца назад
A good video, one to be proud of.
@BlurredVision18 2 месяца назад
Feedback is important for developers to be able to provide a good product people want to play. The Division is their favorite restaurant, they want to eat there, they also won't just eat shit as long as it's served to them. Also, don't think it's unreasonable when the season releases a Brand and Gear Set aimed towards rifles and the rifles don't have audio, or for the fragile armor bug to still exists... that's not "hating the game and need to move on", that's devs need to be held to a standard, and when they don't call them out. Players deserve at least a functioning game they paid for, sometimes repeatedly with battlepass after 6 years... if we're not getting "new content" (no , rehashed Manhunts barely pass as content, and it's not new" at least fix what's there. "Modifiers" they need new mechanics, like being able to drop a rare (actually rare) mask, glove, holster with a blank talent slot, then you can destroy a backpack and a chest piece and have a 50/50 chance to transfer one of the two to that item. Another season could have all weapon attachments a blank slate, needing to farm a unique encounter for material used to power those attachments. Give the attachments 30 points to allocate to any stat you want. 15% point as to crit dmg, 10% to accuracy, 5% to chance, so we can really make our gun. The encounter could be hunters at night in a region, the amount of hunters that spawn is determined by the level and how many control points you can do during the day, higher CP Tier means Hunter drops more mats. Another Idea is a generic skill mod drop that changes skills, Fire Damage to Pulse, Flame turrets heal the agent is he stands in it etc. Instead we gonna get a season long Global Event LOL. games like PoE work because each season drastically changes crafting, skill balances, etc. We aint gettin changes like that, I'd love to be wrong, but based on what they do for us already... I have a hard time believing they gonna turn it up now.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
you almost made a coherent point, till "Instead we gonna get a season long Global Event LOL", acting asif you know what the modifier means while you don't, because no one does, that is a issue. but you acting with confidence that you do is another issue all together. and i didn't say that criticism is bad, i said that this like what you did right there isn't criticism, its just yelling into the void. we aren't eating shit, and seasons 2.0 likely isn't shit, you thinking that you are being forced to eat excrement sight unseen is just your issue, not others.
@BlurredVision18 2 месяца назад
@@ikia My bad, I didn't know I needed to state that my obvious opinion/prediction based on previous experience with what the devs have provided was in fact an opinion/prediction. You don't know it's not gonna be shit either. Again, I'd love to be wrong, and I'll be playing day 1 to find out. But I appreciate you discrediting my, "almost coherent point" by a presumption. "being forced to eat excrement sight unseen" Not even what I said. They've been making unpopular decisions within the playerbase repeatedly since beta, nerfs, lack of content support, poor quality cosmetics that people are willing to pay for if they were just done well, bug fixing or rather a lack there of, and people have been complaining, leaving poor reviews, no longer playing the game, and some people not even giving the game a chance because of hear say. I have people tell me when discussing games, "I heard Division was buggy as hell so the devs just let it die, nah I'll pass playing that one." And yes, you believe what you want, but other people not playing the game does affect the people that do. When the franchise stops making money, the franchise stops existing. Or at the very least a good quality standard. You assume my "yelling into the void", which I don't even know how giving my ideas to what would make an exciting experience got you to that conclusion (I know, it was the presumption that discredited the whole thing, lol), is unfounded due to spite or whatever, it's not. This is feedback, it needs to be out there on the proper channels (that part's important, no need for a damn manifest in a random youtube comment section), so devs can see and think, "oh, maybe a simple stat modifier won't do", "maybe we should fix this broken mechanic", "maybe we should be more clear about what we intended to accomplish, especially considering we've already had this conversation about upset fans and having clarity before" etc. But go off. I'll keep enjoying the game regardless, praising them when they do something right, letting them know when they fuck something up, and voicing my concern with potential changes in between, concerns because I know how they tend to do things. Especially knowing the limitations the current code allows, they've discussed this before during gear 2.0. Cause I can do all three without blinders, and it's always valid as a consumer of that product.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
great rant for proving my point, you cant even see how much negativity you carry here, for no real reason, all the points you try to make here are your perception trough either negativity that you hold, or are convinced by by peers by the company you keep. there has been allot of good additions, and barely any nerfs, some of the cosmetics have been great, and the list of current issues with the game is a lot shorter and invasive than allot of games out there. also people have always been complaining about the dumbest stuff and deserve no validation for it. and the hearsay you talk about is created by people like you that only emphasize the worst, if they would hear you speak like this, offcourse why would anyone even consider it. you are stuck in this thinking and that will sour any thing that will happen here anyway. the game is still pretty awesome, despite any of these issues, you only brought up the bad asif no good exists. there has been plenty of bad, but acting asif there was no good at all is very disingenuous and i will call you out for it. and none of what you said is feedback, its rethoric that keeps getting spewed around the community asif it matters, you gave no true insight into why any of this bothers you and what you would like to see differently, the definition of yelling into the void. and that last part of trying to act asif you would in any way praise the devs if they did something right is laughable, you have already espoused that they can do no right in your eyes. you had two rants to say even one positive thing, and you only spewed negativity. and yeah, you sure have no blinders, keep telling yourself that, you might eventually believe it alongside all the other dumb rhetoric you have spewed here.
@crisscrosscruz2034 2 месяца назад
The same people that say they won't play the game anymore because of seasonal characters (obviously some stay true to their word) are the same ones that 3/4 months from now will be engaging in social spaces and talking about div 2 If you stopped playing the game, why are you still talking about said game.
@PrototypeJC 2 месяца назад
People always fail to realize that reddit and discord gaming communities are fringe minorities of the total player population. Couldn't agree with you more on all points.
@kilerquinn213 2 месяца назад
Didn't some of your friends also moan about the gear lock stuff and also threatened to quit over it? I didn't see a video like this before... If you think this is the right time to implement such radical change in the game i hope you're right because its either gonna kill the game or revive it and i cant choose one. I can see people quit over, the game is in a dumb state, critical bugs to fix and they fix bugs that dont bother anyone or are barely noticable. If this goes wrong, its the end. With all the backlash from community and from the most of content creators (big ones) some of them relevant some not that relevant but still its gonna have an impact on the final product.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
thanks for showing you don't know me or my takes, because no, i didn't moan about combat lock, i barely cared if it would or wouldn't happen and called out the loudmouths that did push it too far in their responses repeatedly. and i think anytime is a good time for a change, especially if it is to systems that already are lingering in irrelevancy as much as the manhunts. otherwise it will end up that there is never a good time for any change. and agreed, it could be bad, but we dont know yet, it could be a breath of fresh air, that why i am saying i am not sold on it yet, but also i am not going to outright dismiss it and try to say it is the worst thing ever, that being much more my issue with the community an definitely some of those creators.
@crisscrosscruz2034 2 месяца назад
Alot of people in this community just live in an echo chamber of negativity, that's why they choose to make countless posts on any platform about how they think the game is dead /dying because they need to see other people share their same opinion, it makes them feel validated
@simontaylor9362 2 месяца назад
I personally don't mind the idea of seasonal characters, tbh It's something to do . For me its the gear and exotics that are way off the .ark and with nothing to grind for i don't see the point. Its a shame for me because I've really come to enjoy alot of the content creators that have kept me interested over the years. Possibly end of an era 😂 great vid
@D4RT-one 2 месяца назад
Them gatekeeping story from my main character isn't a problem, I can watch it on RU-vid. The problem is them locking new season gear only for seasonal character. That's bad, I want new things be introduced to my established builds, not waiting the whole season only to test things out
@CHEF2077 2 месяца назад
I feel like many dont understand the difference between criticism and just shittalking something. To me (a big fan who bought this game 5 times on 2 different platforms) things like Fragile Armor directive being bugged for years now is absolutely unnacceptable. If they cant fix it, then at least admit it to us and then move on. But leaving us fans in the dark is simply not fair. Additionally, this game was not designed for seasonal content. To me it feels like the have to go out of their way so much, that these resources could've been spent in a significant better way. It feels to me, they announced it purposefully very late, so it cant be rolled back. With the gear revamp, the devs showed us, they have no clue what they're doing. Critique to this has to be expressed! But saying the game is absolute dogshit and shittalking it permanently, then still playing it, is just double standards. The biggest problem is lack of competition. I dont have any faith in the devs anymore and I personally will have the worst expectations for Div3. So I dont get disappointed if it turns out to be good.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
well, there is in your text also for instance is the presumption that gear 2.0, while just as badly received by some, was actually universally thought to be bad by all, i would disagree, to me, with gear 2.0 they showed that they had actual game designers, gear 1.0 was a mess that would have never been able to be polished up to this degree. gear 2.0 was actually what was the catalyst for the current build diversity. nor do i agree that fragile armour bug is unacceptable, mostly because i just accept it and play around it, either having it on and dealing with it when it breaks, or just keeping it off. just from the time it has been in the game we can just say it is here to stay, as it isn't easy to even replicate when we try, it is one of the most inconsistent things. but for the rest of it i agree, if you think there is something to criticize then doing so is fine, its more the vitriolic parts that i have issues with that people go with, kinda like your "the devs showed us, they have no clue what they're doing.". also if they really want to pounce us with this, 4 months ahead of time isnt really "late", if anything it is early.
@dmnafx 2 месяца назад
Ubisoft choose worst moment to input this stupidy idea on the game. The First Descendent launch today and probably take some portion of TD players base.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
they chose the big event they had available, and there is always a game coming out, them announcing it at the time they did is really not a noteworthy issue.
@retro-jw9ms 2 месяца назад
The First Descendent suck though, so boring.
@grumpyoldman6503 2 месяца назад
I think recent demonstration of whomever is supporting the game currently doesn't bode well for Y6 and beyond. They clearly aren't familiar with the legacy code and aren't in tune with what makes for compelling gear. And we aren't getting any actually new content confirmed until the DLC... so not sure the point of sticking around to regrind the same things I already have in seasons, or just solo non season with my 1 season old gear. Kinda a lose-lose proposition.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
as i say in this video aswell, if you feel done with the game, it is fine to move on, maybe you return, maybe you wont, it is fine. i am fine redoing the content we have now in new ways for myself with different GEs for a while to come, mostly because i vary my builds up allot and try to make it new for myself, with that and also varying up my teammates.
@grumpyoldman6503 2 месяца назад
@ikia I'm sure I will try it, but like you mentioned, they weren't very specific about the kinds of "modifiers" they are capable of inserting into seasons. I don't have a warm fuzzy. For sure, I also would have been happy with more builds to collect and tinker with, but again, see comments about core competency. It would give me tons of replayability just to have rebalanced existing stuff that is poor. Even a nerf to striker would have been "interesting" if it also came with rebalance of crap like mad bomber, reassigned, protected reload, or entrench, just to name some egregious examples. Or geasets that have become obsolete over time (Aces, Rigger, Ortiz, etc.) and just serve as bloat at this point. And there are plenty of exotics that could be good with small tweaks. Anyways, you get the point. Someone like yourself or me who have thousands of hours in the game know vastly more about the inner workings of the game than the people in control of and responsible for delivering new things in div2. So the warts are readily apparent, and yes, taking a break and not burning yourself out are 100% logical suggestions vs temper-tantrums. But they *are* crapping on long-term players who were the most invested in their IP with the seasonal shift at this point. And the negative knee-jerk tsunami of reddit and just about every other social media outlet is 100% feedback they should prepare to deal with as they execute. "I hate this" is perfectly legitimate, even if not super useful feedback.
@Treksilk 2 месяца назад
​@@ikia Typical narcisist anology. Suits you its fine, classic. As much as classic as the "it works for me" type build lol Yeah guess what the "community" is pretty much against and THANK GOD they are. Deal with it.
@ikia 2 месяца назад
@iceman234 typical idiotic response that resorts to namecalling, also learn to spell analogy. and then look up what it means, because by no definition of it did i make a analogy there. suit you fine just to try to dehumanize someone else because you disagree with them by trying to psychoanalyze them trough the internet, it cant be that they have a point, it must be that they have a mental condition. and it is nothing like saying it works for me, it is like saying you and you ilk are acting infantile for your dumb outrage towards any change that has come trough the years, including this one. and the entire community isn't against it, just your bubble is. deal with it.
@paulocarvalho1982 2 месяца назад
I've been playing since TD1 Open Beta, and I hate the seasonal characters because I'm mostly bored about the game, and only really care about playing the Manhunts for the (little) story progression we get. Like I said, I'm very bored, and I absolutely CAN'T play this thing from scratch again, and worse, have to do it every 4 months! If we were still playing the TD1 map, I would have no big issue with that, but in this boring setting, I simply can't. And with the way I feel, the seasonal characters made me even loose interest in the DLC, the only thing that was keeping me interested in the game...
@ikia 2 месяца назад
if you are bored with the game, would a shake up maybe be worth it? and they have already said that it will be a shorter progression to endgame, doing the campaign parts will likely take 10 hours for any experienced player. but what it sound like is that you are done with the game, and they don't need to cater to people that are, the rest of us that actually like and enjoy the game, and the setting of div2, there is the hope that it will be a good addition. because we like playing the game, and this is more of the game.
@paulocarvalho1982 2 месяца назад
@@ikia I don't think I'm done with the game, but I understand that the change is for the people that still enjoys, and gets excited by playing the game, not really for me. But what I feel/"see" is that there's A LOT more people that are in a similar situation to mine, and this change will push us away from the game, and that's not good, for the game, or for the people that will stay and enjoy that change. Less people in the game means less people to match make, lower numbers on player engagement "trackers" (bad reputation for the game), less people buying cosmetics and season passes, and with all that, possibly less investment from Ubi. Maybe I'm wrong, and we are the minority, and this will be good for the game, but I doubt. By the way, I'm someone who believes that the game is WAY to easy and way to "casual/noob friendly", which makes the game worse, but I understand, and accept, that the game being like that keeps bringing new players in, which is positive for the game. So, the point I'm making about seasonal characters is not just because that will be bad for me, but because I think this change will actually be bad for the game...
@ikia 2 месяца назад
i don't think there will be less people in the game. the a lot of people you see and are joining in with are just the loud ones, the actual majority will not even know about the change as the biggest part of the playerbase doesn't even keep up with news about the game, that is just a normal thing with games, the people playing casually will just play, and as long as they enjoy it stick around and then move on. and the loud parts of the community have made sure that the people that are on the fence or even looking forward to it will not speak up, because they will be drowned out. I am not going to stand here and promise that it will be better with these changes, but i will also not stand and just repeat the rhetoric going around that is at the very least uninformed for now. and a core idea they expressed for the seasonal characters in the initial video, is that they want to limit our power and challenge us with the seasonal characters, so if they actually do that, you might have the difficulty that you and i both like.
@erinmorales5097 2 месяца назад
I'm just gonna play my main character, SCREW the story
@ikia 2 месяца назад
you went from a normal take like this to the other unhinged one, may want to check that anger issue there. also it is fine if you want to sit it out, no need to tell anyone.
@erinmorales5097 2 месяца назад
@ikia 2 месяца назад
WHY ARE YOU YELLING? also gtfo with your dumb infantile takes. just because you can't handle a challenge, doesn't mean the rest of us can't. And also where did i call for nerfs? good job talking about a vid you did not watch. so the real question is why are you butting into a discussion you obviously know nothing about.
@AntaryMW2 2 месяца назад
TL:DR - Seasons 2.0 not that bad. He gona play it anyway. If you feel like leaving game - leave and dont cry about it. If you feel like you got nothing to do in game - thats because you played to much and burnedout so make a brake from game (but honestly from my perspective not like there gona be much new content when you get back) and dont spread negativity.
@AntaryMW2 2 месяца назад
Like.....as a developer why would you make a change wich is big 50 50 for people ? It can be good for someone and someone can leave game compleatly. Is it best change you came up with ? You cant do anything better that this ? Why dont you just make something maybe not that big but something wich everyone gona be if not "like" but atleast OK with ? Questionable right ? Are they have THAT LITTLE resources so they just saying us "we dont know what to do with powercreep without makeing you start from scratch" ? If so...well alright i guess. Like....gaming world is like marketplace right now - publishers are sell entertament for players and players buy it as a product. And they push this change like there no other games and people not gona leave some FDS or BDO or warframe or whatever. If you fucked up - you gona defenetly loss some players and as effect - some revenew. I dunno. Strange. Honestly from my perspective im already make 2 new characters cus i got nothing else to do in game but i dont mind play some more cus i like core gameplay. If Seasons2.0 gona happend i just gona spend day putting together another Striker and thats it. It not gona affect me much but what about other players ? Imagine there peolpe that actually NOT MOVING from main charater. And what then ? Everyone got new content and they got nothing ? No wonder they gona feel themself abondoned. Game not even need this big changes it can live up for Broklyn dlc as it is right now. Because look back and rethink what we get in 6 month - Biggest thing is Incursion (wich is introduced op overbourus adding even more powercreep), st elmo, one national zoo mission remix, faye lau mission remix and.....i cant remember anything really valuble. And even thou people still playng. Jerking off 5 year old map with it activites all over again. You dont need push 50 50 change for them to keep playing. Strange decision on dev\marketing side.
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