
Narcissist Infuriated When Faces Karma, Payback, Punishment 

Prof. Sam Vaknin
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Narcissists are infuriated when they are finally made to pay for their misbehavior, crimes, and abuse. They deny everything, reframe their choices and actions (“I had no choice”, “they made me do it”), and claim victimhood (“I am being punished for acting morally, for being boundaried, for exposing them”).
They are never to blame, always to be pitied. They lash out at their “tormentors” and compound their troubles by externalising aggression and acting out.
Narcissists get away with it all the time: superficial charm, plausible deniability, exculpating narratives, inundation with details, nitpicking and hairsplitting, mutilated language, flying monkeys, delay tactics, intimidating aura, outlandish charges and counterclaims, crazymaking and acting out.
Impunity and immunity are parts of grandiosity. So, being exposed and penalized constitute narcissistic injury or mortification.
External vs. internal solution.
Nothing more pathetic and revolting than a covert narcissist claiming the high moral ground or an overt narcissist claiming victimhood.
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26 сен 2024




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@64Afrika 3 месяца назад
I hate when they are fake nice and smiling .
@cheeksmcgill9858 3 месяца назад
That is my mom to a "T," She has Big beautiful blue eyes and a beautiful smile and uses it to trick people and get her way.
@shawnpatton3260 3 месяца назад
I get that. I have reached a place where the more outgoing and "nice" people are the more wary I become. And that's everyone. I second guess myself and this attitude but it's survival
@lesleyofferhall8133 3 месяца назад
I know what you mean! It makes me feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
@roberttrinca3868 3 месяца назад
The major silver lining of my encounter with a covert narcissist was what it showed me about my own unaddressed personality defects.
@CDRFINANCE 3 месяца назад
@AremAsha 3 месяца назад
@Whipporwhill 3 месяца назад
How so?
@roberttrinca3868 3 месяца назад
@Whipporwhill I only discovered the full extent of her problem in the discard, I was in a bad way and wondering what was wrong with me that I could be so personally destroyed. Then in the process of understanding her there was a lot of compare and contrast with my self and others. When dealing with personalities, there is no pure form, there are types that can be benign, malignant or somewhere between. I learned that I have a pattern that sets me up for these disastrous relationships. It does not excuse what they do, but now that I know ,then I need to adjust my own behaviour.
@mimi42428 3 месяца назад
@alimirzamani979 3 месяца назад
Understanding narcissist is very hard. It's like someone try to tell how sugar tastes if you have never tasted anything sweet. Until you actually live with a covert narcissist you cannot know how evil and abusive they are.
@Godsgangstabitch 3 месяца назад
​@@MsRapture10i totally understand.
@TawnyJenkins-td5gl 2 месяца назад
I would believe you. Stay safe and try to stay ahead of the traps.
@KatherineSpinks-cu9io 2 месяца назад
Well said.
@Nic-f5w 18 дней назад
That is so true!
@ladyg852 3 дня назад
Excellent metaphor!
@AmbiLane998 3 месяца назад
And they ALWAYS end up reaping what they've sown.
@machtnichtsseimann 3 месяца назад
@@Billie-1357 - It can be that damaging to one's health. Outsiders who aren't going through it don't understand, and they might increase pressure to tolerate the narcissist they help enable. You gotta do what you gotta do, even when many won't understand you, or worse, judge you negatively for it.
@sicibell 3 месяца назад
Always. It’s a Biblical law that we all activate knowingly or unknowingly the law of reaping and sowing. When you do evil, you make a reservation in the spirt realm that it will return unto you!
@c.m.r.1745 3 месяца назад
​@@sicibell well, i would like to believe this and see evidence in this life. My life has been destroyed by a dark psycho and I dont see any light.
@c.m.r.1745 3 месяца назад
"Always"...? How do you know...? I am faving a very but hard situation and this criminal psycho went through his whole f***** life without getting the bill? He knows perfectly howvto commit crimes and stay in the grey zone. Now for almost 60 years leaving after him suffering, destruction, pain, broken lives, empty bank accounts...a real sadic, perverse, machiavelic psycho who LOL of us, his victims and enjoys our pain. When, where, how...does he end "always" to get his bill??!!
@sicibell 3 месяца назад
@@c.m.r.1745 let me delve alittle bit further with my personal testimony. If you haven't surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and become reborn again, please do so and He will dispel the darkness! You absolutely can defeat them when you give your life to Jesus because He is the light of the world and darkness WILL NOT overcome you! Narcissism is spiritually rooted, hence, why the DSM-5 deems no cure because it's like trying to treat cholesterol with blood pressure medication. You can't treat a spiritually rooted problem from a medical standpoint, as antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs only aggravate the demons. Narcissists are possessed with the Jezebel spirit and plagued with many lower ranking demonic spirits. Did you ever stop and think about why they are do the same thing? They didn't go to Narc Academy 101, therefore, there's your evidence! They are sent on assignment from Satan because God has a purpose and plan for your life and the thief (Satan) only comes to steal, kill and destroy whether that be mentally, physically, spiritually, etc. The ex-narc baby daddy would falsely accuse parental alienation and God defeated him and his toxic enabling mother in court EVERYTIME! This is another Biblical law that God will vindicate you in court when lies and slander (Satan) is coming against you if you've repented for your sins and become reborn again. Satan attempted murder by way of strangulation on my daughter. I installed a security camera to record pick-up and drop-offs which captured my daughter's state of well-being/testimony as well as the physical markings left behind. I pretended all was OK until the following week to confront the demon and he unhinged on camera while attempting to deny, lie and gaslight. Par for the course! His denial was his confession, as his body language and mouth were doing all the talking. They (Mother & Son LLC) acquiesced for a year to reopen the lines of communication and could not elicit a response from me because I was ignoring them that they started to doubt their own existence. I knew he was going to take me to court but was holding the ace in my pocket. Lo and behold he did, and I exposed Satan and the fruitless deeds done in the dark by returning a 28-page counteranswer to his 2-page petition two days before our hearing. Satan hit the ground running and entered a continuance to then not show up to court and sent his mother. In the interim, he texted me that he wasn't going to continue to fight me in court and closed with goodbye woman! That was always the end goal and the sweetest words I ever heard Satan utter. The Satanic human agents want to wear you down, but YOU need to challenge them and wear them down with the Sword of the Lord which is the Bible. And that my friend is the law of reaping what you sow. What Satan accuses you of, is EXACTLY the very thing that brings them shame, disgrace and exposure. Pride comes before the fall and what was meant for evil God will turn for your good. God allows the narcissist to enter your life because that's the only way He can get your attention is when your back is against the wall. I always knew the police and legal system couldn't help me because we are in a spiritual war with Satan everyday. I go back to; this is why you can't treat spiritually rooted problems from the lens of this physical world. Jehovah Rapha, Our Healer wants to heal you and bind up your wounds. Remember, His promise in the Our Father is that He will deliver us from evil because he wants the glory. Satan wants you to worship him, hence, the narcissist, but that's idolatry and worshipping another god. Binding ourselves with the narc is breaking the first Commandment and why bad things are allowed in our world because God is man of covenant. We must come out of agreement with what we ignorantly signed onto and then He can intercede and fight the battle for us! I hope my story encourages you that there is hope and healing waiting for you on the other and it's because Jesus died for our sins. We need to repent for our sins and where we allowed Satan to infiltrate our lives in such an evil way. Satan can't just jump on you and that's why the sins of our parents fall on us. The narcissist was allowed in our lives because there is/was a demonic altar that our parent's and ancestor's erected without our knowledge. How do I know this? When I was 6 years' old, I looked up my mother and said there's something radically wrong with her. Years later as I stood in my daughter's bedroom (while in the relationship with the narc) God exposed I was dating my mother's male counterpart after having words with her on the phone. God was always trying to break through and why it felt like an angel versus a demon! If you need anything else, please feel free to reach out. Sending you love in Christ Jesus! God bless! Jesus is and will always be King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Amen and amen!
@Elizabeth-py2xl 3 месяца назад
I feel like you made this for me, I left my Narc today!
@roberttrinca3868 3 месяца назад
Congratulations, it will be a long hard road of self healing, but as you will no longer be wasting effort on someone else you will be planting a good crop for a decent harvest.
@dkblue9331 3 месяца назад
Well done! Stay strong 💃
@BNyaB 3 месяца назад
@personneici2595 3 месяца назад
Stay safe ❤
@KatherineSpinks-cu9io 2 месяца назад
@MemeJustme-t8y 3 месяца назад
Nailed it! They teach you to treat you bad. While they are enraged as a victim. Then the court system supports them.
@benmahdjoubharoun1467 3 месяца назад
*them, support them*.
@MemeJustme-t8y 3 месяца назад
@@benmahdjoubharoun1467 thank you.
@mightychondriaofthecell3317 3 месяца назад
Damn, this is so accurate. The court system supporting them is something I don't hear people talk about much but its my exact experience too. They are master manipulators and even judges fall victim. Its very discouraging.
@Sekouguru 2 месяца назад
Dude.. nailed it bullseye
@KatherineSpinks-cu9io 2 месяца назад
OMG, so WELL SAID. “They teach you to treat you bad”. That is a classic statement. At that point you are the victim over and over and over and over again. And at that point you have probably lost ALL YOUR money, much less your sanity.
@lundsweden 3 месяца назад
Imagine a small child, in a grownups body. I didn't get my way! Tantrum time! 😅
@roberttrinca3868 3 месяца назад
I learned more about myself in the last two months from this man, than from the my previous 62 years of life experience. You can get a lot of virtual comforting from you tube and a sense of shared experience, but Sam gives you knowledge and knowledge can set you free.
@Jocuri.Blog.Romania 3 месяца назад
"victim bait" You made my day! 😂
@dianeoneil5376 3 месяца назад
Hands down THE most accurate description ever!
@nevtheskid4579 3 месяца назад
After surviving severe narcissistic emotional abuse from my mother, I find myself almost gravitating towards other covertly narcissistic women. Some have played the "woman" card, some the race card, others the disability card, and all of them successfully constructed a victim narrative and I suffered for it. My question is, how can victims deconstruct the covert narcissist's victimhood narrative to people who, for one reason or another, side with the narcissist?
@annier895 3 месяца назад
I’m wondering the same thing; how do we help others to see right through them?
@machtnichtsseimann 3 месяца назад
@@annier895 - One of the methods I employ is to consistently remind the enablers of the gravity / damage the narcissist caused. You can't necessarily fault enablers for forgetfulness, although on the other hand confronting their Denial brings them back to facing Reality. Another thing, challenging an enabler / friend on their passivity or conflict-avoidance can squarely sober them up. "Can". No guarantees. It can be a lonely experience when standing firm against the narcissist, especially when enablers and outsiders don't want to hear the full truth and context of the problem.
@Mllascelles1 3 месяца назад
Unfortunately, it's not an easy task to do. Covert Narcissist start smearing you very early in the zero-sum situationship. Some will see in their own time - a few will tell you later, but others want no parts of either of you.
@john7148 3 месяца назад
​@annier895 It's very difficult...when they get in first. It's only the first story...that is often believed.
@t.a.4356 3 месяца назад
Just be aware that they may not be deceived victims, but enablers
@mariaholmqvist993 3 месяца назад
I like that your voice pitched up an octave at the end because that clarifies whom we are dealing with, a hurt child.
@dennishopper1410 3 месяца назад
This is so so accurate. Especially the commentary around invading your empathy to manipulate you. My brother in law stole $150k from his employer (in an easily and inevitably uncovered fraud). When he was caught, he was fired and nearly went to jail. When he came to tell us what he’d done, he painted himself as a victim (‘I was underpaid, the business treated me badly, I got greedy but I’m just trying to provide for my family etc’)… and we initially felt sorry for him! It was only after thinking about it for 10 minutes after he’d left that we formed the proper response - anger, disgust, outrage.
@lyndiacurtis2065 3 месяца назад
Great video , professor Vaknin will never know how he has influenced my life . I have been exposed to narcissists for many years and didn’t know what they were! Thankful for knowing this ! Thankful for professor Vaknin !
@barbara9247 3 месяца назад
here here !!
@cheeksmcgill9858 3 месяца назад
I swear, I just don't get why they do what they do. As they see people avoid them or go "No Contact," they double down on the insults from afar. So what is the big payday for them? Their inner circle and family they once had around them run for the hills? They end up alone.
@cheeksmcgill9858 3 месяца назад
@@MsRapture10 Exactly, well stated.
@joefuge2978 Месяц назад
Don't forget, they're "stupid."
@cheeksmcgill9858 Месяц назад
@@joefuge2978 100%
@psyuncoverd 3 месяца назад
That truly happens in the debriefing, post-mortem era when you trying to figure out what happened and the narcichode is void of supply
@psyuncoverd 3 месяца назад
over the rainbow, somewhere
@GeriRogers 3 месяца назад
The most true spot on video I have watched. I know because I lived with one of these horrible people for 50 years and put up with so much abuse. So anyone out there..if you think it will ever change or get better believe me it won't! Run as fast and as far away as you can before it destroys you completely in so many ways. These people are unbelievable demons . RUN for your life a for your sanity!!!!!!😢
@KatherineSpinks-cu9io 2 месяца назад
And for your children’s lives, even if they are adults. Just out of 42 years abuse by a narc.
@curlyteeth3097 3 месяца назад
❤ Thespian skills ! .....you nailed it ! ❤
@alciaran 3 месяца назад
Brilliant exposition on these dark creatures, thank you
@InsertYTHandleHere 3 месяца назад
I think we all forget the fact that narcissists don't KNOW the fact that they've harmed someone. When they recieve payback, they think they're the victim.
@daquainoo2126 3 месяца назад
Sounded very (fake friend) personal this video 😂
@LuisVallejo-zz9sh 3 месяца назад
@heathersoper6923 3 месяца назад
I saw the eyes.
@patriciaturner7402 3 месяца назад
They fiddle fart around till there is a green cloud over his head.
@Yachtclubn 3 месяца назад
You are my favorite! Thank you 🤗 you are the only one that is teaching me about this. I will learn to detach for self preservation of my soul. ❤
@BenjyaminSaturnHaunebu777_3 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this Video. So the Conclusion is, that the Narcissist is a little Child in an Adult Body.
@fanOM1000 3 месяца назад
hey could you do a series dedicated to living better being a person with narcissisitic/psychopathic traits? thank you for your work
@anne-vc7bg 3 месяца назад
While you're waiting for a video series: Depending on what you mean by living better - self-supply, tackling envy and catching yourself with (mis) behaviours would get you pretty far in my unprofessional opinion with a few years experience of sloppily watching this channel. Prof.V's Cold therapy is still unavailable if I hadn't missed any updates for alleviating the need for narcissistic supply and tackling grandiosity. (I apologise in advance to prof.V for not doing as much due diligence as I could've and should've, as well as blame the Dunning-Kruger effect.) (*Edit: I am allocating blame for any unintentional misinformation of the DK effect - the poor English in the last sentence is fully on me and my negligence 🤦)
@Dystopia2024 3 месяца назад
Living better with a narcissist or a psychopath...🤔🤔???
@dalefrank3713 3 месяца назад
​@@Dystopia2024 no they mean if you're a narcissist or a psychopath yourself.
@barbaratrowbridge668 Месяц назад
Love your teaching techniques. You are full of passion, good with metaphorically explaining. Your humor is fantastic and learn much. Thank you Sir
@irenerenee8782 2 месяца назад
Amazing how similar and boring they are, I left my narc twice. That was a close to hospital case for me since I just gave birth his child found out he was married in other country and just had his baby with his wife whom he left shortly after birth as well, so I end up thinking I am horrible person. And also stupid enough to believe him in first place
@aubonglutendantan5269 3 месяца назад
Thanks for being you and sharing it
@ProjectLifeNetwork 3 месяца назад
I really enjoy your teaching style.. you make me laugh and learn at the same time.... The Narcissist.. "Oh.. I'd never hurt a fly.. i'm a saint.. i should be canonized. Everyone is so mean to me.. I'm the best... not almost the best.. The Best.. at everything i say... "As White as the Driven Snow" lol....
@ghostfoto...3714 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this video. I am going to share it. "Creatures of the dark" indeed..
@marwabahgat8380 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much.
@SanghamitraMajumder 3 месяца назад
When will these vampires decompose Sam!
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Mere mortals decompose. Vampires never do.
@erichoben4125 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the information.
@Bradhasher 3 месяца назад
The victim concept has been crucial in killing my inner N. Been battling numerous with a bipolar defense system for a long time. When they split i split and go full N. When i lose insight i do all the things G.L., project, yada yada. Magical thinking all of it. Just in different stages. Thanks Sam
@Bradhasher 3 месяца назад
Some pronoun density there.
@RND-x8m 2 месяца назад
Thats exactly how they are...
@taralinagaee-atefi8265 3 месяца назад
love your talks Prof Sam Vaknin xo Thank you!!
@nairiver 3 месяца назад
You are amazing (I know you already know 😂)! You're exactly describing my ex. Once again, with such uncanny precision, I feel like you personally know him (and I'm sure you know him better than he will ever know himself). I've watched tons of your videos and at last understand what happened during my past relationship, which was beyond perplexing, toxic , and abusive. If not for you, I may still gaslight myself into believing he has kindness and goodness, or some empathy somewhere deep within, and I would've continued granting him chances. Your channel has been instrumental in clearing the fog I've been living in (finally, things make sense!), which years of therapy failed to accomplish. Thank you. Truly. ❤
@killingfields5853 3 месяца назад
He's hilarious
@PamKopp-ot7fd 3 месяца назад
It took me 36 years to figure this crap out now that im calling him out he gets furious screaming at me im no longer bothered by it he says u yell at me all the time now lmao not taking no more of your crap i tell him
@christinedufour5746 3 месяца назад
Unfortunately our daughters ex has manipulated even the court and psychologist which has led to very damaging results for their children. No punishment no karma there. He is on drugs and pretends interest in the 4 year old children. He has been granted weeks by himself with them . Un believable but true. So sad....and were so worried...
@Songs4U26 3 месяца назад
I'm so deeply sorry to hear that you are suffering over this...cruel
@t.a.4356 3 месяца назад
Record him without him knowing.
@felicianewman5306 3 месяца назад
@@t.a.4356 that really doesn’t help. Narcs usually win in court.
@bvhia 3 месяца назад
Karma doesnt work on your time, it works on God’s time. Dont worry, it will come
@divinegon4671 3 месяца назад
@@felicianewman5306can you explain what you mean? Narcs are good at convincing judges? Constructing false alibis/narratives? 😂 I think I already answered my own question
@Carolina-u2h Месяц назад
Hola profesor, soy de Chile y gracias a UD puedo ver toda la falsedad a la que fui sometida, teniendo consecuencias irrecuperables para mí salud
@kittensugars 3 месяца назад
Amazing how long they can wear the mask...my stb ex husband wore his for about six months...until he had me isolated, then it fell off, and the rage at my authenticity began. The whole thing was fraudulent, he took vows in bad faith. BUT.... he's about to pay.
@jayTee-zp1jn Месяц назад
Mine wore a mask for 3 years. When it slipped then it fell hard! No going back to him when I saw him for what he was, for all the evil he was.
@promo130 2 месяца назад
exacltly the woman i was dating for about 4 weeks.
@izasztrubel7545 3 месяца назад
Good afternoon
@xrppornstar9483 3 месяца назад
Narcissism at its core is a shared fantasy that took a left and embodies human sacrifice. Remember that the narcissist is the God and the worshipper and this is where the rubber meets the road. - btw Sam Vaknin taught me all of this.
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Who is Sam Vaknin?
@donnadwarika6370 Месяц назад
Thank you so much.
@sofiaavetisian5673 4 дня назад
Why does the narcissist apply different levels of intermittent reinforcement with different partners? For example he dumps his intimate partner frequently and then comes back to her but with the next supply the relationship is stable and they never have those “breaks” Does it depend on the quantity and quality of the supply from the partner?
@samvaknin 4 дня назад
Watch the shared fantasy playlist.
@kalina4545 3 месяца назад
Good morning Sam:)
@rosefireful 3 месяца назад
@heathersoper6923 3 месяца назад
A host of evidence that he and his dentist conned me and he denies any wrongdoing. I now need a bone graft. The Lies, everything he said is a lie. Both men are in court.
@apubanerjee5496 3 месяца назад
Word by Words , ⬇️ A Dot , 👌 Pin Point Accurate , 👌 Content . 👌 👌👌 .
@ThePopmaker 3 месяца назад
This is me. How do I stop? I can’t stop thinking about him
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Watch the NA Healing playlist.
@CDRFINANCE 3 месяца назад
Knowledge and time is the only way out
@sirhcduhomage 3 месяца назад
I've always depended on my narcissistic parent for financial needs, as it was always on offer. Now with my life in ruins, I question my own level of narcissism and the anger at situations I've placed myself in. Now i'm paying debts, which increase with every rotation. Would it be possible to reverse my descent at the age of 38? I can't differentiate the "factual" wounds from ones that may be narcissistic in their expression. A lot of your examples are feeling way too close to home, making me feel like a part-time casual narcissist, destined to get worse. I want to hope it's a learned behavior being used to mask the autism when I cannot find myself. I don't want to fool myself either.
@sirhcduhomage 3 месяца назад
I want to hide this now. Too much fits, but not the innocent angle. I do feel victimised, but there are very few I want to share this belief with, and then its only to get some support. I'm really confused, but can understand positions taken "against" my behaviours and the resulting personality.
@divinegon4671 3 месяца назад
@@sirhcduhomagegeneral advice: practice putting yourself in other people’s shoes. Visual other people’s perspectives. This may be a coincidence, but you say the word “I” a lot in your comments here. Do you consider yourself self-absorbed? Again, it may be a coincidence, I mean no offense to you.
@sirhcduhomage 3 месяца назад
@divinegon4671 i don't know any other way to speak of my experience. I'm asking for advice on myself, because that's the only person I can change. I show my gratitude to others, and offer help where I can. I, I, I, I cannot help improve my learned speech patterns on a wank at home disability benefit.
@divinegon4671 3 месяца назад
@@sirhcduhomage I totally get you, man. I regret typing my comment lol. That’s something I imagine a girl using a sound logic and good enough for her to make a total judgement about you from.
@sirhcduhomage 3 месяца назад
@divinegon4671 Hey, it's fine. Thanks for your honesty, nobody else says it. I really think exploring the modern taboo topics can help alleviate a lot of fear. If not, fools will eventually convince the wise, and magical thinking will dominate. You're right about a level of narcissistic traits I hold. It's a strange age we're in, and doubt it's unique in human history. (It took a while to remove a lot of I's in this message)
@ravenstar-kv2ks 3 месяца назад
Dr vaknin, thankyou for your brilliant insight. Would you ever do a video on incels?
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Search the contemporary sexuality playlist.
@THEEND-md5yl 3 месяца назад
👂🏻🤯👂🏻proffess this one stung....cant believe i became this.....cont...
@64Afrika 3 месяца назад
Can you give advices how to deal with them at work?
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Search the channel.
@michellenicholls9028 3 месяца назад
I have to work with one and I’ve finally had enough and got another job. I have 2 weeks left, I feel like I’ll leave running out of that building like it’s on fire!
@navi9418 2 месяца назад
Super content ❤
@bonniebundle6692 3 месяца назад
Is it possible I’m a Narsisist because I’ve come out of aweful relationship, totally controlling and very much fits Narsisist/ psychopath traits. But I was told i complain all the time. Ungrateful etc etc they hit me in the end and arrested because I asked what butter was on my toast because it tasted very strange (they’d done it on purpose) evil stuff. I was incapacitated after surgery when they attacked me after telling me I was now in boot camp
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Search the channel for CPTSD.
@ErikSchmidt-pf9ve 3 месяца назад
The funny thing is that this describes the community of victims of narcissists
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Search the channel for "empath".
@dossisen739 3 месяца назад
Not at all..The community of victims have grown up long time ago.but we have a hard time facing reality that some grown ups are still 3 years old..incapable of responsibility for any action.
@stephaniemillsaps3626 Месяц назад
LOVE 🙏🙏🙏
@ghostqueen2082 3 месяца назад
ask yourself who died and made them god??
@donnadwarika6370 Месяц назад
Thabk you for your v
@SheenaRea 3 месяца назад
ah ha... I recognize a RU-vidr in this one. 🙂Wow.
@Nadudsayeuk5 3 месяца назад
How do we know who they are and stay away from them?
@AboveAndBeyond17 3 месяца назад
Lack of empathy,constant need of attention,"uncanny valley",the do no wrong (never),gossiping ,always playing victim card when in fact they are the abuser.
@RonnettaDavis-eb6yq 3 месяца назад
And im here to collect i tell mines 😆 and he knows ...did you know the cannot lie i mean ACTUALLY LIE TO ( ME)
@pamelahowell6064 3 месяца назад
Lol teflon don
@largebuilding88 3 месяца назад
@JFish-df2ep 3 месяца назад
The nEX broke up with me, then told me she didn't. I read to her 12 texts where she told me how awful I was, and that she didn't want to be my girlfriend, and that maybe someday things would change... after I read them she cried for 1.5 hours telling me how abusive and awful I was. Later, she again insisted she didn't break up with me, then said, well, I didn't mean to, then, "YOU MADE ME BREAK UP WITH YOU!"
@KatherineSpinks-cu9io 2 месяца назад
@windysmith7367 День назад
They rewrite history .
@steveodonnell9476 3 месяца назад
Sounds similar to bdp
@auaticamazon 3 месяца назад
Was Trump sleeping through his trial because of narcissistic injury ?
@brentdrake5414 3 месяца назад
maybe she was a covert or bpd, never clear.
@samvaknin 3 месяца назад
Watch the comorbidities playlist.
@brentdrake5414 3 месяца назад
@@samvaknin Thank you I appreciate the guidance!!!
@AntonRuemmele 3 месяца назад
… u’are who u re … not
@heathersoper6923 3 месяца назад
Thank you, Sam.
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