
Native American Movement 

William Highwolf Artinger
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This movie is one that makes me proud. This movie is about my peoples struggle and movement toward a better life and trying to stand up to the US.



9 сен 2024




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@Thomas_Oklahoma 13 лет назад
The most important concern and probably many Natives would agree is our culture and Identity and well being of our people...Our cultures have family, clan and community values...We are natural environmentalist...Our culture as agriculture, survival skills and spirituality...Natives have given agriculture, foods and medicines to the world and made a impact on the world...But all that said, 1 in 4 Natives live in poverty and have struggles
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
and honestly I am proud of my history. I'm proud of my civil rights, and I'm proud of my people's history of civil disobedience. I recognize the need for civil disobedience, and I often sympathize with native groups who engage in it. I do have a profound respect for indigenous peoples, partially because I have lived with them in iran(the Luri), in Suriname (The Maroons and the Caribs), and I have nothing but love and respect for them. In a world where city dwellers are anxious, mean, and
@endian4284 13 лет назад
yes there are many that protested and march cold wet and hot for where our people are at now as i did give my self to the longest walk in 78 which was a big croutgh for aim leaders . greed and power the weakness of are ways and forgewting me and those who reaaly made it happen
@TxDragon55 14 лет назад
my brother, even though I am white I love the american indains. i use to work at a casino in az and i was shocked when a couple of the trible young people asked me how did I know so much more about the culture than they did. I told them to go back to grandmother and grandfather ans listen to their stories for without their knowlodge we all will pass from here and not be able to go to the summerlands. there is more to this story but not enought room to tell. may be white out but red inside.
@Thomas_Oklahoma 13 лет назад
" let me ask you a question, How many trees have you planted"??? Native people have reforested more than 14,000 acres and completed forest improvements on an additional 66,625 acres of land. Native Americans also have made an impact on the fishery programs, and release more than 40 million young salmon and steelhead trout in the Pacific Northwest every year...And have created green technology and are investing in alternative energy...Today Natives operate a wide variety of businesses.
@MEDINAHSHRINER 14 лет назад
While your words are strong words you my Indian brothers hear me white eye. I once went to the place of death where your fathers spirits are. I was only set free return from such a place becuase my heart is pure. I tell you now we all must be free, have peace and be very careful and to unite every opportunity to have freedom it will take good white eye and good indian no longer can the old way be. Your power in the future the future now if you want freedom you and whiteeye together stand.
@LisaSelwyn 14 лет назад
KILI. JONATHAN OLDHORSE MY HASANI has always that colorado chapter..we are now in south dakota..wopila!
@dunn98632 15 лет назад
i live in washington state there are tribes up here and i know and befriended several Native Americans two girls and a guy i worked with here for many years i love them all and wish we could all just give the land back to you i would just live like you easily i hate technology i love my old cars but thats about it
@fruitlooplupe 15 лет назад
thank's 4 hittin me back luv this song(we belong)
@Djunisijevic 16 лет назад
I have nothing but a great respect for your magnificent culture,for your respectful attitude towards the nature, and your deep understanding of the human inner ethical standards.
@onlyonedeb2000 15 лет назад
Thank you. In the land my great grandmother came from.
@toocompassionate 13 лет назад
Great video! Loved the song, very catchy :) Native people keep on truckin'!
@sandyFL100 16 лет назад
Thank you for this tribute to a great people. I just saw: Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1) of 5 Did not know Mr. Westerman had died~but as he said, "Life Never Ends" Respectfully~~
@dreamcatcher2004 15 лет назад
The band is Medicine Dream.. The song is called We Belong..
@mujahadeen911 14 лет назад
we are with you all the way man, god speed!!!!!!
@mindrunfree 16 лет назад
This is so inspiring.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@YossarianTheMeerkat the unique aspects of Native culture. Natives of North and South America developed an advanced system of entheogen use, one that our hard drug addicted society could benefit from observing. Peyote rituals are an effective treatment for alcohol addiction, psychotherapy, and is a powerful entheogen, capable of evoking a powerful religious experience. Rituals like this are in need of revival. Native worldviews were impressive with regard to the natural world and how it is vie
@jonedelleman 14 лет назад
@Terrra91 It does in Montana. Native history is part of the curriculum.There is also a great sports program, where kids from the Reservations play against kids from the mainstream schools.
@Thomas_Oklahoma 13 лет назад
According to 2002 U.S Census: Natives have on average; 31,000 income, Native business; $174,100 Average receipts of an American Indian and Alaska Native-owned firm…About 19% of all Native males have served in the military (the highest per-capita)...Natives are the second wealthiest minority...34 billion in net profits (by 2010 census it is expected to be 65 billion)...Native Americans are the fastest growing population and economy in the world.
@sciencegurl05 16 лет назад
Great video
@nativepoint14 16 лет назад
i liked the music
@atutahiwahanga 14 лет назад
@GHETTONAT1V3 Greetings from New Zealand. I sympathise with you and understand what your people have been thru, the white man came from to my country and did the same things to my tribe and nation, the original peoples of our country. are called THE MAAORI NATION OF AOTEAROA [english name new zealand] may the spirits of your ancestors bless, guide and protect your people, lands and future generations forever.
@DocCarebear 16 лет назад
I could not believe the housing conditions on these reservations, while driving through New Mexico. I saw huts made from mud and rocks, throughout my travels, and once in awhile a tv antenna. I am only a small part (very small part) Native American, I was very disgusted when I saw this. I wish I could do something to help these people. Education, jobs, HOUSING THAT IS LIVEABLE. If I did not have a liveable house to come home to, I would not have much motivation to work, other than feeding family
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@YossarianTheMeerkat Just an addendum: The potlatch is an example of the inherent generosity of their society. While they may have been warlike (just like Europeans), they were still capable of great generosity, humanity, and comfort. If you ask me an annual festival supported by a different chief every year which sustains hundreds, possibly thousands of people for months is insanely regal, luxubrious, decadent, generous, lavish; an all around awesome time!
@7wolfs 16 лет назад
@WhiteStarWoman 15 лет назад
Thank you for making this! PS, love the "Iran" comment by Barbituranek!
@Filohippo2 14 лет назад
what is the title of this beautifull song?
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
depressed, or lost, indigenous peoples live like humans lived for 150,000 years before agriculture and "civilization". I can imagine how these people must have felt when they encountered our society and I am saddened by it. I think their cultural legacy is something native people keep close to their hearts, and good for them. I don't blame them for viewing the police and government as an alien authority who operates outside of their interests. I understand. I am motivated by love, not hate.
@Hexenweib1971 16 лет назад
Great!!! Thanx for uploading! 5*
@AnnaPresman 15 лет назад
Hm, I have no idea why this video was recommended to me, but I really liked the song. Can someone tell me who sings it and how it's called?
@rayven2012 15 лет назад
The U. S. Supreme Court decreed that the Hills did belong to the Sioux and on July 23, 1980 awarded them $105,994,430.52 for the Black Hills (Docket 74B) and $40,245,807.02 for lands taken east of the Black Hills (Docket 74A). As of today the amount of the awards are $757,465,288.74 for the Black Hills and $105,821,479.16 for the land taken east of the Black Hills. That brings the total owed to the tribes of the Great Sioux Nation to $863,286,767.90. A nice chunk of cash.
@CetanSha 15 лет назад
Whenever the white man treats the Indians as they treat each other, then we will have no more wars. We shall all be alike -- brothers of one father and one mother, with one sky above us and one country around us, and one government for all. Joseph (1830-1904) Nez Perce chief Nothing remains unchanged, only different words with the same meaning.
@user-ht4gb2fw4e 16 лет назад
Yes!5/5! good one kola!
@SiouxSyndicate 14 лет назад
Join hands with the Anarchist movement and tribes worldwide!
@eveningstar1982 14 лет назад
For the ones who are unaware, the native american people will soon arise again. Don't ask me how I know this, I just know this in my heart. Thank you for still being here. Hopefully we can learn a lot from your wise people. And to many of the europeans out there.... ask yourself this question: Why do we tend to kill everything we are afraid of, or who's different from us? It's still happening, whether you want to hear the truth or not.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
Have a nice life you big hero ;)
@Igmula74 16 лет назад
tatanka uamanee e ate e elo indian power for mother earth igreet all the earth people from germany mitakuye oyasin
@jonedelleman 14 лет назад
@onoaptelunga There are some tribes that flourish, while others can barely hold on. In the end, it is up to them. Yes, education is one answer - but does education not lead away from the past ? I don't know.
@KayKay114 16 лет назад
even though, I'm from Canada, I'm also Native. Great job! Need to stick it to em!
@jase9lives 16 лет назад
*every time I watch
@nork21 13 лет назад
@Gessh0ku people is a right thing, I do admit it was very very wrong, but we can't do anything with the past, We gave you guys education, health care, technology, law and justice. We gave you guys a lot of things, you guys should be just as thankful as we should be for you guys helping us. So Happy Thanksgiving.
@eveningstar1982 14 лет назад
@EnlightMind I couldn't agree more with you enlightmind.
@CetanSha 15 лет назад
@wokapiwokan 14 лет назад
NATIVE PRIDE.We need our warriors again.
@ALLREDTODOROJO 11 лет назад
Do I gotsta claim the Creek too?
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe straight up dawgg. Also look up the anishinabek police force, starlight tours, oka, ipperwash, and please please please, look up wovoka the paiute shaman. Also check out "Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner." This is a great example of a social program, which yielded amazing results. This film is a collaboration of native artists, telling a non-political story of an ancient myth. It's a sick example of a revival of cultural heritage, which made dough and helped everyone out
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe Ummm maybe if we were in Elizabethan England it would be but it's been colloquialized and shortened. It's acceptable to write Godspeed today.
@26snoopy82 7 лет назад
Ever since I was a very little kid I always liked native Indians and the way you lived. I'm white I am really angry at the government had breaking the treaties that the government made with you in the 1800's and really disgusted at the trail of tears. I have always wanted to help you at what the government had done for you.
@gotmihandstuck 13 лет назад
Historian,, I welcome what you have to say,,,I dont disagree with what you have said I have noticed that alot of negative comments have been around here, but is'nt that always the case,,people are very quick to complain and slow to help... Tree planting? i was told that we share the same DNA as a tree,,,(from a post on here made by an Native American) but there is a deeper spiritual meaning to the statement....Good Luck to you and yours,
@markkusmamani 12 лет назад
Leonard Peltier freedom, silence is to be complicit in the injustice and treachery to the American Indian nation
@itsjustme7719 16 лет назад
I am native,"KBIC" and I have my life left for a fight!!!!!!!And I will fight to the end !!!!! I'm sick of being put down like we are imagrants, we were here first!!!!!! White people need to know this and if they can't accept us need to go back "WHERE THEY CAME FROM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@fruitlooplupe 15 лет назад
anybody know's who sing's this song?hit me back ....thank's
@TheNikedubs 13 лет назад
We develop stereotypes on people sometimes which sucks and sometimes we can't shake them. Most native americans that i have incountered have been drunk, hostile or they complain and block road ways. they have even put wire over railway tracks so the trains would de-rail.... and once the government gives them what they asked and complained for they complain more and asked for more and say we treat them badly so we keep giving and screwed over. However i have met a few that I respect greatly
@EmoFreak8892 14 лет назад
@GHETTONAT1V3 i am white (Canadian ) and i agree with you ....
@jonedelleman 14 лет назад
@chelxeaty That would mean giving up a lot of pride and identity.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
despite what you may think/say/tell yourself.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
search Wade Davis: "cultures at the far edge of the world". You just might learn something.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe Actually the Inuit weren't left on reservations. They were exposed to as little western contact as possible, due to the fact that no one wanted their land. They are arguably the most successful indigenous group, with their own autonomous territory, a sense of unity and control over their own territory. It is plain ignorant to suggest that the implementation of reserves had a positive effect on native culture. Gale also just finished saying that natives shouldn't be treated "differently"
@ALLREDTODOROJO 11 лет назад
Cherokee love
@jase9lives 16 лет назад
I understand fully, you should be able to fully appreciate the frustration that we feel.. seeing the glory and splendor of Hollywood, NYC.. Miami beach and to know that this was taken from our people, while whites tell us .."at least you have casinos".. that's a slap in the face. They also tell US.. (blacks) go back to Africa.. BUT there is a God that is just and everything in life is a cycle.
@askal79 13 лет назад
@junior1nr im with you brother......
@Shadizaqtan 14 лет назад
who do you balme ?, for example , topbluffa1??
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe or like they're "special". Then why shouldn't they be integrated into the regular schooling system, or regular society? Partially because they wanted cultural integrity to remain in tact, but moreso because no one wants to admit that dominant white culture didn't want them mixing, and assimilating. The bison were slaughtered by both Natives and Whites, but their accelerated hunting didn't emerge until there was a market for their corpses. The bison were also exterminated as a tactic
@nork21 14 лет назад
@cageria It's just like slavery, I didn't have a thing to do with it, so how can I be punished for something my great great great great grandfather did?
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe Colonialism was a destructive process and leaving these people alone to fend for themselves will oftentimes exacerbate an already bad situation. How do you deal with gas addicts in Innu reserves? Let them die?
@jamessimon500 13 лет назад
Leonard Peltier’s latest ploy from prison reminds us of all those he has fooled over the years. Although their numbers grow smaller each day, a few still cling to the myths and conspiracy theories they have been conditioned to believe. Despite overwhelming evidence of Peltier’s guilt, they know only discredited histories that white men have foisted upon them. Pray that Peltier’s latest victims acquire the courage to seek the truth and the wisdom to accept it.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe They became wards of the state, and totally disenfranchised. At least previously they had their autonomy, and their territories. There are also twice as many stories about negative experiences of residential schools. Obviously you have done no research on the subject if you can't see that the majority of literature and native discourse on the subject points a negative a dismal picture. Wikipedia Canadian residential schools. Scroll down to mortality rates
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
through a dialogue, a cultural exchange, much like what occured between the French, the Scottish, and the Ojibway and Cree, which formed the Metis, a culture which viewed both pasts as legitimate, and influential. Natives these days have no choice but be integrated into Wetern culture on some level, but it doesn't mean they have to view their own history with disdain for themselves, shame for their traditional identities, and grattitude for Western society?
@ohhanaaeli 12 лет назад
who sings this song?
@DocCarebear 16 лет назад
jase9lives, are you also part Native American?
@arab3515 14 лет назад
@onoaptelunga yeah it seems like that in alot of places, people always get devided because of greed. but i definatly understand where your coming from, but there would be no reason for you to be dragged down with them because you are not in the americas anyway. so i think ur safe lol
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
Cannibalism records are sketchy because conquering peopels used the claim of cannibalism as an excuse to take over a people. Cannibalism for the most part occurs during warfare, or as a funerary rite. Very rarely is it practiced to meet a dietary requirement. For example, the original settlers of Jamestown cannibalized eachother in extreme food shortages. The Wendigo disease among the Cree occurs as a result of extreme deficiency of food. I don't think Cannibalism had a significant impact on
@Thomas_Oklahoma 13 лет назад
@gotmihandstuck greed, gangs is found in all groups of people and I despise them...But we have the lowest murder rate on the world...Yes, we have some greedy ppl in our Tribes, but it doesn't compare to the greed of Corporate and Gov of the USA...There is a stereotype that Natives all live off of welfare and the Gov, but we have given more than taken...Natives have the fastest growing population and economy in the world...Some Natives had to turn to casinos and fossil fuels to create a ecomony.
@jonedelleman 14 лет назад
@GHETTONAT1V3 You cannot turn the clock back. But you have a right to oppose discrimination now.
@OilyBoily84 14 лет назад
Greetings, I am not here to feel sorry for anyone. I'm here to make friends. It's perhaps tough love. I remeber when I first read Bury my heart at wounded knee and cried althrough the book. What I would like to say though and this this goes for all. There are no victims, death is an illusion. Shift the consiousness and no one can take anything away from you. I don't feel sorry for native americans I honour them. So if you FEEL what I mean add me as a friend, it's time for action, time to know
@MzKarin 15 лет назад
Yndios....Of God....
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
Only employed natives as low-level labourers. Most of the time the policy was to remove, entice away, push away, intimidate, or exterminate a native tribe. Efforts to re-educate or missionize while sometimes possibly earnest often had negative effects. Policies of cultural marginalization, assimilation, and extermination have always caused trouble. my point is natives are best off representing themselves, and they undoubtedly were before contact, no matter how weird you may see some of their
@W1I2L3L4ARD 14 лет назад
Gale, the bottom line is that they were here first. I think that is clear. Do you deny that? I'll take your advice and look inward. But advice that is easy to give is sometimes hard to take yourself.
@jase9lives 16 лет назад
huh? tell that to the millions of my dead fathers and mothers.. because the only talking I'm doing is with my hands! WE WILL RIDE AGAIN!
@Eagle027 13 лет назад
@jamessimon500 Dude, read the terms of the Laramie Treaty of 1868, which is protected by the US Constitution. Those FBI agents were out of the jurisdiction of the US, and on sovereign Lakota land. What would happen if Mexican police crossed the border into Texas to enforce Mexican law on Texas soil?
@prigual 16 лет назад
hi, I've never been in Usa, but I've read about AIM: long life to AIM! fight for not to loose the natv. culture! hej LittleMissSupa ! cheer up, there'r stupid people everywhere!
@gotmihandstuck 13 лет назад
I have always thought that the Native Americans should be helped to restore thier identity, and culture, and take their rightful place in the world...but after all my years of support for the Native American, All I see is, racism within thier own culture, Greed among the tribes where Casino money is shared among a few..Gang warfare on the ressers. and now I as a white European I am to blame for the troubles that befell your nation?... let me ask you a question, How many trees have you planted
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe understand the need for natives to remain powerful, to succeed, which I get, totally. But I don't see why you're so opposed to their often legitimate struggles, and very real problems. They're a part of our societies, and we have an obligation to make sure they turn out okay. I even would go so far to say as in some cases, such as the semi-autonomous territory of Nunavut, autonomy is justified both legally and morally. There are success stories out there.
@AmaruRuna 16 лет назад
What do you thing brothers about the Mexica movement? In fact we South Americans are as Native as you, is the white man who call us adjectives such as Latino or Hispanic, when in fact we are not. Also we should avoid the word "INDIAN" because this is an offence, and Indians are from India, not us. My best wishes to your movement !!! Regards from a Quechua (Inka) Native American Brown Pride !!!
@craftylady12 9 лет назад
I want to say I'm sorry for what the White man did to you. I am white...well mixed something. I'm sadden over it for your tribes. Shoved into places no one else would want to live. Try to make you into something they thought was right. This was your land and it was stole from you, your family killed, starved, shackled,taken, disgraced, values stripped away, language tried to take...oh I could go on. I've always wanted to visit a reservation just to see your crafts and dance's, chant's and song's to feel close to you. Even tho I could never be, but I do have a daughter whom is Cherokee very little, but it is some, I would be a part too. I would be so proud. I'm sure she is but with no culture to grow from......shame. I just wanted you to know I love your Nation and ways wish you could run this country again. Much love
@mujahadeen911 14 лет назад
For the Native Indian American Revolution!!! the Muslims are with you!!! fight for your lands!! against American anglo oppressors!!
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
such as the fur trade, or mining companies. Often, the people chosen to govern and deal with Natives represented capitalist white interest. Most natives were forced into another lifestyle, taken away from their land. How many ways can I rephrase this?? How would you feel if you were taken away and forced to live in a much worse environment so other more populous civilizations could take your territory? Because that's waht we're talking about here we're not talking about a bunch of delinquent
@kimmiefawn 13 лет назад
what happened to empathy and compassion for the fellow human being, we can't change the past but we can work together for a better future, we can educate and not bring negativity to our future generations, honestly progress doesn't happen when everyone is headed in different directions.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@W1I2L3L4ARD Thanks bro. See this guy gets it. :)
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
Animals have souls, UNLIKE the christian conquerors. They had strict harvesting guidelines. The Northwest coast peoples had sustainable mussel growing practices, and the Anishinaabe peoples (Algonkians, or "Algonquins" as Gale incorrectly labels them" all have guidelines for hunting and in fact it has been proven that traditional hunting and trapping on a small scale can actually be beneficial to a prey species.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe Look even if Native society needed change to catch up to inevitable globalization the West was by no means successful. Just like the war in Iraq, the dominant powers used a language of paternalism, and assistance, while the occupation did nothing but further the needs of the conquering peoples at the expense of the conquered. Natives ended up worse off than they were before contact, despite the negative aspects of their societies. The current state of reservations supports this.
@wontonga 15 лет назад
The real truth lies in that last cartoon image. There is no way that you can enter the borders of a country without meeting that country's military. The native Americans did not have the where-with-all to turn back the first EuroTrash that land at their shores. And that is that. ;(
@kellyanquoe 14 лет назад
hey that's like fine young cannibals
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
contact they were left with nothing, often, they weren't left at all. You suggesting Natives are "better off" now is really just an incredibly naiive thing to say. While this song may be totally lame and this video poorly edited, it doesn't mean that native marginalization is a myth. While whites weren't always responsible for Native cultural extermination, and in some cases, such as the Cree and the Bloods, Natives even engaged in cultural genocide, it was exacerbated by manipulation by
@wontonga 14 лет назад
Ghosts. The ghosts of a murdered people.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe population, as smallpox, genocide, and war did to the native peoples. As a practice it is abhorrent and stretches cultural relativists to the limits of what is acceptable. However, the reality of cannibalism in a minority of tribes doesn't justify the actions of the West. The Natives did in fact engage in alliances, although they were more likely to do so with memebrs of a simialr cultural and linguistic group. Wasfare was less likely between Algonkian peoples for example,
@Filohippo2 11 лет назад
Me never been in american, but sorry for what my people do to yours!
@jase9lives 16 лет назад
the ONLY thing that can make me happy is this.. Matthew 6th chapter 9: After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10: Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. God / The Great spirit of my ancestors will judge the world for all it's evil!
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
and like seriously we're going to have to use e-mail or some shit cause I can't listen to this song anymore. If we're going to have this argument, because it's a long one, we should seriously at least be civil. Like I don't want shitty relationships in my life. I don't have time for them. If our differences can't be reconciled then fine, let's just get on with our fuckin lives but if you actually want to have this debate, like proper academics, some shit's gotta change girl.
@YossarianTheMeerkat 14 лет назад
@GaleZMe to ensure that native peoples' food sources would run thin and they would be forced to surrender to white domination. I am by no means a self hating white, but I simply advocate we recognize the mistakes of the past. The cultural change that we have undergone over the past 100 years has been profound and has led to many improvements, but we must always be mindful of the past, and the dangers of colonialism. Marginalization means violence, poverty and crime. it threatens everyones existe
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