
Near Death Experience: I Spoke With The Seven Angels Of God | NDE 

Heaven Awaits
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Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com
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Excerpts are taken from Seven Above Seven Below
For more NDE narrations, please see below.
I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE
► • I Died And Saw Emerald...
I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE
► • I Died And Saw My Prev...
I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE
► • Video



15 сен 2024




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@barbaraharris828 2 года назад
TO THE READER OF THIS GROUP!!! I love falling off to sleep whist I’m listening to you read these amazing stories. Yesterday, I was listening and I heard you do a ‘ read the listeners questions , and you’d answer. Firstly: I am so sorry that you were asked such rude questions. I love the tone of your voice, and as I said I listen to your stories every night! Not only do they calm me, they make me feel closer to god. So I thank you for that.❤️🙏 Secondly: I was shocked and hurt for you when you were asked to show your scars 😢. Last but not least, I thank the god lord, that your finally getting some money! I know you are doing great thing’s with it, and that’s icing on the cake for me. Please Please, keep doing your readings as they are one of the best parts in my day. May you and your family be blessed 🙏.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
That wasn't the worst question that I received, but I refuse to give that question the time of day. I'm glad that you like it.
@mintakan003 2 года назад
There's a reason why some of the highest spiritual traditions look askance at psychic powers. It's not that it's not true. But one can get lost in the details, the mechanics, the effects, that far exceeds one's ability to handle. Rather, focus on the stuff that matters. Focus on God. Focus on love. And to a certain extent, trust in Grace (or your guides), to lead one, one step at a time.
@paulginsberg6942 2 года назад
I agree. These powers are byproducts of the process of spiritual elevation. They are not the goal.
@paulginsberg6942 2 года назад
@kimwilliford6303 2 года назад
Yes definitely something to reconsider the study of telepathy is a true power. One must consider that all powers and gifts from God are for you and yourself only because trusts you with. Be strong and to yourself be true.
@shellakers10 2 года назад
That makes more sense than anything I've heard! Thank you!
@AbaloneKid 2 года назад
@@shellakers10 THE ANGELS GIVE GLORY TO GOD IN HEAVEN! HERE WE HEAR AND SEE EARTH "ANGELS" DOING IT TOO! RIGHT HERE! JUST LIKE YOU! To Know Jesus Christ! That is our greatest blessing in life. John 3:16-17. Thank you, beloved. We are blessed by your faithful and loving ministry. Subscribed. WE LOVE YOU, LORD! YOU GAVE ALL FOR US. YOUR SUFFERING WAS IMMENSE! WE GIVE YOU ALL THE GLORY! YOU ARE OUR LIFE SAVIOR. YOU KEEP YOUR WORD IN THE BIBLE. GOD'S BLESSINGS TO ALL NATIONS AND PEOPLES Gospel! The good news about Jesus Christ and salvation from judgment on our sins. Jesus dined with His disciples; Mark 14:22-25, the night before He went to the cross. Jesus and His disciples were eating a Passover meal together at the Last Supper. After partaking of bread and wine (His body and His blood) , the Bible mentions the hymn Jesus sang with His disciples. “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives” Mark 14:26. What were they singing on such an occasion? PRAISE! Psalms 113-118. THE GOOD NEWS "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.."John 14.6 Blood coming from his body, NAKED, hanging on that cross like Roman torture weapon! What a Lord God and Savior! He had to. HE is God the Son. Only His sinless blood could pay our sins price.1 John 2:1-2. The Savior was born to die for our sins so we could live through Him. He lives to make intercession for us by His blood in Heaven! See also 1 John 1:5-10 & Romans 5:8 below. >>> God knew your ministry before the world was made! Ephesians 1:1-14. Prayer goes out for you and those here. A CROWN in Heaven awaits all who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves a soul. ( see"JESUS SAVES") 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; Philippians 4:1. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek". This praise resounds throughout the earth: "Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Only He saves". He testified: ''I and my Father are One" John 10:30 2 Samuel chapter 22:verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name." JESUS SAVES God the Son (Jesus Christ) has given us the gospel to share with the world. Mark 16:15: "And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." How can we hear it? Scripture tells us. Romans 10:17 "Then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (We receive the "word" in many ways. The "Word" is Jesus Christ!); John 1:1-5. God the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God in the Bible. The Birth of Jesus Christ Isaiah 7: 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal; body mutilated; blood poured out, finally died (John 19:30; Luke 23:46 ) and was placed in a tomb and rose from the dead the 3rd day ! "HE IS RISEN" Matthew 28: 6. Isaiah 53:" 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." - IT IS FOUNDED UPON GOD'S LOVE FOR MAN AND WOMAN HE CREATED John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23 " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23 "1 Corinthians 15: 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" THE PAYMENT BY HIS BLOOD FOR ALL SINS EVER! Romans 5:8 " But God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, now justified by his blood, we will be saved from wrath through him." “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19. Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (the life is in the blood. He had to pay with His life) "And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Hebrews 9:22 BY GOD'S GRACE ALONE THROUGH FAITH ALONE IN JESUS CHRIST ARE WE SAVED Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast." Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sins to rescue us from eternal death. He died on our behalf. We believe in Him, trusting His death and shedding His blood as payment for ALL our sins and His burial and resurrection from the dead the third day! John 20:24-31; 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 above. WHOSOEVER BELIEVES SHALL TESTIFY TO THE TRUTH Romans 10: 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. TO DIE IS TO REJECT SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST AND BE SEPARATE FROM GOD FOREVERMORE Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We receive the baptism of God the Holy Spirit immediately which seals us in Christ and that is permanent! Ephesians 1:13-14. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John 3:16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Revelation 21:8. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5: 1
@edwinroworth7932 2 года назад
I use to have nasty fights with my sister, and seemingly out of no where could not walk, it was of someone had taken the rug out from under me. Someone came into my life and opened my heart, she died. But now I Love, and walk freely, loving my sister and all.
@anediareese 2 года назад
Take it from someone who learned the hard way I'll say.... "Wishcraft is the SAME as Witchcraft"!! This video sends me plenty of "red flags"!! Thank you for your narration and the sharing of the book with us 💜
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
Maybe that's why the book confused me... I try to expand my horizon but some of these books are strange.
@australopithecusafarensis5386 2 года назад
@@HeavenAwaits to me it’s similar to how the canon of the Bible worked. There was hundreds of books written under supernatural type influence, but the Catholic Church found only a certain number worthy of being considered at all times for all people good revelation Many other revelations can exist that may be true or partially true but just aren’t for everyone
@australopithecusafarensis5386 2 года назад
@@ET-sp8dy thank ya
@Untilhecomes85 2 года назад
Can you speak more concerning the red flags? I also agree it's off
@anediareese 2 года назад
@@Untilhecomes85 Ishtar, was King Nimrod 's mother AND wife. Also a female die tie's that's worshipped in witchcraft and pagan belief's. Professing to be as the angel in Revelation's that holds the secrets sealed for the end days......... etc. With out Yeshua, Jesus Christ it doesn't matter what you believe. God Bless you and much love ❤️
@Growthisinthedirt 2 года назад
I enjoyed this 2x now. Alot of this can be understood if you've learned the spiritual groundwork... Like he said "After you learn the 1st 10 spiritual commandments only then can u start to understand the next 10". You can't run until you've learned to crawl. You may have given steak to some of the babies still on oatmeal. Some meals I eat steak and some meals I'm still eating oatmeal. I keep trying to learn and grow. Thanks Again!! 💕
@RobinGlasco 2 года назад
I can relate to this one. I had a NDE in 1965 and 1971 and visitations from several ascendant masters and angels, perhaps Jesus. I have some telepathic ability and have seen visions and had one very distinct Claire audiant experience where I was told that there would be three great Calamities. The clairaudiant warning happened in 2004 shortly before the Boxing day tsunami. My telepathic ability does not extend to killing or forcing someone to do things against their will. If it did I would not use it for that. I think this person has more to learn as do all of us. Interesting reading to contemplate. Thank you.
@commonsensei0214 10 месяцев назад
First, I must thank you and all who have shared their experiences. I have learned so much and strive to be a much better person everyday of my journey. I have always wanted to know the end of a book or movie before getting into it. So i gravitated towards the NDE's about the future. But it got me to a point of feeling no hope for humanity and no hope for any future I might have. Then I realized that these may be possible futures, we have the ability to change and that people may have had their NDE's in parallel realities. But that in the end, whatever happens is exactly as God intends and is supposed to be for humanity to reach a higher frequency. But ultimately, none of that is really important. I trust in God, Love and Goodness. That's really all that's important. Our existence on Earth is like dipping your toe in the ocean. I used to wish for an NDE or physic abilities. I felt I would gain so much knowledge and could do so much good with it. But I agree with this gentleman that I/we are not ready and still have so much to learn. For I am not even a candle next to the Sun. I'm more like an empty lighter that just flicks and needs to be filled:) I love learning from every story that is shared and hope more people open their eyes and their hearts.
@uptoolate2793 5 месяцев назад
Ditto. Just, ditto. And thank you for somehow articulating exactly what I think and feel. I couldn't change a single word.
@nicolehibbard910 Год назад
I loved this. Very insightful for sure. I believe anything is possible at this point with listening to so many of these NDE. It is helping my faith and trust grow. Thank you to your channel. What a blessing it is.
@nakitacally4612 2 года назад
I was shown how to do telepathy by God when I was 14. I'm not sure why people would want to use this in a horrid way, though. At current, I have observed that a friend of mine who considers himself an atheist can hear my thoughts on occasion. This will be when I think something quickly, then he turns around and asks me, "What?" And I have to say that I didn't say anything. However, I know that if he got in touch with his spiritual side and with God, he would know that I did in fact say something, just not out loud.
@rebeccakimble5512 2 года назад
How do you learn telepathy
@nakitacally4612 2 года назад
@@rebeccakimble5512 like with anything, complete and total presence. And focus on the person whose mind you want to read. Also, side note, I do not at all have the ability to do this. I am very, very human and don't give myself the patience and practice to get anywhere near that. My experience was purely and act of God's grace/Will/etc.
@roddizon2242 2 года назад
I watch in YT that a minister of God, pray a psychic spirit to leave the man mind and body it is considered evil
@rowlandbuck2703 Год назад
I experienced that empathy can lead to telepathy. I was much more empathic when I was younger. Recently I started to try to be that way again and I experienced telepathy. NOPE. That is NOT for me right now. I pulled myself back.
@EdgarGonzalez-bt1sb 2 года назад
We always love the true stories you narrate of Gods power . see you all in heaven
@laurierounds7102 2 года назад
I too found this very confusing, which leads me to doubt some of the validity. Most of your NDEs sound so valid I usually do not have trouble believing them. Keep up the good work! I love the hope & blessings of your retelling NDE experiences.
@dannycarrick3739 2 года назад
I must say that these accounts seem to fit my spiritual journey. As I progress through my life I'm finding a stronger link and connection to all these NDE accounts and many others meditations and other experiences. It makes me truly excited to be a part of everything. Human life can be truly difficult, particularly emotionally. It is very comforting knowing that we are eternal beings and have a soul family and guidance in the spiritual realm.
@sarahbaer1593 Год назад
I don’t want to do this anymore I want to exit why won’t they do it
@mentalhealthhaven7092 Год назад
@@sarahbaer1593accept Jesus into your life and have faith in him, your life will be better and you will have Heaven as your eternal home
@troy7402 Год назад
The Power of God is amazing. We are nothing without God. Know that God created everything. We are simply children of God and no matter how you try to make sense of what happens to you in the end the only one that really knows everything is God and God alone.
@missmelissa3573 2 года назад
An excellent NDE. It’s quite terrifying how consistently reports of the future are grim. With young children I worry greatly about their life on this planet. Even all of us adults will likely get ensnared into the unraveling mess that’s occurring at a record speed. I wish there was more we could do on an individual level to spread love and bring peace. On another note, I could see how telepathy could be problematic. Imagine fearing your thoughts. You would need to master your emotions to avoid issues as this author described. It would indeed be abused by humans in our present state sadly.
@helened6896 2 года назад
I think it helps to pray that the world unites in peace and love. ♥️
@josepv 2 года назад
I hate the stories of hell and usually don't listen to them. They are all full of extreme despair, emptiness, loneliness and complete lack of any love or hope. I think it is necessary however, to share these stories because too many people believe that hell doesn't exist.
@skovol007 2 года назад
In the sixth grade, I always felt like the girl who sat in front of me in class could read my mind. I don't know why I felt like that, but I eventually thought "Nah, that's silly. That's not really possible." Yet one day I felt compelled to test it out. I imagined myself screaming her name as loud as I could. She gasped and almost jumped out of her seat, turned around wide-eyed, and looked at me like "WHAT the ...?!!" It freaked me out a little and I wondered if I forgot to keep the yelling in my head, but nobody else in the class even flinched. It didn't occur to me at the time that I might've had the ability to transmit my thoughts. That was around 1980 and even recently people have told me they think I have powers but haven't learned how to focus them. I'm not sure I would want to...even though there is one person's mind I wish I could influence if only to make them understand why I made a stupid mistake I made (but that does strike me as being invasive).
@Iamvictormaria Год назад
If you sense you have this gift then exercise the gift and see where it takes you. Trust yourself. Consider your desire to clear up the mistake you made as part of your journey…
@skovol007 Год назад
@@Iamvictormaria The thing is if I do have it, it seems to be very random. I haven't figured out how to actually focus it.
@margaretlangston189 2 года назад
As always, thank you for narrating all the stories. This one was confusing but I like hearing different perspectives.
@markrhone1537 2 года назад
May God Almighty richly bless
@michaelneedham5607 2 месяца назад
Since all is one then at the higher perspectives all experience is shared. All emotion is self directed.
@tctc440 2 года назад
@christinagrover2381 Год назад
Thank you so so much for sharing I rather enjoyed this one. It was easy to listen to just like the truth. Easy on the ears and makes you feel something familiar. Very grateful listener!!!
@Lambert7785 2 года назад
it's a level - he's growing
@joycebrewer7689 Год назад
Wow, this was great! Thank you so much for sharing this message 👍👍👍This confirms my experience. I will read the book.
@ravenswolf57 2 года назад
After hearing this I have realized that I have had some of these " Gifts" since childhood. I have been able to ignore them or use them . If I ignore them it is like a Muscle that Atrophies and after time becomes harder to use. Remember that owe all have to Wolves in side of us fighting for control. One that is Light and one that is Dark . Which one wins, is which ever you choose to feed. I am glad that this Person told there NDE'S and lessons. Very interesting about The THOW SHALL comandments. And the Seven lessons from the Angels. I am going to have to look for those texts and books sound very interesting. Thank You .
@BlackCatTarotUSA 2 года назад
thanks for such an inspiring ch!🥰
@Genious_Trades 2 года назад
This gentleman certainly seemed to claim many powers after the 1974 nde. I guess I was just a little disappointed for hoping that at some point he would speak more humbly. But, he spoke with confidence in everything he said. So he’s either a sick twisted person or all of this did really happen and that’s why he seems to speak with such confidence whereas some would take it as arrogance. All that said, this guy seems to have experienced some of the many things I’ve always dreamt about experiencing myself. Wild.
@kittycats16 2 года назад
Amazing and different type of nde account for which it left my head reeling. I felt like my IQ was diminishing as I listened to this story. Guess I’m still eating baby food. No steak for this old gal. I’m not stretched and grown up like the man recounted about his poignant experiences with higher powers and the beings of wisdom. Wow! This one was a mind blower. But I love your channel, and I love your beautiful narrations. I trust you and believe in your empathy and kindness as being very sincere. You are an angel, too. Thank you for your dedication to make this world a better place for your listeners/followers.
@AADDEFFT 2 года назад
I like the reference to RR meaning Ronald Reagan. I prefer to ignore some of the dark elements of this story as I don’t think there were any value added for me personally. I like the report of the past lives as many NDE account seem to obtain. This is something worth thinking about as that is really BIG! Thanks for sharing another short succinct, informative, and entertaining video.
@annwithnell8101 2 года назад
This one is excellent! Thank you💖
@paulaattanasio7526 2 года назад
After listening to a lot of these nde I feel a bit sad because I have grown to like who I am even though there are times when I don't like things I do but I feel content with my personality and my being. I feel a little sad that that has to change after you die or that you have to live another life and not remember the one you had before there's a sadness to it. I could say I really wouldn't mind being myself for eternity I'm happy with who I turned out to be, but I'm happy with the way I am now I don't think I want to change or go through the experience of being someone else
@lj3014 Год назад
Reincarnation or multiple life's is not biblical and goes against Jesus's teaching.
@mentalhealthhaven7092 Год назад
@@lj3014exactly, people think they will be okay living in sin and their “energy” will be reincarnated. That’s not true, they will see it’s about Jesus and their souls are going to Heaven because of his grace if they accept him
@iambethetruth 11 месяцев назад
matthew 16:25
@nakitacally4612 2 года назад
"To be innocent, but we can't go back." Too real, too deep.
@keymaster2542 2 года назад
You can go anywhere you choose 😌 try it.
@mentalhealthhaven7092 Год назад
@@keymaster2542find Jesus
@paulad.4578 5 месяцев назад
It's interesting that this man also went to the same high school as Dannion, who is the person he calls "lightening boy." I happen to know Dannion and met him by phone call in 2006. Dannion is what I would call the real deal, as I have spent a little time with him. It was enough to know that Dannion has all the psychic powers that this person also says he has as a result of the NDE.
@mantia4423 2 года назад
Thank you! 😇 May you be blessed
@mansionbookerstudios9629 Год назад
Great job 👏 great story 😊😊
@pattihujsa 2 года назад
I had to listen a second because I couldn't comprehend it all the 1st time. How does one remember so much detail? I barely remember my childhood. RR, Roy's Rogers, I giggled. The 7 angels of God, would those be the Archangels Raphael, Michael, Metatron, Ariel, Gabriel, Chamuel, Uriel...the 7 chakras angels?
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
I believe that, that is what he was inferring.
@pattihujsa 2 года назад
@@HeavenAwaits thank you. I dont often reply to these, but I felt drawn to this time. I do so appreciate all the stories that you narrate. Your voice to soothing. Thank you
@djr3000 2 года назад
In third Enoch, isn't it Enoch himself who becomes Metatron? Do you know anything about this? It's certainly interesting!
@brendasmith9063 2 года назад
he quoted the Book of Daniel when he witnessed the same thing and was going to write in detail about it in the Bible but the Lord told him to shut up the book and do not write about what he saw, but at the end of this dispensation it would be released for our inlighting and more knowledge.
@CharmaineSilva777 Год назад
It strikes me more now about it thoughts can be sinful. There were times of someone was mean to me that I wished I was magic to make their car tires flat out something like that. I wouldn't want anyone really hurt. Yet, it is a good thing is humans do not have this power. I agree, we are not ready. Yet with stores like this, more eyes will be opened. Maybe one day humans will be able to truly love thy neighbor. I will continue to try each day to watch my thoughts more closely.
@jocelynebabin9394 2 года назад
My human mind is having a🤯 moment right now. But, everything did made sense to me.
@frankssandrie3051 2 года назад
We feel like you much confused and yet much learned..not sure when that knowledge would be used..thank you ..much more to put into place..the knowledge will be helpful im sure
@ejones5257 2 года назад
@nicobic 2 года назад
Highly interesting. Although many say time is an illusion, they all agree that the *experience* of illusion is real. Every time someone shares his story, I wonder how long he/she experienced hell. We say that this life is an illusion and yet we must let the experience of it through time.
@marcushanlin Год назад
I could be wrong, but before his journey into hell it sounds like he was taking part in a psychedelic or shamanic ritual/ therapy
@leeannemiller5326 Год назад
I wonder why some souls get an experience like this and others dont...it seems this man got alot of insight and continued experiences.
@mentalhealthhaven7092 Год назад
Believe in Jesus he is the way to Heaven, your life will be better and Heaven will be your home
@bethschrepfer8873 2 года назад
I have used telepathy before and I was successful but I don't usually use it for anything else because I have respect for it
@MrMuruks 2 года назад
This guy who experienced these obes dont really seem to have a clue about what christianity is about when it comes to the hellish experience. He talks about the "bibles protective power" like its some kind of talisman you can wave around to ward of evil spirits. Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus and through him exercise authority over darkness and burn with the love that flows from the heart of God.
@kalof3l51 2 года назад
No near death experience is about Christianity. That was a man made thing that came about after the man Jesus died. These experiences may have Jesus in them and that’s because He is real. But the version of religion taught to you in a book is half truth half man made to control your way of thinking, and it works.
@MrMuruks 2 года назад
@@kalof3l51 I were a staunch atheist for 6 years, after a supernatural experience on my room and opening myself up to the claims of christianity I had so easily dismissed I were stunned by the truth it held. I am a philosophy nerd, but I am not going to discuss these issues in the yt commentary field. Changes in the world are coming, the time of mercy is now. I beg you to open your eyes before it suddenly dawns.
@luxuriousfir 2 года назад
@@MrMuruks I concur.
@guysteenburgh5535 2 года назад
Amen to you Sir ! .
@keymaster2542 2 года назад
I’m gonna have to read this book. I deny my abilities. Don’t want them.
@e-spy Год назад
telepathy...how to turn it OFF? I can't shop in malls at Christmas. It is way too emotional, and one time I told the kids we had to leave. There was this guy there with his wife telling himself she would pay when they got home. Just awful! Another time, I was working in a diner, and the guy at the counter (a stranger in town) watched me scrubbing the legs and floor around my station. I heard him say, "That's how I like my women; on their knees." I threw my head up and glared at him. He went pale, threw money on the counter and ran out. The guy sitting next to him said, "what was THAT about?" I said, "didn't you hear what he said to me???" He looked at me funny and told me the man hadn't uttered a word. Yep. So many times I have answered to things people were only thinking! So how do you turn it OFF? It gives me a massive headache.
@maimiller7639 2 года назад
Thank you 🙏🏽
@lilyjeanette3320 10 месяцев назад
Share the link to the book angels in the light please
@Aeimos 5 месяцев назад
I can’t find his book anywhere. Does anyone have any more information on it?
@lilyjeanette3320 10 месяцев назад
I can’t find the book angels into the light. Please post a link for it
@baconknightt 2 года назад
I think I've been close to death twice. But I never had a NDE. Maybe I wasn't as close as I thought 🤔
@Mxllxef1609 2 года назад
I astral travel in my sleep all the time without even intentionally doing it. It started after getting pregnant with my daughter, I feel like my soul is doing alsorts in the astral realms whilst I'm sleeping 😂 I've had many prophetic dreams come true as well. Predicting people I knows pregnancies, my own pregnancies and children, and even day to day stuff I get heavy de ja vu.
@raider7829 2 года назад
Can you tell me if you are getting a sensation in your body when your soul comes out? Where/how far do you go? What colors do you see is important. Try to touch anything? Im curious because I think Ive done it also
@Mxllxef1609 2 года назад
@@raider7829 when I've unintentionally done it as a teenager I felt my whole body vibrating yes and like humming, at the time I didn't know so it scared me and I shot back up awake. Now when I do it I don't know how I do sorry to be vague. To me it's just like very vivid dreaming. I will fly fast to places in my dreams, the colours are vivid, the people seem more real etc. And the senses are heightened so smell, taste, touch. I notice when people hug or touch you in the astral it feels real like when you're awake. When I'm "regular dreaming" it feels like it's hard to get a grasp on that reality? I hope that makes sense. Like have you ever had a dream you're trying to punch someone or hug someone etc and you can't hit/hug them etc? Or your bodies don't connect? So you get frustrated in the dream? Well in the astral I find this wouldn't be an issue.
@marthaC495 Год назад
@@Mxllxef1609 I was told that your memory is erased when you come back into your body. Is that true?
@Mxllxef1609 Год назад
@@marthaC495 in spirituality yes, but whatever you choose to believe and what resonates for you, personally I think so yes. Imagine if in a past life you wasn't a nice person, perhaps you committed many evil acts, how could you live a new life and repay your karma without a clean slate? You would have to forget so you could move past the guilt. The irony is someone who may spend a lifetime repaying karma may think "why is my life so difficult! What did I do to deserve this?" When faced with so many trials in their life. The punishment is they don't know what they did to deserve it! THATS the real torture... of course in the spirit world karma is not "eye for an eye" and its not black and white, it works very differently. Just my personal opinion again based on my spiritual beliefs.
@Mxllxef1609 Год назад
@@raider7829 the sensation is heavy vibrations, touch, and what you see feels very real, as if it was real life. Even smells and taste can seem real. You wake up and think "wait did that actually happen was that real or was that a dream?" It's THAT real.
@ADRIANisSUAVE 2 года назад
From my understanding, he is a different spiritual Nation and not allowed to be anointed into the Church of Christ. A full anointed being is the level 8. Having the 7 seals is a great feature a human can achieve and I congratulate him because that shows that he has strong faith and a immortal human being. Angels are all from God but even they know that the Level 8 is the Holy Generation (truly reborn with new names and spirits not of this world) and the unseen angels who rule this earth are preprogrammed to refrain from the territory of the Holy Generation (thus laughing at them because they are Aliens of this earth/division). The key differences is that he admitted to having limited healing but can have full destruction at will (their Nation's world). It leans more into one direction. Christ anointed beings have both direction (savior and destructor) and thus a Son of the Most High (or a full Sunshine and not close to the brightness of a candle).
@xali3nz 2 года назад
I believe in psychic phenomena, Remote Viewing has been statistically validated to be real. So I can believe what they say about the telepathy, as rare as it may be.
@billiehummel 2 года назад
Another amazing video. AAA+++
@mintonmiller 2 года назад
I am not sure if this is meant to be presented as fact or fiction. Because he is the word mythical a number of times. Other than that there is a lot to contemplate here. I am not sure of the value of this particular reading, but I will continue to think about it for sometime to come.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
It's definitely confusing. I found myself reading this book and something told me to narrate it.
@Ream44 2 года назад
This one was rather dense, intense. Perhaps you could have set it to read a bit more slowly. These seem to be lesson we are all learning from time to time, and in one way or another. Then it is our job to integrate them into our own particular way of understanding things.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
Um, I can't help how I read things. There is no setting to set.
@FReam-qr6kp 2 года назад
@@HeavenAwaits Oh sorry, I thought you were using one of those computerized readers. Maybe just read a little slower when things start to get complex. Thanks.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
@@FReam-qr6kp No, I'm not using anything to read except for myself.
@charlottebeseke5596 2 года назад
Very interesting!
@braaitongs 10 месяцев назад
I struggled to follow this one. Very confusing.
@angeleyelisab4357 2 года назад
I was wondering during all this did you except Jesus Christ into your heart?
@mitchelldoucette-beck810 Год назад
This guys account of his special powers reminds me strongly of my psycosis
@ckk651 2 года назад
What is the name of the book this came from and where can I find it …
@brendasmith9063 2 года назад
"seven above seven below". by: Robert Cougar Penhaligon date 10.31.16 shows 5 🌟 stars, but not available in Amozon as of 9.22.2022
@goddess_of_Kratos 2 года назад
true understanding yes, you're not alone. this is why true power cannot corrupt.
@mikeh3005 2 года назад
Sounds like New Age spiritualism of occult practices. There are many false teachings being put out so be careful and discern what's from the evil one...deception and lies.
@kimbratton9620 2 года назад
That was pretty interesting!
@wardwilliamson7441 Год назад
This was really a great one. Will find your book.
@thecatalist9117 2 года назад
🙏 Namaste 🙏 ❤️
@uptoolate2793 5 месяцев назад
Maybe the premonitions were to get you to stay the hell off a motorcycle. Idk, just spit ballin here.
@laurak1733 2 года назад
I can't seem to bring up the the book Angels in the light. Does anyone have the the author's name? Thanks in advance.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
Strangely enough I can't find that book either, the only one I managed to find was seven above, seven below.
@mariannet29 2 года назад
And the powers that be didn't correct or instruct either one of you as to whom RR was? That makes this doubtful. Why show it to both of you and not make it clear who RR is?
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
I dunno it's like they enjoy giving breadcrumbs. Example: Kim Clement, when he said the Korea's world eventually reunite. I also have a video from someone confirming that when the Korea's do reunite, soon after they will start WW3.
@danielvibez4000 2 года назад
Rr is Ronald Reagan. He eventually became the president of the US. He used to be a cowboy. And the black and white is for the movies he used to act in. Hope that clears it up.
@Growthisinthedirt 2 года назад
Maybe if too much info is given, one could alter the outcome.
@danielvibez4000 2 года назад
@@Growthisinthedirt possible. but right here its just his initials.
@rachelsheep4094 2 года назад
Someone plz help me understand how we can end up in hell
@warrenrodgers7544 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is the only way humbly ask him he will answer you
@Untilhecomes85 2 года назад
I also am confused 🤔🤔🤔
@twinsoultarot473 Год назад
You loved your earthly family and forgot about them completely. NO You didn't love them. Face the truth.
@sazzies4924 2 года назад
Bonjour 🥰
@markrhone1537 2 года назад
Jesus is soon to returned for his church his bride
@brendasmith9063 2 года назад
not that soon unfortunately
@PaigeBartholomew Год назад
This would be so great if your voice or softer, full of the divine energy that I believe you are wanting to transmit. Why don’t you try slowing down… Softening your voice… I’m getting in tune with the higher worlds before you read the stories? We’re listening to the stories because we want to be transported to the higher realms. Help us to do that.
@777denny1 2 года назад
Again, “we” are NOT all “connected.” What does light have to do with darkness? What does evil have to do with love? What does Satan & his demons-along with wicked people-have in common with love? As far as past lives, Emanuel Swedenborg says that messengers sometimes put in the mind of humans the notion that the humans have lived past lives, though they have not.
@delenacarlson3288 2 года назад
Had to do with law of attraction. For every good there’s a bad for every light there’s dark. Balance. The universe had to have balance..
@keithbartlett4909 2 года назад
I don't care for this person's experiences. I have listened twice and find little value. It/he seems confused and I fail to see any benefit that was brought to mankind, at least none was mentioned. Surely, any meaningful spiritual experience/enlightenment expands a person's understanding of life and The Great Creator, giving that person an opportunity to live their life more in harmony with the world and the people that inhabit it. I feel this person's story should be heard in order to bring as wide a picture of some people's viewpoint, not to say experience. However, it's not for me. Peace and love to all.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
Hard to make everything make sense using excerpts from his book. You'd have to read the whole thing in order to understand it. He goes into so much more detail in his book.
@keithbartlett4909 2 года назад
@@HeavenAwaits Yes, I agree an excerpt can be unrepresentative and, maybe, the whole book might make issues clearer. But, nevertheless, as the experiences were related in this instance, I find little if anything, uplifting. I think your web site does great work in bringing all these experiences to people's attention and the comments that arise from them and I always look forward to your next offering. Peace and love to all.
@BrendaLee8 Год назад
RR was Ronald Reagan
@ultramagasuperspreader3476 2 года назад
How come all you AF’s get an NDE and I don’t!? Throw an N a bone here… out of all these when Jesus ask’s, you want to stay or go back… STAY STAY STAY, the clown world is a joke, selfishness, cruelty, bad things to good people, good things to bad people…. If he ask’s you know what to say, STAY!
@lexiemaep7930 2 года назад
This guy sounds crazy.
@ingenuity168 2 года назад
Christians will have such ndes while Hindus and Buddhists will have ndes of Shiva and Buddha. Conclusion ndes are products of the person's religion and culture.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
I believe that God shows the person what they expect to see but at the end of the day it is controlled by God.
@ingenuity168 2 года назад
@@HeavenAwaits Controlled by the god of gods? So there are many gods.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
I mean there is a theory about there being multiple Gods. Me I only believe in one.
@kennybrannan Год назад
@HeavenAwaits Год назад
@gersonhcastillo6098 2 года назад
i can hypnotize myself and become telepathic but its nothing like this assault telepathy lol.
@GamerGalley 2 года назад
Feels to me like someone is using your channel to promote their book....
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
Nah this one is one that I decided to read, the author I believe has passed on long ago. Around 2016.
@sarahschramek788 2 года назад
I couldn’t find the book Angels in the Light”. Who is the author?
@sarahschramek788 2 года назад
I want to find out what are the other 10 commandments with thou shalt.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
@@sarahschramek788 Robert Cougar Penhaligon
@GamerGalley 2 года назад
@@sarahschramek788 The only book I found with that title is a romance novel by a different author.
@ScorpioMissBrenda 2 года назад
Nothing of interest here!
@KeillaSellay 11 месяцев назад
The usual crap a larper would claim
@PeterTheGr3at 2 года назад
No, you did not.
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
Can you prove this gentleman wrong?
@emf321 2 года назад
Word salad..."enlightened" word salad is what this sounds like.
@davidnorwood5685 2 года назад
Hmmmmm, this NDE sounds less believable.
@1SeekTruth1 2 года назад
This guy dont provide any sources for any of these ndes..that makes me wonder if this guy is just making up these nde stories just for the view and money?
@davidnorwood5685 2 года назад
@@1SeekTruth1 that’s a very pessimistic attitude. I don’t believe that to be the case at all. Many of the NDE narratives he has read are verifiable in that there is a verifiable person behind the story. The biggest problem with NDE’s are that they are personal accounts of experiences with few ways to verify their accounts. Luckily, there are cases that are verifiable in some ways giving validity to at least some of these experiences.
@elesel9919 2 года назад
False story
@HeavenAwaits 2 года назад
Do you know the gentleman? Can you prove his experience is false?
@GrandmaMcBear 2 года назад
Very interesting!
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