
Neural basis for symptoms of emotion dysregulation in people with BPD 

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Dr. Anthony C. Ruocco is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough and an Associate Scientist in the Research Imaging Centre at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). He is the recipient of numerous national and international grants and awards to study the neurobiological underpinnings of borderline personality disorder. His current research focuses on biological markers that may run in families affected with BPD, and the ways in which neural systems involved in emotion regulation and impulse control may change through dialectical behaviour therapy, as well as new brain stimulation interventions that may be effective for people with BPD. This presentation focuses on recent findings showing a neural basis for symptoms of emotion dysregulation in people with BPD.
Dr. Ruocco was a guest speaker during The Sashbear Foundation's Annual General Meeting on March 29, 2015 in Toronto..



23 июл 2024




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@IskurBlast 7 лет назад
This is amazing stuff. It supports the claims that the DSM needs to be rewritten.
@Rivertowner 4 года назад
Fist of the Term Borderline Personality Disorder, must be changed. It is srtong and rude..and strengthens stimatic approach...
@ange7422 Год назад
@@safc24i don’t think that was an improvement
@JA-kg8wo 3 года назад
I have BPD and this made me feel so valid. It’s ridiculous. I thought I was crazy. I always thought it was always my fault. I thought everything was my fault, before my diagnosis.
@juliemagro734 10 месяцев назад
Me too. Everything makes sense. I don’t feel so dumb now
@caelidhg6261 2 года назад
as far as the self harming "Cutting" behavior.. as a "calming" thing. that is exactly what it feels like. I know, ironic.. BUt the rush you get... It is "Sick" but when you are that panicked.. you turn inward. I can't hurt physically other people. I may throw something or yell or break something and hurt myself but I have no desire to hurt another human.
@prisonmikebeotch2087 5 месяцев назад
I hurt myself 3 hours at a time in the gym.. That pain gives me a rush and a sense of existence.
@leilehua5230 2 года назад
i believe a lot would be uncovered if the research was extensive enough to scan the brain during the WORST of BPD rage outbursts/ BPD suicidal gestures/ BPD impulsivity/ any of the most extreme reactions from these patients. i feel like simply hearing a triggering sentence or seeing a photo can say a lot in comparison to a “normal” brain but i believe a lot of the picture is missing by not including thorough scans/tests during the worst of it. obviously this is extremely difficult but hey i volunteer to play BPD lab rat, things have been more unstable than ever for me environmentally, physically, and mentally so not only am i curious to see wtf is going on in my head but i truly feel like it would uncover a lot of information.
@SageThyme23 3 года назад
Thank you for recording this lecture and helping more people learn about this topic but my god STOP MOVING THE CAMERA
@claudiakayla7097 4 года назад
wow this is intresting i suffer from BpD with ocd and anxiety and when i have a meltdown i scream and shout, i baracade myself in my bedroom to be left alone, and have self harmed and have the most uncomfortable angry feelings and edginess. just take mood stabilisers, emotions get so intense
@bigballs3095 4 года назад
Mine to i know exactly how blacking out when i have a melt down had to be strapped to a bed for a day or two when in hospital this past time it was truly traumatizing
@bebeezra 5 лет назад
This is phenomenal work that must be funded and expanded more. Bi-Polar is a lazy catch-all diagnosis and gratuitously over-diagnosed by mostly uninformed and even a few malfeasant physicians who know it's a disorder of personality but would rather keep the prescription visit check on their books then properly diagnose the patient and refer them to a behavior specialist who can actually address the core content. Why is it this way? *Follow the pharma money.* Not one pharmacutical company can make a dime off of a vicious personality disorder like borderline. There is no pharmaceutical silver bullet for it, and the more you understand the condition the more utterly ridiculous the idea of fixing it with a pill sounds. It is a _personality disorder_ not a _mood disorder._ There are hundreds of nasty knots nested within the psyche of the patient that must be painstakingly untied one by one through cognitive, dialectic or schema behavior therapy...not talk therapy. *Talk therapy for BPD is just that...all talk.* There is no miraculous passive solution in the form of a magic pill or healing from lying on the proverbial shrink couch talking about _"Mommy".._ Sorry, but you have to treat this disorder like a muscular atrophy and actually go to the gym, actually lift the weights, and actually do what the personal trainer says. Am I being harsh? I hope so. Advice like this delivered to me 20 yrs ago could have saved me a *tremendous amount of unrecoverable time, wasted money and lost potential.* *The most effective **_miracle pills_** are bitter.*
@finalbraincell460 3 года назад
you speak facts
@aelswithhaugen5793 3 года назад
👏👏 as a BPD sufferer who was seriously screwed up by being misdiagnosed as bipolar and just having medication thrown at me as a child (which made me suicidal and self harm very severely), thank you for this! My diagnosis was adjusted in 2004 and I didn’t find out until 2014... I’d been left on various medications that entire time. I have several hundred scars that are a constant reminder of how my drs screwed up (they also missed the CPTSD but that’s just another example of half arsed psychiatric treatment I suppose...) so thank you from the bottom of my heart!
@dandinotorres8gmail 3 года назад
In the waiting line upstairs
@caelidhg6261 2 года назад
I will say.. that I agree that Talk therapy is useless. I have been in and out of therapy for 45 years. I Have sprinkled in tons of spiritual and shamanic work... workshops, self help books.. I took est for gods sakes (I was 12 !!! ) I grew up with an anxiety diagnosis (1978) and ADHD by 1980.. and suffered with emotional dysregulation. I ironically work in a mental health agency and saw BPD and heard about the therapists getting trained in Dialectical but never investigated. It wasn't until LAST YEAR (2020) that I got diagnosed. The Pandemic totally triggered my issues bad and I had meltdowns. It has been a journey. I did, however, first hear about emotional dysregulation around 2016... and that was a big game changer. THat and changing my high carb diet to a a low Carb (keto) diet. and added certain vitamins like d3 and a good b complex etc.. (and Gaba and others) OMG My mood shifted and I had no more anxiety. It was a miracle. Then dealing with folks fighting over what I was eating (too much cheese, too much fat) ugh.. i slid, then teh pandemic and ugh..
@caelidhg6261 2 года назад
@@aelswithhaugen5793 I KNEW that folks were trying to diagnose me as Bipolar.. and I knew I did NOT have that. so I stayed away.. I do have ADHD and had to break down around 2015 and get on Adderall... just frustrated .. I am 53 and my life has been HELL..
@LiamFranklinFarang Год назад
At first I thought it was lack of intellect, but I've slowly started to suspect it's a brain issue. Anyway, I'm starting to get this is too severe for me to help. I feel bad because I wish this person the best, and I can tell they can't control themselves, but it's time for me to stop thinking I can help. Thank you for the video
@heythere6983 6 месяцев назад
I used to think they were socially immature, maybe lacked self awareness . Then I thought at worst aspergers bc I saw how they Couldn’t reason well but then considered an essay of theirs I saw, then I realized boderline after someone with aspergers told me this person sounded like they had borderline , I had to look it up
@WilliamAshted 6 месяцев назад
​@@heythere6983They do lack self awareness and its not even remotely close to aspergers. People on the autism spectrum arent stalkers and mostly keep to themselves. The symptoms arent even remotely close
@thechristianpsychologer3865 4 года назад
9/9 BPD here 😁😬😬 I can tell you my parents were narcissists or in the Godly we say demonic spirit of Jezebel, and allowed my sister to sexually abuse me. Repeated violations of boundaries and privacy invasions. Denial of reality. Boyfriend cheated on me and found that out the same day I found out about my dad cheating on my mom. They later broke up. My mom also killed my cats shortly after moving so I'm not sure if that's included. Kicked me out a few years later. Not sure if that counts since it's beyond 20 etc. It's MOST DEFINITELY environmental
@heythere6983 6 месяцев назад
Iv heard of people getting delivered from their narcissist diagnosis , idk of with bpd if it could be similar
@lindadunn8787 2 года назад
Interesting. Thank you.
@claudiahorvath1181 4 года назад
Fuck yeah I suffer from bpd and hate being near people I love being alone
@ryana411 3 года назад
I wish I could have been part of this study... I have BPD (diagnosed by a mental health Dr.. i forget all his letters before his nane)and headaches that unfortunately I have had to self diagnose... Familiar Hemipeligic migraines... that to me they feel centered in the insular cortex... I have always had headaches and many types of trauma throughout my life...
@masonchase4599 3 года назад
I think it’s interesting to say that emotional dysregulation is impacting certain regions of the brain @12:30, shouldn’t we say it’s these changes in the brain causing the dysregulation? Very insightful video though thanks for all you’ve put into this
@LuvBugBlaqkHart 3 года назад
I thought the core of BPD was painful incoherence? I remember reading up on a study that showed that it's more likely the core of BPD is painful incoherence and not emotional dysregulation. Emotional dysregulation plays a role but it isn't the core is what I've heard.
@leilehua5230 2 года назад
it’s abandonment issues. abandonment is what drives almost all BPD outbursts. anytime i feel someone is abandoning me or losing interest or trying to leave or let me down easy or getting annoyed or sick of me whatever the case, whether im perceiving it correctly or incorrectly, that is what triggers the emotional dysregulation. dysregulated emotions in BPD leads to the rest of the symptoms. feeling abandonment = emotional dysregulation= impulsivity to try to regulate it = raging outbursts because of the overwhelming nature of the emotions and the limited capacity to handle them due to an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex = suicidal behavior to try to stop the pain altogether or due to the anger directing at the self due to being self-aware but not enough to stop the toxicity = paranoia that everyone hates you bc you deserve it for not being better and/or bc you grew up learning the world is dangerous and no one is trustworthy = dissociation because the emotions are still too much to handle so the brain shuts it off for you = self-identity issue aka painful incoherence. There were studies done on whether painful incoherence is the core but as a person who lives w it first-hand i personally attest that even the most skilled researchers looking from the outside in are simply not understanding the full scope of what this disorder is like on the inside.
@caelidhg6261 2 года назад
@@leilehua5230 It's not all about abandonment. It is about the inability to self sooth or self regulation your emotions and get back into balance. Abandonment is "triggering" because feel a threat of vulnerability. If a baby is left for long periods and not getting the "attention" from the parents or caregivers.. if they may be trying but failing ... the baby interprets the abandonment as a threat.
@heythere6983 6 месяцев назад
It’s def not about abandoning alone. The girl I knew understood I was there and acted out and was judgemental and flipped in a scenarios where there was zero abandonment possibility goin on.
@nickgliemann Месяц назад
@@heythere6983that isn’t how she perceives that or how it happens in her head though
@nickgliemann Месяц назад
Self sabotaging because she probably couldn’t cope with the closeness
@internationalentertainment6906 7 месяцев назад
@bigballs3095 4 года назад
I burn myself like cutting but with hot pokers i was honestly just discharged with the diagnosis so close to suicide im walking like two borderlines i hate my life.
@christinapachaki4893 2 года назад
Do u have a link on what under name we can find this kind of examination? I guess it s pretty expensive
@kaylahorvath8980 3 года назад
I have BPD and ocd with anxiety I suffer from paranoia around strangers in public and think they hate me and I stare them out, I take medication this is intresting to watcj
@Rivertowner 4 года назад
Thank you for studying the Brain. Does this mean there could be a genetic basis of the BPD, which seems to to more contributive in this case, than it seems..
@GM-yb5yg 4 года назад
Bessel van der kolk.md doesn't seem to think so. Well he points out that 87% of people diagnosed with bpd meet criteria for childhood trauma. However, you might have noticed that childhood trauma and how the environment shapes us is always denied in psychiatry and medicine. They don't want to believe that neglectful and abusive parents actually damage the childs development. Psychiatry has totally denied this shit for many decades it's starting to become ridiculous. If you have bpd or other trauma; you must process those painful experiences or you will live forever as a traumatised person. So many people are in denial, or can't rememeber their abusive early years.
@baum7des7lebens7 4 года назад
@@GM-yb5yg The trauma was likely caused by a parent who has bpd, so it's hard to tell whether if the offspring's bpd originated from the trauma or the genes.
@kitkakitteh 3 года назад
G M schizophrenia and BPD both have a genetic component, and run in families. Schizophrenia cannot be "caused" by being raised by a parent with the disorder. Neither can BPD, but like any trauma- it can help bring it out.
@adventures223 Год назад
@@kitkakitteh How do you figure bpd cant be caused by childhood neglect are you saying its only genetic i would say its both
@ordainmapfumo39 4 года назад
Where can i get this research paper ?
@thepowerman8952 4 года назад
Let me Google that for you...
@nycjanedoe 4 года назад
These people have this almost exactly backwards.
@june4135 3 года назад
what do you mean?
@DP-qo9kl 3 года назад
Who are “these people”?
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