
New Age vs Jesus with Imaya Sabine #56 

Nicole Nyima Costerus
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Have you heard about the movement “From New Age to Jesus”?
I first found testimonies on RU-vid from all the people all over the world who “made the shift”.
“From New age Jesus” is a group of people that completely dropped their identity and Life in the “New Age” and turned to Jesus as “The Only Way” and “The Only Truth”. Often with the conviction that every other way of thinking or believing is from the Devil.
I have been fascinated by the movement and intrigued by what is happening. Especially because some of them are direct or indirect friends.
I’ve been seeing conversations in which “Born Again Christians” speak about “New Age People” and “New Age people” having conversations about “Born Again Christians”.
I felt it was time to have a conversation “with each other” instead of “about each other” and decided to invite Imaya Sabine as a guest for the podcast.
Imaya has been Born Again into Christianity and completely left behind her “Old Life” as a Feminine Embodiment mentor, Serpentine dance teacher and fanatic ecstatic dancer.
Jesus is the only way, is what she practices and shares about now.
I have a lot of questions I want to ask her about what she believes and why and in this episode I am going to. Many of the questions that you sent such as the ones listed below will be included in this episode as well.
Can you describe god?
What is the devil & hell?
Do you believe I go to hell?
And what about people from other religions & traditions?
Do only Christians go to heaven?
What about the women and the divine feminine, everything seems to revolve around He and The Father.
If you want to know more about Imaya’s testimony, you may find it ⁠here⁠.
And if you are curious about Imaya her work, you can check out her ⁠website. ⁠



19 сен 2024




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@martiner3622 3 месяца назад
Beautiful, respectful, clear conversation. It needs more views. Thank you ladies.
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 3 месяца назад
@Linthediel Год назад
So interesting.. I have listened to a few new age to christianity interviews and even though I've been doing so much womb healing and feminine energy archetypal work, I see myself starting to question my beliefs and resonate so much with Imaya. I see every other entity, whether it's a goddess or a spirit animal, as something seperate from God. I have a deep intuition that so many spiritual practises are a way to distract us from finding the truth and see that many who praise the darkness (as earth etc) don't seem to notice that it's actual darkness. Im still finding words to this new knowledge and i'm at a stage of my life where I'm shifting to something else.. thank you for this interview
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 Год назад
You are so welcome 🙏🏾
@peterk.6930 3 месяца назад
Notice this statement: ‘this was the true light which enlightens all who come into the world.’ (John 1:9) So it says unmistakably that everyone is enlightened (at birth) by the Torah. The (eternal) Torah was also revealed to other peoples, but more pregnant or more meaningful to Israel, just to enlighten or elevate all mankind and ultimately to heal the world. This can be related to all that is good and true and beautiful.
@HealingBeautyRitualsDaily 3 месяца назад
You did such a great job interviewing Imaya. You both did well.
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 3 месяца назад
@charlenaishani Год назад
In 2020, Imaya was part of a movement that was to destroy my life. She sent me messages daily from anonymous profiles as well as her own, harassing me, telling me all the reasons why I should kill myself, telling me I need help and was part of leading a group of others to believe I was a terrible person. Healing from words and destruction caused by her through this time was challenging and brought me to my knees. I guess now she would say that was the devil working through her?? This interview was insightful and I appreciate you stepping out of the comfort zones of many to make this happen however I am disturbed by the righteousness and condescending answers she appears to have for all of your all encompassing questions. I met this Woman in 2015 in Bali and have seen her become obsessed with dance, spirituality, men, being an expert on narcissists, an LCD advocate and I see now a new obsession and righteous approach. I doubt Jesus would be argumentative or fixed on ‘one way or no way’ if he was able to partake in this conversation but…I guess we will never know. Again, thank you 🙏🏽
@createinmeacleanheartohgod6871 11 месяцев назад
She had already confessed that she was sinner and had repented. God remember no more of all your sins if you have repented. I understand where you are coming from, i feel the same from a family member, but Jesus said to be forgiving.
@ivan-v6j6o 7 месяцев назад
Jesus is the path and He is the light
@originalmix2546 7 месяцев назад
@charlenaishani - Imaya might not be as changed and transformed as she poses to be...thank you for sharing your experience and side of things...I just do not feel well in my spirit about her and yet to see someone else sensing smthg off with her....she might be a false convert..IMO tho...Bible warns of severe deceptions in the end times...
@originalmix2546 7 месяцев назад
however I am disturbed by the righteousness and condescending answers she appears to have for all of your all encompassing questions. I met this Woman in 2015 in Bali and have seen her become obsessed with dance, spirituality, men, being an expert on narcissists, an LCD advocate and I see now a new obsession and righteous approach. - THIS!!
@originalmix2546 5 месяцев назад
she still is a narcissist
@Cliff_Simon Год назад
Nicole I must say you did an absolutely phenomenal job in this interview, and I absolutely admired your clearly evident curiosity and openness to hear. You demonstrated so much. I believe similar to Imaya, and I feel too many people are afraid of this conversation on both sides, because of the poor examples too many of us Christians have been. We have not been patient, we have not willing to dialogue, and it is our approach all too often, and the very way we present ourselves, that all too often closes the door on us. I have lived by the general and broad philosophy of - seek first to understand before trying to be understood! Imaya, if you happen to be reading this, I thought you spoke amazing, with such grace, conviction, and you said everything clearly in love! Anyone else reading this, lets keep the conversations always friendly and respectful. And lets not be afraid to have these sometimes hard dividing line conversations! I seen that modeled beautifully here in this video, and I pray to God for more of it!!! God bless you all!!!
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 Год назад
Thank you 🙏🏾
@e.l.p.i.d.a 10 месяцев назад
Listening a second time, and I must say this interview is very illuminating! I want to thank both Nicole and Imaya for their willingness to discuss (with emotional composure and respect) such a triggering topic! I know of Imaya's old self and I know my old self that was steeped in the New Age (though I never would have called it such) for 20 years before God called me to know Him. So, my old self can relate to Nicole's questions and emotional reactivity, but my new self made Holy only through God's grace and His Spirit, aligns with what Imaya has so graciously shared. To those who do not understand the Holy Bible, which is God's infallible Word, those who walk in Christ can sound arrogant or superior, BUT that is only because true Christians uphold God's sovereignty without explaining (beyond Scripture) or defending themselves. True Christians, believe that it is by faith alone that we are saved (having eternal life in God's Kingdom) and it is the Bible alone that is God's Word and that we are to live by. There is nothing arrogant or selfish about giving your life to God's Will, for to take up your cross and follow Him (by faith and not sight) is an act of love, faith, and humility. "The Greek term translated “sinner” in the Bible carries the idea of a person who is “missing the mark,” as in an archer who misses his target. Thus, a sinner is missing God’s mark and is in fact missing the whole point of his or her life." Scripture teaches us that it is not by our own volition or will that we are saved; it is God who chooses us, who calls us, and it is our own free will that turns towards Him or away. Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast". Nicole, your questions for Imaya are really great :) and I feel compassion for you in your anger which becomes visible about halfway through the interview until the end
@marcusdsmith144 4 месяца назад
Very skillfully executed, thank you
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 4 месяца назад
@michalvitek95 Год назад
Amazing, Nicole Nyima Costerus! This was a very bold endeavour. It inspired me to share a piece about my & especially Vedic / Hindu understanding of this matter, in which I will not disclose just what my little „i“ believes or resonates with, but also what the Masters and the authors of the Vedic scriptures revealed about this topic. One thing Imaya Sabine and I have in common is that we left the New Age and were reborn in Christ / Krishna. Only my rebirth was facilitated through the saving Grace of a living Master, whom I then accepted as my Satguru (direct incarnation or representation of God). According to Paramahamsa Yogananda, who lived in constant communion with Christ, this is what Christ meant when He said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." He indeed said this to His disciples, but it was only relevant for them living in that time. What He was pointing to was not Him as the only person throughout all history of humanity, but the state which He embodied, and the particular function He had, which is the function that all the Masters and Satgurus have - to remove our ignorance and guide their devotees (who dedicate their life to serving and realizing God) back home to the Supreme Father-Godhead. In other words, I resonate with both of you in all maters, except the Christian supremacy dogma „Our way is the only way“. I completely get your and everyone’s repulsion - it’s our authentic intuitive response to mind-manipulated information, which is out of alignment with Truth. Don’t get me wrong… There is a lot of truth in the „Roborn in Christ“ movement (in comparison to many New Age Luciferian dogmas), but I perceive there is one major issue. Though their deep personal experiences with Christ were likely authentic in most cases, they still just happened metaphysically - and without a real physical personal relationship and guidance of a living Master (each of whom is the embodiment of Christ-Consciousness) without a constant possibility of inquiry and receiving direct instruction, their limited mind is free run wild and to make its conclusions and interpretations about such experiences. When you add this mind’s natural tendency to create self-generated stories and combine it with the Bible (which is a compilation of Christ’s original teachings and manipulative man-made attempts to serve a specific selfish agenda), you have the perfect recipe for the soup of „Christian supremacy ego trap“. Thankfully, unlike Christ, the original teachings of Krishna as revealed to humanity in the Bhagavad Gita, have been kept in its original Sanskrt form, and many Masters who have attained God-Realization in communion with Krishna / Christ, have revealed the teachings of the Gita in context of the time and culture in which they lived in. In relation to your conversation and specifically the „Reborn in Christ movement“, the teachings of the Bible, Gita, living Masters and other Vedic scriptures agree in the following two matters: 1. God is indeed the Supreme Person, who is the the only Perfect Being / King / Source / Creator of all Creation (countless Universes). Though we of the same nature as Him (Sat-Chit-Ananda / Unconditional Divine Love) and in union with Him, there is a relationship because of our position - we as souls are only an infinitesimal part of Him, (just like a drop in the Ocean, or a cell in the body of God). 2. We as souls (His children) can only attain Liberation (Heaven) by the saving Grace of God, as transmitted by His full personal incarnation (living Master or Avatar such as Christ). This means that though important, our own personal effort can only make the fertile ground for the saving Grace of God, but final Realisation / Moksha / Nirvana can only happen by His Will. Where the teachings differ is that Christ was just one of countless Divine incarnations (Avatars or Masters), who have walked upon Earth and came to restore Dharma and save humanity from suffering. Just in the Shreemad Bhagavatam (a scripture by Veda Vyasa, which captures the most famous divine plays of God with His devotees, there are descriptions of ten avatars, among which are the most famous ones such as Krishna, Rama, Buddha and Narasimha. They are embodiment of the same One Supreme Personality of Godhead, but each serves a different purpose in relationship to the time and culture in which they lived in, with its specific needs. At the same times, it is also said there that the numbers in which God incarnated on Earth are countless. After all, it wouldn’t be a very loving God, if He were to just come once in history of humanity and then was like „goodbye forever“, would He?  According to Krishna, all authentic paths of yoga lead to the realisation of the One Truth (God), but one of them is the most effective, simple, natural, graceful and sweetest - and this is the path of Bhakti, which Christ was also teaching (after traveling through India and meeting/learning from His Master, who was Mahavatar Babaji - the next reincarnation of Krishna). This path of Bhakti, which I am also walking on, is all about cultivating and deepening one's personal, loving relationship with a personal form of God. The mans to attaining Liberation on this path is through a one-pointed devotional selfless service and full surrender to this personal form of the Divine, whether that be Krishna, Christ, Buddha or any true Master. My invitation for all the "Reborn in Christ" people is - rather than arrogantly putting your path on a pedestal, humbly realise that the same path of Love which you are walking can be walked under the guidance of any Master (inner or outer), or in relationship to any personal form of God, who one feels closest to. And that all people who have that sincere longing to be in communion with God and are willing to dedicate their life to loving and serving Him, will attain Him, no matter which form they choose. Here are the final concluding verses from the Bhagavad Gita, which summarise the whole Vedas. Let them penetrate deeply into your heart. ''Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me, humbly bow down before Me and you shall come to Me. I promise you this for certain, for you are dear to Me. This is the eternal Truth. Abandoning all other paths, surrender to Me alone. By My Grace, I will take care of purifying you of all your karma, misdeeds and ignorance; I will take responsibility for liberating you. Don't doubt. Have no fear.'' In service to the One, in service to all. Amen.
@NewLifeinChrist2605 7 месяцев назад
The truth of whether someone is truly born again or has 'found' truth is by the fruits in their life. Do you have a peace regardless of circumstances, are you a slave to any addiction? Do you serve God and others before yourself etc The truth is exposed by the fruits of one's life.
@booksofbeauty Год назад
Something I feel is worthy of being noted is that while Nicole is triggered by what Imaya says, Imaya is not triggered by what Nicole says. I completely resonate with Nicole because I used to think the exact same way and be SO triggered, but the thing is… If you are truly in search of the absolute truth, then why are you so afraid to humble yourself, truly “die to yourself” which is a NEW AGE teaching as well, and bow down to that absolute truth and ask it to reveal itself? For a culture that teaches ego death, the only place it truly refuses to die is to it’s own spiritual beliefs. If you have found absolute truth, and you are so confident in it, and you have found peace in it, then why does the opposing viewpoint trigger you so much? If you have become truly liberated and free, then what is it in you that’s so afraid of that truth being threatened? I spent a long time so triggered by Christians, but once I was born again I realized it was only because the darkness gets loudest the closer it gets to the light. Everything you believe is true in New Age, that God is love and perfect divine intelligence and wants nothing but oneness and love and peace for you is true, and that God revealed himself through Jesus Christ. Everything in this Universe is relational. God created you to be the recipient of his perfect love as he is the source of perfect love. How can you receive love from God if you refuse a relationship with him? Everything that the new age teaches about the false self and the true self is true. It’s your sinful nature vs your created nature. But the good news is, you don’t have to heal yourself or work out your own salvation. God wants to wash you clean in his living waters, baptize you in his Holy Spirit and renew you into your original created innocence. Everything you are seeking in the new age, peace, belonging, love, safety, homecoming, purpose, truth can be found in Jesus. If you believe your truth is the absolute truth, then why are you so afraid to die to it, and let yourself be purified and washed clean by God’s love? If your God is the true God, then you can trust that that “God” and “Truth” will remain even after you die to it. Just something to think about…
@valvihk3649 3 месяца назад
It triggers because it's not just an opposing view of "I disagree with you," and we all live happily ever after. It's the disrespect. It's the constant shoving of believes down your throat by saying shit like "you are going to hell." What you love and care about "is evil because it doesn't fall into our belief systems." People who are so indoctrinated into so-called "absolute truth" that it's not even triggering. Yet, if you break that indoctrination suicide will happen and it's counteractive. Pagans are threatened because Christianity has murdered and stole from them through out history. Why are gays threatened when someone doesn't like the idea of titles? Because historically they had to fight for the title of sexuality against the title of mental illness. Bestowing your ideals on somebody else creates oppression and that is something you should be triggered by. How can you receive love from God if you refuse a relationship with him? Why did Jesus died for our sins? He did not just die for people who believed in him. He died for those who threw rocks at him as he carried the cross. He died for people who shoved nails into him and walked off like it was a normal day because it's their legal job. I know several Christians who would read your comment and call you a false follower because you said there is some connection in "new age" and Christianity. Your comment is clashing with many comments. In my eyes, true god IS love no matter what you believe in. And that comment, too, clashes with my Christian community.
@scintillatinglight8451 2 месяца назад
I would recommend you to do a little research on the concept of the Heliocentric system and on NASA. We all have a different window from which we see things but we all have been students/ pupils of the same school system. So we learned that we live on a spinning ball in an endless universe and that we spin with a ridiculous speed and we do not question it while very big surfaces of water can be still It does not take rocket science to notice that the world is ruled by certain people who are very powerful and they stay very powerful. Watch some footage with astro nots , and you will soon start to see the deception the glitches and green screens and failures. We are being deceived. All the world is a stage. There is no endless galaxy. They never got through the firmament. NASA is fake.
@dieetvandeliefde Год назад
I believed everything you thought Nicole, and you can only uunderstand it untill you are born again yourself. After God reveiled himself to me I reacted like you are reacting so I decided chritinaity was just not for me. Till a few weeks later. When I was born again. Then I just GOT it, and started removing my messages on instagram that I left under Sabine's and other posts. It is so so so hard to grasp, it is so different than the believes in the new age.... and it is even harder when our whole lives are built around this believes, like you and me. I had to quit my work, a training I just started. Being born again has cotst me so much money. But I just don't have a choice. I thought I was not in the new age because I was in a old tradition, I was not depressed, I did not think I was in the dar. But then the curtains opened and the real light came in.
@e.l.p.i.d.a 10 месяцев назад
Filling the Void of Ignorance with Learning Enables the True Self to be Revealed "You see, my friends, before people come to Christ, they are only a shadow of their true selves. Those true selves are hidden behind an immense number of ego-driven masks, hurts, pains, defence-mechanisms, ungodly comebacks, amorality, sorceries, very limited knowledge and education, false teachings, conditioned responses learned from family and teachers, cultural conditioning, media conditioning, and knee-jerk reactions, all lumped together in a package of sinful unrighteousness. After truly coming to Christ, much of that falls away immediately and the remnants are gradually eclipsed by the need to be real and by exposure to the new light of day in one’s life…" - Alan Morrison
@NewLifeinChrist2605 7 месяцев назад
Thankyou for this conversation ❤ I too was in the new age for 25 years (my testimony in on my page) I despised the bible and was a feminist. The Lord saved me miraculously nearly two years ago. I notice you often say that Imaya 'believes this or that'. Imaya believes Jesus. So the real question is, Is Jesus worth believing? He was either a liar, a lunatic or He spoke the truth. I pray that you are open to call out with a humble heart to Him and ask if He is the truth and is God. He will answer 🙏❤️
@keekee5638 8 месяцев назад
Sorry for the length! In short just want to say: You just gained a new follower! Your grace, intelligent questions (and mindful words) in this obviously quite challenging interview really captured me. And your follow-up chat was also reassuring. Something I needed to hear personally right now. This was the interview I needed to see with Imaya. Like many I started following Imaya in 2020 through her dance but had also listened to her talks on a number of occasions. Honestly it felt like she was channelling something through dance (whether that was 'dark' or 'light' or both) and I was also impressed at her diction/intellect (though admittedly a bit wary of a few whiffs of narcissistic energy, which she seems to admit to here). I have to say though-- her recent born again posts on instagram have triggered me in a strange way for a few days now. I am personally in a bit of a spiritual awakening/existential crisis at the moment and they've come at a vulnerable time. She's been speaking to a lot of my shared experiences, and before her posts I had been receiving intense visions in my mind's eye during meditation-- of a serpent looking at me, followed by many odd synchronicities. I've been on a bit of a quest trying to understand it through various spiritual interpretations or mythologies surrounding this symbol. It caught me off guard that her posts came up where she has likened serpent to sin/the demonic, especially when many other belief systems across the globe and history have associated it with transformation and divine wisdom. The confidence in her testimony has been somewhat difficult to process. Obviously I have no clue what to believe about it with any certainty. But it is challenging not to listen (or, be affronted) when someone is so convinced of their truth. Thank you for compassionately standing up to her message and offering reflection.
@bellydancerabiar7809 11 месяцев назад
Imaya, I am beyond happy that the Holy Spirit touched Imaya. She has been such an inspiration in my dancing. Yeshua is Christ. The Holy Bible only is Truth in this world. 🙏❤️
@RomyDya Год назад
Thank you for this interview and both perspectives. Nicole you are such a beautiful, pure soul and you did absolutely amazing with this interview. I got so triggered as well and I still feel the anger 😅. I grew up in church since I was 10 but gradually got into ‘New age’ the last few years (I also don’t like to be put in a box). I can relate to you when you say that you believe that we all point to the same thing. I felt the love of God, The Source A deeper Intelligence during my high highs in church, but I also feel it now in my daily life. In fact I have a deeper connection now than I had back then. I feel so much more at peace than I felt in church. The bible has been rewritten so many times and while some passages in the bible are beautiful, some are passages based on fear. And I think we as human beings can’t fully understand who God is because our brain cannot comprehend it. It goes beyond our understanding. The bible is made by men to make it understandable and to create rules. But these rules create division and superiority. To come back of why I felt triggered is because I have had different moments where I was being told that I wasn’t ‘good enough’ by church. But my last moment was 2 years ago. The pastor asked me to write a song and sing that in church. The song was about knowing that if you are a child of God you don’t have to struggle and life and death are in the power of the tongue. I wanted to share this message to the people in church because I always saw the same people struggling with their life. And right before I performed the women in church told me that my clothes were too revealing and it would be too distracting for the men in church. They said it was too inappropriate. I’m a curvy woman and I just wore black pants and a gray t-shirt. I had no cleavage or whatsoever but still I wasn’t ‘good enough’ for church. I cried when I left and I had to myself in the mirror that I am good enough when I got home. But now I’m actually grateful that they sent me away, because that’s when my transformation truly began. And in the darkness I found the light.
@aliciaholland3308 11 месяцев назад
Again as it’s said a thousand times, man ( men and women) will fail, God will not fail . Too many people use “ church hurt” as a way to turn their back in God, I’m not saying you did that. We can love and serve God even if we cannot find a church that suits us. Those people criticizing you probably are committing sins that they are hiding, I find that to be the truth and maybe that person is lusting after you. I’m just saying God is the only one who will never fail us, but you know that❤
@Dragon.Dancer 11 месяцев назад
wow thank you Nicole you held this with so much beauty and grace. This was incredibly insightful and an amazing example of how we can start to have more conversations like this, that are challenging but can still be held with self awareness, reflection and honesty. Thank you.
@Myke_thehuman Год назад
I was not expecting to find this when I looked on RU-vid for new age to Jesus testimonies. Definitely appreciate it because I have the same impulse to hear ideas that I disagree with. It started because I was a fundamentalist Christian. And somehow my beliefs have changed to the point that I'm a chaos magician. Basically I practice many different esoteric and occult rituals. So it's very interesting to hear two people that think very differently than I do, talk about religion and thier journeys in life.
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 Год назад
Love this 🙏🏾🙌
@Cliff_Simon Год назад
Thanks Cats for sharing this. Just out of curiosity, why were you searching - New Age to Jesus?
@annaelina3415 Год назад
Thank you for this episode. I can relate to you and I am feeling appreciation for having this conversation online as all I can see is the stories from new age to christianity. May we have strenght to hold our horses as strongly you did and strengthen the connection to god as it is without needing the approval from another
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 Год назад
Amen 🙌
@chelsea.luminosity Год назад
Thank you for sharing ❤
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 Год назад
You are so welcome 🙏🏾
@sarahmcdonald9360 Год назад
This was so brave of you and you handled yourself beautifully as did your guest. One thing I will say is that I think I may have an answer for you on a question you asked and I pray you read this!!! When you asked about Christian’s who always reach out to you and try to share the gospel with you. As soon as you said that I suddenly heard in my spirit that people constantly reaching out to you isnt them trying to prove you wrong or challenge you; it’s quite literally the God of the universe (and life itself) is using any vessel he can to reach you. Yes God could come down and manifest himself in full to you and tell you for himself, but he chooses to use his people/vessels of His Spirit to bring the good news of himself. He wants to divinely use his people in his plan; he wants us to help. He wants us to call others back to him. Not as some far off God written about thousands of years ago but as someone who dwells inside of his family and people. He wants to use a living testimony to share his goodness and to make it personal to you and your life experiences. I have other thoughts too that I would love to share with you but I don’t know here is best. 😂 If you’re still reading lol I want to leave you with 2 things. 1. Girl someone has been praying for you AND Jesus is desperately trying to reveal himself to you. I don’t know who you have in your life or if it’s the people who have tried to reach out to you about Jesus in the past, but I can feel his love for you and it is so strong. 2. I would love to chat more as I’ve been on a crazy journey the past 3 years after moving into a house with spirits that constantly messed with my family. This plunged me full force into the spirit realm and I’ve asked the same questions you ask. If you would ever want to chat I would absolutely love it. I can reach out via email if you are interested! Thanks for sharing and God bless you for stepping out to have these type of conversations. ❤❤❤ Sarah McDonald
@sarahmcdonald9360 Год назад
If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. 14 Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬‬:‭13‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬
@sarahmcdonald9360 Год назад
I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John‬ ‭14‬‬:‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬
@sarahmcdonald9360 Год назад
Ok last one I’ll share but probably the best one. Something that wasn’t discussed as much but I would love to tell you about is spiritual warfare and the intelligent powers trying to take down all of humanity with any means they can. Anyone who says no to Jesus ends up with the dark forces. But they don’t want you to know this and have had thousands of years to fool humanity in the greatest way possible (often by giving them everything in this world to distract from the next). Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. 36 Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light.” After saying these things, Jesus went away and was hidden from them. John‬ ‭12‬‬:‭35‬-‭36‬ ‭
@lucijaurek133 10 месяцев назад
Jesus is the truth
@aliciaholland3308 11 месяцев назад
If you were to quit your practices and renounce everything for real see how those “ spirits” demons, aka those angels of light how they turn on you. I say this in love. I’m these practices nothing is never enough you always have to do more and more. You should interview a beautiful new Christian I will find her name. She has such a beautiful testimony and I’m sure you can relate to her❤
@scintillatinglight8451 2 месяца назад
Imaya Sabine, why did you choose to maintain the Internet personality image, including videos, podcasts etc the way you were from before you got born again?
@carmancortez Год назад
zaandam in the house
@peterk.6930 3 месяца назад
Notice this statement: ‘this was the true light which enlightens all who come into the world.’ (John 1:9) So it says unmistakably that everyone is enlightened (at birth) by the Torah. The (eternal) Torah was also revealed to other peoples, but more pregnant or more meaningful to Israel, just to enlighten or elevate all mankind and ultimately to heal the world. This can be related to all that is good and true and beautiful. as for hell, be careful in judging, the bible is modest in this regard. I do not agree in everything with Imaya, but I would say, Nicole, start reading the bible, this book of Israël is revealing and guys stay away from magic and witchcraft...
@aliciaholland3308 11 месяцев назад
I believe that anger that rose up in you are the spirit aka demons that you are worshiping. I keep hearing I I I she did not come off as superior. You came off very kind, but I do wholly believe you are serving the demonic and until you seek the truth you will always think you are correct. I agree that these should be conversations to be had without war. You kept asking her what in her thoughts would happen to an someone who has not been born again and serving the one true God, you kept asking that. If you turned from your spirituality and truly turned to Yaweh how quickly would those spirits you work under show their true nature? May God Bless you thank you for sharing your space with someone who now completely differs from you.
@user-hr3dx1ov3s Год назад
A very unpleasant woman to interview. Imaya is not honest. And her dishonesty corrupts the interview. The host is honest and lovely.
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 Год назад
It actually taught me a lot. I don’t think she is dishonest. To her this feels like true. Doesn’t mean it has to be true for you and me, but it also doesn’t mean it’s dishonest.
@user-hr3dx1ov3s Год назад
Nicole, Imaya is not a nice person. Humility makes a person beautiful like you. Whatever her religion, I was not impressed with her. But with you lots of love and happiness.
@nicolenyimacosterus4495 Год назад
Hi dear, thank you for sharing your response. I’ve known Imaya for a few years now and she actually is a nice person. She just believes in a way that can trigger or bring up sadness, anger, fear or unworthiness in people. I received so many messages from people sharing this and what I shared with them is this: When someone comes with an opposite perspective and it triggers us in fear, doubt or upset, it’s an invitation to see where we want to judge en shut out “the opposite” because it hurts to stay open to it or even causes to doubt ourselves or bring up old pain. We can use this response to heal these things inside of us.m and let the energy light our soul fire even brighter, instead of letting it leak to judgements and upset. This interview helped me a lot to learn this even deeper. It also taught me how to anchor so deep in the truth of my path that no opposite perspective can shake me out of that anymore. Sending you love and thank you for watching x
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