
New York County Tries To Destroy a 100-Year-Old Neighborhood 

Institute for Justice
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The government shouldn’t be able to force you off your land and bulldoze your home to make way for private development, like a privately owned plant that makes semiconductors. But that is exactly what officials from Onondaga County in New York are threatening against the Burnet Road homeowners.
For generations, Burnet Road has been the center of a tight-knit community and home to dozens of families. Britta and Danny Serog are siblings who grew up in the home their father-a Holocaust survivor-built in 1963. Though they moved away, each still cherishes and regularly visits the property. Paul and Robin Richer are a married couple who both, like Britta and Danny, grew up on Burnet Road in the 1960s and 70s, and they still live there today. They raised their two daughters in another home on Burnet Road, but, when Paul’s dad passed away, they moved into the house he’d built in 1954. In Paul’s words, they “moved back home.” Britta, Danny, Robin, and Paul love Burnet Road and the community there, and none wants to leave.
Unfortunately, Onondaga County wants to push the Serogs, Richers, and other families out. The County’s development agency (OCIDA) plans to use eminent domain to take the Serogs’ and Richers’ homes, bulldoze them, and add the vacant land to 1,200 acres of already-vacant land the County already owns in the hopes of attracting a huge corporation to build a microchip plant there.
Eminent domain has traditionally been understood as the power of government to take private property for a public use, like a courthouse or public school. But New York permits bureaucracies, like OCIDA, to use eminent domain to take property for purely private development, like expanding a vacant “commerce” park. New York courts encourages this abusive practice notwithstanding a nationwide backlash against takings for purely private development. And New York’s bureaucrats have no hesitation about using eminent domain to take private property for speculative private development or bullying New Yorkers off their property by threatening to use eminent domain.
The Institute for Justice is helping Britta, Danny, Paul and Robin to defend homes that are rightfully theirs. Your home is supposed to be your castle. But in New York, your home is your castle only until a government bureaucrat thinks of putting something there that might pay more taxes. That is not only wrong, it is unconstitutional.



30 сен 2024




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@registeredrepublican7297 2 года назад
I want my neighbors property because I have a dream of renting it and making a lot of money off it! Seriously though, IJ is unbelievably standing up for everyone everywhere. So impressive!
@mojopare8954 2 года назад
Eminent domain was not intended to confiscate private property for commercial gain. Thank you IFJ for adressing this growing political abuse of eminent domain.
@jimda4910 2 года назад
The problem that I have with this is everybody involved in destroying these neighborhoods earns a profit accept the homeowners, they get fair market value, no profit!. So why does everybody get to make a profit except the people that have the most valuable thing in the first place?.
@WyattChristman 2 года назад
Right that's a huge point, if the government or corporation wants to act in good faith then it needs to not only give the people market value but in addition a percentage of potential profits proposed...which is still NOT good because real ownership entitles the owner to decide...yet what right did they have to own the land in the first place? Who owned the land first? Look at Chief Seattle and what he said which just raises the question, can anyone own the planet? As power is consolidated more and more this question then becomes very real as in who ends up owning all of the land? The one with the most money and influence? That would be the Federal Reserve who prints money from thin air (look at who controls the FED and you realize they are buying up land all over the place before the money is recognized for what it really is, paper)...when they are taking the land they are giving back money which has no real value as it's only an IOU a form of debt NOT value. In the end the problem isn't the land or ownership it's might equals right which is something we should have escaped a long time ago like cave man days...
@patrickcarpenter6258 2 года назад
DING DING DING. because the system isn't for us. It's for them.
@WyattChristman 2 года назад
@@patrickcarpenter6258 Indeed but could that change?
@gardensofthegods 2 года назад
Because it's literally a land grab . Terrible and I hope these people Prevail and get their Justice . Sad to hear them say it used to be a tight-knit community and a lot of their neighbors moved out because of the threat of eminent domain . Destroying a neighborhood and a way of life in a beautiful place it's not like it had Urban blight and drugs and crime .
@elladoz1966 2 года назад
Great comment 👍
@straykat19621 2 года назад
The same thing happened here in Sugar Creek, MO. They bulldozed down 3 percent of the city's homes for a shopping center and then the project fell through. Now there is a Taco Bell sitting there. It's insane...
@marcelledbetter7296 2 года назад
K.C. is big on land grabbing as well. I'll never live in Jackson or Clay simply because of K.C.. You never know where they will expand to next. K.C. is a cancer that needs to be contained.
@rnupnorthbrrrsm6123 2 года назад
That is sickening and so very sad !!!
@patrickcarpenter6258 2 года назад
Too bad nobody can just pull those the Taco Bell and build a house.
@tinyvr7036 2 года назад
Are these folks' homes a homestead? Do their kids or grandkids have a 100 +year " lease?" like other properties? People use things in crazy ways but only a lawyer can really find the " loopholes?" Sad story. 💔🙏
@kcgunesq 2 года назад
@@marcelledbetter7296 I haven't seen much in the last 15 years or so. They did take a number of houses for the new police station, but that is well within the traditional power of government. But for economic development, not so much, unless you have some examples I'm forgetting.
@thesuperdingos 2 года назад
They stole land , took money, and left
@Recovering_Californian 2 года назад
Is property really ours anyway? I mean, with property taxes you effectively pay rent, annually, to the government. If you don't pay you'll be kicked out.
@Mikenorma 2 года назад
Very true. I think property tax should be eliminated. Raise taxes through some other means.
@Dragonstalon1001 2 года назад
Property Tax needs to be done away with....once the Land is paid off, the Property should be Yours and Yours alone, and the Government shouldn't have anything to say about what you do with your own PRIVATE Property!! All it is, is a 'Money Grab' to pay for more and more Government Employees that rarely do anything to help, and instead just takes and takes and takes, all while trying to increase their own 'Power' over the Citizens.
@erichurst2496 2 года назад
I never thought of it that way but……….
@carolforsythe6316 2 года назад
property taxes are UNCONSTITUTIONAL !
@patrickday4206 Год назад
Washington state Supreme Court ruled exactly that saying that we are just tents when I read it I laughed and wondered why I don't submit repair bills to the state of Washington!
@mynameisearl2626 2 года назад
they should ...we need a new dollar tree dollar general family dollar subway mcdonalds wendys important stuff that you can't find anywhere else
@Dragonstalon1001 2 года назад
Excellent Sarcasm!!
@SwannOG 2 года назад
I hope the homeowners on Burnett Road succeed in their efforts. I have seen such eminent domain seizures and they almost always turn into boondoggles that bring nothing to the community like they were supposed to do.
@illmerica322 2 года назад
Let's knock down the legislators homes, have them sell their homes! Crazy! It's a beautiful neighborhood!!!
@Dragonstalon1001 2 года назад
Start with the County Commissioners first, including that Counties Zoning Board. They are the ones pushing to demolish the Houses on Burnett Rd.
@BraddahHuna 2 года назад
Time to break the system. COMPLETELY
@mcheese420 2 года назад
@samash1704 2 года назад
My neighbor's home was taken by the school district using eminent domain a year ago. They haven't done a thing with it except let it fall into disrepair and become a neighborhood eye sore. I'm sure it's lowered the value of my house as well, but I have no recourse.
@scottanddebranelson8419 2 года назад
wally world has been doin it for decades. not just to home but businesses as well. i hope these folks can win. with IFJ's help the have a good chance i think.
@sharonavictoria7155 2 года назад
Eminent Domain ; Can you say Brooklyn Barclays Center👽! I will never ever attend an event there because Eminent Domain was used to chase home owner's off their property !😈
@ralphpeterson2535 2 года назад
Hope institute for Justice gets rid of eminent "domain "
@MustPassTruck 2 года назад
Government stealing property to help a corporation is called FASCISM.
@cameronlewis1218 2 года назад
Or communist do the same thing. Whatever you call it, it’s evil…
@thomasschulz2167 2 года назад
It's also called capitalism. A small group with power/wealth have speculated that this plot of land with a couple of peon's houses on it could make them so much money if only the peons weren't there. So they've applied their power and influence on the government in an attempt to kick the peons off the land. And it's all legal because the government makes the rules! Eminent domain when used to benefit the community is a good thing. For example utilities, infrastructure, taking care of truly blighted properties. But when used to line the pockets of government officials and property developers, I can't think of a better use for 00 buck.
@MustPassTruck 2 года назад
@@thomasschulz2167 Maybe cronyism, more like communism where you don't really own anything. The state owns everything and gives you what they think you need. Not really your house, it's the governments house and they found a better use for it.
@ZeldaZelda-RichesToRags 2 года назад
its time they find just ONE Indian grave...that will STOP EFERYTHING.....for sure there's some HORRIBLY HUMANS...nothings sacred these days.
@jeffcampbell2710 2 года назад
I've heard of that case in New York I think. There was a lady that fought hard if it's the same. That same thing happened in my mom's, my ex, hometown. A commissioner decided to buy up a huge farm, hundreds, if not more than a thousand, acres. She spent millions clearing house, barns, sheds and building a road, to make an Industrial Park. She also bought very expensive land in a cove area, and opened a city owned restaurant, and planned on making a lil town of shops, like a Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It too failed. Now, the taxes in the county, from land to sales tax, is Huge, for empty land. That commissioner couldn't believe she was voted out, after all she did for the county.
@jaynecobb3701 2 года назад
Eminent domain should not be used to line the pockets of wealthy corporations.
@nancycornett9949 2 года назад
Law of eminent domain was never intended to be used in this way!
@sheepdog1290 2 года назад
FIGHT THIS GROSS OVER-REACH. Follow the money...the county (i.e. public $ervant$) are probably getting con$ulting fee$ from the "development company."
@garysmith7760 2 года назад
First take-over of private property under nebulous court decision....then tax payers money spent and wasted on ambiguous /never finished projects.... I want to know how much more money will be spent on roads and bridges going nowhere while we the people can barely ends meet..and many families homeless and destitute...?. :(
@r.guerreiro140 2 года назад
Our solidarity to all families threatened by the grid of tyranny
@irishamerican4558 Год назад
Biggest scam in America, believing we are truly homeowners, even if we built the home with our own two hands with material bought at stores & paid sales tax on.
@TheRealDrJoey 2 года назад
I remember after the Kelo decision went down that there was some patriot who tried to organize an eminent domain against Justice Souter's mother's home--where, naturally, he still lived.
@truthseeker2314 2 года назад
They took what was my famlies historic home and built a theater. THAT was disgusting and the home wasnt even where the house stood the parking lot is.
@CC-ck5nn 2 года назад
I pray for these families to win. These Corporations need to leave them alone. Find another place to build. Satan at his finest.
@ivor7407 2 года назад
Tyranny is everywhere
@michaelfoye1135 2 года назад
The criminals responsible for these abuses aught to have their homes bulldozed. See how they like it. I bet they would complain as if it were the worst thing in the world. Yet without nary a thought they'll do it to you.
@kidplayinginthemud9284 2 года назад
Who pocketed the 80 million ?
@sai-tc7wv Год назад
The "save burnet road" site is now an indonesian gambling site
@markstallings943 2 года назад
This is why government should always to be small and with no power over every day people
@oliverave1234 2 года назад
Thanks Mr Injustice John Roberts!
@jameshaynie4570 2 года назад
Just one more reason to get rid of politicians. The leeches of society.
@Ironic_Jihad 2 года назад
Don't ever, EVER, give up the fight.
@garp9433 2 года назад
Eminent domain is a good way to get me riled up in the morning
@bobbygetsbanned6049 2 года назад
I don't hate imminent domain because it's actually needed sometimes, but businesses forcing people out of their homes just for a shopping mall or warehouse should never be allowed. If the business wants the property that bad they should be forced to buy the property directly from the owner, just like the rest of us would have to do. This isn't communist China, we don't prioritize the community over the individual's rights, and property rights are critical.
@knightimusprime25 2 года назад
time grow a pair and use that 2nd ammendment to fight back
@bruschi8148 2 года назад
Disgusting! Eminent domain should never be used for private for profit companies
@Dragonstalon1001 2 года назад
How in the hell is any of what the County doing Legal, when 'Eminent Domain' is strictly meant for Governments to 'Take Land' for PUBLIC use, not to sell it off to a PRIVATE company. The whole Idea behind Eminent Domain is for things like Highways, Railroad Tracks, Oil Pipelines and the like, that would benefit the PUBLIC as a whole, not just Enrich the County Employee's with a Higher 'Tax Base'!!
@avsystem3142 2 года назад
Rewatch the video. It was explained how the SCOTUS "Kelo" decision allows this type of eminent domain forced sale.
@BlankBrain 2 года назад
Conservative SCOTUS.
@Dragonstalon1001 2 года назад
@@avsystem3142 Yep and the Korematsu v. United States Opinion allowed the Government to throw Japanese-Americans into Interments Camps in violation of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments....Doesn't mean the SCOTUS follows their PRIMARY Legal Dictate (the U.S. Constitution/Law of the Land) now does it???
@GeorgeJefferson1775 2 года назад
Another great day in America.
@spacetoast7783 2 года назад
Kelo 2 Electric Boogaloo.
@jackjrabbit 27 дней назад
The county should not be permitted to hold onto vacant land like this in the first place. it should be forced to auction it within the year of obtaining it. regardless of the outcome.
@matthewbradley3475 2 года назад
New York State sounds like an awful place to live. So sorry this happening to good people.
@selectionn 2 года назад
its pretty trash to live here. a lot of it is also rural yet we have to follow laws designed around the cancer that is NYC, it sucks.
@MSculls19 2 года назад
our government needs to be reminded of a few things, in a particular way people don't want to discuss because we're all so comfortable... well alot of people aren't, and we gotta stop standing by letting the govt and these corps do whatever the hell they want
@rhaynelyte684 2 года назад
2A. USE. IT.
@fucku3460 2 года назад
You guys do the Lord's Work. Thank you so much!!!
@ShainAndrews 2 года назад
I feel like you have a good chance to get NY turned around. It is quite interesting that OSIDA has retained (what I'm assuming) is all the local attorneys. Or at least what they consider the top six.
@simplejustice9686 2 года назад
This is PURE EVIL.
@allwaizeright9705 2 года назад
Eminent domain should not be used to TRUMP PRIVATE PROPERY RIGHTS. Sign the petition and help them fight back.
@xzqzq 2 года назад
There was a case @ 20 years ago involving Lake Tahoe where the US Supreme Court ruled that that a municipality could forbid development of unimproved land w/o paying compensation on a ' temporary ' basis..
@turdmuffins88 2 года назад
It's disgusting that a development agency that's funded by taxpayers can take your land for a private purpose. I would love to see a Supreme Court decision correcting the Kelo v. New London decision. I also hope that this gets a lot of attention so that any potential businesses that could occupy this space or any space seized using eminent domain would say "we don't want to be connected with this development because it's just icky.
@gardensofthegods 2 года назад
But icky is too nice of a word to describe what's happening here and diminishes how evil it is
@theoriginalchefboyoboy6025 2 года назад
I believe there's a famous case from New London, CT where a developer use ED to eradicate an old neighborhood for a shopping center complex and then the deal fell through and nothing was done. DOH! and they end up talking about it here...
@jeffcampbell2710 2 года назад
Imagine what people suffered during the Building of the Railroad. The Railroad owners used it to buy up way more land than necessary, and used deadly force for those that didn't bow down.
@billh.1940 2 года назад
This is one example why NYS is losing people! This corruption is everywhere!
@thecanman655 2 года назад
The government needs to give this up. Those homes are not for sale. Build that new project somewhere. Lawsuits will be coming very soon. IJ will make sure that this will never happen. We Americans have your back.
@UWasAtTheClub20 Год назад
the same is taking place within my province, many longtime hrm residents are displaced through the govt contracted construction of condos infringing upon their homes, same is taking place within the rural ns communities. even within my suburban community some businesses are being forced to relocate due to, you guessed it civil domain forfeiture and even more state contracted condominiums - and anyone on our provinces' subreddit who objects to this are brandished as 'oldsters' or 'reactionaries who hate sOciEtaL pRoGrEsS,' whereas in reality they merely wish for their houses and economic prosperity to not be infringed upon by a government which are more keen on attaining fat stacks through contracts than the work and homes of it's citizens.
@meligoth 2 года назад
Remember that Foxconn debacle in Wisconsin? They got the land, and they never built the giant facility they said they would with a much smaller facility, which means nowhere near the jobs they estimated they would bring.
@alphonse2234 2 года назад
Eventually they will claim Eminent domain and take it wether you agree or not. Disgusting. This should only be used in extreme circumstances. Like when needed for roadway expansion or something similar. Not for some corporation to make money.
@aidenalamo6262 2 года назад
Eminent Domain sometimes feels like a bad parent whom kicks their adult child out of every home the adult child is able to obtain just because the parent thinks it fun to do so. I have gone through that personally with a grandparent whom finds this to be an acceptable hobby.
@patrickday4206 Год назад
Yeah sometimes we have to sacrifice for each other but we shouldn't ever have to for some corporation !!!!¡
@ogieogie 2 года назад
Appalling. The eminent domain laws should be restricted.
@Will-nl6il 2 года назад
Apparently the American Dream is not Ethics,...it’s Financial.
@chrislemaster2695 2 года назад
I can understand this if the neighborhood was 100 percent abandonded and a public eyesore. That would be the only use for eminent domain
@24-Card 2 года назад
They did this in the Shenandoah National Park. Hatred was the result - TO THIS DAY!
@ajb7530 2 года назад
What happened in Kilo. The company and government officials that destroyed the houses for no reason should have been sent to prison. What a waste of time and money and nothing is there but empty destroyed land.
@judystine2783 2 года назад
Eminent domain should be abolished as it only profits those who are stealing the properties under this type of claim. This is pathetic and my heart breaks for these people who suffer due to someone else’s greed.
@Overonator 2 года назад
Using imminent domain to advance private interests, not public interests is unethical.
@Thinker669 2 года назад
I remember I first moved to North Carolina. I moved to a small town that was 10 miles of Raleigh. That town was growing and my parents were having a hard time looking for a house in that town. Ended up moving to a smaller town 20 miles away and 2 miles from Raleigh. As I remember going to school and riding on the school bus on the fastest growing town. There a girl who lived in a mobile home on 20 acre land. Unfortunately the property was bulldozed to build a shopping center with a highway next to it. I don't even recognize that side of town. Another bus stop was 3 Mexican girls living in a ranch with 3 houses and a horse stable. Unfortunately their families were forced out and the property was bulldozed to make way for a subdivision with an HOA. I bumped into one of those girls who lived there from 12 years after I moved out. The girl said she moved 30 miles away because her parents had a hard time finding a house that wasn't in a crowded neighborhood. A classmate of ours was living in an older neighborhood that was bulldozed to make way a bigger Ford dealership. This evident domain crap is getting out of control in that new incorporated city that was once a small town.
@edwardmiessner6502 2 года назад
They call it OCIDA because it's committing Onadongacide or they would if they took the whole county like this!
@coyotejoe80 2 года назад
There is so much undeveloped land up there. It's a crime what they're doing to these people.
@thecursed01 2 года назад
i'd put up pictures of the killdozer across the hosues of those who want to demolish the houses.
@1960pyl Год назад
this is hurting. makes me think of the small town my family is from. with lots of grave sites!
@lyngruen8607 2 года назад
Imminent domain....set up to take take take....and THEY won't stop. It doesn't have to MAKE SENSE.....it's about POWER, MONEY AND CONTROL. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@ShainAndrews 2 года назад
Another one? Eminent.... It's always the ones that use all caps and emoji's that want to be taken seriously.
@demonpride1975 Год назад
how the ever loving fuck is eminent domain not a breech of the 4th amendment.
@fakenamer9488 2 года назад
I don't see a good reason to upend the basic right of private ownership, for someone else to have private ownership over what is being taken. Maybe in the case of a utility company, but that would need some serious rules to safeguard the overreach that is called eminent domain.
@BlankBrain 2 года назад
Cheney was a big one for putting in pipelines for frackers to export natural gas to China. There are even special laws for doing that, which minimize compensation.
@dski8097 2 года назад
See no issue as long as they are compensated accordingly.
@lissanne9769 2 года назад
Looks like the American dream is dead, thanks to eminent domain in places. So, so sad.
@ghostgame3973 Год назад
They did it before in New York and created a massive Park
@michiganmaxedout6248 2 года назад
Wow, every time you don't have a problem, here comes goobermint to change that...
@michaelmettler7511 2 года назад
Great they found a case to take up and get it overturned
@stevenlouis1024 2 года назад
Put protected redwood and other species so they cannot use the land.
@24-Card 2 года назад
If only Putin would have thought of this...
@mtkoslowski 2 года назад
If it’s Philadelphia then please do it. Baltimore? Oakland?
@bankstube9290 2 года назад
Fort Trumble much! This is crazy
@thomasinns6971 Год назад
Weird that this never happens to homes city officials live in.
@onlyscience7120 2 года назад
Is there a liberal state survival guide book ?
@frankney8284 2 года назад
This is why people build Killdozers.
@rightsdontcomewithpermits7073 2 года назад
This is exactly why we have 2ndA!
@michaelsimmons6138 2 года назад
That B.S it's there property
@JamesCasatelli 2 года назад
Everything in New York is the worst. I hate living here.
@patrickcarpenter6258 2 года назад
If we don't win this we have nothing.
@patrickday4206 Год назад
If it's not just it's not law!
@BraddahHuna 2 года назад
@alethiapotter9218 2 года назад
Fight fight fight
@rodneywallace4958 2 года назад
Donate to IJ via their website. They are doing great things to keep our governments honest.
@Hopefullyhelping5050 Год назад
Thank you
@michaelbitofallsortschanne7996 2 года назад
Just sub to your channel
@nobillclinton 2 года назад
@MeRia035 2 года назад
@ruthmccargar4709 2 года назад
So proud of Institute for justice. God bless you all
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