
Niall Ferguson - Woke Totalitarianism 

The Signal
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I interviewed Niall Ferguson in early 2021 on Wokeness, history and where left-wing totalitarianism comes from. It was a very fun interview and definitely one of my favorites. I'm lying down in the video because I had debilitating back pain during this time.
This is a small part of the interview. You can watch the whole thing on Locals by becoming a member for only $5/month!
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This was filmed for my series, The Woke Reformation, and if you appreciate my work, please consider supporting me on Locals, as that allows me to keep making more content. Plus, you'll get exclusive content on Locals page like long form interviews, tips on how to deal with Woke ideology and more.
#NiallFerguson #Woke #antiwoke #History



28 сен 2024




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@thesignalproductions Год назад
To all the people insulting me for lying down, please read the opening text that clearly explains my predicament and think a little bit before making heartless comments. Here is a free interview with Niall Ferguson brought to you by someone who suffered from severe, crippling pain for years and yet still worked hard to keep making films... You're welcome. Don't forget to subscribe! And if you'd like to see the full interview or just support my work, you can go here: travisbrown.locals.com/post/1227910/niall-ferguson-interview
@shanosantwanos3908 Год назад
So typical huh...agitators...Intel op more than likely..like musky..trumpet..and yeezy
@joshuataylor3550 Год назад
The right are the only authoritarians
@dragonfox2.058 Год назад
maybe they can't read
@loremipsum720 Год назад
You shouldn't even have to explain yourself. Why giving them a voice?
@offshoretomorrow3346 Год назад
There is a difference between "heartless insults" and constructive criticism from a supporter.
@taiwanjohn Год назад
As a student in China in 1986~87, I got to know a few former red guards from the Cultural Revolution. They were just a few years older than me, and had been barely-post-pubescent teenagers at the time, when they were ordering their elders to recite passages from Mao's little red book. (When I knew them, they were grad students at my university.) Dr. Ferguson here seems to imply that they were "driven" to this behavior by Mao's dictatorial rule, but that's not what they told me. They weren't forced to do it, they _enjoyed it._ It was a total power trip, and they got off on it. Yes, obviously it was instigated by Mao, but once it got rolling, it took on a life of its own. This is _exactly_ what seems to be happening with a lot of this cancel-culture nonsense of late. It's a self-perpetuating echo chamber of self-righteous, hyperbolic toxicity. Luckily, the _"body politic"_ seems to be mounting an immune response to the infection. ;-)
@andreacooke8417 Год назад
Extraordinary. Thank you for sharing this insight.
@Buster_Piles Год назад
I think you just nailed it. The weak- minded love to bully, particularly with a mob behind them backing them up.
@mjpope1012 Год назад
Might be a question whenever this s#@! is hoisted on top of us to immediately question where it actually comes from & why we should listen.
@fersuvious Год назад
Yup. There will come a time when the Zoomers are grownups and when they start telling me what to do, that’s when I start organizing us olds against them.
@dragonfox2.058 Год назад
yup...Ask me about trans, I will guide you! great way to gain status
@qwerty90615 Год назад
This really woke me up, if you'll pardon my words. It is spot on and the last bit about the insane racial discriminatory policies implemented to promote black supremacy, coming from a man in a mixed race marriage, really strikes home.
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
What's interesting is International finance funding the Woke agenda. Bank of America and PayPal funded BLM.
@Vzzdak Год назад
As to where this comes from, I believe it is related to shadow banning portions of online discussions, so that discussions are slanted to fit approved narratives. (And this practice has been transpiring for about ten years, now.)
@qwerty90615 Год назад
@@Vzzdak I fully agree. It is extremely insidious. There is also the admitted alteration of posts. Psychological warfare is the naked truth we're all facing.
@albertgrant1017 Год назад
Well Stated !
@fastinbulvis2223 Год назад
@@Vzzdak Absolutely. And Make no mistake about it. NF is part of the approved narrative. He's about as "alternative" as any other Controlled Opposition. But a lot of people are fooled by "discussions" like this. He's admittedly better than some of the others. But that's not saying much.
@pollyester6639 Год назад
Love listening to Niall Fergerson. For me he isn’t on mainstream media enough he has a lot knowledge to share and is style is so calm he’d be a wonderful influence. Many young people could benefit from hearing how he delivers his thoughts and insights.
Thomas Sowell is accessible, ideas quite applicable, and has also been a fountain of sagacity and truth for 60 years on these and related topics. He has many books and YT interviews.
@rampeloquin6044 Год назад
Niall Ferguson is on a Hoover Institute weekly presentation called Good Fellows
@davebannister323 Год назад
Agreed , the trouble is i sense they " choose NOT to invite or listen " to him , because he does not fit into their Ideology . Not surprised the Rag called the Guardian would do such an article of " beautiful " .
@no_fb 2 месяца назад
@@davebannister323 we all have our own bias, eh?
@aldebaranredstar Год назад
7:37 “ I sense that part of the problem with the woke project is that it is inherently divisive. Intersectionality ultimately pits different minority groups against one another.” So true!
@Freeofwar Год назад
Thanks for keeping the dialogue going, Trevor. What you are doing is very important and I share much of it.
@thesignalproductions Год назад
Thanks. It's Travis.
@joanr3189 Год назад
Dialogue implies two voices. I
@therainman7777 Год назад
@@joanr3189 Yeah did you not watch the video? There were two people talking to one another.
@fastinbulvis2223 Год назад
"This is not the way Marxism works historically." Said the apologist for an ideology that slaughtered 100 million people in less than 80 years. What a creep.
@therainman7777 Год назад
@@fastinbulvis2223 Who are you talking about?
@robertparker5347 Год назад
Can I just say how inspiring I have found it coming across your video. I have suffered myself from back pain for the last 7 months which often has left me unable to walk or sit. The loss of my mobility and the ability to do things I took for granted before has left me very depressed at times and feeling I couldnt face work. Seeing you doing this despite the challenges your body faces and not letting it hold you back is a real Motivation for me. Thank You
@thesignalproductions 7 месяцев назад
Thank you.
@bjarnisigurdsson1911 Год назад
10:50 Reminds me of when Ayaan Hirshi Ali answered a snide liberal interviewer "I lived in countries that had no democracy... so I don't find myself in the same luxury as you do. You grew up in freedom, and you can spit on freedom because you don't know what it is not to have freedom."
@maryrudelich9000 Год назад
By the way, your journalist who is laying on his back in pain is not the only one who relates to this rhetoric. I too suffer excruciating back pain every day. Believe it or not, I gave it my all in the capacity of a laborer, (truck driver) of 26 years. Not everybody understands this. God bless you both for this conversation. I’ll never tire of true and genuine intellect of the complexities of the human condition and what you have to offer. Satiated over the interview. May the Holy Spirit of God our Father remain with you.
@Blake-Urizen Год назад
Puritanism was a menace to Catholicism, and Catholicism to Puritanism. Just when we thought that we had left intolerant religiosity behind, along comes Neo-Puritanism.
Intolerant you know more than Jesus ironic
Jesus never said to hurt gay people he said heterosexuality is better for raising children which is fact
@Blake-Urizen Год назад
@@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Fascinating cognipathology. Thanks for demonstrating the stupidity we have all learnt to associate with religionist nutters.
@@Blake-Urizen intolerance?
@simpinainteasy680 Год назад
Thee Intolerance of the Natural Law
@upperiscopeUK Год назад
I’m glad to hear Victor Klemperer mentioned in this context, since I have frequently cited him myself. His analysis of the denaturing of language to political ends in LTI foreshadows the grotesque distortions of the postmodernist lexicon. Believe in this new “language” at your peril!
@any1younger Год назад
What a treat to listen to someone with genuine intellect discussing such an important subject. This needs bringing to the masses.
@no_fb 2 месяца назад
the last thing "the masses", as you put it, need is someone who appears so sure of himself but can't help talking such nonsense. We all know in what camp he stands, and he won't stop distorting the reality to convince people unable of any critical thinking
@any1younger 2 месяца назад
@@no_fb seems like “the masses” (I think most - as in ‘masses of’ semi intelligent folks will know what that means, but apologies to you who clearly fall in the minority) agree with my sentiment………..
@Vulneravariable Год назад
Great content. Thought-provoking.
@kingpriapatius5832 Год назад
Niall has lost all his credibility. In the beginning, he supported the Trump administration, and before the elections, he said that he couldn't "handle" 4 more years of Trump. Now, we have a President who has mental problems, and Niall does not emphasise that fact at all. Russia has taken at least 30% of Ukraine in just a few months (Mariupol felt in 83 days), and now Niall is impressed with some villages taken by Ukraine, as a Russian counter manoeuvre happened in Cherson a few days ago. In addition, Niall does not emphasise the fact that Ukraine has Neonazis like the Azov battalion, people who were the swastika and believe that Niall's wife is an Untermensch. Shame.
@harveyyoung3423 Год назад
Part 3: Thanks for the discussion Niall and Trevor. I have a bad back too now for weeks I think. So I can totally feel your pain and it’s a nightmare for sure with a cocktail of pain killers and sleepless nights. I fell asleep for 2 ½ hours a couple of days ago standing up leaning on a settee. Get well soon my friend.
@thesignalproductions Год назад
I'm sorry to hear that. It's Travis, and thankfully I've fully recovered now. I hope the same for you.
@carolevans5285 Год назад
Me 2 I have a bulging disc at the bottom of my spin. The amount of painkillers iv been prescribed is overwhelming. If I took everthing the offer me I'd be sleeping all day all nite. I tried it and slept a full 24 hours. I am waiting for a pain management phone call 29th December, im hoping to be give injections into my spin , steroids I belive. I think with out an op there isn't much hope . Iv been told its caused by wear over the years. So I feel your pain I really do
@infadeldog13 Год назад
You can really tell the difference listening to a true intellectual speaking from a non emotion based historical drawn perspective. The cleanness of the points raised carry far more gravity than the angry shouty conservative bemoaners, who are increasingly sounding like their intolerant far Left counterparts. Also refreshing to see there are still academics who are ‘responsible’! Superb and uplifting interview. I shall certainly be reading some of this gentleman’s works.
@infadeldog13 Год назад
@ablestationfoxtrot8037 Yes, what bit isn’t clear?
@infadeldog13 Год назад
@ablestationfoxtrot8037 Some conservatives become bemoaners. They take the exact same points from this measured talk, as well as other points of contest regarding various flaws in the logic and practices of Leftism etc. But, they get so winey about it that their logic becomes clouded by emotion. In other words, when some conservatives (and by that I mean members of the public who are of a conservative persuasion, not member of the Conservative party) get all emotional and simply bemoan a given subject instead of presenting a counterpoint with logic and reason, well, they then behave more like typical Leftists… ironically. But, in contrast to some Right leaning people that just appear to like to have a pointless moan, the fellow in this video is clear, calm and measured. A far more effective way for a conservative person or otherwise to present a point… rather than just resorting to bemoaning that which one may take issue with.
@KeithMelville 6 месяцев назад
What an incredibly powerful dialogue. Niall explains so well the contradictions of the woke ideology of the left. Thank you.
@smelltheglove2038 Год назад
You’re really taking this laying down. Edit: sorry didn’t read the description first. I’m going to leave the comment for proof of my shame.
@JohnCurtinmadrid Год назад
Excellent video, thank you! I was waiting for someone to corroborate what I´ve thought for a long time, that wokeness has very little to do with politics and everything to do with a neo religious cult mindset. I was brought up deep in the bowels of religious extremism in a Catholic boarding school run by a cult within the Catholic church and everything I see and hear about modern wokeness is just a page out of their book. Virtue signalling, vicious repression of increasingly minor "misdemeanors", total disregard for the very same rules they promote etc.
@thadtheman3751 Год назад
James Lindsay makes the argument that marxism is a form of gnosticism, which would make it anticatholic.
@TpolTime Год назад
‘You’re either with us or against us’ is fundamentally incompatible with ‘live and let live’
@evaschroeder4614 Год назад
Yeah that's a bit black and white
@pikkuoo Год назад
Great interview, thank you!
@greaser1945 Год назад
Excellent interview!
@simonprodhan5050 Год назад
an extremely eloquent summing up, i particularly agree with what mr ferguson says about the comparison between the so called woke movement and marxism, whilst there would appear to be some superficial common ground on examination the two 'ideologies' differ markedly, the one thing which appears to be completely absent from the current woke discourse is the question of class, class struggle and capitalism, in england one can see how the labour party has embraced many of the cultural ideas of marxism but has explicitly rejected the economic ideas, many of the lunatic fringe ideas of woke militants(especially in the field of gender) do appear to have some commonality with some of the intolerance and persecution practised by totalitarian regimes who purport to be on the left
@kingpriapatius5832 Год назад
Niall has lost all his credibility. In the beginning, he supported the Trump administration, and before the elections, he said that he couldn't "handle" 4 more years of Trump. Now, we have a President who has mental problems, and Niall does not emphasise that fact at all. Russia has taken at least 30% of Ukraine in just a few months (Mariupol felt in 83 days), and now Niall is impressed with some villages taken by Ukraine, as a Russian counter manoeuvre happened in Cherson a few days ago. In addition, Niall does not emphasise the fact that Ukraine has Neonazis like the Azov battalion, people who were the swastika and believe that Niall's wife is an Untermensch. Shame.
@davebannister323 Год назад
Thank You gentlemen for such a great dialogue , i do think there is more to be said on the subject . Thanks ... I relate a lot of what was said to the UK .
@TheWhitehiker Год назад
All the best, Trevor! Good interview--thanks much.
@thesignalproductions Год назад
Thanks. It's Travis. I think you're the third person to call me Trevor. Haha
@TheWhitehiker Год назад
@@thesignalproductions so sorry, Travis!
@mattallengroupatREAL Год назад
Dude, i also have back pain. Just started with deep tissue massage, rolling, stretching. Has made a big difference.
@rolytnz Год назад
Great video and some outstanding commentary by a man who is a giant in his field, Really enjoyed. Also, 😍Nora😍 !
@Mike-ks6qu Год назад
Great interview. Interesting points made by Niall.
@jkonior1 Год назад
Wow, great interview!
@georgetaylor220 Год назад
What an insightful and intelligent analysis, calmly and coherently articulated - thank you.
@Arcadiabeckons Год назад
Regarding the first part, academic jargon is skilfully laced into the interviewee's replies but that shouldn't dupe anyone into thinking there's anything of real intellectual stature to it. The second point on the manner with which the interview is conducted: calm and coherent? Well yes, no one could argue against that but that style tends to be adopted when both parties are in complete agreement with each other.
@user-pm4pl5hh9m Год назад
Very good interview.
@StillAliveAndKicking_ Год назад
Very informative.
@Obankenobi Год назад
This should be mandatory viewing in our schools - and workplaces
@barryspurr9577 Год назад
We need to hear so much more from this brilliant man.
@markd1516 Год назад
nah. We really don't.
@kay2kin92 Год назад
Listen to "The GoodFellows" at the "Hoover Institution" on youtube!
@hummingfrog Год назад
While Marxism and Cultural Marxism (Wokeism)are dissimilar in many ways, there is a connection in that both see Oppression as the final explanation of all human problems. For Marxism it's the bourgeoise oppressing the proletariat, while Cultural Marxism has white people oppressing people of color, men oppressing women, straights oppressing gays, and so on. The "marginalized" never bear any responsibility for their own condition, it's always imposed by the bad people, by the oppressors. In addition, both Marxism and Cultural Marxism believe that the only thing necessary to reach Utopia is to smash the oppressor. Smash the bourgeoise. Smash capitalism. Smash colonialism. Smash racism. Smash the patriarchy. Smash homophobia. Smash transphobia. See how smoothly it flows from then to now? And once you have smashed everything that needs smashing all problems will just automatically disappear, because the good people are finally running the world.
@aranisles8292 Год назад
Ultimately it's a manifestation of self-loathing, a projected desire to immolate oneself, as evidenced by radical environmentalism where humanity'itself is the 'cancer' oppressor that must be excised.
@EmperorsNewWardrobe Год назад
6:25 thank you for asking this - I had been wondering this question for a while without really finding a clear answer Edit: Gosh, and this one at 9:02
@Spindooly Год назад
@alexlongfield2113 Год назад
Great perspective. Sad to see things that were getting really good in society take such a turn for the worse. This too shall pass.
@aidanbarrett9313 Год назад
From Crane Brinton's "Anatomy of Revolution" (1964) “This pervasiveness of the Reign of Terror in the crisis period is partly explicable in terms of the pressure of war necessities and of economic struggles as well as of other variables: but it must probably also be explained as in part the manifestation of an effort to achieve intensely moral and religious ends here on earth. The little band of violent revolutionists who form the nucleus of all action during the Terror behave as men have been observed to behave before when under the influence of active religious faith” (Brinton, p. 255)
@matthewsmith-rm6qc Год назад
This is brilliant, this is explaining this mess to me.
@amcsibozgor6791 Год назад
Ferguson has been careful throughout the chaos of recent years. I give him high marks for seeing Trump as an agent of positive change in 2016, but a very low grade on his pandemic response and praise for vaccines. I'm glad that he's coming out with stronger language now, but I do not see him becoming a firebrand for truth the next time obvious injustice is running rampant.
@keyboarddancers7751 Год назад
Wow! My head's spinning after listening to this!
@forgotten09 Год назад
This man openly stated he voted for Biden in 2020 and now he's here lecturing you about 'Woke Totalitarianism'. Enjoy the steel boot Niall I hope you keep your comfy job at Hoover so that you can vote for 'Woke Totalitarianism' again in 2024.
@fiveleavesleft6521 Год назад
@user-pi9dc8qr1j Год назад
Although James Lindsay can be occasionally hyperbolic, I think he's closer on the origins and true nature of Woke. Ferguson seems to identify Woke as, primarily, a religion and Marxism as a political or economic ideology/theory. This seems to be a false comparison: Woke is being defined by the way Woke people tend to think and behave whilst Marxism is being defined by the underlying belief system that drives the behaviour. Ask him for his definition of a religion and then ask him why that doesn't apply to the way Marxists and neo-Marxists think and act. If Woke is being driven by a distinct ideology, and that, according to Ferguson, is akin to a religious ideology - then, how does Marxism get a free pass? The dream (or prophecy) of Marxists is Progress to an Equitable, Socially Just Utopia, isn't it? Effectively, 'Heaven on earth'. Is that a religious goal/belief? If not, why not? Marx focused on the social injustice of Economics. Woke focuses on the perceived social injustices of Race, Gender, Sexuality etc. Both promote the concept of awakening to the true nature of society and the individual's place within it (and within the collective). Once awoken, there is an implicit call to action. Both types awaken to the realisation of systemic oppression. Both worldviews divide the world into Oppressor and Oppressed. Both promote a social revolution with an ultimate end-goal. Both seem to rely on a dogmatic acceptance of the underlying belief. I guess it comes down to whether you define Marxism as (limited to) the fundamental ideology proscribed by Marx (and Engels), or whether you treat it as a project that has evolved / 'progressed'? Nobody is saying that Wokeism is an economic theory. Nor are they saying Marx would necessarily recognise it as Marxism. But, I'm sure Marx wouldn't recognise a lot of what self-proclaimed Marxists espouse. On the question of totalitarianism, Woke lacks a definitive Mao style dictator at the top, but that's what makes it so insidious. It proceeds via (subtle or not so subtle) indoctrination of children and young adults. The top-down aspect is less centralised, it is Leftist social activists becoming teachers, admin officials, governors, lecturers etc. and then working within an environment that deliberately politicises education (operating under the guise of compassionate 'socialisation') in order to breed a new generation of social activists. It is a slower and less bloody form of cultural revolution - this is its greatest asset. Perhaps the best hope of Woke diminishing is simply that it becomes unfashionable. Yet, if there isn't anything more positive for the next generation to adopt, what replaces Woke may be even worse.
@aranisles8292 Год назад
Well said. But I'm not holding my breath for the demise of woke anytime soon. The college where I work just recently opened an office of equity diversity and inclusion. It had already for a long time been working assiduously on 'indigenization'.
@arknabul2760 Год назад
If you look at UNESCO papers you will see a demand for wokism. ESG metrics is how big Corporations have to be woke. That is how woke is top-down. While DEI departments and Corporations remains profitable they will keep pushing.
@justgettingbysolo8966 Год назад
Great interview
@davidcowley Год назад
Niall Ferguson is a colossus intellectual but great to listen to 😂
@MegaFount Год назад
Very illuminating interview. I am greatly disturbed by this new form of racial and sexual domination over the society. We must not give into this abhorrent form of “social justice“. Social justice is in fact a Marxist term. There is only one form of justice, and that is blind justice that does not take into account anything else other than the application of the law. As Albert Camus rightly pointed out the more equity, the less equality, that is something for everyone to keep in mind when you hear them going on and on about equity equity equity. Equity means denying someone else their rights. Message to all leftists; life is unfair, and a struggle.
@tonykehoe123 Месяц назад
When Niall , as part of his opening gambit , says that his initial gateway into history was to gain a better understanding of the human condition, it has been through my reading of history , be that pre-ancient/ ancient/ classical and modern that I have come to the same conclusion as Bertrand Russell when he observed that earth was the lunatic asylum of the universe ..
@kingcrazymani4133 Год назад
3:13. The commonality is not at the class dialectic level. It is at the dialectic level, where race, ethnicity, gender and now climate are intermingled with old class dialectic warfare in a cornucopia dialectic.
@aranisles8292 Год назад
Yes, climate has joined the bunch, where humans are the bourgeoisie oppressors, nature is the oppressed proletariat, and the upshot is a new anti-humanism. We've got to 'save' the planet from the 'cancer' of humanity. This viewpoint is embedded in much environmentalism and environmental policy at the highest levels.
@viswanathanseshadri1047 Год назад
The thing when people.complain about there being privileged and underprivileged,what they are really bugged about is that they aren't the privileged category. If they become.the privileged, they will have absolutely no complaints about the privileged - underprivileged argument any longer. Very few people are truly concerned or even capable of standing on principle.
@carlbyronrodgers Год назад
@stevehousden2699 Год назад
Fergusson needs to read more Lindsay. He seems to be ignoring almost everything in the development (mutations) of Marxism since Marx's time.
@alexherbert9404 Год назад
First time on your channel mate....great stuff.
@cherylnagy126 Год назад
watching the presenter scratch his nose and beard while lying down is totally rad
@themccarthyplan2020 Год назад
He is gatekeeping the truth ❤️🙏
@Arcadiabeckons Год назад
Which truth? Whose truth? Anyone who states something fundamentally subjective in objective terms is operating under a serious epistemological flaw. As for the concept of any man gatekeeping it, again that seems a dangerously high level of power and responsibility. Ironically for all Ferguson's description of Woke as a religion or cult, the phrase 'he is gatekeeping the truth' sounds like an extreme mantra of a cult!
@maxquirk6688 Год назад
What an incredible interview.
@caesaraugustus156 Год назад
The inordinate hostility towards the Western civilization, in my opinion, was an attempt at finding a common rival among those divisive groups.
@sharehard Год назад
Such a great interview. Why aren't there 100k views?
@greg7120 Год назад
I automatically knew it was your back. Its terrible having to explain all the time. I had to crawl to the toilet for a year. You’re a hero to work while you have a bad back. Probably sciatica? Good luck to you sir.
@thesignalproductions Год назад
Thank you! It's amazing how many people in this thread are literally insulting me for suffering from pain and still trying to do my work. What heartless assholes.
@michaelkearney3646 Год назад
So sorry that you have what sounds like sciatica, probably from the L5-S1 nerve roots. I have this, and it can be very painful that can be only treated by nerve drugs.
@zoskarakul 10 дней назад
❤❤BRAWO !!!❤❤❤
@paulaustinmurphy Год назад
It's very odd that Niall Ferguson stated that Marxists emphasised "social change"... yet the Wokists don't? (He said: "Marx's concentration on economic and social change.") Sure, the economic aspect of politics isn't stressed much by most Woke. So Ferguson plays down the Marxism connection by saying that the Woke don't emphasise "class conflict". Some of them do. Perhaps not many. And certainly not as much (obviously) as Marxists. Yet social class is, after all, another "identity" to make political use of. All this has to be set within the context of the fact that Marxists have always been updating Marxism - since Bernstein in the late 19th century. Both Lenin and Trotsky had their own takes on sacred Marxist texts. And what was Antonio Gramsci doing in the 1930s? What about the Frankfurt School and Althusser?... This updating of Marxism has happened for the last, roughly, 140 years. In that sense, then, Marxism is very much like a religion which never dies. And various religions never die because they are constantly updated to meet the tenor of the times.... So no one has ever claimed that Wokism is *literally identical* to Marxism. Then again, the numerous Marxisms and Marxist groups were never literally identical to each other.
@dirkvanschalkwyk1919 Год назад
Yes, Classic Marxism it is not, but Marxism isn't classic Socialism either - the latter precedes Hegel whom Marxism draws on. A comparison with later generations of Marxism provides a better fit. It always ends in authoritarianism.
@paulaustinmurphy Год назад
@@dirkvanschalkwyk1919 True. But what would be "classic Marxism" anyway? A Marxism that literally abides by every syllable which Marx ever wrote? Even "late Marx" is said to contradict "early Marx". (Althusser completely rejected the "humanist Marx".) Sure, I know there's an (as it were) official term -"classic Marxism". However, it simply refers to a specific period and specific take on Marx. So there is no *classic Marxism* - not in a literal sense. So what must be focussed on are the details which are common to all - or at least most - of these movements. *No one* has ever claimed that they're all completely identical; just as Italian fascism wasn't identical to German National Socialism.
@donaldreed2351 Год назад
"Beauty" cannot be denied by ideology.
@aldebaranredstar Год назад
@@BinkySocks he said it was in the Guardian. You could look it up, but there are lots of articles in the Guardian like it.
@1The1Sun1Teacher1 Год назад
I wish those possessed with wokeness learn to dance--many of their worries will evaporate.
@ducatiist Год назад
Possessed they are
@aaronkindsvatter5615 Год назад
@charlesw852 Год назад
Could anyone share a link to the Guardian article?
@ayoolaayodejidavid638 Год назад
Niall is my love. I'd love to work woth him.
@robertmacleod6221 Год назад
This guy was a speaker at the wef
@OneLine122 Год назад
Like most people, he confuses religion with ideology, which is the basis of the woke movement. Basically what you see is an ideology that is dead but try to stay relevant, so it's a reactionary movement. If you pay attention to groups and their life cycle, usually they will have a reason of being, a cause that defines them that is based on reality, so people join and try to correct something and build something else better and more time appropriate. That's what a revolutionary movement looks like. But what happens when a revolution wins and has nothing else to do? then it has to justify itself and it's continuous existence. There are two main ways they will usually do that, first by expanding it's scope of recruitment, and second by finding new activities. It's that second one that will confuse people, because in order to find new activities, they have to deny their original reason for being, the reason people joined in the first place but the façade stays the same. So the people who want the old movement the way it was are usually the first to be attacked because they stop the change. So once that is known, the timeframe is easy to see. You had the sexual revolution in the 60s which was at base anti-religious. It portrayed religion as an ideology and then attacked ideology. So it ended up in extreme individualism which was compatible with liberal ideology. The civil rights movement was only in the US, but it's a replica of it to some degree, but about race. Both pretty much became mainstream and accepted, so the movements had nothing to do. So they had to create something. First they diversified and joined, so that took some of their energy. They increased the scope of their recruits. Then they diversified their activities and of course, once you accept everything, they only way forward is to deny everything. So the sexual freedoms became a new puritanism, anti-racism became racism, and so on. It's totally normal of a dying institution, they all do the same. And since they are now based on a contradiction, what they pretend to be and what they actually are. They can just go back and forth and attack whatever they want, because others will always be guilty of something and the amount of infractions is infinite. So it's totalitarian in that way, but is not true totalitarianism as in an ideology that wants to control everything from the get go. It's simply the normal result of not having any principles, so it's anti-social, while true totalitarianism is social. The danger is not in the movement itself, it's in the ideas that are behind it. The philosophical underpinnings are very likely to lead to true totalitarism. It won't come directly from that movement and may very well come from those that fight against it. All they do is propagate those principles and show they are powerful. People that fight it end up adopting them, and while the woke is still liberal in some ways, the next one probably won't at all. Basically woke is the liberal end game, which at the same time proves it is not sustainable anymore, but also give the tools and justification for the next revolutionary stage. Pretty much everybody knows something is coming, just not exactly what, or even if it will be better or worst. What's for sure, the anti-reason principles are there to stay, individualism will probably go, so there won't be dialogue which needs reason. Perhaps it will be that segregation people want. Right now it is the only plausible path. There is another one, but people aren't smart enough to follow it, so it's barely mentioned.
@mvs9122 Год назад
One thing he could add is that violence as a backlash by the extremists or crazys is real. It puts target mark on these minorities regardless if they aspire to such ideology. Recent shooting in the gay club is one such example. The danger of Outburst of violence is real
@MsDamosmum Год назад
He lost me a bit at ‘free society’. Given the way online tracking is going I feel anything but free to be honest!
@mikicoal Год назад
Precisely. You were raised in freedom, and have no idea what it's like to live under an alternative.
@MsDamosmum Год назад
@@mikicoal Are you suggesting I should embrace the alternative?
@mikicoal Год назад
@@MsDamosmum Quite the contrary. The alternative is much much worse than you could possibly imagine, if you live long enough to imagine it that hard.
@Madonnalitta1 Год назад
Don't be hyperbolic. Are you in chains? I'll assume not, and so you are free.
@MsDamosmum Год назад
@@Madonnalitta1 I’ll quite being hyperbolic when you quite talking bollocks.
@slangdon 11 месяцев назад
Please be polite enough to sit up straight, be attentive and be respectful when someone as thoughtful as Dr. Ferguson agrees to answer your question. Laying in your sofa? Tells me you don't take him, or yourself, seriously
@thesignalproductions 7 месяцев назад
Please be polite enough to read and listen.
@evaschroeder4614 Год назад
Frederick Douglass who you may interested to know had a statue of himself pulled down by students "protests" he was a former slave who also identified as a republican.
@nigellawson8610 Год назад
The problem with freedom is that the individual has to engage in critical thinking, which can be a painful exercise. It is far easier to blindly follow a set of ideological precepts. Freedom also demands a high degree of civic virtue, which is the antithesis of the cult of the self which lies at the heart of our modern consumerist culture.
@rickemmet1104 Год назад
Niall, I have to disagree with you on one point, there are others I'd debate with you, but I digress. The most striking feature of wokeism is that is doesn't come from below, it comes from media elites - which is to say, it comes from corporations and the rich and powerful. The collectivism Travis mentioned are the echos of corporate political positions, one of those is to create division among the masses. The achievements of Neoliberalism have only benefited the wealthy and has sown the seeds of discord on the left. When they claim that the establishment is working against the masses, they're correct as the establishment has turned hard towards the right. There are tidbits of wokeism that are produced by fringe independents as well. This has been mixed in the media with conspiracy theories of the QAnon "movement." This effort was created by a small group of people (probably three) that wanted to "brand and monetize" the content and sell this crap to anyone stupid enough to believe it. You mentioned comparisons with the Bolsheviks, it should be obvious to all that News Corp (Fox News) and other right wing media outlets have been running a psychological warfare operation against the United States, business models notwithstanding. Your description of the Civil Rights Movement would be called "woke" by Fox And Friends for instance. So, it should be pointed out by people like you that the basis of wokeism is propaganda that has a specific political aim targeting the left. You know full well that the pre-politics of fascism begins with a lie while deciding who are friends and who are foes. A fascist never picks an actual foe as "The Foe" because the fascist would then be obligated to defeat the real threat. They always pick a non-threatening foe - like the left wing in the USA.
@shazamshazamshazam696 Год назад
High style conservative authoritarianism, straight from the sliver tongue on a silver platter.
@SteveSpears-Kuhlah Год назад
5:44. The crux of the issue
@davidmansfield9167 Год назад
Let's find a better word than WOKE. Being woke isn't in itself a problem. Like socialism isn't a bad thing in principle.
@wolfdeguerre9952 Год назад
7:10 re: Anabaptists, well, while they may have devoured themselves elsewhere, in their main battleground - the city of Münster, which they "infiltrated" and then got besieged for 1.5 years - they were devoured by the catholic church. devoured, tortured in prison, tortured to death, their bodies put in iron cages, and these cages were then hung on the tower of "their" church as a warning to any potential future dissident. the cages are still hanging there, >480 years later, by the way. dan carlin did a 4h episode of Hardcore History ("prophets of doom") about it, which takes 1.5h just to illuminate the theo-sociological background of the immediate aftermath of Luther's schismatic revolution. very interesting to hear in depth about a "socialist" apocalyptic cult from 500 years ago. [there's a bootleg upload available, if you don't have the means to buy it from carlin's site, just google "prophets of doom soundcloud" ;) ]
@SK-yb7bx Год назад
You're pretty woke yourself, Niall.
@christophergraves6725 Год назад
Niall is very knowledgeable overall, but he is missing key distinctions among Marxists. Woke and PC come from the work of Herbert Marcuse who was a later member of the Frankfurt School. Like Antonio Gramsci in the aftermath of WWI, he had turned from the working classes believing that they were hopelessly religious and socially conservative. Marcuse moved to champion blacks, Hispanics, radical women, and sexual deviants believing that they were so repulsive to mainline European society that they would never be co-opted by capitalism and its traditional institutions as the working classes had been. Neo-Marxists of all stripes had given up on the focus on economic and class because of the successes of capitalism and capitalists' ability to buy off the working class with better pay and working conditions, and an appeal to tradition that working classes love. Starting with Antonio Gramsci and continuing with the early Frankfurt School, the emphasis switched to the culture and society's institutions. They developed Critical Theory to examine the dominant culture that saw as hindering their revolutionary efforts. These Neo-Marxists and those who came later saw the Communist movement's future was in capturing educational institutions, News and Entertainment industries and even religious institutions to make them into channels to change the minds of people and to effect change through indoctrination. Economics was still important to them, but they did not see economics as central as did Marx. PC comes directly from Marcuse's *Repressive Tolerance.* Marcuse championed the Sexual Revolution even though later, after he saw the damage it had caused to women, he backed off his support for it. Louis Althusser also pushed a similar variety of Marxism into Structuralism and Post-Structuralism that has taken over the study of English literature that found kindred souls in leftist versions of Post-Modernism. He also tied his brand of Marxism in with Lacan's psychoanalysis, which follows with the integration of Freud with Marx that we see in the Frankfurt School. We also see Marcuse and subsequent Neo-Marxists appropriate Martin Heidegger for their cause. Heidegger has been a big name on campus since the 1980's, but not the Nazi version of Heidegger but a re-reading of Heidegger that makes him capable with a variety of contemporary Leftists. These ideas had captured many in colleges in the 1960's. These students got their Ph.D's and then started taking over college facilities in the late 70s and 1980's and solidifying their hold in the 1990's. Yes, this is a type of Marxism, but not one that would be recognizable by Marx or by Lenin. But you see elements of the indoctrination and the denial of objective truth in Stalinism that is brought out in Orwell's *1984.*
@christophergraves6725 Год назад
Correction: 'comparable' should be 'compatible' in the next to the last sentence near the end of the second paragraph. "...a re-reading of Heidegger that makes him *compatible* with a variety of contemporary Leftists."
Oakland/Berkeley/San Francisco is ground zero.
@harveyyoung3423 Год назад
Part 2: Obviously they face a problem in justifying anything since there are no in itself justifiers and justified and justifier. Only exchanges in the micro context. As a strategy they can go for an account t of history that has genesis events, that is events that happen in some local context that can spread and be copied and applied but the justification and legitimacy question remains closed because it rested on unity’s or origins. This I would say is the first phase of post modern critique to tear down the existing structures though the interpretation of them as tokens of bad metaphysics. And I would say they have achieved much of this in many contexts. The second phase seems to have been bizarrely to make these deconstructive projects not just on the ground but in institutions. And it seems to me what they have done is just swap the identity metaphysis with a difference metaphysics and de-privileging structures for reversal of maser slave. As such then they have it seems to me retained the old institutional structures of top down reasoning like in natural law but placed the metaphysical opposites at the apex of the pyramid. So now we can talk of a hegemony of difference and a totalitarianism for the under privileged. But what is really worrying to me is they still reject the idea of an apex and so they disseminate and network within and between institutions so no one leader is present. This they would claim is what it means to be anti-totalitarian. But rather than think of totalitarianism as reason in an external picture metaphysical institutional structure of the world, we think of reason as human account to be giving an account to be responsible and to be subject to intentional reference, then the dissemination and difference means so much complexity in nexus of institutions and levels that it becomes impossible to find agents for events there is no one there just excuse and escapes and deferrals. Anonymity and zombie institutions. No responsibility, so no authority, no legitimacy and so no bottom up consent. That is structurally like animinious materialism in the denial sense, it is also analogue with extreme free market international capitalism no being only changing equilibrium relations with its shell companies and off shore havens. But it is also like totalitarianism in this sense. Classic totalitarianism is top down but then blame is bottom up though duties that terminate only at the persona to the top. So this is exculpatory for everyone except the person at the top. So the external image of post-modern politics is the totalitarianism pyramid destroyed, in fact the complete destruction of duty with it, internally exculpates everyone. In terms of the absolute break with hierarchy duty they end up with the essence of totalitarianism that of no one responsible and he classic difference of master and slave is Schmidt’s friend enemy distinction but without even a paradoxical sovereignty. The radical slippage between language and things or subject/predicate and substance/property they hold has much in common with the semantics or normative meaning verses naturalism in analytical philosophy like Wilfred Sellers and Donald Davidson. The post modern move was to bring law and justice as a kind of ever changing regulative idea into the picture but with the paradox and dialectic conflict of justice for the whole and justice for the case for the perception of an event. The analytical philosophers focused too much on the problem of the relations between the naturalism of science and the normativity of Lange and duty and promise and contract. They concentrated on the myth of the naturalist ground for the semantic mythical given, while the post moderns took this gap of mythical given not as empirical proposition but as high level duty or principle. You see the post moderns realised early on that materialism as naturalism lie in Marx was not the battle field to die on and concentrated on disrupting the unity of justice at the top to reorganise a new kind of tyranny, not a dictatorship but a tyranny of a machine with no one there. It put me in mind of Robespierre being brought down by his own system and guillotined. This did not make people think the machine was a bad idea, rather they thought it was pure justice to capture its creator in its own law. And opposes of postmodernism love it when they occasionally fall victim to their own rules and anti-racist and anti sexist ordinances. I guess they think a poetic justice since they don’t believe in these rules any way why would they like their enemies to fall under a system they think is totalitarianism. It’s because the post moderns have got them playing their game of friend enemy just with the two under Hegelian master slave reversal like a permanent tyrannical revolution not a totalitarianism. Where analytical philosophy and say Christianity out sources its shadow of war and violence and poverty beyond the respectable discussions of reason, the post moderns play on the boarders and in the forests and mountains between reason and military strategy. They say it’s a revolution not a pick nick, but analytical philosophers have their pick nick and pay others to hold back the poor with violence.
@kimfreeborn Год назад
I see the Woke project as an extension of the denazification program that was brought in by the Allies after the second world war. The Frankfort school was not only involved in the Allies need to expurgate the Nazis' mindset but also in the critique of Western values in the 60's and 70's as an Authoritarian regime. Binary terms like homophobia, islamophobia etc. create a binary framework as Niall suggests but they are not only religious or ideological but also increasingly legal terms like denazification which have real effects in terms of privilege and social reconstruction. In the end the denazification program became unworkable in Germany on pragmatic grounds. If history has something to teach us it is that the Woke project will ultimately fail for similar reasons.
@MrMirville Год назад
No the Frankfurt school of sociology never advocated a new Puritanism to counteract the traditional one. Quite the opposite, it complained about the neo-Puritanism having arisen in a more vicious form on the ruins of traditional religion. The Frankfurt school aimed at doing away with all forms of virtue signalling as a pre-fascist manifestation in itself : coolness at any price. The Frankfurt school of philosophy was not anti White any more than pro White and would never have put up with radical Islam as a more valuable alternative to the reign of the “dead white males”.
@kimfreeborn Год назад
@@MrMirville I would agree that the proposition that the Frankfort school advocated a New Puritanism is nonsense. And NF's argument is not grounded in anything but a very weak analogy. I think I am on much stronger ground, that the Woke program based on its influence from the Frankfort school is an extension of the denazification program which they were involved with after the second world war. This was created through the Allies and especially the OSS (CIA). In the 60s and 70s the Frankfort school was particularly interested in the Authoritarian Personality an obviously continued project of denazification now on American soil. A third phase would take its cue largely from Repressive Tolerance. Certainly Marcuse put forward the possibility of emancipation through an anti-liberal critique of pure tolerance. Whether they would agree with the current form that Woke ideology has taken is hard to say. But here it is a matter of revolutionary resources and pragmatic considerations.
@harveyyoung3423 Год назад
Part *: Note i have added this bit as a reply note to Part 5c: So in terms of say social justice and the idea of institutional racism and reparations: what i have said here mean you only need the original difference as a kind of act at a point in time in the past. the series , the succession and the synchronic stat of affairs now is after that event and sustained as a symmetry through bodily habits and rituals both with rules as a kind of skeleton, we cannot "climb out side our own skin (Davidson) or indeed our own skeleton (me) . thus there is in the left view on this a myth of the need for a continued intentional action to make the difference, this is not the case thee is no intention over time just habit and limits of change of the rules. they make then a kind of intentional fallacy but since the left are weak on the distinction of intention and habit or reflect his is hard for them to grasp. eg they have terms like unintended racism and subconscious or unconscious bias. lie an institution apologising for its racist past . institutions do not have intentions. "They treat objects like people man"
@jayaybe1 Год назад
15:54 Look at any television advert break for evidence of this.
@SleepToSound Год назад
Bro has a 150IQ and speaks in full sentences
@gregtrainor1577 Год назад
He's impressive, isn't he?
@marktaylor5928 Год назад
Here in New Zealand, our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has introduced race-based laws and policies, the most obvious being the creation of a separate health system that only maori people can use.
@marktyler2068 Год назад
Relationships between people are connected to basic instinct. To be the person or group granting the privilege of say - you can have the university for the day - immediately creates a relationship and may forever separate the two. If the grantor really thought the other was equal, they would just go about treating them equally.
@Corteum Год назад
2:32 "the origins of woke ideology" ----------> Some three letter agency perhaps? Niall: "So I think there are some other forces at work here" -------> A three letter agency involved?
@sewersideproductions2606 Год назад
Why not just NOT show the guy laying down? We don’t have to look at him, we can still hear his voice. As serious as the discussion was, I couldn’t help myself from chuckling.
@mattstocks4749 Год назад
That’s what I thought. Why did they need the bizarre birds eye view of him lying down? 😂
@BB-cf9gx Год назад
Freinds don't let freinds be woke.
@DeathBeach Год назад
felt like he glossed over the fact that we have a woke government
@Menapho 6 дней назад
He’s not in a “mixed race marriage”. We must get away from the the term RACISM, RACE, RACIST. Due to the fact that there is only One Race. Instead we must call out BIGOTRY for what it is, in all its forms and places. I’m not of the Black Race. I’m of the Human Race! How is it that we know a Rottweiler, Labrador, Poodle, Dachshund and Great Dane are each a DOG? Even though they are drastically different in appearance and temperament. Any two human beings are 99.9 percent identical. Prejudice and Bigotry are the issues that must be called out. Racism is a political whitewash.
@aldebaranredstar Год назад
What about Obama and his close association with Rev Wright and Black Liberation theology as a source for the Woke phenomenon?
@lepidoptera9337 Месяц назад
This man sounds like the last drunk in a bar at 3:30 am. :-)
@zwatwashdc Год назад
This almost looks like a between two ferns parody 😂
@wuteva34 Год назад
In my humble opinion, Wolk is a sick twisted combination of the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem, witch trials, and Marxism
@rbrowne2998 Год назад
Encouraging words, Neill. Let's hope this cult eats itself. Yes, interviewer, they love their minutiae and milli and micro and nano (hardly there) and (imperceptible) pico aggressions. In effect everything is an aggression. This will create a constant state of internal war, they will see insult everywhere and eat themselves.
@charlesritz6509 Год назад
A rare intellect.
@peterwebb8732 Год назад
The connection that Niall does not seem to make, is that the Left bases it's doctrine on division according to identity-groups. He just seems to accept as a given, that there is some categorical difference between discrimination on the basis of Class - which Marx promoted - and discrimination on the basis of race, colour or sex. I would argue that the type of identity-groups is a peripheral characteristic of this ideology, and that it is the determination to divide, discriminate and dominate that is central. From this viewpoint there is no irony at all in the Left supporting different racial groups at different periods in history. Division is their core doctrine, not equality.
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