
Northernlion learns something interesting about toe walkers 

The Library of Letourneau
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canadian medical system strikes again
Twitch: / northernlion
RU-vid: / @northernlion
Stream date: 07-28-2023
#northernlion #clips




28 июл 2023




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@lukesanford9026 Год назад
"I have some proclivities that one might consider to be typical of autism" Yeah brother, that sentence
@Subjecttochannel Год назад
@parkerpeterson5097 Год назад
@wrustria Год назад
@hammdogporkington3058 Год назад
@alert.272 Год назад
@JasonParmenter Год назад
Someone in chat killed me by saying: "Diagnosis: bald"
@kaifulbright5241 Год назад
+2 chatter hooly
@thesezza492 Год назад
literally, no joke, i had an autism assessment, and in the letter the psych typed confirming my diagnosis, when describing me, he listed that i was bald. i got medically diagnosed with bald as well as autism. buy one, get one free.
@dudekazoo Год назад
​@@thesezza492Anytime you see the way a doctor writes about you in their notes it sounds like a savage roast.
@vario6492 Год назад
He trained his movie trivia so hard, he broke the limiter and became bald
@emmaeilefsen7214 2 месяца назад
@@thesezza492in mine i was additionally diagnosed as physically awkward and clumsy
@PotionSmeller Год назад
My egg do be hyperfixatin on movie trivia tho
@co2_os Год назад
@kithanakodah Год назад
99% sure I got that dawg in me, but yeah in Canada its not covered to get assessed/diagnosed. He's not kidding about the price and wait list.
@hawkrivers-garrett9315 Год назад
Huh. I wonder why that is. I got an adhd psych assessment for free in Ontario.
@cccfudge Год назад
@@hawkrivers-garrett9315 Completely uneducated guess here, I would think it's because ADHD has medical treatments for it whereas autism doesn't really. It has some therapeutic treatments to help cope/adapt and stuff but nothing chemical so it's kinda like "well what's the point of diagnosing you if we can't do anything about it" I think. Plus I don't think any provinces even cover therapy in the first place unless maybe if you're like institutionalized or something.
@DraconicCatgirl Год назад
NL is like 34 and has a happy family, a decently stable job, and is (according to himself, at least) able to socially function in society Getting a diagnosis would be more “huh, neat” then something urgently needed. I got diagnosed at 6 and yeah support in Canada fucking sucks, it’s so bad in fact that every Disabled person in Manitoba had their info leaked from the Gov 🙃
@kildeer Год назад
honestly getting professionally assessed is overrated. if you think you're autistic and you weirdly have a ton of autistic friends (who all also think you're autistic) you're probably autistic no matter what some doctor says. like don't get me wrong doctors are good and necessary i'm not a doctor hater but fuck man the average doctor knows fuck all about neurodivergence
@150booyadragon Год назад
@@DraconicCatgirl Don't blame the rest of us for what happens in Manitoba brother
@desertation Год назад
one of my fav arcs in the nl lore/extended universe
@lorenzonoce9352 Год назад
Bro did you just call this man's life his "Lore"?
@ToastyBB Год назад
​@@lorenzonoce9352no he referred to NorthernLion, the character portrayed by actor Ryan Letourneau
@stinkybuttrat Год назад
"You dont have autism youre a sociopath" sent me
@brandonjohnson1358 Год назад
I am occasionally an ideopathic toe walker, amongst other things. I was undiagnosed on the autism spectrum (Asperger’s when that was still the nomenclature) until I was about 20. I started watching NL much before then, mostly because of similarity in personality. More or less, my thoughts have been “I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on the spectrum.” Note: being on the spectrum doesn’t mean you can’t have social skills, can’t be successful, and can’t overall “seem normal.” I’m in a job field that requires frequent public speaking. I have friends. I can maintain eye contact (I just prefer not to). For me, the difference mostly lies in the process I use while thinking (less people oriented, more object/abstract oriented). That said, I’m a “high masking” autistic, and it is, indeed, a spectrum.
@brandonjohnson1358 Год назад
Also, my past thoughts about NL possibly being on the spectrum were not forcing an armchair diagnosis, but more so “if he were, I’d love it because he’d be great representation.”
@brandonjohnson1358 Год назад
And my initial thoughts 100% started when he was in peak movie year and trivia arc
@Enuchful Год назад
Until you were 20? What happened then?
@brandonjohnson1358 Год назад
@@Enuchful I had technically been diagnosed at 15, but my mother decided not to tell me until I was part way through college, so effectively I was not diagnosed until then.
@saintsalieri Год назад
Mfers can't even have a personality anymore, just a collection of symptoms.
@michaelmennuti4414 Год назад
As another person who is almost certainly on the spectrum, I've come to the conclusion that besides the most extreme cases most types of neurodivergence, autism, adhd, and what all, are just part of the normal broad range of personalities, and the only reason they are pathologized is because they aren't all equally compatible with modern school or work environments.
@catherinewilhelm809 Год назад
Thank you for putting my thoughts into words! I've had the same opinion for a long time but hasn't figured out the right way to say it.
@csguy3223 11 месяцев назад
Yeah man, I’m not on any spectrum but I can’t function in the modern job market sheerly because of my personality so I definitely agree with your assessment. I’m a big time introvert and I don’t like other people because I find everyone really annoying. I’m actually married and I even find my wife annoying sometimes, so I just like piddle around with shit and make myself busy so I can take a break and hide from her. In my last job, literally nobody did any work, so I ended up doing all the work every day. When faced with work within their domain they would basically make some intelligent sounding blanket statement to justify their existence in the workplace, say they were very busy, and then go back to socializing. They all just gossiped 24/7 about their lives and kids and shit. They complained to the boss about me for months until I got called in for a probationary meeting and then I told the boss nobody does any work and she told me every worker has value and I need to learn my place and smile more or some bs. So I quit on the spot. Haven’t been able to find a job for a couple months now. But yeah, modern workplace is pretty terrible.
@bottlecap6169 11 месяцев назад
"I've come to the conclusion that besides the most extreme cases most types of neurodivergence, autism, adhd, and what all, are just part of the normal broad range of personalities, and the only reason they are pathologized" They're pathologized because they're disabilities/developmental conditons/etc. The only reason people might think they're part of the "normal broad range of personalities" is because it's become popular to calls things that absolutely aren't autism, autism. For example, NL is with like 90% confidence in every aspect not autistic and not on the spectrum. Being a movie buff and associating things you encounter throughout the day with this hobby that populates a significant portion of your life is not autism or hyper-fixation. Being an introvert or having hobbies and interests doesn't make you autistic, having trouble sitting still or focusing to study doesn't mean you have ADHD, This is why self-diagnosis is so heavily discouraged.
@adamlagerqvist8111 11 месяцев назад
The ancient Egyptians considered schizophrenics to be in touch god. Our current understating of these things are no better or more correct than older definitions just different. There is no objective way to know whether you are autistic or not and how to "treat it" since these labels are literally made up. Since your experience will always be unique to you do what you think is best for yourself instead of blindly following others. If you think labeling yourself something helps understand yourself better go for it but don't let these things define or restrict you.
@SameDoll 11 месяцев назад
Another huge thing I saw recently is an autistic person stopping cold in the middle of the room and saying something along the lines of "It seems like every trait commonly labeled as 'autistic' is negative or a perceived inconvenience to others" and it got me thinking about how there are thousands or maybe millions of autistic people right now who have less noticeable stims and don't struggle with eye contact and social interaction because they had patient and decent-to-fantastic parents.
@aureus79 Год назад
The men in black bit fucking killed me. I cried laughing for a solid minute
@art-cs6us Год назад
I mean, I am neurodivergent myself. I feel like some people want to 'diagnose' streamers as being on the spectrum not necessarily out of bad faith, but maybe another thing they can relate to them with.
@violet4794 Год назад
It’s also nice bc i feel conversations like these de-stigmatise it to an extent like this whole video is actually very thoughtful humour and i think kinda shows neurodivergence in a kind and positive light which generally i would say i don’t get to experience that often with it being like hurled around as an insult among other things
@americantoastman7296 Год назад
@@violet4794 this is spot on. I just laughed my ASS off at this video and the humor was entirely, foundationally in good faith and I loved it. Talking about it in this way goes a long way to destigmatize things like that and I feel like thats important.
@aBlackMage Год назад
This is it for me. My favourite streamer being autistic as well would just be a nice little bonus, making him 10% more relatable haha. In general, it's just really cool how NL and his chat are very respectful about the topic and it makes me feel welcome in the community :)
@kelpsie Год назад
@@violet4794 "I have a well-put-together life with a healthy social circle and only found out later in life that I even have autism" is a highly encouraging story.
@Day100 Год назад
Are you diagnosed yourself? Apologies as 95% of people I hear use that say it with pride and without a diagnosis.
@Grev333 Год назад
It seems to me that it would be worth crowdfunding his diagnosis for a laugh.
@spicymilk9567 11 месяцев назад
Dude is a multimillionaire, he absolutely does not need to be crowdfunding his diagnosis. I agree it would be funny but if the whole McDonalds worker arc taught us anything, it would have the potential to be taken the wrong way due to sensitivities around the topic of healthcare.
@BobIsBetterThanYou Год назад
Toe walkers and T-Rex arms rise up.
@PharmDiff Год назад
I got diagnosed when I was 8 years old and would say that i more or less became an adjusted human being. When I signed up for counseling in my most stressful year of my doctorate - they identified me as someone they couldn't help based solely on that information and told me to go to the children's autism clinic in the same town that practices ABA (traumatize children until they stop 'acting autistic'). It's a wonder why we hide it.
@ellepalmer 11 месяцев назад
what is the problem with aba? i dont know much about it
@ziwuri Месяц назад
@@ellepalmer reread the part in parentheses
@Dschonathan Год назад
People meme on NL's movie encyclopedia brain and his inability to process shapes and topology but the first time I ever had a "hold on a minute" moment was when NL described how he thinks about housing decoration during one of the housle-dulls.
@Lowekinder Год назад
Y'know ... I got a touch of the 'tism myself. One of the reasons I watch so much NL content aside from the supreme bants is that I think his way of thinking matches up so well with mine. Like his logic process has the most overlap at a fundamental level I've ever seen in another person. We also retain trivia effortlessly and have similar ethics and foibles. It ain't one to one or anything, he's definitely more outgoing and socially capable and naturally charismatic and all that. Even in that I can see he approaches it in a systematic way, though. I feel like we run the same operating system so to speak. So... he might who knows.
@dudekazoo Год назад
I hear you. There are times when NL talks about or explains something and I think, "That's the first time that shit has ever made sense". Currently scheduled for my own evaluation with a professional.
@bixdugan8300 Год назад
(Not diagnosing btw just adding this to the pile) Another feature that comes with Autism is a strong adherence to "following the rules". You definitely get that feeling when you hear some of NL's rants about driving or the famous deli counter anecdotes.
@Mempavrai Год назад
as someone that worked in an establishment that helps people with A.S.S, i can confidently say this isn't true at all.
@CaioVictor20101 Год назад
@bixdugan8300 11 месяцев назад
@@Mempavrai most every study and online resource would disagree with you
@g76agi 11 месяцев назад
link them?@@bixdugan8300
@junipre985 3 месяца назад
@@Mempavrai most autistic ppl tend to stick to rigid rules and routines it's literally part of the diagnostic criteria
@emeraldfir9 11 месяцев назад
His special interest is banter
@santiagowho Год назад
"HE'S ME FR" Part of chat is having a breakdown rn (me).
@andrewg3196 Год назад
Just a touch of the tism perhaps
@hushpuppy2821 Год назад
His left pinky toe is tistic
@okamisamakun Год назад
He do be dabbling in a bit of tism.
@karasubirde Год назад
he got that w tizz
@mikintosh6111 11 месяцев назад
NL discovering the wonderful world of trying to get a tism diagnosis.
@Rararawr Год назад
I just learned a few months ago that I was very likely autistic. Fucked me up for a week because everything I did I was like oh shit, so thats why I do this. Now a few months later I have realized a lot of things I still can't blame on it. So thats how at 26 I discovered I was autistic AND stupid
@MegaScytheman 11 месяцев назад
Omg can you imagine if you walk into the doctor's office and you're like "so what is it doc?" And he just turns and says "you're dumb as hell."
@KaceyTime Год назад
i KNEW his movie brain was gonna play a role in this discussion lmfao
@jenm1 Год назад
I just realized I also liked the first part of that movie way more than the second
@CoolHandLuke196 Год назад
dude can drop a reference from probably 1000+ movies/video games/tv shows at any moment, knows most types of food dishes/pastries from all cultures, can play a single game for thousands of hours, and has a story to tell about literally every single thing that happens in his life? Ya, he's autistic lol but who cares because those are the reasons we love our egg
@iamadargon2460 Год назад
Literally that bit of the kid who won the spelling bee on the onion where the newscasters treat him as special. If you're smart and have an insane memory, you're autistic?
@enigmaticone6559 Год назад
If his way with words is partially due to autism I've got to say thank you to autism for helping produce the egg. Honestly, this might be a little weird to say but when I enjoy listening to northernlion's banter and conversations with the chat I feel smarter just by soaking in that level of dialogue. This clip is gold for example but the fact that he's able to produce that level of conversation near indefinitely is so impressive. I can't think of anyone else that could play binding of isaac like he did for many hours and still articulate himself so eloquently throughout. His stream of consciousness is off the charts.
@g76agi 11 месяцев назад
@Zooropa_Station 7 дней назад
By that logic every doctor/lawyer/scientist/etc. who has conversational rapport is autistic. Since they've clearly memorized as much of their field as NL has trivia. Also playing one game that much covers a lot of gamers, be it Minecraft, Pokemon, LoL, WoW, etc. And I think the fact that streaming is his full time job is important to consider, and those are skills that get developed over time. Naturally it's harder to do and learn all that inconsequential stuff if you can only do it after 5 pm. btw I'm not saying he isn't on the spectrum, I just think the reasons given aren't that persuasive since they're all relatively common and attainable with effort.
@lettersnstuff Год назад
spectrum adjacent
@fishcati5620 Год назад
One big reason why many autistic adults go undiagnosed is that we don't see any of the characteristic "symptoms" we see in children. The fact is, autism isn't outwardly expressed by symptoms but by the coping mechanisms we use to feel comfortable. As we grow, we develop better mechanisms that are more fit for the society we live in. As a kid, I used to flap my arms to stim and have a fit when overestimated. Now I'll crack my joints or pace and bottle up emotions in stressful environments. None of those things are "better" or "worse," just easier to hide from judgement. The reason many kids go undiagnosed and later have a realization in adulthood is often because they developed more "mature" i.e. "hideable" coping mechanisms early. Anyway, that's just some perspective I wanted to provide. Also kid me was right to have a tantrum in the grocery store it wasn't their fault. I love you kid me
@TheRealPunkachu 8 дней назад
they're based, +2
@aadimascio 11 месяцев назад
the 14 month wait reaction just for the eval is extremely real hahah
@IWkris Год назад
1997 nice
@L0LWTF1337 Год назад
16000 episodes isaac might be an indicator
@theronerdithas2944 Год назад
If hes autistic then I'm autistic, you smell me?
@7yditchfits Год назад
I'd rather not, but I feel you.
@B4CKWARDS_CH4RM Год назад
@@7yditchfits I'd rather not feel you, but I understand.
@yosh6877 Год назад
can’t wait for the Autism Supercut
@Drekromancer Год назад
I was here
@Trogdor390 Год назад
SmallAnt and Northerlion: both are potentially autistic, Canadian, toe walking, video game streamers with names based on animals. I'm not saying they're the same person but come on has anyone seen them in the same place at the same time?
@Pinstripe105 Год назад
SmallAnt has hair
@p0kepengin592 Год назад
@@Pinstripe105 give it a year or 2
@buddyisbored2355 Год назад
@@Pinstripe105 NL is Ant's Baldsona
@itsleo5697 Год назад
@@Pinstripe105he’s BALD??
@jenm1 Год назад
@@buddyisbored2355 Smallant is NL from the past. it's a looper situation
@0bleach0 Год назад
Parasocial on a level I cannot even comprehend. (Thanks to Librarian & Ryan for being great people/content creators)
@MrDyl666 Год назад
Ill admit im a recent fan of northernlions and did aleays just assume he had been diagnosed as autistic😊
@Xanezz Год назад
nobody could have seen this coming
@Subjecttochannel Год назад
This man has how many issac episodes? How is this even a question for people
@csguy3223 11 месяцев назад
Bro I don’t think the toe walking is what gave away SmallAnt’s Autism. There’s about a 99.9% incidence rate of Autism in the speed-running community.
@timturner7609 Год назад
Back when I couldn't afford shoes, I ran on my toes. I found the distal end of my feet to be more conformal to rocks and stuff. So it didn't hurt as bad as the same object would have if I'd stepped on it with my heel.
@astranott 11 месяцев назад
same here
@g76agi 11 месяцев назад
that just sounds like broken feet waiting to happen
@drdala Год назад
it's possible to have some autism-adjacent traits (i do in spite of not having autism or any social/communication difficulties bc i have a family history of ASD) but if they're not serious or numerous enough to affect normal daily functioning then i don't think you'd meet the full diagnostic criteria. it is possible to have a "quirky" personality so to speak without landing in the category of a developmental disability. i find it very unlikely that he would benefit from a diagnosis if it hasn't negatively affected his life in perceptible ways. that's just in my experience tho.
@janismittelstaedt5642 Год назад
I agree. Mental disorders are categorized by preventing the person from living a normal life or causing high stress while doing so. Not something I would say NL has had from the way he describes his life on stream.
@Drekromancer Год назад
@@janismittelstaedt5642 Therapist here. I agree with this sentiment for functional purposes, but I think the representation of even sub-threshold symptoms would do wonders for his base. We already know there's a lot of neurodivergent people in this community, and they already look up to him - so it could be a big boon to them if he turned out to represent them, too.
@RandomAutist 3 месяца назад
I think i am acoustic, i suck at talking with peeps, dont have too much problem with eye contact, but i dont fixate on things or have a routine per se, i think i might be a deffective acoustic, might never know the full answer.
@zaaxi7424 9 дней назад
no-one is defective :)
@Dschonathan Год назад
I got diagnosed late at 28 and brother the first thing the actual experts that are able to diagnose you want to see is those silly little online tests filled out. In School I did those with my friends for fun and I came out sorta middle of the road and when I asked teachers and school psychologists about it they just went "naaah you're just a lazy underachiever". Most people, and even a TON of psychologists have no clue about autism. In my city of 500000 in Germany there is ONE psychologists that is willing to even diagnose it and ONE therapist that specializes on helping people on the spectrum. Wether NL is on the spectrum or not is not really important because he is clearly not suffering from it either way, but for people that do struggle with their divergence a real diagnose can help a great deal in dealing with it.
@g76agi 11 месяцев назад
Yes people that went and got a multiple year degree have no idea about the thing they studied, surely.
@VerbalLearning Год назад
Despite having a diagnosis that arguably puts me on the autism spectrum, i'm gonna go against the grain on this one and say that i don't think NL has autism. But much like everyone else here, i'm just guessing.
@Phendoxia Год назад
There was a camping video on Kate's channel where it shows how NL walks and it freaked me out. librarian pull that clip up Edit: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-xCz0agu9iwY.html this video 2:36
@mewmeow4324 Год назад
this is funny as fuck oh my god
@TheThunderbirdRising Год назад
I'm someone who is in the same position as NL (yeah maybe I'm on the spectrum but who knows, whatever), and I'm suddenly finding my longtime assessment of him as "the most normal dude on the internet" to be very revealing
@More_Row Год назад
@rk-dd5vl Год назад
When I saw the list of symptoms for ADHD, I just knew I had it. I think that's the best indication that you have a disorder, is that you see the list and immediately see how it explains a lot of problems you're dealing with. When I went to my primary care doctor and had her test me, she made me fill out a test sheet and I remember I filled out every question as strongly agree except for the hyperactivity-related questions. My doctor then told me the symptoms I filled out as having didn't add up enough for a diagnosis and I was like that's bullshit. She tried to convince me that the reason I was distracted all the time, that I stared often stared off into space while I'm reading or doing boring tasks, that I get so mopey when I'm in dull environments and have been losing things my whole life is because I'm depressed. I get that self-diagnosis is not the real deal but the strongest indication to me is that you can't even question if you have it. If you understand yourself well enough you don't have to ask anyone what they think your problem is
@98loud 11 месяцев назад
Shouts out from someone who toe walks because their Achilles is too short
@B4CKWARDS_CH4RM Год назад
The thing is, it is very difficult to diagnose autism in adults, especially for someone like NL. For an adult who is mildly on the spectrum, they've probably learned how to behave in a normative way, they know how to cover up their symptoms unconsciously, they can generally exist without much issue or idiosyncrasy. The best you'll get is the doctor saying "yeah sounds like autism but we can't be completely sure."
@ellepalmer 11 месяцев назад
i think becoming aware of symptoms and how they affect you can lead to some sort of self acceptance, and comfortability with “unmasking”. this is what happened in my case. maybe nl will have some comfort knowing he’s not alone in his way of thinking
@rovalin6300 Год назад
Tism'd fan reporting in.
@omegadirective Месяц назад
No kidding, I watched one episode of "Love on the Spectrum" (the Australian one) and I saw myself reflected in those people (particularly the guy who freaked out because he didn't have the proper navy blue socks). It honestly made me uncomfortable with how much of myself I saw in the show and I had to stop watching. I never thought I was autistic and now I'm questioning my entire life.
@lavender3717 11 месяцев назад
he's just like me fr
@kyleleehufnagel Год назад
As a father of a kid with autism in the US, it typically takes over a year for an assessment for even children in times of critical development to get diagnosed so you can start receiving state sponsored developmental services and access to special education programs.
@Drekromancer Год назад
Therapist in the US here. I wanted to second this. It's usually close to a year's delay at the best of times - and since COVID, everyone's waiting lists have gotten dramatically extended in ways that never quite went away. The uptick in service utilization is good, I think, but we're still working on getting as many clinicans and as much funding as we would need to support the new level of demand. Hence, 14-month waiting periods. NL, I promise they're not dicking you around. I'm 100% sure that the psychologist in question is fully booked out for the next year.
@greysonmiller9407 Год назад
Look, I said it on the community post, Ill say it here. I did it because I wanted to be more like yhe elites from Halo.
@noahmay7708 Год назад
You know this isn't helping your case
@greysonmiller9407 Год назад
@@noahmay7708 I was about 5 or 6 when I did it because of Halo, but it has irrevocably chabged the portion of my foot which I place my weight on.
@timefororbit 11 месяцев назад
Big if true!
@KY_100 3 месяца назад
It's a speedrunner, c'mon. we don't say it but it's not a secret
@Isaac-LizardKing Год назад
i got autism, i make aggressive eye contact, LOVE eye contact.
@guus497 Год назад
look love the clip. but wtf is happening with the gameplay what is nl doing?
@gangstreG123 Год назад
gameplay is secondary
@douchopotamus3755 Год назад
It's a golf game
@150booyadragon Год назад
The dude can recall an actor in a movie he's never seen before released when he was a kid, that's sometimes an autism thing. edit: he came to that at the end, commented before watching fully F
@babyelephant3077 Год назад
Well, Northernlion is a non narcissist youtuber. He is definitely on the spectrum. Probably aspergers.
@chrismenNL Год назад
I'm loving the neurodivergence arc, he really do be like me fr fr
@Drekromancer Год назад
@BigBigBigJeff Год назад
toe walkers lol
@Moondog911 3 месяца назад
Bro listens to the rose and fall of the third reich audiobook every night to fall asleep and still doesnt think he’s spectrumed up
@SargentCookiez Год назад
i wonder what this comment section will be like
@Peterphoskytos Месяц назад
It's funny to me cuz this is literally how EVERY (non diagnosed) autistic person talks about the possibility of being autistic, before they eventually get diagnosed, or not, i guess. They always tiptoe around it and use hesitant sentences and it's like... My brother in christ just the fact you you see that as a possibility and clearly have some questions about it, already tells me what I need to know lol. (Exaggerating here, obvsly doesn't guarantee anything, but you get the point)
@g76agi 11 месяцев назад
If i was an alien that could only perceive humanity through the internet i would conclude that 90% of people have autism
@willdurant141 Год назад
What the fuck is toe walking?
@pumpkinroberts7673 Год назад
@luxuryinminiature Год назад
I got diagnosed with autism while I was first getting into Northernlion a couple years ago, and everything they noted during my eval as being very stereotypically autistic were traits that I've definitely also noticed in NL. Never really pointed it out while watching his stuff
@dudekazoo Год назад
I had a fairly similar experience earlier this year. I am now waiting for my evaluation in January '24. But at least I'm poor enough that the state is going to pay for it.
@WTHnev 11 месяцев назад
Its been said before but ill say it again. You cant make daily Isaac videos for YEARS and not have a hint of tism
@ellepalmer 11 месяцев назад
im currently in the process of getting assessed. i’ve been watching nl for 8 years. he is one of my special interests that i tell people about. people i know know how much i love nl. i think it’s so funny that we are having similar realizations. it’s definitely affected a lot of things in my life. it’s affected my social life a lot, i think.
@eggcouncil4474 Год назад
Uh oh that maens all of my mean comments about NL are now hate crimes
@Drekromancer Год назад
This made me burst out laughing at 2am
@deecomposerr Год назад
ryans autism swag is one of his best features
@datruommi Год назад
An official ASD diagnosis is completely unnecessary unless you struggle in day to day life AND you live in a country that can provide you with resources to aid you. Otherwise all it's good for is to satisfy your curiosity as well as give you a cheap excuse to pull out of your back pocket should the need arise.
@hahaharithz Год назад
idk man autistic memes were funny at the start like with "lionel messi is autistic?", but now everything I do is attributed to autism that I really think I should get tested man, or is it like fortune telling where its broad brush strokes and everyone can attribute something to possible autism?
@Halksta Год назад
My poor reading comprehension skill made me think "oh shit, this is Messi in the RU-vid comments"
@WaterCat5 Год назад
A lot of it is pop culture stuff. There's also overlap with it and features of social anxiety or other mental disorders. Poor socialization can also seem like autism, as can elements of introversion. You gotta see a professional, really. If you legitimately think you have it, it's probably a good idea to do so.
@JasonCoverstone Год назад
It's normal for neurotypical (NT) people and people with other neurodivergence (ND) to have autistic traits. There's a ton of crossover between ADHD, Bipolar, BPD, and Autism which makes it particularly hard to self-diagnose, and even to get a professional diagnosis.
@Erratic_Pulse_0758 Год назад
If your curious you can just get tested, because people on the internet will make broad strokes, but the experts are able to determine what you actually have
@PotionSmeller Год назад
You can have mild autistic traits or even be on the spectrum and not really have it negatively affect your life in any meaningful way. As long as it's not hindering you from living the way you want, it's not really important. Plus getting a professional diagnosis can be a pain, as NL said.
@ladypriere Год назад
ONE OF US, ONE OF US Jokes aside, how else do you account for like 1000+ BoI videos (PRE Daily Challenge) and hours upon hours of SAP? Trust me as someone who has it herself, call it what it is 🤷‍♀️ (also, jeez, it costs HOW much and takes THAT long to get a test for this in Canada?? Good gravy...)
@oacmd282 11 месяцев назад
it’s his job to record himself playing videogames though, of course he’d have a lot of BoI videos when he has been in the industry for so long. I don’t think that’s enough of an indicator
@thebombgoesboom1 Год назад
I sincerely hope he gets a diagnosis because I’ve believed autism for over a decade now and I really want to be right
@nonpondo_ Год назад
As a fellow Canadian, he will never get that fucking diagnosis I guarantee it, as soon as I heard he emailed a psychologist I was like ok, how many years did they say it would be
@nostalgic9597 Год назад
Unpopular take, but, I think he might be just a guy, who like, has a good memory and likes to live with healthy habits.
@Masiyooo Год назад
My opportunity to soapbox about "toe walking": stepping on the ball of your foot is how you're supposed to walk, especially in an environment where everything is hard concrete, and is not the same as toe walking. You shouldn't elevate your heels like you were tip toeing, that's toe walking, but stepping on the ball of your foot as if you were running is how you would walk if you lived barefoot in nature and walking on rough terrain. You might heel stomp on grass other soft ground, but on rock, pebbles, and other rough terrain (like concrete) making contact on the outer edge of your foot is the healthiest way to walk. It's great for your knees, and it keeps your glutes activated. Thank you for your time
@Argoose-gz3zf Год назад
Hey this isn't true. Heel striking is the intended form of initial contact in walking gait. I wonder if perhaps you're thinking of running gait? In that instance, initial contact should be made with the forefoot. Unsure of where you've found this information but it's certainly not aligned with the research I've encountered
@RalorPenwat Год назад
If by the ball of your foot, you mean the front part that feels wrong. Like heel walking isn't good for you either, and neither is walking flat. Heel-toe rolling is extremely energy efficient and helps reinforce the musculature involved greatly. I didn't learn this until marching band in HS, but it really is probably the way our feet are supposed to work. The big thing is to ease into it as otherwise you can overstress your feet. But that's like any lifestyle change ever. As someone who habitually locked my knees like all the time that changed my life. As a fast walker, it really helped because it put much less stress on my hips. The only thing is it's not great for being barefoot in abrasive environments, as you have more rubbing, and it does still stress the hips and ankles if you try going too fast in the water. (I know this bc in PT I did for school, I ended up with calluses on my feet from rubbing the abrasive floor, and I would push myself too hard til my hips and ankles hurt, but that honestly happens no matter how you walk if you are walking too fast in the water)
@kiiyll Год назад
​@@RalorPenwatHeel striking became way more popular when shoes started adding a ton of supportive material beneath the heel.
@RalorPenwat Год назад
@kiiyll I mean like I said, It's also just good for energy efficiency, and it's not like the heel isn't already the most "padded" part of the foot. The thing to remember is that the way walking works is through resistive friction. And putting too much stress on any one part for that is just not efficient. Rolling through the form of the foot gets the most energy with the least stress. Shoes were designed to support that. We didn't suddenly reinvent walking because we got Shoes lol
@Masiyooo Год назад
@@Argoose-gz3zf heel striking IS the normal contact for walking on ground that enables for it. (it's also the way you step when carrying a heavy load) It's important to understand that the gait is different based on your environment. it just happens that we have made most of our environment rigid and hostile to our feet, and so we ought to contact with the part of our foot that cushions the most. that is why we built shoes with cushioning. However the issue with cushioning is that it completely eliminates the need to EVER walk with the middle/ball of your foot. This is why the feet of many modern people are weak and fucked up. If you have ever walked barefoot on grass riddled with pinecones, on rocky hills, on pointy gravel, you might have noticed how you change your walk so that you contact first with the ball of the foot. This is because you create an extra layer of cushion by including the joints and muscles of your feet to absorb the impact. The outer edge of your foot has flexibility to it. The structure is similar to your hand. if you poke at your pinky finger knuckle from the palm side of your hand, you'll notice that the knuckle moves up and down freely. but if you try the same with your index finger knuckle, youll notice that its quite rigid. The same applies to your feet. This flexible structure at the outer edge of your foot helps you not only to cushion your step on rigid surfaces, but also to lessen the pain of uncomfortable, pointy surfaces. When you contact with heel when walking barefoot, the force goes straight up to your shin and your knee, and up your hip. This is fine when the ground has cushioning. But if the ground is hard, or otherwise hostile, you can't healthily walk with your heel for long periods of time. It should come naturally that you shift your feet to contact on the outer front edge of your foot. Alternatively you can shorten your gait. but that slows you down. By contacting with the forward part of the foot, you "sample" the ground for a split second before placing your full weight on it, and you use the structures in your feet to shift the force through the length of your entire limb, rather than simply shock absorbing from heel up to the knee. The point isn't to tip toe. although i step with the front of my foot, I still leave a full footprint on the ground. I simply make initial contact with the flexible padding that is at the outer front edge of my foot. I've no clue what the consensus is by physiotherapists and fitness scientists. what I know I've simply come across over the span of years while casually reading on the topic. It started when I read on a 1600's martial arts manual that "your walking gait should be the same as your running gait" and I didn't understand what that meant.
@Tentakulus. Год назад
Toe walking is the natural and most healthy way to walk, it's just that the heavy cushion of "normal" shoes forces you to walk with an extreme heel strike
@More_Row Год назад
I really don't think he's autistic at all.
@IanZWhite00 Год назад
everyone hoped your mom’s pregnancy was a bit but here we are
@americantoastman7296 Год назад
"hope this was a bit" my brother in christ have you WATCHED the above video? bruh 🗿
@More_Row Год назад
@@IanZWhite00 Surprised you managed to come out at all with your mother's drinking habits. By the way , next time you need to unload your insecurities about your birth and your parents wanting you. I recommend writing it in your journal, instead of being a dick unprompted.
@CrackBaby3 Год назад
Just look at how broad the spectrum is and how many, many individuals can go their whole life without ever being formally diagnosed. Many high functioning individuals also perform what's known as "masking" unintentionally, which can add an additional layer of difficulty when it comes to recognizing the traits of autism. I personally have total crackhead ADHD and there are a lot of similarities, but ADHD is its own separate spectrum with a lot of similar and even identical symptoms. I think it's more important, though, to understand these things in order to get proper medical assistance, as both autism and ADHD can make forward progression in life difficult. It's absolutely not always the case, but being able to talk about and recognize the symptoms can help individuals find the proper resources they need to address the barriers that impact their lives.
@More_Row Год назад
@@CrackBaby3I guess so. He's seems extremely analytical, but apart from toe walking (lol) . I don't think I've ever seen someone on the spectrum mask that well. Could be wrong of course.
@MrShock8 Год назад
I have controversial opinions on this issue
@NathanRobbins-el8wk Год назад
Bro he's like the most normal guy in all of twitch, including the chatters. He's not autistic, it's over diagnosed
@ctaylor8003 Год назад
IDK im kinda glad my tax dollars aren\t being spent to make millionaires feel like theyre special
@Blaurot Год назад
what are you on about??
@brandonjohnson1358 Год назад
I believe he mentioned in the video that he would be paying for it. Not to mention the fact that an autism diagnosis doesn’t really make people feel superior-in fact society often makes them feel the opposite (including you, for dismissing the matter completely out of hand!)
@pente12 Год назад
Your tax dollars are covering the taxes that millionaires and billionaires don’t pay
@Jrdvn3 Год назад
Toe walkers coping in the comments
@jackriley6936 Год назад
My man is not autistic. He’s just been gaslit by the strong percentage of his fans who are insane enough to watch 4000+ hours of binding of isaac
@funx24X7 Год назад
I can see how his mannerisms in those BoI videos could give people the impression but I agree with the initial assessment he got, it’s just a personality thing
@PixyEm 11 месяцев назад
My dude has played over 4000 hours of Isaac, pretty sure that's on the first page of the questionnaire
@jackriley6936 11 месяцев назад
@@PixyEm im no diagnostics expert, but i dont know that we can start inditing people with diagnoses for doing a job for a long time
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