Мой слесарь за такое его бы как воробья в поле загонял , а я помог бы . Разрезать трубу , а потом сверить электродами..... Феерично...... Хоть бы полуавтомат взял.....
Если хорошо сварить , то слабым место не будет . В середке образуется дополнительное усиление . Боковины вставки имеют вылет тем самым усиливают место разреза .
I agree with Lazarus , not so much that it is a weak point but now the rectangular tube is open allowing water and dirt to enter , causing oxidation. The larger problem is future changing of the wheel , they don't last forever and removal of the wheel will require a lot of cutting / rework to the rectangular tube. Build with future service in mind , this is not that.
I suppose it would be useful for a low profile indoor solution. I would definitely recommend reinforcement plates along those wheel connection locations. Maybe a welded plate on one side and a bolted plate on the other could be used to allow future replacement of the wheel.
Я не сварщик. И не строитель металлических заборов. Но делать в профильной трубе дыру - очень плохая идея. Во первых туда будет проникать влага и она быстро проржавеет. Во вторых - потеря прочности конструкции.
Эмммм... не все сварщики умеют устанавливать железные заборные колеса Это правильное название! Автор на своём примере показал соответствие названия к видео! Или ты что-то другое увидел? :) И вообще, как ты мог делать замечания! Ты же не строитель, и тем более не сварщик, чтобы понять гениальность этого способа.
Добавлю, ржа из профиля будет постоянно попадать на подшипник, а она в профиле обязательно появится, ролики быстрее выйдут и строя. Да и замена будет не легкой, особенно если ролики этой модели внезапно пропадут в продаже.
Remember that inside hollow metal mostly bare metal with no primer. Exposing to element will cause the hollow metal to rust faster. Best is the wrong method because we need to seal the bare metal surface from the harsh element outside!!
This can be taken a step further by boxing in the joint before welding in the wheel. But that's over kill. Gravity will keep the water from getting in. And what does get in will be minimal unless there is drainage issues at the location. Which is a totally different issue.
You are right. This method is just more beautiful. Instead of cutting that pipe to fit the wheel, just bolt another pipe underneath with slant cut near the wheels. Then future won't be difficult.
Bang itu hanya inovasi dari kamu aja bang. Klau menurut saya medel seperti itu kekurangan nya banyak 1. Air muda masuk kedalam besi nya,berakibat korosi atau cepat karatan 2.apa bila roda nya rusak sulit untuk di ganti. 3.mempersulit diri sendiri dan org lain yg akan merenofasi roda nya,apa bila rusak. 4.tidak efektif pada kekuatan besi nya.karna kekuatan besi nya sdh di bolong pada bagian bawah. Klau pagar atau pintu nya berat besar kemungkinan pintu nya akan cepat bongkok. Tpi klau mau berinovasi atau membuat sesuatu yg terliat bagus atau cantik ya mungkin saja.
Why should we fabricae it like tha, Putting more efforts, time, machining and electricity??? Removed material from profile pipe that will reduce its strength and opening that had left even after putting wheel; will remain the doors open in pipe for water and air; a perfect combination for rust. What advantages do you had in your mind behind this idea?
Ficou bonito o acabamento, porém, quem entende de metais sabe que é uma péssima ideia, cortar o metalon, com certeza perdeu 80 % da vida útil do mesmo devido a oxidação e ferrugem 😢😢
Eu ia escrever isso, mas vc chegou primeiro.. rs O condomínio onde moro tem um portão onde fizeram corte pra "esconder a roldana", está bem enferrujado e vai durar bem menos, do q se tivesse deixado o metalon fechado.
There's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be welded to the bottom.If you weld it properly, it'll last.I had mine done over 5 years ago with no issues.
Great Idea. The gate would sit closer to the track which would look better. Also the axles are removable so not worries about wheel replacement. And for those idiots talking about the weakness of the tubing or rust remember the welding in of the wheel housing would reinforce the tubing. As for rust issue. Ungalvanised tubing or stainless steel is usually used in the manufacturing process so the finished product is then galvanised and then axles and wheels fitted.
Apik wujud e.. tapi 100% fatal.. Scr profesional bagus di hasil.. Tp secara konstruksi salah... kekuatan holow jadi berkurang, pengerjaan jadi ribet, n buang" masa
Si pero de esta manera debilitas la estructura del perfil y toda la tensión y compresión se le trasmite a la rueda y su marco acordando su vida. La solución es poner un perfil rectangular y secciones sólo una cara para que así sirva de cajón y ocultar soldaduras y tornillos
Antes o metalon ficaria fechado com a parte interna isolada. Agora ficou esteticamente melhor entretanto fica aberto bem no rodízio e tira a resistência do metalon nessa área.
Ótima ideia, assim o tubo fica mais fraco estruturalmente falando, e vai dar muito mais trabalho de troca da peça no futuro e deixa uma entrada muito boa para umidade que causa ferrugem, assim garante que o cliente sempre volte para novos serviços. Experto o cara. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Lo más interesante es que no sirve en todas las diferentes tuberías o perfiles ya qué los rodines o ruedas de cerca no sobrepasan los 2.5 a 3.4 cm osea solo sirve para perfiles de 1 pulgada nada más y sin contar que debes de reforzar el centro del perfil ya qué lo debilitas encajando lo así... Buena idea pero le faltó detalle
Y también hay otra cosa como el tubo no está pintado por dentro facilita el ingreso del agua por ahí disminuyendo la vida del mismo por acumulación de óxido y también basura
No siempre es asi todo depende del espacio que el cliene quiera entre el riel y la rueda,y recuerden una cosa lo importante es que el cliente quede contento con el trabajo.
Welding on a galvanised surface is a criminal offence for any welder, while is deemed a good practice for all electrodes consumers. Wheels to be bolted, not welded.
Two different cuts one is all scratched up another one is clean. As other stated he just now have a giant gaping hole to create a weak point and water could come in then rust entire thing
The title of this video is so ironic... the welder in this video shows us an inferior way to install iron fence wheels. Following his advice, my lower tubes are now all rotted out.
കട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നതോടൊപ്പം തന്നെ ഉള്ളിൽ മുകൾഭാഗത്തായി കനമുള്ള ഫ്ലാറ്റ് ബാറ് കൊടുക്കുന്നത് നല്ലതാണ് അതോടൊപ്പം തന്നെ വീൽ കറങ്ങുന്നതിനു തൊട്ടു സൈഡിലുള്ള ഭാഗം അടയ്ക്കുകയും വേണം ഇല്ലെങ്കിൽ അത് വഴി ഗ്രീസും മണ്ണും കയറുകയും പൈപ്പ് തുരുമ്പ് പിടിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള സാഹചര്യം വേഗം ആക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു
I have seen some chitty weld's, wher there should be a weld that goes all the way around they just do rapid tack weld's that are not at the proper settings so the weld.just act's like glue & it breaks.
Gracias por compartir tú conocimiento. Exelente lo are así. Ahora quiero saber como instalar una via o guía para el portón la de arriba video si es preciso Gracias