Pypec, viskas viename: folkloras, humoras, visos aktualijos šmaikščiai įpakuota. Proga rimtai susimąsčius pakrizenti. Rezultatas pasiektas ) Sėkmės projektuose D
"Prie bemsū" dainos labai tiktų lietuvių laidies ralio ralio piemenėlis ralio dainos. Pimenėlių raliavimas kaip profesia šiais laikai tapo kentų su bemsiukais (bumeriais) raliavimas gatvėse ir "saulių" paišymas supermarketų stovėjimo aikštelėse. Bet šiaip maladec dainos.
Masahiro Mihara - "Ko tu kerti medelį" (Ross Couch Remix) arba Freil - "Ko tu kerti medelį" ('Freil Me Down' Mix). Ir atmospheric dnb geras mixas būtų. Pagaugai nueina pagalvojus, kas atsitiktų, jeigu "medelį" pasigautų LTJ Bukem, Makoto, Kyoto Jazz Massive ir kartu užsidarytų studijoje :)
Keliavom po Tailandą. Ir pradėjo vietiniai klausinėt iš kur, kas ta Lietuva, apie žmones, maistą, muziką. Paprašė duot paklausyt tradicinės muzikos. Spėkit ką paleidau? Buvo sužavėti! Ačiū Maestro!
Gerbiamas Bankūchenai, ar planuojate patalpinti įrašus į Spotify? Laukiu, kol pardavime vėl atsiras vinilų, tuo tarpu vairuojant labai nepatogu 50 kartų per dieną atsukinėt jutūbę, bijau, kad netyčia galiu iškirsti kokį medelį 👀 Ačiū
Daugiau nei super. Komentarą į gerąją pusę turiu pasitart su super folkloristais ! reik Naujosios liaudies... Tekstai daugiau nei super. AČIÙ AČIŪ BANKUCHENUI SURINKUSIAM IŠ 2021 m. lietuvių liaudies rankaščių tiek kaime, tiek mieste... tautosaka tvirtai valdo !
Pavėluotas susipažinimas, bet jau taaaip gerai susiklaustė. Gal galima gauti žodžius atspaudai? Mokinsiu vaikus, galės pasirodyt dainų dainelėj, kad ten taip liūdna nebūtų :D
Mielas Šventini Bankuchane, gal galėtum pasveikinti mano draugą Beną su gimtadieniu? Ir pasiųst Adą nahui, nes trugdo medituoti azijietiškam spa. AČIŪ :)
No. Even if there was, It'd lose atleast some meaning tbh, also a non-lithuanian listener would miss alot of the context needed to understand the joke. It's like one big lithuanian inside joke in song form xD I can atleast try to explain what they are about 1. Is about traditions of parying and drinking among lithuanian young people, how they have very little inhibition and drink till they puke and pass out. 2. Is about corruption related to EU structural funds, and corruption in local government branches. Like a guy that absorbed EU funds illegaly and built a homestead and did while not having the needed permits, but no problem he's gonna bribe some official he knows to retroactively give him one 3. Is about a few young people that were driving a BMW illegaly, without having a drivers license, and how they made an error and smashed a bus stop and the aftermath. In reference to multiple such events happening close to each other in time and being a huge joke accross lithuanian social media. If you google "bmw stotelė" and click images, prepare for the lulz 4. Is about a naive "buisnessman" who spent all his savings to buy a crypto farm and then crypto went down and he lost all his money. As is typical with all such "buisnessman" that want easy money, riding on the latest "gold rush" trend. Most likely a reference to very well known lithuanian crypto scammers (Aršauskas ?) 5. Five is just making light fun of hipsters, "enterprenerus" and trendy job titles, like "marketing ninja" or "launching startups". 6. A song about some guy bragging how much money he earned and flexing his "bling". 7. Is about cutting down trees, "why are you cutting down my tree?". Most likely in reference to our mayor at the time making a huge PR vendetta agains some construction companies cutting down some old trees in the city centre to make room for new apartment blocks. It was pretty absurd and caused alot of memes in social media. All of this is sung in the traditional lithuanian folklore style from 1500s - 1800s (I think, don't quote me on this one, not an historian). Also using alot of slang, barbarisms, "borrowed words" (i don't know the right term) and anglicims. Last one is perticularly interesting in how it blends traditional folk sound, beatbox and autotuned mumblerap What I wanted to say "Šventinis Bankuchenas" is a genius, and there layers upon layers of irony in these songs. It's a beutiful onion of irony.