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27 окт 2024




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@georgettembwaya2136 Год назад
I connect myself and my family to this teaching and its impact in jesus name.
@evansapraku7268 Год назад
Is there any link to a video version please . I will really love to see this.
@525seminar Год назад
@twossk7 Год назад
Prayer times 12-1, 3-4, 6-7, 9-10 for territories. @28:30 Are they AM or PM? Can anyone help? Thank you. Praise God for warrior AAO!
@use828 Год назад
King David said, I pray to you O God morning noon and night. Daniel also prays same. If you can do night vigils my Brother. Why not? Because midnight is actually the morning most busy time of the demons and the children of darkness. They only execute in the morning day time what they have planned engaged in the midnight, therefore if we pray at midnight, say 12AM to 1AM or to 3PA or 3zAM to 4AM MIDNIGHT, You are actually taking the battle to them, and you will be a terror, them no go like you at all. This is when you are called a Living sacrifice sacrifice. Because you enter the zone of the Spirits, for the Flesh is at its weakest at this time and sleep 💤 is calling, yet you were able to ignore the prompting of your flesh and feed your Spirit by praying 🔥 fire at this moment. At the end of the day, the choice is yours. If you study your Bible well, you will notice when the Angels visits, like Cornelius the first Gentiles in Acts of Apostles. You hear things like 3 hr 6th hour 9th hour AM to PM day time. My style is during the day and in public places ,I do tongues under my breath. When at home ,I have a prayer closet or corner where I pray hourly 3 hours etc . Then the midnight prayers easy for me every Friday nigh and Saturday. I sometimes start 9 PM into midnight or AM Saturday 3 AM or midnight 6 hours. I struggle to do Saturday midnight and when I do I struggle to start 9PM on Saturday like I did on Friday. I push to 12PM on Saturday night and try to stop 3AM midnight 3 hours. The secret actually is in being consistent. Once we are consistent both those in the kingdom of Darkness Nd Light will notice you and your prayer time and you have visitations from Angels, even if your eyes not yet open to see them but you will pray to where you begin to feel the presence of being/s around you ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU PRAY IN TONGUES FOR PERSONAL EDIFICATION.
@twossk7 Год назад
@@use828 thanks for the post. How do you manage to keep your mind focused when praying in tongues for long periods? I struggle to focus and find my mind drifting!
@use828 Год назад
@@twossk7 First of, its the Spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing .Also by the RENEWING of our minds. The word says be ye transformed. Meaning that we have to consciously play our own role discipline the flesh to stay focused. Subject ourselves to mortification and pruning. Trust me, you better learn how to stay focused or the Spirit our Helper will expose you to challenges that will make you stay focused. When you have your house rent around the corner or your landlord given you quit notice, or your children at home due to unpaid school fees, no be person go tell you to stay focused. Now this loving Father will show up for us and we jump throw such trials and this is how faith is grown or matured for some of us. For me, I have experienced those and don't want to EVER, pass through those waters or fire of trials again. So I stay ahead by engaging the power TWINS of banked-up prayers and fasting as a lifestyle, not when we meet with trials and temptations. That way if when they ever come you begin to experience Isaiah 40:31, you soar high above those challenges as Eagles, but on the wings of the Holy Ghost. Two, on not staying focused when you pray in Tongues for Personal Edification, apart from above explanations, you may need consecration. Fact remains that Holy Spirit by passes your mind, only uses your mouth and Tongue. When your mind drifts call it back, rebuke the devil. Why ? because this will affect your prayer length and quality because the great Monarch knows your mind is on one fine girl you saw yesterday whilst in his presence. Its just like those in my generation those days, your Parent will be talking to you and one eye will be on the TV. Even if you are reading your books, you have to drop it and attend to your Parent 💯 or one dirty slap 😜 will bring you back to reality. But nowadays children will be whasapping whilst we their parents talk to them😓😢. So its disrespectful and a disregard when you are praying whatever prayer and your mind is elsewhere. U need to discipline yourself, by first staying away from those sites like rubish whasap message, friends and companies you don't need. Truth is that, if you stay in Tongues, Holy Spirit will sifter your friends and time wasters for you, if you let Him. Romans 12:2 [2]Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. Romans 8:11-13 [11]And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you. [12]So then, brethren, we are debtors, but not to the flesh [we are not obligated to our carnal nature], to live [a life ruled by the standards set up by the dictates] of the flesh. [13]For if you live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, you will surely die. But if through the power of the [Holy] Spirit you are [habitually] putting to death (making extinct, deadening) the [evil] deeds prompted by the body, you shall [really and genuinely] live forever. ***So, my dear, you have to consciously daily subject yourself to mortification. Its a life of discipline and sacrifice. Jesus was both flesh and Spirit on earth and Bible says He is our High Priest who walked the talk hence we no get stories, especially where in His love He sent us the Holy Ghost, also known as the Spirit of Christ. When we truly meditate on this we understand how priceless we are to Jesus , to the GodHead. Imagine sending your spouse or child you love so much to go stay with someone else to help that one or strengthen that one, depriving you of your one company with that Loved one. Also to the degree that we are willing to subject ourselves to mortification to pruning to that same degree is the Holy Spirit willing to express Himself through us. This is what is mearnt by willing vessels worthy of the masters use. ***Finally some Believers cry and pray for increased faith, if we refuse to increase our faith by exercising spiritual exercises of staying in the word praying and fasting, the only other way is by challenges or temptations. There is not magic or short cut. This is reason why we have magicians and motivational speakers etc on our church pulpits today, because they refuse to the what has to be done but want the power. The truth is some levels of power can also be sourced from the kingdom of darkness masqueraded as children of Light.
@twossk7 Год назад
@@use828 thank you for your reply
@use828 Год назад
@@twossk7 UWC Sir!!