
Oficjalny hymn (Angielski) ŚDM 2016 / Official English theme song WYD 2016 

Światowe Dni Młodzieży Kraków 2016 / World Youth Day #krakow2016
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Premiere of the English version of WYD’s theme song ‘Blest are the merciful’. The English version of WYD’s theme song has been published. It was prepared in collaboration with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, and the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.



17 сен 2024




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@gohak7091 8 лет назад
''Nieważne co czytasz, Koran, Torę, Biblię, bądź dobrym człowiekiem a zło samo zniknie''
@asiulaas2980 8 лет назад
i dawaj miłość wszystkim i wszystkikemu...
@panamarcina 8 лет назад
Bardzo mi miło, że są młodzi ludzie którzy są tak dojrzali i tak myślą. Naprawdę w tym obecnym w Polsce oceanie nienawiści, nacjonalizmów itp. to miód na moje serce. Dzięki.
@denishauhnar2793 8 лет назад
Proud to be catholic👏
@larissaandersen7175 8 лет назад
Me too (:
@c.g.jonesze9089 8 лет назад
same hear 😃 but its not this bad Pride it is this beauty pride greettings from Germany :)
@larissaandersen7175 8 лет назад
brazil here 🙌
@wks695 7 лет назад
same here yaaaaay Germany :)
@zbieraczzomu1444 7 лет назад
and I am also proud of it :) Greetings from Poland
@mishagrisha9389 9 лет назад
Extra wersja :) Chwała i cześć Panu Naszemu i Zbawicielowi - Jezusowi Chrystusowi, gdyż TYLKO ON jest Drogą, Prawdą i Życiem !
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Misha Grishia to prawda! :-)
@grzechol24 9 лет назад
Sister`s and brother`s welcome in Cracow in Poland in July 2016
@nijoe208 8 лет назад
+Grzegorz Tarczyński see you in Paland, and welcome to China
@xonym3284 8 лет назад
"sisters" "brothers" ;) Nawzajem!
@cerenyan7559 8 лет назад
Polish version of the prettiest
@magdalenabednarska9295 7 лет назад
Qubue Immense this is good 👍
@pawegrzegorzko225 7 лет назад
i prefer ukrainian version ;)
@shiro5603 6 лет назад
Paweł Grzegórzko no
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Agreed:). Love it at all:) ❤️❤️🙏🌞
@szymonsuszek8380 2 года назад
To prawda
@nabeelyounis7949 8 лет назад
Coming all the way from Pakistan to the country of saints and the pride of Christianity"The Poland"
@ukaszdembinski9192 8 лет назад
When I heard Polish version of official theme song WYD I thought how English peopel would sing this song? I didn't imagine how to destroy language barrier. This version is proving that ther is not any barriers between praising lord for people from different countries and for God! Sorry for any mistakes but I don't use English in my evryday life :)! God bless you!
@ukaszdembinski9192 8 лет назад
+Łukasz Dembiński BTW. Greetings from Poland :D!!!
@michanikoajuk6016 8 лет назад
+Łukasz Dembiński To ja poprawię: :) 1. heard Polish version of official -> heard the Polish version of the official, 2. theme song WYD -> theme song of WYD / WYD's theme song, 3. I thought how English peopel -> I was wondering, how Englishmen and Englishwomen, 4. didn't -> couldn't, 5. destroy -> destroy the, 6. is proving -> proves, 7. ther -> there, 8. is not (isn't) -> are not (aren't), 9. lord -> the Lord, 10. different -> many different, 11. and for God -- wyrzuć to, 12. evryday -> everyday, 13. God bless you! -> God bless! Jak poprawisz (albo nie będzie Ci się chciało), to mnie oznacz, wtedy usunę mój komentarz. Z Bogiem. :)
@nijoe208 8 лет назад
+Łukasz Dembiński nice
@krisret550 8 лет назад
+Michał Nikołajuk, jak już się bawisz w poprawianie, to przynajmniej zrób to porządnie ;). Po pierwsze primo, zatem, past simple i present perfect mogą być w wielu sytuacjach stosowane zamiennie, a ta właśnie do tej grupy się zalicza, IMHO. Po drugie primo, "English" to ludzie, Anglicy/Brytyjczycy, a "English people" to typowa tautologia. Po trzecie primo, "destroy" nie jest najlepszym słowem w tym kontekście. Lepiej użyć "liquidate" albo ewentualnie "bury". Więc nie ma znaczenia, czy po "destroy" użyto rodzajnika określonego, czy nie. Po czwarte primo, cała reszta to są najczęściej mało znaczące w procesie komunikacji (a ta jest najważniejsza) literówki. No, może z wyjątkiem "lord". Ktoś mógłby to wziąć za prowokację. A po piąte primo ultimo, nie bierzesz jedynego, w moim odczuciu, poważnego błędu popełnionego przez Pana Łukasza: "there is not any barriers" - to wyrażenie, poza oczywistą niegramatycznością, zawiera tzw. podwójne zaprzeczenie, które w języku angielskim nie występuje. Powinno być albo " there are no barriers", albo "there aren't any barriers" (osobiście użyłbym tego pierwszego). Ale ja tu się rozwodzę nad sprawami językoznawstwa, a tak naprawdę ważna jest pieśń, nie tak dobrze zaaranżowana, jak polska, ale też całkiem-całkiem. Pewnie się nie znam na brytyjskich gustach, choć mieszkam tu już prawie 8 lat ;) Szczęść Boże :)
@michanikoajuk6016 8 лет назад
Krzysztof Retecki To akurat robiłem na szybko. Po prostu popatrzyłem na ten komentarz i poprawiłem to, co zauważyłem (co prawda na telefonie). Całkowicie zapomniałem o tym komentarzu, ale dzięki za przypomnienie i o poprawienie mnie :) Szczęść Boże
@frmattmichalek 9 лет назад
Dałbym to Chylińskiej do zaśpiewania. Przy tym tempie i gitarach, ryknęła by tym swoim głosiskiem, oj ryknęła by :) Spróbujcie gdzieś na żywo tak to zaśpiewać. Przebijecie samych siebie. Pozdrawiam! xmm
@Gargoinkun 9 лет назад
I prefer the original polish version which is more "magical". But this version is also nice to listen to. :)
@kleinep21 9 лет назад
Agree :-)
@mariannedubois36 8 лет назад
I agree the Polish version is far more beautiful. It would have been nice to have the English version follow a similar arrangement, but nonetheless, it is still good.
@TheRadioAteMyTV 3 года назад
@@mariannedubois36 And all those who have heard both versions say.... AMEN!
@pixelanium9553 6 лет назад
I was on World Youth Days 2016 and I'm back here for nostalgy. Poland is a heart of European Christianity. Greetings from United States. My Korean friend who was on WYD with me brought me here. He is now in Daegu and I am now in New York but our hearts will be always in Krakow! See you in Panama!
@TheRadioAteMyTV 3 года назад
If Poland is the heart of Christianity, can you please have them send a transfusion to America. That country is looking awfully anemic lately.
@ZoeliA 8 лет назад
LYRICS 1. I lift my eyes to the mountains; From where shall help come to me? My help will come from the Lord, my God, For He is merciful! 2. When we are lost, He searches for us, To hold us in his arms, His Holy Blood will heal our wounds, To breath new life into us! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) 3. Unless the Lord forgives when we fall, We wouldn't be able to stand. But he forgives, He pardons us all. Let us do the same! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) 4. God paid our debts with the blood of His Son, Who rose alive from the tomb. The Spirit within cries out to the world: Jesus is the Lord! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) [BRIDE] So cast aside your fear and have faith, Give your cares to the Lord And trust in Him, for he has risen: The Lord, your God, is alive! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2)
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Not blest, but blessed:)
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Proud to work with people, who are Merciful. Many Thanks to the Father, who were that Time the General Inspector in Cracow. 🙏. God bless You all.
@ferdnand602 6 лет назад
It's is wonderfull.... 😍
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
😍😍😍🙏God is Wonderful:-)
@jubiepaner6727 8 лет назад
Couldn't wait to be in Cracow, Poland this July 2016...To God be the glory.
@Mateusz-yv4gt 8 лет назад
Beloved, we see in Krakow! God is great!
@micha5917 5 лет назад
It's just as great as polish version😄 Glory for God on heights!!! 😀 Jezus, I trust you❤️❤️❤️
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Yes. I fully trusted him :) and his Holy Spirit as well. :) Nice to read:) God bless You and all the Brother in Christ, despite the translator changed, The Sdm official version is still alife! Glory to the Lord and Holy Mery of Wspomożenie Wiernych.
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Mary, sorry. It could be not a T9 dictionary, anywhere.
@agulak94 9 лет назад
great version ! love
@lazzkicker2872 8 лет назад
Both English & Poland version are nice..
@horselove7215 8 лет назад
piękna w każdym języku.💙❤💙 żałuję że mnie z wami nie ma 😟
@inesborges8941 8 лет назад
I came here not just to listen to this amazing version,but also to anounce that on the first weekend of May,Portuguese version will be out and I'm part of it. :) WE ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN
@daniel2103ify 8 лет назад
12 points from Poland ! : )
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Thank You:-)) =)
@ChalupaCINEMA 9 лет назад
Well... for me this is the best verison... simple, no unnecessary instuments, just two guitars, bass, drums, piano and vocals...
@Dug909 9 лет назад
Blessed are the mericful. Amen
@evelynmunoz05 8 лет назад
"Blessed are the Merciful" 1. I lift my eyes to the mountains; From where shall help come to me? My help will come from the Lord, my God, For He is merciful! 2. When we are lost, He searches for us, To hold us in his arms, His Holy Blood will heal our wounds, To breath new life into us! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) 3. Unless the Lord forgives when we fall, We wouldn't be able to stand. But he forgives, He pardons us all. Let us do the same! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) 4. God paid our debts with the blood of His Son, Who rose alive from the tomb. The Spirit within cries out to the world: Jesus is the Lord! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) [BRIDE] So cast aside your fear and have faith, Give your cares to the Lord And trust in Him, for he has risen: The Lord, your God, is alive! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy Blessings! From Louisville Ky, U.S.A
@MaureenTeresa1 8 лет назад
I love it! Thank you.
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
It is God's Gift. :)
@IrekJ59 8 лет назад
Razem z młodzieżą z całego świata poprośmy o koncert Davida Gilmoura & Pink Floyd w Polsce w Lipcu 2016 roku z okazji Światowych Dni Młodzieży. Wspólne wykonanie hymnu ŚDM na stadionie Narodowym w Warszawie, pokazany przez media całego Świata potwierdziłyby ewangeliczne słowa Jezusa Chrystusa: "Bo gdzie są dwaj albo trzej zebrani w imię moje, tam jestem pośród nich" (Mt 18,20).
@alamajkids7314 8 лет назад
podobają mi się 2 wersje ukraińska i angielska pozdrawiam iZapraszam do Polski Welcome to Poland
@ivis.8308 8 лет назад
+Alamaj Kids Nie są tylko przetłumaczone. Ktoś się napracował też nad oryginalną aranżacją.
@valentinacosentino5051 8 лет назад
przepiekne panie amen
@anthonyelliott4709 8 лет назад
Lovely song
@arek1358 8 лет назад
This song i very very beautiful
@GustavodeAndrade 8 лет назад
This version is amazing!
@MGstaR17 8 лет назад
so beautiful
@itzclo 9 лет назад
World Youth Day 2016 - Krakow, Poland Theme Song “Blest Are the Merciful” (English Lyrics) [Vs.1] I lift my eyes to the mountains From where shall help come to me? My hope comes from the Lord my God For he is merciful. When we are lost, he searches for us To hold us in his arms. His holy blood will heal our wounds To breathe new life into us. [Chorus] Blest are the merciful, blest are the merciful. For it is mercy, that shall be shown to those who show mercy. [2x] [Vs. 2] Unless the Lord forgives when we fall We wouldn’t be able to stand But he forgives, he pardons us Let us do the same. God paid our debts with the blood of his son Who rose to life from the tomb. Our spirit within cries out to the world: Jesus is the Lord! [Chorus] [Bridge] So cast aside your fear and have faith Give your cares to the Lord. Trust in Him for He has risen The Lord your God is Alive! [Chorus]
@omohada2063 9 лет назад
+itzclo thanks for this lyrics. iam the indonesian ambassador youth day to cracow. see you there
@sozis44 8 лет назад
thank you!
@itzclo 8 лет назад
you're welcome everyone! Can't wait to see those of you who will be there this summer. Less than 100 days! whoop whoop :)
@lifeberry8456 8 лет назад
So beautiful...
@Krzycho1VEVO 9 лет назад
miłość dobroć niż poza światem
@dexiPL 8 лет назад
This version is really good. I love it.
@dejw6160 8 лет назад
12 points from Poland ! )
@meneedagee7799 8 лет назад
lituanian version sounds so amazing though
@TheRadioAteMyTV 3 года назад
The Polish version is so much better, this version is barely recognisable as the tune. The Polish version is full on music with swells, choir, outstanding vocals, orchestra, etc. and this version sounds like cheesy American Christian rock, which there is no shortage of. I am grateful to have heard the Polish version and know it is the one to listen to for fulfillment. For those who like this version better.... ok. Glad you do.
@oanhxuan5900 8 лет назад
"Blest are the Merciful" (Lyrics) I lift my eyes to the mountains; From where shall help come to me? My help will come from the Lord, my God, For He is merciful! When we are lost, He searches for us, To hold us in his arms, His Holy Blood will heal our wounds, To breath new life into us! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) Unless the Lord forgives when we fall, We wouldn't be able to stand. But he forgives, He pardons us all. Let us do the same! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) God paid our debts with the blood of His Son, Who rose alive from the tomb. The Spirit within cries out to the world: Jesus is the Lord! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) So cast aside your fear and have faith, Give your cares to the Lord And trust in Him, for he has risen: The Lord, your God, is alive! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2)
@markdimpaulpiguerra1413 8 лет назад
i really love this song... :)...I pray that i will able to experience WYD... :)
@maryhope3199 8 лет назад
Excelente letra y música, que belleza compuesto por jóvenes que saben cual es su misión en este mundo. Vamos muchachos y muchachas llevemos el mensaje más maravilloso del mundo que el amor de Dios es posible para todo el que el abre su corazón, con el vamos Super en 3D y Hoy en Polonia y también desde cualquier lugar del mundo...Salud, bendiciones y que viva la juventud y todos los que quieren darle vida al mundo. Salud, bendiciones, alegría, paz y a celebrar vamos ya....Cuenten con mis plegarias y cariño.
@gloriaperez8627 8 лет назад
I can't wait!😄😄😄
@richmond403 8 лет назад
Beautiful song
@arvindkhalkho2648 7 лет назад
i was there for WYD ,,, great song ,,,
@naukanaukowo9671 8 лет назад
The best version
@naukanaukowo9671 8 лет назад
***** Znam polską wersję i bardzo lubię ale ta mi jakoś najbardziej podeszła :) Może tą polską za dużo razy słyszałam xD
@TheRadioAteMyTV 3 года назад
Nope, Polish #1.
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Miło :)
@pasietek2425 8 лет назад
Can't wait to see you in Poland:)
@Ola-ot8ph 8 лет назад
Polska czeka!
@kingadobrowolska2631 8 лет назад
ta pieśń jest na wszystko
@A_PALAVRA_COM_JONAS 8 лет назад
Ficou ótima essa versão, gostei muito.A Jornada Mundial da Juventude, com certeza deixa as marcas do Jesus Misericordioso em todos nós!
@annazraek917 8 лет назад
@IrekJ59 8 лет назад
Together with youth from around the world please show David Gilmour & Pink Floyd in Poland in July 2016 years on the occasion of World Youth Day. Common WYD anthem performance at the National Stadium in Warsaw, as shown by the media all over the world confirm the words of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20).
@danielliew 8 лет назад
Beautiful! Looking forward to WYD next year!
@aartisaundalkar5713 8 лет назад
+Daniel Liew and now we can finally say ... Looking forward to WYD Krakow THIS year :D !!
@danielliew 8 лет назад
Looking forward to WYD Krakow this month! :D
@aartisaundalkar5713 8 лет назад
Daniel Liew hope i remember to comment next week now eh :D ... eeeeeeeek ^_^
@aartisaundalkar5713 8 лет назад
and I did remember.. ahem ahem... 6 days to go for Poalnd!!! ^_^ Thank You Godd!! It's finally here...!!!
@Krakow2016 8 лет назад
we're so excited here in Krakow! Looking forward to see you there! God bless!
@antoniocavalcante8851 8 лет назад
Esta foi a mais linda versão.
é a versão mais animada mais eu ainda prefiro a versão em polones Bloglawieni milosieni
@maria1spb 8 лет назад
Better than the original one!
@louisametni5995 8 лет назад
@user-gi4zb8vx9i 8 лет назад
@thunguyen-xn4dr 8 лет назад
so great.... Waiting for Vietnam Ver :)
@muoivaanhsang 8 лет назад
Vietnamese version available!!
@dominioanaceci1 9 лет назад
@johns397 8 лет назад
My preferred version is this one: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dul-nRpivYA.html but each version has something special to offer. I do like watching/listening to the original Polish version (even though I know no Polish); I use this page to 'try to match up the Polish words with English: www.krakow2016.com/en/hymn-sdm-en and then this page that helps English speakers with Polish pronunciation: mowicpopolsku.com/polish-alphabet-pronunciation/ The beauty is that the message of God's mercy is the same no matter what language because the music (the 'melody') brings it to all of us in a 'common language'.
@joseffbugman3427 9 лет назад
Nie żebym się czepiał, ale "blessed" bardziej by pasowało chyba do tego znaczenia
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
It is Blessed not blest. :)
@pejoalvarDos 8 лет назад
Well, It's good. Perhaps the lyrics English version of the WYD hymn is quite nice but the original musical arrangements of Polish author was changed drastically. I don't know why English versions never respect the original musical arrangements of the foreign songs. I really prefer Spanish, Italian and Portuguese versions because they sound great, very similar to the original Polish version. Well, that's my humble opinion.
@randomnyes 8 лет назад
Couldn't agree more. It's good but it seems like the English version tries too hard to sound different... Even other languages are still trying to 'match' the music arrangements to the original score... But this English version is also the 'official' release as well so IDK why they approved this pop-song-wannabe that doesn't sound like any hymn I ever heard...
@Gerry319videos 8 лет назад
I don't understand why this English version has to be so different from the original. Basically it has been "dumbed down", with simplified harmonies and rhythms, and the dramatic rise in pitch for the final refrain omitted. What were they thinking?
@alawierzba7223 8 лет назад
mi najbardziej się podoba angielska wersja
@charlenesmusicchannel 8 лет назад
looking for chords and music sheet... We need next weekend in our WYD celebration
@czarnyziemniak358 8 лет назад
Good, good :)
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Thank You, Thank You ❤️❤️❤️
@JosephLouis 9 лет назад
Światowe Dni Młodzieży Kraków 2016 the solo singers part (esp the second male voice) and music is not sounding that great, the original track in Polish is sounding much more better than the English version, not happy with this version! Pls fine tune the Lyrics/Music and the singers voice, try with some better voice for English version. Pls!
@banjanor 9 лет назад
Joseph Louis totally agree!
@JuanDelgado-hc4tn 9 лет назад
Joseph Louis I am sure each versions aims to be successful with in the culture it was intended to.... I believe this english version does sound like the Christian contemporary Music you hear from youth in America , England , Australia and other English speaking countries. I did hear the polish versions ( and the spanish which I believe uses the same music) and I believe they are beautiful , but I have to say they do not sound youth oriented in my opinion... it is the World Youth Day!
@agulak94 9 лет назад
it is the point where cultures from all over the world overlap. I truly love English version because I am in this kind of music, but I also love Polish version that totally suits into our (Polish) reality. The point is that we have to respect each other, respect our otherness and spread our love :) Maybe I think this way 'cuz I study English language and, as a result, English-speaking countries culture, IDK anyway :D, but I KNOW we have to appreciate an effort each culture gave into creating their own version. so...see you in Cracow ! :)
@JosephLouis 9 лет назад
@samkrolowie 8 лет назад
Czesc! Prosze there are some instrumental version of this electronical and english version?
@bryanfulgencio2359 8 лет назад
Can I have the music score or official chords for this song? We need it for our choir here in The Philippines. God Bless
@hej6749 7 лет назад
@luisross4752 8 лет назад
@halinazewsi 8 лет назад
Hey guys, i can't find the lyrics anywhere, please help me!:)
@Krakow2016 8 лет назад
Here it is: www.krakow2016.com/en/hymn-sdm-en Enjoy!
@ZoeliA 8 лет назад
1. I lift my eyes to the mountains; From where shall help come to me? My help will come from the Lord, my God, For He is merciful! 2. When we are lost, He searches for us, To hold us in his arms, His Holy Blood will heal our wounds, To breath new life into us! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) 3. Unless the Lord forgives when we fall, We wouldn't be able to stand. But he forgives, He pardons us all. Let us do the same! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) 4. God paid our debts with the blood of His Son, Who rose alive from the tomb. The Spirit within cries out to the world: Jesus is the Lord! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2) [BRIDE] So cast aside your fear and have faith, Give your cares to the Lord And trust in Him, for he has risen: The Lord, your God, is alive! Blest are the merciful Blest are the merciful For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2)
@MaureenTeresa1 8 лет назад
Thank you so much. I am going to try to teach this to the prayer group I am in
@kubalesinak4927 7 лет назад
Przepiekna piosenka zwłacszca po Polsku pizdrawiam kuba z pod krakowa from Poland
@brigitajakonyte638 6 лет назад
Hello! Maybe I can find somewhere english instrumental version/record? :)
@julihato3411 8 лет назад
Where can I buy the song?
@peggyturua8880 8 лет назад
I would like to download the theme song to play to the youth
@iwonagan 8 лет назад
+Peggy Turua try this :) www.youtube-mp3.org/pl
@marekdziobak6559 8 лет назад
Poproszę o koncert Madonny na ŚDM
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
@qcia 8 лет назад
Zapraszam na spotted ŚDM/WYD 2016 facebook.com/spottedsdmkrakow2016/?fref=ts
@naturalbest11 9 лет назад
muzyka spoko ale wokal straszny... coldplay czy oasis dałby rade i byłby hit of the World.... lepszej promocji by nie tzreba było robic :D
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Śpiewać każdy może, trochę lepiej, czasem gorzej. :DD
@przemek2391 9 лет назад
@ukaboi 9 лет назад
szkoda. oryginał o wiele lepszy
@tomaszandrzej2306 3 года назад
@faustynaannarutkowska2813 8 лет назад
Polish version
@zyndulamelia 9 лет назад
://// oryginał to inna piosenka
@filippokrzywnicki2079 8 лет назад
Kto z Polski? Who from Poland?
@Krzycho1VEVO 9 лет назад
@piotrgurgul7977 9 лет назад
Moi drodzy @hussarfilmstudio zrobilo duzo lepsze wykonanie.
@patrycjakowalska658 7 лет назад
Pieknie śpiewacie
@qwertyuio8062 9 лет назад
o kurcze te wokale możnaby inaczej zorganizować :>
@anakemi8234 8 лет назад
@magorzatawilczynska802 7 лет назад
@Dennysgodoymoraes 8 лет назад
This is the worst version, it's another music. Spanish and Polski version are the best. The original version is so beautiful, why do something so different?
@TheRadioAteMyTV 3 года назад
Agreed, why not keep the same arrangement but change the lyrics? Obviously the tune has to be altered a bit to fit different words, but not the arrangement which was beautiful on the Polish version. Now if that girl could sing in English too, a double home run for the tune. Her voice really is from God.
@katarzynaoberda1281 3 года назад
Because sometimes the translator decides. :)
@Hwoarang121 8 лет назад
Polish version is better.
@julihato3411 8 лет назад
Where can I buy the song online? itunes?
@Krakow2016 8 лет назад
you don't have to buy it. You can download it from our RU-vid or here www.krakow2016.com/en/download
@kerrydaly4352 8 лет назад
The only download at the link is in Polish! Where can I download the English version in mp3 format?
@karolinam6236 8 лет назад
ulub.pl/fML3mzyAuj/oficjalny-hymn-angielski-sdm-2016-official-english-theme-song-wyd-2016 try this ;) click first pink frame and wait
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