
Ok, but actually, WoF IS a kid's series and that's a good thing 

The Jade Mountain Archive
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@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Just to add a little extra that didn't quite fit in the video - just because it's a series for kids, doesn't mean it can't also be fun for adults to read as well. In fact, I would argue that the reason it works so well for kids is the same reason it works for adults! Last time I checked, I don't believe anyone has yet figured out how to solve the world's issues and, though adults may have more experience than most kids do in dealing with them, there's always more to learn. In being exposed to different ideas and points of views surrounding these issues, we can come to understand them better and, perhaps, be more prepared to face them if ever we have to, regardless of how old we are.
@karaholzhauer7746 2 года назад
100% agree
@euphoniumlozenge 2 года назад
I completely agree
@MurderPigeon 2 года назад
I convinced my dad and my adult sister to read these books and they love them :)
@annaliseray2028 2 года назад
Exactly! 100%
@laka7007 2 года назад
I got my mom to read it and she liked it lmao
@rickstertrick5706 2 года назад
“Trauma” Highlights every single book
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Hahaha, I'm glad someone caught that.
@Ghost23767 5 месяцев назад
i saw that to🤣
@louw4352 4 месяца назад
@Ghost23767 4 месяца назад
And it is true👍
@WK-wu6cs 24 дня назад
Was LITERALLY gonna comment the EXACT SAME THING 😂😂😂😂
@iainhansen1047 2 года назад
Kids books like this are what made my childhood so fun. Wings of fire, warriors, owls of gahoole, and many others were obviously aimed at kids but offered SO MUCH more. Also violence………like a lot of violence since as long as it’s not happening to a human it can appear in a kids book. I still remember reading the death of the main villain of the first warrior series (tigerstar) where he gets his throat ripped out and then gets all his organs ripped out before dying, magically coming back to life, dying again because even magic cat powers can’t heal disembowelments, coming back to life again, dying again, repeat nine times. Most metal thing I had read up to that point.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Tigerstar's death was absolutely wild. NGL though, Whitestorm's hit me harder. It was less brutal but, man, I loved that cat.
@Fritzafella 2 года назад
Oh absolutely, I re-listened to the Guardian's of Ga-hoole series not that long ago, and yes, I am in fact an adult. Book... 5? I think it was where we *really* see what the deal with the mind controling crystals are about with the freaking title "*The Shattering*"?!? That was some *powerful* stuff let me tell you. And it was what *permanently* cemented my enjoyment in Wings of Fire when book 1 in both series shared that whole "Captured by evil and forced into a *really* bad situation." trope. God even though I think WoF is written much better I will never not remember "The Capture". That first book had a *stellar* premise. Oh and also I was as obsessed with Owls as a kid as I am now with dragons as an adult. I nearly lost my shit when I found out the Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull I enjoyed as a kid recently got a sequel series, Dragonwatch. As for Warriors, yeah I adored it too. Never realized the parralel between Tigerstar and Artic til now though... man what is it with Tui and disembowelments in kid series??? I guess technically she was only a co-editor at that point, but sheesh.
@evobrand1210 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive Swiftpaw and Brightheart were terrifying! A little much fir me at that age...
@fluffin_chat_noir Год назад
@@JadeMountainArchive yes! i loved him too as a good side character, but then i read bluestars prophecy and it made me even sadder! i cried when bluestar (at the time Bluefur ) had to tell him snowfur died..... also @Iain Hansen kids books like this made MY childhood all the better too! ..............gosh, did that sound morbid?
@Immys_Art Год назад
@@Fritzafella I started with Rick Riordon (I hope I spelled that correctly, lol) and read *all* his stuff. I still owe so much to those books for getting me into mythology, which later spiraled into fantasy (also I know more about mythology and spelling of deities than basically everyone I know, because I actually kind of enjoy it). I only ever read the first six books of Warriors, ‘cause I don’t care for reading 70+ books or whatever but I’m ecstatic at the prospect of reading a thousand page dragon book with large pages and small print to page size. I’m now that one person whom seeks out the dragon books at a book fair and has already read a third of them, then continues to buy and read some of the ones I hadn’t yet seen. Currently I’m reading something like seven books, my favorite being “Inheritance Cycle” by Christopher Paloni (again, I hope I spelled that correctly from memory), which is a dragon series. I now want to go to a place where I am at peace; books.
@readerpop 2 года назад
I agree with this 100% Wings of Fire has so much subtext that is even able to be read and understanded by kids. Even fantasy can have a good messages. Which is why I fully believe that books are the closest connectors of the past future and present in one moment. I am so glad that you are sharing this amazing opinion. Wings of Fire is a series for all ages, but kids do need it the most to potentially help there future. Thank you Jade Mountain Archive. Also if you like some serious “kid” stuff I highly recommend Gravity Falls it is an amazing show!
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Gravity Falls is my favorite tv show hahaha
@readerpop 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive no actually way that is soooo cool!
@Immys_Art Год назад
Gravity Falls is amazing! My current band teacher has a pig plush named Waddles that was donated by one of my friends who is also getting taught there, as the band teacher would always play with Waddles after class. That friend of mine is also a big Gravity Falls fan.
@theoverthinker8179 Год назад
Gravity falls is the best, no contest
@Selah2927 Год назад
gravity falls is superior
@stephaniec9539 2 года назад
I love this.. my daughter read it first..shes 10.. and I read it after she finished.. we had a lot of good conversations of the themes.. gossiped about our favorite ships
@yoda835 2 года назад
Found the books when I was a kid and I still relate to the characters
@zachberry1362 2 года назад
Found the books when I was 5 years old, and I will admit I was a weirdo who had reread the eragon series 7 times in the third grade, and yes the first book was relatable just because I had villanised my stepmom and father, but I think this children's book really helped my imagination. This series really helped me prepare for future hardships, and continues to this day influence me in subtle but, now that you bring it up, meaningful ways. 10/10 would read again Edit: when I was a kid my parents philosophy was to force, some examples being: don't like eggs? You are only allowed to eat eggs for brakfast for two months, don't like going near the vents or jets in pools? If you want to go swimming you have to touch the vents. And now years later I still am nauseated by specifically scrambled eggs, and I now have a paralyzing fear of almost any pool or lake, thanks dad. Have a nice evening. edit: 7 is an exaggeration, I actually read it more like 2-4 times but yk.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Well I'm sorry to hear about your experiences, but I'm glad you found WoF and that is helped make things a bit brighter :)
@zachberry1362 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive thanks
@fluffin_chat_noir Год назад
you were FIVE when you found this?! i mean, im an avid reader too ( i was reading 8th grade level material in 3rd grade and was reading Harry Potter in 2nd ) but FIVE?! when did you learn to read? honestly tho its cool you learned to read that early
@zachberry1362 Год назад
@@fluffin_chat_noir learned when was 3, (thanks again dad) so I hated it for the first bit, but once I was able to read I just did nothing but read, on the toilet? reading, 12 a.m.? reading, in the car? reading, supposed to be doing a project on the jungle? reading (I aced it btw ( ̄ω ̄) )
@oliviadavis3638 2 года назад
Clay's book should also be counted under the 'abuse' and 'racism' category since the guardians abused the dragonets on a daily basis and even when Kestrel shows up later after the dragonets escape, she still says things racist to RainWings, to Glory's face, clearly just trying to hurt them even when there's nothing in it for her or anyone else. The guardians also singled out all of the dragonets to pick on their weaknesses, but mostly Glory and abused her because she was a RainWing, telling her that she was lazy and stupid and doing things like making her sleep on a cold, hard rock ledge at night to try and toughen her up, even though Glory was already really tough. Kestrel called Sunny 'defective' regularly because she didn't have a SandWing tail barb. Webs refers to Clay as being 'as dumb as a rock,' when the guardians are planning how to kill Glory, because he knows Clay would try to fight Kestrel and thinks it's stupid to try and protect someone outside of your tribe. Even months later, in book four, Starflight still has dreams of Kestrel saying something along the lines of 'we don't need trash like this cluttering up your tiny little brains' and, snatching the scroll out of Starflight's talons, rips it in half.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
True, true, true. If we're being honest, most of the books counted in almost all of the categories hahaha - I just had to pick a few that really exemplified the themes.
@oliviadavis3638 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive lol i suppose
@graceporte-lb7vc Год назад
I’m not trying to put you down, and I respect everyone’s opinion, but…. When you said, “Clearly just trying to hurt them, even when there’s nothing in it for her or anyone else” are you saying that someone can bully someone because it benefits them? My point being should someone be allowed to hurt someone else either physically or mentally just because it benefits them or anybody else? Not trying to be mean, just asking my questions. Did you mean it coming from the belief that it’s just a story, and fictional villains can do that because it makes a good villain? I’m not sure, just a nerd asking some nerdy questions.
@lizarr7176 Год назад
​@@graceporte-lb7vc I'm obviously not the person who made the comment, but I'm going to kind of assume that it really was just in relation to the story and not real life. For instance, although most people may not empathize with Kestral, in the setting under the mountain, she can sometimes at least be given the benefit of the doubt that although her behavior is unacceptable, it has a *purpose* that we can grasp. She's trying to set the dragonets up for success, and she believes her approach is the best way of doing that. (It's . . . not, but she believes it is). Whereas, outside the mountain, that can no longer be said to be the case. She really is JUST being mean because she's mean.
@melgofton2990 11 месяцев назад
I mean calling it "Abuse" is a bit of a far stretch. Whilst, yes, the quardians didn't really care two s%$#s about the dragonets, they didn't abuse them, not physically, metally?,yes! Very much. They only hurt the dragonets in training or when Kestrel was pi$$*d off because of their quote on quote "weaknesses" unbeknownst to them, the dragonets (-clay and sunny(mostly) did feel that the quardians were terrible, though i do not support the action of running away from your protecters who just sacrificed themselves for you. I do believe that the quardians, in my opinion have a right to be angry and annoyed, they basically gave up everything to protect the dragonets, especially Dune, he gave up his home, his friend and leader's trust, etc. What i am trying to say is the guardians actions are terrible but are sort of justified.
@randomperson-kx6mv 2 года назад
I totally agree! Especially since I feel like content for kids these days is getting less and less risky... There's nothing wrong with letting kids enjoy more lighthearted, fluffy media, of course, but as you pointed out, media that utilize darker themes can help kids deal with difficult situations they may come across in real life. For example, kids can learn how to identify toxic relationships from reading about Clearsight and Darkstalker, and kids can also see that it's okay to walk away from them. Ultimately, I just want to continue seeing stuff like Wings of Fire show that a "for kids" label doesn't always mean sunshine and rainbows. I also hope many more kids will get to discover these amazing books; Wings of Fire played a huge part in my childhood, and I still hold the series very near and dear to my heart! 💖 Plus, some kids just feel super cool getting into angsty stuff 🤷 Let 'em have their guts and gore.
@Coocoocrazy3 8 месяцев назад
Agree with that last part for sure
@annaliseray2028 2 года назад
WoF is a definitely a kids book. It's a great starter book when it comes to blood and gore. When I read it for the first time, I was a little surprised when it came to the fighting n' stuff, I didn't actually expect it so be all that. I thought it was just a little book about dragons finding a new home, lmao. 😶 I definitely enjoyed it though. When I re-read it, I enjoyed it more since I knew what to expect out of the book, knowing that it was more younger level material. But, I can see why adults would love the book aswell, because it is definitely enjoyable, the characters are lovable and story is awesome. 🙆‍♂️💗 You did awesome job explaining it in the video
@stephaniec9539 2 года назад
Yeah i say its like Game of Thrones but the PG verision.. including a severed head haha
@sasaalien1215 2 года назад
The books also great for showing different, complex personality types and not just "HAHAHA EPIC WARRIOR MURDER MACHINE GO BrrrRRRR". For example, I absolutely loved that there were more sensitive characters like Clay and Sunny for example, because I'm pretty sensitive myself and many of those characters kind of taught me that even shy and "non-brave" people can succeed in their own ways. Starflight's book (the dank secret) is also very important to me, because for almost my whole life (until recently) I have thought that I'm not brave enough, and I should be less careful and cautious to fit in or something. The fourth book really felt like many of Starflight's thoughts were straight up from my head. (His crush on Sunny, he thought really similar things as I have thought about my crush, the "Use your intelligence, Starflight, thats all you have." -thoughts and many more.) It's really nice to feel included. There was also a lot of diverse representation in the series, which is a big plus! (Also, I loved how Clay was kind of more sensitive to violence, I could really relate to that!) Edit: I accidentally wrote "the dank secret" instead of "the dark secret" lol
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
I almost spit out my ramen when I read the "dank secret" hahahaha - but you raise good points!
@PssyOfTheMoon 2 года назад
Really? I have always found the characters to be diverse but not deep, you know? They all just seem kinda flat
@Immys_Art Год назад
Wonderful comment! I was going to say, the title of “dank” belongs to book 10, “The Dankness of Dragons.” Also, Qibli definitely has pixelated shades in the original book cover.
@sasaalien1215 Год назад
@@Immys_Art Thank you😊
@Novitiate001 Год назад
When I look at your profile picture I hear the sound of a microwave and I don’t know why
@ariellayaari505 2 года назад
I’m just slightly above the age range you mentioned in the video. WoF is my comfort book. I read it when I’m sad or just need a break from life. I love the point you made in this video. I recently had a literal dream come true and I got to meet Tui. I waited in line for over two hours and was super surprised to see that most people looked under the age of 9. But it made me super happy to see that so many different people from all sorts of backgrounds and ages can be brought together by something as simple as a book series. (Also, I love ur channel. Keep it up)
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Ahhhhh!! I hope I get to meet Tui someday :D I'm glad this series meant something to you as well :)
@haveagoodmourning Год назад
I went to a similar event! I was 14 at the time, and the place was filled with children who looked roughly 7-10. I was equal parts happy to see their interest in reading, and slightly concerned about their book of choice. I do hope it was a positive growing experience for them.
@scribbleman-j8q 8 месяцев назад
@benisaac1299 2 года назад
I think you bring up a really good point. When you put characters that the audience can be invested in they can better understand the struggles that the characters go through. I personally support exposing kids to hardship, especially in a low risk environment like wings of fire. That’s why I also think Tui is such a good author.
@ethanchenoweth 2 года назад
I think this series does a really good job at addressing the importance of family. It’s the one thing that literally every human has in common. The first book deals with abuse and/or disinterest of their children. That alone is a near impossible lesson to adapt into a child friendly story, yet this book handles it incredibly well. The second book deals with parents who although care about their children, go too far in order to protect them, but while doing so, set them up for failure by reducing their social development to almost nothing. The third book goes over the topic of not even having parents, but finding the few around you, related by blood or not, who care about you and want to help you. The fourth book may not focus on family as much, but still sneaks in subtle lessons on finding out your family (or in this case entire tribe) isn’t what you thought of it at all, but understanding their struggles and still seeking to help them improve. The fifth book is probably the most optimistic with no actual family issues but that’s why we love Qibli. In his book, we learn that he was saved from a straight up awful family, although they still leave him psychologically wounded. He goes through all the books in arc 2 trying to get that same semblance of recognition that he never got from his family. You also see how because Qibli was raised in a different way, he turned out much different from his siblings. It goes to show that it doesn’t matter where you came from. Evil is not born, it is taught. Alright, rant over, I just wanted to add some of my thoughts.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
These are really good thoughts and I would 100% agree - especially in arc 1, family and what it truly means to have one are such central ideas.
@sea_muffin 2 года назад
I like that it says it’s good for kids, but the thumbnail is Fjord melting to death by magical death spit
@TrickyTalon23 2 года назад
@WolfyLionMonster 2 года назад
I like to think that Wof _is_ made for kids, but not really young ones (it might be traumatic for like a five year old or something, but everyone is different). Some of the topics the series talks about are good things for kids to learn, and so they might have a better understanding for certain things.
@hyzmarie 2 года назад
TRUE!!! YA niche is so hard to fit and wof does it well.
I mean, it does say 8-11 years of age
@xenoumbre3010 2 года назад
Trauma --- All books light up.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
lol, I'm glad someone caught that hahaha
@meep1445 2 года назад
This video is so beautifully written and everything in it is so true. Yes, of course I hate it when people go 'oH iTs JusT a siLLy lItTle KiDs sEriEs' because it isn't just that, its an education series meant for kids so they can learn about the hardships of life and how to deal with them. Thank you so much for making this video; I appreciate it and so many other people do too.
@iluvyurbles Год назад
Land Before Time is still one of the best kids' movies ever made and it's very dark touch on themes of racism, pride, grief, loyalty and more
@JadeMountainArchive Год назад
Land Before Time was my CHILDHOOD yo
@Stefi_C 2 года назад
I get your points there. Yes, WoF has very dramatic and violent scenes (and I’m not saying like “oh yeah there’s much worse”). It shows the ideas of trauma, racism and abusement. But trying to “protect” kids from violence and these ideas won’t help them, and when they’ll get to it when they’re older or didn’t experinence with some violent themes (they can read books or watch films that contain such things) they will be hit harder than they would if they saw some dark themes. Avoiding them isn’t a solution, there will always be blood or something in a book or a film. I would say WoF would be a good 9-10+ (and many pluses, not to make it seem only kids-meant), because that would be a good age to start with, as the youngest audiences, in my opinion. I started the series just a few months ago (I’m barely a 14 y o) and could handle it pretty well, as I’m used with violence and blood from Warrior Cats and others things I saw. :D Oooh, believe me, Warriors presents even more adult topics (such as teenage moms, pedophilia, abusement, cheating and aaall that stuff), and I saw those discussed only by people over 20 years, so WoF, from this perspective, handles it better. Here’s the difference: about trauma and racism I don’t feel so uncomfortable to talk about, I can even find someone to rant along with me, but about the subjects I mentioned earlier… is not ok, especially at my age to talk about openly.
@suptwo 2 года назад
I can agree! And WoF is also great because in each one episode of the series we experience the world through another character's eyes, who we already know before from the previous book(s). And that can help kids to understand other people. Even if it's in a fictional world it still has connections to the reality under the blanket (just as you said). And because it's reality and not at once, kids can think of it as a colorful, fictional story. It's psychology... if we tell stories through humans... it may terrify the young audience, but Tui shows the kids the "facts of the life" trough dragons, magic and prophecies that couldn't ever be real, and that's why it won't be "scary" for children... but they still able to find the connections, the references that Tui used in her book(s) from reality, (such as power corrupt human thinking. She used that and formed Darkstalker's story)... and once they got it, once they found the reference, they'll interpret the story in another way ... but the real fact is that: they are not obliged to find it - because they remember the situation(s), and use the given solution subconsciously. So WoF is not just a beautiful art, but a deep and colorful masterpiece.
@bythetruthfinder2293 2 года назад
I see your point...
@kaitlynblack8366 2 года назад
As a parent whose child introduced her to this series-I couldn’t agree more!! ❤️ Incredibly well stated, as always. ☺️ Plus this series frames so many issues that will be relevant throughout the entirety of one’s life in ways approachable and comprehensible for younger readers. ❤️ (Loved the little Undertale bit, too!)
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Nice! I'm glad it the video resonates with actual parents hahaha - and I'm glad you liked the Undertale reference! I sat there thinking about what to put in that space for so long before figuring something out.
@dragonturtle2703 2 года назад
I’d caution against viewing art as simply a tool to train or indoctrinate people, but I do agree that fiction is a great resource to both teach things, and to explore ideas without the real world baggage behind them (for instance, looking at racism with two entirely fictional races, not meant to clearly represent real life ones). And children to need to be seen more as adults in training. I mean, not tiger mom levels, still let them be kids, but we want adults at the end, not gown children, so why coddle them. It usually either frustrates them that they are not allowed to grow, or they get a bit too comfortable not being challenged. Also, your first video was actually the reason why I discovered the series in the first place, so thank you for that.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
True! Art in all its forms does so many different things. And I hope you enjoyed the series and found some interesting things about Cliffhangers in it!
@dragonturtle2703 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive definitely. Had to put it on hold after book 10 because IRL, but first on the reading list is finishing.
@ExploreTheWorldWithBri 2 года назад
I completely agree! You can't be sheltering kids. I hate it when adults say stuff like "Kids are dumb" or "They can't handle these things" But they can if you give them the experience, without making it too much. This is exactly one of the reasons I like WoF, and books like this overall! WoF just showed me the dark side of the world, death, genocide, and all these other things. And they put it in a safe environment, it's not too much. I guess I wouldn't recommend it to 5 year-olds. It could make them traumatized like what Jurassic World did to me.💀 (I'm not scared anymore, btw) Or maybe not, If they're brave.🙃 So thanks WoF, for giving me more knowledge and experience than I would've ever gotten. And for making me read for hours and forcing me to put you down to finish my school work. 🥰 Fun fact: The part where Blister or Burn killed the unborn egg and the IceWing made me hooked. I don't know what's wrong with me 🤣
@scarletlikesbirds Год назад
It was Burn who killed the SkyWing egg and Hvitur
@ExploreTheWorldWithBri Год назад
@@scarletlikesbirds Oh okay. Thanks
@ashermacdonald6823 2 года назад
i love this video, i feel like a lot of people overlook a lot of the important ideas and values put into these books. For me Winter's book taught me about trust, and who i should trust and about finding what i truly think and feel, not just what everyone else says i should be, while a book like Starflight's taught me that i can be more than just what i know. Very good series, very good video :3
@snowkit62 2 года назад
I remember when I started reading the series at 11 I just read the prologue and thought: 'Ooh violence this book already seems really interesting' and I also started reading warriors at 8 so I really don't understand why people think books like this having some more violence and exploring some darker topics makes it 'inappropriate' because they can teach really important life lessons and for kids to differentiate right from wrong, and allow kids to take comfort in characters experiencing struggles they can relate to on some level
@Murcopolo123 2 года назад
Apparently the series is meant for tweens which are right in the middle so there’s that. I think that it might be a little gruesome but that’s just because it’s meant for older kids.
@BaseballFanaticShorts 2 года назад
And trauma, highlights every book 2:12 Edit: CANT WAIT FOR THE STREAM!
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Hahaha, I'm glad someone caught that!
@charlottejames3058 2 года назад
I thought your next video was going to be a 10K Q&A!!! But... I have to admit this is still cool 😁😀😁😀!!!
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
It was! But I changed that to a livestream because there were so many questions I couldn't fit them all in one video - the livestream is tomorrow at 5pm CT!
@hyzmarie 2 года назад
Loved the section from phineas and Ferb. Yeah, it is weird that it happened twice, but now you have the full amount to pay for your tax on a dollar (twenty five) tree item!
@skygazer6082 2 года назад
One of my favorite things is re-reading kids books with themes like these later, and kinda seeing how they helped me deal with things in real life. For example, I consciously decided to prove them wrong like Glory when kids said I was just some dumb black girl, and proceeded to become the go to smart kid up until now in my education. Or just stop caring like Sundew and say I'm pan (Stiiilll in the closet on the whole Agender and atheism thing). Then I go and re-read afterwards and realized I'd probably still be crying myself to sleep if it weren't for these books.
@VJSV327 2 года назад
I agree, I started Wings of Fire around the 5th grade and it definitely was appropriate to read at that age. Btw, love your videos, you’re kind of like Moonkitti but for WoF ❤️. Also, unrelatedly, you kind of sound like the voice of the channel You Suck at Cooking.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Hahaha, thank you!
@AnOmoriFanatic 2 года назад
You explained this so well. Yes, it is aimed at younger kids, it can also be for teens or adults. In my opinion, something that makes Wings of Fire, is that it covers many topics any age can understand and learn.
@karaholzhauer7746 2 года назад
If you see this that means your early, and it also means you’ll have a great day!
@timmy6890 2 года назад
@OpalDrawsYT 2 года назад
Not really i missed my bus from school lol
@karaholzhauer7746 2 года назад
@@OpalDrawsYT uh oh! You good??
@OpalDrawsYT 2 года назад
@@karaholzhauer7746 yes! I called my mom and she picked meh up
@HorizonOnDaHorizonYT Год назад
@ethanthengineer Год назад
This is fully agreeable, teaching people about hardships and stuff is really cool, because like you said, they are not hurt, just informed, I got this book series because a friend recommended it, there are no regrets there, but Wings of Fire is the only type of book series that really gives you an emotional roller coaster, while learning about dangers, and the ups and downs in life. Amazing video by the way!!!
@Paracanthus 2 года назад
This video is awesome! It really covers why this series is great in general. Also, awesome use of Walking With Beasts, it's one of my favourite documentary series.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Yooooo! I grew up on Walking With Dinosaurs - I just HAD to when I got the chance hahaha
@Paracanthus 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive Awesome! If you couldn't tell, I'm a massive sucker for anything prehistoric. I love the Walking With Saga, I honestly think WWB is the best but WWD is also great and WWM is really awesome as well. WWB has held up the best accuracy wise.
@MurderPigeon 2 года назад
Great video :) Super excited for the Q&A coming up!
@Fritzafella 2 года назад
Thank you for recognizing my comment and ensuring others could see not only my thoughts, but how you built on top of them as well. And yeah, you took the idea I was putting forward in my comment on your more humorous video, and ran with it *hard*. Reality can be tough. So why not prepare for it in a safe way? I especially loved the diagram you showed multiple times on benefits vs how hard you push. My mentor says much the same thing when he says you can be in one of four states of existence at any give time. Stagnation, Order, Growth, or Chaos. Stagnant ponds are gross for that exact reason. Shelter your kid too much and their growth similarly stagnates, and nobody likes stagnant pools. Things are nice in Order, or at least they can *seem* to. Things were very much ordered for Blue. He knew what to expect and therefore life was simple. It may not be perfect, but for him it was good enough. And then something triggered his complexity and he was pushed into Growth. Here is where we get the real story; we see him come to terms with the fact the world really is not perfect. To that end, he comes to be a role model when he stands and makes the choice to do what he can to make things better and went to try to steal the book of Clearsight. That's where we see the final category... Chaos is almost as bad if not worse than Stagnation. When things are not predictable or within your control then well... ask Blue how it worked out for him when a horde of mind controlled HiveWings swarmed him before he even had his wings to even try and escape. From there, he was forced right back into Stagnation in the flame silk caverns. He'd grown tremendously in the days since being shunted out of Order and we got to see just how far he came. When you look at this model, its easy to see why books/stories really are some of the best learning tools. A good book can put you in Growth just like any other experience, but it *can't* keep you in Chaos. If a kid tries to pick up a book they just aren't ready for they will put it down. Yes, you can make the argument its possible to manipulate or trick a child into reading something, but Wings of Fire makes it *very* clear right from the get-go this series does not pull its punches. The prologue not only sets up the story in an excellent way, but it doubles as a "You must must be this tall to ride." sign. RIP to Hvitur and Falcon btw. (I will always call the unhatched SkyWing egg Falcon thanks to Wings of Charcoal's Falcon AU videos) Stay in Growth as much as you can. And you don't have to have a cricket scare you to trigger your complexity. A real one I mean. Not Cricket, the character, she may be sooo cute, but have you *seen* actual crickets?! *shudders*. Anyways Cricket showed that when she opted to spread her message to everyone else. Nothing forced her to do anything, she chose to. And god it is heartwarming to see. Though I do gotta say that scene makes me cringe cuz *god* that is not the best way to spread a message people don't want to hear. Videos like these are how you do it! You really did an excellent job making this message clear, yet concise, and the effort you put into it shows! I do have one thing to say though... At 2:09 Isn't that *literally* what Clay explains to Peril?! Book 1 (and Book 8 for that matter) should be highlighted! By all the Moons... You can't do that to Peril she's come so far so fast! (As if it wasn't already obvious from my other comments, I really like Clay and Peril haha.) Oh and with that whole vengeance killing thing you pointed out in the other video, book 6 should be on there too. Oh and book 4 too what with that whole manslaughter thing. Oh and book 9 too what with that whole fighting your own sister to the death thing. Oh and- hang on, you know what? Just highlight em all like you did for trauma... Seriously death is talked about in this series almost as much as trauma in general is. Edit: Just noticed you used the same music at the very end as you did in the joke video. *That* was a nice touch!
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Hahaha, I'm happy to see your thoughts on it! And yes, I agree, probably every book should be highlighted for killing as well as trauma :P Also, you're the first person to notice the musical connection! It was quite intentional :)
@Fritzafella 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive Huh. Wonder why more people haven't noted that... I guess I only noticed as I listened to that song on loop while editing a video of my own. It was really quite clever though!
@demgozellegs Год назад
dude, I started reading this series when I was 12, and even today as an 18 year old, this series has made a huge impact on not only my career as an artist, but as a creative person. This series has challenged me to design my own characters, develop my own art style, create different theories on the biological traits of the species of dragons, expand my creative knowledge, and overall encouraged me to just create in general. Some of my oldest art is Wings of Fire fanart. I legitimately love this series, even today. also dragon cool :)
@carmineknight9123 2 года назад
I'm an Animorphs fan so this ain't my first rodeo, and YOU NAILED IT. The only problem with this whole discussion is just the assumption that "if it's for kids, it's embarrassing for an adult to still like" and just generally "looking down" on media that is kid-appropriate. I don't think it's bad as it used to be, but it's that association that would make people knee-jerk to feel like saying "WoF isn't for kids" is DEFENDING the series's honor.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
True, true. I think that's probably part of why the last video on this was as popular as it was.
@pugget_nugget3232 2 года назад
I mean, there’s things in the series that are very much for kids and other things that are not. With some characters stories, it’s quite traumatic. Other stories ,like Sunny’s, are very happy. Loved the video! as always, Qibli is awesome!
@o5-redacted0 2 года назад
This man needs to be a narrator.
@rowan3234 2 года назад
This is an amazing video like all your other ones. If you could like do a whole rant about every character and there books I would listen to it like I would. I think your points are great wof made me know things at such some young ages that I kinda shouldn’t know but it helps us young kids as people to grow! I think tui putting in the things like Racism and abuse in the book to help kids understand that things happen in real life and how we should think and how to handle these situation, and not always not like others even if don’t know why they’ve been through and wof plays it off really well! I’m saying at some point your parents should have a talk with you but sometimes books can really help as well to show kids how the world isn’t full with rainbows and unicorns and show how life can sometimes be hard. That’s what I’ve really Loved about this series you can read about the things that people have to go through and shouldn’t, make the dragon your reading about relate to you and some short of way! That’s what I love about these books and the series in general but this ready is just amazing I love the points you made jade you’ll always be one of my favorites wof analyze person
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
I'm glad you found it enjoyable!
@elkatuber 2 года назад
personally as long as a child is fine with gore and that stuff then it’s a fine story for children. as a child i think wof is for children and adults can read the books and enjoy them too
@Tan_was_here 2 года назад
I’m a young adult as in I’m new to being an adult but even when I was under the age of 18 I never really cared or thought about the why or if I should be watching/reading content that is marketed for kids. My argument for WOF and Warriors cats was always. Well in middle school it didn’t seem all that strange to me and and I really just enjoyed the experience. But my favorite subject in school is science and I now have a new appreciation for children’s books and movies that do what WOF did.
@xxkibblesxx8138 2 года назад
Honestly if a kid is mature enough to read it then I see no problem. It also is a good way of teaching them these things. Also if a kid can't handle it yet you can stop and try again later :)
@krztorooindustries 2 года назад
Another Qibli!!! ;3 Oi do u have Discord? :3
@krztorooindustries 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/show-UC53C8vqudpJqT6oZcvQws_A Hey Qibli, that's my YT channel ^ ;3
@Nezukoscat 4 месяца назад
0:29 As a warrior cats fan I can say that this is also something I've heard. Alot. Like in the darkest hour, there's a very detail description of a cat's disembowelment. In sunset a cat gets impaled in the throat by his own half-brother. Mapleshade killed her own children by making them cross a river during a flash flood, then proceeded to murder three people, one of them was even her mate. Hell, there was even a book with a p***phile in it. There's a cat hell, and discrimination of cats with mixed blood. It's rated for kids 12 and up, but adults also love it. My mother loves warrior cats. It all depends on the kid and what he/she/they can handle.
@mysryuza Год назад
“Got to make it manageable” THIS is why I like Warriors and Wings of Fire. Yes there are dark themes in it, but what matters is how it’s approached and presented. It’s better to make it manageable instead of taking it full force on the spot. Arctic was disemboweled but thankfully the moment is written to be very short. I don’t think I would have read the series so far if it was written in a very sheltered way.
@biiak0wt104 2 года назад
I think Wings of Fire works for every age group and that's one of the many reasons its such an amazing series.
@user-mi6dc7td1v Месяц назад
Bro I just finished the fifth graphic novel and at the end I was like 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 burn died so easily blister died trying to get power and…blaze won when she was not looking for power such a great life lesson
@onepeec 2 года назад
you are correct my friend and I agree with you. if someone ever questions me about it, I will gladly write an essay (mostly about how you explained it because I never found the right words)to explain the them.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
I'm glad I could help give voice to your thoughts!
@jamesgroulik8982 Месяц назад
Me thinking that there is no way that there is a WOF book that deals with thinking of being a failure then remembering that book 7 exists
@MegaChickenfish 2 года назад
I was actually introduced to this series by a neighbor who is like 10 yrs old. The complex topics and relatable characters got me to think, and I definitely could see myself writing an essay about it like in grade school.
@shawnpfeil3172 2 года назад
My dad called me a homicidal maniac for me being interested in reading these books.
@Forsee626 2 года назад
wow. That was really cool. Wings of Fire IS good for kids and I love it!
@Gojira_King 2 года назад
JMA: Patracide Darkstalker: hMmM.... iNtErEsTiNg
@OliveAnimates12 2 года назад
I agree I started reading the series when I was in 4th grade and finally there is someone who agrees with my opinion. Like kids need to know about this and especially with SPOILERS the poison jungle (you know why parents got angry), like kids need to know about these things because, bulling lgbt stuff and others things may even happen at school or whatever. Kids like gore and like things that their parents think they don’t I know that for a fact so yea great video
@lightofthefandoms6496 2 года назад
‘Strong’ opinions of the Wings of Fire community, bahahahahahahaha. That’s not even mild, that’s BELOW putting it lightly, that’s just straight up the most bland way of describing the infamous wars in the fandom. But I do agree that it does have some very strong morals and lessons that a child should learn. Children should be introduced to the darker themes in life, even if it is not the most…pleasant thing in the world. Just like winning or losing a sports game, they need to find a healthy way to cope with it. Not everyone gets a happy ending.
@burnsstronghold7213 2 года назад
I agree with the fact that this is for kids but there are some scenes that push it a litle.
@someone-pw3fd 2 года назад
I highly agree with this, despite me being one of those who actually fights against it being a kids series. I feel it should NOT be a series for eight year olds to read, instead for 11-13 year olds, so that they know about real life problems and stuff. Anyway I feel a lot of stuff in arc 1 too seems kid-friendly, such as the DoDs considering one another "siblings" or winter realising that happiness is who you're with, not where you are. So yeah, great video, but I would not recommend it to 8 y/os 4:03 that bike brand and place seems familiar. Is that Robertson quay?
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
I'm not sure where the bike image is from - I got it off of a stock footage site.
@someone-pw3fd 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive still seems familiar..whatever
@jaylynsterling 2 года назад
This is a really important video 👍
@noxixx 2 года назад
i agree with the points presented in this video, great job!
@jakupharrison8051 Год назад
You've actually got me planning out a story about a young hominid learning in different ways just from your little bit on second hand learning.
@qibli2154 2 года назад
I never thought about it that way, interesting point you’ve made.
@Wolfred_69 Год назад
Not gonna lie, when all books became green when you said "Trauma" at the topic touched I almost burst in laughter. Poor dragonets, they need more approval headpats.
@RosePetalYT Год назад
**Me one minute in** My ADHD: Oh heck you ain’t watching this My ‘normal part’: wHAt iTs jMa hE mAKeS goOd vIdEos
@user-jt8fy7ko8d Месяц назад
8:16 anybody else catch that “holy sh*t” in there😂
@wobblezapper2374 2 года назад
I’d give the series a 10+ age rating Edit: Looking back at the WoF series, I’m not entirely sure is the whole series can be easily labeled for kids. Best example would be a book like Darkstalker Legends where Darkstalker asks his father to disembowel himself. It’s true that kids are stronger than we give them credit for but I’m not entirely sure is they could handle that degree of violence.
@Novitiate001 Год назад
Obviously my experiences are not synonymous with everybody’s, but I started reading these books when I was 7 or 8, and I handled the gore fine. Blood and different ways to die, I think, are necessary in our storytelling for kids because it teaches them about the world and what can happen, but not what will happen if they avoid certain things.
@wobblezapper2374 Год назад
@@Novitiate001 Perhaps kids handled the gore fine because there’s no way to really invision or comprehend it since not many children are exposed to visual gore. But I’m just spitballing at this point.
@jesseyu69420 Год назад
Asks??? Darkstalker literally mind controls Arctic and forces him to to that.
@sirsk1169 Год назад
pretty late to this but, I feel like the meaning "made for kids" isn't nearly as specific enough because something made for kids could be something like you said where it's made for the kids to learn and prepare without consequences of learning them as an adult but, other times it means something that is childish to as an easy source of entertainment. Technically the second one could have elements of the first one but often doesn't.
@JadeMountainArchive Год назад
That's a good point!
@alternativeee_e 2 года назад
Bro what time is the livestream? Your my favorite youtuber (:
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
Tomorrow, 5pm CT
@jennypoole6507 2 года назад
Arc 3 also showcases slavery and why it is horrible. By teaching children about slavery (and all other adult topics within WoF), children can learn that these things should not be practiced and done in the real world without experiencing it for themselves. I agree with this topic and the points you brought up in this video.
@thornstudios Год назад
A point you made in the video about learning vs traumatizing I feel can be shown very well through another example, and that is death. If a kid has a pet fish that they love and have had for a while and that fish inevitably dies, the kid will be very sad for a few days, but will learn about death and how it can really hurt through a way that does in fact hurt but shouldn't really have a big affect on the kids life. Meanwhile if someone such as a close friend or family member dies before they can learn much about what it feels like, they can be taken off guard and traumatized by how horrible and painful it is. I hope all of that made sense, and have a great day
@WolfyloverAlyssa Год назад
2:12 when you said trauma all the books lit up XD
@JadeMountainArchive Год назад
I'm glad someone noticed that hahaha
@mischievousia4582 Год назад
2:33 all of these adult topics are for a good reason, so you never have to feel this way. Everything always turns out all right everyone feels different in the end, like peril, realizing she wasn’t meant to be a monster or a weapon. Or snowfall finding out that she isn’t going to kill everyone. all of these messages are so you don’t have to feel this way, so you know that none of these things will ever be true. a common theme I’ve seen in a few books, are the feeling that you’ll never be good enough to protect or care for anyone. like you kill everyone in the end it’s better if you don’t exist. But every dragon feels different at the end of the book sending a message that you should never feel this way.
@SimWings 2 года назад
I came here to the comments, just about to write a comment that actually has something to do with the video and the very good points it made But no I am an annoying little imp so I shall not do that I’ll just watch the TedTalk again
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
The double watch AND a comment?? Legendary.
@SimWings 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive thank you my good sir
@jellybean-vz9ce Год назад
I am a ten year old boy and I read Wings of Fire and even though there are some bad things for kids it helps me learn and deal with my life Also one reason I read this is because everything Winter goes through I have gone through or am going through it , so my point is that I relate to winter JMA RULES
@Alexsvideos-vj8ih Месяц назад
4:39 is actually true, in fact we still create stories in the modern day (not like religious stories, just stories in general)
@gemsec Год назад
You guys remember the last video where he says wings of fire is a silly book for kids and he saw Arctic’s death, yeah.. it didn’t go so good…
@linenkeyes6329 2 года назад
This is very well put. Good job! Hats off to you
@prettywhimsicalbyaida-mari2255 2 года назад
I knew this before watching the video and i am actually a kid
Also I relate to the guitar thing
@snowysprout 6 месяцев назад
I absolutely agree with this. I find stories that have certain themes to be more entertaining then those without them. One of my biggest interests deals with diesese, existentialism, and forceful religions. ( spoilers in highlighted text *And a giant supercomputer who’s slowly rotting to death from a diesese who gives up his last thing keeping him alive as a response to the consequences of his actions*( it’s Rain World not WoF)And guess what? I like that. I feel that those themes, along with WoF, do help.
@FrayBirdArt 2 года назад
Well said it’s never just a story!
@theambassador2527 2 года назад
Cheese is a dairy product produced in wide ranges of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein. It comprises proteins and fat from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep. During production, milk is usually acidified and the enzymes of either rennet or bacterial enzymes with similar activity are added to cause the casein to coagulate. The solid curds are then separated from the liquid whey and pressed into finished cheese. Some cheeses have aromatic molds on the rind, the outer layer, or throughout. Over a thousand types of cheese exist and are produced in various countries. Their styles, textures and flavors depend on the origin of the milk (including the animal's diet), whether they have been pasteurized, the butterfat content, the bacteria and mold, the processing, and how long they have been aged for. Herbs, spices, or wood smoke may be used as flavoring agents. The yellow to red color of many cheeses is produced by adding annatto. Other ingredients may be added to some cheeses, such as black pepper, garlic, chives, or cranberries. A cheesemonger, or specialist seller of cheeses, may have expertise with selecting the cheeses, purchasing, receiving, storing and ripening them. For a few cheeses, the milk is curdled by adding acids such as vinegar or lemon juice. Most cheeses are acidified to a lesser degree by bacteria, which turn milk sugars into lactic acid, then the addition of rennet completes the curdling. Vegetarian alternatives to rennet are available; most are produced by fermentation of the fungus Mucor miehei, but others have been extracted from various species of the Cynara thistle family. Non-vegan cheese has a high carbon footprint. Cheesemakers near a dairy region may benefit from fresher, lower-priced milk, and lower shipping costs. Cheese is valued for its portability, long shelf life, and high content of fat, protein, calcium, and phosphorus. Cheese is more compact and has a longer shelf life than milk, although how long a cheese will keep depends on the type of cheese. Hard cheeses, such as Parmesan, last longer than soft cheeses, such as Brie or goat's milk cheese. The long storage life of some cheeses, especially when encased in a protective rind, allows selling when markets are favorable. Vacuum packaging of block-shaped cheeses and gas-flushing of plastic bags with mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen are used for storage and mass distribution of cheeses in the 21st century.
@JadeMountainArchive 2 года назад
An interesting take, to be sure.
@theambassador2527 2 года назад
@@JadeMountainArchive Methamphetamine (contracted from N-methylamphetamine) is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug and less commonly as a second-line treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity. Methamphetamine was discovered in 1893 and exists as two enantiomers: levo-methamphetamine and dextro-methamphetamine. Methamphetamine properly refers to a specific chemical substance, the racemic free base, which is an equal mixture of levomethamphetamine and dextromethamphetamine in their pure amine forms. It is rarely prescribed over concerns involving human neurotoxicity and potential for recreational use as an aphrodisiac and euphoriant, among other concerns, as well as the availability of safer substitute drugs with comparable treatment efficacy such as Adderall and Vyvanse. Dextromethamphetamine is a stronger CNS stimulant than levomethamphetamine. Both racemic methamphetamine and dextromethamphetamine are illicitly trafficked and sold owing to their potential for recreational use. The highest prevalence of illegal methamphetamine use occurs in parts of Asia and Oceania, and in the United States, where racemic methamphetamine and dextromethamphetamine are classified as schedule II controlled substances. Levomethamphetamine is available as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug for use as an inhaled nasal decongestant in the United States. Internationally, the production, distribution, sale, and possession of methamphetamine is restricted or banned in many countries, due to its placement in schedule II of the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances treaty. While dextromethamphetamine is a more potent drug, racemic methamphetamine is illicitly produced more often due to the relative ease of synthesis and regulatory limits of chemical precursor availability. In low to moderate doses, methamphetamine can elevate mood, increase alertness, concentration and energy in fatigued individuals, reduce appetite, and promote weight loss. At very high doses, it can induce psychosis, breakdown of skeletal muscle, seizures and bleeding in the brain. Chronic high-dose use can precipitate unpredictable and rapid mood swings, stimulant psychosis (e.g., paranoia, hallucinations, delirium, and delusions) and violent behavior. Recreationally, methamphetamine's ability to increase energy has been reported to lift mood and increase sexual desire to such an extent that users are able to engage in sexual activity continuously for several days while binging the drug. Methamphetamine is known to possess a high addiction liability (i.e., a high likelihood that long-term or high dose use will lead to compulsive drug use) and high dependence liability (i.e. a high likelihood that withdrawal symptoms will occur when methamphetamine use ceases). Withdrawal from methamphetamine after heavy use may lead to a post-acute-withdrawal syndrome, which can persist for months beyond the typical withdrawal period. Methamphetamine is neurotoxic to human midbrain dopaminergic neurons at high doses. Methamphetamine has been shown to have a higher affinity and, as a result, higher toxicity toward serotonergic neurons than amphetamine. Methamphetamine neurotoxicity causes adverse changes in brain structure and function, such as reductions in grey matter volume in several brain regions, as well as adverse changes in markers of metabolic integrity. Methamphetamine belongs to the substituted phenethylamine and substituted amphetamine chemical classes. It is related to the other dimethylphenethylamines as a positional isomer of these compounds, which share the common chemical formula C10H15N.
@cadenround9675 Год назад
Wings Of Fire and Soulsborne really were the things that helped me grow and persevere through my rough younger years, and I think most of the reasons why were illustrated in this video. To me they seemed very simple on the outside but in reality they had so much more to them that made me reflect on what I experienced when I finished them. There were other things that heavily impacted me a bit more, but these two really got the ball rolling in terms of growth for me. Also, yes I know Soulsborne games aren’t for kids but they were and still are my favorite pieces of art ever made, ( except DS2 lol).
@ZekeTheFur Год назад
Its like adapting to stuff. Except its mot where specific body parts (hands, feet, etc) change to match stuff- its your brain, but it doesnt transform.
@GemGames3 Год назад
As a child I watched a series called The Animals of Farthing Wood, which dealt with forceful uprooting their old homes, animal death, and tension between the two fox clans, and I also had the Don Bluth films and The Lion King (which and showed an on screen 'dead body' of the father and was the first film I watched in cinema), then I experienced Harry Potter from my late childhood to teen years, which had pretty strong themes about death and grief. Kids are more resilient than what we give them credit for and I'm glad Wings of Fire is continuing this cycle.
@boopnoodle8813 Год назад
i agree but the only thing you shouldn't show to a kid is: 'blood poored from his belly as his guts' poured out while he screamed in agony' or the scene where winter tried to give peril a hug (tried to attack her) yeeeeah not those parts lol
@agsilverradio2225 Год назад
Book 3 and 4 covered gencide too, because the Night wings were orrigionally planing to genoside the rain wings, in what seemed like a "kill or be killed," situation for them.
@echo_is_probably_sleeping 2 года назад
I found this series in 2019 because my friend was reading them. I loved the books and they are still my favourite series. Wings of fire had all my favourite elements in books: comedy, a good ending that made sense, a bit of violence and relatable characters. I think one thing I was really impressed by in this series is that the characters are like everyday people and are relatable even though they are not humans. I think that shows some really good writing skill. Of course, other books show that too, but this is about wings of fire so yeah.
@pixeldragon2435 Год назад
I’ve had someone call me a “fake fan” for saying WoF is a kids series. I think this video explains how I feel perfectly, and much better explained than I ever could. Kids shouldn’t be sheltered from violence and gore either, as even those appear in the real world. Kids aren’t stupid and are capable of reading about difficult and scary topics, and learning from them!
@fandommemes8858 Год назад
I think the only time WOF says exclusively *the baby-fun-making-time* is in the epilogue (or prolouge? its the b4 bit), where Palm runs away, and tells her sister that Smolder and her tried to 'elope' [referencing 1:25] (3:55) damn, my father did that to me, and my sister. I don't really swim, I am just a blob that **drowns in style** . yeah, uh, my sis is TERRIFIED of swimming.
@JadeMountainArchive Год назад
Interestingly, eloping is just running away to get married in secret. I believe Tui also referenced mating practices in book 1 when the Mudwings were talking about "breeding nights" being once a month! Also, what a way to learn how to swim hahaha
@dreamadragna4549 Год назад
It's funny (well not haha funny but iykyk) reading qibli's book almost gave me the strength to stand up to my mother's psychological/narcissistic abuse. She at one point made me throw away this whole book series for a really stupid reason of "your not paying attention in school enough." It made me stop reading for a while. But these characters mean the world to me because each one has a little of myself tucked away in their stories; insecurities, flaws, quirks, disabilities, strengths, etc. She can keep throwing my books away. I will NEVER stop finding the strength to fight back as long as these characters exist.
@JadeMountainArchive Год назад
Good luck. And remember we're all rooting for you :)
@mailstorminurbox Год назад
a perfect example of a human being who grew up without books like these (and with issues in the family, i.e. uncle dead) is a friend of mine, you don't know her, but ill explain. the MOMENT a more "adult" topic is touched on, she gets so uncomfortable, she starts shifting around etc. (we are in middle school {late stages}, the average student knows about the birds and the bees and make dirt as HELL jokes), no one can say any bad or mildly offensive words (damn is not allowed), mentions of violence (ill stab you! {yes even jokingly}) makes her very uncomfortable she was never introduced to such things at a young age, she never got used to it and no one tried to educate her about such things before, now, shes gonna be screwed due to the absolute innocence, considering high school is next year, and a guy already has her in his sights. the thing is at some point people have to learn about these stuff, and books like this offer a nuanced approach that gently lets kids know about this stuff and get used to it edit: once i get my WoF books back from the warehouse imma lend the first one to her
@Glitch_Infinite 5 месяцев назад
Glory once said "wow, they work fast in the Kingdom of the Sea"
@LittleSenior-oz3cd 11 месяцев назад
I am glad I got to read this series. I feel like I learned so much from it
@user-ux2pi9nr9g 6 месяцев назад
i think that Wof is a good series for anyone. I started reading it at 9 and I was unphased by the deaths and adult topics because I was quite mature for my age and had a dark mind. but i can see why its to adult for some sweeter more innocent kids.
@oliviamontes8164 5 месяцев назад
This is why adults need to believe in kids more than they already do
@sasir2013 5 месяцев назад
Something I would've expanded upon is the passing point "Kids can handle violence and gore" A lot of people, whenever they talk about something not being adequate for kids are referring to surface elements like those being considered inappropriate for certain ages. And it is true that not everybody is adapted to that kind of content. A friend of mine who hasn't watched/read many things with gorey elements has had instances of defining some moments in the first four books as "upsetting". I do think that kids, when exposed to those elements, adapt quickly to them and they become more resistant to that kind of imagery when they encounter it in real life. But, as I said, I think a good point to have expanded upon is why the more gorey scenes on these books won't be too much to become traumatizing experiences instead of learning experiences.
@boikeminary48 Год назад
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