
Oklahoma Doctors vs. Obamacare 

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@spirittammyk 7 лет назад
Useless overpaid administrators, board members and commissioners are to blame for the high costs/low care. Same reason why our schools are in trouble. Overpaid superintendents and not enough good teachers.
@tomjoe9477 5 лет назад
Crony Socialism makes that happen. As long as X,Y,Z Teacher or X,Y,Z Administrator can lobby/apply/receive government grants and subsidies ( which is really other peoples stolen money through taxes/inflation/fees ) there is 0-accountability for picking off the money tree. Get the government out and open up the market and such "Overpaid and Useless" will not survive and will have to yield to the "Useful/Lower Costing/Better Care" options.
@stevewill3572 3 года назад
It's governments involvement in Healthcare that supports the reason for there to be overpaid administrators in the first place
@DCMAKER133 Год назад
government regulations play a huge part into this by design in order to justify single payer. A free market health care system would be way better and cheaper than single payer
@anniegaddis5240 10 лет назад
The government would never go for this for the U.S. There is no way to steal from it.
@BronzeEngraver1247 8 лет назад
We need a state in the union, any state, to fully adopt this approach to healthcare to allow its comparison to single payer healthcare
@alexhopkins2053 7 лет назад
victor vazquez yeah, I think states can technically repeal Medicaid and Obamacare. It was as late as 1982 when Arizona was the last state to implement Medicaid. I don't know what was before that, I'm guessing private charities and benevolent companies would offer their services for free.
@tomjoe9477 5 лет назад
@@alexhopkins2053 - The problem is the federal government taxes ALL state citizens for Medicaid whether the State implements it or not. Which is also the reason no state has "fully adopted" this approach. The federal government has WAY too much power for states to actually have legislative control over much more than roads/bike paths. Its ACTUALLY UN-Constitutional for the federal government to be in the healthcare market at all -- BUT... Good old F.D.R. during the Great Depression stuffed the courts to violate it and its been compulsively violated ever since. The left and even some on the right take the Alexander Hamilton approach to reading the Constitution which is, "It means whatever I want it to mean" and has nothing to do with what it says or was originally written for.
@ledzeppelin1212 4 года назад
@@tomjoe9477 That's a good point, sir. I've recently been a fan of significantly reducing the taxation at the federal level. Then, if California and New York want to raise taxes and provide universal coverage, nothing is stopping them. All one would have to do is move to that state and get a state ID to be covered. Anyone who wants free market coverage can move to another state. I don't think it will be too long until NY and CA realize how inefficient public health is.
@TheRisky9 3 года назад
@@ledzeppelin1212 That's the original vision of the founding fathers. It's thirteen experiments in freedom. But this requires two things we have a shortage of 1) it requires humility to admit we don't know. We don't know what the best way is to bring down health care costs, but we have a lot of promising ideas. Let's experiment with them. Find out what works and why it works. Everyone wants Europe's heatlhcare system, but they don't understand why it works if it works. They want free education like Europe. But when I start saying you would have to give up your big NCAA sports franchises and large bloated campuses to have that, they're not so thrilled. Or they just don't believe me. 2) Courage to admit we were wrong.
@Blackgam3r 10 лет назад
This is how Capitalism is supposed to work.
@Jerry-zf3ip 9 лет назад
Fiftycalibur "supposed to" and the reality are very different things. Capitalism in it's purest form is nothing but greed and corruption.
@Blackgam3r 9 лет назад
Booster Gold Actually this IS how Capitalism works. What reality are you talking about? You're not insisting that we have Capitalism are you? What we have now is Fascism. What we're SUPPOSED to have is a free market. That's what I'm saying. The reality is that Socialism doesn't work. Neither does Communism. They are maws that end up eating themselves.
@Jerry-zf3ip 9 лет назад
Fiftycalibur Not at all. Capitalism and the free market in it's perfect and purest form are zero regulations, no rules, and the only motive being maximize profit. If anything conservatives who tout the greatness of the purest form of capitalism should be applauding hospitals which outperform the surgical center in pure profit. Regulations are not the same thing as "control". Here are just a couple of great examples where more regulation would have come in handy, because the company didn't give two shits about who they would affect www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/23/us-usa-westvirginia-spill-idUSBREA0M03R20140123 www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/05/bp-deepwater-horizon-spill-report-failures-risks www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2013-04-01/more-evidence-that-fracking-causes-earthquakes isn't it funny. The Deepwater horizon oil spill marred the economy of the Gulf. Caused countless environmental and health damage. If a single individual did something like this it would be called an act of terror. As it stands the company got off with very light fines....and no one is serving jail time. If there were ZERO regulations or laws, then the company would have laughed it off, and just wiped their hands of the incident. We see throughout the world that highly regulated economies are more successful. For example, in South Korea there are much stricter laws on what companies can call "broadband high speed internet". As a result they have much less expensive and much faster internet than the US. Isn't it funny? The US invented the internet through DARPA, yet we've fallen behind on technology standards compared to most of the developed world who indeed have stricter government regulations to protect consumers and citizens. www.bloomberg.com/slideshow/2013-01-23/top-10-countries-with-the-fastest-internet.html#slide11 And then we have groups like Wall street, who have essentially socialized financial risks while privatizing the benefits. www.politifact.com/rhode-island/statements/2014/oct/12/allan-fung/allan-fung-claims-wall-street-investors-went-bust-/ the free market doesn't give two shits, and a pure capitalism doesn't benefit the common people. If that were the case Comcast and Time Warner would be providing us blazing fast internet at a lower cost. If that were the case Deepwater Horizon would have never happened because the company would be regulating itself. If this were the case then Wall Street would have not caused the 2007-2008 financial crisis, or the mortgage/housing crisis. I've given you several examples of failures of a free market in the modern US. These are not insignificant, these examples caused countless suffering and damage. I support a highly regulated capitalist economy. Capitalists do not deserve the right to play with the livelihood of the common people. If all they care about is profit, then it's cheaper to ignore problems than to fix them. This means safety, environmental, and health protocols. Jailing people who ignore these, and significantly fining the company should they fail to uphold certain standards.
@TheTyjah 7 лет назад
Free market is not code for Anarchist market.
@johnred2617 7 лет назад
work hard, save money and maybe open up a business one day and get to the top. That's what capitalism is about. You can still do this in Canada, England, Germany, Japan and evrey other country with free healthcare.
@im_not_political2026 4 года назад
I would love an updated version of this video... Like, how many new surgery centers like this one have been built since 2012?
@TheRisky9 3 года назад
I would really love to see this in Ohio and refer my aging parents and brother to this system.
@chainsawsurgeon6108 8 лет назад
The healing of our sick health care system.
@alexhopkins2053 7 лет назад
This is where Stefan Molyneux went when he had cancer :O
@deathbyzza420 10 лет назад
Go Oklahoma!
@kristaharmon7584 5 лет назад
Medical care prices rose significantly when insurance companies became the norm. Greed. Plain and simple.
@JonCaliber45 3 месяца назад
Yes, and they continue to rise every time the gov regulates the insurance companies more.
@TearThatRedFlagDown 3 месяца назад
@@JonCaliber45 Shocker. Almost like government regulation makes things worse. What we need is less regulation, that way more people can do similar things as the doctors in this video have done.
@ROGER2095 9 лет назад
This is such good news! I thought I'd have to leave the country to get affordable prices.
@llg4ever 9 лет назад
Kudos to those doctors!! Awesome work!
@im_not_political2026 4 года назад
llg4ever wtf is that icon bruh?
@dessalynn7289 7 лет назад
I really like the surgery centers and it does save a lot of money. My family likes to come home after an operation to home care by family. The secret is to find a good doctor who uses excellent practices.
@TheTyjah 7 лет назад
A free market with common sense regulations is all that is needed. In a free market consumers will go to the place where they can get the best care at the best price, which means allowing companies to sell across state lines. Allowing people to contribute to HSA's tax differed would help people pay for their health care needs and increase their options. Also the bureaucratic costs of government would be reduced. And then there is the fact the government miss uses and wastes a lot of money. Also less money would be needed for programs like Medicaid which many doctors won't take and which make up as much as 26% of some states budgets.
@benth162 5 лет назад
All I can say is HOLY SHIT. We need to get the insurance industry out of the health care business and allow doctors to do as these gentlemen are doing.
@TearThatRedFlagDown 3 месяца назад
Or we could get a bunch of privately owned, smaller clinics like the on in the video being both cheaper and more efficient and have people realise for themselves that they don't need the insurance cartel, all while competition between these smaller companies is going to result in better and cheaper care for patients in the long run. That's why Capitalism is great. We should have more of that, rather than more Socialist-style centralisation.
@bsaunders 11 лет назад
The logic doesn't follow. If taking away the minimum wage results in employers hiring more people, that means there is also more competition and less opportunity for each individual to work their way up. The employer can "throw bodies" at problems as long as space allows.
@johnmason2501 6 лет назад
I'm sorry... am I supposed to be grateful that a handful of doctors are FINALLY acting moral?
@williamarnn5240 5 лет назад
@claytonpalmer7284 5 лет назад
What!!! Capitalism works?!?
@tech-hilfeportal6611 3 года назад
Yeah duh
@snakeplissken7671 4 месяца назад
Folks, when you go to a hospital without insurance, they CHARGE YOU a massive amount and hire debt collectors to go after you. It is not "free". It never was. I went to a hospital asking for a $40 prescription for antibiotics because I knew I had pneumonia, and a couple of scans (probably only needed one) and a 2 minute talk with a doctor to get that slip of paper costed me over $25,000. I could have bought a new car for that practically or fed myself for 10 years with that. When you have no insurance, you get completely robbed. Hospitals lie about eating costs. No they don't. They are making higher profits than almost any other industry in the country because the government injects its bs into it and subsidizes it. Total lie. Socialism RUINS things and makes the costs come out of tax payers pockets or pockets of insurance companies that make you pay for other people's bills while jacking your prices up and making record profits. It should be illegal to not be told the price ahead of time, but it isn't. They can just do stuff without telling you the cost then send you an insane bill later and harass you with debt collectors and ruin your credit score if you don't pay. And yes, I did pay the insane bill but I had to contest it for months because of the absurdly insane cost. I ended up paying over $5,000 for a $40 prescription for something a walk in clinic figured out without even scanning me. Btw, said walk in clinic actually reimbursed me the $125 I paid with them. Hospital demanded 200x as much to give me a prescription for something I told them I had as I walked in. Cool. Thanks Obama. Thanks democrats. Thanks socialism. Get rid of Obamacare. Force hospitals to be up front with pricing. Regulate health insurance or make it illegal. Just teach people to save their money a little better. Well wait, that might be dumb too because Biden and democrats will just keep wildly printing money to buy votes with more socialist handouts to keep wrecking the value of the dollar with inflation. Ban their ability to do that too without an 80% vote approval in the Senate.
@BasilFawlty4444 11 лет назад
Absolutely ridiculous. I live in Europe, and have had Americans tell me just how lucky we are when it comes to the provision of healthcare. We're not forced by the government to do anything. We simply decided to make sure everyone gets healthcare.
@mlang52 11 лет назад
I was given a hard time by insurance companies for charging $75.00 for a PAP smear and brief female physical exam, before 2005. My wife was billed almost a thousand dollars, last year, for the same consultation and PAP smear! They are already raising the prices to beat the coming system!
@narrowpath2980 Год назад
A real health care center that help people.
@Wolfen6 5 лет назад
I'm a doctor and a hospitalist. The video is misleading regarding the "vs. Obamacare" aspect. It's not the ACA. All of the negative points, certainly valid, were developing by the late 1980's as managed care (insurance gaining increasing power to inject themselves into treatment decisions) began to grow. By 2000, we saw a surge of hospital administrator costs (more admins + higher admin salaries) increasing the monies going to administrative personnel 3000% from 2000 to 2015 while doctors' incomes have trended downward over the same time period. The culprits here are the insurance companies and profit-focused hospitals, their lobbyists, Congress, and, to some degree, the corporate-favoring Supreme Court. Seems like the video is pinning the decades-long deterioration and incorporation of the US health system on Obamacare. Seems intentionally misleading. The problems are much deeper.
@terradraca 11 лет назад
"Benefit society's aree just single payer systems on a small level" With one VERY important difference: Unlike government monopoly healthcare, they had competitors and thus an incentive to keep costs down and police themselves. I really would like to know why "Give a bunch of politicians a monopoly over healthcare and cross our fingers it doesn't go to their heads" just gets to win by default with no justification whatsoever. Why is taxes treated as free when it clearly isn't?
@SaulOhio 11 лет назад
I have been saying lately, whenever the government starts promising to make something "more affordable", the price goes up. Anyone ever hear of "unintended consequences" or "perverse incentives"?
@bilscot107 10 лет назад
This isn't about Obamacare. It's about the status quo.. HC costs are too high? Old news. Glad he's transparent, but that was the point of the need for reform. This is reform. Not from Ocare, but from the old system.
@gollum3018 11 лет назад
I'm confused as to where having great places like the Surgery Center (and it does sound great) helps the uninsured people without an employer who will pay $3000 for surgery and who don't have nearly that sort of disposable income. There is still a system that needs to be fixed here.
@misesmedicine 11 лет назад
As libertarians-- and, particularly, Anarcho-Capitalists-- have said all along: government is the problem, not the solution. The OKSC will exist and help people until government destroys it.
@wmthrockmorton 11 лет назад
I would love to see a Surgery Center open like this in every state. I'm tried of these blood thrusting doctors, insurance, hospitals and government taking my money that I have WORKED so hard for.
@in2itivebusinesssolutions841 5 лет назад
"Price Honesty" - YES! Way to be transparent with your patients - we love that!
@mlang52 11 лет назад
I was once chastised for not using $1,000/ dose antibiotics on a patient, who could get ampicillin (
@dkpenman 11 лет назад
I don't have health insurance, I can't afford it. I had hernia surgery at a not for profit hospital. The bill was $23k. The hospital extended charity to me and reduced the bill. I paid $9k. Had I known about Surgery Centers, I would have flown down there and saved half of that. Health care costs are ridiculous and we are being taken to the cleaners. It is unsustainable and the free market has once again come up with a solution to a problem.
@DeadButBreathing 11 лет назад
Where I live, because of universal healthcare, my mom paid around 70 dollars for her surgery. I got hospitalized one day, received IV treatment for 10 hours, a shot of morphine, a bed and food and drinks and I paid nothing for it, they just wished me good luck and sent me home without a bill. When I need antibiotics, I pay around 11$ for them, when I lived in a country with private healthcare, I'd end up paying over 100 for antibiotics.
@DinobotPrime 11 лет назад
Insurance companies cannot tell hospitals to deny healthcare, what they can tell doctors and hospitals is what they, the insurance companies are willing to pay or not pay for what procedure or medicine the patient may need. It's up to the doctor to convince them that it's necessary. Another thing, the reason why the prices is high is because of regulations and lack of competition due to government interference.
@jeffiek 11 лет назад
Anything that doesn't involve robbing Peter to pay for Paul's care. Not only is this immoral, it leaves Peter without the money to pay for his own care.
@splitecho 11 лет назад
Every doctor knows that the quality of care for their patients comes first before anything else. It is the core of the profession. People who abuse that physician-patient relationship by making profits and taking autonomy away from doctors should be ashamed of themselves.
@xbb1024 11 лет назад
Here is my take: the insurance companies/government don't get to choose the cheapest but effective care, the patient does. Both private insurers or a gov insurer will have the same problem.
@bascdeda 11 лет назад
If the government passed a law requiring all healthcare providers (doctors, dentists, hospitals, etc.) to list their prices for all of their procedures, it could solve the problem of rising healthcare costs tomorrow. Simply require all providers 1) to have a website 2) to have a link on their homepage to a page with a complete price list of their procedures 3) and to provide a brochure with a complete price list of their procedures available at their front desk. Competition will do the rest.
@HexTest 11 лет назад
No, insurance has mad things more expensive by allowing providers to charge higher prices without the patient knowing if they are even getting a good deal or not.
@shawno66 11 лет назад
I've done a lot of work for the healthcare industry. The truth is the gouging and inefficiency is enormous. I applaud OK Doctors for their ingenuity and integrity.
@MzFanfukntastic 11 лет назад
Re-watch the video and pay attention. The woman in the beginning of the video paid $0 dollars for her care. Her employer paid the full amount out of pocket for her because it was cheaper. So to address your concern, "for people earning 40K, either way they don't have that cash on hand." Their employers would be much more likely to cover the full bill out of pocket, or at least 80 to 90% of it..
@iamtheomega 11 лет назад
Obamacare specifically bans Dr.s from forming their own hospitals: no competition allowed. "Reason obtained a bill for a procedure that Dr. S performed at Integris in Oct. 2010 called a “complex bilateral sinus procedure,” which helps patients with chronic nasal infections. The bill, which is strictly for the hospital itself and doesn't include Sigmon's or the anesthesiologist's fees, totaled $33,505. When S performs the same procedure at the Surgery Center, the all-inclusive price is $5,885."
@Phantasmos 11 лет назад
My dentist did that, on a payment plan. Once he joined a group, Not only was I dropped, but I was notified of full payment or else! Its not insurance, its providers!
@EEKman71 11 лет назад
I applaud the hospital for providing price transparency. I dont understand why hospitals can hide their prices legally anyway. You wouldn't buy a car without knowing what the price was. If obamacare allowed everyone to be insured, there would be no uninsured people taking advantage of ER services. The risk, and their excuse for outrageous prices would be gone. There is nothing preventing the government from mandating prices on services just as Japan does, thus lowering prices.
@yarntwisted 11 лет назад
How refreshing! This is how medicine should be!!!!! Cut the insurance middle man, and let the costs of medicine be equal to supply and demand.
@tfaun 11 лет назад
One thing to consider re: superbugs: if an outbreak occurred at a small surgery center, there are fewer people and smaller facilities involved in containment and eradication. Compare that with a large hospital, which may have thousands of patients, providers, and staff in the building, and hundreds of different rooms. On the surface at least, the smaller center would have a much better chance of success.
@StateExempt 11 лет назад
I can agree with that too. No party seems to be willing to address one of the roots of the problem, which is that institutions like the AMA and the FDA actually reduce the total supply of available medical care at any given time.
@Tracywithafacey 11 лет назад
This video is really quite important and should show many people why it is that healthcare becomes so expensive in what alot of people claim is a "free market healthcare system." Prices in a free market fall over time, and this exposes the reasons they have not.
@HexTest 11 лет назад
No company would pay $3 wages for the kinds of jobs we see today. Why do most people make FAR higher wages than that???
@TopHatKitty 11 лет назад
I never understood why hospitals hike up prices because nobody pays them. Maybe if you lowered them and made them a little more affordable more people would pay. I know when I get my hospital bill in the mail I just get overwhelmed.
@tjak76 11 лет назад
@linunsw453 11 лет назад
It is the government, they are the ones that set the pricing & tell the insurance companies. My grandparents paid for all their MD & hospital visits, until the government got involved. Colleges use to teach at a reasonable price until the government decided to get involved in loans! To buy a house you use to be required to have a job to pay off your loan, the government got involved forcing banks to loan money to people who were not able to pay it back. That, is how it is the government!
@DinobotPrime 11 лет назад
Of course, they do, it called a hospital bypass when a hospital cannot take anymore patients due to lack of beds and the ER is extremely full. The hospital in order to end the bypass is to discharge patients who is deemed well to be discharge to the community. It's a freaking headache for the staff, for the patient and their families , to the ambulance crews and especially to the poor souls in the ER waiting to get seen and treated .
@martinwhite7053 11 лет назад
We get health care regardless of whether we've paid a single penny in tax, its called "Human rights"
@DuffyLew91 9 лет назад
When did not having insurance mean that you didn't pay your bills at all?
@serenesista 8 лет назад
+Paige Duffy Lewis Exactly they still get the bill in the mail.
@tech-hilfeportal6611 3 года назад
They pay their deductible
@jessevilla6372 11 лет назад
sounds like the only problem with the plan is that it doesn't account for the blatant greed of the insurance companies.
@hello12363062 11 лет назад
"In a study by FamiliesUSA reported that each week 502 Americans die due to a lack of health insurance. That is 2,175 Americans dead each month. The true cost of Obamacare isn't in healthcare costs and taxes, it's in the lives of Americans like you and me."
@Don7star 11 лет назад
" Unlike government monopoly healthcare, they had competitors and thus an incentive to keep costs down and police themselves." Low costs don't ensure better and high quality treatment, it only ensure that the healthcare provider make more profit. "Give a bunch of politicians a monopoly over healthcare and cross our fingers it doesn't go to their heads" just gets to win by default with no justification whatsoever." Because it's proven to be the best and the most effiecient system
@ichtuedirweh 11 лет назад
We don't die while waiting for treatment, in the US maybe. We are proud of our health system here in Germany, you poor souls can't expect anything, but we can, health care round the clock.
@LibertyDownUnder 11 лет назад
Southern states should have a healthcare "secession", exemting all patients, Doctors and businesses from all aspects of Obamacare. They are well within their rights to do so, and this will be a huge step towards pointing out the difference between free market healthcare and federally run bureaucracies. I think this is more practical than trying to convince 51% of the population to support a certain candidate.
@CrawlingAxle 11 лет назад
Obamacare is going to drive the prices up. Free market drives the prices down. Obamacare is not going to change the fact that there is scarcity of medical equipment and service. Free markets will.
@rockersamurai 11 лет назад
I was getting depressed and extremely horrified reading time's special report 4/4/13 and then I found this vid. It's good to see free market's attempt at fixing these high artificial and collided costs.
@RottenSquash 11 лет назад
"There are no mandated standardized tests in Finland, apart from one exam at the end of students’ senior year in high school. There are no rankings, no comparisons or competition between students, schools or regions. Finland’s schools are publicly funded. Every school has the same national goals and draws from the same pool of university-trained educators. Yet Finland spends about 30 percent less per student than the United States." Not bad! You just might be on to something!
@dreamihad 11 лет назад
Its here to stay, and that's the point . When your wrong , your wrong . I generally don't hang out with people who think the minimum wage needs to be abolished .
@jdagilliland 11 лет назад
I believe that caring for the poorest out of my own resources is my own decision, and that caring for the poorest out of someone else's is theft. Who are you to steal from me to give to someone else?
@vinnydemio5153 11 лет назад
Thank you for stating your case as well as taking the action that you did.
@CollegeTalkTV 11 лет назад
Q tip 30 bucks cotton ball 25 bucks band aid 95 bucks Kleenex 10 bucks That one of the many reasons why healthcare is so expensive in the USA
@mustardjar3216 4 года назад
and people say capitalism dont work
@Nth3nSum 11 лет назад
I think what he's getting at is that the this surgery center does not have an emergency room or urgent care clinic - they just do surgery. So they don't have to take a patient without insurance. There's plenty of bloat at traditional insurance places, but this is apples to oranges. They are charging the proper fees, but they don't take uninsured so they don't have to take a loss on anything. That is the reality of health care here.
@Trader0692 11 лет назад
I don't know if this is feasible, but it would be amazing if you could somehow put out a "documentary length" video on healthcare. These are the perfect videos that show how to fix the health care system.
@commiekiller1989 11 лет назад
For people who don't get it: 1. When Government pays for healthcare, price does not matter, hospitals raise prices. (medicare is mostly old people, who most frequently need healthcare) 2. High prices are billed to insurances, insurances raise premiums to cover extra cost. 3. You and your employer are now paying this inflated price for insurance (if you employer still offers it) AND you are paying the tax that makes your healthcare more expensive. Feel good politics does not work!
@Ojisan642 11 лет назад
If the majority of the system worked like this Oklahoma hospital, costs would be vastly lower. And you can then more easily cover everybody buy just offering a subsidy to the poor for care, rather than forcing everyone to pay inflated costs through employer-provided coverage.
@MacktheCarpenter 11 лет назад
I have a friend who is going to jail for not paying his child support after he severly injured his back at work. It's SOP for construction companies to dispute Workman's comp. and litigate. Well at least in jail he may get his back fixed. If you have friend's in the construction industry ask them if they have ever heard this phrase. "He was fired before he hit the ground"
@HexTest 11 лет назад
No, the cost of procedures will go up since more people will be requesting treatment from what is becoming a smaller number of doctors. Clearly what this center is doing leads to better service at a lower cost.
@IMissLiberty 11 лет назад
That's why I've been voting for Libertarians since I knew they existed. The idea of politicians controlling healthcare makes about as much sense as putting them in charge of economics or morality.
@HexTest 11 лет назад
Why would they? Clearly this system in the video in which prices are made public so patients can actually tell how much procedures cost is delivering better results. If anything we should hope more treatment centers like this spring up to give people more options and better service at a lower cost.
@gaozhi2007 Год назад
Funny how no one knew what Fentanyl was back then.
@Dreamw0rxx 11 лет назад
Free markets cut the fat out of the system, like they were saying in the video where they have 18 vice presidents making $100k+ wearing $4000 suits and doing nothing, and it leaves those most productive with the most money/compensation.
@PrivateAckbar 11 лет назад
I wish people would look at the problems with socialising medicine in America before praising the NHS.
@kev3d 11 лет назад
Regarding the free-rider problem, Obamacare expands medicaid. Add the fact that many employers cannot afford to comply with the costs of Obamacare, so they either hire fewer employees or reduce the number of working hours, potentially pushing more people onto medicaid. Open competition lowers costs and raises quality and choices, but there must be price transparency, which cannot exist if the bill is being paid by 3rd parties.
@WobbliesIWW 11 лет назад
(4) Most of our families most of the time will not face a complex, grave illness, but of the unlucky few who get such a diagnosis for a loved one, almost no family can afford the extremely high cost of treating a catastrophic illness. This of course is the entire foundation for insurance in the first place: pooled risk. (5) It's very difficult to tell what this approach has to do with Obamacare,
@npc92 11 лет назад
are you kidding me? Doctors in scandinavia cant deny you ANY life prolonging surgery even though it might seem absurd to give an 85 year old a pacemaker
@heroofdermwood 11 лет назад
The reason insurance companies do not drive people to surgeries like this is because they will die off if they do. What do you think drives people to get insurance more, a bill for $75,000 or a bill for $2,500 dollars? By sending people to hospitals that charge $75,000, insurance companies can justify their existence. If you can get a surgery for $2,500 people might question why they are paying $10,000 a year on insurance.
@ellenvitale3110 11 лет назад
I think this is a good idea - as long as the surgeon doing the surgery is the best at this particular kind of surger in the area and the surgery center is accredited and has a clean record regarding anesthia, infections etc. The person receiving the surgery is the most important person in this equation - not the insurance company or her employer.
@2lazybum 11 лет назад
Im usually very liberal and while I love the fact that companies cant turn me down anymore theres nothing in obamacare that says they have to cover care for those pre-existing conditions. And theres nothing there to keep prices down.
@Teemancan 11 лет назад
I love the hospital's justification for the higher prices.. that is like Honda charging $70,000 for a Civic because other people can't afford a Civic. While the top company officials are all making 6+ figures per year.
@sdgathman 11 лет назад
I have high deductible insurance with an HSA - premiums plus HSA funding is about the same as an HMO, but you keep the HSA funds for retirement if you stay healthy. I had a prescription for an MRI, and started shopping around for price. *Every* provider was *stunned* that someone wanted to know the price. They all took a week to get back to me, after apparently having to research the question. The prices ranged from $300 to $1500! HMOs have totally perverse incentives for all parties.
@bascdeda 11 лет назад
Please read the book "The Company That Solved Health Care" by John Torinus. That book discusses many of the same problems with our healthcare system and how the company profiled in the book--Serigraph--solved them. You would not believe the amount of price gouging, corruption, and inefficiency in our healthcare system that occurs simply because healthcare providers don't have open pricing. Clandestine pricing is the primary reason our healthcare system is in the mess it is now.
@superusermode 11 лет назад
and no one should be able to tell you how much something should cost? So if you end up in a car accident and are rushed to the hospital, then you should be charged whatever the hospital wants, no matter how much that is? How do you think that would work out for you? Emergency care isn't something you can shop around for, otherwise it wouldn't be an emergency.
@jdagilliland 11 лет назад
Governments keep getting in the way. Medical licensure restrictions reduce the available supply of medical professionals, and restrain what they may do/prescribe. Pharma patents make drugs more expensive. FDA makes many useful drugs illegal. The very poor should be able to decide whether to hold out for an MD they can't afford to see, or settle for a smart nurse. They should be able to decide how much testing they need to see of a new drug. And patents are just the icing on the cake.
@EEKman71 11 лет назад
Hospitals such as the one in this video can help us determine what a fair price is for medical services and can be used as a benchmark for Obamacare. If everyone is insured, thus eliminating the hospitals risk, then there is no reason that costs cant fall.
@martinjimenez9343 5 лет назад
Balance billing from "out of network" doctors could be fixed but hospitals (with few exceptions) have no incentive to fix them...Patent trolls are created by government? Ending the War on Drugs would also help?
@jdagilliland 11 лет назад
'...healthcare should be free at the point of use. When it is this way, private health providers are actually cheaper' This is an economically absurd proposition.
@MrPr0phacy 11 лет назад
No, because then you'd be infringing on the rights of the laborer to provide their labor at their discretion. You cannot force somebody to work or provide a service to you. If there is profit to be made, they will simply provide you with that service for a fee, but you're not entitled to have access to it just because you're alive.
@jobs4vt 11 лет назад
this is something we older americans knew - we grew up before health insurance existed - when doctor and hospital bills reflected the ability of ordinary people to pay. the insurance industry distorted that, and skimmed off the top along the way. now the government intends to do the skimming.
@IMissLiberty 11 лет назад
I'm very sorry to hear that. If we had more free-market competition, instead of these rigid government mandated coverages, two things would happen: more consumer choices, and more charity hospitals (most of the old ones have been put out of business by government mandates). No, companies don't care (they aren't living beings), but so many caring people who want to relieve suffering, provide support, and help people, are driven out of the profession by the government paperwork and liability.
@Loathomar 11 лет назад
What I find is strange is that more health insurance companies are not driving people to places like these, where they can get good care for much less. I did not see a good connection between this problem and Obama care. Generally, is seems irrelevant if you are uninsured or insured. The people this video showed where of the insured making good choices because it was good for them. This is what the insurance companies need to do, push a reasonable percent of real costs onto the insured.
@HexTest 11 лет назад
It doesn't drive wages down. To attract better workers productivity must rise and wages must also rise accordingly.
@ostinlt12 11 лет назад
Actually its not. Its about transparent pricing for surgery services. It was clear from the beginning that the Surgery center doesnt take health insurance. The free rider issue is a symptom of non transparent pricing. Healthcare has never been a right. You pay for service, or you die if you dont have it. That is fair. Thats how to deal with free riders. Anyone can go to Emergency care centers, such as Nextcare, join for $110 for family of 4, then pay $80 when you need care. Solutions exist.
@vinnydemio5153 11 лет назад
The more free the labor markets are, the more freedom of choice a kid has to go from one job to another in order to find a job that treats him well (which more jobs will treat their employees better and hire more often if they aren't forced to pay all entry level workers the same wages regardless of how bad of a job they do).
@SlaughteredDecay 11 лет назад
I think it is good to feel that you can help other people through taxes and also it feel good that you don't have to sell your house, just to pay your medical bill.
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