
Olycka på Sundbyholm - Jörgen belönad för sitt ingripande! 

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@gratiskusken4481 Год назад
Jörgen är en grym hästkarl. Trevlig att prata med.
@isacerro754 10 месяцев назад
Unfassbar. Die armen Pferde!!!!!!😢 Warum muss es sowas noch geben!!!
@danielleharrison5765 3 года назад
I don't speak the language but it certainly took a lot of people to calm down this horse
@nope8872 2 года назад
It only took one, the trainer Jörgen Westholm. The others were just trying to unharness the horse as fast as they could to prevent injuries.
@danielleharrison5765 Год назад
Yeah I know also like if a horse does have a harness on and if the horse fell keep it on the ground and take the harness off right away that way the horse can't get up and break a leg. I can see a lot of these people trying to take extra precaution and trying to calm down the horse so they can take off the harness
@MissMilly321 10 месяцев назад
inte första gången denna man hantera en sådan häst. Kon han från publiken eller?
@danielaskebring7769 11 месяцев назад
Grymt , vilken Häst karl !!!!!
@danbillingfors1553 9 месяцев назад
Kung Jörgen 😊
@ThrashingThruTheSnow 3 года назад
@mandyaitken3406 10 месяцев назад
Why do horses have to endure such misery just because some sick humans think its fun. For the love of god, find another hobby. There are literally 1000,s of things you can do to pass the time that don't involve animal cruelty.
@Mitchx111 8 месяцев назад
It might be hard for you to understand but there are many horses who love to race and calling it cruelty is just ignorence.. Most people how trains horses love them and would do nothing to make them feel bad. If you realy follow trotting and the circuit, then it is so extreemly obvious and saying things like tou do is just blaming good people for things they should not be blamed for. But it is easy to just react emotionally and to do everything to not be dissproven. it´s harder to challenge your self to actually challenge you feelings and your believes. Yea jou have heard or you have read something and then you think that is something that gives you the whole picture. It´s just lazy to share opinions without more than going on feelings or what you heard or read.
@mandyaitken3406 8 месяцев назад
@Mitchx111 it's not emotional. It's experienced and educated. I have worked with rescue horses for the last 30+ years. Many from race, dressage, jumping, and trotting abuse. I do personally know many people who treat their horses exceptionally well. They dont have the bog standard abusers, "your ignorant", knee jerk response when someone points out how unpleasant something is for a horse. They dont claim horses love to do things they would never EVER voluntarily do, like trotting at speed with a frigging cart strapped to them. They dont do ANYTHING that commonly injures horses. Horses NEVER trot that fast voluntarily, I've never seen or even heard of horses trotting round fields voluntarily because they love it. What are you even thinking calling someone ignorant, then coming out with that crap. If you enjoy it, that's one thing, but dont pretend your horse shares your enthusiasm. I work closely with many experienced, accomplished, respected vets, and they all agree that horses don't want to jump over things that are dangerously high, given the choice, they won't. They don't want to run top speed for minutes at a time, they never will voluntarily. They don't want to trot like they are forced too. If they did you would see them doing it voluntarily, you won't, EVER. Stop defending abuse, that is what enables it to continue. The abuse horses endure is heartbreaking, but the saddest thing is when people will not acknowledge their suffering, claiming "They love it". Or the usual "your ignorant ". Fair enough you had no idea how deeply involved, educated and experienced i am with circuit horses but claiming they love it is not just ignorant, it's stupid. I am so grateful that many equestrians love their horses and are pushing for better welfare, and will never put their horses through anything like cart racing. Sadly, there are many abuse supporters, like yourself, who enjoy a sport, so will claim the horses are "loving it" and call anyone who knows different, ignorant ( and trust me I KNOW different, first hand from the 1000s of cart horses we've rescued and rehabilitated). Your comments insult ever person and vet that dedicate their lives to trying to improve horse welfare. "Many horses love to race", what a stupid thing to say
@binnieslockscreen 5 месяцев назад
⁠@@mandyaitken3406I completely understand your concerns, I have been interning at a lot of harness racing stables since it’s my line of education. I have seen a lot of things that I haven’t approved of such as their tongues being held down by a piece of fabric so the tongues doesn’t get over the bit, but all the horses at the places I’ve been interning at has been happy, they get trained, their diet are adapted to them, they have regular visits by vets to make sure they’re healthy, their training are variated, some ride their horses a lot on different terrain and some work their horses from the ground. It’s important to remember that these horses don’t trot like this for long periods, one race usually lasts for a little over a minute. Sure a lot can happen during that time but this sport is actually one of the most harmless ones when it comes to horse injuries since the horses only do speed training like 2-3 times a week compared to dressage and horse jumping. In Sweden we have something called “hästvälfärd” which is like a code of conduct when it comes to whatever the horses needs, and it’s being more picked up on nowadays so all the sports are slowly adapting to it, we can see people start riding without horseshoes, use less harsh bits etc. But then we can also see people using harsh training methods within the dressage sport and the harsh truth is that horses are being imprinted to abuse by some humans. What a lot of people don’t see is behind the scenes, if a horse isn’t well adapted to this they get re-homed where they usually become riding horses instead of racing horses, for all I can say, I respect you and your opinions and not all trainers are good out there no matter what sport it is but I can only tell that we in Sweden are working extremely hard to use less harsher bits and make it as comfortable for the horse as possible.
@kronos4009 Год назад
undrar vem sitter på sulky?