
On the Antichrist - St. Ephraim the Syrian 

Orthodox Wisdom
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17 окт 2024




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@mayachico9766 3 дня назад
"he will especially asteem the Jewish race, because the Jews will seek his coming.".......that hits hard....
@bromisovalum8417 2 дня назад
They are trying to force something, with their recent shenanigans, the sacrificing of the red heifer etc.
@mayachico9766 2 дня назад
@@bromisovalum8417 with that logic, they are satanic no?
@TheMLMGold День назад
​@@bromisovalum8417What is the sacrificing of the red heifer and its meaning? Does it go against the notion of the jews as the chosen people?
@Monica_in_Alberta 3 дня назад
Sounds like prepping won't help much, but he says antichrist will be revealed to him who has had knowledge. But there will be help in the form of the prophets and our participation in the Holy Mysteries. May we cling to prayer and humility of heart. Lord, have mercy. Christos anesti!
@adrianc1264 2 дня назад
beware false prophets, beware heretical teachings, including within orthodoxy, and those blind elect
@endtimescrucialinfo 2 дня назад
The Antichrist Identified ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-VVf31G3q-RM.html
@WLID_ 3 дня назад
Praise the Only-Begotten Son of God
@85AngelRogue 3 дня назад
Love St Ephraim Do more videos on him ❤
@kaelou3408 2 дня назад
I can’t even conceive of this real horror for the whole world! How are we not to be scared?! Too few will be saved, it seems so unfair for those living in this time. 😨😭
@Thelordalmightyjesus 2 дня назад
That’s why we have to strengthen our faith and trust In the Lord Jesus till our last breath we most grow and teachin warning our brothers sisters family friends to be strong in the faith Our God will not abandon us be hungry for he’s wisdom and knowledge and Marcy
@inedtrova1589 День назад
Thank you very much! This is very important to know. May God keep us and help us in those most awful days to come, Lord have mercy!
@kaelou3408 2 дня назад
What I find most concerning is that much of the western Priest’s are not keeping abridge of the fast changes happening by the NwO already, warning their flock’s about avoiding their deceitful injection’s, food’s, plagues, and other thing’s. Very few are keeping their flock’s aware, mostly in the old eastern regions.
@kaelou3408 День назад
@@Gatar47858 I guess it isn’t clear by my comment that I am already… that’s why I said what I said… western Priest’s are not aware of what changes are happening like the Eastern Priests are.They’re allowing them to take medical injection’s without any warning whatsoever. Next will be the digital money, and they won’t warn about that either.
@jimvellios1426 3 дня назад
horror to those who reject the love and truth of Christ. their worm will not die. tormemted forever fpr their own sins and actions. cant comprehend the guilt that these people will carry for all eternity. but what awaits the true and faithful, the most i credible feeling of lpve and glory to ages of ages. truly amazing, the things that will come shortly.
@AnjieAyyoub 3 дня назад
Lord have mercy on us
@Thhuradshfefnbck 2 дня назад
Love have mercy on us
@VladikaRade1813 3 дня назад
Gospodi pomiluj!
@Monica_in_Alberta 3 дня назад
Tebe gospodi
@slavi7191 2 дня назад
Amin! ☦️
@marion4827 2 дня назад
Gospodine smiluj se.
@susanparker767 День назад
… NO! need to wait 🎶📣😇… it’s here ✨💯%✨
@chadvagbuster6580 2 дня назад
I can't wait like come on this is a once in a eternity opportunity to see this spectacle unfold
@mariavlahochristos7756 3 дня назад
@VisualizeInside-mt2li День назад
So Elijah & Enoch are the two witnesses. Makes sense considering there were both lifted up.
@rambo991 3 дня назад
Thank you 🙏
@Kay_Sire 3 дня назад
In 8:16 what does this mean. Is reffering to ash Wednesday? Sorry if its a dumb question
@ivaylogrigorov9806 3 дня назад
he is talking about making the sign of the cross over ourselves
@byronumphress3805 День назад
John 14:6, said, John 14:26,
@Trevyno101 3 дня назад
The Lord has given me dreams about this, he will look just like the Christ is thought to be, in every way, that he might deceive even the elect.
@bromisovalum8417 2 дня назад
The devil is the ape of God in everything. He cannot create, only imitate, and he has said to himself that he is God and there is no other above him in his foolishness. Hence why certain traditions say that the son of perdition will only have one working eye. In a sense he plugged out his own eye so he can't see the true nature of the lie he created for himself. It reminds of the pagan lore surrounding Odin, for one, and there are similar examples over the world depicting this act, giving up one's eye to """receive knowledge""" (gnosis, heretics who were called out by the Apostles already as a diabolic deception).
@ez_ekiel 2 дня назад
Do not trust dreams. No matter how "holy" or "innocent" they may seem. Just like how cautious you'd be if a spiritual being appeared to you, do the same with thoughts and dreams. God will not be angry with you if you are cautious with any angels that approach you, even the good ones. He will commend you for that, because you did exactly what you were supposed to. Especially be vigilant when it pertains to seeing Christ, demons WILL take the form of Christ, they can take the form of anything. It has happened to a Saint before and he fell for it and worshiped the disguised demon by accident. Then the demon instantly revealed its true nature and mocked him, then he had great deal to repent from.
@bromisovalum8417 2 дня назад
@@ez_ekiel I agree, be very wary. After my father died, I had a visionary dream-like state in which the voice of my father *clearly* was speaking to me, and we had a lengthy conversation. I never experienced anything like that before or after. Something similar happened to my sister, she talked with my father is a visionary (unusually clear) dream. Now, we come from a divorced family, my father was mostly absent during our life and we only forgave each other and reconciled shortly before my father died from lymphoma cancer. Part of me really wants to believe this really was my dad, given a last opportunity to speak to us, and my sister I know she believes the same, but part of me thinks it may very well be a demonic deception. It's safer to assume it was the latter, however painful and disappointing it feels.
@Trevyno101 2 дня назад
@@ez_ekiel I understand this idea, I only share the dreams that the Lord gives me to share.
@ez_ekiel День назад
​@@bromisovalum8417I can't imagine that pain you must feel. My deepest condolences and love goes to you and your family. My brother, when something like that happens or that painful thought about your father occurs, it is much more profitable to just pray for him, pray that he is in Paradise right now and that God will grant him mercy for any sin he committed. It is good to pray for the deceased because they are the ones that need it the most. We are given the opportunity to work on our souls because we're still alive, but once the departed departs from us, they can no longer pray nor repent. All they can do is await God's Righteous Judgment and go to the place for where the state of their soul took them. So since they aren't alive anymore, they can't ask for our prayers for they aren't here anymore, so when there's people like you and your family that does remember him and are Christian, it is very helpful for them if you pray for them and that they are be granted mercy and let into Paradise and freed from all unrepentant bondage or passions. God bless you and your family
@tezz907ontwitch День назад
Ngl the title made it seem like the video was about St Ephrem being the anti christ
@35s-k6n 2 дня назад
there is and can be only one [anti christ ] transliterated correctly is instead of christ and that is the son of perdition he who has already been sentenced to perish and that is satan himself 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 21st Century King James Version 2 that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as if from us that the Day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sitteth as God in the temple of God, showing himself to be God read it it is written
@KeillaSellay День назад
Reading from saints is exactly like reading from the Talmud. The Jews have the Torah (Old Testament), but they place more importance on the Talmud (many book written by many rabbis who interpret the Torah). Same with Christians. Many Christians place more importance of many writtings of saints, instead of the actual New Testament.
@phillwithskill1364 День назад
This is confused. The saints and Bible are apart of the one same tradition of the church. Also, the saints give us the correct interpretation of the Bible.
@Best-dz6ny 3 дня назад
Wisdom is in recognizing the products of contamination in your own religious literature, determine which are from ancestral misinterpretation and which are from the original teachings.
@ez_ekiel 2 дня назад
There is contamination because the rabbinical Jews/masoretes toyed with the Hebrew Texts. They took out some of the original words used to make it seem like Christ was the devil, that is where the term "Morningstar" comes in. The text in the original Hebrew was "Helel Ben Shahar" which meant "shining one, son of the Morning", The Morningstar/Morning refers to God The Son. He is called that because it can also mean "Light-bringer", we call Christ The Light of this World, it's because He is The Light that brought The Light to the hearts of Men and Women. Now I have to stop you there at the latter statements, because that's not the issue. There weren't any misinterpretations in the Early days of The Orthodox Church, how could there be? They literally just got done being taught by Christ Himself and witnessing His Resurrection, of course there wasn't any misinterpretation because they saw it, then of course those 12 Apostles and an extra hidden 70 Apostles went to preach the Gospel in all the Nations which gathered more disciples, and they made sure that these traditions, whether they be oral or written are kept, that is why in the Bible it states "the gates of Hades shall not prevail over the Church", that's because our Church is The Only Church that hasn't been corrupted nor fallen into heresy, the fake churches you see are not Christian at all. They have hidden agendas and you can see it through their fruit (deeds), they don't even try to be evil or false but they are deceived and too prideful to realize their current spiritual flaws. So they think "there's nothing for me to work on, so why even bother to search for something that is truer than my church", we call that spiritual condition "prelest", and it is very common among Roman Catholics and Protestants, I used to be a practicing protestant (well, not really. Never regularly attended Church but my beliefs were protestant) and I gotta tell ya, worse stage of my life. I was so lost and depressed because those "teachers" and "Church services" weren't teaching me anything, they were so consumed in themselves, and I found it weird, I didn't want to look for a new situation because I thought that my soul was fine where it was but then I began to pray and pray and search, make moves, and seek wisdom, ask questions, then I found the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church which is The Early Christian Church and I find it fulfilling and a lot more meaningful, and it just overall explains more on the questions that I've always had, basic questions like "if God is such a loving God, why does He send us to Hell?" Or "why does God let bad things happen", and even the much harder questions as well. We pray so often that others would find the Church because she is amazing. She has been a Blessing and continue to be, but many people are hurting from these false Christian churches that are secretly being ran and controlled by the same spirit of old that worked in Ancient Rome and in Ancient Babylon.
@Best-dz6ny 3 дня назад
Do you believe that jesus christ is god? This question requires that you firstly define what god is. Is god a human? Is god a phenomena? Define god of both physical and metaphysical. Rationalizing whether jesus christ, a human from the judaism religion has supernatural abilities deserving to be called a god. It would be of equivalent to call other humans on similar scale of supernatural ability god as well. This will form polyistic gods heads, the dragon, described in relevation. Even jesus prayed to the father, he bever claimed to be god.
@aay13 3 дня назад
Jesus Christ is the second Person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus has been and always will be the Almighty God. He was God before taking on flesh, in the bosom of the eternal Father being eternally begotten of Him, along with the Spirit who eternally proceeds from the Father. All things were created by Christ, and all things find their purpose for being in Him. Jesus is Lord and God. Even in the book of John, St. Thomas refers to Jesus as such. Even in the very book you’re quoting, Revelations, written by St. John, Jesus Christ Himself declares to be the Almighty, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. You can’t try to disprove His divinity with a book that is literally a revelation of His divinity.
@CreationSGame01 3 дня назад
Don’t speak what you don’t understand. Read about the faith and doctrine of the Orthodox Church and maybe things will become clearer to you. Don’t question this channel like they are Protestants. They know who and what God is.
@SethNemah 3 дня назад
Are you Muslim or Jehovah's Witness?
@ez_ekiel 2 дня назад
Brother, I tell you with great love, Christ has pointed out exactly Who He is. That is why the Jews hated Him so much. "Before Abraham was I Am." That is a call back to The Angel of The LORD (Preincarnate Christ) telling Moses "I Am Who I Am" which the Jews figured out for it to be Yahweh and Yahweh means "LORD", therefore He explicitly states that He is that same Yahweh. Think of the verse in Genesis where it states that God is walking through the Garden of Eden, that is Christ. Think of Psalms 110:1 "The LORD said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool." Also Psalms 110:6 "He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries." So, these verses are clearly foreshadowing Christ whom is God The Son/Word, the last one in particular mentions that this Christ or King will be at The Right Hand of The Father and will also execute judgment upon all the nations. Keep that in mind. Psalms 9:8 "He shall judge the world in righteousness, And He shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness." If you also want to know why Jesus is God but He prayed to God, we must first realize what prayer means. There's a few words relating to pray or prayer in Hellenistic Greek but I'll use this example for it is more relating to the question at hand, but the Hellenistic greek term Deesis which exactly means "urgent requests or supplications to meet a need", prayer could mean asking for someone or something, communication. So, there's Three Distinct Persons with Distinct Roles within The GodHead. God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. I will explain The Holy Trinity, we have a doctrine to explain it, Monarchia of The Father; "Monarchia is the term by which is designated the leading or opening statement in the orderly enunciation of the doctrine of-the Trinity (q.v.), i.e., the doctrine that there is one and only one Α᾿ρχή, principle or fountain of Divinity, God the Father, the first person in the Trinity, who only is Αὐτόθεος, "God of and from himself" (Pearson [Expos. of the Creed (1741, fol.), page 39] is very particular on the form of this statement, and takes exception to Bull, who uses the word " from" - "of and from himself," which Pearson considers a contradiction). The doctrine of the Trinity assumes that. the Son and the Holy Ghost derive their divinity from the Father is the one Α᾿ρχή. The scriptural and only true idea of God involves in its development the idea of the trinity; and the doctrine of the Monarchia may be approached either from the side of the unity of God or from the side of the trinity of persons. Coming to it on the side of the unity, there is presented to the mind, first, the existence of God, then the unity of God, then the underived nature - that is, his self-existence. Coming to the doctrine on the side of the trinity of persons, Scripture reveals God the Son, who is θεὸς ἐκ θεοῦ by an eternal generation; and God the Holy Ghost, who is θεὶς ἐκ θεοῦ by an eternal procession." So yeah. Since The Father Is the Source of The Son and The Holy Spirit's Divinity and Will, then of course Christ will ask The Father whom is in Heaven, especially since Christ was on Earth at that time, prayer was the answer.
@ez_ekiel 2 дня назад
One last thing, don't even bother with Revelation because that is not understandable from my point of view nor yours. All you need to know is a lot of what is read in Revelation is symbolic and allegorical. So what you see pertaining to "heads" and "dragons" that is not literal. The "dragon" is symbolism for the devil, and let me explain why. In Genesis, the "serpent" in the garden of Eden is some sort of demonic manifestation by the devil to tempt Adam and Eve, well the devil wasn't an actual serpent. The Hebrew translation for serpent was actually "Shining one" which calls back to the reference of the devil in either Isaiah or Ezekiel, but it can also mean "Seraph", which is correct. The singular form of the angelic office Seraphim. Which is one of the offices that is closest to God's Throne which Is why they're "shining", it's from being close to God's Glory. Serpent is also another way to describe "cunning" or "cunningness", which I mean look at the narrative, it checks out for it meaning cunning. Now, how the imagery of the dragon came about was because at the time of St. John writing the visions that he was given, he was imprisoned on the Island of Patmos, near Asia Minor, in the Aegean Sea, which Is in the vicinity of Greece. The Greek word used in Revelation for dragon was "dra'kon". In Greek mythology, the dragon is appears regularly. Flavius Philostratus discuss dragons in the land of India in The Life of Apollonius and they are again mentioned in the Greek epic Argonautica, book 3. Often enough, these dragons are said to be "serpent-like" in appearance, such as with the Ladon. And it is interesting to note that John also describes Satan as having "seven heads", which is a symbolic use of the number 7, but coincides with Greek descriptions of some dragons, like the Ladon, which had multiple heads. Since Satan is considered by a number of people to be the "original serpent" that misled Eve in the Garden of Eden, the description of a serpent-like dragon, along with its other features, in combination with the use of the actual term "serpent" in Revelation, makes sense that a "dragon" is an appropriate picture. Dragons were seen as destructive monsters, ones who caused terror and fear and had great power. Thus, it is no wonder why John was inspired to use the monster "dragon" as the beast to describe the most wicked adversary of God Almighty when recording what he saw in his vision. As pertaining to gods and miracles, the Bible never disregards the existence of other gods, in Exodus, the whole point of the plagues was God punishing the gods of Egypt (whom were fallen angels) that rebelled against Him and corrupted the populace of Egypt. The people of the ancient times didn't just look into the sky when it would storm or have a natural phenomenon occur and just be like "yes, this may be a god and I'm gonna create its gimmick!" No, these were actual beings that people have encountered but they told a fabricated truth, to make it seem like they're the good guys. Because of course people would find it easier to join the good side rather than the bad side. That's what you see in the Old Testament, there are a lot of stories referring to other Mesopotamian myths, like Baal slaying the sea god Yam, but it's basically correcting those myths and being like "no no no, that's not how it went down. Yahweh actually punished the sea god." And then look at Isaiah for example, it refers to this Helel character that wanted to ascend to the Heavens and become like God but he was brought down along with all of his pride, now there has been similar stories like that as well. Think of Zeus overcoming his father Cronos, Baal overcoming his father El, and etc. Which in referencing to this "Helel" guy, the most likely translation of it is actually the name "Enlil", which matches the exact name of another Mesopotamian god. That name also means "lord of the air", which is significant to this topic. gods are spiritual beings, and can often refer to deceased humans also. They're not gods in the same sense as THEE God, hence that capitalization of the latter. The Church never even claims to be "Monotheist", it implies that there's only one existing god which we don't believe. We believe in Monolatry. Monolatry is the belief in multiple gods, but the worship of only one. The word comes from the Greek words monos, meaning "single", and latreia, meaning "worship". Now, these "miracles" by other gods, those are what we call "imitations", the devil cannot produce an actual miracle, he can only make something appear as it is. Think of it like a projection.
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