Title = ‘A Love so Romantic’ , but this scene is viewed out of context…the little maid (who actually has another identity) is the girl he loves. No more spoilers from me. 😉
he married her to save her and it was only a fake married between them. But at the look of other people, they were a normal couple, and on his wedding night, he slept with another woman. So every maid in that house and everyone in that town would laugh at her. So after the divorce, she would have to change town to try to survive. But her choice was easier possible, she tried to fight against another female for the male lead favour, it was always the easy choice for a woman at that age. She will begin to make bad things and everybody would do against her. It's a classic Chinese drama.
Huh? You married the girl to help her and divorce afterwards? Indeed in these stories, marriage is just a tool/ strategy. The FL is just suppose to understand and wait?!? You just complicated things and got a stone to hit your head with. You went thru the marriage willfully, but there are alot of factors and people beyond your control. The conflict.
Different time period the girl he married was being forced to marry the prince, back then if a girl was unattached she didn’t have a choice to say no to royalty if the emperor granted a marriage, so he did it to help her. She knew he would divorce her later.
Não era bem assim! Sair do palácio depois que entrava só morta, ou isolada no palácio frio. Romântico só mesmo nos dramas. Os roteirista tentam, suavizar uma época bem difícil.
Я много раз видел, как герой дорамы уходит от нелюбимой жены в первую ночь, но не могу с ходу вспомнить ни одной, где его возлюбленная не рыдала, не сходила с ума от ревности, а решила, что не должна принимать на веру первые услышанные сплетни -- моё уважение ей за это. В этой паре явно есть доверие -- хороший знак. Ситуация ночью и утром вышла откровенно дурацкая, однако, судя по тому, что парень довольно быстро догадался про афродизиак, он сообразительный, а судя по желанию помочь жене, ему не чуждо благородство. А ещё мне понравилось, как он сразу расставил все точки над и с женой: честно, твёрдо, но без грубости. Единственное, мне кажется, этому разговору лучше было состояться перед свадьбой, но я не знаю, была ли такая возможность: это первый отрывок, который я посмотрел. Няня у жены просто отвратительна: сколько бы она ни прикрывалась любовью к воспитаннице, главный герой ничего ей не должен, он имеет полное право выбрать другую. А сама жена слишком доверяет этой мерзкой женщине и, похоже, не хочет принимать отказ и не понимает, что должна отпустить любимого, раз он не отвечает ей взаимностью: если она продолжит к нему цепляться, всем будет только хуже. Я, пожалуй, гляну другие фрагменты этой дорамы.
It's quite disgusting if the male lead loves this maid then he should have never married another women to make her suffer not to forgot he slept with the maid on their wedding night a hard slap in the wife's face. This kind of people are disgusting they can do anything immoral just in the name of love.
Watch the whole series first before assuming, that’s not what happened. He married the other lady to help out the woman pretending to be the maid because his sick grandmother thinks she’s his long lost sister. But he’s in love with the girl who is the “maid/sister” It’s a whirlwind. He married the other girl but never loved her, he was helping her escape a forced married by the prince. He told the girl he married he would divorce her at a later time she knew that but held out hope he’d change his mind and want her. It’s actually a cute series.
Social norms of that time period. Monogamous relationships were for the poor. Polygamy was accepted as normal, and marriage was more of a strengthening of family than about love.
@@Linz2121 when he clearly knows he can't give love & basic proper right's of wife then he shouldn't have married in 1st place. there were many ways to save that women marriage is not the only option not to forgot he slept with another woman without his legal wife's permission (in historical period too it's legal wife part of work to choose concubine). It's disgusting & disrespectful to marriage when he slept with others while begin married & not to forgot he slept & left his wife on 1st day of marriage not to forgot if he really an empathetic person then why did he left his wife alone on 1st day of marriage knowingly the consequence she would face redicules from society,his family & his servants too just bcz she can't keep her husband in room on the very 1st night of their marriage.
In like 30% of the dramas, someone gives the newlyweds some kind of aphrodisiac. The mother or father of the bride or groom (need of grandchildren soon), or friends of the couple (he/she/both are too nervous and surely need to relax) and sometimes it's part of a complex conspiracy. However, half of the times, it does not work, LOL.
Да... Его готовили для одной, даже что-то в чай подлили.., одурманив его... А он всё равно пошёл к любимой и всю...страсть ей отдал, видимо... Что теперь будет.. ??? 🫣🥴🤭