
"Only God can judge me." | Right or wrong? 

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Resources mentioned in this video:
-Doesn’t Jesus Say Not to Judge? • Doesn't Jesus Say Not ...
-What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others? www.gotquestio...
-How To Respond When Someone Says, “Don’t Judge Me” - • Video
-Spotify playlist, “only God can judge me” - open.spotify.c...
Verses this video was founded on:
-Romans 12:9
-Matthew 10:28
-John 3:16-17
-Revelation 6:15-17
-Revelation 16:5-16
-Haggai 2:6
-Hebrews 12:16-17
-Revelation 7:1-17
-Revelation 8:13
-Revelation 9:20-21
-Revelation 10:5-7
-Ephesians 1:20-22
-Romans 3
-Hebrews 10:22-27
-2 Timothy 2:13
-Romans 11:22
-Hebrews 7:26
-Psalm 7:11-13
-Lamentations 3:22-23
-Matthew 5:29-30
-Matthew 9:43048
-Luke 16:19-32
-1 John 4:8
-Malachi 3:6
-James 1:17
PO Box address:
Becca Eller
PO Box #20
10420 State Street
Mossville, IL 61552
I make all of my videos for Jesus - I would be lost without Him.
To find a gospel-centered, Christ-centered church visit: www.thegospelc...
To find out how to have eternal life with God visit: www.gotquestio...
Links to my…
-Instagram: / farawaydistance
-Spotify: play.spotify.c...
-Merch: www.bonfire.co...
-Etsy shop: www.etsy.com/s...
-Pinterest: / farawaydistance24
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” 1 John 3:1 ESV
-Love, Becca



16 сен 2024




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@lyrix9753 3 года назад
I ussually use the image of a person drinking poisoned water. You should ask someone that if it is more loving to leave someone to drink poisoned water or to warn them not to drink it cause if they do, they will die. Thats what warning others about their sin is.
@ramiroofaragon9323 3 года назад
She is a Proverbs 31 woman in full. She inspires me to keep hoping there's someone out there for me. What a find this channel is! :)
@Spatterdock 2 года назад
Not entirely. She doesn't have maidservants (v. 15), make linen/other textiles (v. 13, 24), or have children (yet) (v. 28).
@lionoffireministries 3 года назад
*The problem with deception is that people don’t know that they are deceived* 🤔😢
@amygomez9654 3 года назад
Very true!
@iblivs21 Год назад
I know! It's difficult, you could be easily blinded without you knowing.
@BonBonHassan 3 года назад
Oooh you should do one on “finding your purpose.” Because we make it out to be this big, dramatic thing, but wherever God places us, that is our purpose for that season!! And finding our purpose in God is way more important than our vocational purpose
@BonBonHassan 3 года назад
Also finding our vocational purpose can be as simple as what are you interested in and do those interests align with the Bible?
@naomigrace8261 3 года назад
Yes!!! That really spoke to me. Rn i am applying for work for the first time (i am 17) and am pursuing a career in Childhood Education and Care. I'm so nervous that that is all i'm made for and forget what God made me for :(
@amber0290 3 года назад
Ooh yes Becca I’d love to hear you make a video on this!
@Guaicoboi 3 года назад
@@BonBonHassan Hi Abby, I believe you should do a video on 'finding Your Purpose,' as I believe you have a lot inside your Spirit to share on this topic.
@BonBonHassan 3 года назад
@@naomigrace8261 Don't be nervous Naomi! Pray to God and seek His Word! If you are passionate about Childhood Education and Care, then ask Him for opportunities in that field and He will lead the way. It sounds like you don't only want to pursue that (correct me if I'm wrong), so I suggest writing a list of everything that you enjoy. For me, I am passionate about psychology, so I'm studying to be a Christian psychologist. But I also love cooking/baking, violin, gardening and writing! So I cook for people when I can, I am attempting to write a Christian fantasy novel and I want to play violin at my local church. Anything we do can be pleasing and honoring the Lord, as long as it is in line with His Word!
@emilygrace5579 3 года назад
I love this series!! I don’t often hear people actually say “only God can judge me,” but I hear that as the *foundation* of so many false ideas
@mikefanofmovies 2 года назад
"listen to the voice of The Lord your Redeemer, and repent, says The Lord. For your iniquity is shown upon your vesture, as a garment which has been ripped in two. Shall you judge others by that which you are also guilty? There is one Judge,[1] to whom God has committed all authority, and One only - The Son of Man.[2] It is written: Whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the Judgment.[3] For those who hold onto anger retain malice, and are filled with hate; they shall in no wise escape the Day of The Lord. For it is written also, and remains standing: If someone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar[4] and shall be found as such on the Day of Reckoning. Therefore he who seeks to cast a stone at another, let him first cast it at himself. Thus says The Lord: Sin is sin. All sin is sin. All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God[5]. Shall then sin judge sin? No. Only The One who is without sin shall be your judge; and behold, He is also The Son of Man.[6] Yet you continue to pass judgment on others by the likes of what you know to be true of yourselves, accounting to them those same sins for which you are also guilty. Thus you do greatly err. Therefore repent, and seek now The Way of The Lord; For God is love,[7] and His Mercy endures forever[8]... Therefore come to Me, Come to Me in spirit and in truth, And strive to love others as I have loved you... For where there is an absence of love, You will find only pain and suffering, Hate, and ever-increasing sin; And when it is finished, death[9]... Says The Lord." ~ "Therefore this is the food, with which you shall feed them: My Word, and My Word alone, lest you be exalted in your own name. For by My Word alone shall the sleepers be awakened, and by My Word alone shall the rebellious be warned. Even some shall be brought forward because of this, and they shall blaspheme My words, that the hidden state of their heart may be exposed. I AM THE LORD. Thus My servants shall cause no offense at all, save that which comes by the trumpeting of this Word. And of those who come forward, who are offended in Me because of My words, take nothing to yourself, lest you disavow the promises which must be met, for which you are also called. Again I say to you, let no guile be found in your mouth. Let only the song of The Lamb be upon your lips, as you blow this Trumpet to all within your reach. And when one who claims to know Me comes and asks you for more, feed them from My plate. And when they take offense and seek to cast down My words, warn them from Me, then quickly turn away as you shake the dust off your feet. For they fight not against you, but against Me, says The Lord." trumpetcallofgod.com
@ketapetautchere3941 3 года назад
“For the word of the Lord is right and true, and He is faithful in all He does” Psalm 33:4 - For anyone that might have a hard time reading the book of revelation, keep this verse in mind. It helped me through reading it!❤️
@sylvestreherrera6900 3 года назад
Romans 1:21-23 NLT Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. [22] Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. [23] And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles. You are truly seeking the true and living God. It's a blessing that you have the conviction to preach the true gospel.
@elaizamyrell4497 3 года назад
I am really stressed right now and I know your video can cheer me up. lots of love...
@arctictimberwolf 3 года назад
People have become Non-interactive...
@jessily 3 года назад
Thank you for this video Becca! I felt the love you were trying to convey on a topic that can be challenging to talk about. It's refreshing to go through your videos and I also always appreciate your book recommendations. We're similar in age but you're so wise! You encourage me to read the Bible more--there's so much in there for me to learn about Him :)
@peterernst1455 3 года назад
Hello Becca, it's partially true that "only God can judge me." But we must always strive to do good as much as possible so that others around us can see that as children of God, we really are different, and not just people who "fade into the crowd " like so many others . Love, patience and forgiveness are very important traits of a " child of God ".
@migpp7183 3 года назад
well, actually i thought " always strive to do good as much as possible " is the most important thing. And also doing good actions spontaneously and not like it is a duty or a score card to show God. And i see people around, that do not go to church, doing this (and probably some are even "mild" Christians or atheists). Aren't they better/more Jesus like than the ones that go to church, but actually don't care about others? this is really confusing to me.
@peterernst1455 3 года назад
@@migpp7183 Actually what the Lord really wants is your faith, it's about putting God first and trusting in him no matter what happens in life, regardless of how many times a month you go to church.
@peterernst1455 3 года назад
@@migpp7183 the most important thing is to believe in and trust in Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. That's what your salvation is based on.
@mikerutkowski7265 3 года назад
A true believer is able to judge everyone. Wouldn’t you just love to be able to communicate with Jesus? Well guess what you most certainly can! The reason why most do not know this is because the majority of believers lack knowledge of scripture or they simply do not believe that it is possible. Many believers are foolishly trying to seek God and inspiration from these false preacher’s that are all over the Internet and they have no idea that they are being led astray and condemning their souls in the process. Every believer of Jesus Christ should be living a life where they can never sin and they never get sick and if you do not possess this in your life then you certainly are deceived in your beliefs and you definitely are not a Christian. This is why very few of us will be saved while the majority of believers will perish. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” 1 John 4:1-6 NKJV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Many will read this above scripture and think that this is talking about an individual that you may encounter who is a preacher or whatever and that is totally incorrect. It is talking about testing the thoughts and questions that run through our minds since that is where the Spirit world exists. God is Spirit and once you accepted Jesus into your life He now dwells inside of you. It is now possible for you to communicate with Him in your Spirit since His Spirit and your Spirit are now united and they are one. “But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” 1 Corinthians 6:17 NKJV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ In the Spirit world there are Godly and demon spirits and this is why scripture is relating that you need to discern the spiritual voices that you are hearing in your thoughts. This is what it means to live by the Spirit since you are following the voice that you are listening to inside your head. Not by the flesh means that you chose to live by your own bodily feelings and emotions. If you have repented of your sins and you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior in your life you are now anointed with His Holy Spirit. But most believers do not really understand exactly what this means or even know how to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in their life. Some have asked what is the Holy Spirit and how do I even know that He is with me? So allow me to explain. First, you must understand that it is the Spirit’s job to change your heart and to make you Holy and He does this by purifying and sanctifying your heart in God’s truth. But in order for this to occur you must do your part and you must surrender your will to the Spirit and allow Him to teach you. Sadly, this is where the majority of believers fail and go astray because they never gained the wisdom behind testing the Spirits. Sanctification takes years and it requires our faith, patience, suffering and endurance since the Holy Spirit teaches us how to overcome our sins. Once we learn how to overcome our sins then we have now overcome our sicknesses since they come from sin and the devil. This is the blessing that Jesus provided for all of mankind through His sacrifice but yet most believers do not understand this truth. Most fall for the devil’s lie that you could somehow be a Christian and also a sinner and that sickness is a normal part of this life. They lack knowledge of scripture and so they will perish in their sin and in their ignorance of truth. So what is your Spirit and just how do you even test it? When God uses the term Spirit you have to now ask yourself, what exactly is it that makes you do the things that you do? Take a moment and think about what it is that motivates you throughout your day. When you wake up in the morning, what makes you decide to do the things that you are going to do on that particular day? Some things you do out of habit or maybe you even follow a daily routine. Other things you do are coming from these suggestions that just seem to pop up in your mind. This thought process that is making these suggestions to you is either pushing you to do something or it is telling you to forget about it. And when you get these suggestions you usually go and act on them or you just end up completely rejecting the whole idea. For example, if you were at a gym and you went to lift some dumbbells there is this voice inside of you that seems to be suggesting the amount of weight that you can probably lift. So what is this motivating thing that has you making certain choices and decisions throughout your day? Well this is your Spirit. Next you need to understand that some of these thoughts or suggestions that run through your mind are from God, while others are from the devil who rules this evil fallen world. Once you have accepted Jesus into your life you now have His Holy Spirit inside of you and so your thoughts and His thoughts are now one. In the past you may have had times that it seemed like you were talking to yourself in your thoughts, but since you now possess the Holy Spirit, you now need to believe that God is now communicating with you in your Spirt. Now in order to hear from the Spirit you must have faith, you must believe in this truth and you definitely must be relaxed and at peace. So now the next time when you are alone and when everything is peaceful and quiet, then ask Jesus a question in your thoughts and then listen for an answer. Make sure that you phrase your question in such a way that it can only be answered with a simple yes or a no response. Your Spirit will now answer you and you will either feel or hear the reply. Once your Spirit gives you the yes or no answer to your question you then need to test whether you were hearing from the Spirit of God or from the Spirit of the Antichrist. You must do this with every question that you ask from God because you need to make sure that the answer that you received was actually correct. How you go about testing the Spirits is simply by asking in your thoughts, “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” If you hear a yes then it was the Spirt of God who answered you and if you hear a no then it was a demon spirit that you were hearing from and he is trying to deceive you. So if you heard a yes to “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” then the answer to the question that you asked is totally correct (truth). If you heard a no to “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” then the answer that you received to your question is a lie (error) and so this means that your answer would be the opposite of what you originally heard. Here is an example. If I ask, “Dear Jesus am I saved?” and I hear a yes and then I ask “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” and hear yes again, this means that I heard directly from God. If I ask, “Dear Jesus am I saved?” and I hear a no and then I ask “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” and I hear no again, this means that I am hearing the voice of a demon who is trying to deceive me and so my answer to am I saved is actually yes. So if I rephrase my question and I ask “Jesus are you saying that I am actually saved?” I would hear a yes and if I follow up and ask “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” I would then hear a yes once again. The more you discern those thoughts inside your head the closer you will get with God and the more knowledgeable you will become about scripture and His truth. You can ask God if someone you encounter knows how to discern the Spirits or not and you can ask if they believe, it they are saved or even if they have blasphemed the Spirit and Jesus will tell you since He knows what dwells inside everyone’s heart. “About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:11-14 ESV I am a sanctified disciple of Jesus Christ who possesses the mind of Christ and I am able to judge every individual that I encounter since I am now born of God. Jesus taught me how to overcome sin and sickness and so I can no longer sin nor can I ever get sick since the devil can no longer touch me with sickness or disease. “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.” ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV “These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭2:13-16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@mind.body.soul.spirit2170 3 года назад
I would love a video on how Christians say “ only God can judge me” when we know we are to call their sin out in love.
@maximinocarrero2209 3 года назад
Thank you JESUS ❤️
@Looselimbsmcgee 3 года назад
Man, lately God's word just always makes me want to cry. They're happy tears, He's just so good, even in His wrath
@oliviajones3317 3 года назад
Becca, I've been following your channel for almost a year. I just want to say that I SO appreciate what you're doing on here. Truth in such potency is rare. You have your resources together, and it's clear that you have spent ample time studying, so as to not misrepresent what you're trying to say. You've grown so much since he beginning of this channel, and I'll be praying for continued growth. I hope this has been an encouragement. Keep letting your light shine!
@solapowsj25 3 года назад
Though we share ideas, only God can truly see and understand our thoughts and inner self.
@alayaholiveri 3 года назад
I love how she always starts off with 'hey beautiful people'
@moeshataylor3387 3 года назад
AMEN!!! I lead a prayer call at my church and I usually say the scripture you mentioned at the end
@NorthWoodMouse 3 года назад
I love that you always convey things so clearly and with love, but you do not shy from saying the hard thing! ♥️♥️
@ElianaFinland 3 года назад
Thank you Becca for serving the Lord with this youtube channel. You truly bring Him glory. This I can say because through you I have been inspired to know Him deeper. I am so thankful that I found your channel. Your gift of explaining confusing topics in an understandable way is amazing! haha, Love from Finland!
@jermainebeea1444 3 года назад
If God doesn't want us to question his existence, why did he give us the ability to question his existence
@lovingisabel2078 3 года назад
I'm crying, I love ur channel. Glory to God and Jesus Christ. Without them I AM NOTHING. I LOVE U JESUS
@kurtbradwill 3 года назад
YES!!! John 3:17 is a such a beautiful verse I wish that had as much adoration.
@skylercotton5481 3 года назад
These are topics not talked about enough in Churches,thanks for the video!It goods to have a balanced christianity and stay in the word.God Bless🙏
@nombimsweli8643 3 года назад
Becca your videos never fail to challenge me in my walk with Christ. You have truly helped me grow and want to learn more. By the way, THANK YOU FOR THE SIMPLY PUT PODCAST recommendation🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I listen to Barry every morning as part of my quiet time, I especially enjoyed the poddy on Assurance of Salvation. He really helped put me at ease because I was fearing for my salvation and started worshipping God from a place of "I need to secure my place I paradise" instead of serving Him from love. But I had to face the fact that Salvation comes from God alone, through the Son and not by works, there is nothing I can do to pay off the debt my sin has put me. It was such a freeing realization that I didn't realise I needed for the longest time. Thanks again Becca❤
@stephaniemassengill3310 3 года назад
Absolutely love how you break these sayings down for us. It’s our job to Recognize false teachings, and you’re doing just that. While spreading the proper word to us. So blessed to have found this channel. Thank you god!!
@dontbestupid1344 3 года назад
EXCELLENT. That true. If you believed and accepted Jesus Christ. And you have Spirit of True, Holy Spirit follows you good way,and you do not other people who tell you where to go. Many pastors look like and do the same like prist in Rome Catholic church..... I struggled with that long time,but I found good way I think . God Bless you all
@hollywilson6019 2 года назад
I've been needing this so much.. Thank you
@viktorijakrasovska8390 3 года назад
Your wisdom is worth more than all the gold in the world 🔥
@lyrix9753 3 года назад
I just had this talk to a girl I met. She blocked me when I continued to talk to her about it.
@Ellenamingleheart 3 года назад
I’ve been blocked twice last week just talking about God’s word to people 😭. Just keep going sis, it feels discouraging but, the more you speak about Jesus to others you’re doing what God willed us to do. Plus Jesus told us the world would hate us for His name sakes.
@meadowfawn9987 3 года назад
@@Ellenamingleheart amen 🙏
@stephenlechuga1124 3 года назад
Same. But keep them in your prayers
@malieshac1578 3 года назад
Say this to your self "i want to change my life,i want to give my life to him,its hard But I wont give up, this year is going to be my year! I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me". AMEN!!!! May lord jesus Christ bless u with everything you do.. remember JESUS LOVES YOU💓😇
@lopes_2000 3 года назад
@Micha3lsGodIsReal 3 года назад
*"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."*
@humanhearrt 3 года назад
The part about being saved by Gods wrath is like common sense but like at the same time was so blind to that.
@killajedi907 3 года назад
This was fantastic thank you! Hello from Alaska
@CateOtanes 3 года назад
excellent video, Becca. Loved all the deep videos you've been producing. I've seen you grow so much in grace and knowledge in Christ. Praying for more.
@sophiejanelee 3 года назад
Yes, only God can judge you, and that should absolutely TERRIFY you. This is what I always say, which is so true!!
@enilec. 3 года назад
Such a helpful video. The part about being saved from God's wrath particularly. Just thinking about makes me realise just how big and powerful God is when I'm used to only hearing about the love.
@kali8085 3 года назад
You hit lots of scriptures, which is good, however the one I feel hits this topic hard is Matthew 7:4-5 or the parallel story in Luke 6:24. Basically, before you judge other about an issue, be sure it’s something you already dealt with in your own walk - “take the bean out of your eye first.” Many Christians judge others about stuff, sometimes with good intentions, but they themselves have not yet dealt with ( basically being a hypocrite). That kind of behavior is outside of what Christ has called us to be. Blessings.
@jamesburton9708 3 года назад
In all reality, that phrase is popular because Tupac made it famous via his 1996 song of the same name - obviously cataloging elements of his tumultuous life. It was adopted and appropriated thereafter
@simpleascanbe6790 3 года назад
Thanks for this video, Becca! I was wondering if you could do a video on your favorite Christian pastors, teachers, influencers, etc. I’m trying to look for more Bible-based teaching, which is kinda hard to find nowadays!
@Jamie-Russell-CME 3 года назад
i catch myself doing that too. Justifying people I like as "good". Love and hate seem to be used as opposing ideas. Perhaps they are meant in a sliding scale of opposite concepts. Not a set bar in which you make it as one or the other. Probably gibberish but maybe you can get what I mean. Lol.
@Jamie-Russell-CME 3 года назад
nice "Bird of Paradise". Looks healthy.
@FarAwayDistance 3 года назад
@@Jamie-Russell-CME Thank you!! I literally worry I'm going to kill it every day lol I've tried so hard to keep it alive!
@anomie1000 3 года назад
Hey Becca, loved this video, it was really insightful! Could you please do a video on finances and how to see and manage money eg. greed, riches as a Christian? I feel like its smth im struggling with
@zarascott9833 3 года назад
Love this! You hold fast to the truth and that is incredible! I had a question (just out of interest) - What is your view on MacArthur's opinion on cessationism? Sending love x
@richceretto5836 3 года назад
Very well done Becca! Thank you for reaching out to others to give them a well balanced understanding of God, Jesus, the gospel and why we all need them. I pray God keeps filling you with His living water so you may keep pouring it out for others. 🙏🏻☝️✝️💜
@georgem616 3 года назад
I always tell those that profess they are 'good' people..."Yes you are a good person....by man's standards. But the All Mighty has much higher standards and we all fall short...yes even you"
@candicecan1634 3 года назад
Great video!! Thanks for your ministry and all you're doing for the Kingdom
@bynes2674 3 года назад
This was a great video. Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for speaking the truth.
@lionoffireministries 3 года назад
*Judge not, lest you be judged* 🔥🔥
@lifethroughromans8295 3 года назад
Lion of Fire Ministries - Only if you are a hypocrite. That is Matthew 7: 1. Keep reading and on reaching verse 5, we see to whom the verse "Judge not, lest you be judged" was given. Jesus begins verse 5 of Matthew 7 by saying, "You hypocrite!". Basically, don't make hypocritical judgements. A hypocrite has no right to judge. Elsewhere, Jesus says "Judge righteously" (John 7: 24) So, we can judge. We must not be hypocrites when we judge. That's it.
@Matthew-cz3gk 11 месяцев назад
Lionoffireministries finish the verse.
@lionoffireministries 11 месяцев назад
@@Matthew-cz3gk yes, I know. I did a video on this a couple of years ago.
@darekgwozdz 3 года назад
Wise words as always. Thanks for not compromising the Truth
@Rose-cx9iz 3 года назад
Great message! You should make a series where you go through the whole Bible
@_KendraChristine 3 года назад
So so good!!👏🏼
@edbay3352 3 года назад
Great video, Thank you!
@hollie5824 3 года назад
You look really great in yellow 💛
@maurinaruff5328 3 года назад
Thank you for your videos 🥺❤
@alaynawhipple7161 3 года назад
VERY well said. Thank you, sister! 😊🙏🏼✝️💕
@SkywatcherSandra 3 года назад
Hugs and GOD bless you all. Very informative and interesting video. Tyvm
@kunztuber 3 года назад
i love your desire to be genuine, and to love people from a pure start, it is quite beautiful, just saying..
@RetroGamePlayGt 3 года назад
Thank you ! i really needed this
@bingokemski4473 3 года назад
1768 minutes of content, honestly... I hope I can watch all of these. ;-; Good video.
@daniellekramer93 3 года назад
He is the judge! That is actually what my name means!!! How funny you posted this!!! I watched the whole video. It was a long one but it was great!
@mannysaude75 3 года назад
Hello. Your video’s are very inspirational. I enjoy watching them. God bless you.😇
@Jakker271 3 года назад
Good video on a difficult topic. Judge not least you be judged yourself. We can look within and question ourselves. We also live in a world of identity. That limits consciousness and a world of social media which encourages judgements of others; initially, through the idea that you could do it anonymously. The world confirms scripture and we are a witness to that fact. They did exactly what God didn't want, which is mix up the nations allowing strangers in. This is a spiritual war, that impacts on this reality and so I pray for them in Jesus name that they find the will to look within and not imagine wickedness. But people are thrown into a system and have no idea. God says to be God fearing so that is the only thing to fear and it subliminally encourages men and women to look within themselves.....which is where the solution lies.
@helenbrown9244 3 года назад
Thank you so much for your channel. It’s such a blessing 🥰💖
@LaguBudakKuching 3 года назад
@artsy618 3 года назад
Have you shared your testimony before? I would love to hear about it :)
@jessicaflanagan5095 3 года назад
Can you do a video on YWAM? Your opinion, biblical sound of their teachings, and the movement as a whole? I just did a DTS and have questioned a lot of the teachings. Thank you !!
@KarenEstfny 3 года назад
Thank you, it helped me to get more of that equilibrium. 💕
@relaxingmusic6609 3 года назад
Am I the only one who says "Hi beautiful people" with her at the beginning? Yes? ok then....
@Nicolejduval 3 года назад
Hey Becca, could you make a video about the view of cosmetic surgeries (not health related) in terms of what the Bible /God says?? Deeper than just vanity and stuff. Greetings from Dominican Republic :)
@dagman85 3 года назад
I appreciated what John MacArthur had to say on p.44 of that book, about how the wrath that we see God exhibit in the Bible is an expression of His love. I think that is accurate. However, I don't think it's correct to present wrath and love as two equally present attributes of God's nature. I know that the Bible says that God *is* love, but I'm not aware of any place that it says He *is* wrath. He has wrath toward certain things, certainly, and we see various demonstrations of His wrath in Scripture, but I don't believe that it says anywhere that He *is* wrath. So love and wrath are not at all on the same level as parts of God's nature, and it is actually imbalanced to suggest that they are.
@areformeddudenamedjessebro915 3 года назад
John Mcarthur is awesome! It's funny to hear talk of Jesus coming and a rapture. Not that you said that. I listen to Jeff durbin, James white and doug Wilson, so I have a postmillennial view of "in of age". The Lord is coming in judgement, Isaiah 19, corinthians 15 order of things, Christ in the church puts everyone under his feet psalm 119, then he comes to rule physically on earth, resurrection of every one. Yes. Christ alone. God bless!
@nickabcplane4734 3 года назад
Thanks Becca
@diddl03 3 года назад
Thank you for your videos💛
@andreanicolereyes4274 3 года назад
I need a savior, only Jesus🙌
@hgboone3 3 года назад
I've always thought of that comment was people trying to combat the judgments of people in this world. Insane this phrase only God can judge me is saying you don't have the power and authority to judge me. Being baptized is it covenant with God. It is similar to having a reservation in a hotel. It is more than that your name is written there though there will be judgments and they will be judged by many books. Yet if your name is written in the reservation book. Joy to sol you will have the right to drink from the cup of eternal life you will become eternal and be washed wide as snow. The lot that did not join the covenant since revelation Jesus has the keys to hell it's in the first chapter if you believe in the book. And there's other problems of disbelief some people rebel against the Trinity themselves and believe that Jesus did not get promoted down here on Earth to be the son of God. Because Jesus is your and the devil is conquered he is conquered when Jesus became God victorious. The dark dungeon of hell is nothing more but a heavenly tourist attraction. Lots of people probably will see heaven and walk the streets of heaven. Yes some of this comes from pondering upon scriptures and expanding a little bit upon logically. These people who did not drink upon the covenant and the Bible talks about a release from hell. There will be a happening that is described in the Bible where all these shall bow and confess that he is Lord. That needed to be accomplished now doing it. But those who did not take apart in the covenant will not have access to eternal life. Just like here on Earth they are destined to fade but the people who have took up the baptism and the covenant with Jesus. They will be altered and change and one of the perks is that they will have no sorrow. There's a country music western song that has the lyrics that get on right. The lyrics goes as is. Standing before the throne of judgment God says come on in you did the best that you can do there a little bit of pride in every wrong there is a little bit of me in you. The song is by George strait some people can't even get the lyrics. Jesus said if darkness how great is that darkness. This song lyrics says in every wrong God can see something that provides him.. I do want to tell you that you're doing good you're sharing your understanding I do not want to non-humble myself by saying encouragement. But you just doing this is an action of love. It is this that is important immediate love to God. And working out God's understanding. And yet the Bible says we are to treasure our first teachings. Except for the elementary ones the larger concepts are cooking out of context and not very many Christians and so said Bible scholars gets to the harmony of the Bible scriptures.
@SuperMichelleDJ 3 года назад
Typical judgemental Christians, I see. Goodbye!
@hgboone3 3 года назад
@@SuperMichelleDJ There's a lot of people reaching out to you.. why not consider embracing understanding and discovery. Of our humanitarian religion.
@user-ot4rc9jh8e 3 года назад
Funny how if a Christian warns someone about sinning it's called "judging." Like how do I help you if you dont want to be helped.
@cigarettesister 3 года назад
What good is actually accomplished from "calling out" what you consider sin? Like what good comes from saying that gay marriage isn't legitimate or opposing gay marriage as a right? How does it outweigh the harm done by telling people they should suppress a part of themselves?
@foot942 3 года назад
A RU-vid coment onece said : Discernment is not differentiating right from wrong. It is differentiating right from almost right
@marketadajkova7952 3 года назад
Amazing video! but it can surely be unsetteling so I also have a song recomendation for you- if you tend to be easily lied to about God's love for you, the Ghost Ship-Oh Sinner song is for you!! :) it doesn't deny punishment but highlights Jesuses mercy towards you
@m.o.cmanofchrist835 3 года назад
Amen yes sister 🙏🏼🕊📖 I did a video about this on Sunday lol
@114tl Год назад
Actually, while it mean seem true, somehow there is also a opposite way, remember the Bible is sharper than any two edge sword, the problem is that people look at one side and ignore the other sides. It does say at one point that God can judge someone according to our works whether it be good and evil, but, the other side it might say all will be held accountable (including me), in conclusion, it is better to not boast nor take pride that your saved and say “Only God can Judge me”, but preach to others so they can be saved too from the pits of eternal fire. This is why soul winning for the LORD may help you grant treasures in heaven greater than saying I’m sorry, than using your salvation as an abuse. Remember Jesus warns about pride and being haughty.
@amygomez9654 3 года назад
The devil is very devious and smart when it comes to making sin look so juicy and fun! Sadly to those who are still not fully understanding of the Bible will look for anything that will make their sins seem "not so bad" . But that's just the devil working inside them. But if we truly love the person we must tell them the truth no matter what! No sugar coating! Tell them what the Bible really says! WE MUST SEEK FORGIVENESS AND ASK FOR STRENTH! Only God can saves us from what's to come!! Prayers and blessings to anyone reading this! God is good all the time! 💙💙✨
@teckness3456 3 года назад
Can you please do a video (if you have time or want to) protestant vs catholic. From your videos I think you're protestant but I could be wrong. If you are could you go into why you believe being in a protestant church is better than being a catholic. I'm really struggling with this. I feel very strongly pulled to the Catholic church but not only do I not have a catholic church nearby that I can get to, by boyfriend does not agree with some of the teachings. For example Catholics believe it is wrong to use any form of contraception. He will not agree to using Natural Family Planning after we're married. So I feel like if I want to marry him I have to stay protestant. So I'm very confused.
@FarAwayDistance 3 года назад
I am Protestant! I would encourage you to research the 5 Solas - anything by Ligonier Ministries, John Piper, John MacArthur, RC Sproul, Voddie Baucham, they will help you understand the difference for sure :)
@migpp7183 3 года назад
"Only God can judge me." Than why people in my church are always judging me and the others???? Jesus is going to separate the Christian from non Christians? But what is a Christian? there are different concepts of what being a Christian or a (good) Christian is. are the people that go to church Christians? sorry but not all of them!!! i am confused. when i was younger i thought jesus most important message and gift was love, empathy, and the concern for your fellow man. ---> but now it seems it more centered in " you need to believe in me, all rest is not so important". Can some one explain his to me? i find a bit sad that now the " beleive and me " is like a "Ace " or "joker" card or a " out of the prison card" that elevates the status of person, and they become arrogant and think they can sin, because their sins are automatically cleaned. For me this arrogance and hypocrisy is sad, thats is why i left church so i now prefer to meet one or two people from the church and thats it. I honestly think, Jesus is very disappointed with us. He is probably thinking: "even after 2000 years, they still dont get it ". ...anyway, only God can judge me , but and i really open he can open my eyes before, because i feel a lot of conflict in me .
@mikerutkowski7265 3 года назад
This girl is like most believers and she is not a Christian. A true Christian can judge anyone, Most believers are actually deceived in their beliefs and they are blinded to God’s truth since they do not understand that sickness comes from sin and the devil. So if you currently have an affliction or you can get sick then you clearly are someone who still lives in sin and you certainly are not a Christian. You may foolishly believe otherwise but you are definitely wrong since your sin and sickness is certainly proving that you are a deceived believer who lacks knowledge of scripture. You are unaware of the blessing that Jesus provided for all of mankind and so you never learned how to overcome your sin and your sicknesses. I am a sanctified disciple of Jesus Christ who can no longer sin nor can I ever get sick and Jesus has given me wisdom about scripture that very very few will ever possess. So I will warn you not to challenge what I am relating since if you disagree then you will be denying truth and you will blaspheme the Spirit with your lies. Realize that there is not even one scripture where God ever stated that a person who possesses sin and sickness in their life is His child so if you can still sin and you can still get sick then you definitely are not a child of God. Scripture does relate that if you do sin then you are of the devil and if you have afflictions then you are a sinner who does not know God. Only a small amount of believers truly understand God and scripture and this is why scripture relates that only a remnant will be saved since most believers are completely deceived in their beliefs and they are destined to perish in their sin and their ignorance of truth. Most do not even understand the difference between a Believer, a Disciple, a Christian and a Apostle and so I will now explain. “Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, The remnant will be saved.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “Now “If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?” ‭‭I Peter‬ ‭4:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ When you first repent of your sins and you accept Jesus into your life you are now a believer but you are still deceived and ignorant about scripture since you have never been sanctified in truth by the Holy Spirit. This is why a believer will still possesses sin and sickness in their life since they still lack knowledge in the word of God. Once a believer accepts Jesus into their life they were then commanded to surrender their will to the Holy Spirit so that they may allow the Spirt to teach them how to stop sinning. This purification process is called sanctification and it can only be achieved by understanding how to test the Spirits as commanded in 1 John 4. Sanctification takes years and it requires our faith, patience, suffering and endurance since the Holy Spirit teaches us how to overcome our sins. Once we learn how to overcome our sins we now have overcome our sicknesses since afflictions come from sin and the devil. Sadly the vast majority of believers never allow this process to occur since they are deceived in their beliefs and so they remain in their sin and their ignorance their entire lives. Others will actually fall away during the sanctification process just as Judas certainly did and Jesus relates these various believers in the parable of the sower in Luke 8:11-15. Not many believers actually make it through God’s sanctification process and this is why it is referred to as the narrow gate. “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:13-14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ If a believer does surrender their will to God’s purification process they now become a disciple since they are now learning scripture directly from Jesus Himself. Jesus will now teach His disciple how to live just as He did since He now dwells inside His true children. A disciple means “a student who learns from his teacher.” This is why scripture relates that Jesus is our one and only teacher and this is also why the vast majority of religions and preachers are nothing more then false prophets who are only leading believers astray. It is during the sanctification process that the Holy Spirit teaches us how to live Holy and righteously just as God commanded and He does this by showing us how to overcome our sins. Sanctification is similar to what Jesus endured in the wilderness for 40 days since the Spirit has us confront the devil’s temptations head on. If you end up completing God’s purification process you then become sanctified in truth and you are now a Christian since you are now a sanctified disciple of Jesus Christ who can no longer sin and this is when you are actually born again. A born of God Christian is someone who lives “exactly like Christ,” and this is how the term Christian came about since the original disciples lived exactly like Christ. Most believers do not realize that Jesus had to train his twelve chosen disciples for three years before they became His apostles. An apostle means someone who is sent, a messenger. Many overlook the prayer that Jesus made for His disciples in John 17:6-19 where He asked His Father to sanctify His disciples in truth. So the disciples had to be sanctified in truth before Jesus could use them as His apostles, His messengers. So an apostle is someone who is a messenger from God and they possess the power of God to prove their anointment. Realize that God did not instruct us or command us to explain scripture to anyone but yet most are foolishly believing that it is their duty to try and lead others to Jesus. Many deceived believers do not understand that the Great Commission was for God’s chosen disciples who were trained by Jesus and who were sanctified in God’s truth. It was not meant for every believer of Jesus Christ to teach and that is simply a lie that is being fabricated by the devil’s many false ministers. You might now begin to understand why the majority of believers are nothing more then children of the devil since they are ignorantly blaspheming the Spirit of truth when they willingly relate their misguided beliefs. These ignorant souls were never taught scripture by Jesus nor did they allow Jesus to sanctify their heart in God’s truth. So they are simply spreading their lies about scripture and they are condemning themselves by leading others into sin. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:6-7‬ ‭NKJV‬ “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.” ‭‭James‬ ‭3:1-2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Many believers are ignorantly believing that Jesus came to forgive our past, present and future sins. This spoken untruth is having people believe that they can continue in a life of sin and then simply repent and God will forgive them over and over. This is why many believe that if they repent just before they die then Jesus will save their sinful soul. This twisted reasoning would mean that you can continue to steal and then simply repent. You can then lie and then repent. You can then murder and simply repent. You can keep committing whatever sin you desire and simply repent afterwards and you will always be forgiven. This is simply nonsense that is fabricated by the devil to make you believe that you will always sin. Jesus came to call sinners to repentance since we are all born in sin. This meant for us to stop sinning entirely and to start living holy and righteously just as God commanded. Jesus came to forgive us of the sins that we have already committed and this occurs at the moment that we repent of our sins and we accept Jesus and His Holy Spirit into our life. Once we receive His Holy Spirit we were then commanded to surrender our will to God so that we would allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify our heart in God’s truth. As I stated before, this can only be achieved by understanding how to test the Spirits as commanded in 1 John 4. So a Christian is someone who is sanctified in truth and they can easily discern a true Christian from a deceived believer in seconds since they now possess the mind of Christ and they are able to judge everyone and everything. They can no longer sin nor can they ever get sick since they are now born of God and the devil can no longer touch them with sickness or disabilities. “These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭2:13-16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.” ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV I have gone through God’s purification process and I have overcome sin and sickness in my life and this is why God has me relating His blessings in my writings and in my videos.
@JoseSantos-vn4nt 3 года назад
@jermainebeea1444 3 года назад
If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide that proves they should value evidence. If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic?
@sweetiedoll607 3 года назад
I need prayers really bad. I just received the gift of speaking in tongues, but Idk if that was the actual baptism of the Holy Spirit or a counterfeit. I say that because ever since I've been having all these condemning voices talking to me, and I can literally feel my body being pulled in directions I don't wanna go, and do things I don't wanna do, like commit suicide. The pulling feeling comes from my stomach (I'm guessing it's my soul). I DO have God's Holy Spirit in me, cause I got saved around 9 months and I have been baptized in water. Anyway, idk what to do... And this is causing me to have major anxiety. Any prayers are greatly appreciated :) Please pray in tongues if you're able! My name is Krista lee Landon, if that helps
@churchleaders2979 3 года назад
this is going to sound weird but can you tell me how to sign into RU-vid Studio having a really hard time with that!!!
@drackoni-han13 3 года назад
We judged God and found him guilty of gross crimes against humanity. He's screwed
@garytowner9375 3 года назад
Good job
@aidenkrugh2913 3 года назад
Hey! How would you recommend a kid in high school to reflect Jesus in the best way possible
@maria-pr2ib 3 года назад
@stephenlechuga1124 3 года назад
My boy John Mcarthur
@bubbletea3613 3 года назад
Um I just had a like idk dream and it was like I was sleep and I couldn't move but I could see idk. But I just saw a very light faint image of Jesus..... It was only like 5 sec and I woke up and I was kinda shaking like tingling
@Mindy-7366 3 года назад
I saw you on some guy’s TikTok earlier @gregorpalooza *or maybe it was just a look alike 😬
@louislarose6613 3 года назад
It seems to me that you are more analytical than cynical . Very much enjoy your videos.
@FarAwayDistance 3 года назад
I appreciate that! Thank you. I think God’s changed me for sure but I still have a long way to go🙏🏻
@Demonoicgamer666 2 года назад
The only reason idolatry is sin cause it is easy to hurt gods ego, there is no other reason in the Old Testament he even admitted he is a jealous god. That isn’t becoming of a perfect god but he says it so it must be true but if he’s lying it is hypocritical and if he is why should we believe anything he says.
@Xuurls 3 года назад
@sparrowflying864 3 года назад
There is no forgiveness without repentance. The one God who is a Spirit commands all people everywhere repent by going to the river confessing their sins and take John's baptism of repentance according to Acts2:38. There is no grace without repentance. Those who repent and then continue on in willing sin, belong to the devil. And friends do not be futher decieved, there is only one God and HE is a SPIRIT. God is a SPIRIT and a SPIRIT cannot bleed or die. God sent HIS Son Jesus Christ to die for everyone providing they repent. Friends in the beginning before God made the world God already knew that we would all fall short of HIS Glory and that HE would have to destroy us. But God so loved the world that HE thought of a way to save us and in that instant Jesus existed with the Father and all things the Father ( God ) made were made through and for Jesus Christ and without Jesus there would be no need for the Father to make anything because we would all be doomed. Jesus is truly the only begotten Son of God coming forth from God in the beginning. So when it was the appointed time God brought forth Jesus to be born of a virgin woman. So no man could ever lay a charge of sin against him if it were even possible. It's not. It was the FLESH of THIS MAN Jesus Christ that PRODUCED the BLOOD for your atonement ( providing you repent ) and the BODY ( risen which proves the promise of eternal life is true ) Friends, these antichrist decievers know that Spirits don't have any flesh. Anyone who calls Jesus "God" ( Spirit ) is denying the FLESH of the MAN Jesus which produced the BLOOD for YOUR ATONEMENT.. BY CALLING him a SPIRIT. Jesus is the Son of God, A MAN BORN OF A WOMAN. The one God is a SPIRIT and cannot BLEED or DIE. God didn't die! God didn't bleed! HIS Son Jesus Christ did! Anyone who denies Jesus come in the flesh is an antichrist and a deciever. For it is impossible for someone to claim to be a true baptised believer then deny the blood of Jesus Christ ( which made Johns baptism of repentance possible ) by calling him a SPIRIT. They're liars who have come to decieve you!
@jzhang8956 3 года назад
I came here from Lindie Botes in order to check out what a Christian channel would look like.
@steveandsusan 3 года назад
We should test the spirits. John McArthur is likely not right about everything. The same is certainly true about me. First source for me is read scripture and pray. We should share the good news as clearly as the Holy Spirit reveals it to us.
@leccionesdevida.podcast 3 года назад
you are amazing
@FarAwayDistance 3 года назад
Not me! But Christ in me. 😊
Christian girl, we are NOT enough.
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