
[Onmyoji The Card Game] Luck Check Goes BRRRRRRRRRTT ! | Komatsumaru Deck Showcase 

NoLamp Ch.
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31 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 9   
@RrR-uc5by 2 года назад
unfortunately,thats new pack come with a collab and neww mechanic:power up,tldr:mini kyonshi ani card(consume orb & card this turn but that card take effect at the start of next turn and gain a little enhance)
@nolampch 2 года назад
oh like a delayed effect of some sorts, that's interesting
@RrR-uc5by 2 года назад
@@nolampch it is,specially that one shiki named mannendake who can trigger that power up direct without wait for the next turn while also allow shiki dont have power up power up's their card,and that's when senhime summon 2 halberds per turn become a thing again
@theprodicalson2496 Год назад
Can you do this deck o would it be unbalanced: Inugami Odokuro Sakura Fukengaku Does that work?
@lest9861 2 года назад
I guess the NF dude only had G3 cards in hand and the other deck come from a youtuber called 百鬼研究所, most of his decks are pretty creative.
@ZLOYAVOKADO 2 года назад
For the next update I have 100 packs, hehehe LET'S GOOOO
@reizou3113 2 года назад
Por lo que vi del nuevo paquete de cartas, los shikigamis se guardaran la carta obteniendo un buffo o usaran la carta y se guardaran la otra para el sgte turno
@solnox2954 2 года назад
The new pack add a new mechanic. I see some of the new shikigami and this pack is good for creating new deck, the meta have a lot of different deck. So, Im excited about the new pack even though I want an expand on the older mechanic.
@micah_-iv7li Год назад
disgusting i love it
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