
Opioid Withdrawal: What is it and How to Avoid it with a Taper 

Med School Made Easy
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Dreaded opioid withdrawals, and opioids themselves, are terrible. Watch this video to learn how to avoid and treat them.
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Disclaimer: the information in this video only represents the knowledge and property of the video’s authors- no one else. If you want/need medical advice, see your provider.



28 сен 2024




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@Cozc47 Год назад
"they'll be uncomfortable" Tell me you've never been through opiate WD without telling me you never been through opiate WD. LMAO. I've tapered myself off heroin a number of times and 5% reduction every 10 days is the most comfort I've been able to achieve. Once you get down to 10-15mg once every 12 hours you may as well just jump. You'll never completely avoid being sick no matter how slow you taper but WD from 30mg\day is no where near as bad as jumping from 200mg. Take some benzos to sleep through the first 3 days then struggle out the fatigue and weakness for the next two weeks and you should be back to baseline after that.
@kmkcopkiller 5 месяцев назад
Except they won't give u benzos if ur tapering....its literally against the law....wich is stupid because it's not against the law to perscribe both when u have legit medical reasons for both....
@Cozc47 5 месяцев назад
@@kmkcopkiller well yeah obv what I was talking about is something you would have to do yourself. Even if you could find a Dr that would rx benzos it would never be at dose high enough to really matter. When I do a taper I'm taking around 1mg all throughout the day which is fine, but those first few days after jumping I'm taking like 4mg every 3-4 hours. That's like 5x what even the most t trigger happy Dr would ever give out. Hell even if you had the Rx I doubt a pharmacy would even fill it lol. And dosage like that requires a taper of it's own once the dope is done but for me personally I can taper benzos pretty quickly without any side effects so it's a worthwhile trade-off. Thankfully I stocked up big time a few years back when I had the chance and literally have a lifetimes worth of 2mg bars so it'll never be an issue for me. I'm actually in a taper right now, albeit not as much as I should be. The rate I'm at currently I'll be jumping from around 100mg come mid May. I might not want to but it's just simply something I can't keep up with anymore. I'm in my 30s now and can feel the permanent damage I'm doing to my body. It's just time. It's going to suck to go back to being sober with the extreme depression and frustration that comes with it but it just is what it is I guess lol. I've been on the sauce for about 2 years now, when I usually don't go more than 6ish months at a time so this is really going to suck lol. Also per your other comment: idk what your dose is at that you can feel a 5mg drop in a 24hr period but it must be pretty low. If you just make the reduction 5% that legit something your body just can't feel. At that point anything you're feeling is totally mental, with physical effects surez but If someone reduced your dose by that much without your knowledge you wouldn't feel a thing.
@davidg865 4 месяца назад
I would be absolutely effin terrified if i was ever in this situation with this doctor having that attitude towards withdrawals. The way she sais they will be uncomfortable but not in a life threatening situation is like saying pulling someones teeth out with a hammer and no anesthesia wont be in a life threatening situation. This attitude towards withdrawing SERIOUSLY needs to change especially among medical professionals. With drawing is one of if not the main reasons opiate addicts cant get sober . Think about how bad something must be if being a drug addict is preferable to a few days / weeks of withdrawals
@aaronbenhaggai973 Год назад
This is what they teach u in med school yeah none of that works lol
@MedSchoolMadeEasy Год назад
proud of you, big guy!
@DebraGill Год назад
Tapering does work.
@kmkcopkiller 5 месяцев назад
​@@DebraGillfor some. But tapering should not be forced on others against their will.....
@DebraGill 5 месяцев назад
@@kmkcopkiller no you have to want to do it or you won’t do it at all. Edit: I also think it works best for people who are physically addicted but not doing it to get high.
@thornyback Год назад
Can you please talk about tapering off after many years on fentanyl. I'm out of remission but still on F and I hate it with every fiber in my being. It's been a decade now and I need slow tapering with help of other things, like eating chili and ginger seems to somehow make it easier.
@ComfortablyNumbb130 Год назад
I hate to tell you but sometimes doctors are clueless with opiate withdrawal as an ex fent (sold as heroin) addict I’ll tell you this lowering your daily dosage for even three days will do you wonders like take the lowest amount possible before you quit you’ll still withdrawal but it makes it easier and once withdrawal hits I’d say try to have some type of benzo and other meds that treat the specific symptoms you have I had the worst stomach issues when I went thru withdrawal I’m talking puking every 30 minutes for two days but I went to the ER and even though they might roll their eyes they will give you meds for whatever symptom is bothering you OR try a detox facility not a rehab a place that specializes in withdrawal that’s my best advice not saying I know more than a doctor but I learned a lot of “junkie” science in my ten years as an addict that went against what a doctor would tell me but worked AT LEAST FOR ME slow tapers never worked because I could stick strictly to the taper so I would do like 3/4 day tapers and use just enough to keep me out of withdrawal and boy does it make a difference because it lowers your tolerance very quickly and the higher amount and the stronger the drug which fent is the strongest opiate the worse the withdrawal but hope it helps just gotta have a mind over matter mindset also
@thornyback Год назад
@@ComfortablyNumbb130 Thank you. Yes I have Clonidine and full support from the system, but this takes for forever.
@kmkcopkiller Год назад
@@thornyback what support do you have?
@handolo1266 Год назад
@switchofftogettagrip1400 Год назад
You also need the will power and the decision that You want off it!!! Also most important part is stay away from everything or everyone that uses it, knows where to get it and the rest of it (get out of the way of that shit!!! Have seen overdoses and people come back from the dead and still keep using). Decide that you definitely want off it !!! Read as many books as possible, do courses, keep your brain busy! Don't need no special shit, just a willing Mind and a quality filled small group of people who know what you are going through to help you change your mindset! I've gone cold turkey off some serious shit, my body is slowly healing! Keep the happy switch on (tell all negativity to piss off - people included).
@FlipNasty1 2 месяца назад
15 yrs of opioid dependency Alcohol Cocaine Benzo ... I need help
@MarcKlark Год назад
🗣yes I learned something that it is not life-threatening. Very important psychological hack.
@kmkcopkiller 5 месяцев назад
It actually can be life threatening to some. I get delirium tremors when I withdrawl. Like alcohol withdrawl. Except i don't drink...at all....
@ronnetteharvey2002 4 месяца назад
How to wean off oxycontin? Not happening.
@Imyourhuckleberry229 2 месяца назад
Why not?
@clarencedaledelaney4521 6 месяцев назад
I've been taking oxycodone for approximately 6 - 7 years now for a spinal cord injury spinal stenosis in cervical and lumber parallels in both legs, because of a false cannabis reaction excuse me but I know it was false because I purchased a UA test and checked myself and it showed positive for opiates no cannabis showed, now it's OK but I'm more concerned about the withdrawals . I'm in severe pain almost unbearable and spasms so severe it took 5 nurses to hold me down for a EMG I'm really quite worried about the withdrawal syndrome what have l got to look forward to and how long will I be going through it. Please respond depression is already starting
@kmkcopkiller 5 месяцев назад
Hello I have been in similar situation to you. Just so you know the depression is induced by the withdrawl your not actually depressed and depression meds likely won't help. Ik it's hard but try to tell yourself your depression is just a side effect of the terrible withdrawl they're forcing you through. I hate to recommend this but if u can get your hands on some low dose benzos you're depression will feel better. Also try smoking some weed if it's legal in your state. It works for me a tiny bit when in withdrawl.
@Void-Realm Год назад
10% every 1-2 weeks doesn't aound slow.
@rfcalm 5 месяцев назад
what are you comparing it too? In order to judge somethings speed, you must be comparing it to something
@donaldgritton9103 Год назад
I have been on oxycodone for 6 years. Went from doing 15mg a day to 30 mg a day then 60 mg a day then 90 mg a day. All in essenitally per week times. From 90 mg i skyrocketed to over 420 mg a day. 14 to 15 m blocks a day. I have wasted over a million dollars in 5 yeard buying them. I finally tapered down to 10 then 8 now 6ish. I have to get off but i have 7 herniated discs and i need surgery. I dont know what to do. I have lost every thing to them.
@Ellieangel777 Год назад
How are you doing, are you off? How fast did you taper ?
@kmkcopkiller 5 месяцев назад
​@@Ellieangel777patient u still there?
@kmkcopkiller Год назад
Yeah sorry none of this works. They need medication assisted treatment so they don't go into withdrawl. Tapering doesn't work and they will be in extreme pain. How can this be what doctors are taught? This helps no one...
@MedSchoolMadeEasy Год назад
are you sure we're discussing the same thing- tapers? what medication are you referencing when you say 'medication assisted treatment?' if one is on a taper, they will not go into withdrawal. if you say 'tapering doesn't work,' that implies that people will be on opioids indefinitely or abruptly stopped (which would be a terrible idea).
@kmkcopkiller Год назад
@@MedSchoolMadeEasy of course i know what a taper means. But I disagree that withdrawl is just "really uncomfortable and not life threatening". It is misery beyond compare. Its one thing is somone wants to start a taper themselves and wants to get off medication but it's another to force somone to start a rapid taper....this often only leads to negative consequences. Like seeking out drugs to avoid the withdrawl. Many tapers happen much faster than they should and rapid taper seems almost like torture for me. There are medical facilities designed for detox and this is where patients who are detoxing or tapering need to be so that they can be given replacement medications to help with the terrible withdrawl until they are ready themselves to face getting off. The entire idea of "oh its just a bad flu for a week and then there fine" is falling very short of the proper medical care that is available and necessary for most people coming off being dependant on opiates. Especially long term. So much of today's opiate epidemic is from doctors just deciding all of a sudden to cut people's doses very fast or faster than the patient is ready and they almost always end up seeking out illigal drugs to deal with the fallout.....thats why even over the last 6 years with massively decreased opiate prescriptions and increased scruity on those prescriptions and patients there has still been a massive increase in illicit fentanyl and fentanyl overdoses. If you want to help both people in dr care receiving opiates and people addicted on the streets alike then these detox facilities that utilize replacement therapy need to become a much bigger option.
@kmkcopkiller Год назад
@@MedSchoolMadeEasy Im only implying that short tapers do not work. Even a few weeks is a very short taper. Detox facilities and utilization of MAT like suboxone and methadone for longer form tapers is the most comfortable and effective and most comprehensive treatment for dependence. They medicine exists. The facilities exist. The knowledge is there. This is the type of treatment that needs to be offered to people who need help with coming off opiates. I dont think forcing somone to just taper and feel like absolute misery is the proper channel....not when we have the ability to make it a much less painful process that can address the fears of withdrawl and pain that keep people in the grips of dependence so long. I truly hope you can understand this as a "medical professional"..... You are the ones who truly need to understand this and not be so condescending....and btw I am am an EMT who deals with overdoses and addicts every day. Ive also had my own struggles with opiates and chronic pain. I see the opiate epidemic every day and I truly don't see doctors doing alot to help people into these types of programs...its much harder to get help than it really should be imo.
@MedSchoolMadeEasy Год назад
@@kmkcopkiller everything you've mentioned is discussed in the video. slow tapers are ideal for the reasons that you and the video mentioned. rapid tapers can lead to higher rates of patient noncompliance. failure of the above will lead to addiction medicine referrals. addiction medical professionals would be those who would manage suboxone and methadone- most physicians do not manage these meds. you started the conversation by saying that 'tapers do not work' and that you couldn't believe this is what doctors are being taught because 'it doesn't work.' then you proceeded to reiterate most of the points made in the video in your subsequent posts. our attitude of condescension is unintentional but in defense of the video
@kmkcopkiller Год назад
@@MedSchoolMadeEasy I guess the whole point of my comment is this; INITIATING TAPERS AGAINST WILL OR EVEN A FEW WEEKS IS TOO FAST AND OFTEN DOES NOT WORK(in most cases not all). If somone is prescribed opiates. Especially for long peroids. Most people require a much longer taper or replacement therapy entirely. Most do not handle a taper well at all. As you noted tapering too fast can cause not compliance, but the truth is any change the patient is not fond of (like any form of taper when they wish to remain on the medication) increases non compliance. SO WHATS THE POINT OF A DR WHO WILL PERSCRIBE NARCOTIC MEDICATION BUT WONT PERSCRIBE MAT TREATMENT?? THIS IS A HUGE ISSUE THAT MANY DRS WANT TO PAWN OFF ON "OTHER PROFESSIONALS" WHEN THEY THEMSELVES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROFESSIONALS. LIKE YOUR PROFESSIONAL ENOUGH TO PERSCRIBE NARCOTICS BUT NOT TREAT YOUR ACTUAL PATIENTS AFTER THAT BECOMES ADDICTIVE AND YOU KNEW IT?? THIS IS WHAT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. THIS IS WHAT DOESNT WORK...
@stbam1965 Год назад
Just say how to taper. You are giving non needed info
@MedSchoolMadeEasy Год назад
thanks for the input!
@shelveyphillipsbowman8037 Год назад
Your voice is without empvthy
@MedSchoolMadeEasy Год назад
our goal was to educate and inform- we apologize if we were lacking empvthy
@rfcalm 5 месяцев назад
@@MedSchoolMadeEasy no apologies needed. I think they were just giving feedback. It Is very dull though. Characterless. And when one educates, it helps to have something about you.
@kmkcopkiller 5 месяцев назад
​@@MedSchoolMadeEasythis is a major problem with drs. Your job is way more than jist providing Info. Its to be compationate and understanding to each patient a x their individual circumstances and needs.
@kmkcopkiller 5 месяцев назад
I agree.
@MedSchoolMadeEasy 5 месяцев назад
@@kmkcopkiller thanks for your input cop killer! hopefully when doctors are in positions to deal with patients (which isn't what this video is at all) they're much more 'compationate and understanding' [sic] than you perceived this video to be!
@santanaserrato3909 9 месяцев назад
That voice rrrrrrrrrr
@kmkcopkiller Год назад
@med school made easy Heres the thing. Forced tapers happen every day in pain management (the specialists you think know so much)...thats whats absolutely terrifying....its not like it only happens to blatant criminals or abusers....it happens for the smallest reasons to the most truthful patients that need it...I was force tapered all because my dentist, unknowingly to me, sent in a prescription for 2 Valium for getting 4 teeth removed...I literally didn't even fill it or pick it up and when I went into my normal pain management appointment my dr cut my dose by 30% and said I had only 30 days to find another dr because I aparently broke the contract by "dr shopping".....WHAT THE FUCK!! I am soooo fortunate I found another dr in those 30 days who would accept me. But then the great opiate dr scare came and they cut that dose in half while I was still sick and in withdrawl from the 30% cut....then they took it all away because I said that if they took away half my dose id be in extreme withdrawl and that might force me to seek out relief WICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I DID NOT WANT TO DO AND WAS TERRIFIED OF! I WANTED GO AVOID THAT NIGHTMARE AT ALL COSTS! But I guess all they heard was "I will go find street drugs because I love to get high" and then refused to refill or see me ever again...even though I was drug tested every time and never failed and my levels were always within the limits!! I've been fucked by more than one pain and opiate "specialist"....the only dr who has EVER treated me like a human was my GP. When he found out everything that had gone on with my pain treatment he took over and THANK GOD HE DID otherwise id definitely be on the streets by now or worse....Who knows...but now I have essentially reached the dosage limits and need to go onto methadone...but no drs will perscribe methadone...only clinics....but they will only dispense it if your on street dope! Not if you have a drs perscribe and that's the law aparently! So everyone I talk to says exactly this...WOW SOUNds LIKE YOUR STUCK IN A CATCH22 HAHA....EXCEPT ITS NOT FUNNY THIS IS MY DAMN LIFE!! THIS IS REAL PAIN! I HAVE BONE TUMORS AND PINCHED NERVES!! Eventually I will lose my legal prescriptions when my dr retires because no one else is going to take me I know that...and then I will be out on the street....but only then can I try to get on methadone....or suboxone(wich I dont think will work for me because I have real pain)...idk....I'll have to deal with that when it comes....its so sad what happens to legitimate pain management patients these days...im a fortunate one...many I know are not as fortunate as myself...and I dont even really consider myself fortunate because no one should even be treated the way I am....and I have tried a slow taper...but ive just been on it so long that even a the smallest drop I can do wich is 5mg is too much at one time for me because ive just been on the same dose so long now....GOD HELP US! The worst part is absolutely no one advocates for the people in real pain who need this to live a quality life....its only about abuse now...I know many fellow patients that lost their meds, couldn't work couldn't enjoy life and time with family and committed suicide....I pray I dont end up in a position like that...but yeah...let's keep pushing the narrative that opiate withdrawl is a just a flu, it doesn't kill you and will be over shortly. No biggie right??.....except its not...GOD HELP US!
@KM-nj3cm Год назад
I'm so sorry that awful experience happened to you. That's my greatest fear. Also needing to go to ER (for any reason)scares me because of the stigma surrounding opioids. Now I'm getting rebound headaches every day. I've been on opioids for many many years too. I'm very careful to use as prescribed, so I won't need an increase. I'm on the original dosage. I'm not an addict. Not sure what to do. No other pain management treatments or surgeries (4 major) have done any good for my pain. What do I do for the original cause of my pain? Do I continue on, and just learn to deal with the daily headaches/migraines? Do I slow taper off of them, but then be in level 6-7 pain 24/7/365? I have a love-hate relationship with opioids. Most of society doesn't know that thousands of chronic pain sufferers commit suicide every year because doctors have stripped them of the meds, that worked for them. I believe many of these "OD's" are actually suicides. If you don't know of this Face Book group, look it up- "Don't Punish Pain Rally". Claudia is a bull dog fighting for pain patients. She's a great advocate who has gone to DC to fight the war on chronic pain patients. Why isn't there a better option for us? God help us, indeed!
@ninny4122 Год назад
I’m so sorry I can relate… not too many can… you sound and type just like me and I get it. CATCH22 then you have more problems lol it’s all bs… I understand why it is the way it is but it’s BS that we aren’t treated one on one but as a whole…. Some of us are really going thru it and not even one to ask for help unless we are at our wits end. It’s so unhealthy. And it causes way more pain/anxiety.
@lalaraeray777 Год назад
Listen people i detoxed methadone and got through the worst of it with virtually no withdrawals using 5meodmt u can discreetly order this stuff online made from acacia root. Days 3-8 i used it twice a day one five seconds hit every five minutes for thirty minutes will cure the absolute worst of withdrawals and results in Zero ZERO TRIP GUYS !!!! u might feel very light the first few times but after ten min the feeling is gone and you are left in a comfortable place where you have no restlessness, minimal anxiety, no tears no snot nose no pain you feel normal. I messed it up bc of the insomnia tho. I had to use trazadone and you CANNOT MIX SSRI MAOI WITH THIS STUFF!! WARNING !!!! i was so freaking exhausted and had not slept in six days so i had to take trazadone i stopped the dmt and went to Kratom use. For sleep. Now I'm having slight withdrawals from the kratom but that only takes two days to detox off of i was on methadone before so i was in gonna feel like crap that entire first eight days I'm not selling anything i have no reason other than from the goodwill of my heart tell you this true experience of mine. I seriously feel for other opioid addicts and it breaks me to know ANYONE would have to endure this amount of pain and also risking death !!! I tell literally every single person i know now and have been posting on Redd it you can google 5meo dmt cured my opioid withdrawals reddit on from a jolly account to see my full account of how it felt and what i did and how i felt day by day by day read through the comments
@lalaraeray777 Год назад
Please read my comment my guy your story is heartbreaking and i cannot imagine the pain and also mental torture you've had to endure this kind of stuff ought to be a crime!!!!
@VaeskeForge Год назад
Didn’t read your whole post but saw 30%…. I’m down 54% from 9x lethal dose 👌🏻 just kick it’s ass bro 👊🏻 we are stronger than a chemical 🤘🏻
@COSkywatch Год назад
If someone has been on opiates a long long time, forcing them off this fast is going to cause complete and total hell. This whole damn epidemic that ensued was due to greedy drug companies stating their long acting version wasn't addictive and had zero withdrawals if you were to stop. The top executive of such company is now one of the richest people in all the USA and World. Now, patients are paying the price and I do not think tapering forcibly this fast to a compliant person is good medicine. Sorry, but I think your rates of tapering are barbaric.
@MedSchoolMadeEasy Год назад
thanks COLORADO SKYWATCH for your comment. we use medical literature and dogma to make these recommendations. please talk to your provider about how to get off opioids and end this terrible epidemic
@COSkywatch Год назад
@@MedSchoolMadeEasy There is no one size fits all. Some get off of them without too much angst and others struggle to taper even a little. Genetics and time on them mean a lot. I can tell you from personal experience and experiences of others that tapering this fast in some people will cause major pain.
@lalaraeray777 Год назад
Listen people i detoxed methadone and got through the worst of it with virtually no withdrawals using 5meodmt u can discreetly order this stuff online made from acacia root. Days 3-8 i used it twice a day one five seconds hit every five minutes for thirty minutes will cure the absolute worst of withdrawals and results in Zero ZERO TRIP GUYS !!!! u might feel very light the first few times but after ten min the feeling is gone and you are left in a comfortable place where you have no restlessness, minimal anxiety, no tears no snot nose no pain you feel normal. I messed it up bc of the insomnia tho. I had to use trazadone and you CANNOT MIX SSRI MAOI WITH THIS STUFF!! WARNING !!!! i was so freaking exhausted and had not slept in six days so i had to take trazadone i stopped the dmt and went to Kratom use. For sleep. Now I'm having slight withdrawals from the kratom but that only takes two days to detox off of i was on methadone before so i was in gonna feel like crap that entire first eight days I'm not selling anything i have no reason other than from the goodwill of my heart tell you this true experience of mine. I seriously feel for other opioid addicts and it breaks me to know ANYONE would have to endure this amount of pain and also risking death !!! I tell literally every single person i know now and have been posting on Redd it you can google 5meo dmt cured my opioid withdrawals reddit on from a jolly account to see my full account of how it felt and what i did and how i felt day by day by day read through the comments
@lalaraeray777 Год назад
@@MedSchoolMadeEasy hey you guys should read my comment and FIGHT THE NEEDED FIGHT TO DO THE NEEDED RESEARCH ON WHAT IM SAYING ! THEY USE DMT IN NERVE REPAIR THERAPY AFTER BRAIN SURGERY ABD IT WORKS SIMILARLY TO TGE WAY IBOGAINE LITERALLY REBUILDS THE DAMAGED RECEPTORS IN THE BRAIN!!!!!! DO THE RIGHT THING. LOBBY FOR THE RESEARCH THIS COULD ACTUALLY CHANGE PEOPLE LIVES AND YOU CANT FIND ANY INFORMATION ON THIS ONLINE ANYWHERE EVEN THE SHAMAN RETREATS THAT AD FOR STIMMULANT WITHDRAWAL KNOW ABOUT THIS BUT FOR SOME REASON, PROBABLY OUT OF FEAR, DONT LET THIS INFORMATION WIDELY AVAILABLE. I KNOW BECAUSE I CALLED EVERY SHAMAN RETREAT THAT OFFERS THIS MEDICINE. TO TELL THEM HOW IT CURED ME. YES I SAY CURED BECAUSE IT WAS THAT POWERFUL IN REDUCING MY WITHDRAWAL. START WITH INTERVIEWS OR TESTIMONIES OF EX ADDICTS. START LOOKING INTO WHAT ELSE DMT DOES IN NERVE REPAIR THERAPY people i detoxed methadone and got through the worst of it with virtually no withdrawals using 5meodmt u can discreetly order this stuff online made from acacia root. Days 3-8 i used it twice a day one five seconds hit every five minutes for thirty minutes will cure the absolute worst of withdrawals and results in Zero ZERO TRIP GUYS !!!! u might feel very light the first few times but after ten min the feeling is gone and you are left in a comfortable place where you have no restlessness, minimal anxiety, no tears no snot nose no pain you feel normal. I messed it up bc of the insomnia tho. I had to use trazadone and you CANNOT MIX SSRI MAOI WITH THIS STUFF!! WARNING !!!! i was so freaking exhausted and had not slept in six days so i had to take trazadone i stopped the dmt and went to Kratom use. For sleep. Now I'm having slight withdrawals from the kratom but that only takes two days to detox off of i was on methadone before so i was in gonna feel like crap that entire first eight days I'm not selling anything i have no reason other than from the goodwill of my heart tell you this true experience of mine. I seriously feel for other opioid addicts and it breaks me to know ANYONE would have to endure this amount of pain and also risking death !!! I tell literally every single person i know now and have been posting on Redd it you can google 5meo dmt cured my opioid withdrawals reddit on from a jolly account to see my full account of how it felt and what i did and how i felt day by day by day read through the comments
@Cuinn837 Год назад
@@MedSchoolMadeEasy If a compliant patient is still in serious pain, they should not be expected to get off of their opioids. Expecting this will cause the opioid epidemic to get much worse, as pain patients will seek to stop their pain in any way that they can. Thank you.
@lissettsaenz6959 2 месяца назад
I'm so desperate to get clean. Please, if you have any advice on how to wean off or get clean from blues, please please reach out. Im currently taking 4-5 blues a day and have been taking them for 7 years non stop. Im so scared to quit cold turkey as I recently heard that a women died in jail from withdrawl of blues which she had been taking for 5 years. I just want to stop... God help me 😢
@mixz9929 Месяц назад
To Glory be to God in the name of Jesus Christ amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah 🙏🏼 I did something Stoopid I loss my girlfriend that broke my heart I'm so depressed then my job canned me but my dumb ass looking for something to take the pain away started snorting heroin 2 weeks ago thinking well I shouldn't get addicted in such a short time well i just tried to quit yesterday and omg the sweats and diarrhea I couldn't help it i had to snort more to stop it i dnt know what to do but to taper off i was doing almost 2 $10 bags a day 🙏🏼 im praying i can tapper down to nothing in a couple weeks i feel for u brotha man and i pray you can get off as well
@annakessler9372 Год назад
Greta information. I was just wondering if i could quit oxycodone cold turkey... ive been taking it on and off for about a month. i have seizures history. ( last time was a year ago ) seizure is only thing im scared of. im glad to see quitting opiods is not like benzo family. please correct me if im wrong
@MedSchoolMadeEasy Год назад
great question, anna! ask your provider!
@LaurieLewis-c8p 2 месяца назад
I believe it is a benzo, so is diazepam
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