
Orka Morgan 

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De laatste dagen voor verzorger Steve en Orka Morgan in Harderwijk.
Gemaakt door Rob Hodselmans voor Motel de Jong.



12 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 77   
@FreedomForOrcas 13 лет назад
@Corkian - Her family WAS found. Her calls were matched to P pod in the Netherlands. 77% of her regular calls were matched (the rest were distress calls on Morgan's part, and unable to be matched as P pod was not making distress calls at the time).
@NorrieOrca 11 лет назад
I am norwegian and i have been following Morgan for quite some time. I'm ANGERED that our goverment turned their backs on her without even bothering looking into it! I am one of many norwegian supporters and even if the courtcase didn't go the way i hoped it would, i don't intend to give up!
@LadyBeeDee 13 лет назад
"En wel een toekomst heeft...." Wat je een toekomst noemt.
@Aethuviel 9 лет назад
Beautiful footage. May I be able to use this in a non-commercial film project I'm working on? It's not anti-Morgan, anti-marine parks or anything like that. But I'm going to have a small portion about her in it, and I could really use some good footage like this.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
I agree, the footage of her is gorgeous. She really is a beautiful creature ;3;
@Ninuturu 11 лет назад
Natuurlijk kan Morgan gewoon terug naar zee. Als ze nooit geleerd had om te jagen, waarom eet ze dan vis? Als ze dat nooit geleerd had had ze nog melk gedronken, en dan zou ze ook nooit verdwaalt raken. Morgan moet gewoon terug, en er zijn best wat mensen die haar terug kunnen brengen, ze hebben dat ook gedaan met Springer de orka, en volgens mij was die zelfs jonger dan Morgan.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@Corkian - If you read Suzanne's letter, it clearly states that she worked closely with the trainers and orcas. She ALSO spent much of her time with the cameras, which by the way, means she was able to accurately observe the interactions and incidents that took place. And yes, fighting in the wild is natural. In captivity it is exacerbated. They cannot escape each other, they routinely fight and bully each other. Look at Tekoa's scarring and tell me that's natural. It's not.
@sunnymichele1981 11 лет назад
Don't forget, don't give up on Morgan! This baby needs to be reunited with her family in the wild where she belongs. If nothing else, she must be repatriated to the US, away from Loro Parque, where she is being abused by the orca she is placed with. She is "owned" by SeaWorld, they must step in and get her out of Loro Parque!
@Onchorhynchus 13 лет назад
We'll know in a few hours if Morgan will be allowed to return to her home waters, but we already know that every step of her rehab and potential release plan is safe and has been vouched for by the world's top orca scientists. With an excellent location now ready for her, complete with eager townspeople, there is no logical excuse for denying Morgan her natural world and family.
@FreedomForOrcas 13 лет назад
Absolutely amazing footage of Morgan. However such a shame she is being kept in such a ridiculous tank. She needs to be with her family in the Netherlands OCEAN. The orcas at Loro Parque are NOT her family. If Adan, a relative, is continually rejected and ignored, what hope does an outsider like Morgan have?
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@RingneckDoveFan - Yes, she worked with the trainers and saw first hand the orcas and their temperament. She also had access to cameras on site that watched every move those animals made. She has FIRST HAND experience, that is more proof than you'll ever have.
@stefservaes5991 3 года назад
Mooiste zeedieren die er zijn en de echte koning van de oceaan de koning van de oceaan vissen is de haai maar de orka de echte koning van de oceaan
@riethof43 12 лет назад
Heel erg mooi!
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@Corkian - Erm... well I've been watching videos of an LP regular who shows that Morgan is ignoring the other orcas, and simply floats at the gate most of the time, or follows the trainer begging for food. Plus, like I said before, there is photographic evidence of her dorsal covered in rakes. This isn't healthy or normal.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@RingneckDoveFan - And secondly, the other 23% was distress calls. However if you want to put it into perspective, that's nearly 8 out of 10 calls matched.
@Mylestring 12 лет назад
@FreedomForOrcas Morgan is all the time playing with Kohana and Skyla, I have a regular friend there and pictures of her. The pod is calming down so much too, and Morgan is becoming very active in the new pools.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@Corkian - No, I don't expect her to never encounter fighting. However she should never ever have encountered a small, confined environment with socially unstable animals that continually rake and abuse each other. The latest video of Morgan at Loro Parque shows her being rammed, attacked and bitten by both Kohana and Skyla. They ganged up on her, and bit her to the point that she was bleeding. It was caught on video. There is no way that would happen in the wild.
@Ninuturu 11 лет назад
He did not say thats she's deaf in this video. And it was in Spain, Spain said she was deaf.
@link.b7169 9 лет назад
Weet iemand misschien hoe het nu gaat met Morgan? Als ze echt doof is wat doen ze in Tenerife dan met haar en hoe gaat dat dan met de andere orca`s?
@angeliqueroos7879 8 лет назад
Morgan maakt het naar omstandigheden best goed. Ze hebben een licht systeem ontwikkeld voor Morgan om haar te laten weten dat ze zich goed heeft gedragen of een gedrag goed heeft uitgevoerd. Het onderzoek kon nooit uitwijzen of ze nou echt doof was, maar volgens de onderzoekers lijkt het er tenminste op dat ze een gehoorprobleem heeft. Hoe ernstig kon niet uitgesloten worden. Soms doet ze mee in shows en soms niet.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@Corkian - No, it changes all of what you were saying. Suzanne has years of work experience there - she knows what she's talking about. Wild orcas do NOT get angry because they don't have human contact. I hope that's not what you meant to say, because that's a little bit... ridiculous. No offense. Since Morgan arrived, nothing has changed. She has been raked intensely, her dorsal is covered with scars now. Plus Morgan isn't interested in them, she just floats and vocalises. It's awful.
@sunnymichele1981 11 лет назад
Read this report for all the evidence Morgan is in dire need of intervention! Report on the Physical & Behavioural Status of Morgan, the Wild-Born Orca held in Captivity,atLoro Parque, Tenerife, Spain Dr Ingrid N. Visser © (2012), for the Free Morgan Foundation
@GraceTomson 11 лет назад
Can anyone please translate what he is saying? I speak german and I understand a little bit of dutch but I'm afraid it's not good enough. I feel so angry. How can a human being decide over an animal in that sort of way? The human beings are so into money that a life is not worth anything anymore. She does not belong in captivity. She belongs into the sea.
@yeet9205 4 года назад
You saved an animal from death which only weight 430 kg now 1200, healthy as can be with a future. That's something we can be proud of, but mostly we need to be proud of Morgan. For me personally, it's no option to put Morgan back in sea. She doesn't know how to hunt. Orca's learn how to hunt when they're young in groups. A, she's never learned how to hunt and B, she doesn't have a group/family, she'll die. What I wish for Morgan, is that she'll have a nice place on Tenerife with 5 other orca's. That she'll hear the sounds of others, that she'll dive deep. She deserves that, she really does.
@yeet9205 4 года назад
I just noticed this comment is from 6 years ago, sorry
@mohamadalbayati5201 11 лет назад
Heel erg Mooie
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@RingneckDoveFan - Want to talk about 'going undercover'? Suzanne Michele Allee worked at Loro Parque for three and a half years. She saw firsthand how bad LP is. She worked with the trainers, the orcas, and head office. They were unorganised, an unsuitable facility for orcas, and unstable. She wrote a letter explaining her experience and how bad that place is. I've reblogged it on my tumblr, go have a look. It should be at the top.
@Mylestring 12 лет назад
@FreedomForOrcas It changes nothing: trainers could tell her if the orcas where pissing off or if they had fight with each others, and with trainers too: in the wild orcas also get angry with members of the pod because they don't have human contact! They still young, but they're calming down since Morgan arrived. Everytime something was wrong trainers, SW & LP ones, have been working to try to solucionate it. But they're animals, you don't know what are they going to do next.
@ShamuTrainerG 12 лет назад
Can I use this footage? I'll credit you :)
@10rosecl 9 лет назад
Omg that's my uncle Steve Hearn in the video and he is speaking to morgan! Btw Morgans now going to tenefie
@Mylestring 12 лет назад
@FreedomForOrcas Loro Parque's trainers are profesionals too, and after being caring dolphins for many years they're working with orcas now under the view of experienced SeaWorld Trainers. Suzanne wasn't a trainer and doesn't know about animal behavior. Animals have good and bad days just like you and me. And don't tell me wild orcas do not have great scars of fighting with each others (not only sharks, I mean).
@my2cents980 3 года назад
My heart breaks for her! Kept in prison in a cement prison, sick lonely! Say no to ORCAS in captivity NO to SEAWORLD!
@TheShamuLova 13 лет назад
Can I use this footage?
@rubensymonowic2764 5 лет назад
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@Corkian - Loro Parque's trainers are hardly professionals. And everyone seems to be missing what I said - Suzanne worked in close contact with the trainers - so everything they observed, they referred to Suzanne. Orcas acting up and fighting? Since Suzanne worked with the trainers, she would know about it. And actually, orcas in the wild don't rake each other like they do in captivity. In a tank they can't escape each other. Raking is violent and aggressive. Not like the wild at all.
@Rosapaardenlover2000 7 лет назад
Kan niet jagen? Er zijn genoeg dieren in dierenparken die nogsteeds kunnen jagen, zelfs op hun trainers als ze in een "slechte bui" zijn. Probeer het dan, met een zender op haar rug? Dat we weten waar ze is, met familie of weer alleen? Dan houden we haar in de gaten, mocht ze weer aanspoelen kan je in iedergeval zeggen dat jullie het geprobeert hebben. En haar dan weer opnemen. Misschien gaat het wel harstikke goed, hoe zonde zou het zijn als ze zichzelf helemaal kapot maakt in die tank? Haar gebit afgebroken, mentaal beschadigt.
@isaidk07 6 лет назад
Rosa Borghstijn dat is zielig
@hannahpsp 8 лет назад
Rob, wat vind je van dit artikel? Zie ook de filmpjes. www.destentor.nl/algemeen/opmerkelijk/nederlandse-orka-morgan-wilde-zelfmoord-plegen-1.6084595
@isaidk07 6 лет назад
Hannah Psp dat is omdat ze aandacht wil dat is onderzocht daar professionele zeedieren artsen
@Jamilla90 12 лет назад
Mijn god, hoe kan hij die dingen zeggen terwijl hij haar met eigen ogen gezien heeft. Mijn hart brak toen ik haar in die kleine tank zag. En hij hoopt dat ze naar Tenerife gaat? Als hij ook maar 1 sec moeite had gedaan om iets te lezen of dat park en hun groep orka's zou je zoiets nooit zeggen. Unbelievable..
@guva2212 13 лет назад
My prayers go out to poor Morgan. I am hoping and praying that this judge will realize that she deserves to be FREE and allows her to be returned to her family in Norway. When the Dolfinarium Harderwijk was given a CITES import license for Morgan when she was off the Dutch coast it was for rescue \ capture, rehabilitation and release. So why is it .... Shame on you Dolfinarium Harderwijk.....
@Mylestring 12 лет назад
@FreedomForOrcas Suzanne worked in direct connact, right, but, knowing nothing about animal behavior, does it makes sense to believe everything she says, everything she thinks? Can I read a book writen in Chinese and think I know what is it about just by lookinh the cover?
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@RingneckDoveFan - She knows what she's talking about. Like her letter says, she worked in close contact with the trainers when they were working with the orcas. Quote: "I was in close contact with the trainers regarding the animals’ daily health and temperament, and spent much of my time down by the pools, on the main stage and backstage island"..... face it. You are wrong. Note the words 'daily health' and 'temperament'.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@Corkian - Omg did you actually not read what I said? Suzanne worked with the TRAINERS. They know about animal behaviour, they relayed information TO her. So every aggressive incident, every fight, everything that the trainers saw, Suzanne would know about it. And you don't need a degree to see two orcas trying to attack each other and know something is wrong. Just like I don't need a degree to look at a book written in Chinese, and know that it is Chinese.
@Mylestring 12 лет назад
Trainers at Loro Parque do have degrees in marine biology (most of them) and psychology, and they have been working with SeaWorld trainer all the time: Adan is with the other orcas now with no problem, and Suzane Allee doesn't know about animals. She just worked with cameras. Also, if you expect Morgan to go back to the sea and NEVER have a fight with another whale, I don't think you are very realistic. It's natural!
@FreedomForOrcas 13 лет назад
@GoAwayPeta - Secondly, the team working on Morgan's release is the world's most experienced team. John Ford has years of experience with orca acoustics, and he was the one who matched Morgan's calls to her family - YES her family has been FOUND. There are also marine biologists and orca scientists who've been studying these animals in the wild for over 20 years. No experience? Do a little research before you fly off the bat with these accusations.
@Mylestring 12 лет назад
@FreedomForOrcas So you expect Morgan to be in the wild and never fight with another orca? Trainers call Morgan's attention because she has been interacting with humans for more than a year, and she is more used to us, but since she met other orcas, she's showing interest in them too.
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@RingneckDoveFan - Did I say that? No. At least SeaWorld trainers know wtf they are doing half the time.
@Dehandinho 12 лет назад
@rubensymonowic2764 5 лет назад
Ook zielig maar hij was slap maar toen hebben ze hem gered maar hij is tot dood gegaan😭😭 echt zielig
@tinab.5169 7 лет назад
So sorry. What a sad life
@tursiopss 6 лет назад
Tina Behla she was rescue in the coast of the Netherlands, Harderwijk dolfinarium was the best place for her to be in that moment. And now she is totally integrated in the social group of loro parque.... A sad life is the one of orcas dying in the wild because of human pollution and overfishing, and those being capture in Russia for parks in Asia that nobody knows
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
If Morgan is really deaf, what's the point of that training whistle around your neck, mmm?
@FreedomForOrcas 12 лет назад
@TaschaTerrorist - Oh yes because you know everything about cetaceans and rehabilitation, don't you?
@prittyeyes525 12 лет назад
@oceansupport 12 лет назад
Het is een orka en die horen niet in een badkuip.
@raquelmarrerofleitas8793 Год назад
@Jochumvideos 10 лет назад
@robhodselmans 12 лет назад
@orcaholic94 can you sed me a mail ans explain what you want to use the footage for? r.hodselmans@planet.nl
@rubensymonowic2764 5 лет назад
@wilhulsman8265 2 года назад
@mydclif3 12 лет назад
@FreedomForOrcas 13 лет назад
@GoAwayPeta - Wow, you are sadly miseducated on this topic. Want to talk about incapable hands? How about we start with Loro Parque, a mis-managed facility with trainers who have no degrees at all. How about the orcas there that suffer due to poor facilities. The artificial 'pod' that continually fights each other, and injures their trainers. These people working on Morgan's release have been doing this for longer than you've been alive. Show some respect before making incorrect assumptions.
@mydclif3 12 лет назад
How is ORCA MORGAN doing at Loro Parque? | zoos.media
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