
Osaka Elegy / 浪華悲歌 (1936) (EN/BR/ES/FR) 

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1936. Directed by Mizoguchi Kenji. Starring Yamada Isuzu, Takegawa Sei'ichi, and Okura Chiyoko. Subtitles in English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish.
"Kenji Mizoguchi departed abruptly from his earlier sentimental films into a world of acute realism with Osaka Elegy. Boldly critiquing the position of women in contemporary Japanese society, the film examines a young woman's victimization and descent into prostitution. Together, Mizoguchi's direction and Isuzu Yamada's powerful performance create sorrowful, timeless poetry." (www.criterion.c...)



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@dominicz2368 5 лет назад
According to the Central Bank of Japan, 100 yen in 1936 was equivalent to 641795 yen of 2005, so 300 yen of 1936 would probably be somewhere near 20,000 USD in today’s money. Just for reference.
@jun4506 3 месяца назад
又お邪魔してしまいました😅😢 8度見😅😢ですね😅 何度観ても「不良少女「「ベル文子さん😊😅」何処に行くのでしょうか😅😢😂 「おとんの「借金」を「あんな「思い」で「返した」のに「家族の「無視」には😢余りにも「可哀想」ですね😅😢「すき焼き」食べたかったでしょうねぇ😢 ラストの「河シーン」は「最高の「溝口ワールド」ですね?「近松物語」では「琵琶湖の湖水」が「情緒豊か」でしたが?「本作」では「ドブ河」で行く宛ても有りませんねぇ😢溝口監督にお願い致します🙇是非「すき焼き」を「ご馳走」してくださいね🎉😂😊
@michaeltarr1821 Год назад
Wonderful moving film. Thank you for bringing it to us!
@jun4506 5 месяцев назад
素晴らしい「作品」ですね😅 旧作日本映画「だい好き」人間です✨😮「文楽」との「」「融合」に「痺れますね❤🎉」小津監督も「能楽」「歌舞伎」等「劇中映画」で取り上げていますが「溝口監督」は「曽根崎心中」を見事に「はめ込み」より一層「悲劇感」を出しています😅😢 「山田ベルさんは」「何処」に行くのでしょうか😅😢 それにしても「弁慶さんは「」梅村容子」さんの「素晴らしさ」は「祇園姉妹」の「どろどろ」感にも繋がりますね😅😢
@ibodhidogma 8 лет назад
@KazuyaTaki-ui3fv 6 месяцев назад
@桜カノン-n3g 7 лет назад
最後のシーンは風と共に去りぬの最後のシーン、スカーレットオハラと重なってしまった。 ヴィクター・フレミングは浪華悲歌を参考にしたのではなかろうか?両者とも全てを失った女の開き直りとど根性を感じさせる作品。
@Valiolet 11 лет назад
Thank you so much!
@luiscavalcanti3431 2 года назад
O que mais me espanta, me maravilha nesses filmes asiáticos são os finais da trama. Sempre inusitados, interessantes, com um que de quero mais. E mais do que isso: deixa o final para ser idealizado pelo próprio espectador. Realmente de muito bom gosto os filmes nipônicos
@LadyCoyKoi 5 лет назад
Interesting to see compensation dating throughout Japanese history. I know some people who think this something new that only occurred 15-20 years in time, but clearly it has been happening way longer than that. Old men suffering from mid-life crisis seems to never end.
@douglasbarton6597 6 лет назад
A Japanese mother with 3 daughters decided it was time to chose 3 husbands Daughter #1 what kind of a husband would you like / she replied I want a husband with a dragon tattoo on his chest Daughter #2 what kind of a husband would you like / she replied I want a husband with two dragons tattooed on his chest Daughter #3 what kind of a husband would you like / she replied I want a husband with one dragon on the ground
@OlafLesniak 6 лет назад
I don't get it. Please enlighten me.
@Tony-hx2fj 6 лет назад
oh I get it, his penis dragging on the ground.
@dizdira1 10 лет назад
i want the film of oyu sama thanks
@calihawa 7 лет назад
How much was 300 Yen in 1936/
@pwnmonkeyisreal 6 лет назад
I did some conversions and it seems like it was roughly 18 USD. However, the website I used wasn't clear whether it was current money or 1936 USD. if it was 1936, then it would be ~315 USD today
@douglasbarton6597 6 лет назад
When I was stationed in Tokyo in 56,57,58, 28 months the exchange rate was 360 yen to the dollar
@Tony-hx2fj 6 лет назад
It must have been fantastic to be in Japan in those days
@dominicz2368 5 лет назад
Kali Hawa Kali Hawa According to the central bank of Japan, 100 yen in 1936 was equivalent to 641795 yen of 2005, so 300 yen of 1936 would probably be somewhere near 20,000 USD in today’s money.
@原田明-n5q 6 лет назад
さすがにセリフが完璧。 すき焼きをあてもよばれるわ、というのがなかなか言えなくて 何度も繰り返させられたと山田五十鈴が述懐していたけど、 溝口の演出ぶりが偲ばれる。
@SC-uq2jf 6 лет назад
The Japanese puppets at the theater, with the puppet masters in hooded dark robes , in order to "blend in to the background", as well as the various voice overs read from the script by the narrator , was brilliant, reminiscent of the players in a Shakespeare piece I'm African American, female, my mother was born in 1936, I love old black and white films, and the Japanese genre has always been one of my favorites, dealing with gritty issues of class, gender roles and cast systems. The Hayes Code inacted in American film, resulted in most stories being watered down into unrealistic puritanical mush; Precode American film was reflected in for example, "Babyface" with Barbara Stanwyck, which dealt with excerpts of Nietchez's philosophy {sp?}, and how a woman exploited men to get ahead in life; such realism was also depicted in the reverse, in which the young woman was exploited by the moneylender in the 1953 Japanese film "Wild Geese". Women have been exploited by the oldest profession in the world, ruled and dictated by men to the detriment if women, not for love, but for money.
@PATACHENREN 2 года назад
Très intéressant 👍🎯⛩
@blanchjoe1481 6 лет назад
The year ths film was made 1936 was a momentous period in Japan's history. A coup d'état was attempted ( the February 26 Incident ) launched by the ultranationalists within the military, and the state was being transformed to primarily serve the Army ( and the Emperor ). The symbolic katana sword came back into fashion, and at same time, the zaibatsu trading groups were becoming stronger and looked towards greater expansion, however Japan's main concern was a shortage of raw materials, of which Japan was utterly dependent upon foreign nations for supplies. As this movie details so aptly, Japan was experiencing huge shifts at a social level, redefining freedoms for the young and Women, a revolution in accepted norms. In many ways the shift towards Ultra-Conservative Militarism was the result of the Right attempting to reign in these powerful social forces, and a re-definition of what it meant to "be" Japanese, to counter influences that were seen often as European ( aka American ).
@kakawu9010 5 лет назад
@margotalmanzar5210 4 года назад
How sad. No one cared about her, everyone just wanted stuff from her. Her family wanted money, susumu just wanted her virginity and the old guys just wanted her body. Actually the only person who was somewhat nice to her was Sumiko the wife of the man she was a mistress too. Great film 😁
@jun4506 Год назад
いやいや面白いですね‼️ 昨日は「祇園囃子」を、今日は本作を今まで6度見ました‼️ 何度見ても、溝口 11:27 監督ワールド満載ですね‼️「女心のどろどろ感」成瀬監督の「やるせな」とは違った哀惜感😢「男と女」の対決‼️が凄い、凄い‼️ 「山田べる」さん、「梅村容子」さん、最初から女中に「文句たらたら」の養子の頭の上がらない「弁慶」さん、脇役の「お医者さん」のおとぼけ😅又祇園囃子では「ちゃうき」の進藤栄太郎の「おとぼけ 」等、脇役陣が名演技🎉😢😅 スピーディーで、「そごう大阪店」冒頭の「ネオン、」ラストの「橋」すべて「浪華悲歌」ですね‼️ 私自身は溝口監督の最高の名作だと思います🎵 改めてアップして頂きまして感謝いたします‼️
@ishiyama333 4 года назад
@anjosfraga7 5 месяцев назад
A cultura japonesa é apreciada por todo o Ocidente. O Japão é o diamante do oriente. Preciosos, cultura refinada .
@classicvideogoodies 3 года назад
11:50 This is likely the very first depiction of workplace harassment (sexual proposition by the boss) in a movie anywhere, before such a thing was even a thing in the world at large. Even the 1960 movie The Apartment, which specifically deals with such a topic, does not any scenes with such realistic and explicit depiction (due to the Production Code). There have been tons of movies made about "fallen women" that depict tough social obstacles and mistreatment that women go through. From early works like Pandora's Box, Diary of a Lost Girl, Osaka Elegy, etc. to much later films like Frances (1982). These films are well-intentioned and often sympathetic, but the rub is that we don't see the women win. Collectively, these films may even imply women can't win. The me-too movement may have tried to rectify this also, with more films about heroines who aren't "victims."
@amauryhernandez7805 10 лет назад
Me asombra que tales tesoros se hallen por allí,como si nada, nutriendo las almas que se interesan en estos raros maestros de lo antiguo, ademas del poderoso mensaje que reciben en cada obra apreciada, en este caso con cierto tinte desgarrador, del cual es casi inevitable ignorar.Gracias Mizoguchi.
@skyupend 6 месяцев назад
不良少女というか、やってることは悪女なんだけど、この映画で描かれる彼女は今の日本人女性と殆ど変わらない。 こんな女性が当時は多かったとは言わないが、『戦前の三面記事』という本を読めば解ると思うが当時の日本人も今の日本人も実はあまり大して変わらないことが解る。実際にその本を読むと戦前の日本人だって良い意味でも悪い意味でも相当にいい加減。欧米の反日プロパガンダや、戦後のステレオタイプがよく言う「戦前の日本は暗黒だった」というデマを払しょくする良い映画だとは思う。 良い映画だとは思うが、その一方で満州や朝鮮への投資が国民経済を圧迫し、その皺寄せが国民の負担となっていたのも事実。とくに東北地方のそれは酷だった。妹が売られていく。娘を売る。こんな不条理と隣り合わせで欧米化する日本の未来に希望を見出せなくなったとしても彼らを非難できない。彼らが掲げた昭和維新とはまさにそんな空虚した時代に鉄槌を食らわそうとしたものではなかろうか。 女を社会の潤滑油としておきたい男の本音。そこに揺れ動く女。時代の転換期・・・。ラストシーンのセリフ、「野良犬や、どないしたらええか分からへんね」、「ふふふ、まぁ病気やわな」、「不良少女っちょいう立派な病気やな」、「なぁ、お医者はん。こないになったオナゴは、どないして治すはんねん?」は秀逸すぎる。
@lisatakahashi4974 3 года назад
@BobJones-dq9mx 5 лет назад
This is a very well made movie. The visual effect is excellent along with the costumes. In fact it portrays a very human image of the average Japanese person considering at this same time period,Japanese soldiers were ravaging China.
@Lydioski Месяц назад
Very nice picture. So modern and so well filmed. Thank you so much.
@JohnCine 7 лет назад
Uma obra fantástica de um dos grandes mestres do cinema japonês.Uma jovem que procura fazer o certo mas que depois passa a ser dezprezada.
@mckavitt 6 лет назад
Kurosawa’s first fetch actor, Takeshi Shimura!
@darioleonfernandez6932 Год назад
Linda película. Siendo niño escuché, acompañado de mi padre un pasaje musical en chamisén, aquí en Lima, Perú. Inmigrantes oficiales, trabajaban fuerte y progresaron mucho, en mi salón de secundaria conocí amigos, la mayor parte muy estudiosos. Pude escuchar chamisén interpretado por una señora mayor que estudiaba lectura musical y solfeo, con mi padre, quien era apasionado por ayudar a aprender más la música. El sonido me impresionó instantaneamente: la dureza melódica y el compás acordados al canto, también interpretados por la señora, ese contraste con la melodía cantada, casi agresividad , otra forma de arte bello. No miento, no tenía más de 10 pocos años. Chamisén decíamos, con CH.
@goognamgoognw6637 3 года назад
This is enjoyable even with just the sound and without understanding Japanese. No aggressive music, just human communication in all its forms. Brings wonderful life to your background and helps me feel less lonely.
@andrewb777 3 года назад
Did you turn on closed captions(cc)?
@goognamgoognw6637 3 года назад
@@andrewb777 That is strange, i see the option for english captions now. Not sure how i missed it, as i looked, thanks.
@TSUTENKAKU007 6 лет назад
What an excellent story. The area must have been Shinsaibashi area as I have been there back in the late 1950s. Sogo Department store was in the movie as well.
@SonidosParaSerFeliz 4 года назад
Gracias grac gracias por los subtítulos en español
@higashioosaka Год назад
This is one of Mizoguchi's masterpieces.
@mckavitt 6 лет назад
Yes, a masterpiece of a film. Thank you v. much for sharing.
@cravis123 4 года назад
Thank you! This film is a mastepiece!
@sinyaapyll5925 10 лет назад
@1000diamond 4 года назад
Thanks for uploading.. It's a great movie...
@lokyunmun4760 8 лет назад
Interpersonal relationship, one- sided love, all excellent subjects for movie, and so little awareness of nocotine in the era bygone, doctor and patient puffing away their health.
@myoko5822 8 лет назад
辛いのだけど色々滑稽 医師や恐妻家の養子が可笑しい 身につまされる…
@myriamcovarrubias7921 7 лет назад
gracias por compartir esta joya del cine.
@berthakishimoto6949 5 лет назад
Mizoguchi, Maestro de Maestro, genial director uno de los grandes directores que hubo en Jaapon, como muestra esta OBRA de ARTE, Lorenzo Maruyama.
@analogueandy8x10 5 лет назад
Love the Noir feel, and chiaroscuro lighting. Prevalent in 30's films in Europe and Hollywood.
@GooglePluz 9 лет назад
@sgraves4105 11 лет назад
Or do you think it is her identification? Maybe Ayako is leaving her old life behind and starting anew?
@jean-jacquesterki5186 9 месяцев назад
Dommage qu'il n'y a pas de sous titre en Français.
@modernrocksong 6 месяцев назад
I have added French subtitles now.
@robertocarvalho5258 6 лет назад
Uma das obras primas de um dos maiores diretores da historia do cinema. Mizoguchi foi um mestre em concentrar emocao dentro de belissimas composicoes. Sutil ironia permeia sua obra, como na cena do teatro "Bunraku" que se desenvolveu na epoca em que os comerciantes se tornaram uma classe dominante no Japao, sugerindo que nada mudou nas relacoes entre opressores e oprimidos.
@Mephiston1984LoD Год назад
@꾸미신-p2f 3 года назад
@高村毅-j3s 4 года назад
@telephilia 5 лет назад
Subtitles difficult to read. Little contrast between text and background.
@原田明-n5q 6 лет назад
いつもの気丈でやけっぱちな女性。それにしても男の身勝手さ。 あの家族500円どこから出て来たんだと思っているんだろう、という矛盾はあるけど。 やはり溝口好きです。
@garyrobinson8665 5 лет назад
A great little film. Loved it.
@pamelamedina9219 5 лет назад
Excelente, gracias 🙏
@sgraves4105 11 лет назад
What does Ayako throw into the water? It is a rectangular card/piece of paper. Is it money or the receipt to Hiroshi's money order?
@OlafLesniak 6 лет назад
I was asking the same thing. I'm trying to think of a part when someone gave her something portable, but can't remember such instance.
@OlafLesniak 6 лет назад
Just read in a comment below. It was her pack of cigarattes.
@nate4732 4 года назад
@@OlafLesniak Oh I thought it was her money which I felt was symbolic haha There must be symbolism to throwing the cigarettes too
@HeavenlyChronos 11 лет назад
click on cc
@zicomaksum7930 5 лет назад
English sub title please!
@高村毅-j3s 4 года назад
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