
Our Creepy New Neighbors Storytime •• Living in Korea 

rachel rose diary
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@PhoenixVenus 4 года назад
Yeah she's probably a doctor using her stethoscope to register the sounds through her ceiling lmao
@empresshachiko8352 4 года назад
She's going to really hate when you guys move. You know all that lifting and putting down boxes, walking in and out, maybe a couple of well placed dropped boxes of linens. I'm very passive aggressive, so my advice is to take pleasure in the small things.
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
😂 little does she know the worst Saturday of her life is just a couple weeks away. We've got some heavyyyyy things to lift
@galaxys6071 9 дней назад
Did they run you out in a rent scam or was it just hate?​@@rachelrosediary
@toasterbots 4 года назад
Wow that's crazy! I wonder though how she would react if you did open the door and she saw you were a foreigner. Maybe she might be too scared to confront you? Luckily I haven't had any bad neighbor experiences. I feel everyone in my building is pretty quiet or if there is a noise it's like a thud that I barely even notice.
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
I feel like you're totally right...all of that yelling and courage would have suddenly vanished if I opened the door and she was met with a confused foreigner 😅
@adriennehilll 4 года назад
this is crazy! i had something SUPER similar happen in my last apartment. the two men that lived below me were so crazy that they continuously called the cops on me and my roommate on nights when we were doing literally NOTHING haha it was so bizarre! this went on for like two weeks until they finally realized how dramatic they were being
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
at least our neighbors only called the landlord and not the real cops 😂 thats so EXTRA like just calm down
@jessicatyllmeis 4 года назад
Me and my sister lived in an apartment and we had done the laundry (in the common laundry room). 2-3 days later there is a knocking on the door and the door bell is ringing too. My sister opens the door and the next door neighbour is very upset. Her white laundry had turned black because of us. My sister was confused and told her that we didn't wash anything black last time. But the neighbour scolded my sister and said we were irresponsible and lied. I couldn't really hear what my sister said, but I could hear on her voice that she had enough of this lady and said something, then closed the door and said "what a f-ing b***" Me and my sister are SUPER clean. We always cleaned after us, sometimes we had to clean up after those who had used the laundry room before us and we never complained. May that lady's white laundry always turn black from now on.
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
YES I'm here for that hex you included at the end 😂
@kirstencorbett2289 4 года назад
I had very sensitive flamates last year. As you know, I am a violinist. It is literally me DEGREE, so yanno, I HAVE to practice. I would practice in the sitting room and our neighbours/people above and below wouldn't hear me at all because 1) It's not like my violin is plugged into an amp, it's wooden - I can only make it project so loud with my hand and 2) I had a mute over the strings to stifle my tone. This happened occasionally between my old flatmate and I, but one day I was practicing in the afternoon or early evening. Say, 4PM maybe 5PM? She STORMS into the sitting room and begins to yell, "How could you be so f*cking inconsiderate?! People could be sleeping at this time! It was ME, I WAS SLEEPING!" And fair enough, she may have taken a nap. That's fine and dandy, but the average is normally awake at 4PM or 5PM on a weekday so I mean-- it isn't all my fault, technically (just leave me be in denial pls.) All I can say is tHANK GOD you two are moving soon, and hopefully your new neighbours won't be so ~fragile~ !!!!
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
Kirsten Corbett RIGHT that's a perfectly normal time of day to be making sound!!!! Not your fault at all. And I feel like having some professional violin music in your apartment would be a GIFT! It's not like you're 8 and just learning 😂
@kirstencorbett2289 4 года назад
I meant *my degree. Not me, lol. But yeah. I mean I have my "bad days" where I feel like I sound like nails scratching against a blackboard, but if I am in my apartment I ALWAYS practice with a mute! I could have practiced in my college which is a 5 minute walk away, but all of the practice rooms had been booked and the next free room would have been shortly before the college closed for the evening 🙃 Look I get that people are fragile but ffs, just shut up??? Grow up????
@sayitsayuri8951 4 года назад
that's insane! I stayed at my sister's once and I always felt like I'd be too loud since the walls were thin. So much so that my music volume was after 4/100. Luckily it was just me being paranoid and there weren't any super sensitive neighbors. also did you update this story?
@emilyhalbardier9003 4 года назад
I have neighbors that in the middle of the night, let their kids run down the street screaming. It was so annoying and I wouldn't be able to sleep, and my family even called the police to file a complaint. Now they just go outside in their backyard and scream. They haven't moved out of the neighborhood, but almost everyone is use to them screaming in the middle of the night. Hope every thing will be alright..
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
oh wow that sounds pretty serious actually, how old are the kids?? I hope they're okay :( but if they're just screaming for fun that's a different scenario lol
@emilyhalbardier9003 4 года назад
@@rachelrosediary Yeah, good point. But the oldest has to be 10, and during the day they seem to be a happy family. I'm assuming the kids do it for fun, but the parents won't control them. Like they act like this...but there is no consequences. It makes me frustrated.
@TheMBG121 4 года назад
You can call the police on them for harassment and try to collect as much video / audio evidence that you can. Neighbors in Korea aren't allowed to confront you about noise complaints. They can get into legal trouble. Your landlord is the only person who can come to your apartment and ask you to keep it down. Usually sane neighbors just call the cops. Face to face altercations with a neighbor is a no-no. I'm surprised your s.o. doesn't know that? But yeah girl, nip that in the bud. Next time they buzz and knock, call the police immediately.
@deadphoenixrising 4 года назад
When I lived in my old house our neighbours would have extremely loud sex multiple times a day. So that was both embarrassing and really annoying to deal with. People who lived in our house before us had rang the police before because they thought that some sort of domestic violence was happening because the female neighbour would literally scream. Luckily we dont live there anymore.
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
oh no 😂😂😂 that's so much worse than my situation hahaha I'm glad you're out!!!! I overheard plenty of sex living in dorms and other college apartments, but luckily never any screamers...idk what I would have done 😭😂
@sayjaibao01188 4 года назад
@@rachelrosediary ear plugs! :-)
@deadphoenixrising 4 года назад
@@sayjaibao01188 It was kind of beyond that.
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
tell me your creepiest/weirdest or even just most ANNOYING neighbor stories, I want to read them!!! We actually moved when I was 12, and our new next-door neighbor was a single man in his 50's who introduced himself to me and my 9 year old brother while we were playing in our yard one day as the "neighborhood axe murderer" which is probably still my weirdest neighbor memory hahaha
@someonetbh 4 года назад
In my old house the neighbours would always make noise and then we (my family) moved 2 or 3 times only because of the neighbours and i was still a little and i needed to sleep so yeah . And now we live in a quite place but it is still a little bit creepy here but it's ok 😅🤗😅
@someonetbh 4 года назад
A little girl 😅
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
@@someonetbh oh no hahaha I'm sorry your place now is a little creepy, but at least it's more quiet 😄
@sayjaibao01188 4 года назад
Okay, you want a weird story Rach?? I have plenty...lol... but this one time I used to live in a condo with my ex-gf where the lady (older lady in her 60s) that lives under our nextdoor neighbor, would constantly bang on her ceiling with a broom handle. The noise was so loud it reverbrated like it was coming from beneath us. Our neighbor always complained he was constantly stressed out by all the erratic behavior and loud banging on the floor from the lady living beneath him. Talking about walking on eggshells? My neighbor hardly turned up on the volume on the T.V. and it would trigger the lady to bang on the ceiling very loud (we couldnt imagine how loud it was for him and we don't even live in the unit above that lady). It was very loud thumping noises! Every unit that lived above her (including us complained to management & the HOA). The police would show up to her door and all they could do was tell her to quiet down. Since she owned her unit, no matter what the HOA/management did, could not evict her from her unit (they tried to fine her like $100 for each complaint/offense...but she did not care?). We all came to the conclusion she suffered from some type of mental disorder? Her son would visit her on occassion, but he had no real answers, other than his mom was "Not a happy lady?" Anyway, the loud earth-shattering banging noises continued for months , sometimes at like 2 or 3 a.m. at night...and then one day it all stopped. And guess what???? The lady passed away from a health condition...BUT that's not the end of this story! We find out she had passed away exactly 1 week prior to the last time we heard the banging noises from her unit...so ummm...Yup! So she was already dead when we were still hearing the banging noises! Yikes??? Let that sink in!!! The banging noises happened when she was supposedly already deceased... Creepy huh?? LOL
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
oooooooooo I love a good maybe-its-a-ghost story!!!! I do personally believe in other ~energies~ existing, so to me it sounds like her energy became trapped in that apartment, and still couldnt let go.
@chocotopps4809 4 года назад
O hello I know I'm late🤣😂 but I sleep 15 hours every weekend 🤣😂
@Splexsychiick 4 года назад
I've been in an office where one part of the room was really bad insulated and for some reason you could hear things from 2 floors up because of the vents. Very possible for small sounds to become very loud further away. In college I could hear the dryer upstairs but when I went to the apartment to visit my neighbour we couldn't hear it with the laundry door closed. Very weird.
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
Interesting! My office now is kind of like that - we definitely share a wall with a "private" office, and he hacks and coughs like no one can hear him. We can hear him. Every. Time.
@Gyu_and_Agata 4 года назад
Some neighbors here are just so crazy!! We had a dude coming and knocking on our door every single time there was a noise in our building. One time we were simply sitting eating ice cream on our bed and he came to complain. we were like " are you crazy?" turns out there were construction workers working on the other side of the building when we did not even hear a thing :D So happy they moved out a month ago. But seriously, it is illegal to come and find you yourself.
@haleyt9717 4 года назад
Don’t live in an apartment if you don’t wanna worry about noise it’s not people’s job to walk on egg shells cause you can’t afford a better place
@lux4254 4 года назад
My parents own a two story house and we actually have a very ~sensitive~ tenant. To set the scene, the complicated tenant lives on the ground floor and two girls aged 20 in the flat above him. As far as I know none of them do any sports or play any instruments. I’m actually friends with them so I tend to be at their place a lot. We usually either talk or watch tv, sometimes I would dye their hair... things like that, we’re never very loud. But every time we hang out the guy calls or texts my mum to tell her that the girls are unbearably loud. It also happens quite frequently when I’m not around but I can only confirm that they’ve been quiet the times I’ve been with them obviously. And he does a thing where he stomps against his ceiling with a broomstick whenever they get “too loud”. Like, sometimes we would maybe laugh quite loudly for a moment but then be quiet and only after 30 mins of us being slightly louder, he’d call my mum or stump against the ceiling or start shouting, screaming and cursing at us. The thing is that his contract is so old and full of loopholes we can’t get rid of him -.-
@id_eal24 4 года назад
Fortunately for you you're going to move soon ! But still how can they so delicate about everything?! This is too much... And even me who likes to sleep can't do.it for like 15 hours ?? Hope it won't add you too much stress ;^; I think my worst neighbor was the one during last summer. At least 2 or 3 days a week during 2 months they put their music really loud from 2am until 4 or 5am. We called the police every time but nothing changed until it stopped one day. (Coincidence : summer ended?) I don't know if they moved or not but I hope I won't be there before next summer's coming...
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
NO ONE should be awake at 4 am, let alone making any sound!!!!! ugh I'm glad they're not being so obnoxious anymore now
@Indiaisinasia 4 года назад
Ur so pretty!!!!! Also I just subscribed you’re so cute hhhh
@thecherryroyal 4 года назад
Ahhhh this is wild and not in a good way. I don’t have any bad neighbour stories (luckily) but we always try to pick an apartment that has neighbours on only 1 side. Mostly people just avoid us because we are foreign 😅😅
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
being a foreigner is somehow like a weird secret weapon, isn't it? 😅
@Indiaisinasia 4 года назад
I’m sorry u had to deal with crappy neighbors :((
@manjularamadagi4456 4 года назад
So, my neighbours are so loud that they always scream as if they do not know how to talk to a person who is in an one arm distance. Then, their child who is around four or five years old is so violent that it bangs on the door which will probably break someday due to the way he practices his punches on that damn door. I'm so tired of them, I can't watch my favourite TV serials with peace.
@jinxalot1192 4 года назад
This might be going above and beyond but if your downstairs neighbours knock on your door again maybe have Andy go down to their apartment to hear the noise. Sometimes it could be the building itself or another unit above on either side of you. And if there are vents in their unit, sounds travel a lot farther. Or better yet suggest to the landlord to go down to their unit and investigate the sound.... that lady was rude.
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
part of me feels like she's called the landlord more than once, but he doesn't care enough to let us know since he's lived above us for 11 months and knows that we're quiet people 😅 there is a little boy that lives across the hall from us though who can be very noisy some days, because you know...he's a happy little boy hahaha but it could be possible that they hear him!
@lucybaggaley9641 4 года назад
On Valentine day a couple of years ago at a house a few doors down, their daughter held a party whilst her parents were away for the night, it got out of hand like 100 teenagers turned up to their house because of people spreading it through Facebook, so the police were called. It was the craziest thing to happen because police from another county had to come help with police dogs because the teenagers were doing drugs, drinking and trying to glass/fight with the police officers, who then had to pepper spray them
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
WOW. I wonder how many arrests were made 😳 that's really intense and kind of scary, my high school class never did anything that outrageous hahaha
@lucybaggaley9641 4 года назад
@@rachelrosediaryin the local paper it said there was 4 - 5 arrests. The people who were turning up to the party were 16 - 20ish. The mum made her daughter type up an apology letter and post them through everyone's letter boxes and I'm pretty sure soon afterwards they got kicked out by the landlord
@jenifraser7605 4 года назад
Thank god you're moving! So awful for you 😭😭😭 what weirdos!
@deintri 4 года назад
It's illegal to go complain about something directly to your neighbors. You use your landlord/building admin to do that for you.
@lakyara5497 3 года назад
Can we get an update ☺️
@rachelrosediary 3 года назад
lol we moved in February 2020, the new apartment is super quiet and nice, except for one man who screams as loud as he can about once a week, but he's on another floor and sounds like he's in a distant cave so it's all fine ✨
@sugarmilk28 4 года назад
...that is a bit creepy...you should also record these events. Proof is a big friend Wait you are moving??? Enjoy your noise who cares about them
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
already moved! our landlord doesn't start "showing" apartments until the tenants have already moved out (which I think is nice, since everyone would rather see a cleaned, empty apartment than one cluttered with someone else's things) so I cant wait for them to start complaining about us only to realize we've literally moved out 🙃
@sayjaibao01188 4 года назад
Are you neighbors eavesdropping constantly?
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
who knows! but it seems like they hear everything we do 🙃
@missfashionmania 4 года назад
Your downstairs neighbors seem to have super sonic hearing and should really invest in some earplugs if they want to sleep at all hours. My upstairs neighbors when I started college liked to party so I always heard a whole lot of beer pong, sex, and vomiting 😑 😑
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
wow that list of things you would hear went from "manageable" to "get me out NOW" real quick 😳
@kirstencorbett2289 4 года назад
8:08 God almighty, these people are DELICATE 🙃 I relate so hard to the girl's "loud, passionate sex" anger to be fair because I had to listen to that all through September 2018 and mid 2019 until I moved apartments. Then again, I'm student accomodation so I hear this stuff often, and parties as well of course. But for real, have these people not hears of headphones?!
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
Kirsten Corbett I also had to deal with it for a new months, which is why it's my point of reference I think because I, too, was ON the EDGE and ready to erupt 😂😂
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
Kirsten Corbett also to be clear, if that is what she's hearing from somewhere, it's certainly not us, the couple who knowingly live directly under the landlord 😂
@kirstencorbett2289 4 года назад
@@rachelrosediary even if she was hearing that, there are HEADPHONES!!! Or blare MUSIC so you don't have to hear that! I don't know anyone who enjoys hearing that stuff, and I would hate to be KNOWN for making noisy, passionate sex. It actually gives me ANXIETY that someone could be listening to me like sweet JESUS.
@sayjaibao01188 4 года назад
God where do you live? Must be thin walls if hearing all the sex noises?
@kirstencorbett2289 4 года назад
@@sayjaibao01188 personally, I live in the city centre in student accomodation so the property isn't 100% desirable but hey, it's near my college!
@VERSZETTI 4 года назад
Riley Reid 😍
@DaniMetzinger 4 года назад
Wait! You’re moving... i missed something...
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
yes hahaha there's even an apartment hunting vlog from December 😂
@DaniMetzinger 4 года назад
I actually watched that one too, for some reason I thought you already moved 😅
@destinylahani17 4 года назад
I would have loud passionate sex, just to piss her off 😂 granted I have no shame. Time to stomp around and be obnoxious when you move. And pray a family with a high energy kid to run around the apartment moves in. In my personal experience with obnoxious neighbors. I had neighbors that would hotbox their place with weed, and the smell would seep into our apartment. And I was pregnant with my first and the smell would make me SICK. Our landlord never did anything, so we didn't renew our contract and moved. People are jerks. Can't wait for you guys to move so you can be at peace
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
we had hot-box neighbors back in university, and it seeped into the one girl's room who had a cat...we swore it was so bad he got high sometimes 😭😭😭 so disrespectful!!!
@SusanJohanna 4 года назад
My oh my, thiss woman... 😫
@anjalishukla3760 4 года назад
Teach a lesson to tha creepy lady....
@rachelrosediary 4 года назад
we were loud as fuck moving out 🤷🏻‍♀️ I suggested sending them a package full of bugs but my husband rejected that 😂
@anjalishukla3760 4 года назад
@@rachelrosediary WOW! lol😂
@littleredbeanieP 4 года назад
So annoying
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