
Overlaps between Mormon and Progressive Christian beliefs. 

Alisa Childers
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In this short video, my guest Lucie Clark and I discuss some areas where Progressive Christianity and the Church of Latter-day Saints share common ground. You may be surprised to learn that they have more in common than you thought!
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@charlessudom288 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for shedding light on the common value system between LDS and the Progressives. Terms like sin, atonement and even Jesus Christ are used but have been redefined and mean something entirely different that the Biblical definitions.
@makeitcount179 5 месяцев назад
Gold Quote : " If I were the enemy of God, I would try to keep the Atonement and the components of the gospel as close to The Reality as possible."
@hopeinHim5160 5 месяцев назад
Yes, Satan is a clever deceiver. Even Rat poison contains some good grain .
@clm3436 5 месяцев назад
Not to mention: we can't truly forgive without His power🙏❤️
@hopeinHim5160 5 месяцев назад
Amen.🪔✝️ Praise Jesus the Christ!❤️‍🔥
@hopeinHim5160 5 месяцев назад
@@lifeinthe80s Sir, l have read stories of beautiful forgiving Buddhists, and Hindus who were forgiving when great harm was done to them such as murder of a family member. I was very inspired by this, and l did not know how they did it? I myself had great difficulty in forgiving my father for his sexual abuse of me through child hood. I needed to forgive my family and Mormon Church also for not believing me. I was also distanced by them when l left Mormonism. These experiences were traumatic . Jesus Christ did give me that grace , as l was so very broken and lost for many many years. He is real and the only healer that finally stabilized me after much difficulty and struggle. Secular psychology did not help. Medications did not help. ✝️🙏❤️‍🔥HE is not BS, but TRUTH, LOVE, and POWER. It breaks my heart to hear anyone dismiss the One who healed me. Peace to you .
@daveandellenbartlett8725 5 месяцев назад
I love your material. Keep going!
@makeitcount179 5 месяцев назад
A little later Paul writes " see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world rather than according to Christ " Col 2:8 Satan's great work is MIXING other ideas with God's self revelation. But " we are destroying fortresses and Speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God and taking every thought captive to Christ" Only the Word of God "is profitable for teaching, reproof correction and all training in Righteousness....correctly handling the Word of Truth. So the analogy of Scripture is imperative for fuller and correct understanding. Thank God He sent the Holy Spirit to help and teach ALL things Christ said to us. We CAN understand CLEARLY and Correctly. We can also recognize counterfeit with a broader and deeper understanding of Scripture.
@HKduane 5 месяцев назад
As a Christian it drives me nutso that Mormonism is treated like real Christianity.
@StephenOBrien-bs9ks 5 месяцев назад
Ah, the struggle to be 'worthy' (or thinking we are already?). We aren't! However, 'the Joy set before him' was us, the Church. He deemed us 'worth it' and went to the cross.
@hopeinHim5160 5 месяцев назад
Worthy is the Lamb who was Slain.🥹✝️❤️‍🔥 Praise Jesus the Christ who bore the cross for us! ✝️❤️‍🔥 🤧
@makeitcount179 5 месяцев назад
Jesus said : "Broad is the way that leads to destruction and Many there be who go therein BUT narrow is the path that leads to Life and few there be who find it."
@gachapotatocookie2309 5 месяцев назад
What do you think about the irenic Protestants and Gavin Ortland ? He has a RU-vid channel called Truth Unites
@jamesbarksdale978 5 месяцев назад
Lucie mentioned that LDS theology teaches a doctrine of free will and human agency, that people can choose to follow God or not. Alisa didn't follow up on this, choosing instead to persue Rohr's panentheistic theology. I wish she had stayed with Lucie's topic. It would have been interesting to hear her thoughts. I don't pretend to understand the LDS position on human free will, but will say that far more Christians believe we are free to believe in Christ or to reject him than those who don't. Yet, not apart from the gracious working of the Holy Spirit in the world and in the lives of individuals. God is always wooing humanity, but coerces no one. Far from being Progressive Christians, then, those who believe in a libertarian freedom of the will are squarely within the broader orthodox Christian tradition. Regarding PSA, this is only one valid interpretation of Christ's death on the cross. I would say just about every major branch of Christianity believes that Jesus' death was substitutionary in some sense. But the idea of "penal" substitution didn't appear until Anselm in the 11th century. And its more radical form wasn't formulated until the Reformation and after. If you're looking for a more widely accepted view of the Atonement, you may want to consider the Christus Victor model. As I said before, there has never been just one interpretation of the Atonement. It's multifaceted. What Jesus accomplished in his death and resurrection is both complex and beautiful.
@makeitcount179 5 месяцев назад
St.Paul worked hard to correct misconceptions of God : there are as many now as then...and in Colossians he articulated that with his aspirations Positively : "that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love and ATTAINING to all the wealth that comes from the Full Assurance of understanding, RESULTING in a True Knowledge of God's mystery,; that is, Christ Himself." Colossians 2:2
@theeternalsbeliever1779 5 месяцев назад
Trinitarians definitely need to read this passage, because a lot of them tend to present pious sounding arguments about how God cannot be fully understood, and that no one should ever try to fully understand who He is.
@makeitcount179 5 месяцев назад
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 Our minds are Finite. One of God's attributes are 'Infinite'. You got that?
@hopeinHim5160 5 месяцев назад
​@@makeitcount179Amen. Joseph Smith diminished God to recreate HIM in man's image, and to make it so that men could be elevated into gods. See Joseph Smith 's King Follet Discourse, Compare to Isaiah 43.10 , Isaiah 45.5, Isaiah 46.6, John 1.1, Isaiah 9.6, Jesus words " before Abraham was l AM"...
@timvandermey4792 5 месяцев назад
This is a big problem. With all the lds crime. No one is discerning that lds is not christian. Danya
@JamesRichardWiley 5 месяцев назад
I am living an ordinary life and will die an ordinary death. Is that a problem?
@hopeinHim5160 5 месяцев назад
@SES06484 5 месяцев назад
00:17 - Is Alisa drinking out of a mason jar?
@LemLures 5 месяцев назад
So to be clear this is about the belief in the proper salvation message (the gospel), not the knowledge of doctrine because a christian can have the proper faith but still be ignorant of doctrine, right?
@TomZastrow 5 месяцев назад
then you don't have the proper understanding of "faith" which means "trust" in Salvation is through blood sacrifice of Christ who willingly laid down his life -he was fully God and fully man on earth. Even Satan BELIEVED that God existed. He will have an eternity in the darkness of hell. CS
@theeternalsbeliever1779 5 месяцев назад
A Christian cannot have the proper faith without being properly educated about God's doctrines. If a person goes through the secular education system being fed false knowledge, they are not really being prepared to succeed in the long term. So many ppl fell away from the true faith or rejected it because they were not properly educated in God's doctrines. It is even more true now than it was in the 1st century because of the "Christian" denominations.
@LemLures 5 месяцев назад
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 I’m not so sure. Because one has to first recognize the truth for what it is in order to see it. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things unseen. This implies that someone’s heart is prepared beforehand to then see Jesus as their savior. Also Jeremiah 31:33 says that God will write the law onto their hearts and will know Him as well. Also the Church didn’t have a the trinity articulated out til later too.
@hopeinHim5160 5 месяцев назад
​@@LemLuresThe word Trinity is not there, but the concept is. The gospel is simple so that even Children understand it. God can make His law known to even the young ones. Jeremiah 31.33 happens at many ages. God is fully ABLE.
@jenna2431 5 месяцев назад
Ya'll need to spend more time with the log in your OWN EYE, rather than the splinter in someone else's.
@andrewpatrick2563 5 месяцев назад
Then you will see more clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye.
@HoldToChrist 5 месяцев назад
I’m assuming you’ve pulled the log out of your own eye, so do you mind saying what you think is the problem here?
@markshaneh 5 месяцев назад
Aside from MORMONS belief about “ sin nature “ Most of Christendom ( not CALVINISM ) Also reject the Augustinian view of “ original sin “ And confirm “ free will “ So be mindful of how wide your brush is. ✌🏼
@michaelolson3266 4 месяца назад
I’m sorry but her information is not accurate and is not correct. I think if you want to get true information about what LDS beliefs are you should talk to an active LDS member. Not someone who has left the church.
@simonskinner1450 5 месяцев назад
We do not have a sin nature, we lack access to eternal life due to Adam, Jesus simply returned access to those who do not sin, and through faith in Jesus Christ we can be saved.
@rumbleyd 5 месяцев назад
1 John 1:8-10. Do you disagree?
@simonskinner1450 5 месяцев назад
@@rumbleyd "If we say we have fellowship with him , and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth;". Thise who lie are those in darkness (sin) who claim fellowship, not those in the light (do not sin) who Jesus will forgive their past sins. 1 John 1:8-10 refers to 1 John 1:6. There are many false teachings in Christianity and I expose them in my Ytube videos 'Myths in so-called Christianity'. Paul in Romans refers to those who by nature do not sin, all must die due to Adam, but not all sin due to Adam.
@jamestrotter3162 5 месяцев назад
@@simonskinner1450 " Therefore as by the offense of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous."-Rom. 5:18-19.
@simonskinner1450 5 месяцев назад
@@jamestrotter3162 That is the result of the Cross, to reverse death upon all mankind from Adam, so now many can be justified according to joining the new covenant. Those who did not sin died due to Adam, now even those who have sinned can have those sins forgiven, as there is no condemnation for those in Christ on the condition of walking in the Spirit not in the flesh.
@toliveischrist950 5 месяцев назад
For all have sinned….
@ChamomileMineral 5 месяцев назад
I also drink from Mason jar 🫙❤😅 this topic is interesting.. I have been studying church history and watching long for truth ministries and it's mind blowing ..
@jjphank 5 месяцев назад
Yes, they have a different Jesus they don’t even know what the first verse of the Bible- “Elohim” means even though they use the term! Mormons are going to hell they’re now paying samoans to attend the Mormon church! my heart goes out to them. I try to talk to them as much as I can when I see the kids in their ties. !
@troylee4196 5 месяцев назад
Moreso they're paying black people to join Samoans and other polynesians have been in the culture for decades
@jjphank 5 месяцев назад
@@lifeinthe80s For real>> You cannot out psychologize the Bible for God not to throw you into hell for all eternity. In other words, you cannot come up with a good enough excuse here and now, so you will not be able to on judgment day. If you say you did not want to be born, God is going to say you should’ve been born again, that means become a Christian so that’s not gonna work. And there are no other excuses try to think of one. So now you know for the first time in your life, that the Bible is smarter than you and it is a steel trap, smarter than all of mankind, What should you do then? So at least investigate and look to see that these things are true, because right now you just learned the Bible is smarter than you, and you will be accountable for your life on judgment day before God! Prophecy, the Bible is 27% prophecy, that’s future history written in advance. God‘s really sticking his neck out to get it cut off if he’s wrong, but he hasn’t been wrong about the thousands of prophecies that were fulfilled, so he’ll be right about the end of the world prophecies as well and you’ll have no excuse on judgment day for not looking for truth! Caveat: you cannot look for God in times of chaos says Isaiah 45:19, so you better do it now. In other words,You’ll be too worried about your own survival when chaos hits, than your eternal destiny! Statistic probability of 40 writers writing the Bible with zero margin of deviation, proves God wrote the Bible through the 40 writers! God authored the Bible! DNA does not auto encrypt, the code writer is outside of the code of the 3300000,000,000 lines of computer code in the human genome of our DNA! So who wrote the code to such sophistication? 1,000,000 seconds is 12 days, 1,000,000,000 seconds is 32 years! That’s the difference between 1 million and 1 billion! One person’s DNA could fill the Grand Canyon up to 50 times full of books. John 21:25 “I suppose everything Jesus did, the world wouldn’t have enough room for the books telling of it.“ this verse would be fulfilled! Psalm 139:16 “in my members you have written many books“! Psalm 139 is about the human body!
@jjphank 5 месяцев назад
You cannot out psychologize the Bible for God not to throw you into hell for all eternity. In other words, you cannot come up with a good enough excuse here and now, so you will not be able to on judgment day. If you say you did not want to be born, God is going to say you should’ve been born again, that means become a Christian so that’s not gonna work. And there are no other excuses try to think of one. So now you know for the first time in your life, that the Bible is smarter than you and it is a steel trap, smarter than all of mankind, What should you do then? So at least investigate and look to see that these things are true, because right now you just learned the Bible is smarter than you, and you will be accountable for your life on judgment day before God! Prophecy, the Bible is 27% prophecy, that’s future history written in advance. God‘s really sticking his neck out to get it cut off if he’s wrong, but he hasn’t been wrong about the thousands of prophecies that were fulfilled, so he’ll be right about the end of the world prophecies as well and you’ll have no excuse on judgment day for not looking for truth! Caveat: you cannot look for God in times of chaos says Isaiah 45:19, so you better do it now. In other words,You’ll be too worried about your own survival when chaos hits, than your eternal destiny! Statistic probability of 40 writers writing the Bible with zero margin of deviation, proves God wrote the Bible through the 40 writers! God authored the Bible! DNA does not auto encrypt, the code writer is outside of the code of the 3300000,000,000 lines of computer code in the human genome of our DNA! So who wrote the code to such sophistication? 1,000,000 seconds is 12 days, 1,000,000,000 seconds is 32 years! That’s the difference between 1 million and 1 billion! One person’s DNA could fill the Grand Canyon up to 50 times full of books. John 21:25 “I suppose everything Jesus did, the world wouldn’t have enough room for the books telling of it.“ this verse would be fulfilled! Psalm 139:16 “in my members you have written many books“! Psalm 139 is about the human body!
@jjphank 5 месяцев назад
You cannot out psychologize the Bible for God not to throw you into hell for all eternity. In other words, you cannot come up with a good enough excuse here and now, so you will not be able to on judgment day. If you say you did not want to be born, God is going to say you should’ve been born again, that means become a Christian so that’s not gonna work. And there are no other excuses try to think of one. So now you know for the first time in your life, that the Bible is smarter than you and it is a steel trap, smarter than all of mankind, What should you do then? So at least investigate and look to see that these things are true, because right now you just learned the Bible is smarter than you, and you will be accountable for your life on judgment day before God! Prophecy, the Bible is 27% prophecy, that’s future history written in advance. God‘s really sticking his neck out to get it cut off if he’s wrong, but he hasn’t been wrong about the thousands of prophecies that were fulfilled, so he’ll be right about the end of the world prophecies as well and you’ll have no excuse on judgment day for not looking for truth! Caveat: you cannot look for God in times of chaos says Isaiah 45:19, so you better do it now. In other words,You’ll be too worried about your own survival when chaos hits, than your eternal destiny! Statistic probability of 40 writers writing the Bible with zero margin of deviation, proves God wrote the Bible through the 40 writers! God authored the Bible! DNA does not auto encrypt, the code writer is outside of the code of the 3300000,000,000 lines of computer code in the human genome of our DNA! So who wrote the code to such sophistication? 1,000,000 seconds is 12 days, 1,000,000,000 seconds is 32 years! That’s the difference between 1 million and 1 billion! One person’s DNA could fill the Grand Canyon up to 50 times full of books. John 21:25 “I suppose everything Jesus did, the world wouldn’t have enough room for the books telling of it.“ this verse would be fulfilled! Psalm 139:16 “in my members you have written many books“! Psalm 139 is about the human body!
@jjphank 5 месяцев назад
@@lifeinthe80s The Bible is perfect. Don’t find out too late.
@cowboyandhorse7 5 месяцев назад
I love life.....I dont worry about religion anymore....its a creation by man. Man of ancient times. I was saved when I was 12 years old and I'm 73 now.....I I've life on my terms...no worry and Life has been one hell of ride.....In fact I have never sinned....In order to Sin one must believe in a God....No belief in God, No Sin....pretty simple.....besides no one prove there is god....its just an idea that came from ancient man and thats all...... I used to be a believer when I was a young man but not anymore....Im free now....besides, Once saved, Always saved....so I hedged my bets....as do most people for that matter. Life has been one hell of ride, I've been to war, seen killing and survived.....I've traveled the world, been married....have children and grandchildren......Life is not about the good or the bad.....its about, Just Experiencing Life....don't worry about life folks....we all die one day......When you die, you are dead, you don't know your dead, because you are dead. So live life each and everyday as though it was your last....when you do that Life is more precious....you don't worry about the here after, because there is no here after.....So everyday is about being in the Present......once you embrace that concept ......there is nothing to scare you anymore....Namaste :)
@markshaneh 5 месяцев назад
You tell the law enforcement agent that you didn’t see any of the “warning signs” And he’s gonna tell you, that’s “your problem” the signs were there, Here’s your ticket , now pay up or pay the consequences. Dirt simple stuff. 👍
@markshaneh 5 месяцев назад
Namaste, No religion eh very telling there.
@jamestrotter3162 5 месяцев назад
Boy, are you in for a rude awakening!
@ginamiller6754 5 месяцев назад
Romans 1 describes you very well.
@markshaneh 5 месяцев назад
@@lifeinthe80s I don’t have an imaginary friend, my friends are real, are you felling unwell and need to talk about something?
@simonskinner1450 5 месяцев назад
There was no atonement on the Cross, only a change in covenant and victory over death from Adam, and he can forgive past sins for those sanctified in his covenant.
@jamestrotter3162 5 месяцев назад
" For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement."-Rom. 5:10-11.
@simonskinner1450 5 месяцев назад
@@jamestrotter3162 The atonement or reconciliation there is baptism into the church of God, reconciled with past sins forgiven as part of the new covenant, Jesus has regained access to eternal life lost by Adam. Romans 5-8 is baptism or election intonthe church, not salvation as so many believe, I have a Ytube video series 'Myths in so-called Christianity' for NT truth.
@bobtheaccountant2534 5 месяцев назад
Alisa, I have watched many of your videos. Clearly you are sincere and knowledgeable. You have so much truth in what you believe and say and you are obviously very sincere. The Mormon church simply adds to what you know and believe. God has restored more than what is contained in the Bible. Much has been deleted over the years and much more was never included. Read the Book of Mormon with an open heart and mind, with no preconceived biases and see what happens.
@rumbleyd 5 месяцев назад
No, the Bible has all we need. The Cannon us closed. Do not add to it or risk great peril for your soul.
@bobtheaccountant2534 5 месяцев назад
@@rumbleyd I almost find that laughable. Can you tell me who complied the Bible as we now have it? Can you tell me which monks translated it? Can you tell me how they translated it and by what power? Can you tell me how they determined which books were to be included and which were not included? Can you tell me why Revelation was put as the last book in the old testament? I don’t think you can. I find it amazing that you put all of your faith in a compilation of stories of which you know very little about their origin, translation and order. Do you believe that Constantine, the sun worshiper, really had Christ’s gospel as his main importance when directing all of this and the apostolic and Nicene creeds? I believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. I also believe there is truth in other books not included in the Bible. Why have a closed mind and put all of your faith in a sola scriptura philosophy? Do you really believe God cannot revel his will to us today, or does it all come from an incomplete often mistranslated and misunderstood book.
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