
Overwatch Counters Are Incredibly Weird And Complex 

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@colmkelly72 11 месяцев назад
Your explanation of counter picking makes sense ,and I agree so much. Coming from an old sym 1 trick, changing your play style around heroes that counter you is apart of "maining" a hero
@BuffGenji 11 месяцев назад
Sym is one of the most adaptable heroes in the game tho. Try playing tracer against a torb that knows how to place his turrets and constantly denies you, or a widow that snipes you every time as Ashe. Or zarya v orisa, where both of their entire kits are revolved basically around the tank brawl typically, but it is heavily favored for zarya
@agnihistoria7951 11 месяцев назад
Try being a reaper and then having a Dva on the opposite team. You can't ult until she is dead, but if they have a Brig or Zarya too then you might as well switch to Sym. If they counter with Torb or Pharah you gotta go Bastion. Fun but a hassle.
@BuffGenji 11 месяцев назад
@@agnihistoria7951at least your counters don’t chase you around the map like genji counters. And it doesn’t help that all of his counters are so easy to use
@chaos9713 11 месяцев назад
@SuperSilver7591 10 месяцев назад
Unless you main genji who gets countered by every new hero they've added ever except maaaaybe sojourn
@Atsuru 11 месяцев назад
I really like this take. It's not ever as clear and cut as people make it out to be. I might not 100% agree that anna counters kiriko, but I can absolutely get behind the idea that you pick a hero to specifically isolate one player on the other team. If the Kiri is definitely the best player on the other team, picking Anna forces them to play less offensively like you said in your explanation. But if their kiri is bad, then there's no reason to pick a hero specifically to isolate them. OW2 is all about these situational decisions where picking anna to counter kiri might be the right decision in one match, but might not be the best decision in another match. Your Pharah pick probably worked extremely well precisely because it prompted an enemy response on the other team. Maybe it alleviated pressure off your supports which might have enabled your tank to be able to take more space.
@SeveralOnions 11 месяцев назад
As someone that has frequent arguments with my friends over balance and counter picking, this was actually a super enlightening watch! I did agree that some heros' 'hard counters' could be managed by switching things up, but I never considered taking it as far as you have (flanking Pharah for the win, lol), nor did I think that a counter could go both ways. It makes total sense though, and I actually love that view
@mrgoldenreset9590 11 месяцев назад
I mostly agree on your statements for the majority of the OW cast. However, the Rein vs Bastion matchup is where I have to disagree on. You clarified that Reinhardt is one of the best heroes to deal with a Bastion so your team can focus on the Bastion. But Reinhardt is really NOT the pick. To counter a Bastion is more of a team play than anything. Winston and the dps could dive the Bastion. Or just go in after assault form is over. Reinhardt might have the best barrier, but he needs his barrier for himself or he’ll just become paper that’s being cut in half by scissors. You can’t go in if your barrier was broken, and if it was broken, Bastion will probably have his assault form back once the barrier is back to full health. Counter swapping isn’t a big problem in Overwatch, especially because you can play around your ‘counters’. Counter picking is only an issue for tanks because you’re the only tank in your team. There isn’t your other tank that covers your weakness anymore, which made tanks harder to play and more miserable. So overall, I enjoyed your video and respect your opinions.
@wick_04 11 месяцев назад
only thing worse then rein into bastion is winston. if you want to hold a bastion in a chokehold go sig or dva.
@EB-du3vh 11 месяцев назад
Rien v bastion to me isn’t bad at all. Outta turret mode I charge and kill lol it’s the Ana that murders every form of aggression I do
@iyxon 11 месяцев назад
My personal favorite example about counter picking: so my tank MMR had stayed Gold since the role queue split in season 18 of OW1. I had gotten my Support up to GM after but tank and DPS remained in Gold. In OW2, I decided I wanted to get tank and dps up to Diamond minimum. My favorite tank is Dva so I'd lock her asap in every game and only swap if my team comp had someone else who would work a lot better with them. Even though I was a GM support and hadn't played tank much, I was pretty good cuz of the transferable skills. I got to Diamond with an around ~70% total winrate. Now, I'd say in 85% of my Dva games, the enemy tank would swap to Zarya at some point to "counter me", I'd get yelled at my teammates to "get off Dva". I had only ever lost ONCE when this counterswapping happened. The Zarya's teammates typically didn't swap around her swap, so the enemy team comp synergy would suffer. And here is the secret about playing Dva into Zar. Just stay out of her range. And wait out bubbles. That is literally all you have to do, and all I did, and clapped these Zarya players with EASE. Just adjust your playstyle and positioning y'all 😭
@dominicpirola8240 10 месяцев назад
The only way this doesn't work is if the zarya is really good at bubbling or ur team refuses to stop shooting them and their team is playing compact enough to where isolating targets becomes tough (obviously taking off angles can break this but dva's kinda tough when u can't explicitly exploit squishies so ur kinda reliant on ur team here)
@Azyne 10 месяцев назад
yea, I can easily win against Zarya and Dva, it really isn't hard to reverse counter once you're good at the character
@KemonoKiara 11 месяцев назад
As a primarily DPS Kiriko, Ana is a good counter, yes. Antinades are very good against me even if I play aggressively. However, I teleport away when I can when facing an Ana. Ana still can counter that with sleep.
@jamesburnett3594 11 месяцев назад
So I’m very much in agreement with your view on counters. Really well articulated and I wish more people in OW had this perspective..Only thing here I contend you on is the Kiriko Ana matchup since I play mostly flex support or whatever you want to call it in OW. I play Kiriko and Bap around Masters and haved peaked GM but flex to Ana, Brig, and Zen sometimes. So I have some perspective of both characters but I have a lot more experience on Kiriko. I will say I don’t think Kiriko counters Ana and you give a lot of the reasons I’ve come to this conclusion. But Ana doesn’t counter Kiri either. One thing youre leaving out of the conversation is her wall climb and mobility. Just like you showed an example of Phara overcoming a hitscan team by abusing the sides of the map, so too can Kiriko abuse a lot of terrain to get angles on Ana Ana cannot get on her. I also think while kunai are a hard primary fire to be good with, you can become proficient enough to hit mid range headshots consistently. Also keep in mind that Kiriko can spam kunai in a way Ana can’t. Kunai are also super fast to reload. There’s a reason people can climb with Kiriko on kunai only challenges that would be much harder for Ana on a no healing challenge. And you really don’t need to be using suzu to confirm kills…it helps but tp is enough if you’re fast enough and take smart fights. At my current lv, I see the matchup as very map and team dependent. Longer sightline maps against spam make her hard to fight as Kiri. But on a smaller map with lots of verticality with a dive team and I see it as winning. I also see the matchup as a battle of resource management if neither side can overwhelm the other. Kiriko doesn’t have to suzu every nade, just the ones that threaten to lead into team wipes or significant kills. I personally am fine with the Ana using a nade on my team if I can still get a flank off and either get a pick(s) or attention. Because as Kiriko, you can be in two places at once so if I notice the nade will be detrimental I can tp back to suzu but hold out otherwise and be ahead in the cooldown war. I feel like a lot of people don’t really give Kiriko credit for the aspects of her kit that don’t have stats. She gets overshadowed by suzu and people act like she needs suzu to be a good character. She does need it to be as good as she is, but it’s more that suzu amplifies her strengths rather than something you base your entire playstyle around the way you sometimes have to with Ana nade. I think you were right about nade being a stronger ability but you underestimate the other strengths of the character. Her lower winrate speaks more to her difficulty and misunderstood playstyles. But you are SPOT ON about Kiriko healing. Wish people understood this…most supports have higher healing numbers than her.
@dargo5025 10 месяцев назад
Here’s one I’d also add. Junker Queen can counter Zarya if the cards are played right. Zarya in the short term can protect people when Junker Queen dives them, but she gets value by using those shields to gather energy and melt the opponent, which requires her to play carefully until she gathers enough energy and has her cooldowns in a good spot to not explode. Junker Queen doesn’t entirely lose her momentum from shield, since she still gets a reduced cooldown if she uses carnage on a shielded opponent. And Zarya’s main attack distance is pretty close, right where Junker Queen needs to be to blow up her opponents. You can even pre-knife Zarya and yank her before she can play hit and run, putting her in an open position without the cooldowns to survive running back to cover.
@senor135 11 месяцев назад
0:00 - 2:55 100% agree. the comparison of ana and kiriko though, i think doesnt really go deep enough. yes those interactions make sense, but each of the heroes have other strengths and weaknesses, and you cant really just look at the head-to-head matchup. it depends so much on the what the rest of the heroes on each team are. so, i wouldnt say ana counters kiriko. i might phrase it more as "kiriko isnt actually a counter to ana, most of the time."
@koishisen 11 месяцев назад
0:48 "theres no hero that just completely invalidates other just by existing" Sombra (pre-rework) against ball: hold my emp 😈
@Flob13 11 месяцев назад
Pharaoh and brig
@dominicpirola8240 10 месяцев назад
​@@Flob13that matchup is fine because it allows you as Brig to die really quickly and if you hold h theres a glitch where you can choose a different support. There's also a glitch where if you hold the power button on your PC you no longer have to fight pharmercy
@crossdix6972 10 месяцев назад
I love when i find other people thinking like this! "Instead of facing the problem, go around the problem" Me myself, i play tf2 where airblasts from pyros are a common problem. I see alot of players cry about, however those exact players treats pyros like they were any other. What i do ? I simply do not take the fight with them, if i see a pyro looking at me, i wont come any closer, hes a close range class after all. walk around the pyro and shoot them from behind! Or i just bring up a shotgun... Any ways i can talk for hours about counters for pyro as projectile heros there is way more than just two. This can probably be compared with phara vs hitscans, instead of taking the fight in the open, work around the problem and take them out when they are facing a problem of their own or just unfocused the only thing here i can disagree on (as a person who does play alot of projeciles) is the kiriko damage If you know how to aim with them (and have some not mediocre positions i find myself in alot of times) a 2 tap is not too hard to pull of! That is just me but i personally disagree with the kiriko has lame damage one, otherwise! Yeah, that old lady beats me to submission 😔
@eikengalwesp1794 11 месяцев назад
Kiri was the first hero I hit GM on. I understood that one shouldn't cleanse every minor inconvenience, I used suzu more as a tempo keeper, if a debuff would hamper our team's aggressive tempo then I would use it. I wasn't a flank kiri, they 'waste' their cooldowns a lot, but it works bcs it they get the first pick in a fight it's already won. If i wanted to climb as a teamplayer/healbot kiri I needed to perfect my cooldown usage.
@cyber237 10 месяцев назад
Hearing the arguement that you can just "play differently" to beat counters is always just so annoying to me. Like yes, you can often beat popular counter-swaps by playing a specific way but that doesn't mean the counter is invalid. Like playing farther back to see a Reaper coming as Bastion isn't going to remove the fact that all the Reaper has to do is wait for your turret form to end. It just feel so simple minded considering that the enemies can also do this exact strategy when counter-swapping
@ness6099 10 месяцев назад
I like the defense of “bad matchups” and removing the idea that seeing certain characters is an insta swap. For example, I think Dva Zarya is way more even of a matchup than people make it out to be. First off, Dva doesn’t have obscene burst damage so she isn’t going to be feeding or even maintaining Zarya’s energy on her own. Even if you have a teammate feeding the enemy Zarya, Dva can get behind corners and take high ground with very little contention from Zarya. High ground because… I mean come on, and corners since if Zarya takes 1-2 bubbles to get that energy in the fight, she probably only has one left for herself or a teammate to push, which is very risky. If Zarya pushes up, then either Lifeweaver has to bail her out or she needs to slowly trot back to her healers, which can be risky or expose someone else. If she bubbles a teammate so they can dive, Dva is one of the best scrape heroes in the game with a boop and an eat that deletes (most) DPS primary fire and even some ultimates (tracer bomb, soldier’s existence, etc.). Dva can dynamically reposition to defend the supports, slowly work her way forward with the team, or dive the healers in a critical moment. Zarya can’t say the same, as she needs to commit to doing one and rely on bubbles to help in other places. If your healers get dived as Zarya, and you bubble one, that’s a temporary protection (a great one don’t get me wrong) but if there’s 2-3 enemies on your back line and one’s a Dva, suddenly you’ve got a decision to make: bubble your teammates twice or yourself. You either risk going a man down losing a support or backliner, or you risk being at low HP when you finally trot back to defend your support, with your back to the other two players. Now, Zarya can hold angles and positions that let her take back advantage, or even listen to preemptively avoid these situations, but it’s not as simple as “energy weapon vs Dva = free win”
@Grimnoire 10 месяцев назад
The issue I have with your statement in the beginning with counters is as follows: Some heroes just DO completely invalidate another hero by existing. Ana vs Hog Hog is a big target with self healing and no armor, making him easier to land nades and darts on. Ana beats hog in a 1v1, it's free. Zarya vs DVA Zarya relies on her bubbles to do DMG, DVA relies on her cannons with huge spread to do damage which has a higher chance of hitting said bubbles. DVA is dive so if she goes for someone, Zarya bubbles them, gains charge, and shoots DVA instantly demeching her. Hanzo vs Widowmaker This is skill based, but Hanzo has clear advantages that Widowmaker cannot avoid without simply outplaying her opponent. Hanzo can detect Widows location when peaking, can peak more effectively since no scope and hitscan, has better movement and close range options. Sombra vs Widowmaker Widowmaker needs to be scoped in to attack, Sombra goes invisible and has 3d movement capabilities, since widow has to scope she will always be attacked first, with no opportunity to react, even top 500 players struggle on widowmaker against her. The list goes on and on. In all of these matchups, you can theoretically edge out a victory, but when we say counters, we're talking specifically about overwhelming advantages against one or more heroes. You can still get value if you chose the "wrong" hero, but it's extremely difficult.
@f1reflam3 10 месяцев назад
It does make sense, if the 2 enemy dps are concentrating on you playing pharah, they arent going to concentrate on your tank or supports
@theplaguedoctor6271 11 месяцев назад
"the best countering is outsmarting" sun tzu the art of war-
@staylifted8413 10 месяцев назад
I’m loving all the gen 9 Pokémon music in the vids
@VLMNTI 10 месяцев назад
Counters and counterplay isn't being discussed in a linear, Rock-Paper-Scissors kinda way. Counters are being discussed in a way that it's more about "Can this hero effectively deal with this other hero?" sort of way. Can hitscan deal with Pharah? Generally speaking, yes. They have a quicker time to kill compared to the speed of projectiles. But counterplay isn't that black and white; it's nuanced. A good Pharah will beat an average Ashe 8/10 times despite hitscan having the general advantage. So when people say "Hey Doomfist, Orisa counters you, please consider swapping", they're saying "In a tanking situation, Orisa comes out on top. Unless you're in their backline creating space and getting kills, their Orisa counters you hard because you're trying to frontline someone that outright nullifies your abilities most of the time". That's the key thing that everyone seems to ignore; rarely do you see players under Masters be so good at their hero that they can adapt and make them work in most situations to the point where the counter aspect isn't so obvious. It's incredibly complex but all of it means nothing if players make the intentional decision not to adapt and just force a bad hero because "my fun matters more than our win".
@llllTatollll 10 месяцев назад
Ball absolutely can hunt down a sombra Hog can absolutely farm dva Turns out a dive character(phara) does well into divable poke dps(all hitscan) Tracer and genji high key are the hardest counters to pharah by just forcing the mercy to leave the phara and also force phara to play and very high up also being extraordinarily good at avoiding rockets Rein kinda can do very well into doom. Block slams, counter pin, block is free pin, and constant threat of solo shatter Rein also does amazingly into zarya. Constant ability to feint attacks, bubble doesn’t stop charge, and without shield break from dps even a full charged zarya takes 3 business days to break the shield. No one’s really saying dva has bad matchups but dva can stop sigma from doing anything for like a minute straight by pausing dm to match his tempo(same with tracer) between shots and timing it as soon as an ability animation is over D.va can absolutely shut down orisa on top of orisa’s absolutely no mobility just gives up high ground Winston kinda shits on reaper. Winston has immaculate peel, reaper takes 3.5 seconds of uninterrupted shooting to break bubbles if his team doesn’t have shield break and Winston specializes in chasing reaper after he uses wraith. D.va can extremely limit when zarya can grav and also completely cut of her healing when she’s out of bubbles and also just burst her down in the short window of no bubbles with missiles As rein vs dva you can treat you fire strikes as a defensive cooldown that forces dva to stop shooting Doom is absolutely the hardest tank for sym to play into. He the only tank with no shield or dm to beam, cc’s her away from her set ups and he has to be reaaaal dumb to charge her up Mei’s no burst damage is really easy for ball to play into also wall just has a weird property that makes ball corner just insanely easily over it especially with the slow. Torb, Mei, reaper and other anti tank brawl dps put massive amounts of pressure on a mercy to peel for a tank and leave the pharah
@lillow671 11 месяцев назад
Another misunderstood matchup: Hog does NOT counter doom. Doom punch cancels hook and breather and Roadhog’s long ass reload. Hog also has no movement, doom has infinite movement. So the Doom can just avoid the hog, or the doom can wait for take a breather and punch cancel it. Doom can also punch hog into his own team, and since hog has no movement or eat, the hog just falls over.
@brettmoss3652 10 месяцев назад
the problem with overwatch 2 is that there is all of this nuance for counterswapping and then the tank role comes in and throws it out the window with clear cut counters.
@dizzee39 11 месяцев назад
Tanks can get completely countered. Sombra destroys ball, reaper deletes ram. If you play a hitscan and can’t kill a pharaoh then the player is trash, also….bastion is a rein killer. You don’t play rein into a decent bastion lol. Things are different in higher rank play
@Cellus5000 11 месяцев назад
I think this is really dumb. Just because Kiriko has to keep up Suzu to heal someone doesn't mean she can't use it. The reason people talk about the interaction is that they often collide bc they want to be used in similar situations. On and getting out of dives. Kiriko is still really good with dives and getting people out, nade still cannot punish dives if theres a suzu.
@Hraesvelg 10 месяцев назад
Actually good take! More pls
@coyote2733 10 месяцев назад
I don’t dislike this take, but suzu also counters Ana’s sleep and Kiri ult kind of gives Ana ult to her whole team when you consider dps and heals per second
@srdjan455 10 месяцев назад
I look at Overwatch and Pokemon the same way, there is checks and counters. One is too slow down the other too stop Zarya for example can check Roadhog while Ana counters Roadhog.
@landw0lf 11 месяцев назад
Ive been playing doom lately. Everything counters doom so nothing does since you have to learn to play around them always. Hes a lot more viable now with sombra rework. Agree with pretty much all your statements.
@rosie1881 11 месяцев назад
ball main herree, im countered by sombra, mei, and ana and so changing the play style is soo important! im a very stubborn ball main and will never switch just bc of a counter pick, i just determine how to counter them and play to different strengths
@mage0534 11 месяцев назад
Another point on Ana vs Kiri, you can bait the suzu with a good sleep that puts one of her teammates in danger of dying. Then you can use nade very liberally
@soraniostaur3839 10 месяцев назад
This video is basically "Skill issue, git gud, it's only a counter if you're bad"
@ngyeric7528 11 месяцев назад
Imo while your take does make sense, you did overlook some details. Anti nade is crazy strong, if your tank overextend and they get antied , the enemy team can melt them in SECONDS, and even then they can hide behind walls to wait it out so you can save cleanse to invalidate other thing like dva bomb, tire, grav, shatter... Kiri healing though slow but it heals alot, it also track target so healing mobile hero like genji and tracer is easy. Rush is very strong and even more so when pairing with someone like soujurn, soldier, bastion. Talking about bastion, his turret form invalidate Rein whole kit, he can melt rein easily, forcing his shield up, and even then bastion melt rein shield, so rein have to give up space to live or risk dying and become ult charge for your team. For the Cass and Doom, I don't get those encounter much so I have nothing.
@Mr.GETuSUM 10 месяцев назад
When I see a bastion i switch to Monkey, dive him when he goes to turret form, throw a bubble around him, and then dance around it until his form wears out because he will be forced to deal with you
@deadaccdeadacc2134 11 месяцев назад
i personally would disagree on the whole one character doesnt invalidate another character just because they exist mccree vs tracer is one of these matchups being able to disable her entire kit besides her ult with 1 ability (his nade) kill her in 1-2 shots [1 headshot does 140 which is essentially 99% of tracer's hp] (1 if you headshot and nade sticks her because the nade does 10 dmg on stick and if you dont headshot her it will just kill her unless made invulnerable by her team) outranges her and even has a rapid fire option for point blank fights where tracer excels his roll counters being able to one clip mccree at her optimal range AND completely counters her sticking her ult and allows him to reload and fan the hammer again in case the first burst didnt kill her for some reason did i mention not only does he have 225 hp but gains damage reduction during his ult so you have no other option besides leaving the area code which 90% of the time you dont have enough hp to leave before he gets the guaranteed kill. (THATS IF HE DOESNT SHOOT IT EARLY AND NADE YOU AS SOON AS HE GETS OUT OF IT FOR A GUARANTEED KILL ON YOU) blinking once does NOT out run the homing of the nade once it tracks on to you, you essentially have to expend 2-3 blinks or recall to avoid being sent to spawn your only option to counter cassidy is either pray he's too stupid to use nade and cant aim or just not existing in his area code which if he swapped to cassidy JUST to counter you will be impossible because he'll be chasing you the entire time and actively trying to stay near people he knows you're trying to pick off
@wysh6107 10 месяцев назад
ow players always forget that "counter" means effective against not a rock paper scissors insta win. most counters counter each other in different ways. like reaper and hog, reaper takes advantage of hogs size and health pool for almost free healing but in the wrong positions will just get 1 tapped hook combo by a competent hog, or if wraith is baited out can just kill off hook alone and doesnt even need the combo. hitscans "counter pharah but alot of hitscans have less movement and defense and rely on high ground which pharah can easily punish.
@Nyadroig 10 месяцев назад
The only thing mew would like to ask is why not stick with non hitscans (+fast projectiles such as Soj whom is just barely not an actual hitscan) against a Pharah? As in your first example, inverse the roles, you were running something like a Tracer and Mei for whatever reason, why would that not be considered a counter? Both have very little to do against the enemy Pharah that hides and pounces for 1-2 combos
@wysh6107 10 месяцев назад
about the mccree doom match up, i (a mccree main) think mccree counters doom but the doom can play around it and play doom normally by just baiting out nade, the same way a doom has to respect and bait out sleep dart and other stuns, and after you bait nade doom has the advantage because mccree is a bad character, you compare mccree to soldier stat for stat the only think mccree has is more health, worse dps, worse falloff range, worse damage per clip even including the reload from roll which practically DOUBLES your ammo, no kill combo anymore, less movement, less healing, worse ult because soldier's actually works, high noon still misses they only fixed one of the reasons for it to miss, nade is still inconsistent and misses sometimes (at least it misses less than before) hes is worse than soldier in almost every way
@planetexpressfry 10 месяцев назад
Your point makes sense if the Kiriko and Ana on the same level
@bcbrendan 9 месяцев назад
This isnt "countering" or at least what is the better definition of it- its just changing your playstyle from mindlessly doing the same thing to actually using your brain. But it still doesnt count, because changing your playstyle might lower your value for whatever else you were doing before it. Playing passively as phara is stupid and bad against hitscans but while you are doing so you are providing constant pressure that you lose when you switch to a better flanking playstyle. The fact you did change your playstyle is part of being countered- either it requries a higher skill to execute or you move your value elsewhere. This isnt "countering" Its just matchup knowlege and better gameplay. You're still being countered, if you overcome it, it just means you have a significant skill gap between you and your opponents.
@X.9.O 11 месяцев назад
we need more of these videos
@Flob13 11 месяцев назад
0:52 Counterpoint, pharaoh and brig.
@maxshir6675 11 месяцев назад
To start with - rein/bastion matchup is not about counterpicking. It mostly depends on what happens beyond this duel. It all comes to what is the biggest problem to the each team. If it is bastion itself- rein good pick just to block that much amount of dmg bastion does to let all your team go in after his form BUT if there is a widow/ash/mccree problem with their stable burst combos while your team is smth like soldier/dzen/illari whose primary target in game is to shoot- burst heroes are pain in the ass. And rein is good to block off all that burst with little of cooldown just to stop your team from dying that fast, that sups have nothing to do with that. Then bastion is optional to just melt that 1-time-sneeze-for-bastion-shield and let your team follow up. And with all that said before you do counter-picking but sometimes it is team that is good against another, their synergy from all 5 that is counter play not a hero.
@gamingmudkip5030 10 месяцев назад
TLDR: Skill outways basic counters which makes sense
@Star_Rattler 11 месяцев назад
I've always said that the way I play Pharah counters hitscans. You just use cover, peek a little, flank...etc.
@CorynFields 11 месяцев назад
Appreciate the PMD OST xD Also the old Sombra vs Ball matchup was weird If you were good at guessing her translocator location (which you could with enough ball OTP experience) you could get her killed every other fight if she was trying to play agressive and go back quickly for a 5v4, forcing her to play super defensively as well (or forcing her to swap off of Sombra after she had swaped to counter you, which always felt great XD)
@Alex-h3c4j 11 месяцев назад
while i somewhat agree with the take about ana and kirko, it (imo) doesnt make for particularly engaging gameplay on the anas side. ofcourse it depends on the team comps and the map etc. but in my games its not really a thing to hit 2+ person nades on cooldown. cuz they know how to play against that, even without suzu. and even if, managing to hit a decently hard skillshot every 10 seconds just for evwry other one to get cleansed by kirko looking at the ground isnt very fun and engaging...
@prinlerdsri405 11 месяцев назад
I HAVE A VIDEO IDEA FOR YOU: Team comp and map interaction, poke good with long sgith line map barh barh barh, but the real meat of the idea is how bad macth up like "Brawl vs Poke is bad but if sym tp Brawl team to poke team and foces close range fight then the table will turn"
@dissappointment7502 10 месяцев назад
Nice video, weird that it has less than 50 likes and 200 comments
@AbdulazizOla 11 месяцев назад
Doom and ball can chase sombra now too and ruin her life
@RetroTSSoS 11 месяцев назад
Zarya to dva and bastion to rein would have to disagree 😭
@mister_meme3608 11 месяцев назад
Zarya when dva dives her backline instead of running at her: 😢
@ghoulbuster1 11 месяцев назад
@@mister_meme3608 haha team mate bubble go brrrr
@mister_meme3608 11 месяцев назад
@@ghoulbuster1 bait them out before diving in, shocking, i know
@NunnyNugget 10 месяцев назад
okay ngl when people ask me to subscribe I almost always ignore it unless it's done in a clever way You got me, that was clever lol 😅
@Star_Rattler 11 месяцев назад
This is also why I feel Kiriko needs balance changes to make her more a SUPPORT and not a cracked out Zen. Lower headshot dmg so she can't do more dmg than Genji ult (sad), slightly increase body shot dmg but not by much, SLIGHTLY increase healing ofuda, maybe either 2 more ofuda or do slightly more healing per ofuda, have Suzu CLEANSE ONLY and lower the cooldown to maybe 10 seconds. I like the idea of her being able to swoop in and cleanse teammates, but Suzu does TOO MUCH! Cleanse + heal + invul.
@anonymall 10 месяцев назад
I think it's fair that a headshot does more damage than an AoE melee attack, but the projectile definitely needs a nerf. I've ran into many stupid Genjis while playing Kiriko that use blade and beeline straight towards me, so I just easily two tap them since he's immobile during the animation and dash
@Star_Rattler 10 месяцев назад
@@anonymall her crit hit multiplier is too high it needs to be reduced.
@flareb99 11 месяцев назад
I don't really agree with ana kirko matchup, why hold suzu when you can just assassinate the ana and 2 tap before she realises what happened
@abcdefgh-tb1yz 11 месяцев назад
hey man, nice vid. what's the music list?
@theshotgungod6018 10 месяцев назад
I think what’s going on isn’t that Ana counters Kiriko, but that Ana is just ridiculously overpowered. Kiriko does counter Ana, but Ana is just so strong that she’s still getting more value than Kiri. And if you play into Ana without a Kiri, doesn’t Anti just win fights instantly? I’m not saying your point isn’t valid, but I think this more of an issue with Ana than counterpicking.
@jblazerndrowzy 11 месяцев назад
What about the Junkrat or Reaper vs Pharah matchup?
@aSuperPi. 11 месяцев назад
The problem with the doomfist and Cassidy point is that Cassidy is garbage
@aweardguyiam9564 11 месяцев назад
Anas primary does have a fall off its just like 100 something meters
@suitedwaffle684 11 месяцев назад
anyone gonna talk how he says kiriko, like a frog
@Evergladez 11 месяцев назад
I always laugh when I'm sym and someone who clearly doesn't frequently play Winston thinks they will even remotely counter me.
@masonhight7333 11 месяцев назад
Sombra is more of a counter to Doomfist than Cassidy right now, especially on the map (Hollywood) .
@leonzchannelz 11 месяцев назад
Sombra is a zen hard counter, like unplayable tier
@amaterasu184 11 месяцев назад
Honestly true, especially new sombra. Zen is just shaped like a ball so nearly every bullet hits him, even with sombra's primary at max spread.
@ghoulbuster1 11 месяцев назад
Sombra counter the entire game if you hit both the hack and the virus.
@0nelao996 11 месяцев назад
@@ghoulbuster1brigitte counters sombra
@Noxielle 11 месяцев назад
Good because EVERY other support shits on her, she’s honestly better off going at DPS than supp, like Widow who is also damn near unplayable if the enemy swaps Sombra.
@ghoulbuster1 11 месяцев назад
@@0nelao996 wat
@pedronycum6765 11 месяцев назад
How to counter all cc and survive buttons...hmmm... *ORISA*!
@buttbutterson5326 11 месяцев назад
Doom Main here. You've shown me the light. I never thought about using the grenade as free punch. I must try this
@amaterasu184 11 месяцев назад
You still need him to fire at you once with his primary to get enough charge with the grenade explosion, but if you can just fake charge punch to bait the grenade then block it'll probably work. Will definitely take a bit of practice and experimenting. Especially with doing it from a position where you can get to safety after getting the punch.
@hillwoop9101 11 месяцев назад
Doom also lowkey counters Orisa because Orisa has low mobility and is not so good at protecting the backline, which means if doom just stop 1v1ing the orisa and focus the backline or the off angle dps then he’ll get easy win
@mister_meme3608 11 месяцев назад
@@hillwoop9101 or the orisa could just play closer to the team...
@darkcat6530 11 месяцев назад
well then the orisa doesn't really do anything for her team @@mister_meme3608
@RJ00001 10 месяцев назад
@@mister_meme3608then ez charge punch on the whole team or general disruption
@Cotton_Door42 10 месяцев назад
What do you use to edit?
@Cotton_Door42 10 месяцев назад
I also saw how you talked about having anxiety so you can just say the name of the software and not like talk about it if you dont want to
@contentconsumer3743 10 месяцев назад
@Ronan64 11 месяцев назад
I was scared he was going to say roadhog counters reaper on that last one.
@davidnewhart2533 11 месяцев назад
Except Roadhog actually does counter Reaper.
@TerminatorZXY 10 месяцев назад
Reinhardt counters everyone if you're brave enough
@pollo5768 10 месяцев назад
I disagree on the rein vs bastion tank simply because your forget the enemy also has a tank man yes you can focus down the bastion with three people but you have to get through their tank first by the time you do rein shield is gone and he’s dead and there is two supports healing bastion so while you guys have one support attacking and one healing 4 people they have two supports healing and two dps attacking a much more balanced formation and like you said yes you’ll get the bastion but it still takes sometime when you finally get the bastion you’ve staggered because your support or dps is gonna be dead
@pollo5768 10 месяцев назад
As well as rein not having any range other than fire strike a better choice is sigma, ram, orisa, even road hog before the rework rein is absolutely the worst tank pick vs a bastion
@Vic378 11 месяцев назад
Matchup spread tierlists per character!
@zelirious4504 10 месяцев назад
Now do reaper v phara and tell me there's no hard counter (unwinnable 1v1 match-up) Pharmercy kills junk reaper
@nsk1911 10 месяцев назад
@slash_king0183 11 месяцев назад
mm yes I gotta be good to counter the people that counter my character makes sense.
@neondead2.0.15 11 месяцев назад
Ramathra or Sigma is better vs Bastion than Rein IMO. Rein is good vs anything that in meele range and team that dont have enough damage.
@Phxt2wicked 11 месяцев назад
Are there any tips you could give me as a tank I just hit plat and I plan to keep moving up 😁
@roxas13keyblade65 11 месяцев назад
Idk man sym and Moira counter Genji pretty hard even when I outplay them it forces me to play really passive
@Scarabola 10 месяцев назад
13:22 whats the song name?
@kapoiosdenjereispoios8222 10 месяцев назад
Better than 99% of youtuber who cry about everything including: suzu bastion nade healer push overwatch balanced everything else.
@koishisen 11 месяцев назад
"iyiari" 😭😭
@YamiAshley 10 месяцев назад
You gonna tell me reaper counters pharah Mercy?
@animationsonlyuhhh4121 10 месяцев назад
do doomfist counters sombra
@malekguenni9062 11 месяцев назад
Completely agree on the Ana kiri match up, for the reasons u already mentioned , like in a neutral 1 min fight b4 Kiri gets ult , Ana can get atleast 6 nades while Kiri will be at 4 Suzu so that's 2 free nades that Kiri can't cleanse , also in a realistic fight if the nade hits multiple targets those purple players will try to go to the nearest cover , meaning their is a high chance for purple players to split meaning Kiri won't be able to cleanse everyone in a lot of situations. Anti nade a fight winning ability on a 10 sec CD is crazy .
@mysteriesmercenary615 11 месяцев назад
If that the case, can you people quit bitching about kiriko suzu?
@malekguenni9062 11 месяцев назад
@@mysteriesmercenary615 I didn't mention any complain about Suzu !! Also when players complain about Suzu , it's in a different context, not when comparing it to Ana nade .
@mysteriesmercenary615 11 месяцев назад
@@malekguenni9062 I mean in general, people act as through the Suzu I-frames last 5 seconds and covers the whole team. Mean while anti-nade heals the team, fortify them (which in it self are I-frames), damages the other team and stop them from healing.
@peridoott 11 месяцев назад
​@mysteriesmercenary615 you can't really use the existence of a broken ability to justify another one Both are busted
@mysteriesmercenary615 11 месяцев назад
@@peridoott I'm not, I'm questioning just why isn't any of the other abilities getting just as much hate
@Flandre-Scarlet 11 месяцев назад
0:47 bastion invalidates reinhardt and winston by existing. in that all the bastion has to do is shoot at them in turret form. even if he doesnt have 100% pinpoint accuracy, if he delete's their shield in 5 seconds then he did his job. The way to play around it is literally to swap off rein/winston into dva/sigma. Or have the dps carry you by killing bastion very quickly, with an ana to anti him because lets be real, bastion wont die if he getting supported. Using pharah against hitscans only works if the enemy hitscans are really bad and you not getting focused. In the end, it makes sense to say if it's working and they aren't doing anything about it, then it's fine. But if you getting killed over and over again then you need to swap because you got countered. The ana > kiriko is an interesting take and it does make sense so I'll give you that. But the rein > bastion is a bit far. I hope it doesn't cause more people to purposely play reinhardt into bastion and then blame their dps for not killing him when he gets mowed down in 5 seconds every time.
@amaterasu184 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, that's the big reason why I included Sigma/Orisa as solo tank heroes that are good since they can sustain themselves well and also have stuns to knock the bastion back. Rein is really only good if your team is going to actually focus him down while you protect him. Since even if you lose barrier, if you trade it for either the bastions life, or forcing out a ton of resources to keep the bastion alive, then that's not a horrible trade. Otherwise if your team isn't using your barrier and focusing down the bastion then yeah bastion does clear rein.
@therebelfrogy9287 11 месяцев назад
Why overthinking when you play Support eh?
@humblecanadian4206 11 месяцев назад
bastion counters every tank
@Jamboslice123 11 месяцев назад
Does anyone know what the choir don’t at the end the video is?
@amaterasu184 11 месяцев назад
The track I used at the end before the track for the ending joke was Area Zero from Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
@higuy1324 10 месяцев назад
What about sombra
@dominicpirola8240 10 месяцев назад
But like dva counters bastion more
@MemeCheryl 11 месяцев назад
Yknow i do not want to sound mean but, even after your explanations, i still find most of these to be total bs.
@dojo45789 11 месяцев назад
Sombras way more annoying on doomfist, or a good orissa or hog
@Kxtsxne 11 месяцев назад
gud vid
@Zewytroo 10 месяцев назад
I'll just say orisa
@wisp9856 11 месяцев назад
I think ana invalidates doom and hog
@EB-du3vh 11 месяцев назад
Ana. V rienhart is by far the worst for me. That and orisa. All 3 buttons counter me lol
@OreWaLavai 11 месяцев назад
Also if you have aim on a character when you throw your healing with Kiriko, it will 100% track them and heal them, even through walls if they move behind one after you fire. So her healing ‘breaking on walls’ is just flat out wrong.
@turkgencosu4059 10 месяцев назад
please never get popular so i can forget your completely wrong opinion
@merrickminecraft1678 10 месяцев назад
doomfist counters orisa
@dargo5025 10 месяцев назад
Kinda, yeah. Orisa gameplay is to be a huge metal meat shield that doesn’t die and keeps everyone off her team. Doomfist gets punches off ALL the time, is mobile enough that Orisa needs to HARD focus him to keep him out, and he can CC either the Orisa or the team behind her to kill the momentum. Especially since even if power block gets cancelled by javelin, he almost guaranteed gets empowered punch, and he can punch through spin. I’d also argue that if Junker Queen has a well coordinated team and maybe a Lucio, she can use shout to rush down so hard that the Orisa can’t stop them.
@MysticMicrowave 11 месяцев назад
Sombra definitely hard counters widow
@avadanocum6495 11 месяцев назад
Ana is so "balanced" even kiriko is bad against her lol
@wick_04 11 месяцев назад
i cringe every time i see someone say ana isn’t good or not meta
@mister_meme3608 11 месяцев назад
Wdym? Denying healing and stunning someone for 3/5 seconds is extremely balanced on top of having a 70 dmg/healing infinite range hitscan weapon(i'm in pain)
@avadanocum6495 11 месяцев назад
@@mister_meme3608 the fact support mains wouldn't evevn consider it a sarcasm
@mister_meme3608 11 месяцев назад
​@@avadanocum6495yeah man, they gotta defend themselves(aka be able to 1v1 the enemy tank and kill the enemy dps with extreme ease)
@wick_04 11 месяцев назад
@@mister_meme3608 yeah jq ult nade on 10 second cd every 10 seconds balanced af
@Thund3rr 10 месяцев назад
I have not liked you or your content... Until today. 😅
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