
Overwatch - Toxic Silver Mercy Player Cries Because He Can't Hide From Damage 

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Thanks for the 50K+ views everyone. Please view my other content as well. I appreciate the critique.
Please understand that MiaKhalifa instigated insult party at the start of round 2 9:00, half the other insults stayed in Discord and I only bantered, never taking him seriously as he continued to tilt off the deep end.
I should make it clear that the opening voice: "Oh of course they're playing Mercy" does not belong to me, it is the Soldier player talking to us in Discord. This should clear any confusion about anyone instigating the Mercy as not only was I reserved until I was called a "cunt", I left my insults out of game chat.
What started as an annoying sperg quickly devolved into screeching at the whole team because this player couldn't grasp basic Mercy gameplay or tell us who to protect him from, instead referring to us as "cunts" and "retards" who are 100% responsible for his rank. So much for being "the healer" among his group of friends.




25 янв 2017




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@offensivepicture4621 7 лет назад
Mercy is easy to play, hard to master.Good mercy's know positioning and when to damage boost. This guy from the looks of it barely understands push to talk.
@spaghettiwithasaltysauce 7 лет назад
@aliceinchains1231231 7 лет назад
Offensive Picture give and take they're all plats none of them know how to play the game too well.
@TXFDA 7 лет назад
Annnnd people are somehow surprised a Silver isn't the best?
@coolbeans345 7 лет назад
Lady Caoit as a mercy main i can totally agree with this comment thnak you!
@guts5398 7 лет назад
Charis Lim mercy mains are gay but good if on your team
@kevintrejo4172 7 лет назад
gets a quadruple kill decides to emote and teamates start diying in the background lmao
@m.4rrq297 6 лет назад
Kevin Trejo he pharah was good wat u talking about
@ilax3071 6 лет назад
Fishfin d hope ur joking unless you are silver, he was rllybad
@HxnterJane 6 лет назад
Kevin Trejo there's never a bad time to emote for that 💕 Unless you try to walk and accidentally emote Then you cry
@pipsqueak677 7 лет назад
mercy gets targeted in every game. its hard to play her in higher levels because people pick you off first thing thats why she needs to be protected
@GhostLyricist 7 лет назад
7:02 holy shit garbage tier. Waits until zarya ult is over AND flies into melee range of rein wtf is he thinking.
@jv9ufxcy 7 лет назад
I wasn't thinking very well at all during that.
@davidd3081 7 лет назад
bad excuse
@casinogaming2182 7 лет назад
jv9ufxcy we know lol
@krystalmess_7699 7 лет назад
Tek Rekts lmao
@novaue4905 7 лет назад
2:52, instead of emoting you should've killed the Pharah.
@Hobo13 7 лет назад
lol, and that pharaoh killed the rein... maybe hey could've held the point if he was alive :/
Name Emoting after a multi kill is fun though
@davidd3081 7 лет назад
tbh the whole team was real shit. pharah was basically out in the open and close to the ground the entire game
@irequirehealing2380 7 лет назад
ok but he didn't cry where is the cryING I CLICKED FOR THE TEARS
@makascarlet9810 6 лет назад
I require healing same gxrnkgxtbh
@Pocket_Sora 7 лет назад
"I keep getting left out in the open by you guys." Maybe don't go out in the open? That's not how you play as Mercy. This guy is playing way too aggressively as Mercy and not positioning himself well at all. This is also why you don't pair up with higher ranked friends to try and get easy climbs.
@dattebxyo8041 7 лет назад
Sora yeah but those guys were asking for heals
@Pocket_Sora 7 лет назад
You can still heal people without going into the open if you know how to position yourself well. If your DPS/flanker is out too far, you let them handle themselves and either come back to you or get a health pack. You don't sacrifice yourself for possibly getting a little bit of healing done when you can stay back and keep your team whom are on the cart alive.
@Hobo13 7 лет назад
they're all trash case closed
@zeke8997 7 лет назад
With solo-rezes, I make sure that the person I'm bringing back has something to gain from the battle. Maybe a rein close to their ult or almost any character with their ult that can significantly help the team. Other than that, I save it for 2-3 people. She does get her ultimate quick so it's not uncommon to wind up rezing an average of 6-10 people per round/match. Going halfway through the video, the Mercy player hasn't once let the team know who's attacking them, where they're at, or, by what I can see, hold a steady position that if the team needs healing, that they need to go back to in order to get it yet still be in the fight. Personally I stick to Bastions and if there isn't one, I'll find a comfortable spot on the map where I can watch for flankers and will tell my team to back up a little so I can either fly and quick-heal and fly back to my position, or kindly ask them to back up to my location so I can heal. Usually people are chill about it and even though flying around does make it hard to target you sometimes, especially when you're hiding in your team, sometimes sticking to one area can grant your team a "safe place" on the map to go to. Rather than complaining about the team being too spread out, the simple statement of "I can't heal XXX, please come back" or "can you guys group up a little so you can get heals faster." There was just a lot of lack in communication that he wasn't providing. Mercy is easy to play, however, being good is the tricky part. Especially when solo-queueing or going in with a group of 2 or 3. Communication with no blame on players for your own death is key. You want players to trust that you'll take care of them when they need it. Giving them tons of shit for not protecting you (which they do need to do, hence, communication) isn't going to solve anything.
@anoverusedmeme2950 7 лет назад
zeke900 holy shit rant mode activate Good stuff tho
@SenseiFruit 7 лет назад
The Mercy was positioned horribly. If she doesn't want to be jumped... maybe fly with Pharah? Do something useful?
@bread9132 6 лет назад
SenseiFruit yeah sure after mercy pockets Farrah The whole team dies and then blame mercy smh
@SleepyKwee 6 лет назад
I hate Mercy's that pocket Pharah, not only is it annoying to fight against but when they're on your team and you need healing real bad and there your healer is, flying around with Pharah and completely ignoring the rest of the team. I've had that so many times then I have to leave the point/payload to get health which as you can already guess, is bad cause then it leaves the point open for the enemy team smh.
@skateywatey 7 лет назад
Why do I keep watching and searching these videos lmao
@aketsuhide 7 лет назад
Wow. They're all bad. Lol.
@Catsenui 7 лет назад
Natasha P they aren't communicating like a team theyre all over the place so it explains why they're not doing so well
@XBC3-4GOTY 6 лет назад
Catsenui no team work or communication is the reason why they did bad
@ToryShepard 7 лет назад
Couple of things to clear up; Disclaimer: I am a Mercy main, I have over 140+ hours on her. I know a lot about positioning and I'm in masters, just so I can kind of have some things backing me up here not to mention how many times I've been called amazing, but not to worry; some people hate me too. Okay, this guy's positioning wasn't really good at all. He was way out in the open, overextending as well. With Mercy, hiding in buildings/being in the doorway or up above really is key to surviving well. However... He can't magically make people stop targeting him. Trust me, I know this being a healer main. Sure, people can argue the fact of, "Well just use your pistol" but you forget to understand that our main job as a healer is to heal. 95% of the time we'll choose running away over turning around and pistoling someone with our pea shooter. Don't get me wrong, the pea shooter can be very powerful but that's not the point. In my opinion, he could've dropped the attitude, but you also need to understand where he's coming from. Consistently dying because of back-liners can cause some annoyance and anger. We need help, we're calling out that we need help, but the thing is, not one of you decided to look behind and help us. It is not our job to kill the back-liners, it is our job to heal you and CALL OUT any back-liners. Not KILL, but CALL OUT. Final thing; was he toxic? Yeah. Did he have a reason to be toxic? Everyone usually does. Am I saying that's right? Absolutely not. But as a team, work as a team, help the people that need help. He needs to tweak his Mercy skills, but he also needs help from you guys when he's getting back-lined. Protect your healer and they'll protect you.
@casinogaming2182 7 лет назад
Tory Shepard I'm in masters almost grand masters I never see mercys anymore lol, but thank you for your service
@thethrowingguy5972 6 лет назад
Tory Shepard how do you feel about her new changes?
@reactorge150 6 лет назад
I'm a diamond mercy with 99 hours (no joke) and that mercy was over extending like crazy. No call outs being made, and it seems that he forgot that mercy has a pistol to use
@Nyanamo 7 лет назад
ahh yes. Gold tier DPS guy complains about heals. *watches intensely* Here you can see a trainwreck of a team in its natural habitat...
@jv9ufxcy 7 лет назад
But the Reinhardt was the one that needed the heals, I had Zenyatta in my pocket.
@kyuz3527 7 лет назад
Immature silver healer who thinks that screaming into his mic is going to make his team like him anymore. watches intensely, here you can see a trainwreck of a team in its natural habitat.
@GrayTimeLord 6 лет назад
ahh yes. a platinum mercy main with a 47% winrate that blames teammates for not protecting
@ChillWillllllll 7 лет назад
why did this pharah ult so late after the grav? hahahaah wtf
@tundrarunner4951 7 лет назад
9:10: That Pharah was probably thinking, "Well, this is awkward."
@combatcorpse6136 7 лет назад
Ok I main mercy but there's a lot of things wrong here 1. You guys didn't protect the mercy as much as you should of 2. The mercy could have said it nicer and maybe you'd guys be aware more 3. Your guy's positioning needs a little more work 4. Don't scream at the mercy to heal you in a 1 v 6 " I didn't see you do this a lot or at all" but to any one just no and don't ask for a Rez if mercy 1 just used it or 2 died cause you couldn't protect you. Sorry if this came out rude but just things to improve on
@Mari-zg9hm 7 лет назад
1. They were pretty scattered, something Mercy can use to her advantage though. 2. He could said it nicer, and he should learn how to position himself/when to use GA. 3. Everyone's position needs work in this video, especially the one playing Mercy in fact. 4. The Mercy could have told them to back off for heals instead of whining about him being dead. Everyone in this video needs a lot of improving. But the one who needs it the most is the Mercy.
@aiseyj8814 7 лет назад
Pretty funny watching you taunt after you got a quad and pharah is busy killing the rest of your team.
@Vercetti101 7 лет назад
That Mercy was awful, like c'mon stand behind your team so they take the damage first.
@db200508 7 лет назад
Vinum Pike yes the team was pretty much all over thenplace
@Felina2509 7 лет назад
This game already started off cancerous. Not defending at the choke, running around like ants everywhere on both sides. No need to brag about the Mercy if everyone's just doing whatever the hell they want and not playing as a team. I watched exactly 3 minutes and that was already it for me. I'm not trying to shit talk about you, but the whole game was fucked from the beginning. That's why I hate low elo gameplays. Everything about it just makes me so pissed because I don't understand how people can not understand how a game works. It's not that hard.
@jordantang6332 7 лет назад
trying playing with them. some games you can't even carry because they just don't group up no matter how many times you say it. we can have 3 dps, all of whom are flanking, screaming, wondering why they are getting stomped.
@lendohoang5288 7 лет назад
You can't carry any game
@casinogaming2182 7 лет назад
Felina this is why I'm okay with being in masters... but I am a widow main so I get a bunch of fuckers lol
@systane2041 7 лет назад
why does he sound like that emo guy from gravity falls
@Hobo13 7 лет назад
you don't seem so kind and encouraging yourself m8, you were negative af before the match started
@Hobo13 7 лет назад
you aren't even a good pharah either, did you know that shooting zarya in her bubble just makes her do more damage?
@jv9ufxcy 7 лет назад
That voice isn't me dude. Read the description.
@casinogaming2182 7 лет назад
jv9ufxcy what about the chat? When you said silver mercy lmao and so on it wasn't that polite
@cal1343 5 лет назад
@@casinogaming2182 right, is he going to explain that?
@shadetw1933 7 лет назад
U guys are the toxic ones u guys werent protecting your mercy and to say that he is toxic is something else
@yokoyakamori6589 7 лет назад
Even if they were protecting Mercy, this dude would have probably still died anyway from all the idiocy he spewed from this video. I would have just told him to get the fuck off Mercy, I am playing her.
@cobraelijah 6 лет назад
ShadeThe Otaku nah weeb there not toxic the mercy was bad and didn’t heal it’s simple
@cal1343 5 лет назад
@@cobraelijah the mercy was healing don't u see the + sign? U blind bro? If you ment that she is not healing CONSECUTIVELY then that's because she is trying to pocket that dumb pharah which idk why. He should have stayed with rien and let the pharah die cuz pharahmercy only works when the pharah is good.
@sinisarajkovic2515 7 лет назад
I love how only healers get salty when you tell them something,but others have to keep their heads down.
@bantu7078 7 лет назад
"Mercy's not meta" buddy no one gives a shit if its not meta
@casinogaming2182 7 лет назад
Bantu lol
@callumeades127 7 лет назад
Hate to agree with the guy but you can't expect Mercy to heal you if you're not protecting her from dying, she's not invincible like most people seem to think... also both silver AND gold are terrible so it's hardly anything to brag about. if you think it's a good idea to waste your Rez on one person instead of waiting until 3 or more people are down, you're an idiot and it's no wonder you're down in gold/silver, just sayin'
@jv9ufxcy 7 лет назад
MiaKhalifa made no point to warn either tank that he was low or being targeted by Pharah and would often fly to the frontline defense. And it is much more economic to use Rez on 2 people 3 times instead of never using Rez at all because you're waiting on 3 people to die but not hiding. There is no value to be gained from a Mercy who doesn't ult. And if you're curious I climbed out of gold thanks to good matches and communication.
@GoBuddieGo 7 лет назад
Callum Eades Seriously, I play Mercy if she's needed and how many times have I ulted on one or two people and it's actually had an impact on the game and helped us win.
@DuhDee 7 лет назад
Ryan The Rap Monster This is very true, the one person you res could have the ultimate that saves the game.
@Pocket_Sora 7 лет назад
As someone who has 400 hours as Mercy, lvl 700+, and high platinum, rezzing one person can help you win a game either by them ulting or just stalling until the rest of the team shows up. This Mercy was NOT positioning himself very well and kept staying out in the open where he could easily die. If you're going to stay out in the open like that, at least know how to escape with ease. He was also not doing a lot of good call outs for when he was getting attacked, he just kept complaining and bitching which is not helpful at all to anyone. Also the fact that this kid said that defending on the payload was the best option... I shook my head. High ground is the best place to start up until the enemy team pushes to the choke point, then you drop down on top of them (unless you're a healer, then stay up top and out of harms way as much for as long as you can).
@Pocket_Sora 7 лет назад
@Neurotik51: I say that last part of your statement is not always true because I main Mercy. I do not expect the less responsibility when I pick Mercy. I play Mercy because she is fun to play and very rewarding when your team wins. Many low level players like the Mercy in this video just need some more time to grow and learn how to play Mercy properly, which they probably won't make much progress until maybe they are a few hundred levels higher than they are now. They look to be just barely lvl 100 per the boarder around their player icon.
@Catsenui 7 лет назад
First off this is comp. You don't emote for your play of the game, you continue to pay attention to your surroundings and help your team. Mercy isn't "easy" to play people say "stop dying" well i mean I would if I had some fucking protection. Mercy is a lot about positioning herself safely yet still being able to help her team. I'm not saying he was a good mercy but don't be too cocky it'll get you no where.
@casinogaming2182 7 лет назад
Catsenui hun they're gold and silver 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol sorry I'm in masters this was actually sad to watch number one it's kinda difficult to stay alive as mercy since the other team focuses you, second mercy can't hide when your out in the open then fly, jump, or charge away tbh it was the whole teams fault
@derpyguy356 6 лет назад
カセヌイCatsenui "mercy isn't easy to play"LUL
@2CHiLLED. 6 лет назад
My boy... You got slept... Earthshatter'd... Graviton'd... All in a single round as Pharah. You can't say shit lmao.
@aiidenIF 7 лет назад
YOU HAVE TO PROTECT THE MERCY. You can't expect a mercy to tank. Also a tip for next time watch the bar that shows the healers health and PROTECT them instead of emoting
@AB-kt8qq 7 лет назад
As a Mercy main, he's a pretty bad Mercy. He doesn't understand positioning nor does he play passively so he doesn't die often. He should've gone Lucio or Ana if he's having this much trouble.
@ujembi155 7 лет назад
There are so many more important things that can have a much larger impact than anything being complained about. Knowing where to defend, knowing when the fight is lost and disengaging, as well as waiting to engage as a group of six will do wonders.
@justbran256 7 лет назад
Anyone realized toxic guy's name is a pornstar's name?
@StormCloudFox 6 лет назад
Can we at least take a moment to appreciate that stick at 12:02. 👌👌
@TWHomura 7 лет назад
Positioning is actually crucial for keeping your supports alive. If you're in a position that forces a Mercy to fly through line of sight and get picked, you're fucked.
@user-bb9cb3fv3z 7 лет назад
this pharah is not even that good; shouldn't be blaming everything on mercy and try to play better as pharah
@lihanyang3472 7 лет назад
Half of the dmg he dealt was on rein's shield. He must hate the rein so much that he could just ignore the enemy soldier and Ana.
@SleepyKwee 3 года назад
True, I died a little inside when they started shooting at the bubbled Zarya. 😅
@Gamebreaker08 7 лет назад
To be honest it's not Mercy's fault. Your other DPS:Tanks are bad, even when the entire enemy team is focusing you, no one can seem to get kills.
@jeusvox2878 7 лет назад
People think it's easy to play Mercy, it's not for you're facing a good team, they know to target healers and tanks. Unless your team assists in protecting you because you have no line of self defense (besides your pistol which you can't use most of the time since you're healing so it doesn't matter) than you're gonna get smacked with mercy, a big key to her is keeping some of your team mates spread out so it gives her escape routes which is her ONLY way of staying alive mainly.
@jeusvox2878 7 лет назад
And to be fair these dudes were talking shit the whole time, which is aggravating. They weren't doing anything particularly special, they all blamed mercy when it's a team effort.
@iamliolin8085 7 лет назад
As one of Mercy main communities, I hope I don't become that toxic and whinny when I grow up. I mean, holy sh--, being stingy on rez ult is same as wasted ult!
@wolfsign9168 7 лет назад
it hurts it hurts... with 200hrs on mercy hearing him talking physically pains me.
@fatal_scarlet 7 лет назад
this whole thing was going to become toxic right off the bat once the dude said something about a silver ranked mercy. like how is that all encouraging or necessary? yes let's talk down to the person meant to heal u. and so what if they are in a lower rank at least someone is willing to heal instead of wanting to play DPS. but also no one should be yelling about heals if they keep letting their healer die, also Mercy's fault that they would assume the team would protect them. battle mercy that shit if u need to get away to survive. pharah player respawns and doesn't wait for team does off with mercy trying to keep ur dumb self alive u had effectively killed u both. yes the person playing mercy said unnecessary things and didn't play that well but neither did anyone else. that whole team was trash right off the bat so everyone is at fault.
@rincloud5857 6 лет назад
Solid plays Pharah, that Ana sleep dart was outta control
@Jimzo 6 лет назад
"Among my group of friends, I'm the healer" Which friends? The nonexistent ones?
@enkeliz5250 7 лет назад
As a mercy main you can't always rely on your team to protect you. Sometimes you've gotta take it upon yourself to pistol whip in some situations or just maybe sticking behind your teams shield or tank. I understand you will always be the main target for the enemy team as a squishy so if you can't handle being targeted ask someone else to swap out for support and go DPS.
@IXSICNESS 7 лет назад
so 3minutes in and the pharah player seems to be the toxic one
@namrepusCD 6 лет назад
necroryda the mercy wasn't toxic, he was just complaining most of the time. A lot of the people were complaining about the match instead of coordinating
@yizo2729 7 лет назад
just a question, is it easier to get from silver to gold or gold to plat? im askong because of some of the types of players ive experienced there. Lots of salt sadly, thats whats driven me off from playing a lot of comp this season.
@bjiuy 7 лет назад
In all honesty ur pharah was pretty bad
@deception3288 7 лет назад
They were all really bad. It's a gold match
@fitnessgaminggadgets8716 6 лет назад
Says the guy that can't even make gold
@Tomatowormprince 6 лет назад
FitnessGamingGadgets Overwatch has a terrible community
@ghadaeldabah4490 6 лет назад
Martin Holguin he can’t fly for 10 sec and he doesn’t know when to ult with zarya to save the match and his targeting position is god awful work on those and he will def be at least diamond. Also could have prop won if he focused solider and rained death on second round.
@MKWFan321 7 лет назад
Anyone trying to defend this mercy should watch closer. They constantly fly in front of rein shield, goes in front of the pharaoh against enemies, and unnecessarily flies up into the air making them an easy target.
@cyxiscute 7 лет назад
I knew what type of person he was at the start when he says why aren't we holding on the cart
@solarwings1132 6 лет назад
12:00 That was one of the nicest pulse bombs that I have ever seen
@677hours8 7 лет назад
At least this mercy isn't passive aggressive and toxic like you guys
@MoonlightWalnut 7 лет назад
Helpful tip: pressing shift then shift again cancels your guardian angel so you don't fly into the enemy as Mercy
@vengefullight4665 6 лет назад
The gameplay hurts so much....he's playing like there is no recall
@LLCoolGio 6 лет назад
This Mercy kinda sounds like T.J. Miller
@frederickii6196 7 лет назад
Solo Rez's can be beneficial if they're the only person protecting the payload from getting capped or the only tank on the team that can protect you
@squiddums4200 5 лет назад
This happened like 2 seconds ago, So we had three dps an Ana and two tanks I said to the Roadhog that he should switch to healer, bc as long as u have two healers and a main tank ur fine, at the end of the game he said “I have gold elims with 24 and BRONZE damage” Me in my head “I have 57 elims and gold damage...how is 24 gold?” And he got play with like one kill and he was like “see u guys did nothing” and he said he was reporting the Genji (me) and the reaper bc we “couldn’t play the game”
@KandaceMSP 6 лет назад
okay quick mercy main tip: do not fly to a pharah who is not high in the sky. not many pharahs willingly stay close to the ground; if she's close to the ground, she's probably can't fly anymore. and don't fly to a pharah on the ground who's vulnerable and blame them for your death that's ignorant and ticks people off lol
@mateo_7641 6 лет назад
I feel bad for the mercy tho, I actually been on that situation where you have to chase you team so you can heal them and they spring towards the enemy and expect you to go with them and suicide and they yell for not healing them.
@JosephHead 7 лет назад
As soon as he said "I get left out in the open by you guys" the enemy Mercy who was by herself immediately bolted for the nearest teammate which happens to be Reinhardt with his shield out And when Phara got too close to the enemies that's the sign for Mercy to flee. He latched on to one hero until he died instead of keeping Mercy on the move. I don't even main Mercy and I know what's bad and what's good
@jcele76 7 лет назад
"I'm not going to waste my rez on one person." There's times where that's true, and times where it's not. I can't tell you how many times I had a tank unfortunately go down on point, and know that he was so vital that a 5 v. 6 was probably gonna cost us control, that I blew the rez for him and we ended up winning the contest. He needs to learn the environment.
@ladiesandgentleman6577 6 лет назад
I had to read the title to see which one of these guys was toxic
@mOm01 6 лет назад
This mercy is going to have a hard time getting out of silver is he just wants to hold on the cart
@anamimi18 6 лет назад
1)Go towards the enemy team and try to take someone, cuz you're so badass and obviously can't die 2)Get killed 3)"Why don't you heal me Mercy?You're trash" 4)??? 5)PROFIT Jeez guys stop blaming supports. They can't do several things simultaneously. Don't rush to enemy team and then complain about how bad your support is. Learn to survive longer and protect your healer.
@Raymond13557 7 лет назад
i know it's hard to keep your cool in most games, but, it usually helps to never worry about getting killed.. you just got to adapt and move on. a neutral attitude can help too, if you want to have one.
@MrsJasmyn45 4 года назад
The mercy's the toxic one.. Pot and kettle, dude.
@TwilightPrince123 7 лет назад
Looks like this Mercy needs to go to the School of Piccolo. DODGE!
@kikiza123 6 лет назад
zenyatta's ghostly echo lmao
@zeroizayoi4108 6 лет назад
Rip to our boy zens mic
@allybean5464 6 лет назад
First time I have heard of a toxic mercy!!
@adubb1934 6 лет назад
I feel for the mercy. She has 200 hp, and only heals herself after 1 second of NOT being in combat. People always say things like "where is the healer, why didn't u heal me!" Also, dead mercy can't rez or heal, if u want healing u have to keep her alive. But mercy is supposed to be near her team at all times, and it's a crime fit everyone to be toxic.
@paulink 7 лет назад
When you can't stay alive as mercy.. it's time to switch to a healer who can like lucio or zen
@emi7916 6 лет назад
Also this vid is kinda interesting cos it actually shows how much more balanced Mercy was before. People call it "5 man res" when referring to her old ult but this vid is a prime example of how rare that was in MOST games. Compared to now when she's a flying moth dmg boosting/healing and ressing for 20 seconds, I'd actually rather have this back. Hearing "switch to Lucio" was so surprising ahahaah.
@invaderjay 7 лет назад
1:20 The guy sounds like the narrator from Starfox 64. If he said, "Good Luck," I would've lost my shit.
@JakeMarshallOfThisTown 7 лет назад
I understand Mercy's situation so well! I dont blame them at all, really! Mercy isn't that hard to learn kinda, but she is difficult to master! PROTECT YOUR HEALER! HEALERS ARE PRACTICALLY VULNERABLE! You want them to heal? Protect them and they'll cover you, this isn't a once sides thing you all need to work together. Then again, he isnt entirely innocent. Mercy needed to be around others so they CAN be protected. I think they wanted to go DPS or something if they are away from others.
@casinogaming2182 7 лет назад
Less Than Hopeful especially since mercy is fragile and doesn't have a good gun
@lilspooks8660 6 лет назад
When he damage boosted you while you were dying was cringe to my Mercy main ears
@maddychans 7 лет назад
When I play Mercy and someone needs healing and I can't reach them I ask nicely "can you please back up a bit and get near the edge?" I'm nice when it comes to playing video games.
@aryrth 5 лет назад
That Echooooooo. OMFG.
@-s2165 7 лет назад
i lost when tthat guy said whos mans is this
@JosephHead 7 лет назад
I'm a Reinhardt main and I find that a good Mercy is one who sticks close to the shield when it's up and will take off if it goes down. I've come to the aid of Mercys whose healing target has dragged her out into hell and I'll take shots for them. But I understand when a good Mercy has a bad team who won't protect her when she has no other options. This idiot believed just because he could heal far away that it was safer when its much safer next to well me as Reinhardt behind my shield or Winston's dome. Hell if you got a Symmetra duck behind her turret matrix and slow them down
@jakephilips1493 6 лет назад
As a mercy main I can tell that he’s like New at mercy because he’s like standing pretty much frontline and complaining about getting killed
@giovannipascale1057 6 лет назад
I've come to the realization that most of the toxic is from gold and low platinum
@jzoetheshit 7 лет назад
Dude got muted now he's type n lol
@Matinyyyy 7 лет назад
They even got Mia Khalifa with the cameo!!
@emi7916 6 лет назад
Also just a tip if you still play cos this applies to new Mercy too.. having a Mercy on your team doesn't mean you should be careless with your positioning cos there is res, that's a bad habit to break xD
@lilspooks8660 6 лет назад
Mercy, you also have pistol when things take a shitty turn
@Blue_089 7 лет назад
I know how he feels but there's no reason to get toxic over it. I play mercy A LOT and I even get solo ulted. It's not like it's my teams fault I don't get targeted as much anymore cuz I know how to move unpredictably and know where to hide.
@sebastiancruz7655 7 лет назад
Why did he whait until he got stuck in the graviton to ult, if he ulted in the air he could of gotten alot of kills
@lftaddiction3118 7 лет назад
loved the video man
@aryella1314 7 лет назад
"we should be on the cart, right" how did he make it to silver?
@horse7230 7 лет назад
If you have gold medal for 9 elims, there has to be something wrong with your team xD
@Kirrawolf 7 лет назад
I have to agree with this person a little bit as a mercy main myself I rely a lot on tanks and my team to keep me alive but he should fly behind people it keeps u alive longer....he's a terrible mercy in general though
@TheArmouredAlechemist 7 лет назад
Watching your Pharah play i'd have to say your pretty good. Your quite accurate and predict shot very well. Also as a support main rezing one person is the most important thing sometimes. An example was in a diamond game. We had a bastion and he died behind the payload near the second checkpoint. He had ult so i rezed him and he ulted getting a quad kill stopping their push because they had no Mercy. Rezing one person with a game changing ult can really change it all and it can also contest a point. I hate Mercy's that go for the 5 man rez when you can have a bigger impact with just one.
@jv9ufxcy 7 лет назад
They just want their potg cause that's all low rank characters care about when they don't know they get ult the fastest.
@Capnsensible80 7 лет назад
"shiiiiit sorry man it just locked off ya last second" Kill cam show him damage boosting and never even trying to heal you during the entire 5 seconds it took for Soldier to die. Talk about slow reaction times lmao
@sadmoose390 6 лет назад
I know this is old but somebody was toxic to me just because I was healing everybody and he said something like “Stop playing mercy your name a good mercy” although I main her even the enemy team even knows I was a good mercy and one of them sent me a message about one of my teammates and I was like “yea one of them of them is toxic so watch out”
@Lo0serx3 7 лет назад
Just saying, you should sometimes do a single man rez. Depending who you use it on, it can change the game. Obviously not as drastically as having a multi-man rez. But the Rein could have helped with the push, especially near the end of the first round when you needed to contest. Everything about this Mercy is selfish and just bad.
@blakehunsaker485 6 лет назад
this guy is triggering a mercy main ( me ) SO BADLY because most of us don’t bitch, we are just badasses with some of the best game sense in the community 😎
@shiggiewiggie357 7 лет назад
Nah this guy is asking to get killed often, encouraging rein to go ham on melee and dying because he git too close
@Matinyyyy 7 лет назад
Yo Tai Lopez in the building??
@shadetw1933 7 лет назад
I can expect that much from toxic golds
@Kurbee23 7 лет назад
It's hilarious that he has to play a healer to get boosted. Just like majority of master/grandmaster healers.
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