
Panpsychism | Robert Wright & Galen Strawson [The Wright Show] 

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0:30 Why scientific materialism is harder to define than you think
14:42 Galen explains panpsychism
27:36 What does “mind is all there is to reality” mean?
32:48 Is human consciousness epiphenomenal?
40:35 Do physical laws come from somewhere?
44:35 Is it like something to be a rock? (And is Galen saying it is?)
50:57 Galen: Discussion of the mind-body problem was better 100 years ago
Robert Wright (Bloggingheads.tv, The Evolution of God, Nonzero, Why Buddhism Is True) and Galen Strawson (University of Texas)
Recorded on February 20, 2018
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@Souljahna 5 лет назад
This was my favorite interview so far....thanks Bob. Panpsychism is weird to contemplate, but Strawson is a very clear thinker. and presents a compelling argument.
@Souljahna 5 лет назад
I also went out straight away and bought the book. Beautifully written and I could hear the author's voice throughout the arguments and little bits of biography he presents. It made the experience that much more enjoyable.
@chrisw7347 5 лет назад
The latest Sam Harris podcast touches on Panpsychism, with his wife who recently authored a book on consciousness, if you enjoy this type of discussion. Just a heads up~
@bradmodd7856 5 лет назад
I love it that academics are calling Consciousness "Conchness" now. Strawson is not alone in this development. I support it, I hope there will be a time I can use it without shame.
@sgtpepper138 5 лет назад
Strawson’s interview on the Panpsycast is another great one if you’re looking for more :)
@BookWorm2369 4 года назад
Robert Wrights interview on Panpsycast is good too. Thanks for the heads up on the episode with Strawson.
@DavidMorley123 2 года назад
Please balance your volumes. In this one Robert Wright is much louder than guest.
@hmdshokri 6 лет назад
Bob Wright is a knowledgeable guy himself in so many areas and that's a thing hard to find these days.this channel deserves more views.
@fantasypgatour 5 лет назад
yeah it's unbelievable he's not more popular in my opinion.
@nigglewiggle4214 4 года назад
lowkey i was kinda pissed off. talking more than the intervewee, chewing on his fingers, and steering the interview all over the place. galen's views are intriguing and I do appreciate the intellectual discussion space. respecc 💯 8===D
@chrertoffis 4 года назад
Time to interview Philip Goff!
@dakid3429 6 лет назад
Good one Bobbie! Bravo
@chuckbeattyo 6 лет назад
25:36 nice little explanatory section from Galen which is easily understood.
@chuckbeattyo 6 лет назад
up to 27:04 .".....it's consciousness, that's the suggestion....." That's Galen's position.
@2bsirius 6 лет назад
I just read the Nigel Warburton's interview of Strawson which appears in the February - April 2018 issue of _New Philosopher,_ so I appreciated this additional info on Strawson's philosophical stance.
@JB-kn2zh 4 года назад
Galen says he avoids the threshold problem because more "primitive" (for lack of a better word) consciousness is already there and evolution just takes advantage of it, but that really is just skirting the whole problem isn't it? I mean he himself makes a distinction between the sort of baseline consciousness that's just a natural phenomena of the universe as it is, and the consciousness that a subject (his term) experiences. There's still a threshold and to say "evolution just takes care of it" strikes me as handwaving.
@nimim.markomikkila1673 5 лет назад
59:00 If the only thing you know for sure is consciousness, why do you committ to physicalism?
@sns8420 6 лет назад
we are all waves that temporal conditions cause to manifest as well as to dissipate - but the ocean is eternal
@michaelgorby 6 лет назад
SN S "You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing." Alan W. Watts
@RichLee_laughingblade 6 лет назад
Strawson says that the constituent parts of a rock are conscious, but that the rock itself is not. However "I" seem to be some kind of aggregate - like the rock - and I have consciousness. The gap then is how does the aggregate become conscious at the aggregate level?
@RichLee_laughingblade 6 лет назад
...and why humans but not rocks?
@Souljahna 5 лет назад
I like your idea, -(patter/structure/organization) and I think the very complexity of living things, from cells to brains, is probably fundamental as well.
@PanLamda 5 лет назад
probably because of the internal structure. Rock is like a collection of minerals, whereas living organisms are comprised by a rich organization of macromolecules, not just an aggregate of things, but a dynamic intra-communication of all the parts with each other unfolding in time. Whitehead has made a similar distinction between a nexus such as a rock and an actual entity.
@rodmguerra 3 года назад
According to what was said in the interview, concious elements are the constituent parts of everything, even rocks or plants, but only by evolution that constituent parts were being arranged in an efficient way so as to form aggregates that have some type of conciousness themselves, like human beings.
@Reienroute 3 года назад
Simplify the idea of a rock into that of a mineral compound and you'll find that your answer lies in the continuity of self arrangement. A mineral seems to be sort of a dead end. Life can make use of minerals for fueling complex functions, but once particles combine in that form, their self arrangement ceases. Its a one sided relationship. The iron in your blood, for instance, doesn't benefit in any subjective sense from its synthesis into hemoglobin. Taking a step back again, the very idea of a "rock" is simply a categorical one involving a collection of particles in a particular shape, which I think is where people allow their intuitions to trip them up. An 'object' is a sort of linguistic reduction which focuses on a particular shape rather than on its constituents. So asking, "why is a rock not conscious", is essentially the same as asking, "why does being rock-shaped not result in consciousness". It's sort of the reverse extreme of missing the forest for the trees. Ultimately, "stuff" has experiential subjectivity until its specific form no longer supports integrative "reaction". That probably just sounds like begging your initial question, but the point is that the non-conscious form is the effect rather than a cause. Where self arrangement ends, so does conscious experience. The "why" of minerals being a dead end configuration possibly lies in a consequential susceptibility towards being arranged by exogenous factors. Conscious potentiality basically reduces to whether or not an information integrating process is unidirectional. To reduce this to a simple footnote: consciousness is communication.
@petegoestubular 6 лет назад
Watch from 25:05... ish. Starts getting to the nitty gritty. All good though A parsimonious and elegant idea indeed
@neilb3332 6 лет назад
@nimim.markomikkila1673 5 лет назад
13:00 Why some buddhist might deny consciousness: There´s a long debate in India, between the Vedic tradition and Buddhism; the Vedic says Pure Consciousness is never changing; Buddhists say everything changes, and only the Void is.
@chuckbeattyo 6 лет назад
31:17 the interchange gets to the heart of Galen's view. .... 31:59 "....here's one way to put it......" ... "....global replace....."
@FR-yr2lo 4 года назад
Let Strawson speak, Bro
@kassokilleri2ff 6 лет назад
So I had never heard of panpsychism before today. But, I had come to this conclusion in my own mind, and have been thinking about it for a long while. I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but I feel like just putting my ideas out and sharing how I came to this conclusion. It's gonna be random, and sound like shit. I'm not educated, I'm not a philosopher. I'm just some fuckin guy! =D So firstly, I had learned that physicists deal with things in terms of "information." A photon which leaves the sun and hits a rock thus heating it, is information. Fundamentally, my theory is, that the transfer of information is consciousness. Now in regards to the threshold they mentioned, I think that threshhold is both real and not real. It's real in the sense, that once a sufficiently complex organism takes shape, consciousness can now manipulate it's environment. I suppose that's obvious, but it sounds to me like the argument of the "threshold" is that there is no fundamental consciouness to the universe, but after a certain threshold it arises. I don't think that's correct. I think that simply the threshold is an organism which has reached sufficient ability to interact with it's environment, thus consciouness is now able to act. I've been learning a lot about biology and evolution. I think there's evidence for consciousness playing a role in evolution. But to detail how is hard for me. I'm not exactly eductated...I just watch university lectures on youtube lol. But consciouness makes choices in evolution which are not necessarily directly a cause of a logical sex selection, or other forms of natural selection. Yea, this idea is hard for me to expand on. But my point is that even evolution's path is and has always been partially driven by a conscious factor. There's tons of examples that I've been learning as I watch university lectures on evolutionary biology and the fundamental sciences that are used in anthropology. The various systems of the body, hormones, all that stuff. As I learn more and more it only seems to confirm my theory. Although I think an evolutionary biologist would not see it my way at all. This is just the perspective I have and maybe it warps how I see things. But I came up with this theory on my own, BECAUSE of what I've learned and continue to learn about science. The universe must be conscious. We are made of the universe. We are the same stuff, if we can be conscious the universe as a whole must be conscious in some form. I suppose a panpsychist agrees with that? I've also started watching jordan petersons biblical lectures. And everything he says in those lectures seems to confirm what I'm saying. Which sounds crazy, because it's about the bible and "god" and all this. But the way he describes it, and the way im interpreting things, everything in the bible is related to our actual physical reality. The story of cain and abel brothers. One brother is rewarded for his worship, another is punished. I don't think it's a point about god, it's a point about the fundamental nature of existance. Sometimes you do everything right, and you still end up homeless. Life is like that. It's not that god punished you, it's that sometimes things go wrong. These infinitely complex systems which physicists do not have the math to understand (for example predator prey relations within a certain ecosystem are insanely complex far beyond what we can figure out with math, at least that's one example that I read). God is simply the universe, the universe has consciousness. Not to say that "god" is passing down all these laws, i don't believe in any of that. I'm an atheist. So maybe this sounds silly how I am wording things, but the point is that in my mind, the way jordan peterson is interpreting the bible makes it sound like it's very much based in the physical universe. Hell is burning forever in rejuvinating fire. Well, we breath oxygen, it burns, it makes us grow we use it for energy. Life is suffering. I don't know, sounds to me like this is hell. It's a stretch I know but this is just stuff thats wandering around in my head and has helped me think more about this panpsychism thing. Guess that's all I got for now.
@kassokilleri2ff 6 лет назад
Of course as I continue to watch they are touching on all that I just typed, so thats cool. Just gonna keep typing things as I continue to watch and see what else I want to talk about even though nobody will ever read this =D So they are talking about "conceiving what it's like" to be a chair or a curtain. My answer for that is that as the complexity of an object increases, so does the complexity of it's consciousness. The human brain is the most complex thing in the universe as far as we know. Thus the complexity of our consciousness is "what it's like to be human." So what it's like to be a chair, probably isn't a valid thing to say about a chair. It doesn't have a "what it's like" because it is not sufficiently complex. It does within in energies, or atoms, have the element of consciousness, but that it is not sufficiently complex enough to give rise to thoughts and feelings. That does not mean it does not have some super basic form of consciousness, because at least as my own way of thinking about the theory goes, is yes it does have consciousness. But it's not the same as human consciousness. It's more simplified, it's not understandable to us. For example, a person who knows nothing about physics will ask "what happens if you touch the nucleus of two atoms together?" Well, a huge explosion happens! These people, uneducated about physics, will then say "so you're saying that we never truly touch anything? Because the nucleuses never touch!" But that's silly. That's not how things work, and traditional thought processes break down on the smallest level of physics. The same goes for consciousness. Our traditional thought process simply break down when you get down to that level. As I type this of course they are hitting on what I'm saying. I'm pausing the video and typing when I have something to say.
@naturalisted1714 5 лет назад
Why should we jump to the conclusion that consciousness is at the bottom of the stack? Just because consciousness and experience is the only thing we know, that does not mean that it didn't emerge from our brains. If they insist that consciousness is the fundamental thing, then it is just as likely that something else can be the fundamental thing.
@jvb9553 4 года назад
This might be a helpful suggestion. We should stop using the word consciousness, which is a loaded word, to describe the behavior of materials or energy fields. For starters reject the term "laws" of nature or physics because who created these "laws"? That is a remnant of deistic thinking from the past. Why not use the term agent/agency, which implies the ability to sustain a particular form despite contextual forces, or change form depending on the energetic contextual field? Form is the fundamental presence of agency or will. Leave the term consciousness to the higher forms of being that have reproduced their existence, evolved, and even become self consciously aware. At the root of it all is--agency--whether it is energetic, chemical, or biological. Unfortunately we are trapped by the language we use. Whitehead understood this.
@2bsirius 4 года назад
Unless I misunderstood him, Galen said he was not familiar with the philosophy of Telliard de Chardin. If so, I'd like to suggest that he read an article on on the site www.planetaryphilosophy.com/2017/05/chardin-and-panpsychism/ I'm not in anyway religious, but I think that encouraging Galen to look at de Chardin's concept of the noosphere might interest him, not that he'll ever read this comment, but sometimes it's fun to pose ideas to yourself :) Within Galen's dialogue here I can detect that Galen is still a bit imprisoned by the legacy he inherited from his father Peter Strawson. Just saying...
@naturalisted1714 5 лет назад
What separates your consciousness from another person's consciousness? If there's no physical world than there's no way to separate individuals, and so this means that panpsychism is really just solipsism.
@naturalisted1714 5 лет назад
What caused the Fundamental consciousness?
@projectmalus 4 года назад
That question might reveal the nature of things. Perhaps consciousness is fractal, so that it can be additive in one way but not another. So, an audience at a concert can feel as one, but as an individual, doing this wouldn't work. That would mean giving up my identity because it would be too unfocused. Perhaps this is what we perceive as time, the jettisoning of the consciousness energy so as to allow more to come in. In other words, the fundamental consciousness is energy, expressed as movement in time, localized but not scalar, additive but only to localized consciousness, and arising from the true mystery that can't be spoken of without drawing it into this world, what we call potential. Short answer: movement!
@nimim.markomikkila1673 5 лет назад
29:00 The buildings are out there also in Berkeleys mind, but because they are perceived as ideas by God.
@naturalisted1714 5 лет назад
yes, but why is it all so consistent with the laws of a physical world/universe?
@haedamahn7229 3 года назад
Wait, he thinks a curtain having a conscious experience ridiculous? Wasn't it the point that since all fundamental building blocks of the universe has consciousness so the human brain which is the collection of that, having its own consciousness not mysterious? I thought all physical collections having consciousness was the point of it all, human imposed or not. He can say curtains do have consciousness but it's nothing like an animal's consciousness and it is very dull, but I don't think he can get away with "curtains don't have consciousness" in his view.
@aqabdulaziz 5 лет назад
If you think you know consciousness, then you don't know what consciousness is. Nobody talks about different degrees (or levels) of consciousness. If there is such a thing, then the nature of complex interactions (that is different levels of interactions) may lead to different degrees of consciousness. Thus, a bigger brain does not necessarily translate to higher level of consciousness. When someone reaches a higher level of consciousness (after deliberate effort of some kind),- such as these two brilliant minds- they have triggered a complex level of integration within the brain via different degree of dendritic connections or even altering the ratio of neuroglial cells to neurons. Humans have the capacity to reach higher level of consciousness because they have the necessary foundation (their unique brain and also complex societal input which then can interpret), whereas animals or rocks and tables do not. BUT what is consciousness? LOL!
@trashygit 4 года назад
This Strawson fella has something in his mind what the ancients called ether or soul. He dismissed all the questions that were repeatedly asked to explain about this "thing" he calls "consciousness" and kept giving some unrelated quotes from some famous people. Where can we find it, how can we detect it, what is its function... He just says "I don't like these questions". It's like "I'm selling something very important, you need to buy it, but I will not tell you anything about this thing." Any reasonable person will say "No, thanks".
@jfvirey 2 года назад
A better name for his philosophy of mind would be zzzzzzpsychism.
@UnconsciousQualms 6 лет назад
Bob should get colin Mcginn on this show asap. great episode btw
@lonelycubicle 6 лет назад
How a proper interview would be conducted, “Hi. What is panpsychism?” As another prominent author may have said, “Lordy!”
@JoePalau 5 лет назад
lonelycubicle spot in here. Galen is in the very top echelon of living philosophers. The quality and expansiveness of his mind are entirely masked by this approach to interviewing. Best to prime him with questions that open him to large vistas on the topics at hand. Let him run free and seek clarity and depth as needed. Help him move on when stalled or help bring him back to the topic at hand. Oh, well.... :)
@petegoestubular 6 лет назад
@nightlight77 6 лет назад
Wright talks ten times more than the guest.
@raresmircea 6 лет назад
I like Wright so much.. but yeah :)
@neilb3332 Год назад
Well done. You can count
@yazanasad7811 3 года назад
Pan - one stuff but physics has a lot to say about it The table as a whole/set is not conscious but the atoms in the table are. (Individuals in football team are conscious but football team isn't) Why aren't we zombies Evolution finds consciousness stuff and tunes it
@colinshawhan8590 6 лет назад
I guess it depends on whether you believe there is a classical, continuous universe or whether everything can ultimately be reduced to a quantum theory of everything. Current evidence strongly suggests gravity is an emergent property of space-time and matter, described by General Relativity with the other forces resulting from quantum field phenomena. Some physicists want to try and quantize everything, even replacing relativity with some type of quantum version, which is yet to pan out. Many have tried, it has not succeeded. If gravity is an emergent phenomenon then so too may be consciousness, given certain threshholds. We don't know yet. Gravity does not exist except under certain conditions, at least according to modern theories. It is not fundamental like the strong force for example, unless there is a "graviton," a "gravity field," etc. The jury is out. Conclusion: we don't know. Until we resolve whether gravity and hence space and time are continuous or quantized we cannot prove whether or not consciousness is emergent or fundamental. It remains a mystery.
@Souljahna 5 лет назад
@Colin Shawhan: That was an interesting comment. I wonder if you can recommend some straight forward literature on emergence. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the concept, i.e. how it would work?
@michaelfoster4169 5 лет назад
I respect Robert Wright, but this was one of the most plodding, confusing interviews I’ve ever tried to listen to, mostly due to the interviewer.
@FR-yr2lo 4 года назад
@j.p.zukauskas7626 Год назад
Robert Wright needs to let his guest speak for himself. What a terrible interviewer.
@TheChalkmaster 6 лет назад
What a load of rambling for such a simple concept. Everything that contains Moisture in any form is conscious and can retain experiences, just watch the secret of water, even though it's a new discovery, can't explain, but these concepts are what I've always believed since my teens.
@TheChalkmaster 6 лет назад
Eg: obviously holy water is said to be different to normal water, once blessed the normal waters structure changes from that of the normal water.
@gregchuchelo7248 6 лет назад
not sure if srs
@naturalisted1714 5 лет назад
Panpsychism is just another form of Solipsism.
@modvs1 6 лет назад
I know what panpsychism is. It's yet another mundane example of when someone uses a pretence to truth, rationality, reality tracking and practical/extensional utility (empirical adequacy on occasion)); where the actual truth, rationality, reality tracking and practical/extensional utility are not all that relevant- just the pretence is. Wherein the actual productivity of this (characteristically 'representational') activity consists in it's being essentially social, has perlocutionary value (general psychological, cognitive and affective shits and giggles (both inter and intra-personally)) and various latent functional dividends (e.g.: “now that we're friends, can I borrow your wife?”). Couple this with a decent admixture of attentional blindness and you have a behavioural phenomenon that is incredibly ubiquitous (spanning all kinds of social interactions), yet goes pretty much unnoticed by all and sundry (attentional blindness). This video is confirmation of at least that.
@RichLee_laughingblade 6 лет назад
modvs1 I'm not sure you do know what panpsychism is.
@chumbucket66 6 лет назад
And your comment is an example of exactly like that, except with a person, in a monologue, by themselves.
@terje1228 6 лет назад
I wouldn't have guessed.
@zankaizankai 5 лет назад
I'm literally laughing at you, and I think everybody else is too. I'm guessing you don't get out too much, since you don't seem to realize how moronic you come off. Try again.
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