Spamming early turrets let's then safely farm without overextending and they were winning on the map when noc using r to kill riven on cd. Maybe if the gold was to scale a carry champ instead of HP stacked garen and worthless af nocturne and nunu mid into vayne lmao. One of the easiest games to win if it goes late enough for her, especially after giving Yone a free game. Riven could be 1 item, she has a knock up and stun to give two fed carries and a fiddle that does ulti damage no matter how dumb he is.
Grasp is a bad call against riven. You know she will all in you every trade so conq is better to out dps her. That and always e max with stridebreaker! Only take grasp and Divine sunderer against big fat tanks, that's when you q max
Firstly no. Rivens kit completely wrecks garen, and garen only win in low elo against rivens that can't play riven. If both take conq, riven wins the all in, she can block his q with her e, she can quick combo him and avoid most of his e damage by kiting. The only way for garen to beat this lane if riven is good is short trades and wave management. And grasp is perfect for short trades, garen has much better sustain. Also, what's the point of q maxing against tanks??? Conq+e max +cleaver just destroys majority of the tanks.