
Pathfinder 2e Character Creation - Mechanics vs Roleplay 

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Today's video is a bit of an informal chat about what you like to focus on when creating your character - mechanics, roleplay, equal parts of both? I definitely spend more time thinking about mechanics, but I also think roleplay is a crucial part of building your character. Let's talk about how much each of you lean into these two different aspects of character creation.



14 окт 2024




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@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
3:54 Wait. Hello. You have my attention. Caught me totally off guard.
@xiadais 6 месяцев назад
Mechanics all day every day, then RP to make those mechanics into a person. I love mechanical optimization and "feat Tetris". Plan out everything 1-20, then figure out who this is and where they've been.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
Do you find you have to make adjustments to your 1-20 plan as the campaign unfolds? I usually only go a few levels ahead since I don't know what gaps will need to be filled in the party.
@philopharynx7910 5 месяцев назад
I try to limit myself to three levels because I want to draw out the fun of building things. It also lets me adapt to the changing needs of the campaign and to adapt to unknowns.
@AmusementOverlord 6 месяцев назад
I like to flesh out the character (RP) and build mechanics around that framework. And if we (players & GM) are having a hard time finding the mechanics to support the RP well that's what homebrew is for
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
Good point. I definitely have seen some homebrew that's not even that much of an adjustment, and is actually just a re-flavor of an existing feat. For example, you could say that using Drain Bonded Item as a wizard is actually a mistake you can't control if you want to play a young apprentice who is in over their head. Keep the mechanics the same. Change the roleplay to be what you want.
@pocketwatched 6 месяцев назад
I typically start with a mechanical concept, how I want the character to play. Then I look for the best class/archetype to achieve that. Then, with a better understanding of the character's mechanics, I focus in on what defines them as a character, why are they like this, and how did they get there. Then, I use that again to inform the mechanical specifics, skill/general fears, and other more granular details, that lets me really build a character that functions in a way representative of who they are. Throughout that last step, I let each aspect inform the other, to really make sure the character is accurately represented by their function in every part of their build. When I choose a feat, I think about why that specifically applies to the character, and keep using that to build on who they are; then when deciding the next feat, I'll think about who they are to help pick the most fitting ability, and so on.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
This is almost 100% my approach too. For example, I picked up Untrained Improvisation for my headstrong, arrogant Bard during one of our level-ups. It's good mechanically since I don't have great skill training, but also fits the "oh whatever I can figure it out" attitude of the character.
@McFatson 6 месяцев назад
I have a cycle of character creation. Where I start depends on the inspiration. Let's say I get a cool mental image. "Telekinetic sword wielding." That's the foundation. I could elaborate on that and design a character backstory, appearance, etc, but the baseline concept is difficult to represent in rules so I focus on that first. After perusing the relevant spell lists, I find that none of them pull off what I want. Spiritual Weapon can't be a whole character. So instead, I remember that the metal kineticist has a kinetic aura that has a visual represenation of your element. Thus, I flavor the aura as the character surrounsing themselves with several sword-like shards of metal. Because I want the character to function decently, I look deeper into metal kineticist builds. With the help of guides, I find that metal kineticists are somewhat defensive and have lots of area-of-effect powers. I want something agile with a military motif, so I plan on emphasizing Acrobatics and Warfare Lore as two key skills. With the build mostly done I double back to the flavor to flesh it out, using the character's abilities and limitations as a guideline. Kirasha of the Unseen Army always wanted to be a great warrior, but had no talent for the blade. No matter how hard she trained, she could never get the hang of it. But her sheer determination was enough to awaken a power within her, creating a stable rift to the plane of metal within her very soul. She learned how to conjure strange shards of metal, and she could wield these shards with such grace that one would assume they were a part of her. In a way, they were. She could even strike multiple opponents at once. She named her unusual fighting style "Unseen Army" after the fact that her blades appeared to be wielded by an invisible squadron of soldiers with her at the center. And there you have it. Flavor informs mechanics, which in turn inform the flavor. And I can go around this cycle as often as I need to flesh out the details.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
Flavor > mechanics > flavor > mechanics. The circle of life. Or death if you are one of the monsters.
@philopharynx7910 5 месяцев назад
Oh, I know how this cycle works. Many nights I'm woken in the wee hours by a character muse who needs me to fix something.
@dlarso11 6 месяцев назад
Love the idea, and encourage roleplay the mechanics🎉
@xylemicarious 6 месяцев назад
My first character ever was definitely a lot more like me than most of the ones I play now. But I'll still throw a semi-self-insert in there occasionally for variety. ;) As far as RP or mechanics first, I almost always start with the story and then do my best to replicate what I imagine through the mechanics, then sometimes the character changes to fit the mechanics a little better, and then that's usually it. To be fair, I'll usually at least have a class in mind to start since that's usually going to define a lot of what your character will actually be doing. But for my last character (RIP Tiefz), I did end up changing their class mid-way through character creation because I realized my intentions weren't QUITE getting across with the original class, so my unarmed fighter became an unarmed barbarian. PF2e has so many damn options, so it's usually pretty easy to just *pick things that make sense* and have it work out. I'm currently playing an absolutely non-min-maxed cleric of the Cosmic Caravan (Fate domain) and having a blast.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
I feel like cleric is actually one of the better classes if you're not min-maxing, since they do get those Heal/Harm spells regardless of your stats. Good choice!
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
Chatting with our gaming table, That story of the swashbuckler hero, that retrained into a hero, in mechanics, But is in every way, roleplay narrative, the same. That's very very exciting. My only point has been, find the mechanics that you enjoy, and will function, for you, in your campaign, at your table, (and with your DM), And then enjoy writing a character that inspires you, with those mechanics, and either make some subtle in the narrative, or other's featured in the narrative. But really the point is to have fun together.
@bilboswaggings 6 месяцев назад
I don't really care about the class or character being like me or not I pick the most mechanically interesting one that fits the given campaign perfectly I do usually prefer natural stuff especially primal magic (I love nature and nature photography) Edit: we have an upcoming northern expedition inspired campaign I had no plans to play Thaumaturge, but the boat has a witch hunter role that no one wanted (first mate was the other special role) Thaumaturge was too perfect for witch hunting and when building it I grew to love it So I would say I do role-play first and then see if the most fitting one is something I could enjoy playing
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
Oh man, that is a GREAT roleplay/mechanic combination for choosing the Thaumaturge!
@willsimao7147 6 месяцев назад
One of the issues with making a complete role playing character is that boss fights make you feel useless. Those level +1 or +2 enemies really mess with how the player feels about their character. Just happened to a character at last night's session.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
This is a fantastic point. When you're in a fight designed to require a 15 or higher on the die to hit, you don't want that to creep up to a 17. Level differences of even 2 or 3 can be pretty drastic, and if you're effectively down-leveling yourself with a non min-maxed, roleplay-first character, you could have a really tough time in many encounters.
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
I've hit this point, a bit elsewhere. But I haven't mentioned this before, this way. There is nothing about the Wizard, spellbook, class mechanics, that force it to actually be Narrated as the studious Mage, who trained, and carries a book. You mechanically need a reference material, (the spellbook or substitute) and it should by default be able to be stolen lost or destroyed... But the narrative can be anything you and your DM agree to, painted over top of the underlying mechanics. You absolutely could play a Mage who has received a Pact for Power, and their spells exist within a grimoire or tome, or a magic crystal, Only type of thing that would be difficult to narrate past, Would be spontaneous vs prepared... A prepared Caster won't have that mechanical midday versatility, Similarly, a spontaneous Caster won't have that mechanical daily versatility. But even that still can be worked with. The power you were granted, has its benefits, has its drawbacks, has its limits. And then as you level up, you Gian more spells, We'll you commit more deeply into your Pact. And draw more power. Absolutely could use a Wizard class as a base , but roleplay it as a Draconic or Fey Bloodline, that you are growing into and learning to Unleash more of its power. Rogues are easier, They have so many skill potentials, and the different types of Rogue allow for subtle differences in primary ability, And sneak attack is just bonus damage when applicable mechanically,it's very easy to reskin those mechanics into almost anything. Ie. The skilled medic Rogue, Applies there knowledge of anatomy, to heal, or harm. Having witnessed and treated every gruesome injury coming off the battlefield, they know precise where to strike to apply the most damage. Ie. The pirate or 3 musketeer, (Firearm optional) swashbuckling along with style and flair, using a Rogue. The Thaumaturge is ripe to have its source for its esoterica be refluff Ed and rewritten. List goes on.
@ICLHStudio 6 месяцев назад
I only have a little bit of experience with PF2, but I've done a lot of PF1, and I know that system pretty inside and out; and I've honestly been a little disappointed by how much PF2 feels like it's a little stricter with it's roleplay-machincs combos. Specifically, I feel that PF2 significantly reduced how much overlap there is and how viable alternate or secondary class roles are; you have a ton of builds to choose from, but less mix-and-match along the way. It makes it feel to me I definitely am the type to build characters entirely around mechanics first (many times I've got an idea in my head, thought about a few potential angles, then sat down and spent the next 6 hours or so with a dozen PFSRD tabs and some word documents open, piecing together the puzzle of the build that I want from lvls 1-20) and then use those mechanics as a writing prompt essentially to craft a character out of (I tend to assign character reasons to every ability, and will deliberately switch out some of the optimization for better flavor); although sometimes I have short blurb of a character concept to give me the idea for the mechanics (although these are usually aesthetics rather than roleplay). Back in PF1, my favorite classes were (in order): Barbarian, Alchemist, and Oracle (with an honorable mention for Cavalier). Because I found them to be the most versatile in the game by far. In particular PF1 has the best Barbarian class of any game ever made, and I have well over 20 fully distinct (both mechanically and in roleplay) PF1 Barbarians in my repertoire. I still really like the Oracle in PF2, and while I've been highly disappointed with their handling of the Barbarian and Alchemist, I've so far really liked the PF2 Ranger and Thaumaturge a lot. I think, other than a few basic play styles I lean towards (melee glass cannon is usually my fave), ultimately the thing I'm drawn to in TTRPG characters is the ability to craft and combine unique mechanic specializations (why I like the Ranger over the Fighter; an individual Fighter is more versatile by virtue of being largely a generalist with no real weaknesses, where the Ranger as a class to make characters out of is more versatile by virtue of providing several different specialists to play as) with unique flavor combinations (a Fighter, a Ranger, and a Barbarian who all do the same big damage with the same big sword each feel aesthetically different, and each call for different roleplay and story beats; a level of variety that PF1 leaned into more than PF2 does, which seems to think those characters would be redundant more than I do). As far as roleplay concepts that I tend towards, I'm both more and less versatile than in mechanics. I'm not very "good" at roleplay (I have no ranks in Perform and CHA is my dump stat), but I AM a writer, so I'll craft pretty detailed characters of a pretty wide variety of archetypes, and even if I have difficulty being "in-character" and improvising their roleplay, I can usually build and explain their arcs and actions to make sense and give the rest of the players the right understanding of who they are and what's going on with them.
@jacobshaftoe8326 6 месяцев назад
I almost always go the frustrating route. Roleplay/Concept first, then mechanics. Then again, I also GM, so learning more and more about what is possible and (to my mind) functionally permissible with a character is pretty necessary.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
Ha, at least you recognize it's the frustrating route 😅
@jacobshaftoe8326 5 месяцев назад
@@RebelThenKing Oh it's super obnoxious! My Pathbuilder folder would be full if it weren't for all the deleted ideas that didn't pan out. But all of them taught me things, got me looking at and thinking about other feats and their potential...
@jacobshaftoe8326 5 месяцев назад
My current favorite character I'm playing in Extinction Curse is the result of a different guy I built with one flaw, namely no darkvision, something the player's guide for the AP pretty much screams at you to have or suffer horrifically. So from Randolph Machisma, Barbarian/Wrestler came Bulk Bogan, Orcish Monk/Wrestler, because the former wouldn't work without human feats making it all come together. Also this spared everyone at the table from me riffing in my half-baked Randy Savage impression, so... It's the little things sometimes :D
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
@@jacobshaftoe8326 Oh yeah! Orc Barbarian is a hard combination to beat.
@kayosiiii 6 месяцев назад
I have two favourite approaches, One is to sit down with the GM and hash out what the campaign is about, so I can come up with a character that can get the ball rolling and take the story in interesting directions. The second is I have a deck of archetype cards, I draw 3 of them and try to think of a character that embodies those three archetypes in some way. Either way only once I have a solid idea of the fiction of the character will I crack open any rule-books. Select an option from a list is probably my least favourite form of character creation. One place where design tradeoffs have to be made when designing an RPG is the tension between wanting to create a balanced game where all player options feel balanced with each other and having each option feel like it should to sell the fiction. Which set of trade-offs work better depends on the style of game you are playing, how skilled the players are at storytelling and how emotionally mature the players are.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
The archetype cards idea sounds really cool! Are those cards of the actual archetypes in PF2e, anther product, or something you created?
@kayosiiii 5 месяцев назад
@@RebelThenKing They are not PF2e specific archetypes, search for Caroline Myss archetype cards. One of the things I like about them is that they work for just about any genre of game. If you don't want to fork out for cards or want to use the Pathfinder archetypes specifically, you can put the options you want into a random table. You lose the tactility but you get a very similar result.
@philopharynx7910 5 месяцев назад
What I like about random things like this is when I get an immediate feedback. Either "this is perfect!" or "Yeah, this doesn't work. Time to draw a new card."
@Fogelhut 6 месяцев назад
So, my first character ever in TTRPGs was a hot mess. It was in PF1e, and joining a Kingmaker campaign at 9th level. IRL, I'm a 6'5", 250-ish lb dude and immediately was drawn to playing a Gnome Arcane Trickster, a real sneaky magic-talent type (base classes were Sorcerer and Rogue), which is about as opposite me as possible. Even though he was horribly unoptimized (thanks, crazy-complicated 1e), he was, mechanically, perfect for the RP that I wanted, where he was essentially a Rogue with firepower. Dude was great at roleplaying hiding in the background all the time. In 2e, I'm playing an Inventor with a Construct Companion. As one of the two most experienced players, I waited until others selected their classes to try and fill in some gaps, as we had no ranged martial, I leaned into that and he has a firearm. So mechanics ruled at first, but I used the backgrounds presented in the campaign in order to make sure that I could craft a backstory that worked for both why the character is the class he is, as well as his motivations for being in the party. Character selection was for mechanics, but creation became the point for how I was going to try and RP him.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
Everyone's got to play a hot mess every now and then.
@philopharynx7910 5 месяцев назад
Oh, I always start with the mechanics first. Then I go to bed. In the wee hours of the morning I get unceremoniously dumped to the floor by my upset character muse who inspires a backstory and refuses to let me sleep until I've worked on the character enough. In some cases, this requires changing the mechanics to match the new backstory. Changing the mechanics sometimes further changes the story and i go back and forth over a very restless week. Then, once I'm settled on everything and have had some sleep, I can look over the character, find the problems i didn't see because of lack of sleep and fix them, starting the cycle all over. ------ I have definitely changed some characters to make them fit better. I had elemental sorcerer who became a kineticist when Rage of Elements dropped. That better fit the instinctive nature of what I saw for her. She was a child of the winter storm.
@TheLocalDisasterTourGuide 6 месяцев назад
There are two equally important & utterly contradictory rules about how I choose characters: Rule #1: I go for something that inspires me or catches my curiosity. This can be mechanics or role play. Rule #2: I do NOT play subtle classes. I am reserved in real life. At the gaming table, it's go big or go home!
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
5:00 That's Really cool. OK. Disclaimer, I hope it never gets missed. I really enjoy your videos. I really enjoy your clear intention and purpose. I think we might have interesting conversations at a gaming table, and might it always have the same personal preferences, But. I respect you, and I hope that none of my comments (or the volume of comments) ever come across any way as Not respectful. I do try to use timestamps, for ease of reference. But yes. I will keep watching videos, and I will continue to engage in comments, in what I do sincerely hope is received as respectful, if not always agreement. (I heard an awesome quote... from one of my favorite channels... Abiut the complaint section of the comments, under the bridge, where the trolls lice) They said 'quote' "go ahead and complain all you want, the algorithm doesn't care either way, it only sees comment counts. So thank you for your engaging trolling, you are helping my channel, when you response, either way." Credit : (Corporal Kelly, Corporals Corner)
@ivaniii9707 6 месяцев назад
It is about the mechanics. What is best in TTRPGs? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women!
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
Murder death repeat!
@AndrewofDoom 6 месяцев назад
I always so mechanics first. Roleplay comes last for me, as to me I always emphasize the G part of RPG. It's not that I hate the RP part, but I feel numbers will always feel more natural to me than the talky talky bits. I easily get bored if the talky talky goes too long and I'm not able to participate in a meaningful way. I also just plain struggle with putting a face to the sheet. And so I have long list of builds that have no face to them. 😩 But that's a bit of my own rambling. Mechanics first, roleplay second, because the few times where I have done roleplay first I haven't really been able to make it work. For example, I had in mind this henshin hero type of character but there's really zero mechanical support for that at very low levels. At higher levels you can just take any of the battle form spells. But for someone starting out? You're out of luck. I'm not against homebrew, but I find it a lot harder to sell PF2 GMs on homebrew since balance is made such a huge emphasis in PF2 (which I like but on these very rare occasions such as this it actually is a detriment). That and I don't know of any homebrew that supports that concept anyway.
@FluffyFailure0 6 месяцев назад
I personally like the Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard because they don't necessarily come with pre-inbuilt identities. And this is also why I actively dislike the Champion and Inventor, because the Champion can only be a representative of a god, and the Inventor can only be an unreliable craftsman. I asked the questions why can't I be a farm boy who became a champion to fight for his love interest or village, and why can't I be an inventor who's inventions don't randomly explode? I can actively try to pretend that I don't have certain features and mechanics, but then I'm actively handicapping myself which could lead to the death of my party. But then there are classes that I don't like solely based on a mechanical standpoint, like the Psychic, the Summoner, and the Thaumaturge.
@philopharynx7910 5 месяцев назад
Oh, a champion can also work as somebody fixated on an ideal. But there is a strong belief in there. I could also see a fighter with some of the more defensive archetypes coming up. I suspect that the upcoming guardian class may also scratch that itch. As for the inventor, many of the unstable options are feats or things that you choose. I played an inventor in a short game and didn't use those options.
@FluffyFailure0 5 месяцев назад
@@philopharynx7910 I'm starting to look forward to the release of the Guardian class. But, on the other hand, although you can play Champion as someone who's just fixated on an ideal, the religion proficiency is mandatory, and all the focus spells and features you gain by selecting a Cause, are all divine gifts from your character's deity. But to add to the Inventor, he really doesn't have a lot of good variety of feats either. And although he is alright at early levels, you really start feeling the unreliable nature of his abilities, when you start having to roll crafting checks mid-combat or risk exploding. Not to mention the DC grows exponentially with your level, so too bad if you invested all your ability scores into something other than intelligence, because you wanted to be able to hit someone with your Weapon Innovation. Sometimes I just want to play an inventor who's only contribution to society isn't a portable Hazard, but that's easier said than done, or at least on higher levels. :3
@sethb3090 6 месяцев назад
Personally I don't like the wizard, but I do play a lot of int characters for the RP reasons of tactics and information control. In 5e I play a lizardfolk artificer who's a ruthlessly efficient tactician, playing out fights and whole arcs like games of chess where every visible move is a way to manipulate the opposition. My current pf2e character is a ratfolk magus who more and more is taking on an out of combat role as a spy, trying to get his hands on any information he can.
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
3:15 Thank you. Might be the first time, in the series, I've heard you actually say the phrase. Blank slate. To apply roleplaying on top of. The 'character' bor 'class' hooks, Are almost all suggestions. Not at all intended to be enforced, or exclusive, or exhaustive. But give you some idea of either some iconic archetypal heroes who might well be represented by the mechanics, or, some ideas to help inspire your own narratives. Every class is a blank slate, Some. Mechanics will lend themselves slightly better to one quadrant of roleplay narrative, than to another... But. Still, there are very few hard elements in any class that need to be 'fit into the narrative', Or have the narrative written around. It might be fun to play a character who sprang to mind when reading the class suggested narratives, But please, feel free to create imaginatively beyond the few suggestions on the page.
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
I've definitely been reading less into provided flavor and thinking about mechanics as a blank slate. For example, I recently worked on both a wizard and a magus who are actually much more like thieving hacks than they are prepared, studious characters, which is WAY different than my previous interpretations of those classes.
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
@@RebelThenKing And I posted that, JUST BEFORE, reaching the next section of your video. I'm still laughing at my own reaction. Great video. (he said ironically unironically?)
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
@@RebelThenKing I think, that is that next level of inspiration and creativity. Absolutely nothing wrong with being inspired to play a sneaky, Rogue, or a book worm Mage, or a Martial guard Fighter. Etc. But that moment when inspiration strikes, and the mechanics become a foundation for fun storytelling, That moment when we go off script, and let our games really break loose and explore. That moment when I realize how many creative ideas, radically different, can be served and explored, by the same class mechanic. I don't know. Call me a geek.
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
Ok. I have a question for you. A. Personal Challenge, but a friendly one. Having listened to your Love for the flavour of the Investigator. Here is my question. Would you prefer to build a character that fulfills your detective inspiration and craving, that functions (more effectively, more reliably, and perhaps, dare I say, more powerfully) (or more impactfully) Or Would you prefer to work to 'fix' the balance or function of the Investigator itself? And I will say, that I did notice, one or two unique things the Investigator class can do at low level better than the Rogue at that level. Ie. There is a Medic Investigator Subclass, that has some very appealing very unique (skill medicine) healing bonuses, for that one job. Quite difficult to replicate on another class. Even with the investigator archetype considered. That's a point, in its favor. I don't see the same about the vaunted +1 bonus to RK, or the ability to grant a +1 bonus to RK to an ally... And many of the other Investigator bits, are accessible through the archetype, In such a way, that. A Rogue(skills + precision +feats) or Thauma or Fighter or Ranger (hunted prey etc) or Gunslinger, for fun, Or your INT Wizard or Psychic, for that matter, if not your Wisdom Cleric or Druid... But any of them might collect some important Investigation bits through skill selection, roleplay, and if necessary, the archetype. In the end. Do you love the Investigator class? Do you even 'like it'? Or, do you love the flavour in the suggested narratives, And perhaps, even love a few key mechanical. Components(accessible to anyone through the archetype)?
@RebelThenKing 5 месяцев назад
I'd say "por qué no los dos?" If I could have it my way, I'd make the mechanics of the Investigator lean EVEN MORE into exploration and fact finding, and even letting those abilities be used in combat in some way. Maybe if you've discovered something about an enemy during exploration you get a +2 to damage against them or something like that.
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
@@RebelThenKing Definitely. Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes... Uses his Brian, to win fights. Definitely awesome. Definitely worth a dedicated class that lleeans heeaviilly into it. Sherlock. Holmes, Poirot, Whoever is hunting Pink Panther, Murder She wrote, banacek, Monk, a dozen dozen dozen dozen others, We love detectives, we love mysteries, we as a people love love love it. But give us a class mechanics that can live up to the hype.
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
5:46 Agreed.
@jonathanbennison9220 5 месяцев назад
6:09 agreed.
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