
Patrick Ophuls: "Energy, Politics, and The Future" | The Great Simplification #47 

Nate Hagens
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Today, ecologist, political scientist, and author Patrick Ophuls joins Nate to discuss his new book, The Tragedy of Industrial Civilization and The Future of Politics. As he’s been doing for his lifetime of work, Patrick unpacks how energy, ecology and our political arrangements leave us in a predicament with no simple solutions. Before we can even begin to plan for the future, we need to understand what we face - Patrick Ophuls helps us do just that.
Dr. Patrick Ophuls (who writes under the pen name William Ophuls) is an American political scientist, ecologist, independent scholar, and author. Patrick has a PhD in political science from Yale University and has been a prominent voice in the environmental movement since the 1970s. His award winning book in 1977 is on the bookshelves of most people I know. He has written 10 books including ‘Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity’, ‘Plato's Revenge’, ‘Politics in the Age of Ecology’, and ‘Immoderate Greatness: Why Civilizations Fail’.
Show Notes & Links to Learn More: www.thegreatsi...
00:40 - Patrick Ophuls work + info
01:28 - The Tragedy of Industrial civilization and The Future of Politics (Not Yet Published)
03:18 - Ecology and the politics of scarcity
07:02 - Minamata Heavy Metal poisoning
07:51 - Garrett Hardin Tragedy of the Commons
08:40 - Plato, Thucydides, and The Great Tragedies
09:01 - Hobbes, Machiavelli, Rousseau
11:06 - Blood and Ruins by Richard Overy
11:11 - A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th... by Barbara W. Tuchman
14:22 - Joseph Tainter + TGS Episode
15:14 - Niall Ferguson, Doom
17:05 - NYC Professor let go for making Organic Chemistry to difficult
18:11 - Tsundoku
21:43 - Vaclav Smil, How The World Really Works
23:11 - Fossil fuel warming locked in for the foreseeable future
23:33 - Amplification in the Arctic warming compared to the rest of the world
24:55 - Electrifying the Titanic
25:13 - 95% of the components of renewable energy are made in China with coal and gas powered factories
26:32 - Psychology of changing a human’s mind
27:17 - Charlton Heston
28:29 - Material limits for renewable energies
29:47 - Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems
33:38 - Hobbes, State of Nature
34:02 - Apollonian Civilization
36:03 - Mass democracy
36:26 - Democracy is a historical exception
38:50 - Mark Zuckerberg, “I’m gonna break things”
39:00 - Dennis Meadows (TGS episode)
46:55 - Ivan Illich
57:57 - Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution by Simon Schama
1:03:20 - Methane release from melting permafrost
1:03:35 - Accelerated decreasing biodiversity
1:03:52 - 70% loss from living planet index
1:04:36 - Macron “The end of the age of abundance”
1:04:55 - French Prime Minister - energy sobriety and encouraging using 10% less energy
1:05:20 - Collapsology
1:05:33 - Advance Policy
1:06:35 - Greek Gods and Mythology
1:07:03 - Trente Glorieuses, Fukuyama: The End of History
1:08:09 - A Brief For The Defense by Jack Gilbert



8 сен 2024




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@rickricky5626 Год назад
none of my friends or any person i know could grasp the deep point he is making...plus people dont like bad news....people just cant grasp how deep we are in this ...time is short now.
@EvolutionWendy Год назад
You need to make new friends, I'm in the same situation, LOL Even smart friends don't grasp any limb of the Predicament Elephant. A favorite part near 57:00 he says the Sabbath was a day each week to set aside the normal concerns, and have a meditation/reflection reconnection with what is.
@christinearmington Год назад
Our smart friends could grasp our predicament, but they really don’t want to face it.
@noahbrown4388 Год назад
@@christinearmington So true. It's a lonely road.. If it weren't for outlets, such as Nate's, allowing for us to see that there are many others out there who also 'get it', it would be even more lonely
@ageofdecadence5661 Год назад
My friends and family are the same. Your virtual friends here understand.
@segasys1339 Год назад
Hardly anyone has irl friends that understands any of this but it was probably like this in every great tectonic shift until now. Now we can connect (sort of), though there's something very unsatisfying about experiencing connection through a screen.
@Li2b3th Год назад
🔊"Words like civility, self-restraint, duty, honor, responsibility, and sacrifice have lost most of their meaning or are even derided, but they will have to be resurrected. The fundamental teaching of ecology and a core spiritual truth is that we are all deeply intimately interrelated. Our politics must reflect that unelectable fact." 💯 Loved this episode!
@greenftechn Год назад
@mkkrupp2462 Год назад
Add to that - modesty. I’m not a prude, but….jeez!
@rickricky5626 Год назад
this guy gets it.....hit the nail on the head...he is right....the future is grim
@Rawdiswar Год назад
@@elekkr Then lay back, let it happen and remember to breathe.
@FedericoV75 Год назад
Thanks for this Nate. I'm Italian and I have discovered Mr. Ophuls works while writing my Politics PhD about Plato's Republic. It has completely changed my life and the way I look at my life, my work, my family and the future of humanity and the planet itself. I'm so thankful I've encountered the books of such a wise person at the moment I needed it most. Hope to hear again you two in the future.
@marcariotto1709 Год назад
In case you're interested and have never heard of Peter Zeihan's macro geopolitical analysis, you may want to check him out. Mr Ophul definitely has a different, maybe more academic way of articulating the material, but Peter had a similar effect on me and my understanding of geopolitics and our current situation a few years back. Despite the ugly future we face, I'm still hopeful for what I call positive White vs. negative Black Swan events to help us out and turn the tide going forward. Good luck to you and your family from me and my American Italian family! Take care
@FedericoV75 Год назад
@@marcariotto1709 Thx a lot for your kind reply! I will give a look at Zeihan's book. I've heard of him but I've not read him yet. I agree, let's hope in a White Swan. The trajectory for our civilization seems tragically fixed but it's not too late to change direction and what gives me a little hope Is that the overall conscience Is growing. Keep care mate, best of luck to you and your family :).
@Anthropoid333 Год назад
One of my favorite interviews (there are many)! Thank you Nate and Patrick!
@trevgrooves Год назад
Absolutely adore this man. Thanks for introducing me to him. Great interview.
@Orvulum Год назад
I've been following Nate since The Oil Drum & this may be my favorite interview! Patrick Ophuls offers a comprehensive, lucid, and concise description of the human predicament. Thanks to Nate for introducing us to the wisdom of Mr. Ophuls!
@michaelgriffith5119 Год назад
Outstanding! Thank you Nate and Patrick.
@derekalderman6221 Год назад
Another amazing discussion. Thank you Nate and Patrick.
@JonathanLoganPDX Год назад
Absolutely superb! What a vast intellectual psychological and spiritual delight!
@BrianFeugret Год назад
Incredible podcast. I have only read Immoderate Greatness and now want to explore more of Mr. Ophuls’ work. Thank you for this great exchange.
@albertdriescher2824 Год назад
The kind of conversation that we need to hear to wake us from the slumber. Share this far and wide. Who knows where the seed might fall....
@stacylake2341 Год назад
so far the best one
@EvolutionWendy Год назад
So true, this conversation deserves its own fan club meeting monthly to discuss a 10 minute segment 🤔
@robertpaulson6388 Год назад
I would love a round table with Nate, Patrick, and Michael Dowd. It would be a trifecta of Nate with the $ and energy background, Patrick with the historical and political perspective, and Michael with the spiritual. That would be a mind blower.
@augustswift5947 Год назад
Thanks Nate for bringing Patrick and such hard won wisdom to us (again). Will we listen? Can we hear?
@CitizenK1969 Год назад
Of the various The Great Simplification interviews of the last year or so, I find myself coming back to this one the most often for re-listens, probably because Ophuls' perspective strikes me as so deeply sane. But it's also sad, really, as he advocates acceptance (or maybe more a Kierkegaardian resignation) of Our Predicament, what he calls "the problématique," after the French. I've also done some Tibetan Buddhist retreats, including the Lam Rim (during which I learned I am a very poor meditator...) I wish the interview ended on a less plaintive note, but I think there is wisdom in warning young people that we're headed for a TIme of Troubles, because I think that is exactly right. What we can do for the young people in our lives is prepare them. Thanks for arranging this interview, Nate, and thanks to your assistants for creating the handy index. I've added Simon Schama's *Citizens* to my to-be-read list.
@anabolicamaranth7140 Год назад
The man doesn’t beat around the bush.
@rickricky5626 Год назад
a great talk
@EvolutionWendy Год назад
FOSSIL VIRTUE, my favorite concept from this most enlightening discussion.
@everythingmatters6308 Год назад
Thanks for this excellent interview.
@johnbanach3875 Год назад
Wow! Spellbinding conversation. How could you possibly top this one??
@robinschaufler444 9 месяцев назад
Every single episode I listen to counts as the most important thing I've ever heard. I never heard of Patrick Ophuls before, but now I'm going to go buy all of his books. Yes, more meditation would dramatically improve our prospects for the future. Also more walks in the woods, with or without dogs.
@noahbrown4388 Год назад
Love this interview! I'm on my 2nd listening 😉 Although it's a tough cookie to swallow, these days I prefer people who don't sugar coat our predicament. There's little time left for bullsh*t -- maybe I'm just getting older and more crotchety, but I have less and less patience for it in whatever form I just received Patrick's (William's) Immoderate Greatness. I haven't read it yet, but have listened to Michael Dowd's narration several times. It's one of my favorites!
@noahbrown4388 Год назад
Oh.. and thank you both! 🙌🏻
@jato72 Год назад
Great guest!
@garynass2033 Год назад
Plato's notion of, "The Good, the True and the Beautiful!!! All present in this wonderful conversation. There really is no substitute for Good common sense articulation, True experience wisdom and Beautiful minds. Patrick and Nate, careful you don't leave us all hopeful!
@zoecohen9071 Год назад
Love the expression "electrifying the Titanic"...
@sudd3660 Год назад
we need to do whats needs to be done, go back in lifestyle as far as we need to. in the end we all just need people around us, food and shelter.
@marcariotto1709 Год назад
Great podcast Nate! Patrick paints what I believe to be one of the most encompassing factual assessments of the global pictures out there. Thank you for your work.
@englishbest Год назад
If just 1 percent of everyone on this planet listened to this episode and drew the appropriate conclusions, in a few years our world would be a great place again.
@FREEAGAIN432 5 месяцев назад
beautiful and inspiring talk. Thanks so much Nate and Patrick.
@carinwiseman4309 Год назад
Most people cannot survive without a car. Most of this country was built around the car. I have exactly one store I could walk to to get anything I would need to survive. I am older, and though I have been learning to grow some of my own food, I have been raised to total dependency on existing systems and would not know how to survive on my own. When these things happen, billions of us will just die very quickly. You are correct about our declining morality presaging events that will happen. Very scary. Very articulate interview.
@Changeworld408 Год назад
I fully agree with yr uncomfortable analysis😢❤
@Changeworld408 Год назад
Move to a place where you build relationships and learn some skill where you offer a wanted service in the post industrial economy❤
@robertdavies82 6 месяцев назад
I'm in the same boat. 18 miles from groceries and medicine. I love my tiny town, forest and fields. Best of luck my friend. ❤😊
@MrJoker42369 Год назад
In! This oughta be good, as always...
@petertucker3336 Год назад
Ophul's eutopian vision, his "Bali with Electronics", sounds a lot like Aldous Huxley's last novel "Island"
@greenftechn Год назад
What a wonderful conversation and guest! I'll be looking for Patrick's writings
@kraigschultz8622 Год назад
An intro to Zen and Mindfulness for North Americans, I recommend, the book "Being Peace" by Thich Nhat Hanh offers timeless encouragement to sow Peace by being Peace. Being Peace is a quick introduction to Zen, mindfullness and provides practical advice that is palatable for American application. I especially think the 14 Mindfulness Trainings of Interbeing" presented in the book are an ointment we need to sooth the canker of polarization that is seething in the USA today (and are amazingly aligned with the teachings from the Sermon on the Mount). One Amazon reviewer of the book wrote this: "Thich Nhat Hanh ("Thich" is his title, not his name), also known to his students as "Thay," has written more than 60 books in English alone. This slim volume, BEING PEACE, consists of a series of Zen teachings presented in the United States over the years. It is very much a book directed toward Americans. Thay's position in BEING PEACE is that we cannot HAVE peace until we ARE peace; in short, we must actualize peace through our lives. He gives us a series of illustrative situations to think on, and also gives us "The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings of Interbeing," a set of modernized and specially-adapted Zen Precepts that we can work with. Perhaps the simplest summation of BEING PEACE comes toward the end: "There is a lot of anger in the Peace Movement...very good at writing a protest letter...need[ing] to write a love letter, a letter that [the recipient] wants to read.""...
@georgeshepherd3381 Год назад
Thank you! Liking this lots;
Nate, as usual a very poignant podcast. I must say this was perhaps, for me at least, one of the most impactful. I have watched this one twice because there is so much to unpack. It also solidified, based on my own research of the problems and my understanding and observations of human behaviour and politics that we are on a pathway to a major collapse within the next decade or so. It is way to late to exact the extreme change required to turn things around. The reference to Buddhism struck a chord with me because that practice has been very centering for me in a world that values things more than sustainable life. There was a scene in the movie 2012 where you see a Buddhist monk meditating on a mountain as a giant tidal wave slams into the mountain. He continues his meditation fearlessly as he is washed away to his death. This is a good metaphor for our dilemma and a good exemplar for how we can gracefully accept a fate which I can see we are now locked in to. The western side of me grieves this situation and the Buddhist side of me sits with this, accepts this, meditates on this and will do my best to be present and enjoy each and every day as best I can.
@equinnox70 Год назад
Beautifully put, and the Buddhist wisdom you shared is helpful for these times. Tara Brach’s RAIN meditation technique has been a lifesaver for me personally when panic strikes.
@beefandbarley 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for sharing that conversation.
@jennysteves Год назад
So grateful for this interview. Thank you, thank you!
@CanadianPrepper Год назад
His opening statements remind me of Donald Worsters, Shrinking the Earth: The Rise and Decline of American Abundance
@boombot934 Год назад
❤Thank you🌹, dear Patrick and Nate! What a wise and kind philosopher is Patrick! 😢😊
@dirdy-dollarz Год назад
Thank you Nate for sharing this wise-western Sage’s words.
@TennesseeJed Год назад
I am looking forward to this one...once the audio catches up to the upload.
@EvolutionWendy Год назад
This one is deep and full. Worth a second listen, easily.
@maxbesley1412 7 месяцев назад
I rarely comment on yt, but I have to say that Ophuls hit the nail on the head very concisely. His analogy about the “box canyon” is near perfect. This entire civilisation (and the arc of history) needs to do a complete one-eighty and head the other way. Unfortunately, most ordinary people do not have anything close to the psychological traits that are needed for the emergence of a good future. Politicians - even though they have much power - cannot turn this thing around either, since they are ultimately trapped in the current zeitgeist and are beholden to the desires of their respective populations (especially in democracies). I don’t think a new “cultural enlightenment” or “awakening” is impossible, but when I look out at society, what I find there is not encouraging… Such a fantastic man. I heard about Patrick through Iain McGhilchrist. I would pay 💰 to see those two old chaps have a conversation.
@rickricky5626 Год назад
at 21.55 he clearly states we missed any chance to avoid civilization collapse by at least 50 YEARS.
@annethacker8292 Год назад
Superb interview! Thank you both... I am learning so much, being reminded of so much and being exposed to new knowledge that no doubt will serve me in the chaotic months and years (if we have them) to come. You Nate are performing a vital public service with these interviews....Thank you thank you thank you...💙
@oliviachipperfield6029 Год назад
Bloody brilliant!!! ❤❤❤
@griffinmoore Год назад
Good conversation. Would love to see animal issues raised further, both in terms of ecology and ethics. Perhaps Daniel Schmachtenberger could come back or Joseph Poore. Thanks!
@kenpentel3396 Год назад
@mendyboio3917 Год назад
Excellent interview! The near future holds "Wet-bulb" temperatures.
@ericfaahcs1080 Год назад
Amazing episode, Im glad I found him through your podcast, you recently mentioned him in the episode with Ian McGilchrist. Looking forward to read his books!
@BobQuigley Год назад
@realeyesrealizereallies6828 10 месяцев назад
Wow, what a great talk...
@joekas7307 Год назад
Another good episode....
@dankoepp68 Год назад
Again, Nate and guests, life altering talk and it is a privilege to be able to access this. I also want to point out that you have a severe incremental impact on the book purchase of mine. Not only because you always recommend great books , but increasingly so as I realized the energy requirement of libraries and their books particularly when you extrapolate what will happen to them ( see library of Alexandria ) An Aikido Shodan….
@treefrog3349 Год назад
Humanity's fatal flaw is that it has convinced itself that the Earth is FOR and ALL ABOUT themselves, homo sapiens. We have learned of the interconnectedness of all things, yet still delude ourselves into believing that we "shall have dominion over all the Earth..." Hubris, unadulterated, demonstrable hubris. Ironically, there ARE advantages to being a decrepit old man on his way out of this popcorn show.
@EvolutionWendy Год назад
That's overly simplifying the complex evolved system that humanity occupies. Information provided in this talk is fantabulous!
@EvolutionWendy Год назад
A decrepit old man on his way out of this popcorn show? Poetic but foolish bio of the author.
@RichardBullKTM Год назад
@@EvolutionWendy Probably referring to himself rather than the author.
@paulwhetstone0473 Год назад
This was a wonderful dialogue. It really resonated with my inner collapsitarian. It seemed like a bad joke, however, to mention France’s voluntary 10% energy reduction. Why not just ask people to voluntarily breed only 1 or no offspring? That’s a funnier joke but it would actually do more to reduce humanity’s carbon footprint and help slow down earth overshoot in the long term. In any case, I thought this old coot knows what the score is and I loved his sense of the tragic.
@waynebollman Год назад
This might be my favorite one yet.
@SladeOb Год назад
Nate.. Please bring your phone on your walk. Just turn it off. If you have an emergency you will wish you had it.
@kyleganse4978 Год назад
Great talk. The level of consciousness that created the problem will not be what solves it
@noahbrown4388 Год назад
31:44 Or the obverse: ‘War is politics by other means’
@jgirlaldrich6559 6 месяцев назад
Nate, are you ever just fearful? I certainly am. What do you do to sooth the tremulousness?
@jimmieoakland3843 Год назад
I'm not convinced we can avoid disaster in the future by simply practicing moderation. One of the results of the easy access to relatively cheap energy is that large populations have grown in extremely hostile areas. There are now millions of people living in the southwest, something that would not be possible without cheap energy to run air conditioners. If the energy becomes scarce it would be hard to address the problem by running the air conditioning for just a few hours a day. People would actually die. I don't think people have any idea how hard life is going to be no matter what steps we take at this point. There are likely to be huge disruptions, with populations on the move as they seek more moderate living conditions. That alone will cause conflict as the battle for resources, which is going on now, intensifies.
@elizabethpearce2011 Год назад
Thanks Nate I’m still chewing on these concepts. For meditation you might want to check out Binaural Beats. I use holosync from Centerpointe
@GM4ThePeople Год назад
"Ophuls" is an anagram for "Lush Op", or alternatively, "Plus Ho".
@Michealfarmer Год назад
My goodness. That was grim.
@fabriciofercher8317 Год назад
POLITICS AND THE FUTURE CAN NOT BE TOGETHER!!! An area where competent is totally neglected can not take us out of this mess, much less guide us to the future.
@IanPritchard Год назад
I have just come across your channel and found the conversations very interesting. I would love to hear a conversation between you and Alex Epstein. I'm sure it would be very interesting indeed. What are the chances of that?
@RickLarsonPermacultureDesigner 8 месяцев назад
Or listening to Nate Hagens for hours on end to keep books at bay. Jajaja.
@RickLarsonPermacultureDesigner 8 месяцев назад
The only meditation that will pay off is over a garden bed. But in the flavor of the over riding idea of this podcast most of you won't until a bully starts whipping you. Of course, the bully will get the food and you will learn to live on the scraps. Hahaha!
@jesperandersson889 Год назад
Hume was ALSO not unlike Montaigne involved in this idea (Hobbes and Locke) namely of how the roman virtues were useful - sentiments.
@clintstinkeye5607 Год назад
@dianewallace6064 Год назад
LOL. I am exactly "industrial army cannon fodder".
@leskuzyk2425 Год назад
Let's see. Costa Rica, living at one third the consumption levels of North America, still runs a democracy. A better version than Canada, or the US. Lumping democracy in with consumption may not be the best grouping.
@fallingacorns5075 11 месяцев назад
how are we going to survive loss aversion and anger on steroids?
@rickricky5626 Год назад
at 23.18 he clearly states we will blow past 2 degrees celsius ...i would argue we blew past 2 degrees few years back....in other words we tripped many tipping points ..AND THERE IS NO GOING BACK..in fact we will blow past 3 degrees soon.
@Fox-in-sox Год назад
Dude…. I’ve been living in Tokyo for 25 years. I can see Mt Fuji from my office window every day and it’s about 20 miles away. The Sumida river which used to be a garbage dump is now clear. Come back and refresh your prejudices
@forknowledge6959 Год назад
I think it was this podcast that mentioned the keystone pipeline being safer transport of oil than trains. After this major disaster in the news today, are you still sure about that?
@Changeworld408 Год назад
Historical mean. I think people in the 1800 where pretty poor , but lesrned skill to survive. 1 billion people where living beginning 1800. I sm afraid in industrially dependant countries will be reduced to 1 to 5 percent ot the population. Living in capital cities will be a nightmare and the population will quickly dwindle 😮
@Changeworld408 Год назад
❤i agree 100 percent
@Changeworld408 Год назад
Me too
@Changeworld408 11 месяцев назад
i agree to, you are a smart SOB🥰
to offer a practical solution, I do wonder if crafts people are the people who are going to be the back up system when this goes wrong. People who have learned to blow glass for fun.
@Michealfarmer Год назад
48:31 Reality increasing resembles the state of nature.
@reinhardrinaldo350 Год назад
Arctic melting? Escaping the published Zeitgeist is apparently very hard...
@dianewallace6064 Год назад
23:00 Artic amplification of 8X brings to my mind phytoplankton die off. Humor me to make this citation: 'Sergei Petrovskii is a Russian-born British mathematician who researches the modeling of natural phenomena. He is a professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Leicester. In 2015, he led a study that found that if the ocean temperature were to increase by about six degrees Celsius due to global warming, phytoplankton might stop producing oxygen. This would lead to shortages of oxygen in the atmosphere, which could be very harmful to humans. Petrovskii said, "About two thirds of the planet's total atmospheric oxygen is produced by ocean phytoplankton - and therefore cessation would result in the depletion of atmospheric oxygen on a global scale. This would likely result in the mass mortality of animals and humans." Petrovskii's study appeared in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.'
@ximono Год назад
Ophals is great, but I don't share his support for Hobbes' view that the state of nature is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short". It probably will be like that for many when this civilization falls, at least in densely populated and highly armed areas… But I think David Graeber and other anthropologists would have a thing or two to say about Hobbes' "natural condition of mankind". First, the assumption that, unless tamed by civilization or society, people are savages. "War of all against all." (Speak for yourselves.) There are numerous examples to the contrary. Second, the assumption that humans are solitary. We're anything but, we're extremely social. If anything, it's in this civilization that people have become solitary. I think Hobbes' description might apply to the _collapse_ of the Leviathan. Not to what's outside of it. And I think that Hobbes' Leviathan is doomed to collapse, as any powerful state is. The alternative to civilization is not the dystopia of Hobbes' brutish savage, nor the utopia of Rosseau's noble savage, but the coming together of people out of a shared predicament or cause. And over time, the gradual creative exploration of other ways of living (with ourselves, with others and with the cosmos). Maybe one day we'll get it right.
@brushstroke3733 Год назад
Aliens to thes rescue! 🤪
@danielbtwd Год назад
80% of what we have been educated to value has no value.
@brushstroke3733 Год назад
Don't worry, we'll just use Nikola Tesla's perpetual motion machine to make free energy for all. Just ask your local Nikola Tesla nut.
@Twisted_Cabage Год назад
Gotta disagree on one point. Christianity is and always has been devoid of virtue
@noahbrown4388 Год назад
Can you elaborate please?
@obliquusfasciculare9963 Год назад
Yes, an elaboration please
@christinearmington Год назад
Seems like a really smart guy, but I don’t think he understands how nom de plumes are supposed to work. 😆 (noms de plume?) 🤷‍♀️
@thurstonhowellthetwelf3220 Год назад
Yes, my noms de plume..as a writer would be Paige Turner...I've got hundreds more...
@georgenelson8917 Год назад
A wonderful man. But as a antinatalist who is 75 who saw all this coming in 1965 and choose not to breed any children or grandchildren ( like he has) :why did he breed?
@davidcurrier4895 Год назад
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