For someone who is such a serious actor but doesn't play into the performative celebrity, the wrist and head bands and burping cloth were extremely unexpected deadpan comedic moves. loved it.
When I think of Paul Dano I think of the Girl Next Door so I felt the exact opposite as you. I haven't seen his recent films and was surprised with how calm and poised his personality was. Great interview.
I like that Dano pointed out Sean's hand rubbing. It feels like a peek into his acting process. Looking for little ticks and idiosyncracies that he can bake into a performance, as if he plans to play Sean Evans as a character in a future role.
I love how he slowly reveals more and more of his preparation 😄 the sweatbands, his kids bib, the headband. His subtle comedic relive played great with the show.
My favorite moment was when Paul Dano's eyes light up in both recognition and surprise as Sean asks the question about how Paul Schrader's book influencd his art. There's like a palpable shift where Paul Dano realizes "oh this is going to be a thoughtful AND fun interview" and it's really delightful. I can never get over how pleased folks are to talk with Sean based on the questions and research done for the show.
It was so fun to watch Paul progressively become more impressed with the interview with each question. Then by wing 6 he fully realizes he’s talking to someone else who’s great at their craft. Leans in, and just suddenly becomes himself. That was a cool process to watch.
I picked up on that surprised tone he used when Sean asked his second question. Paul says "Oh... nice, ok". Like he was expecting some "What was your favorite part of playing the riddler?" Level questions since ... its a chicken wing interview. But hes met instead with an actual top tier interviewer and not just some TMZ airhead.
Yeah I never really understood why everyone's so amazed by this guy and his scripted sounding basic af question.. I mean I already heard he doesn't actually use real hot sauce every interview or atleast uses milder sauce than what's presented..
@@jbro95 he's probably just a naive hater and hipster. Sean's interview style is nearly on par with Nardwuar in terms of authenticity and research. Both pioneers of their craft. Objectively phenomenonal interviewers.
There’s a moment in every episode when the guest looks at Sean when he’s asking a question and you know they’re thinking “this guy’s different, these aren’t the normal questions one gets on a normal media interview blitz day” man I love Sean
i had the biggest crush on him when I saw lil miss sunshine as a kid. its so nice to know people you liked as a youth are genuinely good, interesting people.
This was masterful by Dano, the slow reveal of each wristband, to the burp cloth and headband. Hilarious and just low key confident. This man will win an Oscar, you can just feel it.
3:51 I LOVE THE WAY HIS EYES LIGHT UP WHEN HE GETS MORE AND MORE INTRIGUED BY SEAN'S QUESTION. Great work as always to the people who do the research on this show.
What a genuine and nice person he seems to be. It wouldn't hurt to have more thoughtful and considerate actors like him in the industry. Because sometimes I get the feeling there might be quite a lot of a**holes there perhaps. I genuinely adore him and his work.
@@DieTinBach I disagree I don’t think that’s a uniquely European or non American trait, I think honesty and self awareness are universally lacking, maybe British actors are more articulate but I don’t think they’re more genuine
@@DieTinBach I don't know if you're well traveled or not, but Americans are far from the least self-aware people. Most Americans are fully aware of their gluttony and happy to talk about it... it's not a lack of self-awareness, it's an overabundance of consumerism.
Paul is so cute, such dad vibes. And he seems genuinely funny, his slow outfit reveal was on point, it got everyone on the set laughing and me along xD
I loved that he said that he doesnt go for the top role on a movie. rather he goes for the one that just feels right for him. really tells you that he is honest with his craft.
I still remember him as the older brother in Little Miss Sunshine who didn’t speak for most of the movie, had a breakdown in the last 40 minutes, and then was fantastic with his dialogue when he had lines in the end.
He asks really good questions. I am sure when they do their rounds promoting films that actors get sick of same questions usually from goofy entertainment reporters 🙄😄
"So Paul, in 1992 you broke your little sister's favourite My Little Pony toy and told no one. She believed it had been crushed by her Dad when he opened a door and has never forgiven her father. It has been a wedge between them both ever since no matter how much he claims innocence. You have been secretly plagued by this guilt ever since and think about it regularly. Do you use that guilt to empower your performances in certain roles?" - Paul's face goes white...
Me too, he really stood out to me, that he was going to be huge. I remember thinking the same thing seeing Rami Malek in Night at the Museum, he just stood out & it was clear he would go on to do great things.
Having a calm base to work from is better for role variety than being on the edge. When you're calm, you can go any way you want, when you're the "angry guy", that's all you end being able to do
Yet another example of how nicely Sean brings out people's real characters and makes them comfortable. Paul is so clearly very different to most of his iconic characters and I think it shows just how much he puts into his performances.
I met Paul and Zoe a few years ago and they are the most genuine lovely people. I've met a few celebs and they're so humble and down to earth. Could listen to him chat for hours :)
Yeah, it's kind of rare to find an actor that's still going to give it everything they've got but be totally happy to be in the background or not a main character, all in the hopes of putting out the best product they can. That's dedication to the work!
Its so funny how this show has perfected itself over the years, I mean the music, production, questions, A-list actors and the over all quality of this whole thing just amazes me
The look on his face at 3:54 is why Sean gets the big guests and hopefully the big bucks. Honest, sincere, respectful, researched and interesting questions. BOOM
I loved the progressive unveiling of sweat bands Paul performed. That was a great bit. He clearly prepared for this interview and gave it the respect it deserved.
I've been a fan of HotOnes since Episode 1 and I got to say the one thing that never gets old, is how well educated and well prepared Sean is for his interviews. I love it even more when the guests get taken back by his preparation and give him praise mid-interview.
I think Paul is awesome and the fact that he came prepared with the head and wristbands.... AND his infant's burp rag, makes me appreciate him even more. He had an idea of what to expect from Sean and the show. Great way to end the season!
Paul is an incredible actor but watching him in this be so calm and collected I feel like he should be in a movie similar to Viggo's A History of Violence. Based in a small town, loving dad and husband, restaurant owner with a secret past. He would just nail the role.
“Let the people know what you have going on in your life.” “Like in my life right now, personally, like me -Paul? I got a baby…” What a genuinely funny dude. That was such an enjoyable interview!
Another great episode as always! How does Sean Evans do it every single time? Every guest is genuinely HAPPY to be on the show and HAPPY to be asked these questions he comes up with. Hats off man! Respect.
It's interesting (to me) that Paul Dano doesn't come to my mind when I think of great actors, but when I think about his career, he really is fantastic. I saw this video and essentially shrugged, but watching it, I think this is the first time I have ever seen Dano outside of a role. I really appreciated his thoughtful approach to answering the questions and his enthusiasm to taking on the wings. He was really great and fun to watch. He's always great and a really interesting actor. I'm glad Hot Ones had him on and that he agreed to do it.
i love seeing paul dano in such a relaxed environment where his great personality really shines. he's one of my favorite actors ever because he's just so genuine in his art. i'll watch literally anything with this man in it
He's very different, but he reminds me of a young PSH. He has this effortless presence while also being able to just fade into the background without drawing attention from the focal points of the scene. I hope PTA is still making films when he's 65 and Dano is there at 55 to be his new PSH.
paul is my favorite actor, the movies and roles he’s done mean a lot to me and i hope he knows how appreciated his work is. truly such a talented man, and so soft spoken and kind. my absolute favorite!
There are not many actors like Paul Dano nowadays.. he’s just normal! He’s not flashy or trying to act cool. He’s so calm and down to earth. Yet he has one of the most incredible acting careers ever! I don’t think i’ve ever seen him in an interview before, I didn’t know he has this kind of humour! I hope he knows how appreciated he is 🤍
Since the beginning of the show, we've seen guests surprise and joy in being asked questions that are singularly unique, interesting, worthwhile, consequential, "what a great question", or "wow! no one has ever asked that before." I've always wonderful if Sean and his team are just super talented at picking up on things like this or if there is a real research methodology that can be learned.
Sean was so right in that Paul is one of the very few actors who really doesn’t have a bad movie - I love his work and he has such passion in every part he plays
I always enjoy the reaction by the guests to the amazing research and questions they face. I assume these are the best questions they get asked on interview shows.
This was a great interview. I remember watching some of Paul's earlier interviews near the 2000's and 2010's, but he was awkward and not very watchable. Now, he speaks with such soul and illuminates each story he shares. Great to watch him evolve.
Paul Dano had only four days to prepare for the role of Eli Sunday in There Will Be Blood and immediately started filming, that's how talented he is. Four days to prepare, and nominated for BAFTA. Incredible.