
PEGGYS PRAISE OF HER PLURAL MARRIAGE ANCESTORS!With Additiional Passionate Context & Praise From Me! 

David Alexander
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PEGGY'S PRAISE OF HER PLURAL MARRIAGE ANCESTORS! With Additional Passionate Context & Praise From Me! A Passionate Defense of Our Glorious Heritage! Much love, David
For those who want them...here are two links...one to the video I made about the Early Polygamy of the Saints...and then Elder Corbridge's Amazing Talk, "Stand Forever"!
The Early Polygamy of The Latter Day Saints:An Embarrassment, or Glorious?studio.youtube...
Elder Corbridge's Amazing Talk "Stand Forever"...
Full Talk: • Stand Forever | Lawren... (27 minutes long)
Parker Walbeck's Abridged Version of the talk: About four minutes long....
• Stand Forever // Lawre...
Also, FAIR (Faithful Answers, Informed Response) is a wonderful place to find balanced, faithful answers to sincere questions www.fairlatter...



10 сен 2024




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@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
@katherineshiver9428 • 4 hours ago If y’all are going to promote plural wives, then maybe build the foundation for it from the Bible and the Book of Mormon, it would be really great to finally see where Heavenly Father institutes plural wives and commands it. I would love to see all the scripture references you know Brother Alexander of it being directed from God. Why sow division when we seriously have more in scriptures about what marriage is - by Christ, and that plural wives is wickedness and an abomination to God? Truth is more important now than ever if we want to build the Kingdom of God with Jesus Christ. What did Jesus Christ, the example in all things, say about marriage???? @davidmalvinalexander • 18 minutes ago Katherine, I don't have to "build the foundation for it" . God did that already. As D & C 1:38 plainly declares, 38 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same. This is the most fundamental Distinctive of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, that God's People are led by Him...through Prophets....that when they teach us, as Prophets, their voice is the same as the Voice of Heavenly Father. You have totally thrown this fundamental distinctive in the garbage, being fully convinced that you "know better" than what every Prophet of the Church who together with his counselors and the Quorum of 12....have taught since Joseph Smith instituted polygamy about 190 years ago... Polygamy came in...by Prophetic Revelation..and then in 1890, went out by Prophetic Revelation. You utterly deny that it came in by Prophetic Revelation...claiming it is totally "of the devil". You are not one bit different, in spirit,...than those modern Polygamists, who falsely claim that the early Polygamy "did not go OUT by Prophetic Revelation" and once excommunicated, formed the FLDS back in the 1930's. Both of you...are certain you "know better" than our Prophets and Apostles do. To you, the millions of Saints who have descended from all those Polygamous families...that have been the heart and soul of the Church since its founding....to you, it would have been better if they had never been born, the very existence of their ancestors families, as constituted...was all "of the devil"! Please explain, Katherine....HOW do you maintain a Temple Recommend...without flat-out lying? As for what Jesus said about marriage...this is what He commanded the Jews, regarding Moses and his successors...in Matthew chapter 23: 23:1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 2 Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: 3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do.. And Katherine, God commanded them through Moses...this: Deuteronomy 25:5 If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her. 6 And it shall be, that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out of Israel. This command was in effect, regardless of whether the surviving brother was already married or not; to not obey it, was actually considered shameful sin. This command, was from Heavenly Father, through Moses. To pretend, in the face of this...that plural marriage can NEVER "be of God"...is simply untrue. What our Wonderful Prophets teach us IS TRUE...that monogamy is the norm...but God can and does command otherwise in certain circumstances, and when He commands it through His Prophets, as He did through Moses for a time, and then through Joseph Smtih for a time...it is a righteous thing. The Scripture, Katherine, is the record of God's Revelation to His People through Prophets, and is "of no private interpretation". It is the task of our Prophet and His Apostles to sort this stuff out...you have no authority to come to heretical conclusions based on your own understanding...that contradicts what they teach us. You might as well start your own church, because that is what you are actually doing. 19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter, 1;19-21 Much love, David
@misssue1824 3 месяца назад
Katherine, some of the most important and basic doctrine is missing from the Bible. Polygamy was not lived in the Book of Mormon so only monogamy was mentioned. We know that polygamy was approved at times because the great patriarchs lived it without censure (even Moses) and it was commanded in these last days.
@cathynielsen8543 3 месяца назад
It seems that you didn't listen very closely to the video!
@katherineshiver9428 3 месяца назад
David you keep judging my salvation and are putting words in my mouth, like “I think none of the children should have been born in polygamy.” You are out of bounds brother and so back up off me. You are taking things to the extreme and lying about me. I see that I do actually know more than you because of my study and all the revealing things that have been coming forth about the early church, not a claim I would ever usually make but it is true in this instance. You know I said I can’t judge those who practiced polygamy nor do I want to. I’m actually pretty certain a lot of them had good intentions. I like how you count the posterity in the millions because I said it was millions and more who shun the church because of the early church practicing polygamy, should be a wash then, but I doubt it. Polygamy went out under threat of the government. You make it sound as if no prophet can do wrong, never chastised by the Lord or corrected, never needed to start again with new people and prophets, never the apostasy, there should still be a priesthood ban on some people, etc… I believe in Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost and I believe in the scriptures and I believe in prophets and apostles, I sustain our church leaders, I pay tithing, etc… I am not required to believe in polygamy, that falls under my agency. Nothing you have said or referenced changes my mind, I don’t believe the Lord would condemn something so much and then pop up here or there and see it as righteous; I have more faith in how the Lord loves and respects His daughters to think they should or would be used in such a way. I want to be one with my husband and he wants to be one with me, our marriage and sealing are sacred. Love others or do unto others as you would have others love and do unto you - is the second great commandment and I guarantee polygamy is not a way to honor or keep that commandment. Your reference is just Christ telling people to follow the laws, what did He specifically say marriage was for? You know and so rhetorical question, I don’t know how you pick and choose what relates to marriage, but I prefer to read Mark 10 and Matthew 19 and follow Christ, which is all that I am asked to do constantly by the church and our Prophet. Polygamy is not some “sacrifice” I am asked to make and I don’t have to pretend that I would to be a member of this church. But you think I should it seems. I really liked you and thought your conversion was amazing, I never imagined we would interact like this. Sad really. Be well. I will never click on anything of yours again nor will I comment any further here, so give the readers your last word if you want and keep condemning me, I don’t care.
@Nikkiotero 3 месяца назад
​​​​Your very methods of defending your stance which is causing discord inside The Lord 's church....is not of The Lord. Whether a subject be right or wrong, the dissention that it causes is more times than not the bigger transgression is what I truly believe. Our pioneer Latter-Day Saints sisters went through the refiner's fire. Please don't speak good things of them, then openly sow seeds of discord against polygamy, the very thing that they faithfully endured. That is a subtle form of mockery. You can say that you love The Church, you can say you sustain our leaders, you can say you have a testimony of this gospel until you are blue in the face.... But your actions prove differently. Causing dissention within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not of The Lord! It never was, it never will be. One of my favorite bloggers, Br Brad McBride formerly of "Middle Aged Mormon Man and now called "Thus we see" said this a few years ago,not about polygamy but about questions in general, which has fervently stayed with me: I am paraphrasing from the top of my head. 👇👇👇👇 "I have questions - we ALL have questions. That is natural. I however will never allow my questions to possibly become somebody else's doubts!!!" Again this ☝️☝️ has fervently stayed with me throughout the years and has served me well. Instead, I take it privately to The Lord on my knees. He will answer my questions when He sees fit. In the meantime, all I can do is faithfully submit to Him by serving Him and humbling myself to Him. Not openly sowing seeds of discord WITHIN HIS CHURCH!!!! which will only bring you further down, which will only cause further dissention and anger and bitterness as partly evidenced in your response to Br Alexander's comments. Is that of The Lord? Is that what you are willing to do? That is what you and others striking discord are doing. A broken heart and a contrite spirit is what is needed. Submitting yourself before The Lord is what is needed, not thinking you know better than The Prophet, Apostles, and other General authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because again, you can speak until the cows come home, but your very actions speak louder than your words. My heart truly breaks for you, so much that I had to comment. Please don't let this be the thing that causes you to separate from The Church because that is truly the only outcome I see for you if you are honest in your temple recommend interview. It truly boggles my mind that you have a temple recommend because the stance that you have and are openly sharing simply does not align with one going into The House of The Lord - I am sorry but it does not, I do not say this to be mean, you are truly doing yourself a disservice going into the temple while still knowingly stirring up dissention. Satan has truly gotten ahold of your heart if you can't see what you are doing. My heart truly is broken and I sincerely mean this. You are my sister and I have much love in my heart for you in Christ.
@Nikkiotero 3 месяца назад
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​@@katherineshiver9428 All I can say is that I have the pure love of Christ for you. I dont know you but my heart truly cries because I don't want to tell you the things I've told you, but how could I not? It weighed heavily on my heart. To see or hear of a beloved brother or sister losing their way hurts, it truly does. We will have to agree to disagree I guess, and believe me, I very much do not agree with you no matter how many scriptures you quote. Anti-LDS can also use scripture to prove their point as well, does it prove their point? No. Again, I stand by what I said - No matter the subject matter, no matter how firmly I believe in something..... I will never cause my questions to possibly become somebody else's doubts. Ever. Period. I will never knowingly fire the seeds of discord and cause an uproar such as you and certain others are doing! That is NOT The Lord's Way! It NEVER has been nor will it EVER be!!! I pray that I will never stand before The Lord and have to answer that somehow the dissension I caused resulted in someone doubting God's ways, and his annointed leaders. I pray that this is something I will never have to answer for, I don't believe it will be. I pray that this doesn't turn out to be the case for you. Please!😭
@roburry 3 месяца назад
The subject of Polygamy today is only an entry point to get members to unwittingly cut the thread that ties us to the prophet. If he can do that, he has almost won. If Brigham wasn’t a prophet, then neither was Joseph, and certainly not brother Russell. Many members don’t understand this. Every president from Joseph to Russell are prophets. If the adversary can get you start questioning the prophets… Once the adversary can get us to start pulling verses out of our canon, the end of our faith comes into sight. I have numerous ancestors that were polygamists. The inter generational blessings I have been given from my ancestors is impossible to put into words. Thank you for your testimony!!! Much love brother David!
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
You're welcome. This is truly the "thin end of the wedge"...only it isn't that thin....what you say is exactly right. To buy into this...is to reject the foundation of the Church...that Heavenly Father leads us through His Prophets, all of them...from Joseph Smith through Brigham Young and right on through to President Nelson. To undermine trust in our Prophets through utterly rejecting what they teach us...is totally the devil's work, no matter how "sincere" such people may imagine they are. What is even worse...the "cover" they employ to appear virtuous, even to themselves...is to present themselves as defenders of the virtue of Joseph Smith and of Heavenly Father...while to them, all succeeding Prophets and Leaders are not worthy of trust...but suspicion. What they are doing is completely contrary to the Restoration of the Church that Joseph Smith gave all to bring about. Thanks for your encouragement. Much love, David
@Steelblaidd 3 месяца назад
Even had the command been given only to Brigham and not Joseph, it would not have mattered for the truthfulness of the principle. Brigham was the prophet and held the keys and could command according to the will of the Lord. Proud descendant of plural marriage.
@lorrainequillon6496 3 месяца назад
I read a journal entry of a missionary who served in central Virginia in the 1880s. He said that he heard men gloat over the number of children they had fathered and afterwards abandoned them, thus not having to take responsibility for them. And the missionary marveled that the Saints were being castigated for practicing a lifestyle where the vast majority of the men sacrificed tremendously to care for their families.
@brendaprice4581 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this amazing podcast. I come from a polygamy family…. Without them I wouldn’t be here.I can’t even begin to imagine what these stalwart men and women went through for all of us that came after.❤❤❤
@dianehenry9775 3 месяца назад
As a seminary teacher years ago for the study of History of the Church, D&C, etc., I organized a year-end musical program summarizing our studies. During that year and organizing that program, my love and respect for the young, amazing prophet, Joseph Smith, filled my heart and has not left me since. He sacrificed his young life and family that he dearly loved for the Restoration of the Lord’s true church. “Praise to the Man”! I and my large family are also descended from wonderful, faithful saints who followed the commandment to participate in plural marriages to build up the Kingdom of God on the earth. What blessings we enjoy because of that. I have so many faithful relatives that continue to build the Kingdom. We revere all of our latter-day prophets!
@WitnessJesustheChrist 3 месяца назад
I have such faith in the principle of Plural Marriage. I have received a witness from God Almighty that Plural Marriage can be lived in righteousness. That is what was commanded of Joseph and Brigham and those called of God to participate. I know that Brigham Young served as a Prophet of God. I received this witness directly from God through His Holy Spirit while standing in Brigham’s home in Nauvoo in the summer of 2023. I know he is a prophet of God. I am so so grateful for this faith God has granted me. At 14 years of age my world was rocked when I learned about this ideas. I decided to build upon the faith I already possessed and for 30 years God has granted me line upon line a great love for and faith in this principle.
@kenyacurran7969 3 месяца назад
I am a descendent of those who practiced plural marriage. I also come from a large family from a farming community. I know that it would be an asset for those women to have extra hands to do all the work that was on those farms in that day. Do people realize how much work there was then? Many times those women had to do all the farming, chickens, cows, tilling, weeding, planting, watering, hauling water for drinking and bathing and making sure that the crops got water and didn’t fail. They worked hard! I loved working with my siblings. My da used to say, “Many hands make light work.” And I have come to realize that it did. I love my ancestors and am proud of their faith to follow the Lord’s commandment.
@Lemons2Lemonade2.0 3 месяца назад
I ❤ my heritage! This was a difficult call to be asked of. It was a calling of faith for sure. I will be eternally grateful to these stalwart people. Because of them, I am who I am.
@reneestewart7977 3 месяца назад
I am grateful for your testimony and conversation. I needed to be reminded of this principle today. We also have great love for our ancestors who answered this call. So hard, so difficult, but so fruitful. These men and women were the most courageous of all. Thank you once again David for all you do, and Peggy for sharing these stories. 😊
@HelamansArmy 3 месяца назад
I'm a descendant of five different polygamist families. The stories from these women, my ancestors, were inspiring in many ways. Not everything was wonderful all the time, as it is with every marriage. I'm a benefactor of their faithfulness. My fourth great grandmother, Abigail Sprague Bradford Gardener was a very stalwart member of the church, turning down comfortable worldly opportunities to stay with the saints. She even pulled the canon, old sow, to the Salt Lake Valley with her wagon that was nearly falling apart. Without Archibald Gardner she would have been alone to raise her five children who were still living. She buried one child in Indiana at around the time they joined the church, and her 12 year old son, Granville, and husband, JeHail, within few weeks when they were in Nauvoo. She ended up having two more children with Archibald. She buried her mom at the Winter Quarters cemetery and then buried her father in the Salt Lake cemetery a few months after their arrival in 1847. Reading her story is inspiring and I look forward to the opportunity to meet her.
@jamalive 3 месяца назад
we all may be related in ancestors.... three of my lines of genealogy had plural marriage.
@HelamansArmy 3 месяца назад
​@@jamalive That's very possible. Every time I use the "relatives around me" option with the family search app it's always another descendent of these polygamist marriages to whom I'm related. Could you imagine what a family reunion would look like today from one of those families? It would be enormous!
@jamalive 3 месяца назад
@@HelamansArmy I have been into FS and gone to ROOTS a few times. I never used that part of the app. very neat to try!
@jillhorkley9158 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing a beautiful story. It touched my heart ❤️
@genekuhnsjr.5245 3 месяца назад
Those who can not withstand a trial such as what Abraham went through, will not be able to withstand the trials that are coming… A great sifting is coming… The power that will descend upon the Saints in these last days…Saints who follow the Prophet as if he were Christ Himself, will be beyond what Christ has performed up to this point on earth… Hold fast to the truth…it is and will be glorious.
@sherylfleming3594 3 месяца назад
Thankyou David for this. l am so thank full to come from a plural Family. First wife had 9 children . His 2nd wife whom was the sister of the 1st wife had 8. 16 children survived. And 40 grandchildren born as the time of writng his letter to his posterity. He did whatever was asked of him because of his love for Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. And l am thankful for his parents who embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ and gathered with the Saints at Far West. I am proud of my heritage. It sadness me how some fellow saints react when they know of my history.
@jonelleaustin2213 2 месяца назад
AMEN. Truth can NOT be destroyed by mere mortals who think they know more than God and the testimony of living Prophets and Apostles on earth. ❤❤❤❤❤
@ClintK. 3 месяца назад
Covenant Plural marriage unfortunately has to many knee jerk reactions without people humbling themselves enough to really pray, consider and think about it and to allow the Lord to teach them. Society has a huge impact on our way of thinking. We live in a fallen world and a very fallen society. Before we were born for time unknown we belonged to Gods society. We lived with our heavenly parents and desired very much to be like them. We understood what kind of life our heavenly parents lived to the point we chose to come to Earth. We need to have a bit more faith in our selves and what we had originally chosen and why we chose to come to Earth. We wanted to enjoy the association that our Heavenly parents enjoyed. Covenant plural marriage is beautiful when we seek to understand Gods understanding and view of it.
@ginnymart5124 3 месяца назад
I'm the descendant of a polygamous family. His last wife was a woman with 7 children. She joined the church against her the wishes of her husband. When she returned home from her baptism she was greeted with 2 dresses at the front door. He told her take them and go. The children chose to go with her instead of staying with him.
@ginnymart5124 3 месяца назад
I didn't finish. He was introduced to her and told to take care of her. He married her and treated her children as if they were his own.
@benjones6869 3 месяца назад
Polygamy always seems to get people so titillated. Soon after I joined the LDS Church in 1982, my mother asked me, "Didn't Joseph Smith introduce polygamy because of lust?" I replied, "There are lots of easier ways to satisfy lust than to take on the responsibility of multiple wives and their children." She said, "Yeah, you're right.", and never brought it up again. I'm still waiting for someone to ask me, "Oh, you're a Mormon, how many wives do you have?" So I can reply, "Two", wait for the awkward pause and then add, "but one of them is deceased." My second wife has had a hard enough time with the deceased first wife being up on a pedestal for 20 years. I can only imagine what a challenge it would be to have two wives living at once. I am sealed to both of them, however. We shall see... A cousin asked, "If a man can have more than one wife (polygamy), why can't a woman have more than one husband (polyandry)?" My answer, though at that point I hadn't thought about it before, was that because a man puts his seed into the woman, with polygamy you always know who the father is. Not so with polyandry. In 1902 Reed Smoot was elected senator from Utah. He was not a polygamist but he was LDS and therefore believed in the principle of polygamy. The Senate held hearings for two years before letting Smoot take his seat. One wag commented, "I guess I'd rather have a polygamist who doesn't polyg that a monogamist who doesn't monog", referring to all those senators with their mistresses standing in judgement of the Mormons. Back in 2008, people were teasing Mitt Romney about polygamy until some wag pointed out that of the top three contenders for the Republican nomination, the only one who hadn't been married more than once was the Mormon.
@chadgundry8613 3 месяца назад
Polygamy was necessary at that time. It was necessary several times anciently. The prophet knows the will of God.
@andrewdurfee3896 3 месяца назад
I am likewise a recipient of a faithful woman who decided to practice plural marriage. It is a hard principle to live and in relation to the difficulty the lord poured out greater signs and revelation.
@gemelindacjp7976 3 месяца назад
I haven't listened to this video yet, but I want to respond to some of the comments. I entered the MTC in Provo in 1983. The person conducting the opening meeting asked how many of us were descended from polygamists. More than half of us indicated that we were. I have tried to find statistics about how many in the missionary force from about 1880 to 1980 were descended from polygamists, but I haven't found any. Just from anecdotal evidence though, if your ancestors joined the Church during that time, there was a good chance the missionaries teaching you were the product of plural marriage. In Jacob in The Book of Mormon it clearly states that if the Lord needs to raise up seed to Himself, he may command plural marriage; otherwise, men are to only have one wife. The fulfillment of the commandment to have plural wives served many purposes. I have heard the point made that since we are not currently asked to live this law, we cannot expect to have the same testimony of it that the early Saints did. One of the ways we gain a testimony of a commandment is by living that commandment. A good modern example that we have each probably heard stories about is tithing; people don't believe it until they live it. We need to quit speaking ill of Joseph and the early Saints who lived this law.
@katherineshiver9428 3 месяца назад
It does not say in Jacob that the Lord commands plural marriage or otherwise men are to only have one wife. The Lord has never commanded plural marriage anywhere in scripture, he has commanded righteous people to leave and go away from wicked people, which is why that chapter talks about Lehi leaving Jerusalem. You are trying to force it to be about polygamy and it is not, your quote is wrong. “These things” are the wicked things of plural wives and concubines or things that were happening in Jerusalem before it was destroyed. So unless they kept marriage between a man and one woman they too would suffer destruction. You should try reading it without assuming polygamy and see what you think, it is clear, if you don’t force polygamy into it.
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
He is not "forcing" anything...this is what the Prophet and Apostles teach us it means. You are in the process of essentially, starting your own church...that is not The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
@katherineshiver9428 3 месяца назад
@@davidmalvinalexander the members of the church are being given a chance to see and know the truth about the abomination of plural wives before the second coming of Christ, it is a false tradition from the early saints that perpetuates that misunderstanding. The early church was under condemnation for not using the Book of Mormon correctly which goes against this heroic narrative of polygamy. I will leave you all to your assumptions and look forward to the second coming, don’t accuse me of starting a different religion when there is nothing from Jesus Christ saying polygamy is righteous. I love the gospel and I sustain our church leaders - that is the beauty of not continuing to practice polygamy - the church would have never made it if it still was a practice.
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
You are DEEPLY self-deceived, Katherine. You do NOT "sustain our church leaders". What you are pushing, completely contradicts what they teach us and have taught us. Your imagined "members of the church are being given a chance to see and know the truth about the abomination of plural wives"...is precisely the spirit of the Accuser trying to divide sincere saints from their wonderful leaders. If you truly sustain our leaders on this...go to THEM and explain your convictions on this matter...and see just how far you get! The Devil is using you and those like you, to destroy true trust in the Leaders and Heritage of the Church. Shame on you! Much love, David
@katherineshiver9428 3 месяца назад
@@davidmalvinalexander also I would love to talk to our leaders about this and I wonder why they haven’t said anything yet. But the majority of church members don’t even have this topic on their radar and maybe it really doesn’t matter, if you believe in polygamy or not, if someone wants to leave the church they will find a reason. The Joseph Smith Papers are the perfect way to address the issue again.
@tamragoodrich6067 3 месяца назад
The fact that Joseph was seen and called to by Brigham Young when on his deathbed, shows how great and loved Brigham was by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Joseph came to conduct Brigham into the Spirit World. They are kindred spirits and working together I believe in the Spirit World!
@jenniferleon-guerrero634 3 месяца назад
Thank you David, I really enjoyed this video. I completely agree with your comments. Plural marriage was very difficult for all those involved, but they sacrificed everything to obey God. I’m so grateful for their sacrifice to build the kingdom of God.
@Kaydubbbb 3 месяца назад
Isaiah 60:22. A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time. The Lord picked the time, and it came to pass! The little small ones are not just Joseph Smith. Every person who practiced polygamy that was nothing in the eyes of the world has fulfilled this prophecy with their posterity!!
@HelamansArmy 3 месяца назад
Last time we ran across each other on David's channel you mentioned we should both change our user names such that we weren't identifiable. Looks like we've both accomplished the task!
@Kaydubbbb 3 месяца назад
@@HelamansArmygood to know 😊 I have a few more thoughts on this subject. I have heard people wresting Jacob 2:27-30, but I believe standard English pins it down pretty tightly with the word “ otherwise”
@HelamansArmy 3 месяца назад
@@Kaydubbbb I would agree with that. The word "otherwise" gives us bigger insight. I'm not cheering for plural marriage and I'm not fighting against the church because of it. I'm just happy that there were men willing to support the women in the church who were left without a spouse. I'm sure it wasn't a great solution for all who did practice plural marriage but for most it appears to have been a blessing in its own way. One wife is difficult and I can't imagine how hard multiple wives would be, for many reasons. I just know what my ancestors made the sacrifice because they were asked to. And it really was a sacrifice.
@Kaydubbbb 3 месяца назад
@@HelamansArmy exactly.
@maryfletcher9905 3 месяца назад
Dear Peggy ❤️ could you find MORE of those WONDERFUL statements from the journals and letters of ur dearly beloved ancestors and share them for A T ribute to those wonderful peple who gave up everything to do as the Lord commanded and how it has blessed the beginnings of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! And have it ready for Pioneer Day THE 24th of July of 2024!!😂🎉😅!! ..🤸‍♂️😂💥
@PeggyWest1127 3 месяца назад
I will do my best. I’m currently going through chemotherapy and some days are rough. How do I get ahold of you?
@jonelleaustin2213 2 месяца назад
AMEN. Truth from God is PURE Truth. GOD DOES NOT and CAN NOT lie. He will NEVER ask or tell us something either through past or present Apostles and Prophets. If He did, He would CEASE TO BE GOD!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
@tamragoodrich6067 3 месяца назад
You are so right about polygamy i believe. The church would have died without it i believe.
@WildinRaccoonDev 3 месяца назад
Beautiful Story...Very touching and inspiring History of your family sister..I hope I can find and search my ancestors also...
@lostmediaarchive 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for your videos on this. I feel seen! I’m so thankful and proud of my polygamist ancestors who sacrificed so much so that I could have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in my life from day one, within a righteous family and parents that emulate their faith in Christ and discipleship. My family line would not exist had it not been for polygamy and would have died with a barren couple. I would not be here today. I don’t ever want to take for granted the divine gifts and eternal blessings that I now enjoy because of the efforts of my great great grandparents. Sarah Ann Oakey, my great great grandmother was also the last living survivor of the Willie Handcart company. I thank her for her very difficult sacrifice and commitment to her faith, for my life and testimony today. Hooray for the early saints, who by faith and sacrifice practiced polygamy, to jump start a righteous covenant people in order for the early church to survive and flourish! Hooray for the wisdom of Heavenly Father in making this possible! Hooray for Polygamy for creating the 12 tribes of Israel. May I also add, hooray for the end of polygamy and a return to God’s standard of monogamy after polygamy had served its purpose! (I’m so glad I personally don’t have to live it, but the faith and commitment of those who chose to respond to the calling are an inspiration forever.) Hooray for Israel!
@brianfife2349 3 месяца назад
I absolutely love your sincere testimony!! Thankyou..There are you- tubers who I have respected that are now criticizing the Prophet for the Jab debalacle..I have stopped listening to them..Not because I believe or trust in the Jab..NO..it's because I support the Prophet..I believe in God's protection if I am doing my 100% best to keep the commandments and doing the will of the Lord..staying on the covenant path...I accepted that Joaeph had to practice Polygamy..I read Emma's biography..She didn't like it one bit..Please people stay on the covenant path..I love you both..Thank-you sincerely Leslie A. Fife
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
Brian, what is the "Jab debacle"? Please explain, and thanks!
@KaiJames44 3 месяца назад
I haven't heard of the "Jab." What is it? Please share since I truly honor my polygamous ancestors who literally sacrificed their all, including their lives, as Abraham and Sarah did.
@roburry 3 месяца назад
In a letter from and signed by the First Presidency, they “encouraged” us to get the vax. The jab is a more ytube friendly name for the C-19 vax.
@jilldowding-walker8066 3 месяца назад
I think some people were in support of taking Covid 19 injections (jabs). Some others were opposed to having the injections (jabs).
@tamragoodrich6067 3 месяца назад
​@KaiJames44 They are talking about the covid-19 vaccination. This vaccination was NOT a commandment. Not getting it did not prevent us from going to the temple. Our Stake President told us to talk to our doctor and work things out with him, if we had issues getting the "jab".
@gemelindacjp7976 3 месяца назад
I would suggest that anyone critical of Joseph Smith regarding plural marriage might want to listen to Don Bradley talk about this subject. He was involved in what was probably the most extensive research on the subject.
@rconger24 3 месяца назад
No one knows more about it than Don Bradley & Brian Hales.
@keithholgreen7294 3 месяца назад
That was 90 minutes well spent. I learned a lot more than I already knew. I am not a product of polygamy, and have never studied it in depth, I’ve always known it was received ass a commandment. But these stories brought it into a new light. Thanks
@president2 3 месяца назад
Would it be nice if we could have enough love in our hearts to rise above the need to suffer in these last days. I asked President Benson if we were destined to suffer and he said only if we don't repent. Let us urgently repent and chase evil off the earth. Can you bring yourself to that level or do you relish in many words and thus little accomplishment?
@nathanschaupp9709 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this faithful discussion! Abrahamic covenant yes, but polygamy also had very real utility in expeditiously establishing a "tight knit" community based on the restored New Testament Church and gospel. Establishing and fortifying yet another start of his "Kingdom on Earth". Once again cleaning up the dilution & pollution that had entered through deception and the passage of time. Among other powerful effects it forced the saints to band together and create a strong, independent society aka "kingdom". 🕊️
@Kaydubbbb 3 месяца назад
Some of these people are stretching standard English to consciously or subconsciously wrest or twist the meaning of Jacob 2:27-30
@cameronreed1411 3 месяца назад
One of my great grandfathers, Ormus Ephraim Bates, practiced polygamy with 7 wives - I'm descended through his first wife.
@royperkins28 3 месяца назад
Great episode David !!
@Jerb-ib9wx 3 месяца назад
It is so clear, when the lord commands it to raise up seed or for whatever purpose to test our faith maybe, tt will be done through a prophet. OTHERWISE as in the case of Jacob 2 he condems it. Just like in the case of the Lord commanding Nephi to kill Labin it was justified. In Mormon,s abridgement of the Book of Mormon he stated that the writings of the brother of Jared were so powerful that it would be impossible for a man not to read and he was about to write it but the Lord forbade it saying I will try the faith of my people. The gospel is not perfect it is however the way God wants it. It is impossible for me not to know the church is not true with my love of the authors of the book of Mormon. Plural marraige was instituted and taken away and reinstituted and taken away by God through revelation given by Prophets. You can't deny that and still claim to believe the Church is true unless you don't believe President Russell Nelson is a Prophet. I bear witness he is.
@bartonbagnes4605 3 месяца назад
Ether 12: 27 "...Then will I make weak things become strong unto them." and 2 Corinthians 12: 9 "... For my strength is made perfect in weakness..." God is using your weaknesses to build his kingdom. They speak against and condemn marrying more than one wife at a time, while they themselves have no problem having intimate relationships with more than one partner at the same time, and sometimes simultaneously, outside of marriage, basically practicing extramarital polygamy. We were told in 1 Timothy 4: 1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." Those who deny polygamy are fulfilling this prophecy, and it's not the kind of prophecy anyone should want to fulfill, for it only leads to their pain and suffering.
@katherineshiver9428 3 месяца назад
Ironic you think that way since having multiple wives was started by Satan. Go read the Pearl of Great Price and see who was the first to take more than one wife. I think believing in Heavenly Father and how marriage was set up from the beginning of the world and humanity is the smart way to go. Especially as we are told to follow the Savior and He never mentioned polygamy being okay, he said that marriage is between two so they can become one……that is a running theme.
@bartonbagnes4605 3 месяца назад
@@katherineshiver9428 Yet we have God supporting, instituting or even commanding polygamy at certain times for specific reasons in the Old Testament. Can we ignore or remove the parts of the Old Testament just because we don't like them? Of course not. For then we would have to remove the entire Old Testament as untrustworthy and not from God, and the entire New Testament that quotes the Old Testament and says it is the word of God, and also The Book Of Mormon for the same reason. But most importantly, you are not the Lord's Anointed to receive doctrine for his Church, so you have no authority to make changes that would affect God's whole Church.
@avoice423 3 месяца назад
Just because Lamech was the first recorded to have more than one wife, does not necessarily mean he was the first. Brigham held the keys of Presidency and the sealing power as prophet seer and revelator. These keys are keld by the prophet, and by the twelve collectivly as a quorum.
@katherineshiver9428 3 месяца назад
@@avoice423 so there was Adam and Eve and their children, Cain then Lamech his grandson. They either went off in twos or left Adam and Eve and then the first recorded polygamy. Don’t you think if polygamy was of God it would be included in the Adam and Eve history? And you are right, I think Cain was the first to have more than one wife. So the first two recorded to take lives, the first recorded to have multiple wives. I don’t have a problem with the Lord working with Brigham and the early prophets, I am not against them having the keys. Polygamy was still wrong, Heber Kimball said getting wives was like getting cows, is that a Christ like way to think of women?
@avoice423 3 месяца назад
The reason there is so much opposition on this subject is to tear the church apart. How can this be accomplished? One way, that i can see, and that is that plural marriage is instituted again. I don't know when, or even how, because of the laws of the land, and etc. But even years ago studying Isaiah 3, i began to see the parelelles beween the prophecy and the things happening in society and what was popular and trending. I got in trouble in sunday school class for suggesting that the passage stating, " walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet" might have to do with high heels, because they create shorter steps and noise with each step. ( mincing is taking short quick steps). All i was trying to point out was that some of those things prophesied about were becoming visible. How many people were wearing nose jewels 20 years ago? Or the materialism we see nowadays? What do we have now? Wars and rumors of wars. Tremendus loss of life, pandemics, threats of economic collapse and the treat of ww3 and Israel being encompased about by her enemies. Nay say if you will or must. this is just the way i see it. Just did not see the oposition comming from within the church. But the far left is attempting to destroy the devine founding of this nation by destroying the founders. By the same method you can destroy the church by destroying the succession of the prophets by destroying the prophet Brigham Young. But see, you hve to go farther, because you must do that all the way to Wilford Woodruf. Who, if i am not mistaken, spent time in prison for cohabitation. Cohabitation, that was the law enforced. Kind of ironic, isint it? So many people do that today. It is interesting that when the the poligamy case went to the supreme court a couple of years or so ago. It was turned back to the state because aparently there was no federal law. Makes me wonder when it was repealed???
@4rcgoodwin 3 месяца назад
I have been a lifelong member and love your videos. The reason I am siding now with polygamy deniers is the extensive lengths Joseph Smith went through to condemn polygamy. Joseph never endorsed it and took several people to court who accused him of it. And Hyrum Smith (who was co president of the church)said a devil would teach such a doctrine. If you can show Joseph ever gave his approval, I will switch sides, but how can I side against Joseph and the Book of Mormon. This being said I believe the lord blessed the saint for their sacrifice and we are in debt to the pioneers of the restoration.
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
What is the point....of imagining you "know better" than our Prophet...about this stuff? I honestly don't understand it. Why not just simply trust him?
@andrewdurfee3896 3 месяца назад
There is a difference between plural marriage and polygamy. Plural marriage by definition is authorized polygamy. Those who practice polygamy without authorization are guilty of adultery. Members who were excommunicated from the church for unauthorized polygamy are in line with Doctrine and Covenants 132. Saying Joseph Smith fought polygamy therefore wouldn’t be the one all be all that some suppose it is. Hyrum Smith didn’t know about the law of plural marriage for a while and fought against polygamy, but he confronted Joseph and he revealed the law of plural marriage. A counterfeit called spiritual wifery was going around at the time which was taught by John C. Bennett in opposition to plural marriage. Joseph Smith gave carefully worded denials that denounced counterfeits of plural marriage. In the laws of the land of the US Joseph Smith only had one wife. Those in plural marriage are not guilty of adultery. Going back to Hyrum Smith. He talked to Joseph and told him that he would be able to convince her of the truthfulness of the practice of plural marriage like he (Joseph) had convinced him. Joseph told Hyrum that he didn’t know Emma like he did. Hyrum told Joseph to make a copy of the 132 revelation and he would show it to Emma. A copy was made. Hyrum showed it to Emma who tore it to pieces.
@PeggyWest1127 3 месяца назад
I would recommend you look up Don Bradley and his research. ☺️
@eternalskywalker9440 3 месяца назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GaqONUC4qtU.html This video is about a person in a modern polygamist family. She ended up meeting with Elder James E. Faust for permission to get baptized. I love what he told her.
@LanceCLarsen 3 месяца назад
Be kind in your evaluation of those who struggle to have faith in polygamy and other things the early saints chose to do to follow the Lord. I have a testimony they were following God. But remember there was a time when you knew these mormons were in error despite your sincere desire to follow the Lord. The wheat and tares must grow together because some of those that look like tares will turn out to be wheat.
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
It is wonderful, always, to be kind, Lance. It is wonderful and normal, to struggle at times with some things. There has to be opposition in all things. But is not "struggling" to adopt a firm conviction...that completely contradicts the clear teaching of the Prophets and Apostles that Heavenly Father has given us to lead us....and to try even to pass that heretical conviction on to others, as if it is true....when in essence, that "teaching" requires believing our God given Prophets ever since Joseph Smith...are all lying deceivers, that can't be trusted. This is not "struggling"...this is an blatant attack on the very authority of the Church and its leaders. Of course we should still be kind...but also, at the same tie, speak the truth in love. And in simple truth and kindness...how can those who adopt firm convictions such as these.....have access to the Temples of God? It is a mystery to me. I had to answer these questions....all of them....with an honest yes, or I simply wouldn't have gotten my Temple Recommend. How do such people answer an honest yes to these questions? It's a mystery to me. Much love, David It's one thing to struggle...and totally another thing to emphatically proclaim as true...blatant lies, that contradict the clear teaching of the Church and tear down faith in our leaders. Much love, David Do you sustain the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the prophet, seer, and revelator and as the only person on the earth authorized to exercise all priesthood keys? Do you sustain the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and local leaders of the Church? Do you support or promote any teachings, practices, or doctrine contrary to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
@davidmalvinalexander 3 месяца назад
Dear Lance, just to give a clear picture...of how terrible this stuff is....here is a wonderful Brother, Barton Bagnes, comment....and the reply to I paste below Barton's comment, posted 12 minutes ago, of one of these "sisters" who follows this heresy. This stuff is POISON. Essentially, these people believe that Heavenly Father NEVER commanded Polygamy, ever...that it is totally and always "of the Devil"...This is simple a complete repudiation of the Church itself and its Leaders...while imagining they and their understanding of this, is the "True Church". I say, as kindly as possible...this is just NUTS! This is not "struggling" to accept the Teaching of the Church...this is utter repudiation of it. Much love, David @bartonbagnes4605 • 1 hour ago Ether 12: 27 "...Then will I make weak things become strong unto them." and 2 Corinthians 12: 9 "... For my strength is made perfect in weakness..." God is using your weaknesses to build his kingdom. They speak against and condemn marrying more than one wife at a time, while they themselves have no problem having intimate relationships with more than one partner at the same time, and sometimes simultaneously, outside of marriage, basically practicing extramarital polygamy. We were told in 1 Timothy 4: 1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." Those who deny polygamy are fulfilling this prophecy, and it's not the kind of prophecy anyone should want to fulfill, for it only leads to their pain and suffering. @katherineshiver9428 @katherineshiver9428 • 12 minutes ago Ironic you think that way since having multiple wives was started by Satan. Go read the Pearl of Great Price and see who was the first to take more than one wife. I think believing in Heavenly Father and how marriage was set up from the beginning of the world and humanity is the smart way to go. Especially as we are told to follow the Savior and He never mentioned polygamy being okay, he said that marriage is between two so they can become one……that is a running theme.
@bcmountainusa 3 месяца назад
@@davidmalvinalexander Perhaps the intent of the anti-polygamy doctrine and its proponents (whether all such proponents realize it or not) is total invalidation of the Priesthood of God and its ordinances. Pursuing the reasoning presented by such proponents results in the following "Catch 22": Abraham and Jacob each had more than one spouse concurrently. Thus, if plural marriage is "of the devil", the blessings promised to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Bible were promised by God to evil men. Which leads to the conclusion that either an omniscient and omnipotent God made a mistake, or the Bible itself is false. It appears that ideas like anti-polygamy doctrine do not stand the test of logical analysis.
@magnashield8604 3 месяца назад
​@@bcmountainusait is the next incarnation of the "ordain women" movement.
@bcmountainusa 3 месяца назад
@@magnashield8604 Agreed
Why Did Plural Marriage Begin in the Church?
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881: Meet Dave Butler (1 of 7)
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