
Pentecostal Eschatology - Peter Althouse and Andrew K. Gabriel 

Andrew K. Gabriel, Ph.D.
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Pentecostal eschatology in history and in current Pentecostal scholarship. An interview with Dr. Peter Althouse. Click "Show More" for an outline of key points.
Key points:
-Not all early Pentecostals were dispensationalists. Most emphasized the Latter Rain of the Spirit before Christ returned.
-In the 1940s and following, Pentecostals increasingly taught dispensationalism as a reaction against the Latter Rain Movement and as they aligned themselves with the broader evangelical church.
-Fundamentalist dispensationalism didn't fit well with Pentecostal eschatology in that the former was cessationist (denied contemporary spiritual gifts of healing, tongues, etc.)
-Today Pentecostal theologians are emphasizing the already/ not yet nature of the kingdom of God.
-In contrast to dispensationalism, which offers an end-times blueprint of key events, perhaps the Bible offers no prophetic endtimes blueprint.



29 сен 2024




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@JMateoLucas 6 месяцев назад
But how about progressive dispensationalism I believe Pentecostals can hold to this view, because the progressive presents the already not yet in contrast with traditional where they are truly cessationist.
@TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus Год назад
The church is going to be RAPTURED up up up to heaven before the Tribulation. Acts 2:17-18 we are having prophetic dreams and rapture dreams and we know that the church does not go through the Tribulation. Why can't these intellectuals just say that 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15, John 14:1-4, Revelation 3:10-11 plus many more are our promise. I really would steer very far from this guy Andrew. You can come over to my main channel- Walking by the Spirit Always, and I am Spirit-filled and pre-Trib rapture born again almost 18 years. I had read your article on visiting a Oneness Pentecostal church, and I am a Trinitarian. God bless.
@daroay Год назад
No church father ever believed in anything even remotely close to pre-trib rapture. Look here on youtube for the film: Dispensation of heresy.
@TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus Год назад
@@daroay That's not true. Both Psul and John did, and they wrote about it as well as JESUS who promised the rapture in John 14:1-4 and Revelation 3:10-11.
@daroay Год назад
@@TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus He promised the rapture. Not a pre-trib rapture. There is nothing that suggests a pre-trib rapture since Darby.
@TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus Год назад
@@daroay Read the Bible. Noah and his family and Lot and his daughters ESCAPED the judgment. The church/bride/born again believers are not appointed to God's wrath and are present in heaven AFTER Revelation 4:1.
@daroay Год назад
@@TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus Matthew 24:21,29,31 KJV (21) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be (...) (29) Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken (...) (31) And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Summary: After the tribulation the elect are gathered. The problem with pre-trib rapture is that the doctrine believes in 2 raptures. 1 before the trib, 1 after the trib. That is ridiculous. No church father ever talked about pre-trib rapture or 2 raptures. The bible never says so either. Not Tartullian, Not Augustine, Not Ireneus, Not no one but Darby and Scoffield in the 1850s. Lit you believe something no-one ever believed before that date. I'm not asking you to make interpretations from cherry picking unrelated verses at convenience from Genesis. Just read Matt 24 which straight up explains it. What verse makes u think there is a pre-trib rapture clearer than the post-trib rapture explained in Matt 24?
@alistaircharles9926 2 года назад
Beautifully put
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