
People saw Angels in the Kirtland Temple, Speaking in Tongues and Other Miracles 

Small Helm on a Big Ship
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Presendia Huntington and children throughout Kirtland Ohio saw angels walking on the roof of the temple. She also witnessed a chorus of angels singing in the temple. She recounts various instances of speaking and singing in tongues.
Eliza Snow recounts how a baby in his mother's shouts Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Amen! Amen! And Amen! along with the congregation at the dedication of the Kirtland temple.
Pictures of Kirtland temple from the book Temples of the Most High by Neils Lundwall.
Miraculous Kirtland Temple accounts taken from the Book Women of Mormondom by Edward Tulidge, 1877.



16 сен 2024




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@leonardalcalaii9277 Год назад
@SmallHelmOnABig Ship Amen... Amen... Amen 🤍👼🎶
@elizabethharbison6823 3 года назад
I felt the spirit by the end of this
@fitzsw1 3 года назад
Local residents testimonies clearly prove what happened that day.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
Message to Mormons: ”But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.” [1 Peter 4:7]
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@Alex MacDonnell Go wash in the Pool of Siloam and come seeing because you are blind. And do not call me a Priest. I am a minister in the Reformed and Calvinistic tradition; one who translated the New Testament before you were born. And do not rebuke anything in me you silly goose. END OF CONVERSATION
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@Alex MacDonnell You need to put "Saints" in quotes. LOL
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@Alex MacDonnell The Christ Mormons preach is not the Christ of the Bible. I am not alone in saying that no not at all. And I do not need your forgiveness because I preach the true Christ not the Christ of Joseph Smith. and Brigham Young. Now go buy a Bible and read it because your soul is in troubled waters. .
@donjohnson1557 3 года назад
not unusual in modern Temples to have spiritual manifestations.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
Mormonism, Islam, Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventism, and the Watchtower Society, are examples of Montanism. So called because of one Montanus, a Phrygian priest who garnered respect for a time in the primitive church because he said he could receive direct revelations from God. Every one of the sects just mentioned was begun by someone who was a follower of Montanus, even if he was unknown by name to them. And every one was self-seeking, unscrupulous, and deceitful; whose writings are in fact dangerous to the soul; picked as it were from the junkyard of Enthusiasm operated by Satan the father of lies.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 2 года назад
@@caseykaelin9430 You need a course in Church History and Biblical exegesis. What you call "man made" was in some places taken right out of the Bible. Mormons know precious little about the Bible. That is why they are Mormons. In fact, Mormonism is a compilation of Campbellism Swedenborgism and Pelagianism all heresies shrouded in Biblical language so as to look and sound authentic, see 2 Corinthians 11:12-15. .
@bubba7665 3 года назад
An event totally beyond your comprehension should not be judged so harshly zen
@joelnoblett8227 2 года назад
Everyone's opinion matters. We can get things wrong and he loves us. God makes his presence known to us we have to just be open to it. I believe something happened here but was it internal or external I am not sure.
@smallhelmonabigship3524 2 года назад
In the bible it says in Mark 16:15-19 that signs follow them that believe and are baptized. The Savior's disciples healed the sick, raised the dead, seen angels, cast out devils and survived poison. As it is today, either no one believes that literally to be true and no one is saved, or our blessed Savior is a liar, and how can that ever be? In all honesty, in all my life I have hardly met a soul who believes literally that Mark 16 is true.
@offroadhub.official 2 года назад
Can you imagine if somebody stood up in a fast and testimony meeting today and started speaking or singing in tongues?!?! 🤯😂
@smallhelmonabigship3524 2 года назад
When Joseph Smith was alive many said the gift was present in every stake. With some of the congregations it happened quite frequently, almost every Sunday. But as time went on, it diminished. I am not aware of it occurring at all in the last one hundred years. In that respect, we are closely paralleling the first century church founded in Jerusalem. At first the people had all the gifts in great abundance, and they had it quite frequently. Over time they didn't until most people doubted they ever had it at all, and the Church authorities in Rome frowned on even any mention of it.
@davidaston5051 3 года назад
The proof that this happened is a witness from the Holy Ghost
@davidaston5051 3 года назад
Those who speak ill of this will stand before the Judgment bar of Christ to answer for their comments
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
Message to Mormons: ”But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.” [1 Peter 4:7]
@johnvillaflor2723 3 года назад
@@rev.stephena.cakouros948 my message to you Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. HYPOCRITE!
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
Mormonism, Islam, Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventism, and the Watchtower Society, are examples of Montanism. So called because of one Montanus, a Phrygian priest who garnered respect for a time in the primitive church because he said he could receive direct revelations from God. Every one of the sects just mentioned was begun by someone who was a follower of Montanus, even if he was unknown by name to them. And every one was self-seeking, unscrupulous, and deceitful; whose writings are in fact dangerous to the soul; picked as it were from the junkyard of Enthusiasm operated by Satan the father of lies.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@@johnvillaflor2723 Mormonism, Islam, Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventism, and the Watchtower Society, are examples of Montanism. So called because of one Montanus, a Phrygian priest who garnered respect for a time in the primitive church because he said he could receive direct revelations from God. Every one of the sects just mentioned was begun by someone who was a follower of Montanus, even if he was unknown by name to them. And every one was self-seeking, unscrupulous, and deceitful; whose writings are in fact dangerous to the soul; picked as it were from the junkyard of Enthusiasm operated by Satan the father of lies.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@@johnvillaflor2723 Mormonism, Islam, Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventism, and the Watchtower Society, are examples of Montanism. So called because of one Montanus, a Phrygian priest who garnered respect for a time in the primitive church because he said he could receive direct revelations from God. Every one of the sects just mentioned was begun by someone who was a follower of Montanus, even if he was unknown by name to them. And every one was self-seeking, unscrupulous, and deceitful; whose writings are in fact dangerous to the soul; picked as it were from the junkyard of Enthusiasm operated by Satan the father of lies.
@thomasmartin3343 3 года назад
It seems to me that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has evolved from a spiritual organization into a very sophisticated business enterprise.
@smallhelmonabigship3524 3 года назад
Yes, that is an accurate way of putting it. Where a man's treasure is, there will their heart be also. If their treasure is of this earth, then that is where their heart is. If their treasure is in heaven, then their heart will be on heavenly things. It was reported in a Salt Lake newspaper a couple of years back their investment portfolio is worth over 100 billion dollars, including billions invested in tech giants such as Google, Apple, Ms, Facebook etc. according to the article. History repeats itself as they are travelling a similar path as the early Christian Church travelled to become the RCC.
@TheRealDonLayton 3 года назад
It is both. A few years ago, I had the privilege of accompanying one of the Twelve for two days, as he reorganized our stake. I served as the Stake Executive Secretary. I have never felt such power and wisdom and love as I did in those two days. It was indescribable. The church is as spiritual as it ever was. However, they do manage their finances wisely and have been extremely blessed. They stay out of debt and are selective in their investments. The church sees funds as being sacred, not to be squandered and to be used to bless God's children. So yes, the financial aspect of the church is very real.
@smallhelmonabigship3524 3 года назад
@@TheRealDonLayton You should know it is not possible to serve two masters. "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24.
@TheRealDonLayton 3 года назад
@@smallhelmonabigship3524 Which is exactly why I don't. The Lord's work is facilitated by the financial success of the church. Millions are donated to Humanitarian needs annually. Temples and meetinghouses are built. Hundreds of thousands receive financial aid when they are not able to provide for themselves. The church is often first on the scene for disaster relief. Those are all worthy causes. One master.
@smallhelmonabigship3524 3 года назад
@@TheRealDonLayton What I am about to say is not out of a spirit of contention or malice, but hopefully to awaken you and possibly others to the awful reality of our situation. That wealth is a fiat wealth. Much of it doesn't even exist on paper. Much of the records of it are stored on hard drives in a server somewhere. It will only be recognized as long as the world recognizes the value of the dollar which is backed by absolutely nothing but bad debt and good faith. Even worse, it only exists in the digital world as long as men continue to feed coal and oil into the power plants. When the dollar collapses, and when gasoline becomes scarce, and the trucks stop running and the power goes out, that wealth will disappear like dew on a summer morning. And all those who have their hearts set upon their riches will suffer from broken hearts. Which will be the least of their problems. When the trucks stop running and food, medicine, gas, clothing and merchandise of all kinds become scarce, there will be mass starvation and desperation. People at that time won't be able to look to their leaders for borrowed light. Unless as Heber C. Kimball predicted they know for themselves that Jesus is the Christ, they won't be able to stand the test.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
If there were angels they were fallen angels. But don't try to convince Mormons that they have been duped. They are the most gullible and credulous people in the world outdistancing Muslims.
@donnavaughn9409 2 года назад
They were only called fallen angels because they rebelled against the plan we all learned about, Lucifer was an intellect like a beam of light and he convinced a full 1/3 of that host of heaven to go to his side, which basically meant instead of anyone left behind, all would return, and we'd basically be compelled to do what was right once we arrived her at the age of accountability, seemed like a good plan, but it was not and our Father in His wisdom rejected that plan, this caused arguing and finally a great war in that heavenly home. They are called angels because they didn't have bodies at the time, except a spirit body, they were forced out, placed here, they walk this planet to and fro we read and have power, of course our Father's power is greater. They can never possess a body, they are the 1/3 of that heavenly host that were forced out. And the angels who serve our Father have been seen by many on earth, Lot and etc, and they are administering angels who serve as single people, they have no husband or wife, but are resurrected and glorified beings who were given eternal life. You can't have a Father without a MOther, her name isn't given because obviously, people would drag it in the mud as they do both God the Father and Jesus Christ.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
The Mormon deity exists only in the minds of Mormons. He is the Egyptian Thoth who was syncretized with Hermes by the Greeks thereby becoming Trismegistus [thrice praised]. Hermes was the fastest of the Olympian gods and could traverse the earth quickly. Likewise the Mormon god. On the other hand the Christian God is Omnipresent Omniscient Omnipotent.
@smallhelmonabigship3524 3 года назад
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@@smallhelmonabigship3524 The Mormon deity exists in the minds of Mormons; but not in reality. Since Bibles can be found in some places for just a dollar the Mormons will be in for a hard time at the judgment; as will the Jehovah Witnesses who are no less culpable. But at least they don’t pretend to believe in the Trinity like the Mormons.
@smallhelmonabigship3524 3 года назад
@@rev.stephena.cakouros948 Youy said "But at least they don’t pretend to believe in the Trinity like the Mormons." Mormons don't believe in the trinity. As for the rest of your rants, you just made it all up. Pity the poor soul that actually believes what you say.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@@smallhelmonabigship3524 Mormons are into mythology. Smith copied from Spalding and from Ethan Smith [no relative] who both wrote of the origin of the Native Americans. And you are right Mormons certainly don't believe in the Trinity but they pretend to believe the doctrine because lying is a way of life with Mormons. Everyone of your Presidents has been a fraud. My advice to you is to flee from the wrath to come because you are preaching what Paul called the "doctrines of devils." Some of those doctrines come right from Emmanuel Swedenborg who was insane. Now buy a Bible and read it.
@Lee21923 3 года назад
Love is more powerful than anything else in the world. Where there is compassion and inclusion, there is unity and Christlike love. The Master said the greatest commandments are to love God and your neighbors as yourselves. Let everyone enjoy his own religion. It is his right to do that. If someone doesn’t except your testimony that is his affair not yours. Do not spend time pulling down others sect or parties! It is never right to do. Wilford Woodruff?
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
Why would angels be associated with a heretical cult led by a confidence man awash in the teachings of Emmanuel Swedenborg who was quite mad. Message to Mormons: ”But refuse profane and old wives' fables,,,,.” [1 Peter 4:7a]
@Veevslav1 3 года назад
Why wouldn't they? Especially if doctrines established by a philosophical cohort of men that were at their cores anti Christ were what you are calling them heretical for not following. Then again, easier to make a buck on the name of Jesus Christ than it is to live as a true disciple of Christ.
@rutherglenroad8109 3 года назад
Yours is an appalling comment Stephen. I suggest you concentrate on your own flock and cease abusing others who follow Christ according to their conscience and beliefs. Bless them - don't abuse them.
@rev.stephena.cakouros948 3 года назад
@@rutherglenroad8109 They don't just follow their beliefs and I am not abusing anyone as you say. That comment is in fact abusive. The people in question spread poisonous lies teaching about a Christ who never existed; one who cannot save sinners in the Biblical sense. Mormonism is of Satan and I have the right the duty to oppose what the apostle Paul the called "doctrines of devils." And I will continue to do so regardless and in spite of your harmful insult. Watch for my book on Mormons it will be out in the next few months. Be assured it will be factual and unlike Mormon tripe it will be based squarely on the Bible a book Mormons know little of; especially the epistles pf Paul. Now go your way while I do the real work of the Lord exposing the lies of Satan.
@Veevslav1 3 года назад
Rev. Stephen Is the Bible complete?
@janaprocella8268 3 года назад
@@Veevslav1 Most people just are very very shallow-minded thinkers. I find that these are the people that slander the LDS Church ...it is kind of a hobby with Them.. they are the true heretics not us.
@TheShodan92 3 года назад
Mormon delusion
@TheShodan92 3 года назад
@Григорий Пояс You're terribly mistaken. Most leave because we no longer believe the manipulation of a con man, and old white men who perpetuate the lie.
@Veevslav1 3 года назад
Yet there were hundreds of accounts and records.
@zissler1 3 года назад
@Григорий Пояс lol nailed it
@zissler1 3 года назад
Leave the church can’t leave it alone
@lisajex7585 3 года назад
@Judy Morrill Love your comments. Time is growing short! Another great RU-vid page is Jodi Stoddard and Watcher Palmer. Do you have any favorites you listen to? With so much worldliness seeping in it's not easy to find solid, safe sites.
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