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Persian Empire (cyrus) 

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Persians first and only humanist when in power. Cyrus (kourosh) the greatest of all times, saved jews, the only king and ruler who refused slavery when in power unlike all other powers espcially most recent shamefull empires.



5 сен 2024




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@Cyrusthegreat87 10 лет назад
vote me for 2016
@walterbell1529 7 лет назад
Don't worry you'll get dem in 2020!
@istanbultravellers 12 лет назад
I love persians ! respect from turkey ...sons of ottomans and persians only 2 nation in region never be slave of western world and fight , produce policy with honor standing strong ...
@solrobinson6169 11 лет назад
I literally stood up and cheered when he said freed the Jews. I was like.. YES! GO CYRUS!
@cheapnonsmoker 15 лет назад
Hey Merav, believe it or not, we Iranians adore our ancient history - NOW more than ever. My parents brought me up with Cyrus' policy: to treat Jewish people and minorites in general the same way as anyone else. So yes, for me and for many Iranians "the old Persian high honor", as you called it, is more important nowadays than ever before and Cyrus is my ABSOLUTE hero. Iran needs a new Cyrus to overcome this *.....* regime and re-gain its old glory.
@shimidaan 17 лет назад
very helpful for my history project. Thanks =)
@lotiq 14 лет назад
H.G.Wells - In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted majesties' and so on. They shone for a brief moment, and as quickly disappeared. But Ashoka shines and shines brightly like a bright star, even unto this day.
@aieerick 16 лет назад
thank you very much for sharing it
@cheapnonsmoker 15 лет назад
It's actually very interesting, in the 1940s there was an Iranian called Sardari who rescued many jewish people in the Vichy regime in France, when the Nazis invaded it. When he was asked why he rescued so many jewish people he answered: "because I am a descendant of Cyrus". Just thought I pop this trivia in :)
@swandragon 12 лет назад
This helped me ace my test :)
@quote3000 12 лет назад
Rome and the western world owe so much to Cyrus and the ancient Persians. Without them, Rome would not have been able to build it's empire or rise to become a great power; while in the modern day west, the Dominion of Canada is a multicultural state as Persia once was. On the other hand, it's a shame the Persians aren't like they were about 3000 years ago. If there is to be world unity, then a federation based on the Achaemenid Empire! So much we can learn from history.
@thisguy5817 11 лет назад
The Persians were badass
@wolfpax22 12 лет назад
This is interesting. It talks of Cyrus being buried in a tomb, but I had thought Zoroastrians believed that burial of the dead was evil because it polluted the earth. The dead were exposed for birds on top of large towers called Towers of Silence. I suppose it is possible that feature or doctrine had not developed yet though..
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
May Allah forgive us all, Ameen ; as He is oft forgiving, most Merciful !
@eddienamini 12 лет назад
@MederKurde8 there are records of Darius the Mede, Persian king, in the book of Danial amongst five books of the Old Testament that bears witness to this.
@tubemalacca 15 лет назад
OMG isn´t the presentator the actor that played Robocop?
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
tivertsi (2) He married a lady 15 yrs older than himself at his youth & lived happily with her for 28 yrs of their married life. His marriages give the Islamic law of age being no bar for marriage & it was necessary as there may arise circumstances when different kinds of marriages may become necessary for survival of mankind
@Vito472 11 лет назад
I am Persian and i agree with this.
@GangP340x 16 лет назад
Im from Central america.. im from Mexico. My native people from here were Aztecs so its all good thats how they roll'ed :]
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
When you see people engrossed in mockery of Our Signs,turn from them until they start to talk of other things. And if Satan should ever cause you to forget, once you remember,do not stay sitting with the wrongdoers. Holy Qur'an (Surat al-An`am, 68)
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
Muslims believe all prophets of God and believe that God sent revelation to every people in the world through messengers.
@RadioEmrooz 16 лет назад
They find it dificult...Those who have taken authority as the truth,rather than truth as the authority!
@CroMarduk 14 лет назад
Persian, Macedonian and Roman empire are the greatest empires in the history by the legacy they have left behind.
@shubroto81 13 лет назад
@MrMshade Do u know anyone that practices it today or is it just history and nothing more?
@wilhelmrk 13 лет назад
@MultiShervin And he called himself a persian King of the line of Cyrus the Great because he married one of his descendants. History would be different if Alexander would had enough time to rule in Persia and to establish his Line as Kings of Persia.
@77Merav 15 лет назад
cheapnonsmoker: I adore your/(part of me) ancient history too:) indeed , Cyrus the great was( and still) an admirable and honorable king , the father of the human rights idea ! i know:) Iran /persia have a magnificent history.
@seannyslow 15 лет назад
by the way, Persia was once one of the greatest empires/civilizations ever built. Hopefully, Iranians manage to pull it off once again (in peaceful, economic way of course)
@espantman 16 лет назад
long love the iranian kingdom...javid baad irane padeshahi
@dickyhead7442 11 лет назад
Who is the Prophet that free Israel from the Egypt? Who is the Prophet that free Israel from the Babylon? Who is the Prophet that free Israel from the Roman?
@CroMarduk 14 лет назад
@calderposse The British Empire is only called empire, although it was basically a proto-corporation
@Chromegrillz 11 лет назад
Cyrus is Dhul Kharnain, a leader honor by Quran. He is consider to be powerful leader during his time. Also he is consider just leader that stop gog and magog tribe. Till this day gog and magogs are locked in strong barrier.
@onlinepersian96 12 лет назад
@bkalhorcrt 11 лет назад
I am an Iranian. Period.
@robto 15 лет назад
What your talking about?! Ancient Persians never ended slavery, no empire in ancient times, liberated all his slaves.
@IMJW1000 10 лет назад
Prophetic Words of Comfort That Involve You Isaiah 41:1-29 ISAIAH wrote the book that bears his name almost 3,000 years ago, but it has real value for us today. We can learn vital principles from the historical events that he recorded. And we can build our faith through study of the prophecies that he wrote down in Jehovah’s name. Yes, Isaiah was a prophet of the living God. Jehovah inspired him to record history in advance-to describe events before they happened. Jehovah thus demonstrated that he can both foretell and shape the future. After studying the book of Isaiah, true Christians are convinced that Jehovah will fulfill all that he has promised. 2 By the time Isaiah completed the writing of his prophecy, Jerusalem had survived the Assyrian threat. The temple was still standing, and people were going about their day-to-day affairs much as they had for hundreds of years. However, that situation would change. The time would come when the wealth of the Jewish kings would be carried away to Babylon and young Jews would be court officials in that city.* (Isaiah 39:6-7) This would occur more than 100 years later.-2 Kings 24:12-17; Daniel 1:19. 3 God’s message through Isaiah, however, is not merely a message of doom. Isa Chapter 40 of his book begins with the word “Comfort.”* The Jews would be comforted by the assurance that either they or their children would be able to return to their homeland. Isa Chapter 41 continues that comforting message and foretells that Jehovah would raise up a powerful king to fulfill the divine will. It contains reassurances and gives encouragement to trust in God. It also exposes as powerless the false gods in whom people of the nations put their trust. In all of this, there is much to strengthen faith, both in Isaiah’s day and in ours. Jehovah Challenges the Nations 4 Jehovah through his prophet says: “Attend to me in silence, you islands; and let national groups themselves regain power. Let them approach. At that time let them speak. Let us come up close together for the judgment itself.” (Isaiah 41:1) With these words Jehovah challenges the nations who oppose his people. Let them stand before him and gird themselves to speak! As will later be seen, Jehovah demands, as though he were a judge in a court, that these nations furnish proof that their idols are truly gods. Can these gods foretell acts of salvation for their worshipers or judgments against their enemies? If so, can they fulfill such prophecies? The answer is no. Jehovah alone can do these things. 5 As we consider Isaiah’s prophecy, let us bear in mind that, as with many Bible prophecies, his words have more than one fulfillment. In 607 B.C.E., Judah will go off into exile in Babylon. However, Isaiah’s prophecy reveals that Jehovah will deliver the Israelites held captive there. This happens in 537 B.C.E. That release had a parallel in the early days of the 20th century. During the first world war, Jehovah’s anointed servants on earth passed through a period of tribulation. In 1918 pressure from Satan’s world-incited by Christendom as the leading part of Babylon the Great-brought the organized preaching of the good news to a virtual halt. (Revelation 11:5-10) Some leading officers of the Watch Tower Society were sent to prison on trumped-up charges. To all intents and purposes, the world had triumphed in its battle against God’s servants. Then, as happened back in 537 B.C.E., Jehovah unexpectedly brought about their liberation. In 1919 the imprisoned officers were released, and later the charges against them were dropped. A convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, in September 1919 reinvigorated Jehovah’s servants to pick up the work of preaching the good news of the Kingdom. (Revelation 11:11, 12) From then till now, the scope of that preaching work has increased remarkably. Moreover, many of Isaiah’s words will have wonderful fulfillment in the Paradise earth to come. Consequently, Isaiah’s words of long ago involve all nations and peoples today. A Deliverer Called Forth 6 Through Isaiah, Jehovah foretells a conqueror who will both save God’s people from Babylon and bring judgment upon their enemies. Jehovah asks: “Who has roused up someone from the sunrise? Who proceeded in righteousness to call him to His feet, to give before him the nations, and to make him go subduing even kings? Who kept giving them like dust to his sword, so that they have been driven about like mere stubble with his bow? Who kept pursuing them, kept peacefully passing along on his feet over the path by which he did not proceed to come? Who has been active and has done this, calling out the generations from the start? I, Jehovah, the First One; and with the last ones I am the same.”-Isaiah 41:2-4. 7 Who is the one to be roused from the sunrise, from eastern parts? The countries of Medo-Persia and Elam are located east of Babylon. From there marches Cyrus the Persian, along with his mighty armies. (Isaiah 41:25; 44:28; 45:1-4, 13; 46:11) Though Cyrus is not a worshiper of Jehovah, he acts in harmony with the will of Jehovah, the righteous God. Cyrus subdues kings, and these are scattered like dust before him. In pursuit of conquest, he passes “peacefully,” or safely, over paths not customarily traveled, overcoming all obstacles. By the year 539 B.C.E., Cyrus reaches the mighty city of Babylon and overthrows it. As a result, God’s people are released so that they might return to Jerusalem to reestablish pure worship.-Ezra 1:1-7.* 8 Thus, through Isaiah, Jehovah foretells the rise of Cyrus long before that king is born. Only the true God can accurately prophesy such a thing. Jehovah has no equal among the false gods of the nations. With good reason, Jehovah states: “To no one else shall I give my own glory.” Only Jehovah can rightfully say: “I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no God.”-Isaiah 42:8; 44:6, 7. Frightened Peoples Trust in Idols 9 Isaiah now describes the reaction of the nations to this future conqueror: “The islands saw and began to fear. The very extremities of the earth began trembling. They drew near and kept coming. They went helping each one his companion, and one would say to his brother: ‘Be strong.’ So the craftsman went strengthening the metalworker; the one doing the smoothing out with the forge hammer him that is hammering away at the anvil, saying regarding the soldering: ‘It is good.’ Finally one fastened it with nails that it could not be made to totter.”-Isaiah 41:5-7. 10 Looking some 200 years into the future, Jehovah surveys the world scene. Mighty armies under Cyrus move swiftly, conquering all in opposition. Peoples-even the inhabitants of the islands, those in the most distant places-tremble at his approach. In fear they unite to oppose the one whom Jehovah has called from the east to execute judgment. They try to encourage one another, saying: “Be strong.” 11 Craftsmen work together to fashion idol gods to deliver the people. A wooden frame is fashioned by a carpenter, who then encourages the goldsmith to plate it with metal, perhaps gold. A sculptor hammers the metal smooth and approves of the soldering. Perhaps it is with some sarcasm that mention is made of fastening it with nails so that it does not totter or show weakness, as did the idol of Dagon that toppled before the ark of Jehovah.-1 Samuel 5:4. Fear Not! 12 Now Jehovah turns his attention to his people. Unlike the nations who trust in lifeless idols, those who trust in the true God need never fear. Jehovah’s reassurance begins with the reminder that Israel is the offspring of his friend Abraham. In a passage of great tenderness, Isaiah reports Jehovah’s words: “You, O Israel, are my servant, you, O Jacob, whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend; you, whom I have taken hold of from the extremities of the earth, and you, whom I have called even from the remote parts of it. And so I said to you, ‘You are my servant; I have chosen you, and I have not rejected you. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about, for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness.’”-Isaiah 41:8-10. 13 How comforting these words will be to the faithful Jews held captive in a foreign land! How encouraging it will be to hear Jehovah call them “my servant” at the time when they are exiles, servants of the king of Babylon! (2 Chronicles 36:20) Though Jehovah will discipline them because of their unfaithfulness, he will not reject them. Israel belongs to Jehovah, not to Babylon. There will be no reason for God’s servants to tremble at the approach of the conquering Cyrus. Jehovah will be with his people to help them. 14 Those words have reassured and strengthened God’s servants even down to our day. Back in 1918 they yearned to know Jehovah’s will for them. They longed for deliverance from their spiritually captive state. Today we yearn for relief from the pressures inflicted on us by Satan, the world, and our own imperfection. But we appreciate that Jehovah knows precisely when and how to act in behalf of his people. Like young children, we hold on to his mighty hand, confident that he will help us to cope. (Psalm 63:7, 8) Jehovah treasures those who serve him. He supports us today just as he supported his people through the difficult period of 1918-19 and just as he supported faithful Israelites so long ago. 15 Consider what Jehovah next says through Isaiah: “‘Look! All those getting heated up against you will become ashamed and be humiliated. The men in a quarrel with you will become as nothing and will perish. You will search for them, but you will not find them, those men in a struggle with you. They will become as something nonexistent and as nothing, those men at war with you. For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, “Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.” Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel. I myself will help you,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, even your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel.”-Isaiah 41:11-14. 16 Israel’s enemies will not prevail. Those who are heated up against Israel will be ashamed. Those who fight against her will perish. Though the captive Israelites seem as weak and defenseless as a worm squirming in the dust, Jehovah will help them. What encouragement this has been all through “the last days” as true Christians have faced the determined hostility of so many in the world! (2 Timothy 3:1) And how strengthening Jehovah’s promise is in view of the impending attack by Satan, who is referred to in prophecy as “Gog of the land of Magog”! Under Gog’s ferocious assault, Jehovah’s people will seem as defenseless as a worm-a people “dwelling without wall” and not having “even bar and doors.” Yet, those hoping in Jehovah will not need to quake with fear. The Almighty himself will fight to deliver them.-Ezekiel 38:2, 11, 14-16, 21-23; 2 Corinthians 1:3. Comfort for Israel 17 Jehovah continues to comfort his people: “Look! I have made you a threshing sledge, a new threshing instrument having double-edged teeth. You will tread down the mountains and crush them; and the hills you will make just like the chaff. You will winnow them, and a wind itself will carry them away, and a windstorm itself will drive them different ways. And you yourself will be joyful in Jehovah. In the Holy One of Israel you will boast about yourself.”-Isaiah 41:15, 16. 18 Strength will be given to Israel to take the offensive and, in a spiritual sense, to subdue her mountainlike enemies. When Israel returns from exile, she will triumph over enemies who try to prevent the rebuilding of the temple and of Jerusalem’s walls. (Ezra 6:12; Nehemiah 6:16) However, Jehovah’s words will be fulfilled on a grand scale with “the Israel of God.” (Galatians 6:16) Jesus promises anointed Christians: “To him that conquers and observes my deeds down to the end I will give authority over the nations, and he shall shepherd the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels, the same as I have received from my Father.” (Revelation 2:26, 27) The time will certainly come when Christ’s brothers resurrected to heavenly glory will have a part in the destruction of Jehovah God’s enemies.-2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8; Revelation 20:4, 6. 19 In figurative language, Jehovah now reinforces his promise to bring succor to his people. Isaiah writes: “The afflicted ones and the poor ones are seeking for water, but there is none. Because of thirst their very tongue has become dry. I myself, Jehovah, shall answer them. I, the God of Israel, shall not leave them. Upon bare hills I shall open up rivers, and in the midst of the valley plains, springs. I shall make the wilderness into a reedy pool of water, and the waterless land into sources of water. In the wilderness I shall set the cedar tree, the acacia and the myrtle and the oil tree. In the desert plain I shall place the juniper tree, the ash and the cypress at the same time; in order that people may see and know and pay heed and have insight at the same time, that the very hand of Jehovah has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has himself created it.”-Isaiah 41:17-20. 20 Though the exiled Israelites reside in the capital city of a wealthy world power, it is to them like a waterless desert. They feel like David when he was hiding from King Saul. In 537 B.C.E., Jehovah opens the way for them to return to Judah and rebuild his temple in Jerusalem, thus restoring pure worship. Jehovah, in turn, blesses them. In a later prophecy, Isaiah foretells: “Jehovah will certainly comfort Zion. He will for certain comfort all her devastated places, and he will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert plain like the garden of Jehovah.” (Isaiah 51:3) This really does occur after the Jews return to their homeland. 21 Something similar occurred in modern times when the Greater Cyrus, Christ Jesus, liberated his anointed followers from spiritual captivity so that they could work to restore pure worship. Those faithful ones were blessed with a rich spiritual paradise, a figurative garden of Eden. (Isaiah 11:6-9; 35:1-7) Soon, when God destroys his enemies, the entire earth will be transformed into a physical paradise, just as Jesus promised the evildoer on the stake.-Luke 23:43. A Challenge to Israel’s Enemies 22 Jehovah now returns to his controversy with the nations and their idol gods: “‘Bring your controversial case forward,’ says Jehovah. ‘Produce your arguments,’ says the King of Jacob. ‘Produce and tell to us the things that are going to happen. The first things-what they were-do tell, that we may apply our heart and know the future of them. Or cause us to hear even the things that are coming. Tell the things that are to come afterward, that we may know that you are gods. Yes, you ought to do good or do bad, that we may gaze about and see it at the same time. Look! You are something nonexistent, and your achievement is nothing. A detestable thing is anyone that chooses you.’” (Isaiah 41:21-24) Are the gods of the nations able to prophesy accurately and thus prove that they have supernatural knowledge? If they are, surely there should be some results, either good or bad, to support their claims. In fact, though, idol gods are not able to achieve anything and are as something nonexistent. 23 In our day some might wonder why Jehovah, through Isaiah and his fellow prophets, spent so much time condemning the folly of idolatry. The uselessness of man-made idols may seem obvious to many today. However, once a false system of belief has been established and widely accepted, it is hard to root it out of the minds of those who believe it. Many contemporary beliefs are as senseless as the belief that lifeless images are really gods. Yet, people cling to such beliefs despite persuasive arguments against them. It is only by hearing the truth again and again that some are moved to see the wisdom of trusting in Jehovah. 24 Jehovah again refers to Cyrus: “I have roused up someone from the north, and he will come. From the rising of the sun he will call upon my name. And he will come upon deputy rulers as if they were clay and just as a potter that tramples down the moist material.” (Isaiah 41:25)* In contrast to the gods of the nations, Jehovah can accomplish things. When he brings Cyrus out of the east, from “the rising of the sun,” God will demonstrate his ability to predict and then fashion the future to fulfill his prediction. 25 These words remind us of the apostle John’s prophetic description of kings who would be roused to action in our time. At Revelation 16:12, we read that the way will be prepared “for the kings from the rising of the sun.” These kings are none other than Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Just as Cyrus delivered God’s people long ago, these far mightier kings will annihilate Jehovah’s enemies and shepherd his people through the great tribulation into a new world of righteousness.-Psalm 2:8, 9; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 7:14-17. Jehovah Is Supreme! 26 Again, Jehovah declares the truth that he alone is the true God. He asks: “Who has told anything from the start, that we may know, or from times past, that we may say, ‘He is right’? Really there is no one telling. Really there is no one causing one to hear. Really there is no one that is hearing any sayings of you men.” (Isaiah 41:26) No idol god announced the coming of a conqueror to liberate those trusting in it. All such gods are lifeless, silent. They are not gods at all. 27 After reporting these stirring prophetic words of Jehovah, Isaiah drives home a vital truth: “There is one first, saying to Zion: ‘Look! Here they are!’ and to Jerusalem I shall give a bringer of good news. And I kept seeing, and there was not a man; and out of these there was also no one that was giving counsel. And I kept asking them, that they might make a reply. Look! All of them are something nonexistent. Their works are nothing. Their molten images are wind and unreality.”-Isaiah 41:27-29. 28 Jehovah is first. He is supreme! He is the true God, who announces the deliverance of his people, bringing good news to them. And only his Witnesses proclaim his greatness to the nations. Scornfully, Jehovah denounces those who trust in idol worship, dismissing their idols as “wind and unreality.” What a powerful reason to cling to the true God! Jehovah alone is worthy of our confident trust. wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102001022?q=cyrus&p=par
@77Merav 15 лет назад
PersianLord1995 : yea I guess I do need to return to my history book:)... thank you for realized my mistake ...I was wrong. thank you! and sorry about my foolish argument .
@spanish111japan 14 лет назад
@CroMarduk You forgot the spanish empire. Conquered an entire continent, territory in the five continents. Without the spanish, there would be no USA.
@hamidreza73 13 лет назад
proud to be persian the only greatest empeir ever .
@shubroto81 13 лет назад
Does anyone know what religion was in iran before zoroastrianism originated???????
@csat35 15 лет назад
Among many Jews there are Persians, Kurds and Arabs. Remember Judaism is religion not an ethnic group.
@csat35 15 лет назад
Cyrus's grandfather, Astyages, ruler of the powerful Median kingdom had a dream that his Magi interpreted as a sign that his grandson (cyrus) would eventually overthrow him. The Median empire spoke kurmanji, which was a kurdish dialect Therefore Cyrus is actually Kurdish and not Persian. Thank you
@becharev 13 лет назад
The Great Alexander crushed this empire and revenged Hellas with 30,000 Macedonians. A pushover for the Yanks !
@ombolobmo 12 лет назад
Please read the Cyrus Cylinder before saying anything about it. It was merely a Babylonian tradition of issuing political propaganda. And how dare you call the ancient Persians globalists? A closed-minded, nomadic people.
@sinasajadi99 15 лет назад
Rest In Peace Kourosh!
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
Tribes and Nations are for recognition and not for boasting !No one is superior to other. what's the problem if a Persian marries an Ethiopian?
@quote3000 12 лет назад
@Durepanya Indeed. Persia was great. Maybe invent a new holiday when Cyrus wrote his charter of rights on his famous cylinder, eh?
@CroMarduk 14 лет назад
@samioa well yes I just said that the mongol empire was the largest ever, I know that persian was the largest of the ancient empires
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
It is a religion that was taught by Last Prophet sent by God and so his rules were to last forever till the day of Judgement.
@ombolobmo 12 лет назад
Well, if you insist on using the term "globalist" that way, then yes they were so. and yes, Zoroastrian ethics played an important role in their lives and they ruled with more moderation compared to prior Semitic kingdoms. But calling them "the inventors of human rights" is a bit anachronistic and exaggerating.
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
My point was to show you off that muslims also believe in Jesus and respect him .Muslims also do not disgrace other people's holy men. Anything wrong in my message ?
@ombolobmo 12 лет назад
Are you saying that 1400 years of Iranian history is empty? What about all those great men, Avicenna, Pharabius, Biruni, Banu musa brothers, omar khayam, Razi and...they were Iranians and Muslims! It doesn't seem that they had any problems with Islam or being Muslim.
@shayanshaffey 14 лет назад
When Alexander from macedonia attacked Persia(Iran) then the great empire fell
@DRm2mon 14 лет назад
what about the egyptians and the chinese?
@persiandudeee 13 лет назад
How about they sart taling about the sassanian Persian empire for once?
@CroMarduk 14 лет назад
we live in the age of internet you know, go check it out on the web.
@eidius1989 14 лет назад
@fmoa first i never said Romans conquered Persia i just said they both weakened each other considerably. the Arabs rushed in when Persia was at its weakest and conquered Iraq(Persia's richest province) and then they moved on to the rest of Persia. why the Arabs failed to conquer Rome is beyond me but the Romans held them off. i am familiar with the cataphracts, they were the spear head of the Persian army. 20thousand legion got decimated when the old Rome tried to invade Persia. btw im iranian
@mazdaktv2876 14 лет назад
Why was this down rated? Kurds are iranians...
@smartzazi 16 лет назад
you are right, Greece especially the Athenians are the first who made such thing called Democracy.. i still believe Persia was great, but nothing greater than Islam.. (Arab, Persian, Greek, Hindu,..etc) we're are all the same and equale, this equation made Muslims rule, without it they are nothing. peace out
@gato123452 13 лет назад
@VictumRoManius thumps up to you.
@persiandudeee 13 лет назад
@VictumRoManius It was Acheamenids, Parthia and then the sassanians, and they wer all Persian dynasties.
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
Insha-Allah; But let's hope that they really do it in a peaceful way ! reading the comments of these so called ARYANS I feel that Iran is suffering from crisis of racism !
@eidius1989 14 лет назад
@ghettoksa the Sassanids were just too beaten by the Romans, the Persian then were not as warrior like as their ancestors and most of them offered no resistance since they were tired of the regime.
@CroMarduk 14 лет назад
Mongol empire was the greatest, not including the british, because it's not contiguous empire, and because it came to be because of various malversations and schemes, not like all the other mentioned empires which came to be - by the sword.
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
Even if she was able to concieve at 8 yrs of age ? You are prejudiced and just want to defame holy Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him . The Prophet showed the way that is for ever the way of success.
@NorthCitySider 11 лет назад
Who cares? It doesn't matter what religion people in Iran follow as long as they do not live under a theocracy.
@mysty0 14 лет назад
fine., I'll point them out., the bible does not call Cyrus a messiah., that would be God referring to himself.., Cyrus knew exactly what he was doing and it wasnt to place a meatshield between him and Egypt., read his address to the Babylonians after he captured it. He didnt only just free the Jews., he freed all saying let everyone go their way and worship what gods they will.
@real4champions 13 лет назад
@MrMahdi90 not all persians are iranian, seriously some iranians can be so ignorant. if you have any knowledge about persian history what so ever you would know that most of the persian great minds were tajiks.e.g. Mevlana, Ferdowsi, Ibn-Cena, Abu Muslim, Ismaile Samani etc.
@mehradebrahimi4051 6 лет назад
I am Persian
@77Merav 15 лет назад
Dear PersianLord1995 : I suggest that you will do the same - open a real book for a change ( not just the Koran) it'll help you in life too ! wow yea, and the anti-racism, discrimination including the non Muslims too! All the best!
@Esperu2008 14 лет назад
@cheapnonsmoker and they say a hero can save us, im not gonna stand here and wait, i'll hold on to the wings of the eagles, watch as we all fly away....
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
All humans are not alike . recently a case had come up with a nine yrs old Thai girl delivering a baby and she must have become pregnant at age of eight. back then people had a life span of about 30-50 yrs and at an average 8 children were supposed to be raised by a couple simply to MAINTAIN the population. besides there are some conditions that give rise to PREMATURE OVARIAN FAILURE and these women can benefit from very early marriage,so religion should not restrict age of marriage
@kurdishproud5056 12 лет назад
so whay the iran turkey and araps figt the kurds ? why the iran dont help the kurds ?
@real4champions 13 лет назад
@VictumRoManius I did brother/sister I said 'mevlana'
@wilhelmrk 13 лет назад
Iran and Persia were complete different States .. like gauls and french of today. Iran was colonized by many people, even by the seljuk turks so not all of Iranians are actually persians.
@robto 15 лет назад
Are you a catholic? If our Filipino you might be one. And you know how Spanish destroyed your indigenous culture, and converted forcely your people to christianity? This stuff not just happened in Iran, it happened to everyone.
@nashjerb 17 лет назад
persian empire is the best
@Wootly 15 лет назад
there was no "kurds" back then kurds history is only 500 years old
@wilhelmrk 13 лет назад
@SeeN0More Yeah, that's exactly what I tried to say
@peywend 13 лет назад
cyrus was half persian and half kurd medes
@barod1 15 лет назад
ahh, but if they did conquered greece, they would probably be a large force. like the romans
@thescorpionking2020 14 лет назад
and look at what iran has become now?
@mazdaktv2876 14 лет назад
Again... there is only one race, the human race.
@Marduniya 14 лет назад
@AVPaylasim If it was not for Persian culture, the Turks would still be living in huts and living a nomadic life.
@ragman2008 16 лет назад
half of the world? No way!
@Wongtsunqui 15 лет назад
Do you all know that Kourosh is the Christ before Hesus is born and his mages who worship Jesus in Bethlehem as the new Benevolent Shepperd king who is the light of the world. This man greater then Jesus and Muhammad.
@hesiii 16 лет назад
to ke eek kondeh bi aghl bishtar nisti khaharkose boro koneh khodeto pareh kon faryad bezan persia persia koskhol persia tamam shod als esmeh jadidesh iran kireh khar to dahanet watan forsh
@GangP340x 16 лет назад
uhmm this recent comment i post was to ""peykeiran""
@davetokes93 15 лет назад
@rezabody 16 лет назад
HAMVATAN, nafaramani madani barei nabodi jomhori eslami
@NoLongerReligious 15 лет назад
actually Islam (Suni or Shiite) was the reason and is the resason why Middle east is in such a trouble. How can a violent, expansionist arab with thousands of years of culture lacking, bring glory to an existing empire that once rule the world? By the way I see the way you are trying to project your own hatred on Iranian ppl. They are very educated, and not "99.9%" of ppl want to leave Iran, many are coming back and wish to, Iranian women dont sell themslevs, not everything is arab in nature...
@jfrd28 16 лет назад
i'm pretty sad that Persian culture is being suppressed by the Islamic Gov't of Iran it's ok to change religion. it is man's prerogative to believe on what he wants (islamic irony) but why destroy the culture of a country that has been around more than two thousand years. It's as if Islam wants it's religion to be a culture too. I have to say. i don't want Iran. i want PERSIA!!! i'm filipino and the girl whom I truly love (her name's Sepideh) is a Persianand she doesnt want to be called Iranian
@AssurHistory 12 лет назад
thats what you think
@mazdaktv2876 14 лет назад
The median empire became the persian empire just via succession of throne... At that time, everyone spoke like that... Middle Persian is not like New Persian... Cyrus was Persian, and Median... He calls himself Persian... Anywho... The kurds are as iranian as the persians... the same civilization... same shit... a big family.
@spanish111japan 14 лет назад
@613072100 And also talking of other things.
@AssurHistory 12 лет назад
Respect?... Look at your history man... is that what you call respect..? this are facts mate.. there is no respect this days... specially this barbaric nations
@mishrik 13 лет назад
@tarun1982 Indian's and Africans are the same and NON Aryan, Tamil is Indian living classical language and Krishna - Black skinned person is the Indiagod, and their wives are white - Sita, radha etc. Mohammed the founder of Islam was a black person too, Arabic the afroasian language is now the call of persian submission - Allah ho Akbar, in Arabic. ? Vedic Aryans are all dead, Puranic hindus(black bamhins and Africans reign supreme in India).
@Arad737 15 лет назад
Medians, Persians and Parthians are all Aryans and Iranians. No difference.
@amoo34 16 лет назад
Persians say NO to Islam.YES to Zoroastrian.
@farzanatasneem 15 лет назад
God is the giver and taker of all beauty and anyone having mustard seed of PRIDE will not enter heaven. So better crush your pride today . Boasting is hated in the sight of God. Dont you believe in God ?
@hesiii 16 лет назад
alan digehkasi persia nemidoneh alan iran shodeh hala hey dawa konid
@seannyslow 15 лет назад
you say exactly the same thing Hitler did
History of Every ANCIENT Empire, i guess...
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