
Phoenix TV Anchor Nancie Zhu Talks with Mahathir Mohamad. 风云对话主持人朱梓橦对话马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔。E20 

Talk with World Leaders Official 鳳凰衛視風雲對話官方
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【2024-06-27 第20期E20】在中国和马来西亚建交50周年之际,中国国务院总理李强于6月19日访问马来西亚。50年来,中马关系稳健发展,不仅造福两国人民,也为促进地区繁荣与稳定作出了贡献。1974年5月31日,周恩来总理与拉扎克总理在人民大会堂共同签署两国政府联合公报,中国和马来西亚正式建立外交关系,马来西亚成为东盟成立后首个同中国建交的国家。
本期凤凰卫视《风云对话》主持人朱梓撞对话马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔 。
In this edition of Talk with World Leaders, Phoenix TV Anchor Nancie Zhu Talks with Mahathir Mohamad, Former Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Talk with World Leaders is a flagship programme of Phoenix TV which premiered in 2001, featuring high-profile interviews with influential figures from around the globe. It is the only programme on the network that is primarily broadcast in English or the interviewee's language. The show focuses on top international newsmakers and key global events and provides a platform for world leaders and influential industry experts to engage with a broad Chinese-speaking audience. The programme aims to promote international exchange and advance cross-cultural understanding.
Hosted by Asia’s leading bilingual Anchor Nancie Zhu, Talk with World Leaders presents a Chinese perspective on global events. The show airs on Thursday evenings at 20:30, and each episode is 26 minutes long. It is simulcast every week on Phoenix Chinese Channel, InfoNews Channel, Americas Channel, European Channel, and Hong Kong Channel. Please subscribe, like and leave a comment!



27 июн 2024




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@freddfong596 5 дней назад
Wondering which mask your wearing for this interview. Man with many faces
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
As if other leaders have none. Probably you too have one.
@Iman17_17 День назад
@MJTUEN 5 дней назад
Divide and rule has been been Mahathir's forte. Waste of time to interview a chameleon.
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
He is the most racist and anti non Malays
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
So true, they could compromise anything for his clans personal interests
@chuageokseng2168 5 дней назад
2R-enabled Divide & Rule political tool. Slice our society into non bumiputra(30%) & bumiputra representing 70%. Again non bumiputra into 2 slices(Christian & Muslim). Malays elevated to supremacy level(ketuanan). Quota is used to operate NEP's Rights® to support its dependents 70% majorities. What if 1 day MA63 splits up ? It hits hard on NEP's Rights® to fund its bumiputra agenda. Do not take for granted MA63 is forever.
@chuageokseng2168 5 дней назад
👀Look at India versus Malaysia. Social Caste System Versus NEP's Rights®. Both suffers brain drain to other developed countries. We lost human capitals to help others gain prosperity.😁
@Volvo5200 5 дней назад
Mahathir has been rejected by his own constituency, even lost his deposit.
@akmaakma3513 5 дней назад
And the guy who replace him there is even better? Just take a look at his debate performance in parliament. The people in his constituent must be very proud of him
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
@@akmaakma3513it’s alright so Long this Old racist is put out from politics
@kohheebeng849 5 дней назад
@@akmaakma3513 Much better. Ones lost his deposit, not just lost majority, worse lose to an unknown candidate! Ones won as MP & now is PM of Malaysia. Puas hati!
@leealex24 5 дней назад
This man is useless
@arifinikhsan1905 5 дней назад
But the world not...
@gameyee8251 5 дней назад
This guy trying to play racism in malaysia to spread hatred between malay and mainly chinese malaysian. Lots of evidence can be found through social media, go and google it.
@cac1504 5 дней назад
He questioned the loyalty of the Chinese and Indians who are citizens of the country by saying that they were not “completely loyal” as they still wanted to identify themselves with their respective countries of origin.
@akmaakma3513 5 дней назад
Isn't it true what he said? Vernacular school? More than 90% of minority ethnic people gave their vote or voted along racial line to one singular party. While the Malays' vote spread out to more than 3 major parties thus weaken their position as majority. They taken up a new political approach by abandoning their forefathers' parties who lobbied very hard for their people to be given citizenship at the turn of independence. The founding member's parties then collectively agree to it in exchange of special position and privileges be given to the sons of soil or Bumiputra. This should be accepted by all the parties and should never be questioned. After a few generations they become restless and dissatisfied. Repeatedly question it. Once they grow bigger in size they united to give their vote to just one single party who they think could give a better deal to them. Thus destabilize the formation of future federal government
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
@@cac1504 you are obsoletely right, when non Malays wanted to participate in military service he rejected then on TV he accused Chinese as non patriotic, my cousin bro was a military commando during confrontation with Indonesia in Tunku era
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
@@akmaakma3513don’t believe what mamak said you need to inverted whatever venom he spewed
@spwong02520 5 дней назад
@@akmaakma3513全部 都是他一手造成的,以前只有马来人巫统是唯一最大政党,后来是在党内竞选主席败选,而分裂出去创办了几个新党,还有两个在他退出巫统后,是他自己在外创办的新党,目的是要推翻自己指定的接班人,以前的首相都是他结合反对派用选票推翻下台了,已经99岁的老人了,还始终不放弃政治斗争,不明白他到底还要求什么东西。
@wsfwong2020 5 дней назад
@jljl8961 4 дня назад
He already said Malaysia being friendly with China is because China can bring them money. But if china is poor or has no money, meaning he would would ignore china because china is chinese . He dislike chinese . 😅
@frankiekimtee3181 3 дня назад
I agree with you 💯
@asmatomar480 День назад
Siapa orang malaysia hadir sini
@bal-4752 5 дней назад
这个 老狐狸 最排华,风凰卫视为什么要访问它 !
@cheemenglew1637 4 дня назад
@chinkhewng3742 3 дня назад
@ngleong5563 3 дня назад
@robertho3412 День назад
@@chinkhewng3742 這個老狐狸是策劃者之一。
@robertho3412 День назад
@@cheemenglew1637 你又以爲你是誰?
@diyanaliew7443 5 дней назад
Tm is rather reserved in acknowledging that Malaysian can learn from the Chinese in Malaysia true spirit, hard work, honesty and integrity apart from just business and economy point of view. His shield and protect of the bumi has put them in a position of over rely on support and then lastly he himself accused them of being lazy.. But he ignored such is all from his own policy during his 20 years of tenure as pm. Common, today he is still pin pointing the current government is not strong and only his time as pm is the bestand such a shame in an international interview he is defending himself of alleged stolen of country wealth 😂
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Malaysian chinese are kiasu lots. Nothing good learn from kiasu mentality except hatred racism and toxic. TM has done a lot for Malaysia progress. Every Malaysian steal the country wealth legal or illegal. Knowingly or unknowingly. What make him difference with others? If #non-bumi wants to be treated like #bumi act like one. #Malaysians #RakyatMalaysia #MalaysianChinese
@bktan3111 3 дня назад
Do u really think the present gov is strong? I hope you have a young family of your own. Mayb grandkid or mayb you are not staying in Malaysia. As for him n family stealing the country's wealth, well where are the boxes of evidence? Its very easy to catch that large amount . Najib is caught, so how come not tun. U should do research on how his children get so rich. Think u are just a sour grape.
@SirAzri День назад
Terbaik lah Tun M. Dunia luar perlukan pandangan Tun untuk Dunia lebih baik dimasa hadapan. Dan Tun tak pernah jemu kongsikan nya. Rakyat Malaysia berbangga ada nya Tun sebagai Bapa kepada Malaysia.
@robertho3412 День назад
Bapa Malaysia adalah Tunku Abdul Rahman, Dr.M cuma keluarga melayu yang paling kaya di Malaysia. (Berita dari Malaysia Kini News)
@ulinklee6178 5 дней назад
Whether the current Malaysian government is considered "stable" is a subjective assessment that reasonable people may disagree on. It likely depends on one's political perspective and criteria for evaluating governmental stability.
@ngsk6839 4 дня назад
Never trust what he said,just take it as face value only.
@chanronnie5079 5 дней назад
不需要称呼他Your Excellency啦。
@mcmltr 5 дней назад
Why want to interview this kind of past politician? Even he is rejected by his own people.. better go retired. So he will tell you how good he was when he was still the PM and how bad is Anwar now.. He always forget.. he is the real dictator
@NorellaPrivate-ov2bn 4 дня назад
What a joke .,, nothing can compare to d great spinner drama king .
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Rejected by toxic ungrateful Malaysians. But world respect his opinions and views. Are you saying the world are more stupid than you?
@csgoh9832 4 дня назад
Bad recording with interuption with music
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
TunM is a hardworking ambitious intelligent strong character and wise leader. He has quoted to South korean young doctors in a university during a trip "A politician is like a doctor. I treat people. You treat patients". His insights on world affair have been his passion seeing how his mind works. Being a medical doctor himself with analytical and observatory mind added to his leadership character makes a perfect picture of what great leader should have. Sometimes the world miss such leader. #world #malaysia
@chanronnie5079 5 дней назад
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
利用日本 把 本地华人 特别是大马华人 承包商 踩在脚下
@chanronnie5079 5 дней назад
@@tokaitrading8335 非常对。当日本当红时本地华人都被踩在脚下。😡
@SamSung-eu8vd 3 дня назад
Tun M,the living legend💪
@kelvintong2664 3 дня назад
he always forget the retirement age in malaysia is 60 not above 90. could somebody remind hin on this just in case he forget. good health and long lifespan are cone from flip flopping
@MrDenniswoo 5 дней назад
This old man were better than Biden and Trump.
@mcmltr 5 дней назад
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
Kidding 😂
@smilingface2006 5 дней назад
serious. and more than a decade older than any of them
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Indeed. Almost 100 years old and he is not even senile. He will make America good if he the president. A hardworking ambitious intelligent strong and wise leader. He has quoted to South korean young doctors in a university during a trip "A politician is like a doctor. I treat people. You treat patients"
@rexteo8062 4 дня назад
Thai + Msia BRICS Framework : 70mil pop + 34mil pop = 104mil pop. same as Vietnam 100mil / Philippines 110mil population. BRICS also discussed who should be into BRICS+ since some many countries applied. No All-In, Turkey as Nato has difficult, when Argentine / Saudi given up memberships make difficult to be members in future. Vietnam-Russia bases against Philippines-USA bases. Myanmar civil war. Spore / Cambodia have too small population markets and raw materials.
@cstai7675 4 дня назад
This old man is a hypocrite. His saying is always insincere and cannot be trusted.
@hofooifong9664 3 дня назад
Absolutely right in his own country he had been kept saying frightening the malays that China is trying to grab this country. Outside or internationally he praise and look up to China. What a hippocrates and evil person. He is a man with No Sincerity and gratefulness especially to the non malays which we also toil on this soil for decades to make this country a success. Never trust and believe on this person what he did is all for self serve and greed of power.
@soyabean-of9wz 5 дней назад
Wow This is recent?
@norm4328 3 дня назад
@kongming2005 2 дня назад
Don't understand why you need to have such a loud back ground music in interviews. Kind of like China thing, some Chinese drama love to have irrelevant and loud background music to cover the voice of the key person talking. Couldn't understand such logic
@smilingface2006 5 дней назад
@bal-4752 3 дня назад
当时正直 且能做东西的人很多,但就是被这只为自己利益而活的小人耍手段为了一己之利玩弄种族手段弄走了 马来西亚之前多美,他上台后就 玩种族主义,毁坏司法独立,马来西亚就是从他的时代开始 被 这奸角 弄垮 的。 不然马来西亚现在是和新加坡同样性质发达的国家 他当然也要做东西,不做东西他的家族怎么可以从中自肥 不知道的人现在反过来把这个摧毁原有美好马来西亚 的卑匹阴险小人捧为发展之父 君难道不知他的时代亏了多少国库,不然现在的马来西亚是和新家坡并驾齐驱的
@Myr833 3 дня назад
No respect for him now
@user-pt1dn2bt6d 5 дней назад
last time he want to kick out China Gelee Proton...now he knows Gelee actually saves the Malaysia Proton Company....
@eva31s 5 дней назад
Mahathir, lol to you from Msia Rakyat.
@thianyanphang73 4 дня назад
He should address as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
@shantiganesan4457 4 дня назад
Way smarter than the current pm
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Yes. Nothing beats him. Dictator of whatever labels tag by ungrateful Malaysians he is the best PM that Malaysia have had since independence 1957.
@permatapusaka 4 дня назад
The only ungrateful Malaysians are the penjilat PMX. To them, no one is good except the unperformed current PM.
@cheeyongchia6240 5 дней назад
@kkkkkkkk407 5 дней назад
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
他是排华 反中的黑皮
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
不仅如此 他也排华 ,他的 意见已经不重要了 。 他太极端也很排华
@kkkkkkkk407 5 дней назад
對。 我的留言给删了。
@cheemenglew1637 4 дня назад
@leehoongwan2w489 5 дней назад
waste time talking to this sly person
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
You make yourself a joke. Why are you watching then. Great China wants to hear him. Are you saying China is wasting her time?
@frankiekimtee3181 3 дня назад
I think Najib is better progress than marhathir lah ,, 9 year compared 22 years,, walking or riding around, the streets
@JohanHamidon 3 дня назад
Well known as Tun M for Malays & Lao Ma in chinese now his age at 99 & he is the oldest national treasure alive since British reign,Japanese Occupation, also the one who had 2 disciple as his successor as PM Najib Razak PMVI Marquis of Pahang & Anwar Ibrahim PMX
@lawrencengu9505 2 дня назад
Mahathir's political policies have caused division in Malaysian, i,e, Malayu privilege and the violation of the Sarawak and the Sabah treaties. Mahathir's racially biased policy has systematically treated Malaysian Chinese as second-class citizens and his unfair business protocol promotes double standards on Malaysian Chinese. Hence these double-standard policies regulations bureaucratic red tape have restricted economic growth.
@kcer2106 5 дней назад
Tun M.. though he's not perfect.. but he's a world-class true leader, brilliant leader, legend leader & limited edition leader.. so proud with him.. salute to Tun Dr Mahathir.. May Allah bless him with happiness and good health! 🥰🥰🥰
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Indeed. At almost 100 years old he is not even senile. He is truly blessed.
@thomasho9637 5 дней назад
Why not learn from the Malaysian Chinese rather than from China. They all come from the same root. They won't differ much but Malaysia has not really learnt anything.
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
He is anti Chinese and anti China
@n0ahem1nl19 4 дня назад
Mainland Chinese are more open minded
@thomasho9637 4 дня назад
@@n0ahem1nl19 more business minded and now more advanced in science innovation and technology.
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
The great difference is Chinese in China are not kiasu like #MalaysianChinese. Nothing good learn from kiasu mentality except hatred racism and toxic. And because of too focus on roots chinese in malaysia will never have sense of belonging as true Malaysians and they blame others especially the malays for being marginalised. They themselves create the problem.
@paullee6414 5 дней назад
Notable achievements of Dr. Mahathir are Putrajaya capital, KLIA airport, Petronas Towers, FI Sepang and Westport.
@cac1504 5 дней назад
Money could have been spent to improve human capital.
@inderaputra2846 5 дней назад
What about all his failures , inaction and overreaction , lousy ventures and should be included as well. Common, nobody can play God!
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
Are you kidding ?
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
Are you dumb or blind ? Don’t comment if you are out of mind to humiliate yourself
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
And the 1997 financial crisis and the Dawn raid.
@rolandtan4212 22 часа назад
No point talking to this corrupted self interests hypocrite politician of former PM who is deeply damaged Malaysia ! He will be heavily punished by karma for what he had done to Malaysia ! 😮😮
@monroedoc6729 5 дней назад
Malaysia owes alot to Tun Mahatir.This is a channel that knows the true leader of Malaysia.
@yfhuang4735 5 дней назад
Are you joking the world ?
@paulpaul7777 5 дней назад
😂😂what a joke
@meiyansoh7507 5 дней назад
Monroe doc6729, He is no longer respected as he has revealed that he is a racist and treats the minorities especially the Chinese community as ‘outsiders’ . He thinks their refusal to be assimilated is a stumbling block to national unity.
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Not only this channel. Some channels from other country too. Proud to have a leader who other country loves him. Not like many ungrateful Malaysians.
@weihowe2679 3 дня назад
@MTMT-wm2dq 5 дней назад
Talking rocks
@yingzhang7847 5 дней назад
Non-sense, this old guy is over and no use in Malaysia alrd, I can only say this TV station is totally Dont know Malaysia at all😂😂😂😂😂
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Are you stupid. China wants to hear him. Why are you here.
@lotagoz 5 дней назад
I love my leader Tun Dr Mahathir ❤❤❤
@yfhuang4735 5 дней назад
The time is over . 😂
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
Are you insane or lack of knowledge ?
@rest2440 5 дней назад
Bekas PM telah membangun Malaysia bertaraf dunia dengan lebuh raya plus.Klia.pusat pentadbiran putrajaya.cyberjaya.pelabuhan Pasir Gudang.penang Bridge.twin towel dan😅 eranya Malaysia ada asean tiger .
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
Are you kidding or sarcastic remarks for this old racist ?
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
And has save the country from 1997 financial crisis by getting loan from China instead of killer IMF.
@raymondlee8160 День назад
Ask him to RIP....
@homgsinclair2277 4 дня назад
@JamesLeBond69 5 дней назад
plz include Subtitle🙏
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Are you stupid? The past is a lesson for the future. As long as never learn from the past there is no future. #world #malaysia
@eowyn7834 5 дней назад
Although he has had ups and downs it is undeniable that he contributed greatly to Malaysia development as a country
@cac1504 5 дней назад
Mahathir's policies and rhetoric on race and religion have been criticized for exacerbating ethnic and religious tensions in Malaysia. His promotion of Malay nationalism and policies such as the New Economic Policy (NEP) aimed at promoting Malay economic advancement led to concerns about social cohesion and inclusivity.
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Indeed. Hate him or love him #malaysians cannot deny his achievement. They must be grateful and feel blessed to be given such remarkable leader. Malaysia will be still way back in development if he has not done his job sincerely.
@user-el1rr6bw6m 5 дней назад
Choong Ma
@hafizulnazri5988 3 дня назад
Fung sai yook😂
@zaharudinbasirun708 3 дня назад
Why must media interview tm .he is no more valid helost in election in langkawi and his partu also lost .he has goven twice as pm still not enough i do not know what he want in life .his performance down in 1998 because of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim . Now see the reality Datuk Seri Anwar as PM after nearly 20yrs facing a lots obstacle . For me PM Anwar greatest man and PM for this country not mahatir.he is enough already in politics.let it be,let it be
@bersihchannel7824 4 дня назад
Best malaysia PM
@nurulwan6514 3 дня назад
Thank you very much for interviewing Tun Dr Mahathir. He was and still is, Malaysians' greatest leader. He has done so much for us.
@mohamadtajudin6581 4 дня назад
No one perfect in this world. See wat he done good to Malaysia. He is the one bring Malaysia proud to world as KLCC, Airport. Dont simply condemn even to current PM elso headache
@tankh5282 4 дня назад
The most internationally Respected, Recognized Msian statesman.👏👍
@LiewTc 4 дня назад
@ngleong5563 3 дня назад
@user-nt8ib4hf1w 2 дня назад
He is a anti race's again others races 😮
@SimCapital 5 дней назад
@MsTeeweetea 3 дня назад
Why the annoying background music popping up?
@khoohengpin9624 5 дней назад
Wasting time
@tenwritersscreen5511 4 дня назад
Are you a joke? Go and watch something else then. China wants to hear him.
@myownmyown3617 5 дней назад
Waste of time watching this, exit after 1 min.
@thamsang2937 День назад
Waste of time
@mpdmpd8118 4 дня назад
Tun M still the best we had
@aidahabdghani5098 День назад
I am proud of this former PM of Msia.He put Msia on the world map.The world recognise Msia through this leader.
@stillok8525 4 дня назад
Nothing much besides here to listen to it. Hypocrite !😊😅
@leealex24 5 дней назад
This man is useless
@Ndtanchingyun 5 дней назад
我是 Andy! 中国习主席有否念念我呢?上回习主席派李强来大马定有交代㊙️~向首相安华和……!咭咭!😊 Andy 笔❣️
@yawshyongliew91 4 дня назад
Mr 10 %
@kkkkkkkk407 5 дней назад
Malaysia is somewhat similar to CCP-led China in that both got freedom. Freedom to criticize or discuss the "top leader", but the top leaders in others countries.
@jerryazlir725 5 дней назад
NajirAyob , Atuk Tua Kutty is a nightmare to you, ya ??!! Shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh shhheeessshhh !!!
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@tokaitrading8335 5 дней назад
Bcos he had no ideas how to run a country except looting resources using “ privatization “ then make those agencies as monopoly without non Malays participants
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
@najirayob1092 5 дней назад
AtokTua Kutty only talk about the passed not of the futures tures
Просмотров 113 тыс.
Просмотров 867 тыс.
Просмотров 113 тыс.