
Plantinga is an Idiot 

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Alvin Plantinga somehow manages to keep a job at Notre Dame, where no one has noticed he's an imbecile.
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• Prof Alvin Plantinga o...



9 сен 2024




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@Josh-su1us 8 лет назад
his evolutionary argument against naturalism is the most inane garbology ive ever encountered
@Nisstyre56 12 лет назад
"if you can't say it clearly, you don't understand it yourself" -- John Searle
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
A personal defeat? Don't I have to be beaten for it to be a defeat?
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
A priori judgment is definitely the purest way to go in regards to reasoning.
@BeyondtheChaos1 11 лет назад
(continued from last comment) Cobb, in the movie "Inception" (an excellent film I might add), has a spinning top which topples over as it should in the real world, but in a dream it never stops spinning. Cobb is rational in believing in the reality of the world around him as a properly basic belief in the absence of a defeater. When his totem (the spinning top) keeps spinning and doesn't topple, that provides a defeater for his belief in the reality of his world, and instead suggests a dream.
@farvision 12 лет назад
Agreed - and also to the point of not knowing that beetles do not have 8 legs ...
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
Another aspect is that many people take pleasure in physical pain.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
To me a filter is something that removes things. If you put a filter in your pipe, it is to remove garbage from the water. A coffee filter lets water through but prevents the coffee. Filters are not the same as inputs.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
That is part of Anselms ontological argument.
@cularos 12 лет назад
Now I can see better why pride is first of the mortal sins.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
I have yet to hear a single defensible argument. The most recent "arguments" I've had thrown my way all devolve down to "I believe it because I want to" and that is somehow considered good enough.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
Exactly. You compartamentalize what causality leads to.
@richo61 11 лет назад
The "if you are a a naturalist / materialist you have no reason to trust in reason" thing makes no sense. It seems a perfect non-sequitur to me - up there with the classic: "If I buy kippers on Tuesday it will not rain"
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
"First, Plantinga wouldn't make the inference from people's bodies and their movements to their existing other people." That is amusing in itself. If he was facing a live bear, would he also not draw the conclusion that the bear exists?
@drsuessre14 12 лет назад
"if he can't provide a clear version of his thoughts in 5 minutes, then his thinking is hopelessly muddled." Why think that this is true?
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
Plantinga leaves it to the reader to extract the implicative function. I meant to come back to this today, as I had to sleep sufficiently to complete my examinations this morning. A because A is much like saying 1 because 1 or dog because dog. It is the establishment of self evidence, of properly basic belief, that Plantinga was wishing to get at, although it may be unclear from how he presents it, as he takes his own approach to the whole idea.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
sigh... It has to do with epistemology and the order in which information is taken into the body, and distorted by the senses.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Of course. A dead person, an insane person, a person in a coma are all without minds.
@richo61 11 лет назад
"I just did an advanced search for scholary articles cited in the philpapers website and I noticed that Plantinga has over 130 hits." Argument from authority is a logical fallacy.
@guillatra 11 лет назад
I meant if Plantinga defined people as souls.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Craig never destroyed hitches - that's absurd.
@paulhaggisman3238 3 года назад
That singer believed he could fly. Where is he today? HE'S ALIVE! Checkmate atheist
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Very good. So - would you say that your body's ability to process glucose was not predictable from an examination of it's glucose processing facilities?
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
You are asking for a lemon from an orange tree.
@kas00078 11 лет назад
As expected of the formulator of the modal ontological argument.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
It gives a noble depiction of Love for one thing. It's in Corinthians. Love is patient and kind;does not envy or boast; it's not arrogant or rude. It doesn't insist on its own way; it's not irritable or resentful; it doesn't rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.
@ComradeAgopian 12 лет назад
Anyone who beings their argument with juvenile insults , quote mining , is bound to be tedious .
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
This is supporting evidence why it is perfectly rational to not put much trust into your senses.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
But obviously this is impossible. Hence there is no doubt that there exists a being, than which nothing greater can be conceived, and it exists both in the understanding and in reality.
@drsuessre14 12 лет назад
...and then challenge them knowing that you still could have missed something. It makes for better conversation partners and it's more conducive to discovering the truth.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
It makes perfect sense because your view of what a priori is, is either being horribly misapplied, or is not understood.
@FuelAirSparkTime 12 лет назад
Hes like a real life Reverand fucking Lovejoy, but not as self aware.
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
You don't think bullies are idiots? You think they're geniuses?
@GEdwardsPhilosophy 11 лет назад
Having read Plantinga I can assure you that he isn't an idiot. He just presupposes Calvinism.
@bestvalue 11 лет назад
It's so strange. If I pause the video, you look like a perfectly normal and rational human being. But as soon as you start talking, you reveal yourself to be a raving lunatic.
@thestraw56 11 лет назад
A wiser man than I once said "Give me a mic and total editing rights and I'll make anyone look the fool." Thanks for proving him right.
@BeyondtheChaos1 12 лет назад
Just because one philosopher gives a critical review of the work of another doesn't doesn't mean that either philosopher is incompetent. It means they're doing their job and engaging in healthy academic debate.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
I was hoping you would catch this beforehand, but I stated, "IF I believe, THEN it follows that I believe."
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
He was being stacked on a wooden pile for a burnt sacrifice. That's how they did things - burnt sacrifices. Isaac was even helping pile the wood, from what I recall. But that's irrelevant really - killing your kid is sick, and he was just about to do that. Not only that, his willingness to kill his kid is held up TODAY as an good example of awesome faith.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
There is no record of jesus in the roman documents - and certainly no record of a zombie army.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Thats not what AP says. He says he believes because he believes.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
I am on your side OccamKant, but I can only talk with you so much. I have studies I must attend to, and continue to expand my own growing knowledge of Philosophy as I journey to better myself and enlighten those around me. It has been a pleasure watching you be schooled by these theologians and myself. Cheers and happy studies!
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
The person who was murdered certainly had the experience, but the investigator didn't. He came afterwards. He had no experience of it whatsoever, which is my point.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
I mean, "either socrates is not mortal, or he is a man, or both" which would imply one case as an immortal man (P and Q is one of the legitimate cases of P v Q).
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
But it's a stupid point -- it's like questioning the existence of the lion that's about to eat you, rather than believing your senses and getting out of there. All of our experience has led us to the conclusion that our senses are (for the most part) reliable, and report a reasonably accurate representation of the world around us. If our senses were inaccurate, we would die (not be able to eat, or avoid predation).
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
The ontological argument is an attempt to define something into existence, which is beyond ridiculous.
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
As a final point - I knew someone who had a psychotic break - or at least, he kind of went bonkers while I was talking to him. it was very creepy - I thought he was just kidding around, but it became pretty clear relatively soon that he was not all there, not responding like a normal person would, and then he suddenly ran away. I found out later that he ended up in the psych ward of the local hospital. Wouldn't you say that a machine that seemed to be conscious was more conscious than a crazy?
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
There is a huge difference between coming up with the rules of logic, which are an abstraction that everyone agrees with, and "god", which is most definitely not an abstraction.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
A priori is knowledge that can be sound prior to experience. The murder is a posteriori, because it is experiential. I completely agree with you that the investigator could not soundly conclude who committed the murder, because it has nothing to do with a priori knowledge and I was saying this the entire time.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
I'm unjust? I have listened to that whole video more than once. What part, exactly, did I not play that would suddenly reveal his true genius? I've apparently missed it somehow.
@DonaldSweat 11 лет назад
There it goes with the name calling again......hm.
@Stupidityindex 11 лет назад
The flip side of 'the fool says there is no god' is the wise man knows people talk shit about knowing the mind of god.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Well, you can't say that B is entailed upon A, and then present a rule that allows for both A->B and (~A & B), which is one of the cases possible via (~A v B)
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
Ya got me there. I got his chair wrong. I may as well give up.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
If it's from a contemporary logic book, then it should be returned for a refund -- you can't use a factor as both a clause and a conclusion.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Yes, which is quite interesting. Something most of us share, at least recalling back to when you were losing your baby teeth. The pain of pushing them around actually felt good. This is pleasure in addition to pain though, as opposed to instead of pain. I imagine anyone who felt pleasure instead of pain wouldn't live very long.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Pantinga is the poster boy for wishful thinking.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
That's precisely how it works. It's the point of the vinyard parable - that no matter how early or late you are to your "conversion", all is forgiven and everyone gets the same reward. The only punishment is for not believing.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
I have a tendency to respond how I'm attacked. If you come at me reasonably, I will respond in kind. If you come throwing punches, I'll throw back.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
I was misunderstanding what we were talking about, as I thought we were speaking of identity, while we were in fact still addressing Plantinga's "because" claim. The way I interpret Plantingas defense is in his use of an unassailable primitive proposition, that is (P is P and -P is -P). There is no arguing agianst this, and I assume he wished to synthesize this wish the characteristic of belief that is (belief justifies itself, though evidence may change belief)
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
"The fundamental question is how far do you allow causality to go in your worldview?" Not sure I understand the question. What else is there beyond causality?
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
So you place a logical problem before me and then tie my hands as to which logical tools I can use? That's your approach? Not gonna play.
@picklesnorf101 11 лет назад
I completely agree with you on that point. Here is the thing that completely shatters my mind, Plantinga said that had he lived in ancient Greece he would have believed in Zeus... When I heard that my head nearly exploded. I wonder if that means that he is a religious cultural relativist? When asked if the existence of other religions and the fact that he is basically making an argument for all of them to be true, if that in anyway discredits his own beliefs and his response was no.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
That was a question, John.
@rogerbojangles7669 12 лет назад
The idea is that both beliefs are "basic": not the products of an inference or an argument. They're immediate, non-inferential. On the occasion of certain kinds of experiences (visual and, as you say, auditory, tactile, etc.), we just find ourselves believing, e.g., that there are other people. It just happens. We don't reason our way to the belief as a conclusion of an argument. It's not an implausible position. Let alone idiotic.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
My belief in ungod? What? A lack of belief is not the same thing as a belief in a negative.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
I suppose it is to illustrate "faith beyond ones own understanding", much like not asking why ones wife wishes to have her body paraded around at her funeral, but simply doing it because it is her dying wish. If Abraham had committed the murder, I would consider it sick, but Abraham was pained the entire way, and according to the story he almost slaughtered his son but was stopped by an angel. It wasn't burning alive, it was binding him and killing him with a knife. Still murder though.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
Even this theist understands Logic in its most fundamental form.
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
"Regarding millions of beliefs and one brain state, consider a belief to be a feature of the mental state." But it's not. Your mental states change all the time - you don't suddenly forget things because your mental state has changed. You may be willing to alter the truth value you attach to something when your state changes - when you calm down, you may rationally re-evaluate something and decide that you now do or do not accept it as true. But that's not always going to happen....
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Neither the cosmological argument nor the ontological argument demonstrate anything. They are grounded on fallacies, as I've shown.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
So how is "I believe because I believe" not self contingent and therefore circular?
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
It's difficult to respond to different people in the same line of argument coming at it with different contexts.
@Adeikov 11 лет назад
I prefer to have an object of study before I make statements regarding said object. Lacking, such an object: What do my statements amount to? Thus, I favour empiricism to rationalism. An Ideal (mental) object reveals nothing about reality, although ideal objects can be applied as ways to describe reality from observation of real (irregular) objects. Since my mental models of reality are open to revision, I'd favour relativism to absolutism. I do not see myself as being absolute on anything.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
It's not something he said "in his personal life" - it was a televised interview, thus making it very public. This is him speaking for himself, officially.
@MulletKid 11 лет назад
I mean, most of Cartesian Meditations deals with this issue. This is like phil.101 dude.
@mjcolavolpe 12 лет назад
oh, and sweet left ear diamond stud.
@johnwhalen2271 11 лет назад
You're probably right that there is no clear-cut alternative and perhaps my wording was off. It's not so much that we need to find some alternative, and I admit I implied that initially, but that we should not ever believe that our knowledge and language of the universe is a mirror reflection of existence as it really is. We can assume that we are more or less getting closer to an accurate depiction of reality, but that it is overly hopeful to believe that it will ever be complete.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
From that report: "Children were asked whether their mother would know the contents of a closed box. Three-year-olds believed that their mother and God would always know the contents, but by the age of four, children start to understand that their mothers were not omniscient." As I said - an extension of childhood parent "worship", needing someone to take care of you. The study even discusses it. Thank you for making my point for me.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
How is "the object of belief" relevant? How does believing in A make it true, but believing in B doesn't make it true?
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
Found the essay. I'll read it later tonight.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Ok, I guess I could have put that better. But most of the time, when I hear the the term "defeater" it's "I believe this, for no reason other than I want to, and unless you can give me a defeater I'm going to continue". Science is of course all about defeaters - when you are proposing a new idea, the first thing you try to do is shoot the hell out of it. I'm just agains the idea of believing something for no reason unless it can be proven false - because that leads to crazy.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
In what way, exactly, is "I can imagine waking up in a beetle body" either logical reasoning or an inductive argument? And he hasn't shown that at all. He's shown he can imagine it. What is the difference, exactly, between Plantinga imagining he can wake up in a beetle body and me imagining attacking the death star in an X wing?
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
No he doesn't. He doesn't show anything. He says that he can imagine A being different from B, and that's it. That's his evidence, that he can imagine it. Well, I can imagine flying on a broom with Harry Potter, or duelling lightsabres with Darth Vader. So what? Imagination proves nothing.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
How do you know there is a chance that they are faulty? Maybe there is no chance for them to be faulty. Can you demonstrate your assertion?
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Well, thanks for the advice, but I think I'll just try to soldier on on my own.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
It can be proved from deduction in formal proofs. It is rational to accept the logical structure of the claims.
@Hairysteed 12 лет назад
I guess Notre Dame has to have its hunchback :) Nice to hear from you every once in a while! :) Last time you didn't have a beard!
@sweenith 11 лет назад
"Philosophy only exists in the mind" - is that an empirical statement? (that question is rhetorical).
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
I am preparing a much less emotional video to follow this up with. I realize that it can be hard to hear my arguments through my ranting. The biggest problem with the OA is that it commits an error - the conclusion is supposed to be stronger than the premise. The premise is a conceptual one, but the conclusion is an existential one, and you can't go from conception to existence.
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
Well, that's a very open and balanced attitude, and makes for excellent mental exercise, but I think I would have to perceive my opponent's argument as at least reasonably good before I try to make it better. If someone was trying to argue leprechauns, or santa claus, into existence, trying to make that argument any better is really either a waste of time or a practice in dishonesty.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
I love how people come by and tell me I'm wrong, but they usually don't try to tell me why. And when they do, they're obviously full of crap.
@johnogilvie785 11 лет назад
The point of such an argument is that God has been present in every interaction that has occurred in your mind, so you have no experience without him being there. That is the argument presented to me at least to the best of my knowledge.
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
I suspect I have a lot of dislikes for a couple reasons - Plantinga is mysteriously respected, I am not trained in "philosophy", and I use harsh language.
@OccamKant 12 лет назад
Depends on the automaton. If it's programmed well enough, why not? If you can talk to a robot and it can talk back to you, tell you about its thoughts, dreams, doubts, wishes, why shouldn't that be considered thinking? Obviously I'm not talking about something on the level of Siri, or Eliza, but something that could actually pass the turing test.
@Nisstyre56 12 лет назад
Consciousness? Yes, we can observe that, it takes place in the brain. Ditto for thoughts. Pains? Nerves. What red "looks" like? That question makes no sense.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
As a Christian, he believes that there will be something about people that lives on after death, and that "something" is usually referred to as a soul. So he believes that people HAVE souls, not that they ARE.
@SisyphusRedeemed 12 лет назад
I don't think you're being sufficiently charitable to Plantinga. What he's saying is not as idiotic as you make it out to be. For example, when he talks about other people, he's not referring to the BODIES of other people. He's clearly making reference to the problem of other minds. How do I know that you actually have conscious, phenomenological experiences, as opposed to just being a machine that looks like one? There are answers to that problem, but your dismissal won't suffice.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Yes, you have just described the formation of superstition. We developed science to get us away from superstition, and this doubled or tripled our average lifespan. The false ideas borne of superstition were killing us.
@lfzadra 12 лет назад
I suspect that people who dislike this video have serious problems facing the cold truth that Plantinga is completely nuts for believing what he believes, and this truth leads to very unpleasant conclusions about themselves.
@OccamKant 11 лет назад
Distorted by the senses? Interesting. So there is some conduit into the body prior to the senses, and then the senses distort this originally pure input, eh? So we have a pre-sense sense. Never heard of it. Do tell!
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