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Please call me by my true names - Plum village song (lyrics + song meaning) 

Wake Up songs
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Lyrics: - see the full description or click on the button subtitles to see the lyrics in the video -
Song meaning: - see the full description -
The song that was based on Thich Nhat Hanh's poem Please Call Me By My True Names
From: Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life by Thich Nhat Hanh
In Plum Village, where I live in France, we receive many letters from the refugee camps in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, hundreds each week. It is very painful to read them, but we have to do it, we have to be in contact. We try our best to help, but the suffering is enormous, and sometimes we are discouraged. It is said that half the boat people die in the ocean. Only half arrive at the shores in Southeast Asia, and even then they may not be safe.
There are many young girls, boat people, who are raped by sea pirates. Even though the United Nations and many countries try to help the government of Thailand prevent that kind of piracy, sea pirates continue to inflict much suffering on the refugees. One day we received a letter telling us about a young girl on a small boat who was raped by a Thai pirate. She was only twelve, and she jumped into the ocean and drowned herself.
When you first learn of something like that, you get angry at the pirate. You naturally take the side of the girl. As you look more deeply you will see it differently. If you take the side of the little girl, then it is easy. You only have to take a gun and shoot the pirate. But we cannot do that. In my meditation I saw that if I had been born in the village of the pirate and raised in the same conditions as he was, there is a great likelihood that I would become a pirate. I saw that many babies are born along the Gulf of Siam, hundreds every day, and if we educators, social workers, politicians, and others do not do something about the situation, in twenty-five years a number of them will become sea pirates. That is certain. If you or I were born today in those fishing villages, we may become sea pirates in twenty-five years. If you take a gun and shoot the pirate, all of us are to some extent responsible for this state of affairs.
After a long meditation, I wrote this poem. In it, there are three people: the twelve-year-old girl, the pirate, and me. Can we look at each other and recognize ourselves in each other? The title of the poem is "Please Call Me by My True Names," because I have so many names. When I hear one of these names, I have to say, "Yes."
The poem:
Please Call Me By My True Names
Don't say that I will depart tomorrow-
even today I am still arriving.
Look deeply: every second I am arriving
to be a bud on a Spring branch,
to be a tiny bird, with still-fragile wings,
learning to sing in my new nest,
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower,
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.
I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry,
to fear and to hope.
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death
of all that is alive.
I am a mayfly metamorphosing
on the surface of the river.
And I am the bird
that swoops down to swallow the mayfly.
I am a frog swimming happily
in the clear water of a pond.
And I am the grass-snake
that silently feeds itself on the frog.
I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones,
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks.
And I am the arms merchant,
selling deadly weapons to Uganda.
I am the twelve-year-old girl,
refugee on a small boat,
who throws herself into the ocean
after being raped by a sea pirate.
And I am the pirate,
my heart not yet capable
of seeing and loving.
My joy is like Spring, so warm
it makes flowers bloom all over the Earth.
My pain is like a river of tears,
so vast it fills the four oceans.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can hear all my cries and laughter at once,
so I can see that my joy and pain are one.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can wake up
and the door of my heart
could be left open,
the door of compassion.
Lyrics song:
My joy's like spring so warm
It makes flowers bloom all over the Earth.
My pain's like a river of tears,
So vast it fills the four oceans.
Please call me by my true names
So I can hear all my cries and laughter at once,
So I can hear that my joy and pain are one.
Please call me by my true names
So that I can wake up
And the door of my heart could be left open



5 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 42   
@tylerwhitney3443 3 года назад
My favorite Plum Village tradition Dharma song
@kennewicksheri 7 лет назад
Beautiful... beautiful...... thank you for the lyrics too ... To read, to follow along.. to breathe... to .. be Thank you
@orangeziggy599 7 лет назад
The lotus needs mud to grow and bloom. Thay is very appreciated.
@sarma1997 2 года назад
Thank you very much beautiful song and thank you THAY YU always take care of me
@user-nj2ep5og1z 2 месяца назад
Beautiful. Truly a blessing. Thank you.
@Bedzsim6 5 лет назад
Hosszú meditáció után írtam a következő a verset. Három szereplője van: a tizenkét éves kislány, a kalóz és én. Egymásra tudunk- e nézni, és felismerjük-e magunkat egymásban? A vers címe: Kérlek, szólíts valódi neveimen, mert számtalan nevem van. Amikor meghallom az egyik nevemet, figyelek rád. Ne mondd, hogy mennyek el holnap, hiszen egyek vagyunk. Tekints a körbe: mindenben ott vagyok. Én vagyok a rügy a tavaszi ágon; Én vagyok a törékeny szárnyú, kismadár, mely dalolni tanul új fészkében; Én vagyok a hernyó a virág kelyhében; Én vagyok kő, melyben rubin rejlik… Én vagyok a történések, hogy sírjak és nevessek, hogy Én félhessek és Én remélhessek, Az Én változásom ritmusát követi minden élőm születése és halála. Én vagyok a tiszavirág, ki átalakul a folyó tükrében, s Én vagyok a madár is, ki tavasszal eljön, hogy véget vessen a kérész életének. Én vagyok a tiszta tóban boldogan úszkáló béka, s Én vagyok a sikló is, ki csendben közelít, majd felfalja áldozatát. Én vagyok az ugandai gyermek, csupa csont és bőr lábai, mint a bambuszbot, olyan vékonyak, s Én vagyok a fegyverkereskedő is, ki Afrikában teszi pénzzé a gyilkos eszközöket. Én vagyok a csónakon menekülő, tizenkét éves kislány, ki a tengerbe veti magát, miután a kalóz megerőszakolta, s Én vagyok a kalóz is, kinek szíve még vak és nem képes az Én szeretetemre. Én ülök a Politbüróban, korlátlan hatalommal a kezemben, s Én vagyok az is, kinek a „vér-adósságát” népe felé törlesztenie kell, lassan elpusztulva egy munkatáborban. Az Én Örömöm tavasz, mely gyengéd, s az élet minden színterét virágba borítja, Az Én fájdalmam, termékeny könnyfolyam, mely teljes, s táplálja a négy óceánt. Kérlek, szólíts az Én valódi neveimen, hogy egyszerre hallhasd, hogyan sírok és nevetek Én, s láthasd, hogy örömöm és fájdalmam is Én vagyok!. Kérlek, szólíts valódi neveimen, hogy felébredjél végre, és kitárjad szívem, s újraéld az Én „együttérző elfogadásomat”!
@mars1783 3 года назад
Wow.... Beautiful lyrics n melody, thanks for posting!!!
@LG-rt9wh 2 года назад
So beautiful - thinking alot about Thay 🧡🙏
@clotildebert9016 Год назад
thank you for this wonderful poem set to music and sung with great sweetness 🙏
@indirachowdhury 4 года назад
Beautiful. Thank you.
@lingnina1345 Год назад
发现这个歌曲专辑,太高兴了,感恩brothers and sisters......
@oppfylleliv 6 лет назад
... and the door of the heart could be left open ... I am deeply gratefull knowing Thay
@nasibami2024 2 года назад
真好听 非常感谢
@ProfessorCarvalho 7 лет назад
A practice of see what I call myself in every thing born from The Mother Earth.
@KG-lm1df 2 года назад
beautiful and touching
@ThienLee Год назад
beautiful words...thank you
@kavmaz 2 года назад
can you please say who is the gorgeous singer and who composed the beautiful tune ?Thankyou . This is a wonderful song . May i sing this with my choir ?
@upskillsbymasterdavid4471 3 года назад
@user-vt6xw2bq2p 2 года назад
감사드립니다 ()()()❤
@lazitazen6882 9 месяцев назад
I love you, Thay ❤ Forever ❤
@dst1273 Год назад
I am not the body. I am not even the mind. I am not even the name......
@gerardomartinez3920 Год назад
@moyshekapoyre 4 месяца назад
Conditions, nothing else
@aaaahooray5723 2 года назад
love this song
@trikaruniaaji7670 3 года назад
so beautiful
Hermoso, quisiera conseguir el libro Llámame por mis verdaderos nombres, en Colombia en dónde? Gracias❤
3 месяца назад
Anyone know who’s the singer?
@sueligarcia7488 2 года назад
@MrTianzhen Год назад
@vfreedomv8576 6 лет назад
ash young
@priyanshukushwaha6408 9 месяцев назад
@jefferyhaag1 2 года назад
Does anyone else think this sounds a bit like summer wine by Nancy Sinatra?
@kavmaz 2 года назад
yes i see where you think that ... some choradl structure but also different :)
@Bahiyyaa 2 года назад
In the photo it says: No mind no what?
@nadinesickels9592 2 года назад
No mud no lotus. A beautiful flower like the lotus won’t grow with mud. Like joy and suffering.
@lisal.239 2 года назад
@@nadinesickels9592 I believe you meant to say ...the lotus will not grow WITHOUT mud.
@vfreedomv8576 6 лет назад
nuttawut yongpolkun
@moyshekapoyre 4 месяца назад
Please call me by my true pronouns: he/her
@petal333 5 месяцев назад
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