
Pokémon's Riskiest Game 

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@Skyehoppers Год назад
Heya! What did you think of my analysis here? Anything I missed? Any differing interpretations? There are a lot of features I didn't really discuss because honestly these are just really big games. There is a ton to do, so I could see a lot of ways my reading could be complicated by taking them into account. If you have the means, please consider donating to my Patreon (link in description)! Current perks are early access, credits, Discord server, and regular updates. Future perks will include voting on topics and exclusive content (but yeah haven't gotten that far yet). Long-term I'm aiming to build a small community with the Patreon encouraging freeform analysis of media in a way that makes it more fun than traditional academic settings. Here are some discussion questions to get some more discussion about these games going! 1. I opted to not mention the specific, diegetic reason you can't catch Kyurem in the initial encounter: Ghetsis's staff has some sort of power to block PokeBalls. Does this cheapen the moment? I don't think it does; I think there just had to be some logical reason why you can't catch Kyurem but that the effect of not being able to catch it remains. But uhh idk I could see the opposite argument. Thoughts? 2. What's up with the Strange House? Such an odd but very cool non-sequitur. 3. I couldn't quite fit the extremely missable mechanic of N's Pokemon into the script, but I ended up using the Zorua you get from the ex-Plasma house. It was super satisfying to see N actually recognize it when you meet him in Victory Road. Does this add much to the story? 4. What is the dating sim side story all about? Both times I have played these games I just didn't quite get enough phone calls to progress the plot and ended up forgetting about it. Does it add anything to the meaning of these games? Why have it be so disconnected from all the other story elements?
@AndroidHarris Год назад
1. I don't think this cheapens the moment. It's basically ghetsis's pokemon at that moment and as we all know you can't catch another trainers pokemon. Though in contrast in SM I think having the same thing in aether paradise with nihilego isn't as effective in terms of story not because of the reasoning because it being a safe paradise is more practical than a cool staff but the fact that nihilego isn't controlled by anyone makes it really feel like it's a wild pokemon that can be caught just not there for an arbitrary reason. It's the same with the sword and shield slumbering wield legend. 2. Strange house is really cool with lore of it's own. Like darkrai and cresselia as well as being close to heatran. Just world building stuff like that makes the series cool and makes legendaries even more legendary in the world even outside their specific region. 3. I like these pokemon a lot it's actually really cool. It adds to the story a lot and shows the player N's heart despite his goals. Without these an argument could be made that he was just catching and releasing pokemon without much care like other evil team leaders. Having these pokemon feel special in some way to the player makes you see how special N was as a character. 4. I remember completing this but I can't remember specific details it's been a long time.
@potentialPizza8 Год назад
1. I agree that it just needed a logical reason. But for the sake of discussion, following that thread, it might be meaningful that it's Ghetsis in particular that causes this effect. Could this be saying that, as he's the villain, the side of not wanting you to use Poke Balls is wrong? Or is it another example of him weaponizing an ideology that he doesn't believe in? 2. idk weird ghost shit in pokemon is awesome i think that's all i can get out of it. 3. I don't remember the events of this well enough to say much, but off of your description it seems like it could imply that by showing N's Pokemon what a positive relationship with a trainer is like, you communicate more to N than just what he had gotten from the player in BW? That gives me an idea for a mechanic in a hypothetical BW3 - what if part of the way through the game, you had to choose a Pokemon of yours to give to N, and he used it on his team from the rest of the game? Teaching both of you something more about what the different experiences are like. 4. Did not remember this existed until now. I'm not even sure if I played it; I just remember being a kid reading details about it on Serebii. Yeah... racking my brain I can't think of anything. At least, not anything tying into the main themes. Like the strange house, probably just something cool they felt like including. Even with Unova being inspired by NYC, there's still, as usual, lots of minor commentary on Japanese culture, and this is probably just them wanting to do something about idols. There's definitely a lot of stuff to say, thematically, about the split between personal and public life for idols (the manga Oshi no Ko is so interesting for this), but I'm not sure the storyline really does enough to make a clear statement about it. I'd have to replay it myself or see all the dialogue to know for sure, though, as your video has just proven the games really do have the confidence to communicate their themes subtly.
@ShinySalamence1 Год назад
1. Kyurem not being catchable would be better explained if it had something to do with an unstable state that the DNA splicers put it in. This would give room to follow up on with a GenV remake where we do see that third dragon eventually (which I assume is Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem combined) in a stable state where we can capture it. Ghetsis's staff being the explanation does cheapen the moment for me. 2. Seems like a topic for some independent analysis, maybe in a shorter video! 4. You can go on serebii or something for a walkthrough of it. I honestly didn't think too much of it until now other than being a fun side story. Now that you bring it up, however, romance is a theme that hadn't been touched upon in the main series games until then (excluding breeding Pokemon, but that doesn't count). My casual interpretation is that it's just the manifestation of the "growth" that is such an important theme to these games. Growth of the player character to an age where they start thinking about romance and growth as a franchise to even consider the theme. Also growth among the player base for being thought to be ready for the inclusion of such a theme. I honestly didn't even know that it was a romantic sub-plot when I played these games as a kid/preteen/teen. Only now as an adult did I hear about it and figure out what's up.
@angelictofu Год назад
I think there's one aspect of the pokéball oppression theme that's often overlooked, but that I believe in wholeheartedly. I think that originally, black and white 2 were meant to have following pokémon, like HeartGold and SoulSilver did. My evidence for this is both the abundance of overworld sprites that were created for the game, sprinkled throughout the world and primarily utilised in the hidden grottoes, but also, damningly, the fact that the mechanism actually does exist in the game. In Humilau City, an old lady will ask you to take her Mienfoo on a walk around her room, to which it will follow you and respond to you talking to it. The feature was obviously scrapped (clearly late in development) because it's an immense undertaking and the game is huge already as far as pokemon games go, but I completely believe it was intended to be there. I'm all but 100% certain that this idea of pokéball oppression likely is an anachronism from that phase of development- it would definitely be a lot more thematically fitting if the player was already taking that small first step, by letting one of their mons out at a time to prove that the bond they have is strong even without pokeballs.
@Skyehoppers Год назад
​@@angelictofu Damn, excellent point. I bet youre right!
@xoreign Год назад
Imagine if the game ended with N releasing his pokemon, and you're given the option to do the same. After the entire story you're presented with the chance to "free" them. But when / if you do, they choose to stay with you regardless of being released. They don't flee. That's some Nier Automata level stuff.
@pranavghantasala6808 Год назад
Something like that happens in Memory Link, where N releases his Pokémon and later says "Why were they so sad to leave me?"
@spiggly_digg Год назад
Or maybe they leave or stay depending on friendship value, and you get a secret ending if they all stay
Lmao no I've been recently playing pokemon for the first time and its pokemon black 1 and 2 and trying to complete the national dex and if all my pokemon just walked off I'd have a heart attack and never play again.
@libertygarden8161 Год назад
I wanted an option to kill N if possible. That freak without a human heart deserves no oxygen. A huge damper to an otherwise brilliant generation
@ShadowRealmZ373 Год назад
He did release them and you can catch them
@jadetboi Год назад
The only other time pokeballs get criticised like this is in PLA, with both the diamond and pearl clan disagreeing and mocking the use of the new pokeball technology. All the wardens have deep connections with their Pokémon without pokeballs, so it’s like PLA is the turning point towards modern Pokémon. Everyone in jubilife village uses pokeballs, and Ingo is the only member of a clan to do so as well, which could show how deeply routed pokeball usage is to the modern person in Pokémon. Pokeballs seemed to be a way of shortcutting the fear people had with Pokémon, as everyone not in the Galaxy Team is terrified of wild Pokémon, giving control to people for the sake of societal progression. Could the ideals of N be wanting a return to this type of Pokémon relationship, which could be easier due to how the perception of Pokémon has changed, as well as the humans understanding?
@Skyehoppers Год назад
Thats very cool thanks for describing it! More reason I need to play arceus soon.
@immortal_shrooms6757 Год назад
I think another logical reason is that pokeballs protect the pokemon from easier theft, as a pokemon without a pokeball is technically still technically wild and someone with a pokeball could easily snatch it without any hustle.
@literaryvendetta Год назад
The other reason for pokeballs in PLA is that it's a safety measure due to the fact that pokemon in that game can and do regularly kill people
@jessiescholten9119 Год назад
Too bad PLA is dogshit tho
@neilklima3548 Год назад
The story of the Pokeball is crazy.
@danius88 Год назад
Another great detail is that Hugh's starters isn't even from Juniper, he says he raised it himself from an egg!
@lemmymeringue8528 Год назад
I always found that particular line a bit dumb though, like wow what are the chances your egg pokemon happens to be the exclusive starter pokemon that I (the player) am weak to haha. They shoulda just had him get one from Bianca too if he NEEDED to have a starter. His egg mon could have just been something more basic, but I digress. 😂
@UltraAryan10 Год назад
@@lemmymeringue8528 They had given the rival starter before you in Gen 3 and Gen 4 and just continued on with that. While I dislike the idea, I do like how in Challenge Mode, he has a Lv6 starter implying he has atleast trained it a little more than your fresh one.
@canhedotricks6078 Год назад
@@lemmymeringue8528 I always assume the odds for the player to catch certain player is skewed from what the reality of the pokemon universe is
@Inaros404 Год назад
​@@lemmymeringue8528 Alola taught us that regional starters aren't rare. But from different regions.
@Gafafsg Год назад
@@Inaros404 Same with Hisui, the professor brought them from other regions, though you can still catch them in the distortions
@MikeyTheCartoon Год назад
It’s honestly shocking that these games are seen as the “Low point” of Pokémon just because of sales, because to me, these are some of the best games in the franchise.
@F14thunderhawk Год назад
really its because black 2/white 2 came out at the wrong time
@thelegacyofgaming2928 Год назад
They saw ice cream and garbage bag and freaked out
@MasterofTheUniverse1337 Год назад
Gen 5 one of the Best Gen's of Pokemon👍🏻😎
@MrNasexD Год назад
@@thelegacyofgaming2928 I was one of those teens back then. Didn't like the looks of the new Monsters. Finally played White 1/2 and man what excellent games.
@sheicode3748 Год назад
My favorite pokemon games
@jazzpear8877 Год назад
I wish Legends Arceus got an extra year or two of development. The breakneck speed of the franchise is killing it.
@damienmitchell3104 Год назад
PLA was fine just to short. it was the test for S&V. if people enjoyed that style. in all honesty that they didnt even try to do a dlc is more shocking considering its success. then again though S&V got crunched for time. it needed another 6 months at least.
@Dumbsourplum Год назад
Eh Idk Legends Arceus Was fun, like really fun (except for the last area) sure there weren't many complicated things to do and places to visit but there was still stuff to do, honestly Just gathering materials by throwing my pokemon and SNEK-ing my way Into catching pokemon was just fun, PLA is a genuinely good game, like not just by pokemon standards it's a fairly good game by Most standards which probably puts it as one of the best pokemon games of all time
@milliefleur Год назад
@@Dumbsourplumlegends arceus was great, but most people wish the game was more polished with the graphics and stuff
@Dumbsourplum Год назад
@@milliefleurWAY Better than whatever the hell scarlet and violet is, Visuals were OKAY, plus the rest of the game did a good job covering for it with the rest of the visuals
@CRFIDJ9K Год назад
Legends Areceus is R/B/Y and whatever its G/S/C that comes out from it is going to probably be amazing. Every other main line Pokemon game post BW2 has been... pretty mediocre.
@crazyitalianguy000 Год назад
About the "oppression of pokéballs." In a 1997/98 official guide to the pokedex that only came in japan and that was later retconned by nintendo, it is revealed that the mechanism of pokéballs was invented by accident when a scientist, when trying to make a primeape loose it's anger by feeding him tranquilizers, discovered that these tranquilizers shrunk him so much that he could fit in his glasses's case. This accident led to the creation of pokéballs, wich according to this book that was written by gamefreak itself, are basically small chamber that constantly feed pokémon these tranquilizers so that they can stay their size and cannot oppose their trainers. If a pokémon acts mean, put it in it's pokéball. I know it's not what N was referencing but knowing that makes me see it in a completely different way.
@Skyehoppers Год назад
Regardless of if that can be considered "canon," thats a fascinating origin for the concept! Thanks for sharing Id never heard that
@maude7420 Год назад
Holy shit that's evil lol
@ninjaydes Год назад
Considering how Ash's gut reaction was to put Charizard and Pikachu in their Poké Balls for acting up, that official guide makes a lot of sense.
@mightyfist10 Год назад
The Pokeball is a technologically advanced Straight jacket and muzzle.
@cleverman383 Год назад
Legends Arceus made it canon that Pokemon shrinking is a defense mechanism of the Pokemon themselves so that supports the tranquilizer idea even more.
@ParadoxProblems Год назад
This definitely makes me hope that the Gen 5 "remakes" are in fact a 3rd part of the story rather than a carbon copy. It would be amazing for Pokemon to change up the formula just to show the real growth of the Unova region.
@ParadoxProblems Год назад
Pokemon already has precedent for your Pokemon not to obey you. It would be incredible if this was tied to normal interactions with your pokemon without pokeballs
@cassiopeia_mori Год назад
yeah! one of the main reasons i want this is because then we may get a resolution for the subway masters. cmon, we can’t just leave emmet without his brother with NO conclusion! so i think this is where they may be going with this
@Dz73zxxx Год назад
Pokemon Grey, the original dragon appears, now dealing with Colress anthics. "In the name of science, progress, no matter what it takes" Or "progress but with the consideration of morals"
@bristlesthistles Год назад
Yeah I think we should get a BW3 instead of a remake this time round
@Emil-sh6sq Год назад
@@bristlesthistles BW3 should be a final goodbye to the 2D art style
@optimisticcharizard602 Год назад
What surprised me is that Colress never showed up in X&Y, the concept of Mega Evolution feels extremely fitting with his idea of the bond between People and Pokémon brining out the full power/potential of Pokémon themselves
@imaginativegirl126 Год назад
I kind of wish he was around for futuristic Paradox pokemon too...
@lasercraft32 Год назад
He shows up in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon though, oddly enough... And he actually learns from the events of Black & White 2, actually standing up to Ghetsis to save Lillie in the Team Rainbow Rocket storyline. He's also the inventor of the device you use to fuse the two legendaries with Necrozma.
@cinereuz 6 месяцев назад
​@@lasercraft32 Colress was DEFINITELY lying about his improvement to save his own skin (I can and will elaborate if asked because this topic is very interesting to me I'm just sick rn and don't feel like typing up a whole essay unprompted at the moment but I can def do that later) (This is not slander he's been my favorite Pokemon character since bw2 came out)
@Kaminoboi 3 месяца назад
He showed up randomly in alola tho
@Yourmomssneakylink 2 месяца назад
​​@@cinereuzIf your feeling well right now i would really enjoy a breakdown for this.
@BierBart12 Год назад
I just realized, the fairly shallow nature of the Pokemon games and their lore is what makes me so excited to hear/read ANYTHING that'd give it a bit more depth. Especially when people try to give the villain organizations more depth with super elaborate Romhacks and comics, so BW2 was like the holy grail of Pokemon content for me. Hell, it was crazier than most of those fanmade stories I've seen. Ghetsis: "Kyurem! Use KILL CHILD!"
@thelegacyofgaming2928 Год назад
Yea, Ghetsis was actually the kind of villain you'd see on HBO. Definitely did not feel like a kids game at that point 😂
@tomnorton4277 Год назад
Giovanni gives the vibe that he's capable of killing children but would take no pleasure in doing so. It's an absolute last resort for him. Ghetsis and Volo are the only Pokemon villains who outright attempt to murder the player without any hint of hesitation or remorse.
@cyb3rspace478 11 месяцев назад
Crazy that ghetsis and volo are in the two games that broke the formula the most too, almost like it isn’t a coincidence.
@SaiyanGamer95 11 месяцев назад
Actually, Ghetsis doesn't attempt to kill the protagonist. He commands Kyurem to use Glaciate, which will instantly freeze them. He even states they'll watch helplessly as he conquers Unova.
@alzhanvoid 10 месяцев назад
​@@SaiyanGamer95They will watch helplessly... and die slowly. He basically condemned them not to an instant death by ice skewer, but a slow, torturous death by freezing, watching as your failure leads to Ghetsis performing atrocity after atrocity, for however long you can hold out before the cold claims you.
@scooby-doovillain Год назад
I absolutely adore how "Hey Nintendo, show us the full dragon" has like this double meaning after watching the full video - had me stunned for a second, excellent job!! :D
@anthonyk240 Год назад
The only people who don't want to see the full dragon are competitive players. Xerneas and Xacian beat them down, and now Complete Kyurem's about to end their careers.
@nobodyimportant4778 Год назад
We already have ultimate necrozma. What's one more true form?
@IPlayGamesMate Год назад
@@anthonyk240 I hope it's like a pokemon you can't use. The DNA slicers couldn't handle its power and keep them merged so they break apart once again. After the dragon defeats Black and white 3's antagonists.
@mauken-dyn6685 Год назад
What do you mean double meaning?
@CaptainCFalcon Год назад
@@mauken-dyn6685 aside from physically showing us the true form fans have wanted for years, the "Full Dragon" is the ideals of man, & the truth of Pokémon *_realized._* It's true fusion of the 3 dragons symbolise the future N wished for. The "Full Dragon" is that *_someday_* when we would be ready. *_Unfortunately, GameFreak will never allow this "someday" to exist properly, as that would signify the END of the franchise as we know it._*
@senorlechuga8832 Год назад
Not just the pinnacle of 2D Pokémon, but of the franchise, and I really wish for Gamefreak to have this sort of ambition, time and resources to do another game like this
@danf7411 Год назад
Gamefreak will never do that again, 2d is outdated to kids their all in on 3d and whatever gimmick they will go with for 9. Besides 3 4 and 5 the best pokemon games I've ever played were made by some 16 yo with a ton of time and passion, nothing youll get out of game freak
@senorlechuga8832 Год назад
@@danf7411 2D isn't the norm anymore, except if you're indie. 3D needs a lot more time and resources that they're given, and at this point the games are just tie ins for the anime Also I agree with the ROMhacks. Some of them are really good
@FlorianFlorian573 Год назад
@@senorlechuga8832 that’s why indie is better
@CryoJnik Год назад
People say that but how did they act when these games were new? They whined, complained and dumped all over it because the sprites were different, that they couldn't use the same creatures again, the ice cream etc. Not to play to TPC or anything but this fanbase is one of the most petulant whiny things on this earth that frankly does not want change despite their gripes about everything being the same.
@FlorianFlorian573 Год назад
@@CryoJnik well as an actual human being and not an idiotic neckbeard, I welcome change
@jottys3709 Год назад
One thing I found out much later in life when playing the original black and white again was that you could see the brewing divide between Team Plasma members within the Plasma Palace. You hear people talking about that they may have gone too far but also people finally getting excited to rule rather than save.
@Dakress23 4 месяца назад
You can see hints of that before Plasma Castle too, with some of the grunts' dialogue being all about gaining power vs some which honestly dig "the freedom for pokemon" motto.
@Snwmn-mh2tp Год назад
I would say that scarlet and violet are the riskiest games, because realeasing them in the state that they did requires some serious balls.
@rushpatriot2866 Год назад
Not really. They knew their fans were bootlickers and now that y'all showed them that you love half assed low tier games they're gonna do it again y'all are gonna complain buy two copies defend the game then repeat. The bootlicker consumer cycle continues
@Andyatl2002 11 месяцев назад
⁠@@rushpatriot2866, I didn’t buy the games but the story is a genuine improvement and has some great designs and concepts and also some great music and some people decide that’s more important then a buggy game. I think what causes them to stagnate most is the lack of real competition more then anything else
@tingle2958 10 месяцев назад
​@Andyatl2002 i recently finished it and i thought the story of Scarlet/Violet was utter shit
@Andyatl2002 10 месяцев назад
@@tingle2958, okay got anything more actually constructive then that
@tingle2958 10 месяцев назад
@Andyatl2002 i mean, why? Are you a writer for gamefreak? I just thought the story was shit. Thoughtless, soulless, written for small children, shit. Gamefreak isn't exactly known for it's storytelling, and that's fine, but I'm not sure why anyone is praising the story of scarlet/violet.
@maude7420 Год назад
Yeah that moment with the Liepard always felt memorable to me I always assumed the only thing that mattered in this Pokemon becoming aggressive was the fact it evolved and was separated from Hugh's sister for too long but that bit about the Pokéball isolating it and straight up abusing it was mindblowing
@Nameless_mixes Год назад
Something that I love about Gen 5 is how they actually show what could be possible if Pokemon were befriended and not captured. Enter Pokemon Conquest. You don’t catch Pokemon. You link with them. You form a bond. It’s amazing how even the side games show that capturing mons in Pokeballs isn’t the only way for humans and Pokemon to become partners!
@redacted_lol Год назад
shoutout to pokemon conquest!
@kirbstagoontheaxolotl Год назад
I think Pokemon Conquest is actually connected to the stories of Generation 5. Possibly in the future, the continents have shifted around, and after the legends of Black, White, Black 2 and White 2 have been told, people started to slowly get rid of pokeballs until the events of the Pokemon Conquest story. Where Pokemon can trust humans without the need for Pokeballs, just like N envisioned. And it shows that people can even earn the trust of Legendary Pokemon, as shown with Nobunaga, who has both Zekrom, the dragon of ideals, which is certainly fitting as his goal is to conquer Ransei, and a Shiny Rayquaza, which is the same colour as Zekrom, and the player after conquering all the kingdoms manages to befriend arceus, who fights alongside you in the final battle of the game and then tells you that you will meet it again. In "two heroes of Ransei", you have the ability to be able to bond with Arceus who decides to join you as you've grown as a warlord, and other warlords in the stories can bond with legendary pokemon. So Ransei as a region, is N's ideal world, a region where pokemon and humans don't need pokeballs to bond
@nightday2030 Год назад
@@kirbstagoontheaxolotl Isn't Pokemon Conquest meant to be a crossover for an already popular strategy simulation franchise known as Nobunaga's Ambition?
@kirbstagoontheaxolotl Год назад
@@nightday2030 yes but let a person come up with their own headcanon (ik full well it's a crossover)
@fg009letyrds8 Год назад
Then there's PLA where Arceus, the fucking God of Pokémon world, literally encourages Pokémons to be captured inside these Balls 😂😂😂😂😂 Some benevolent god my fucking butt.
@dragontamer1012 Год назад
I am a diehard fan of Black 2 and White 2, ever since I played it, it has been my favourite pokemon games of all time, they really need more appreciation.
@FamilyGuy_Best_Of Год назад
@jaywhy7150 Год назад
Yeah it was so underrated, I replayed it and and it was very refreshing and I really got attached to my Pokémon there!
@followtarnit Год назад
Nah it was my favourite of all of them. I still love it so much till this day ❤hopefully there will be a remake soon plzzzzz
@oslenamartinez8673 11 месяцев назад
This game is and always will be favorite Pokémon game of all time! Every Pokémon game afterwards could never hold a candle to the glory that is B2W2❤❤❤!
@angeview7532 Год назад
On Colress: I always thought his thematic connections to N are fascinating. If in BW1 N was naive and extremely idealistic about the bond between Pokémon and people then BW2 Colress was almost his exact opposite. Unlike N who was raised with a worldview forced upon him Colress's role as a scientist requires him to evaluate all available pieces of evidence to find the absolute truth behind the nature of the Pokémon-human bond. Which was why he was willing to go to the extremes from joining Neo Team Plasma and abusing Kyurem to helping the protag in their journey, giving them access to Ghetsis, a 2nd Master Ball, disbanding Plasma etc. N is overly "sentimental" from his ability to talk with Pokémon allowing him to forge a bond with the BW1 protag and ultimately changing his world views, while Colress is overly committed to the scientific method (his true sense of morality & ethics kept distanced, though we do see hints of them in the USUM Rainbow Rocket episode.) He only changes his methods after the protag has proven to him the effectiveness of not-abusing their Pokémon. N is sincere and sympathetic, while Colress is very hard to read. There exists many interpretations on Colress's character - the three official ones (game Colress, BW anime Colress, and manga Colress) have wildly wildly different personalities. And how is it that for a supposedly brilliant inventor and scientist the Colress machine he gave us broke after a single use and that conveniently led to the Plasma Frigate? After Colress removed the Crustles he said "It's so frustrating! If only we could talk to Pokémon to bring out their true potential!" (That's N!) which makes me really wonder what would happen if they interact. Hopefully the Unova sequel will deliver along with the original dragon ofc, and I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment but hopefully it will just be a singular title with the original dragon as box legendary, representing unity for the Unova region.
@yangwenlifangirl Год назад
Additionally, there are actually more parallels in them than you mentioned from above. 1. Math vs Science. N is math. Colress is science. Pure Mathematics uses Deductive reasoning which N does while Colress uses Inductive reasoning. Mathematics deduces from assumed truths just like how N has carefully crafted worldview and believes that Pokemon and humans should be separated. In math, you don't need experience to get the answer, N already has an answer beginning and should remains true throughout time but later he later found out he is manipulated and his perspective changed because of the player. Colress is the opposite. Science induces from evidence, Colress starts from creating a theory yet his theory can be overturned by new observations which at the end he later found out that potential of Pokemon can is bonded through friendship by through player. So in short, Science is sort like a subjective (working from observation like Colress) while Maths is objective (working from a fixed foundation like N). 2. Nature vs Technology. The best example of this is the Black City and White Forest or just looking the version differences of Black and White. Black is futuristic while White is Traditional. N is the best example of Nature and Tradition while Colress is the best example of progression and future. In BW, White forest represents the world that N envisioned, where pokemon are set free or Return to Nature while Black City, there is actually a black tower which the goal of the building is to monitor or observe Trainer battles to unleash Pokemon's real strength just like how Colress operates. 3. Role Parallels. Actually, Both of them are puppet leaders of Team Plasma. By Coincidence, Both of them do the similar thing after 2 years after they quit Team Plasma, Both of them encounter Ghetsis again and try to stop him from murdering a person (aka the BW2 player and Lillie). Remember that there are 2 years gap difference between BW and BW2. There is also a 2 years gap difference between BW2 and USUM. 4. Truth Vs. Ideals. I actually think both of them represent Truth and Ideals. N is the truth since in Pokemon White, it represents nature and traditional places which is perfectly symbolizes N. Colress is Ideals since Science is a symbol of progress. Also remember that Fire is used as a light in ancient times and in modern time people used electricity. and these are Zekrom and Reshiram types. N is ideal since is basically wants a utopian world, he believes he can make it change for the better. Colress is the truth, he actually doesn't care about what will happen in his surroundings, he said even if world is destroyed, so be it. 5. Slow vs Fast. (This might be a huge stretch) N is actually a fast talker and according to the director of BW that he is also quick witted. Colress is slow, he looks like Internet Explorer and uses slow Pokemon.
@ZorotheGallade Год назад
It's great when the game has these gray area characters with understandable motivations but questionable methods
@peyton1768 Год назад
@floofzykitty5072 Год назад
I think B/W exposed the sort of contradictory "doublethink" that goes into accepting Pokemon's stories as they are. It's not dogfighting because the Pokemon are sentient and can consent to this. But if they are sentient and can consent, then that gives you no right to imprison them in Pokeballs and treat them like animals. We know for a fact that many Pokemon have human-like or even greater intelligence yet they are treated all the same way. You can't have your cake and eat it too; Whether they are sentient or more animal-like it is wrong.
@thegnarledpirate9198 Год назад
The fuck am I supposed to do then, not play the game?
@wildfire9280 Год назад
@@thegnarledpirate9198 Seems to be the game’s skill issue, not the players’.
@Bessux Год назад
"You can't have your cake and eat it too." You can because it's not fucking real. Shocking, I know.
@erdil-ilea Год назад
@@Bessux why are you so upset? You know this person is not making a value judgment of you, right? He is just talking about the contradiction in the morality inside of the game. He realises its not real. You are the one who is taking his analysis in a very serious way.
@Bessux Год назад
@@erdil-ilea Wow, I said a bad mean swear word, that must mean I'm soooo upset. Grow up.
@bforblitz4847 Год назад
Colress is clearly intended to be a very morally gray character, but I think it’s really funny that nearly every adaptation of him outside the games just makes him evil because he’s Like That
@hiimshana Год назад
YOOOO I GOT CHILLS FROM THE FINAL QUOTE. Yes, yes, yes, we really need a Legends: Kyurem game now. It just feels right: from Legends Arceus we got to know Unova was already inhabited before, and it could be like you said, a world where Gamefreak makes good on their promise, a world where Pokémon and humans are not bound through Pokéballs, a world where we finally meet the Original Dragon.
@SSJKenpachiZaraki Год назад
​@@jaretco6423 Same here. I'm honestly quite concerned that they could never do a gen 5 remake justice. They haven't given the main-line games the same level of commitment in 10 years. I don't trust them at all to suddenly start now. Legends Arceus, however, was an amazing game. I'd go for Legends Kyurem in a heart beat.
@zx-3948 Год назад
A Pokémon Black and White 3, or a Pokémon Legends: Kyurem is the real "remake" of gen 5 that we all need
@RIP-hd8ln Год назад
I would kill for Pokemon gray or white/black 3 where we get the perfect dragon 😭 like I feel robbed that we didn't get that in one of the best Pokemon games 😭
@SSJKenpachiZaraki Год назад
@@RIP-hd8ln i completely agree
@joaquincasascortes624 Год назад
Legends Arceus was the real gen 4 sequel we all wanted. I hope we never ever see a gen 5 remake, I don't want to see gen 5 done as dirty as gen 4
@Your_moms_waifu Год назад
I would KILL for a black and white remake from N’s POV. That would be so phenomenal
@TheSapphireLeo Год назад
100%, and without the capitalist ecofascist gaslighting?
@Joeistheking Год назад
Black 3 & White 3 maybe?
@RIP-hd8ln Год назад
I would kill for Pokemon gray or white/black 3 where we get the perfect dragon 😭 like I feel robbed that we didn't get that in one of the best Pokemon games 😭
@foilbaby6759 Год назад
You probably just named the next great rom hack
@Your_moms_waifu Год назад
@@foilbaby6759 You’re probably right, GameFreak isn’t known for taking risks like this, but if any game designers wanna make this I would play it
@Thunder-Sky Год назад
Honestly, if they skip doing a gen 5 remake and just flat out make Black 3 and White 3 when the time comes, that would be incredible I'm not sure I can be as hopeful for that as you are, but the way they're advertising Scarlet and Violet is certainly leaving the door open
@justinvzu01 Год назад
I want them to do remakes and a sequel.
@alejandrofortuna4751 Год назад
I hope then will remodel the entire environment on gen 5 remake and not just pull off another dp kind of remake
@brianartist8027 Год назад
If they made it both for 3DS and somehow for DS it would be even more perfect.
@sparktwochristopher7240 Год назад
I thought the Tao Trio served their purpose
@WitherLele Год назад
imagine B3W3 with gen 10 pokemons, new story, and HD2D (octopath) graphic
@reudude4569 Год назад
I'll always be proud that Unova was always my favorite, even when everyone else hated the games. I loved Unova before it was cool.
@trancandy1 Год назад
i just never found the arguments against it convincing really. it was always just "but old pokemon good, and new pokemon bad. garbodor chandelure vanilluxe."
@extremmefan7305 Год назад
I used to not like it back at reveal (mostly the same old argument of "but I don't wanna leave my Piplup behind!"), but then tried Black/White anyways out of childlike brand loyalty. Now I'd call talking about both Unova sets of games my daily hobby. I literally went from "ew newness" to memorizing over half the Unova dex. BW was just that charming, and the sequels helped iron out its blind spots.
@notNajimi Год назад
@@trancandy1 black and white came out in the middle of the whole 90s kids nostalgia wave, so being a curmudgeonly genwunner was a very popular thing at the time
@JayceCH. Год назад
Too bad, the majority lead the games to where they are now. They spoke with their wallets.
@nitro5247 Год назад
Gang gang!
@SmogValley Месяц назад
I woulda loved to see walking Pokemon be an unlockable reward to show people are letting their Pokemon out of their pokeballs to not overly restrain them
@hv9460 6 месяцев назад
hugh being the ONLY rival in the entire history of pokemon to commit an act of physical violence against another person gives unova like 3 more brownie points
@TheGrossDemon Год назад
Watching you release those legendaries hurt, but then it made me think about how nice it would be if one day they made it so released pokemon remembered you and that warmed my heart a bit. Espectually with overworld pokemon being a thing now. How cool would it be if you caught and released a legendary and occasionally while it was free roaming the world it came to you to say hi. Even if that was only something pokemon with high friendship did. Even if they werent catchable again that would be cool.
@Inaros404 Год назад
On my first playthrough of black and white 2, I released cobalion, and terakiom but kept verizion. Because in my soul, I know it's a game and fake, but in my soul I feel it's wrong to keep legendaries in a PC I'm not planning on using or trading them. I kept latios cuz he came to me. But I release most legendaries and keep a few for battle. I put myself in a scenerio if I were really in the game lol
@TheGrossDemon Год назад
@@Inaros404 I can respect it. It might be a game to us, but to our avatars it's the real world lol
@Inaros404 Год назад
@@TheGrossDemon pretty much! But.... Then all that goes out of the window on like my 3rd or 4th playthrough. Lol. I have leggies! But, what sparked this was catching a shiny Ho-oh when I was 13, and I decided to play the game competitively after that. Catching all and any! It was actually a core memory of mine. Lol, but to this day, on 1st or 2nd playthrough, and the main files, I play the game as if I am the character. I immerse myself. Which I recommend you DON'T do, unless you wanna find yourself crying out of nowhere sometimes because of a sad moment in a game, or something dumb. Like, I will never ever play those F.E.A.R. games again 😂😂😂🤮😈 that was a ROLLER coaster lmfao
@XerxesTexasToast Год назад
As a kid I believed that released Pokémon were re-encounterable in the wild in their usual habitats. I think it would be cool if they implemented something like that someday.
@liviquail 10 месяцев назад
​​​​@@Inaros404 That's kinda how I feel about it, from an in-universe perspective. I think the more "normal" Legendaries are fine to be kept by a particularly strong and good trainer (e.g. Mewtwo, Urshifu, Silvally, Latias and Latios, Zacian and Zamazenta), assuming they want to stay with the trainer. While the more god-like Legendaries responsible for some force of nature (e.g. Dialga and Palkia, Groudon and Kyogre, Zygarde) probably shouldn't be removed from their environent and kept by trainers lest it upset the balance of the world or something.
@PhilipLL Год назад
1. The editing and especially the transitions are just. Wow, such a treat. 2. This video made me reflect on the world, theme and context of pokémon more than any piece of content before. 3. How a bw3 would theoretically crystalize, is much more defined now. And i think it would involve a reunion of the BW trainer and N, symbolizing that merging of truth and ideals N talked about. A round of applause please
@Skyehoppers Год назад
Thank you :)
@superpower48 Год назад
@@Skyehoppers pokemon gold and silver are a direct sequal to red and blue with the exact same amount passing about 2 years.
@TheSapphireLeo Год назад
*Clap clap clap*
@nathanblackburn1193 Год назад
I don't think Pokeballs are inherently bad they are a convenience that allows people to keep their pokemon by their side and easy transportation like how could someone get their Wailord to a pokemon centre without a pokeball in an emergency? The problem with pokeballs is that the convenience they offer can be exploited and all the benefits pokeballs provide become detriments when used by people with ill intentions Somewhat unrelated but I'm reminded of a small side story in Sun and Moon where you can find an old woman in the Hau'oli Cemetery with a Machamp, she tells the player about how her husband died in a car accident and Machamp was there also but put in it's pokeball at the last second resulting in it being unharmed however due to survivors guilt Machamp now refuses to go into it's pokeball and threw it away... the player is then given the TM for fling which is kinda morbid
@Reac2 Год назад
If my friends or family would shrink me and put me in a comfortable ball container during a field trip or long drive, I wouldn't complain. Ofcourse I wouldn't trust a stranger, but thats where the main controversy lies, when you put your Pokemon in a Pokeball without a bond of trust. Though willingly breaking out of a Pokeball is super weird and inconsistent in the Pokemon Universe. Some Pokeballs seem to be like a revolving door (which I don't think anyone would object to) , while some are locked tighter than Fort Knox.
@post_low Год назад
I think the main idea that something like this goes into wouldn't be "what would you do if you need to transport your wailord to a pokecenter if not for pokeballs" to more of "Why do you need a wailord?" These are just two extremes ig tho there's definitely some middle ground in there somewhere
@nathanblackburn1193 Год назад
@@post_low Hey you don't know maybe someone is really good friends with a Wailord
@liviquail 10 месяцев назад
I agree. I think the question of its ethics mostly comes down to whether a Pokémon is willing to use Pokéballs. Some Pokémon openly dislike Pokéballs and refuse to go into them, while others don't seem to care. The usage of Pokéballs is not cruel in of itself (in fact my headcanon is that Pokéballs are what prevent Pokémon from dying in battle), but can to used in cruel ways, like by forcing a Pokémon to use one against its will.
@larkandmallow Год назад
as a kid, i was over-empathetic, pokémon being my whole life due to my upbringing. hearing hugh's sister's pokémon was stolen when i first played BW2 made me so enraged and sad. imagining someone giving my sister a kitten and it being stolen by someone before they could bond made me like,, way overly motivated to get back that purrloin
@TheUltimateYouTuberyay Год назад
I met a waiter at a Bob Evans one day, and saw me playing White 2 on my 3DS. He came over and we talked about the games, and he said he's hoping for a remaster for the Switch, like Sinnoh's. I agree. I think that now, B&W would be more accepted. Especially because the OST is straight fire
@demonicthan742 8 месяцев назад
I'd probably buy a Switch B&W remake, even if it looked like the exact same game again, just because of how much I adore those games and how they introduced me to the franchise
@KStarPR Год назад
I think the topic of Pokeballs and their effect on the world is interesting, because it's lightly been touched upon throughout the series. Pokemon are able to shrink in size at will and enter a fetal position when weak. This is stated in the Japan-only Pokemon Bible from Gen 1, and lightly re-iterated in Legends. Pokeballs allow pokemon to recover in a safe place, and are said to simulate a comfortable environment (probably why they have screens inside them, as shown in the anime). This explains why catching pokemon keeps them inside pokeballs and helps calm them in multiple cases throughout the series. This can benefit pokemon, but as seen in Gen 5 and the gamecube spinoffs, this can also be to a pokemon's detriment. Pokemon can forcefully break out of pokeballs if they have the strength and resolve, but this seems easier said then done. Pokemon trapped within pokeballs by bad people can only recover if the pokeball is stolen back (as done with the snag machine) or released, and as shown through Liepard and Shadow Pokemon, this itself is a tough process. As for legendaries, Calyrex explains in SwSh's Crown Tundra DLC that they allow themselves to be captured by trainers that they believe they can trust, and can release themselves at any time. But this doesn't seem to entirely be the case, given their usage by evil teams. The mixture of a comfortable environment and outside factors could possibly trick legendaries into staying inside a pokeball, and Cyrus states in Gen 4 that pokeballs weaken a legendary somehow, making them unable to express their full power. This usage of pokeballs to weaken and subdue legendaries is shown by even good trainers, as Leon attempts to catch Eternatus to stop it in SwSh's climax. Like many things in our world, Pokeballs are simply a neutral tool that can be used for good or evil, and are not entirely necessary to keep pokemon. In Legends, the clans question the usage of pokeballs and keep all their pokemon outside of pokeballs. However, it is shown that pokemon and people do not trust each other yet, and this trust has only formed partially over the many years the series has taken place in. Pokeballs are akin to capturing a scared or injured animal, which can then be taken care of and potentially tamed. In the modern day, trust between people and pokemon is steadily growing, as shown by pokemon residing outside their pokeballs (shown by Ash in the anime, the player in HGSS & SwSh's DLC, NPCs throughout the series, and Pokemon Rangers, who don't even keep pokemon in their sub-series). Yeah, this is a long post and I'm sure I missed some stuff so feel free to bring up any points I may have missed. I might come back and edit this to be more cohesive or at least better with punctuation and grammar (I'm sick and don't really wanna do it atm).
@SpaceWitchGardevoir Год назад
Something interesting about the limiting legendary's power, it might refer to the fact that captured pokemon can only use four moves.
@SleepyBrady Год назад
I don't think there's a single case (outside of eternatus) where a legendary pokemon was captured with a pokeball outside of the player character. The evil teams usually use technology that isn't the pokeball because they usually have a hard time actually catching the pokemon. Seriously if you check it never is with a pokeball. Dialga and Palkia were contained with red chains that were designed to contain their power and there isn't a single pokeball used. Yveltal and Xerneas were captured but we never see any pokeballs used to contaim them so the SwSh dlc could be correct. Although that's just considering the games and not other media. Could be different
@mauken-dyn6685 Год назад
Well-written and insightful. Also sick atm, please feel better!! I know the pain. >_
@TheRedSmarty Год назад
@@SleepyBrady Team Rainbow Rocket in USUM with Master Balls. And a new case in S/V too, also with a Master Ball.
@SleepyBrady Год назад
@@TheRedSmarty oh yeah in the post game alternate world villians exist. Of course they already won in their world so they use master balls in order to get complete control even over the likes of the legendaries
@larsworldh2106 Год назад
Black and White turned out to be one of my favorite Pokémon games and 'N' turned out to be my all time favorite NPC.
@Sacren365 Год назад
The part where you said you struggle with deleting saves because your friends are in their hit me very hard. Not even just the digital monsters but my actual friends in the real world. I visited Unity Tower recently and stumbled upon some NPCs that resembled the people I knew, some friends, some family, some moved far away, and one friend I lost. After finding that, I can’t bring myself to delete it.
@ochuspin Год назад
I took extensive amounts of pictures of all the people in the unity tower before I recently deleted my white save file, even though it was my older brother’s originally. I felt like it was necessary to do, even if he probably wouldn’t care much.
@skinnymax Год назад
This comment hit even harder.
@nikidelvalle Год назад
I feel like a lot of the reason for Black and White's failure financially was just timing. The Black and White anime really soured me on the brand back then, and Gen 4 was also when fatigue started to set in.
@willshearin8832 Год назад
Bar of a line, “The morality of the previous games are black and white. Now we are shown shades of gray.” (Kyurem)
@pitdarkangel2961 Год назад
It's a shame that the battle systems of gen 5 were still very rigid and didn't allow them to be deviated from, especially when it comes to N. A lot of fans probably already know this, but N doesn't actually catch Pokemon, he only befriends wild Pokemon in the area as he goes around Unova. When you fight him in BW, other than the final fight he will only have Pokemon that can be found in the surrounding area and only at a level they can be found in the wild. I really wish they could and would have explored that part more.
@Py-Py-Py 4 месяца назад
I mean when you think about Pokemon rangers, they fight pretty similarly to N.
@rabbitgoddessweloveu175 Год назад
37:52 what if they introduce a mechanic where u can befriend pokemon instead of catching them kinda like pikachu that would be so cool
@SupremeLeaderKimJong-un Год назад
What made the B2/W2 Gyms especially unique was each Gym had its own version of the Gym theme song, whether it's a tropical vibe like Humilau or runway vibe like Nimbasa. Sure the games took risks, but I'm glad they did. It's like how Disney back in the 90s took risks because of Eisner, but that's what led to the Disney Renaissance and new Disney parks. You can't change and evolve if you're not up for a challenge
@bigskiddy553 Год назад
It’s weird. I was on the internet when black and white (the originals and sequel’s) were once the most hated to the most loved
@brucelectro2761 Год назад
We’ve actually seen a Pokémon world how N described it, with humans and Pokémon living and working together without PokéBalls: Rhyme City, from Detective Pikachu. At least in the game; I haven’t seen the movie. Anyway, in that game, you never see a PokéBall nor, and as far as I recall, a Pokémon battle. We see Pokémon helping people in cafés and factories, cruise ships, and even on television sets, and they’re basically treated like people. It’s very cool to see.
@potentialPizza8 Год назад
I've been thinking about this video all day since first watching it. Honestly, this might be your most surprising video to me. I've consistently gotten great analysis of things I hadn't always thought of myself out of your channel, but this is a game where I genuinely did not expect that to occur. My experience with Black 2 growing up was that it was one of my favorite Pokemon games from a gameplay and flow perspective. But story-wise, it always felt to me like they went back on everything BW tried to do. Not in themes, but ambition. But you've made a damn good case for how much it actually is trying to say. Even ignoring the shortcomings, the thematic incompleteness and lack of integration with the gameplay, it still says so much more than I had realized. And I mean, it's pretty obvious why. I played them as a kid. And while BW was fairly in your face about the fact that it was trying to say something, BW2 is surprisingly subtle. Your Super Mario Sunshine video made me think a lot about how we get thematic depth from games, how what matters more is what we personally get out of things rather than trying to prove something is deep and therefore good. That truth grinds up against my personal selfish instinct to say the things I like are good because they are deep, while applying my own subjective arbitrary standard of when someone is just "reading too much into something." But it doesn't matter if you're reading too much or too little if you find value in that experience. With that in mind, BW2's subtlety hits me surprisingly more than I expected. Moments like Colress's imprisonment of Kyurem paralleling the use of Poke Balls went completely over my head as a kid. Funnily enough, I think this works specifically because it's a sequel. If a moment like that occurred in a random Pokemon game then I might too-easily discount it as unintended commentary without much substance to it. But there's no room to say that might just be reading into it too much, because it's a followup to BW - so of course they're thinking on that level, even if in a different way. It reminds me of that moment in Sun and Moon where Lusamine's imprisonment of Pokemon to store them away and appreciate their beauty, and the passive act of having them, is contrasted with your own capture of Pokemon to keep them in boxes. Really, if we only look at those moments in vacuums, then if BW2 is about Poke Balls, Sun and Moon are about storage boxes. Maybe there's more too it than just that moment; after all the Aether Foundation acts in the name of conservation in artificial environments. After this video, I put more faith in Game Freak's ability to write subtle themes than I used to. Maybe I should replay the game; maybe I'd be interested in seeing what analysis you could bring if you were to do a video on those games. There's something just a bit unsatisfying about the way you put it, in this video. Not a fault with your analysis. Just what the game gives you. The idea that change will come, but we aren't ready for it, is a strangely hollow one. If things are not good right now, then isn't it passive and unhelpful to resign yourself to inaction simply because some vague "us" isn't ready for it? Shouldn't we act? I'm not sure Pokemon as a franchise is equipped, at all, to say anything about that. At the same time, I wonder if the present technological advancements in Pokemon, awkward as they are, can provide a genuine solution to this. Do we really need Poke Balls? Would they be capable of making a Pokemon game where we don't use them at all, because our entire team of Pokemon follows us around outside of battle? Really, that doesn't need to be a technological feat at all; it would only be difficult to do all the animation and pathfinding because they've already committed to massive 3D environments. The Pokemon Ranger games portrayed that idea on DS just fine. Really, now that I think of it, Pokemon Ranger does feel like the answer to the questions BW, BW2, and SM raise. The question is whether we can have a Pokemon world where people and Pokemon work together as friends without the need of Poke Balls, where they engage in ways that don't involve battling each other, and where the gameplay can be engaging and fun without requiring battle and without incentivizing keeping Pokemon stored forever. And the Ranger games answer all of that with a simple yes. That's exactly the world they portray, and something about the loving, relaxed, vacation-like atmosphere they show feels much more utopian and ideal than anything in the mainline games. And the entire ethos of Pokemon Rangers is to befriend Pokemon to get temporary help from them, but to still release them soon. I can't believe you made me want a BW3 this much what the fuck.
@BuizelCream Год назад
I wonder if the mainline titles can one day implement something similar with what is being done in Pokemon Rangers as one of the several options you can interact with your Pokemon during gameplay; the option of not having to use PokeBalls as the only means to form a bond with our Pokemon, which leads us to rely on PC Boxes when we have plenty. However, in Legends Arceus, we capture Pokemon with Pokeballs developed from its time period, but majority are left in "storage" freely within the Jubilife Village Pastures. We see captured Pokemon are being well-treated there as they learn to live with the humans without fearing them. This was the method and lifestyle I always assumed our Pokemon to be in when they are in our PC Boxes during modern day. If PC Boxes methodology were developed from what used to be village pastures from the past, I wonder if it is still correct to assume that our Pokemon stuck in PC Boxes today were never really "stuck", but are actually being well-taken care of in pastures within the professor's dwelling places. Like they have a backyard preservation area where captured Pokemon can co-inhabit peacefully as they're being studied upon; a larger system compared to what's being done in a local Pokemon Day Care center. Kind of like what the Pokemon anime did with Professor Oak's lab? (Although, this element is left for us to assume because we're never able to concretely see where in-game this laboratory backyard is located.) The Aether Foundation went with this preservation/conservation angle too, but without having to go through the authority of the trainers who captured the Pokemon, so whomever worked in the foundation can release the Pokemon there whenever they please as freely as any trainer would. For the noble legendaries captured by the trainers, they may seem to have a special case when they're in PC Boxes if we apply what is now emphasized in the story of Calyrex from the Crown Tundra DLC. If I remember, Calyrex allows itself to be captured by the trainer with its consent, and yet their union is only a temporary thing. In-universe, it can free itself and leave its trainer whenever it pleases from the confinements of a Pokeball. Never mind being concerned if it is left stored in a PC Box forgotten. Legendaries left behind may probably never had that prison-like experience if we assume in mind the historical context of how PC Boxes were developed over time, and how they can will themselves to leave their trainers as they please.
@princesspikachu3915 Год назад
But Pokémon Ranger hasn’t had a new entry since 2010 with Guardian Signs. So it was a very short lived spin off. At least Pokémon Mystery Dungeon is still going.
@thetimewarden6687 Год назад
Funny enough I wasn't the biggest fan of the Pokemon ranger series. I guess I'm an oppressor of Pokemon. 😥
@ResidentKlinton Год назад
The Pokemon anime shows something more ideal: When Ash catches a Pokemon, he sends it to a professor (usually Professor Oak). The professor doesn't keep the Pokemon in a box, but lets them roam free with other Pokemon, and when Ash wants to have another Pokemon on his team, he has to wait a bit, until the Pokemon wants to come. Legends Arceus steered the series away from having "boxes", and I'm hoping that future entries do the same (even if the whole transfer process is by our time, technically instant).
@erk7229 Год назад
After watching the video, reading your comment, and reading the replies to your comment, I don't think any of us realize that change is already here. Look at the series as a whole, time has passed and ideas do spread from region to region. For example, Mega Evolution is utilized in the Hoenn, Kalos, Kanto, and Alola regions. In s&m, you can't go one city without seeing some pokemon out and about. I haven't played sword and shield so I can't really say anything about it, but I do know in the upcoming game it's been said that you're able to have all of your pokemon out at one time at any given moment and even with that new feature that allows them to run around and battle as much as they want I believe that change is here. With Unova supposedly being the next region to be remade, I think everything is about to come full circle.
@EpicNerdsWithCameras Год назад
"Cheren even got contacts like a real adult." Further proof that I am not and will never be a real adult. Contacts are evil.
@AndroidHarris Год назад
I'd say story wise the sequels aren't as good as the first BW although it has way more content and it goes hard that way. It's less about the story this time and more about the world like older gens but it also wraps the previous story in a nice bow with extra presents. That's just my view on the sequels before going into this. I'll probably make a longer comment in more of a response after I find the time to watch the whole video.
@lucasyang7410 Год назад
I think Sun and Moon is better, but gets less credit for cutscenes that get old, and it being botched in USUM
@AndroidHarris Год назад
@@lucasyang7410 sun and moon have pretty good stories I don't think they are as good as BW. I think maybe they could be considered better than B2W2 if you ignore the terrible pacing or "cutscenes" as you put it. I have a hard time replaying sm just cause it restricts you so hard it's tough to feel free to explore something without all the roadblocks every 5 seconds. I prefer B2W2 but I can see where your coming from. The story of the aether foundation and lusamine is interesting. I just like the themes of B2W2 and the original more as well as enjoy revisiting those stories more. Also I think USUM story actually hurts my overall impression of gen 7 as they kinda made everything interesting about lusamine kinda gone in the ultra games and I think necrozma had way too much going on that he lacked any sort of mystery like what the ultimate dragon of kyurem left behind in gen 5 while also having cool fusion forms. Necrozma in comparison does too much all too soon. It's like if they were to had primal groudon, primal kyogre, and mega rayquaza inside the original RSE games without even letting people get to know the original mystery and legendary feeling of the pokemon.
@lucasyang7410 Год назад
@@AndroidHarris Yeah I see where your comings from, the Gen 7 games are always weird to rank, because when they first came out I remember some people who didn’t actually mind all the cutscenes at first, but then tried replaying the games. So I think the Gen 7 games were the first sign that the community would like thing’s like better animated cutscenes or voice acting that was further wanted in SWSH. (Looking at you Piers)
@AndroidHarris Год назад
@@lucasyang7410 yeah exactly gen 7 games are hard to rank. They have some of the coolest ideas but also have a lot of poor decisions. I like what gen 7 did more than gen 6 and 8 but I find it hard ranking it above my nostalgic gens 1-5 even though gen 7 had a lot of objectively good changes and story/gameplay ideas. I mean it's the only pokemon game without gyms that's pretty ambitious and also adds to the difficulty of ranking them.
@Jdudec367 Год назад
@@AndroidHarris Eh....I've played both and I dunno...SM's story could be better. People love to bring up how the gym leaders help in BW yet the elite 4 in gen 7 helps too. The road blocks can be annoying but they aren't too bad...older gens had roadblocks too actually. I still don't see how USUM hurts gen 7 at all, if anything it perfect SM. I mean not realy...in USUM Lusamine is still a evil villain. Necrozma really didn't have too much going on as he still had mystery about his origins and if he was a ultra beast or not, meanwhile the only mystery left with Kyurem is what his original form looked like. Necrozma doesn't do too much too soon. It isn't like that at all as Sun and Moon gave people the original mystery and legendary feeling of the Pokémon.
@zeridoz4464 Год назад
Gold and silver were sequels to red/blue. It refernces events and people from the first game and you even can fight red
@yovecx6407 Год назад
Dude I legit remember when I was still in elementary, everyone in our school received Pokémon black and white posters and a black and white case. And now I am trying to get a hold of a white 2 & black 2 cartridge. Just recently bought Pokémon White for $75. Black 2 and White 2 go for around 110-150 depending if it has the box. It’s crazy!!!
@ResidentKlinton Год назад
One thing that doesn't seem to come up much in most analysis of gen V is the whole "cubbyhole" effect: Cats love their boxes, dogs have their doghouses, and lions have their dens. Poke balls can be just like that. Now some trainers don't treat their Pokemon fairly and abuse their Pokemon, but Pokemon legitimately like being in Poke balls. It's like their own retreat, and with differing Poke balls (like Luxury balls, Nest balls, etc.), they even can get personalized ones that appeal to them (though the specifics haven't really been explored much).
@catbatrat1760 Год назад
Does it actually say anywhere that they like it? If so, where? I may or may not remember that; it's been a long time since I've actually played any of the games.
@ResidentKlinton Год назад
@@catbatrat1760 I mean, in the anime some Pokemon go into Poke balls of their own accord to indicate their willingness to travel with a trainer. And it provides a place of rest in-between battles or just in general. I also remember someone saying Legendary Pokemon (in general) couldn't be caught except through their own act of will, referencing something I don't recall. I suppose that applies to at least some other Pokemon as well.
@TheSapphireLeo Год назад
Sounds like gaslighting by colonialism and/or stockhom syndrome?
@F14thunderhawk Год назад
@@TheSapphireLeo Ash's Muk aggregates in the start of the episode and chooses to catch itself by the end of that same episode, and Misty's Psyduck catches itself in its introductory episode. while not typical, the Pokeball does seem to have some indication of not just being some inescapable prison with how much some pokemon leave the ball at will to spite their trainers.
@DanyelAzamor-lh7yg Год назад
I mean the pokemons natural habitat is still way better
@migzuka8375 Год назад
Maybe N and the protagonist of Black & White never reunite because they're meant to represent both truth and ideals. And as N said, someday truths and ideals will come together to form a better world, and thus, only when that reality comes to be is that they're going to finally meet each other.
@bikuta9804 Год назад
The "show us the full dragon" was such a poweful phrase, as a kid, after i finished playing those games, i had this feeling in the back of my mind saying that there was more to it, but my child self thought it was just me wanting to see the full dragon, now almost 10 years later i finally realise it, after this video and that phrase, amazing writing and amazing analysis, keep up this great work you do i absolutely loved it.
@RubyTerrarian 11 месяцев назад
Something about the “Pokeball Oppression” part made me snap back to the anime. Especially how Ash caught some of his Pokemon because they WILLINGLY let themselves be caught, which can especially be seen in SM. Also remember Pikachu doesn’t like being in his poke ball, so that’s also interesting
@m.p.2534 Год назад
Black 2 was actually my first Pokémon game ever. And I never had so much fun playing Pokémon my entire life !!! May be nostalgia, but I liked the story, characters and villains so much. More than the battles itself. I also adored Soulsilver and Arceus because it gave me the feeling I really was growing alongside my Pokémon, both physically and enotionally. 😊
@AverytheCubanAmerican Год назад
Iris' battle theme is like it was my birthday party, but instead of an action figure or Lego set...Iris gives me the gift of annihilation. The Unova games are even better for me because I live in the NY metro area and I know the IRL places (and references) these cities correspond to. Mistralton City is based off Teterboro and its airport, Teterboro Airport is the oldest operating airport in the NY metro area. Driftveil City IRL is Union City, NJ, a very Cuban city (though I never lived there). While there is no mine (too urban for that), immigrants were historically attracted to Union City (and northern Hudson County in general) because of its embroidery industry (when you drive into NJ from the Lincoln Tunnel, you see a sign that says that northern NJ is the "Embroidery Capital of the World"). Virbank City is based off Jersey City (where I used to live), and the Virbank Complex IRL is the neighboring Liberty State Park (which was once an industrial rail yard), as well as the still industrial land of the surrounding port (you can see one of these oil facilities along the NJ Turnpike in The Sopranos intro with "Drive Safely"). And that's just to name a few!
@kilnareth7970 Год назад
Ah, the innocence of casually playing Pokémon. Makes me miss the times that I actually felt a connection with the Pokémon themselves.
@4zureSapphire Год назад
Something you did miss was in the PWT, there was a downloadable battle that was not implemented into the finished game but it would see you facing off against the previous main character from the original game. Possibly didn't make such a battle available was the lore reasons or the difficulty of implementing such a fight because that character was the one you played before with the pokemon you caught.
@daniellyancey9087 Год назад
That title card transition at 34:28 was smooth as hell
@starsgt Год назад
I actually just played through BW and B2W2 recently. I have to say that the villains were my favorite out of all the generations. While Pokemon villains were never really complex, I did find that their cover motive was the most unique out of all of them.
@joaopeixoto6224 Год назад
Looking for each other and being unable to find each other is genuinely sad But it surprises me that none of them had the idea to simply wait for the other where they met
@PsycheCosmic Год назад
Then Pokemon Masters happened.
@AzerbaijanOficial 7 месяцев назад
A tale as old as time
@landis9767 18 дней назад
i mean, n could make it easier by getting a phone
@skarmcl Год назад
Generation 5 would see its thematic ideal realized 2 months before it concluded in the weirdest of places: a crossover game. Pokemon Conquest follows through your closing statement perfectly, if you want to end Gen 5 analysis in a happy note, you should play that game.
@Skyehoppers Год назад
Oh thats cool, no ones mentioned this yet! People hardly ever talk about that game these days. I should play it sometime for sure
@reggienullator Год назад
@@Skyehoppers the interesting thing about it is how each Unique character has their own story for the game, also some quests you need a code for
@SSJKenpachiZaraki Год назад
@@Skyehoppers Pokemon B2W2 are my favourites of the entire franchise. Pokemon Conquest is easily the spin-off game that I committed the most hours to. I miss it dearly and highly recommend it!
@pajamaapants5016 Год назад
I always sing the song Roxie sings in her gym. the little "P! O! K! E! M! O-N! pokemon! POKEMON!"
@Mirristal Год назад
They need another game like this but INCLUDE DIVE AND UNDERWATER PARTS
@honeybeeami2654 Год назад
It’s kind of amazing how divisive this generation was back then. Now its hailed as one of the best generations in comparison to the newer releases over the past few years. I can’t help but wonder what impressions will be of these new generations now in a few years time.
@RedGoner Год назад
I am not a Pokemon fan but this video got me genuinely thinking "man i can't wait for the gen 5 remakes"
@Skyehoppers Год назад
I am so interested to see what they do, even if they fuck it up lol. Feels like the only time they actually set themselves up for the remake cycle
@AndroidHarris Год назад
I'm actually hoping they skip gen 5 remakes because I don't want to see it ruined as I know for a fact that if they can't add the battle frontier in ORAS they would probably have to remove almost all the postgame and all the life that was in the original. I'd prefer they make a gen 6 remake instead and make a poor work better than try to recreate a masterpiece.
@christiancinnabars1402 Год назад
Considering how different Gen 5 was than the other gens, I lowkey want them to make a third installment to the region (basically sequels to B2W2) instead of a remake. It would cost way more and require way more effort, but now that interest in the series is at an incline rather than a decline as it was from Gen 1 to Gen 6, it is the perfect moment to go all out to introduce a wider audience to a more serious take on the franchise. They kind of tested the waters with Legends Arceus, but that game has a much lesser focus on story and a greater focus on a different style of gameplay.
@literaryvendetta Год назад
It feels like bw2 kinda contradicts diamond and pearl + platinum which states in a book that (other than legendaries) wild pokemon appear to people because they want to be captured, I'd be interested to see BW/BW2 compared and contrasted against DPP. I would also like to see it compared/contrasted against the anime, which makes it very clear that being in a pokeball does not force a pokemon to obey, (see: Ash's charizard, others), as well as the gameplay mechanic present in every mainline game where your pokemon won't obey if you don't have enough badges (because they do not respect you) As for Pokemon Legends Arceus, it's also made clear in that that the pokeballs help keeping pokemon from literally killing people so, I feel like that other person was...leaving that little bit out.
@UltraAryan10 Год назад
I doubt that the DPP book statement is true. Its seems more like a made up construct so you don't feel bad.
@enoyna1001 Год назад
Taking place in two different regions, the statement don't have to contradict each other. They're just experiences of different groups of people.
@abcdefghijktt Год назад
Black and white and the sequels were the best in the franchise. You can play through the world with only the gen 5 Pokémon or play the sequels and have some nostalgia. Amazing games
@thelegacyofgaming2928 Год назад
Being able to catch Lucario in the first area of the game is why B2/W2 are GOATed
@abcdefghijktt Год назад
Yes this is exactly what I’m talking about!!
@dismurrart6648 Год назад
I think the point about "those are my friends " is excellent. I watched a video where a guy talked shit about daschbun and there was a loooong comment chain of people saying "(adorable nickname) straight carried my team." Pokémon are great bc they are things we fall in love with.
@WoahItsCaleb Год назад
I hate to be that guy but being unable to catch the fused Kyurem has literally nothing to do with the plot. I remember at one point in the game it's mentioned that Ghetsis' staff has a special signal that causes Pokeballs to malfunction when used on Kyurem.
@lemonlordminecraft Год назад
Just an excellent video essay. Truly the fusioin of nostalgia and moral philosophy I needed right now. Life was simpler back then and I questioned nothing and it's so good to hear someone finally raise each of the questions a younger me should have had.
@lemonlordminecraft Год назад
@imcomid8687 Год назад
I've honestly never gotten that much goosebumps when watching the end of the video, it would make me so happy if they made a third part of the unova games.
@shaaniswatching Год назад
same here man
@skinnymax Год назад
14:03. This was actually one of the deepest and greatest things Gamefreak ever did. The whole story of both, BW as well as BW2, is just so wholesome. They put so much effort into it.
@thecrusader3604 Год назад
i feel like the story of the original player and N cleverly parallels the symbol of Yin/Yang. always rotating, going back and forth
@seppe3393 Год назад
Honestly gen 5 is one of my favorite generations storywise, i really hope that new gen 5 games will answer a couple of the unanswered questions in the old ones and hope we see characters like N and the old protagonists come back. Also would love a complete dragon after al these years… super cool video btw
@elemangell2981 Год назад
Fantastic video essay as always! Also I 100% agree with the hope of something like a Pokemon Legends: Kyurem happening soon.
@SwiftStr33t Год назад
Great analysis video, can't imagine how long it could have taken to make. I actually did a solo run of Black2 because of the themes to see if I could. It was very possible, and it felt like a personal and thematic win.
@wollohshollow Год назад
gen 5 was the gen that introduced me to pokemon, and was (and still is) my favorite to this very day, esp bw2, and i feel like this video put into words what i couldn't about why exactly i liked it
@aubrey_shadow13 Год назад
Seeing Black & White again always makes me wish they'd go back to the 2d pixelated style. They perfected it in these 2 games, and idk... 3d is impressive but... uuugh.
@apocalypseofplush Год назад
This was my first ever Pokémon game that I actually owned. Too bad I was too young to actually understand what the heck was going on... (also I hope Pokémon Black and White 3 come out and tie up every possible loose end-)
@nuclearepsilon Год назад
Watching this video gave me chills. B2W2 is by far my favourite Pokemon game, and one of my favourite games in the series, and you summarised a lot of my thoughts on it flawlessly. I think it's genuinely inspiring not only how much there is to do but how well it expands on the already great BW. Amazing video for an amazing game!
@camafterdark276 Год назад
black 2 was my first pokémon game and it’s still my absolute favorite out of any of the games. the greatest 2d sprites and by FAR my favorite story out of any other ones. i still go back to those games and replay them every so often and the music mixed with the story gets me every time
@thelegacyofgaming2928 Год назад
The music and animations make it a gem in the pokemon franchise
@Fanimati0n Год назад
I'm glad that Gen5 is finally getting recognition for being as frickin good as it was
@bobbybrenner3212 Год назад
This video was wonderfully done. The editing was fantastic. The pacing was perfect, and the music choice was sublime. I don't know how this ended up in my feed, and I don't know if you will see this one comment. Please make more things like this. It stirred up emotions that have long been dormant from my childhood. I hope you keep it up and find the success you deserve from making fantastic pieces of art like this. Have a wonderful day.
@Takisan111 Год назад
Gen 5 was my favorite. I liked that the villains were a bit more complex than what we'd gotten before and the lack of familiar Pokemon early game made the world feel new and unexplored. It gave me a similar feeling to when I played Gen 1 for the first time as a child and I loved it.
@thelegacyofgaming2928 Год назад
Yea same. Got that Gen 1 feeling right away when playing the game. Felt like a kid again
@SolusEclipse Год назад
“Show us the full dragon” sent fucking chills dude
@roastingpotato Год назад
This is my favorite Pokémon video essay. My emotions are overwhelming me so I’ll come back to flesh out my comment later.
This is why black and white, bw 2, and legends arceus are my 3 favorite pokemon titles. All 3 of them take massive risks that no other Pokémon game has
@thelegacyofgaming2928 Год назад
And have incredible gameplay
@kallum39 8 месяцев назад
@@thelegacyofgaming2928Legends is overhyped mid
@theeggthatsurvivedhowtobas778 8 месяцев назад
​​@@kallum39 So basically every 3d pokemon game right? Well except that theres have even stronger hate for the switch titles because of how awful they are. Legends Arceus is perfectly rated. it's the only game that has bothered to innovate pokemon at all and to try new things (even though not all of them worked out well) since gen 5/6
@Rosencreutzzz Год назад
Hi i like this video. I have a group of friends who really like B&W and so passed it along. I'm not the biggest pokemon person but I liked the ideas this story was going for and like, that it almost grew up a bit.
@shibamashups Год назад
This is the best video essay ive ever watched, I love BW2 and your analysis made me understand so many things about this game I missed and deepend my appreciation of them greatly. The parts about Hugh, Colress, N and Pokeballs were incredible and made me love this game even more. Subscribed and will share with my friends!
@Ruki185 Год назад
What a great video. Thanks for talking this in-depth about my favorite Pokemon games. Really enjoyed it!
@ComicallyDumb 3 месяца назад
Man, N would be speechless if he ever saw pokemon ranger
@renkitty Год назад
This one definitely opened up a new appreciation for Colress. I always thought of him as a fairly stereotypical anime scientist with a penchant for extreme methods, but the way you brought him up as a way to tie into the overall themes of generation V is a fresh perspective. I was literally just the other night commenting on how I found him... not particularly compelling, and while I still don't, I think he's at least a lot more of a solid fixture in BW2 than I thought previously. I remember avoiding a lot of Pokémon fan sites and forums around Gen 5 cause the negativity was getting annoying - I feel you in the last bit. I've always been at least a little bothered by poké balls and the way pokémon are still referred to as "it" even to this day, so I do hope with all sincerity that "someday" is soon and people will truly wake up to the possibilities the future has in store as BW2 N suggested. People at large need to move away from pokémon being considered just mere pets or objects of entertainment - of creatures humans expect to call them "Master" and obey them without question as subordinates - and indeed treat them as friends, with respect and appreciation. If they truly are the wonderful creatures they are described as, they ought to be treated as such.
@becausesakamoto5938 Год назад
B2/W2 have been my favorite Pokemon games for years, it's great seeing them get more love recently
@Latias4Ever Год назад
This was quite enjoyable to watch and listen to, and while I don't have any particular comment on what you said, I do have to say that I really enjoyed the editing in some of the parts, particularly the intro at 1:36, I always love when something follows music down to the beat, and the transition at 34:28 was just masterful.
It really feels like the reception of these games broke Masuda. Pokémon has never been the same since them.
@tsotry1842 Год назад
this was my first game and i've played it through multiple times but i never noticed that Ghetsis's hydreigon knew frustration. that's such a cool subtle storytelling mechanic hidden in the battle gameplay. there needs to be more stuff like that fr
@lumara4654 Год назад
What an incredible overview of such an underrated game!
@ziggyseyepatch9546 Год назад
Honestly, these are my favourite games of all time. I had no idea people didn't like them as much. The black and white series were my childhood.
@realmukii Год назад
N just needed more character development, it was his game to shine and bring the story to new heights.
@Floradaya Год назад
I'm only about halfway through the video while writing this, but goddamn man This is really in-depth! I love your editing style too Can't wait to see more of your videos!
@pajamaapants5016 Год назад
White 2 was actually my first ever Pokémon game! I played it so much as a kid. I reset it more times than I can count just to choose different starters on a whim. the furthest I ever got was I beat the 8th gym and then got stuck between some rocks and COULDNT. MOVE. so instead of using my little 8 year old brain and flying to safety, I rage quit, reset, and gave the game to my much younger sibling who promptly BEAT THE WHOLE THING. the thing I did the absolute most in that game was make the little movies because I kept forgetting what to do after you beat Roxie, and Elesa was too hard for me. I spent almost all my time every day in that little movieplex. still haven't beaten the actual game, and still haven't played black and white 1. I will someday!
@Vereid Год назад
Lol I didn’t play with the movies much, I kinda messed around with them a tiny bit after they are introduced and that’s it. That being said, I was 25 when they released. I did however have a nephew that literally did the exact same thing you did. They got stuck after the 2nd gym and proceeded to waste hours making these weird movies and then would show them to me lol.
@pajamaapants5016 Год назад
@@Vereid aww haha! Yeah I will always remember the movies fondly
@foreignerhill Год назад
Truth be told, while the two games should be viewed as parts of a whole, I've always preferred Pokemon BW over its sequel, due to N having a profound impact on me as a young child, due to a very small interaction. Him asking a question, and remembering my answer in the end of the game, and believing in me. After a decade's worth of videogames now, the last words he shared in the end of BW's journey would seem corny or saccharine, but it was honest and rang true for me, and I still carry that moment with me, for without it, I wouldn't have found my calling as a writer. When N returned in BW2, I felt indescribable joy at the time. However, as time goes on, of course the shortcomings of the thematic execution and messaging of BW had shown itself to me over the years and I eventually simply accepted it as me outgrowing a precious piece of media. Thank you for convincing me otherwise. Thank you for bringing to attention the fact that in the end, Gen 5 grew too. As if alongside me, even if I wasn't smart enough to notice back then. I just purchased a Switch, and incredibly hyped to try Legends Arceus. And with hope, I will be praying alongside you, so we all can witness the return of the Full Dragon we were promised, not in words or official press release statements but in implication. Again, thank you. You've made a new subscriber. I will be watching your channel with great interest, as a youtube video essay addict.
@daggercatz7297 Год назад
This video was amazing damn. Even as I kid I realised that this story is quite deep but now watching it almost 10 years later It's really interesting to see what I missed back then
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