
Port Elgin Fall to Spring Winter Time Lapse with Raspberry PI & python pi-timolo 

Claude Pageau
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The pi-timolo python program code and installation instructions are available on my github repo at github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo
Short version of this video at • Port Elgin Winter Time...
Port Elgin Winter 2014-2015 Time Lapse Fall to Spring
Watch for the moon rises. The first one is near 1-Dec top left and there are a few more later in the video above the houses across the street.
Well, when we got back from wintering in Texas, I checked my raspberry pi computer that I left to record the winter. Approx 47,000+ images were taken at 5 minute intervals throughout the winter. Images are just as they were saved from the camera. I edited out some parts of the video so not all images were used.
Winter Timelapse Images are 1080p taken every 5 minutes. RU-vid video is 720p. Video was encoded at 20fps.
Image numbering Starts at 10000 and ends at 57047 so approx 47047 images were saved taken at 5 min intervals (I now set interval to 3 minutes) . I broke them into 10,000 image folders that are approx 2.1 GB so total for all images is about 10GB. This could easily fit on a 16 GB SD card but 32 might be better. In my case I leave this camera in the window all year so I attached an old 1 TB external USB drive formatted as ext4. It has been running for over 2 years and is less than 5% used. Every once in a while something interesting happens like replacing the driveway across the street. • Timelapse Replace Conc... Video is a bit choppy due to 3 minute interval so driveway video was encoded at 5 fps
Using an external drive puts less RW activity on the SD card and the HD is faster. I have the camera and USB plugged into a small UPS since there is no internet to get current time and camera will run during power failures. This RPI does not have a Real Time Clock module installed. I configure pi-timolo to save timelapse images as continuous in a number sequence. I create a new subfolder for each yearly winter period starting in the fall approx Sept.
I have another setup that is just a RPI in a case that also holds the camera inside the case plus another one in a fake security camera housing. I have installed a power shutdown switch and associated script so I can safely shut it down. It is plugged into a USB battery pack and lasts for over a day since no wifi adapter is needed.
I used an early version of a python program I wrote called pi-timolo This stands for Raspberry PI, Time lapse, Motion detection and Low light, The program is written in python and uses average pixel value and a threshold value to detect start of twilight and ramp camera ISO and exposure settings to automatically transition smoothly between day/night modes automatically without needing a clock time reading. This algorithm works well and is even better on the new version of pi-timolo. A clock or accurate time is not needed for determining sunrise and sunset, except if you need accurate date/time information optionally displayed directly on the images
The current version of pi-timolo is much improved over the version used for this video. After copying the images to my NAS, I encoded the images in batches of 10,000 using mencoder 64 bit on my Win7 desktop computer. mencoder can be found on sourceforge here
Each batch of 10,000 images was put in its own subfolder and I created a text file listing of all the image file names in each subfolder sorted by file name. This list is used by mencoder during encoding. From a DOS window in the folder containing the images I typed the following command
dir /b /on *.jpg
You should redirect the above command to an image.txt file using the greater than symbol. RU-vid will not allow greater than symbol or brackets in a RU-vid video description.
I then created a batch file to run mencoder.exe for each batch of images. I created a w: mapped network drive to my image folder share located on my NAS. This share contains the image subfolders eg Part_1, Part_2 Etc. Here is a typical batch file command that worked for me.
rem w is a NAS mapped drive to my image file subfolders
rem Part_1 is a subfolder containing a portion of the total images
cd Part_1
rem Change the path to the mencoder.exe file as required.
rem Note the images.txt file listing all the jpg files to encode
rem must be located in each image subfolder.
c:\Users\Pageauc\mencoder64\mplayer-svn-37386-x86_64/mencoder.exe -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:aspect=16/9:vbitrate=8000000 -vf scale=1280:720 -o winter_part1_30.avi -mf type=jpeg:fps=30 mf://@images.txt
You can modify the above to suit your situation and file locations.
Drop me a line if you have any questions.
Claude ....




14 июл 2024




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@hebneh 6 лет назад
The patterns created by the wind were wonderful when they were illuminated by the streetlight at night.
@jasongann8535 4 года назад
Love how the snow blows around like sand when it’s super cold w high winds
@vicesalles 8 лет назад
I love it sir. Well done, I'm amazed.
@chill6385 3 года назад
what a snowy november
@vicesalles 8 лет назад
Also, thank you for the process explanation.
@piwithchips7363 5 лет назад
Looks great, very clear picture and an interesting subject. I'll try the external drive idea for my next timelapse - I'm using then "motion" software, but cool that you rolled your own.
@charrison3419 9 лет назад
That is very cool. Mine was only a day yours were half a year. Good job
@CrossStario 8 лет назад
Lovely Timelapse :)
@x1achilles99 4 года назад
Very cool. I have to say you ended the video before winter ended. There was still snow and no leaves.
@breAnnasmama 4 года назад
Chris McMahon I know. I was disappointed with that. Why go so far into it and not capture the end of the snow? I was waiting for that the whole video And was let down.. if storage was an issue ok but an explanation would have been nice, since they had the ability to explain other things.. why not that? Unless they truly just didn’t think about the fact that most people after sitting here watching a lapsed video of what was leading us to believe was going to cover the whole winter season, where we feel like at least at the end, we’d be able to see the changes in weather, since it began before the first snow fell and we’d presume that it would also transition to show things clearing up.. I mean after a while I got bored with it and only finished it to see things get wrapped up after the snow was going to finally melt and be over with and also wanted to see exactly Just how long they were going to have all the snow.... so now it just ended in the middle of snowing, still & not only did I not get to have an idea of how much snow they actually had, but didn’t get the satisfaction of seeing the season change... what a let down. Feels like an empty unfinished vibe after sitting through 17+ min. Of all that, only to randomly end in the middle of it. Like , did they just get impatient And give up or was it an issue of it not possible to capture everything? I sat here watching their neighbors every move for that? Uhh lol meanwhile I hope they got permission from the neighbors lol. I’d be pretty upset if my home and cars and any of my personal life was plastered online just for the sake of someone’s wAnting to make a video .. I have surveillance cameras all over my property too but they DONT show other people’s homes or their images as they come and go on their own property and mainly Bc I have more property Where I don’t have my neighbors literally just crammed so close to me like those homes are .. that’s too close imo. Almost has an apartment or townhome vibe, it’s so uncomfortably close.. I’ll never know why developers & builders put the homes THAT ridiculously close to one another.. how do they have any privacy ? And usually those type homes with that same neighborhood layout also end up being built with lesser materials and ppl can hear so Much thru the thinly laid walls and they’re not as well insulated .. they cut corners so badly and still charge some moderately steep prices , even though they’re not using decent enough materials to build them in the first place .I feel sorry for the folks that end up being stuck with conditions like that , just bc the ppl who built the homes and designed the layout were trying to get as much out of folks as they can , as it’s ridiculous that in some areas , the same materials and floor plans etc. would be significantly cheaper just bc of the area they’re located in , while in other areas , they go for ridiculously higher prices and it’s bs... ive never bn big on wanting all these regulations by the govt as they “ regulate “badly enough , things that they so corruptly get their hands on , like the FDA & our food and products there are including dangerous things that only make us sick and dependent on what they allow in , while so many healthy good things are banned or deregulated and it’s all about money and power and taking advantage of us , that these entities and corporations benefit and profit off of us while giving the average dumbed down masses the false sense of security and trust in them ... those ppl that just believe and buy into whatever they’re told is decided for them without them doing any thinking or cognitive functioning are so misled and yet they’re the very ones being screwed over , while buying into the garbage these entities promote and shove down ppls faces .. it’s beyond annoying that oh , just bc a certain place that has the money and ppl of influence is able to so negatively impact the cost of living when those things shouldn’t be so easy for these ppl to determine and dictate! Just bc the idiot celebrities and all the annoying ppl that mimic every dumb trend for the sake of idolizing ridiculously bad ppl and bad examples, just so they can get their identity and personality from the persona of these fake ,entitled, evil ppl who serve the enemy and themselves , in their pretentious lifestyles with excessive money and behaviors , where the ones who follow them and mimic their every move if they possibly can , only are forced to live outside their means , being in debt and a slave to the world and it’s ways just so they can try and mimic these ungodly ppl and have the things and the lifestyle or experience .. and places like the whole hollywood area of California and any other ridiculously trendy places where ppl just HAVE to have all their expensive things, their designer labels and status symbols are the problem and influence cost of living and while ppl may make more money in those places , what diff. Does that make if they’re also jacking up the costs for everyone else as it trickles outward and across the country ,to where just bc some entitled self absorbed insecure ppl can have their things and their over the top lifestyle, their status symbols and be coddled and told how great they are , everyone else like it or not , has to be subjected to a lifetime of having those typical examples & influences & the mindless bs that gets shoved down our throats by Hollywood, the music , entertainment and fashion industries , all bc we get treated like billboards by advertisers, marketing to us that kind of life when it’s nothing but garbage. And none of the ultra expensive places tht don’t happen to be mansions lavished & adorned with the most expensive things money can buy are even worth what ppl get stuck having to pay and it’s all bc of trends, ppl living outside their means , serving the world and it’s things and mimicking all the bs that drives prices up even though productivity is down . I could build the same home in any typical suburban area , in any rural area or among the bs so called elite places and say that home was valued at 300,000 in a “‘nice “ suburban area typical as any other just like it , the same exact home would be just for examples sake, 150,000 in a rural area and it would go for 800,000 or even up to a million depending on if it was among the so called elite and prominent neighborhoods in certain regions. It’s such bs. Sorry to rant but literally as I watched their neighbors ( felt like I was invading their privacy sort of just thinking bout how they prob. Have no idea their every move going in and out was being plastered online lol unless maybe the person who made this set up a camera across the way , for the sake of capturing this but unlikely lol ) but as I watched all I could think was about how close each home was,How typical each neighborhood is, you’ve seen this one you’ve seen them all among the same price bracket .. but my mind just kept going to the points I just made lol. And yet I’m prob. One of the few that remotely considers those things that everyone on some level should give more thought to, as it’s something that affects us in more ways than a lot of ppl realize or give thought to & things should’ve been done long ago and should be now but this country’s up to its neck In consequences for bad choices yet the pathetic so called”stars”& elite never have to worry bout the bs we all do. Bc they’re given too much $ & attention & continue to benefit regardless if the world suffers at their hands. Anyway. Lot of stuff n this comment n didn’t intend to go there 😂 but to the original point- I was let down bout it ending abruptly after watching so long& waiting for the snow to end 😝
@hebneh 6 лет назад
Yay, finally! I kept thinking all that dirt-encrusted snow was going to disappear, and then it would snow again! But spring eventually did win.
@Triadii 4 года назад
Cool trance music in combination with the timelapse.
@BlueGroup-sz7cc 7 лет назад
I love this video!
@robquin1525 6 лет назад
this is just like winter in my town!
@MrFireball79 2 года назад
Ein sehr gutes und schönes Video!!!!👍
@ClaudePageau 2 года назад
@thrilos_gate4445 3 года назад
Texas I love❤❤❤
@Skalar300 5 лет назад
@ClaudePageau 9 лет назад
Look for the moon rises in the video above the houses across the street. One is near 1-Dec top left with another near 1am 13-Jan top right followed by one near 3am 14-Jan as well as near 20:00 5-Feb middle left. There are more later in the video as well. They happen very quickly so keep an eye out for them
@breAnnasmama 4 года назад
Claude Pageau ok.. any significance to that , by u mentioning dates or are u just simply saying to look at it in general ?any actual importance or reason you’d mention the approximate dates or what’s the reason?
@Cemilodmir 4 года назад
Nice video thanks
@Krzys_D 3 года назад
What's weird is that only one neighbor puts out their garbage... And not sure why RU-vid wanted me to watch this from 5 years ago
@thomass4773 8 лет назад
This is AWESOME!! Exactly what I was looking for!! I'll have to see about getting a camera add on for my Raspberry Pi and setting this up. I'd love to get a full year recorded onto a 2TB USB drive....
@ClaudePageau 8 лет назад
+Thomas S Hi Thomas I will be doing another one for this winter if the camera has worked OK. FYI I have a shorter version of this here ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-x06MUtLAhcU.html
@connorplaysgames2401 2 года назад
I thought East coast winters were cold….. brr Great video btw.
@dennyfrontier 4 года назад
This is like sims 1 superstar music
@turdfurgusson 5 лет назад
I see why you go to Texas during the Winter.
@Comatech 9 лет назад
very cool! =)
@uratium 3 года назад
j ais bien aimé votre video (France)
@patriciaowens3479 4 года назад
@kevinnachtnuit5045 4 года назад
My home town!.
@tysonskaggs5290 3 года назад
This video showed my favorite part of winter..... the end of it 😂😂 but seriously this was a good video
@CR7GOATofFootball 3 года назад
Nah I love winter
@sarasunshine6929 5 лет назад
Love this time lapse! The quality is above the rest, i love watching the world go by, well done on this upload. I know i can turnthe volume down but one thing i would say is that the choice in music isnt really fitting, not for me anyways, others might like it, but i prefer something a bit more chilled out. Dont get me wrong i like me a bit of dance music too!
@kukiarshad1886 5 лет назад
awesome video. but love to see full year video.
@ClaudePageau 5 лет назад
I have about 4 years of 1080p images at between 1 and 3 minute intervals. It changed over the years. I recently organized previous years into subfolders of ten thousand images to make file management easier on a Raspberry Pi. pi-timolo now has a settings for motion and timelapse that auto create subfolders by SubDirMaxFiles or SubDirMaxHours so this is done automatically now. Not much to see in the summer time except cutting grass, cars, walking, storms, Etc I was thinking of doing a timelapse using only a part of the day like from 1 to 2 pm. This might better show things growing and avoid shadows sweeping through scene. I just takes time to organize and compile. I have been thinking of adding a SQLITE3 database to allow running reports that can be used to select file locations and creating a text file that can be used by an encoder to create the timelapse video. I have tried various encoder including some programs like avidemux that can encode images into a video once you know how to set it up. Normally I cull very dark or very bright images by looking at filesize but there are programs that can be used to deflicker. If I get some time I will try running a whole year just for fun but not sure if anyone would watch all of it.
@kukiarshad1886 5 лет назад
Claude Pageau .I enjoyed the video. I just love to watch time lapse. of building house or changing seasons. .Thank for nice video.
@feliciasmith3808 3 года назад
To : Claude Pageau, what u just said to Kuki, I'll watch the whole vid if you make it and luv watching vids like this and I hope you have more for us to watch and I watch every vid u made so far! I'm giving this video a thumbs up and just want to say to you " THANK YOU " and a job well done my friend.. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
@feliciasmith3808 3 года назад
It's me again, try & make a full 24 hour vid with no Time Lapse and let us see what it looks like okay my friend!
@DarkSoldier0238 4 года назад
I saw Elgin I thought it was Elgin IL
@georgiasmith64 4 года назад
Heyya from 60068 😀
@DarkSoldier0238 4 года назад
@@georgiasmith64 hello from 60123
@CR7GOATofFootball 3 года назад
8:24 Anyone else notice how the van from the other house parked in the house that is being recorded from.
@chrixpherz 3 года назад
10:29 R.I.P trash can 🗑
@mcnole25 5 лет назад
Winter be like day 0.000001 nanoseconds later NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT... One eternity later NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT ...........day 0.000001 nanoseconds later NIGHT
@WLOoDE 7 лет назад
thank you so much can u make a video how to type the install codes and is it work for rpi3?
@ClaudePageau 7 лет назад
It does work for RPI3. See my github repo and wiki here for install and setup details here github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo I have recently added menubox.sh and a simple webserver to make it easier.
@alake448 6 лет назад
What's with the center house that keeps turning their lights on around the same time every night??
@Username-nj4hp 5 лет назад
Amanda Lake right it’s so weird
@crystalboliko248 5 лет назад
Auto lights to deter burglars
@breAnnasmama 4 года назад
What’s wrong with that? Ppp are creatures of habit and routine. I bet if ppl took stock of their Daily/ nightly things they’d not realize how often they do things almost right on cue til they saw those things reflected after being captured or saw a breakdown of their habits and ongoings laid out in front of them. Bet those ppl had no idea their house and anything of them coming and going would be plastered online , either. That’s more weird & unsettling imo , than the deal with the lights 😂
8 лет назад
It is recorded by rpi cam module?
@Evo_kak 3 года назад
Да тут зима лучше чем в Москве
@lisakn27 5 лет назад
Wherever this place is is covered with snow most of the time.
@cordeliachase601 5 лет назад
Kacey Massachusetts
@AggieGal711 5 лет назад
@@cordeliachase601 I thought Port Elgin was in Ontario. I don't think there is a Port Elgin, Massachusetts.
@jim88 Год назад
Mild December
@LawCarnage 4 года назад
How you have so much storage lol
@lcfcjj5357 3 года назад
So basically it snows for 3 months straight
@thwaythit2026 2 года назад
December 2014. January2015
@casualobserver2305 3 года назад
Continuous snow on the ground 5 months? You folks are out of your minds. What state is this?
@NicorixTV 7 лет назад
How much GB were all these frames?
@ClaudePageau 7 лет назад
Winter Timelapse Images are 1080p taken every 5 minutes. RU-vid video is 720p. Video was encoded at 20fps. Image numbering Starts at 10000 and ends at 57047 so approx 47047 images were saved taken at 5 min intervals (I now set interval to 3 minutes) . I broke them into 10,000 image folders that are approx 2.1 GB so total for all images is about 10GB. This could easily fit on a 16 GB SD card but 32 might be better. In my case I leave this camera in the window all year so I attached an old 1 TB external USB drive formatted as ext4. It has been running for over 2 years and is less than 5% used. Every once in a while something interesting happens like replacing the driveway across the street. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-u7VaqlA2PNQ.html Video is a bit choppy due to 3 minute interval so driveway video was encoded at 5 fps Using an external drive puts less RW activity on the SD card and the HD is faster. I have the camera and USB plugged into a small UPS since there is no internet to get current time and camera will run during power failures. This RPI does not have a Real Time Clock module installed. I configure pi-timolo to save timelapse images as continuous in a number sequence. I create a new subfolder for each yearly winter period starting in the fall approx Sept. I have another setup that is just a RPI in a case that also holds the camera inside the case. I have installed a power shutdown switch and associated script so I can safely shut it down. It is plugged into a USB battery pack and lasts for over a day since no wifi adapter is needed. Hope this helps.
@NicorixTV 7 лет назад
Claude Pageau Thank you for the detailed answer. I am also thinking of setting up my Rpi with a Camera to make such awesome timelapses, but the Rpi Cameras never have such a good quality. Where did you get your camera from?
@ClaudePageau 7 лет назад
Camera is a Raspberry Pi Camera module that is available on Amazon here www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Pi-Camera-Module-Megapixel/dp/B01ER2SKFS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477082856&sr=8-1&keywords=raspberry+pi+camera+module Element 14 here www.newark.com/raspberry-pi/rpi-8mp-camera-board/raspberry-pi-camera-board-v2/dp/77Y6521 Depending on what country you are from You should just be able to google for Raspberry Pi Camera module. V1 is 5mp v2 is 8mp Get the V2 8mp version since it is the same price and is a much better camera. Please note there is a Noir version of the camera but normal photography just use normal camera per links above.
@mikaylee8123 4 года назад
2019-2020 winter In PA no snow 😢
@Kim.Jong-Un1 4 года назад
You obviously don't leave your house very much
@sarunasz5167 5 лет назад
If I lived in such area, and had my own driveway, handbrake would be my best friend in winter :)
@dogbsas 5 лет назад
the small house in front of yours of you..blocking the side walk with cars all the time...ugh
@breAnnasmama 4 года назад
Mon Mi lol ,what ? You said the small house “in front of yours of you “? That almost caused a headache reading that 😂... it’s either in front of yours or in front of you. ,, not both ! Anyway , can’t get mad at them , when they had no idea their every move was going to be recorded and watched and plastered on someone’s RU-vid video ... think about that , at least lol. If someone was putting videos online of my house and every time I came in or out , it was being recorded , I’d not be very happy about it. It would be fine if I knew about it , but just wouldn’t really like the idea of being in someone’s video without having a clue about it 😂. Yeah , it kind of sucks but what would’ve been cool is if the person who made this would’ve informed their neighbors, where everyone could’ve made effort to keep their cars in the garage if they’d even be willing to just for the sake of capturing the outside conditions on video .. I would have made the effort to do that if one of my neighbors asked in a situation like this ... even if it couldn’t be done everyday, I’d at least have taken part in making the effort just so at the end of the recording period , it would be neat to be able to see the finished product ;)! That would have been cool and something to look forward to seeing , once everything was said and done 😂. But then again , not everyone would’ve been ok with being recorded. The only benefit to someone having that level of footage and coverage outside their own property and belongings , would be in regards to safety and security if ever anything occurred ,where anyone across the street would perhaps benefit from being constantly recorded , in the event they needed to ever show any of the footage to law enforcement.., bc this particular angle and the decent quality of the recording would def. be of help , in the event that any criminal activity occurred ! Many ppl even if they invest in home surveillance equipment ,fail to buy the appropriate equipment needed for a good recording , if ever evidence would be needed bc they often buy cheap cameras that don’t have the capability of producing clear images that would be identifiable and helpful as evidence Against someone and they often have grainy footage that can’t be used even if forensic departments have the ability to Alter the image to get a clearer shot and most ppl opt for bottom end equipment that is unreliable , in that it doesn’t save enough footage , doesn’t activate the motion sensors/ detection properly enough , Freeze framing can be very dull or blurry or grainy , they often fail to position cameras at the best , most beneficial angles and they hardly have all monitors and cameras in working order or will have older equipment that again , isn’t able to hone in and get clear imaging for details of faces or things like tag numbers on cars or other potentially identifiable markings , needed for forensic comparison and evidence that can stand up in court and they often don’t have the infrared features and if they do, they’re so blurry or of low quality, that they’re not useful in identifying details that are needed .. and so many times , when law enforcement would be able to identify a suspect and will approach business and home owners , if they see that there are cameras in the area needed for them to see any potential suspects committing crimes or being in the were at the time a crime was committed , which in that case, it is still considered circumstantial evidence but being able to place someone at or near the scene of a crime is very important and helpful , even if they don’t actually capture them in the act ... but so many times when officers have been hopeful after seeing cameras posted in the places they’re needing to obtain footage , they find out that the ppl who placed them there don’t actually have them In working order but they simply leave the cameras up, as a deterrent feature if ever someone who was potentially going to commit a crime were to see them and were to decide against following through with any crimes , due to their not wanting to take a Chance by being recorded and later identified in the process ... it’s astounding how many businesses / stores , especially in high crime areas don’t actually have working cameras AND how many that do have them , are using such poorer quality equipment... the lighting and location are things that dramatically affect the recordings , too and yet so many business owners that are operating in areas that are either high in criminal activity or are simply , places of business that have potential risks of being robbed or vandalized , etc. still don’t upgrade equipment or fix broken cameras and as soon as something happens where they’d be needed, they’re out of luck , I’ve seen banks that have been robbed , where their equipment was so horrible and in useful or they didn’t have all cameras functioning and personally, I’d expect certain Businesses like banks or gas stations to spend the few hundred dollars to have better surveillance! Omg ? Especially among those who’ve been robbed before or who are in higher risk areas or those that deal with large amounts of money or a lot of traffic , in and out but a lot of people still fail to protect themselves and their customers by having the proper equipment in the event that they’d ever be robbed or have any crimes committed in their location. When it only takes a few hundred $’s for these people to have good quality surveillance and they opt out and choose bottom end bs , it’s just absurd if they can afford it and know they’re high risk and probable to end up needing good security and monitoring systems , but just cut corners . Anyway , yeah lol back to the point haha , I get what you’re saying In a way but can’t blame someone who didn’t ask to be recorded in the first place and has no knowledge of it.
@breAnnasmama 4 года назад
Can’t stand the music and has to turn it off ... no offense but wasn’t ready for that club mix after first waking up after a horrible night and hardly any sleep at all , which was badly interrupted, being woken up or kept awake at least 20-30x’s thru the night and all morning & I kid you not.. omg. Bad enoughi have to sleep with headphones on each night to drown out the noise constantly keeping me up .. what I’d give for one night to actually sleep & get rest & at least 8 hrs solid. It’s causing me so much stress daily & not Bn Able to sleep more than an hour w/o SOMETHING waking me or keeping me awake. If I could move I would .. but anyway lol sorry bout that.. but I def. didn’t mind watching all the snow lol. And let me just say- Dang! u get ALOT of snow ! Wow ! Lol. Isn’t it weird how we can just record and speed up or slow down time ? Who knew we had time machines all along lol. And I kinda feel like we’re invading The privacy of the neighbors across the street ... i wouldn’t want ppl posting my house even if it was a time lapsed video like this ... i wonder if anyone has or could ever get litigious over something like someone else plastering their personal property over the internet without consent .. this day / age ya never know haha ! I wouldn’t go that far of course , but wonder if anyone ever would with the way things are now days 😂. Again - u get Snow quite frequently ! So cool ! I bet it’s a pain but also a rewarding nearly daily exercise to have to shovel all that stuff off the driveway .. has to be a little discouraging 😂 only for it to return with a vengeance , as soon as ya put in the effort to keep it cleared off ... I’d wanna have a heated driveway or some ability to put down a chemical to combat the snow being dumped on there ( besides the salty mixture /mess they use to put down on the main roads that ruins cars , rusting them up )if ever I was having to deal with snow so many months of the year on a daily basis 😝. I’d either create sometning that is curved and covers the area where all u have to do is press a button and it will activate a vibrating sensation that triggers it all to fall off at a certain angle ... ( or am I getting way too carried away with ideas of gadgets and meaningless inventions when all it Takes Is just a little work & effort to put into it that shouldn’t be a big deal .. but for those among the elderly and the sick and disabled , it sure would be difficult to manage the outside weather conditions when they’d not be able to do the work, themselves .... ) or id go back to the heating idea .. bc we can’t use random chemicals bc of environmental and animal safety reasons.. or I’d wanna employ the use of an anti freezing combination of chem. With a device that could be equipped to place over the area and removed or retracted to where it could be permanently placed if need be and have other functions if need be.. but to where it could expand and retract back into a small space and it be contained within either a privacy fence or patrician or wall where it was decorative and discreet , but would have coils of anti freeze Chem. And heating coils that were all able to be solar powered and light weight and slender enough to accommodate and not be so bulky or invasive... some may be rolling their eyes at my inventions/ (ideas of ) lol and that’s ok.. can’t say I’d blame anyone , it is a long post 😂. But yeah.. I could see the benefits and the ability for things to be cost effective.. so I’m going to™️ and © these , along with my comment ( haha Just Incase anyone gets any ideas of swiping my self proclaimed badass musings & ideas for inventions that ppl prob. Wouldn’t really give a crap about haaaaaa ha😂 😝 .. anyway I didn’t sleep well at all. So , u guys just please forgive the long comments and let a sleepy girl have her moment/ dreams 😂.
@abbeyray16 4 года назад
You wrote a 10 page essay.
@guytremblay1647 4 года назад
you call that a winter ? . Jesus dont come to live at my place . you'll have three times that amount of snow and it wont thaw untill April or May
@rockymountaintrout2689 3 года назад
Where do u live
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